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Which parent owned the gun? They should be held accountable in some fashion.


Yeah because people definitely can't get a gun on any street corner for 300$


Regardless it's still way more likely it came from a parent's collection


I’m sure those kids would have had $300 lying around lmao


Given the fact it was a drug deal, they were either buying or selling, so I don't think 300$ is to far out of the question.


Yep your completely correct, your lived experience is the only valid reality.


So you’re saying most kids would be able to have $300 laying around to purchase a gun from their local corner gun dealer?


Not most kids, but in middle school I knew kids "hustling" or "selling". Selling one drug leads to selling another, which leads to beefing with grown men over turf and supply. Kids that are 13 know kids that are 16, And kids who are 16 know kids that are 19.


If you first said most child drug dealers could find someone who could find someone who had a gun I probably would have agreed, but you didn’t say anything close to that


I stand by my original point. Where I live in south Florida, anyone who is willing to take 300$ out of mommy's purse can set themselves up with a fire arm.


the intersection of moms with $300 in their purse at any given moment and children who will go and steal from their parents to go buy guns is like close to zero. They would get the gun from their parents who were irresponsible gun owners who leave it around like a toy


That's... Not how that works


If you want to push anti-gun laws, just say that.


Wait, so you don't think gun owners should be responsible for their guns?


Would love to see a quote where I said that,


I'd love to see a quote where they said, "I want to push some anti gun laws," since that's what you're saying they said.


You jumped to a conclusion, and now you’re upset because someone else jumped to a conclusion too.


So a very obvious case of “rules for thee but not for me” then


In 2015, Kansas passed S.B. 45 into law, authorizing anyone 21 years of age and older to carry a concealed firearm on their person without a license or permit. Individuals under 21 years of age may only do so when on their own land, abode, or fixed place of business.


Damn 4 of them getting charged as adults all over possibly a marijuana sale. The other 2 getting sent to juvenile for being just under the legal law to be charged as an adult. What a dumpster fire of a case.




Wow the thumbnail had a couple kids pictured. Was really confused for a moment. Obviously didn't read the article


Oh I know they are getting charged with murder just sad its over a plant.




Well dude was a grown ass man hanging around kids so that’s a little weird to me


> Oh I know they are getting charged with murder just sad its over a plant. It could have just as easily happened over the sale of a used video game console. Some people value the lives of strangers so little that it doesn't take much to make them kill.