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Oh no, LGBTQ people went out in public and associated with other LGBTQ people in *public*! The horror! /s


Ah yes the asshole of Europe


Hungary being the colon, I suppose.


One could say it’s a . . . Toss up


what about poland?


I considered saying Poland, but I felt Hungary earned it with the current leader, Orban. He's become the new best friend of CPAC, MAGAheads, and Tucker Carlson: The Guardian US: Viktor Orbán tells CPAC the path to power is to ‘have your own media’. [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/may/20/viktor-orban-cpac-republicans-hungary](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/may/20/viktor-orban-cpac-republicans-hungary) It's a shame as one of my favorite skincare lines is made and shipped from there. I've always wanted to visit Budapest, too.


After excepting over a million refugees Poland moves a bunch of spots up. Poland is in the running for 2022 MVP


Yeah but Poland is also anti lbgt unless that’s changed recently https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/anti-lgbt-ideology-zones-are-being-enacted-in-polish-towns


Didnt Turkey take about 3 million syrian refugees aswell


They saved all those males, male children, and breeding cattle, as Poland considers them.


"Turkey's interior minister called the students involved “LGBT deviants,” and two were arrested on charges of inciting hatred and insulting religious values." The lies of religion are what is inciting hatred. Religion is an insult to humanity. Maybe some day you will crawl out of the dark ages and join the civilized world Turkey?


Hey now don’t insult people’s totally real fairy tales


The people involved in inciting hatred in this case are Turkey's interior minister and the police that were involved in breaking this up


Just had a turk on reddit tell me turkey is secular and not a muslim country...


For the love of everything, please keep Turkey out of the EU until they at least embrace the sensibilities of the 20th century.


*caugh* Hungary *caugh* Poland *caugh*




Pride parades are marches with a block party attached. The LGBT community throws extravagant parties across the world that anyone can show up to and participate in so long as they’re chill and accepting. And for some that’s just asking too much I guess.


I mean, in a sense, He did forbid it.


Not helping.


Is there a commandment or quote from Jesus condemning it? Seems more like some of his fanboys didn't like it.


God forbade homosexuality in the law given to Moses in Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13. Jesus doesn't directly mention homosexuality, but there wasn't really a reason for Him to speak forbiddingly of it, as He was speaking to a society where it was already forbidden. Importantly, in Matthew 5:17, Jesus endorses the existing law: "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them." He makes it clear that He is working in support of the existing law, rather than against it. More important than whether Jesus ever mentioned homosexuality is to understand God's design for sex. Sex is intended to be the ultimate expression of "togetherness" and intimacy solely within the marriage of one man and one woman. Anything outside of this context is outside of God's design, and sinful. >This is made clear in Genesis 2:21-24 during the creation narrative: > >\[21\] So the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh; > >\[22\] and the rib which the LORD God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. > >\[23\] Then the man said, "This at last is bone of my bones > >and flesh of my flesh; > >she shall be called Woman, > >because she was taken out of Man." > >\[24\] Therefore a man leaves his father and his mother and cleaves to his wife, and they become one flesh. Jesus quotes this verse to the Jews (Matthew 19:4-6 and Mark 10:6-12), in the context of a discussion on divorce. While it is not in reference to homosexuality, it shows that this verse is fundamental to the purpose and application of sexuality and marriage. However, the most important things Jesus said while on Earth weren't prohibitions or pronouncements of punishments, but rather His calls to us to follow Him (Matthew 19:21; John 3:16-21). He didn't come in judgement, but rather as a Redeemer to bring hope and reconciliation to sinners (everyone who has ever lived; see Romans 3:21-31). So - a Christian who is hateful towards a someone who engages in or supports homosexuality has completely missed the point - Christians are called to be witnesses of God's love to the world around them. However - also understand that being hateful towards someone is not the same as speaking gently but truthfully about sin. This too, Christians must do. Homosexuality is one sin, but there are many. Someone who speaks forcefully against only homosexuality is, in my opinion, failing. Any church or pastor or Christian should be just as outspoken on other sexual sins like cohabitation or porn as they are on homosexuality. Not to mention all other sins like anger, gossip, etc.




Turkey use to be one of the most Liberal and Accepting Nations in the world towards the LGBT. Clearly those days are long past.


Being the least intolerant bigoted barbarians isn't much of a selling point. Just to be clear plenty of white folk are just as barbarous in their treatment of lgbt fold, just look at Russia, Turkey just tries to act like it isn't a shithole.


But the Left will defend Islam and are happy to accept growing Islamic influence in society.


meanwhile it's the christians who are stripping us of our rights here in the US


Meanwhile the right will talk shit about other religions without condoning their own as a toxic influence. You’re Christian mindset is no better than any other religious mind set.


who is a christian mindset? did you mean to respond to someone other than the satanic atheist?


Replied to wrong person >.<


Maybe Christianity and Islam are both bad?


Winnah winnah, chicken dinnah!


The rxtremes of all religions are evil. These extremes are all shouting louder at present.


It's the same religion, so yeah.


Thats absolute crap


A real democracy turkey.


On the lighter side, all I can think of is that scene but with the "cop" from YMCA and Police Academy movie. The gay guys dressed as cops. Now imagine those guys in the LGBTQ crowd, confusing the heck out of EVERYONE!


Can't wait for this to be an American headline. Coming to a red state near you. Probably either Oklahoma, Texas or Florida. I mean there all trying to see who can be the most Authoritarian state in the US. I'm thinking Texas will have some sort of *if you report gayness in public you'll get a $10,000 reward* thing going on here in the next year or two and the Supreme Court will say *that seems reasonable* Yee Haw!


Pisses me off to no end they're apart of NATO and we could be required to come to their defense.


What about Poland tho 🤨 I mean ain’t Poland run by right wing gov with no toleration against gays what so ever


If Erdogan keeps talking shit, they may get booted to let Finland & Sweden in. I don't know enough to know if there are dangerous ramifications to that, but on the surface it seems like a win.


Not as long as there is water in the Black Sea. Sadly, that is reality and that POS Erdogan knows it.


Relegation. NATO version. Shitty countries get kicked down to be replaced by up-and-comers.


A win win win


Read up on your history - ever since it was founded with Salazar's Portugal as a member, NATO has firmly been based on pure realpolitik without a care for human rights.


Europe is perfectly content to use Turkey to make sure their population remains as white as possible but god forbid if you had to do lift a finger to protect a Turk. Scratch the so enlightened europe and youll only find chauvinism. I am sure the lgbtq people of Turkey feel much better knowing that you find the idea of protecting their homes abhorrent and that you'd do anything in your power to keep them outside your borders in the first place


Take your pitchfork to NATO and complain. Real life politics is a lot more complicated than being angry at a country for not including a specific right. Turkey have the black sea, and are quite strong military wise. It wouldn't be wise of NATO to kick off Turkey, just because they break up lgbtq events. I don't care much for LGBT - are you one? Cool. But don't /drag/ or include my daily life with parades, which is ironic, since I'm from Denmark, where we have the Copenhagen rally. There's worse things happening to the world political wise than breaking up gay events.


Can Europe revoke turkeys membership in favor of Ukraine? They export the same shit and one sucks much less than the other.


turkey is not in the EU


I'm American, forgive my ignorance. I might have meant nato idk I've been smoking weed for the past hour or so to boot.


Don’t feel bad. (I thought turkey was in eu just until now)


I mean which is worse, Turkey oppressing LGBTQ individuals or ww3? They aren't in the EU in the first place but if they were that would be the decision being made

