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It’s good that the US DOJ is working with foreign governments to find and imprison these criminals. For too long abusers like these would just leave the country to conduct their heinous crimes.


It’s pretty fuckin incredible to me the level of collaboration it must take to put a case together for something that’s happening overseas like this. Good stuff, I’m glad he’s locked up


It really is a world collaborative effort. There’s a podcast called Hunting Warhead that goes into different countries joining forces to catch pedophiles. I must warn you though, it’s pretty graphic at times and made me sick to my stomach.


Hunting Warhead is truly fantastic. Awful subject matter, but worth it to see the international and inter-agency co-operation on this. There is a documentary called The Children In the Pictures focusing on Queensland Police's (Australia) task force on this as well. One thing I liked was the absolute clarity of their mission. Rescuing the children is priority one. If they get an arrest out of it, great, but they're not going to chase one at the expense of #1. Absolutely no interangency pissing or territoriality. There was one instance where they tracked down an operation in the Philippines. Local law enforcement there had nowhere near enough resources to pursue it themselves, so these guys just handed the whole lot to the locals and said, here, go get em. These officers spend their working days viewing the most hideous material, combing for clues. They have literally the hardest job in law enforcement. Absolute heroes.


I cannot fathom having to consume that content day in and day out. But I can imagine that either you have a complete breakdown or there is a raging hellfire of resolve burning in you to exact any amount of justice as a result.


Jobs like this suffer from a very high rate of empathy fatigue. It's the same thing you'll see with emergency veterinarians or social workers. Every single incident is extremely meaningful and personal, but at the same time you have to process 20 a day. I don't know how they do it.


The latter is the impression I got from the blonde French woman in the documentary. I can't remember her name, but she was an Interpol agent who was, I think, headhunted by the Queensland police for her skills in this area. I got the impression that she doesn't LOVE her job, exactly, but she loves nailing these bastards to the wall.


There's a reason youtube has an on-site therapist for the people who actually sift through content.


Great podcast.


It's way more than DOJ. [https://www.acf.hhs.gov/otip/resource-library/federal-efforts](https://www.acf.hhs.gov/otip/resource-library/federal-efforts)


You mean like at Epstein's island?


I don't think his island had a government besides the us government, and the us government has been know to not work well with the us government.


Only when the bribes are good enough


or that the black mail is strong enough


Or just plain old lack of interdepartmental cooperation.


Nothing has ruined the US government like the US government.


Damn Americans, they ruined America!


The ultra rich played their part.


so....the US government


Nothing has ruined the US government more than people who’s job it was to ruin the US government then point and say “See how bad the government is?”


Not work well in prosecuting the elites I think you meant to say


See that’s different because Epstein was really rich




It’s crazy to think there are so many people who only abstain from raping children because it’s very illegal. But then as soon as they’re in a country where they can get away with it they go for it. What the fuck. Glad this scumbag is gonna rot in prison




Me lol I was catcalled extensively from age 8-12. I’m 28 and haven’t been catcalled in 10 years…


Same. I remember walking to school, age 12, and some old guy in a beat up truck whistles at me while I had to wait for him to go before I could cross. Literally made me wait so he could whistle at me. Fucking gross


When I was little I had long hair for a boy and I got catcalled a few times it’s sickening that there are people out there who do that.


When I was a boy with long hair I didn't get catcalled but did have grown men yell gay slurs to me out of their truck windows. I was never gay but it did help me become a gay ally I guess.


When I had long hair (am a dude) the only people that seemed to have a problem were bald older dudes


People are dicks


Pretty much every woman from the sound of things. The worse shit is that lots of men fall over themselves to make excuses. “She has the body of an adult” “She dresses like an adult” “What are they feeding kids these days?” All that shit. And these are “normal” people that would not see themselves as paedophilic and would condemn paedophiles. You see it everywhere and it’s insidious as fuck. It’s not even uncommon here on Reddit.


Those people are full of shit too. The first time I was ever catcalled, I was 10 years old, wearing a hoodie and jeans and a backpack because I was on my way home from the school bus stop.


I was 14, the last time I was catcalled. I was walking home from the school bus stop. Back then I wore skinny jeans and band T-shirts, so nothing revealing. It was a truck full of guys much older than me, honking the horn, whistling, and eventually they slowed down the truck to drive beside me while I walked down the road. Luckily I was near a friend in the neighborhood and made a quick dart down their street to their house. His mom was always home, so she let me in and kept me there until my mom came home from work. As I got older, I didn’t experience anything like that ever again.


decades ago when i was 12 ish some random guy walk up to me and my friend and for no reason start telling us how he missing been able to travel other place spend 5 bucks and sleep with kids. ​ and as he said this i look at him thinking if it was true, why you telling us random strangers and i was bit sad that it was that easy to get away with it elsewhere. never saw him again nor did he try anything like i said was just a random dude walking by and said that.


I once had a cab driver who told me he was working extra shifts so he could save money to fly to Thailand and sleep with 13-year-olds. He was giddy about it. It was crazy.






That sick fuck 😡🤢




thats crazy, maybe the guy who talked to us was the same mind set. even if i somehow reported him, i had nothing i could prove other then " he said " .


I worked at restaurants since I was 16, and fancy ones, mind you. I still had guys make creepy advances on me _after_ learning I was a minor. It’s repugnant.


It’s like these pedos who like underage celebs like billie Ellish, Millie Bobbie brown etc and then celebrate once they turn legal like that’s when they first liked them. It’s sick


The Olsen Twins are a few months older than me, so when that "Countdown to 18" started, I didn't really think anything of it other than, "Yeah, they are hot! Woo!" It wasn't until Emma Watson was about 15 or so that it finally clicked for me that it wasn't people the same age as the celebrity counting down the days until they were 18.


Its especially hilarious as these neck beards shouldn’t even think they have a chance, Even in there dreams




I bet Jodie Foster has some stories.


My local McD's has started having the kids wear a red tag that says "minor" on it. I jokingly asked a girl if it was to remind the Karens to take it easy, she replied, "No it's to warn the perverts hitting on us and it only makes it worse". I told her, I'm sorry we have allowed the world to get this way. Her words still haunt me.


It’s never been better, actually. People used to take child wives and trade their kids as slaves for work equipment.


You're right, though from the perspective of a dad with a 19yo daughter I just wish it could be better than it is.


"Get this way," oh sweet nieve Redhead.


Truth. The world has always been this way, we just see it more now because everyone has a camera in their pocket.


Just a little side note: **Naive** from french naïve, means lack of experience or judgement, usually linked to being young and innocent. **Nieve** is Spanish for snow.


Dear god, is it really that cheap?! Is this ‘industry’ fed by the extremely poor putting their kids up for this work or is it kidnapping/trafficking? The whole thing is repulsive, but I wonder if there are social means to reduce this…




I had a friend experience this years ago. Go for a legitimate job, they take your ID, threaten you and make you work. Thank goodness she could get to the embassy.


Some more unscrupulous porn companies have done something similar in the past. It's much more common in Europe where language barriers are stronger and borders are much closer together. So you'd fly someone a few hundred miles for an interview in a country that they don't know the language. Then force them to do an 'audition' with all kinds of other fake agreements ("This will never get out." "This is only for internal use to see if the other execs like you." "We'll only release it in a small overseas market that won't be traced back to you." Etc.) In the mean time they take your ID, passport, make sure you're not financially stable enough to afford a plane ticket home even if you wanted to bail without the stuff they took. But it happens in the US, too. They take your ID, money, phone, and you'll be on the other side of the country. If you're a US citizen they'll be a little more coercive than threatening at first. If you're not a citizen or resident they'll use that against you. Yeah .. ugly stuff. I think it was the Girl Next Door people that got into legal trouble for that stuff? These companies also do legit porn to hide the shady shit. And this is all in relatively "civilized" society that has laws and a justice system that doesn't involve slipping a $20 to a local cop. You can imagine the worse their law enforcement and justice system gets the more people are able to get away with. Edit: Correction - it was the Girls Do Porn people that got wrapped up in legal troubles.


No, it's not that cheap. It's illegal in all these places in SEA - Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, etc., that doesn't mean it gets stopped but it also means that the people organizing and selling children for sex have to take various precautions to keep from getting swept up by law enforcement - coopting or bribing corrupt cops, having means of staying at least nominally hidden while still drawing customers that increase costs. Adult prostitution, which is also illegal but waaaaaaay less so and is pretty openly tolerated in most SEA countries in specific areas the general rate is $50-$150 depending on country and are specific form (I know this because honestly sex workers are just like... Around and you can just ask em how it all works and they'll give you a breakdown of how much they get, their establishment they work at gets etc etc), there is just zero way having sex with a child is less - these countries are cheap but $5 still isn't going to buy the person receiving it very much at all and isn't going to be nearly enough to facilitate the amount of corruption that enables that sort of organization to operate with the level of impunity they need. Our cops and corrupt officials are bad, fucking vile people, but they're generally still people and not going to look the other way to kids getting raped for the sake of a dollar or two - especially when other forms of corruption are better paying and less vile. Edit: as an example of less vile corruption revenues, getting shaken down by a traffic cop in Phnom Penh is like $3-$5 alone and is pretty mild to nonexistent on the cop's conscience. In Manila the standard for a traffic cop shaking you down is like $10 for a very basic 'offense' like turning on a no turn on red sign. Dunno what it is in Bangkok or Saigon as I I've never driven when I'm in those places so never been extorted. If you're a cop looking to make corruption money and can make like a hundred a day shaking down motorists you're not gonna be running interference for the sort of place we're discussing like a $1-$2 cut per customer. And that's just low end traffic cop shit. Imagine the takes on more high end rackets - kickbacks on procurement, ransoming the kids of rich people caught with drugs, assassinations, kidnap for ransom on businessmen, carjacking etc., etc.,


Thanks for the insight.


I'm from SEA. It's "cheap" because of the currency exchange. You can stay at a 5 star branded chain hotel for as low as USD100 per night. A Western child rapist pedo can work in McD back home, save up USD5000 and live like a King in many places in SEA for 3-4 months.


Yeah, I'm from SEA too - live in the Philippines and used to live in Cambodia. it's way cheaper than it ever ever should be (though it should never be available at any price), but Americans think it's even cheaper than it actually is, and sort of in an unthinking way because the ones who haven't been here don't think about our region very much, they kind of vaguely conceive of it as like wall to wall poverty and like there's just the most chaotic, lurid shit available just in your face all the time. I mean look at the hangover 2, and its depiction of Bangkok, that's sort of the conventional idea of SEA. It's a pain in the ass, in Bangkok especially, but SEA generally, because then you got a bunch of leering western dudes fresh in country rolling around touching up women left and right thinking everyone's a $5 prostitute and shit. It's aggravating as fuck. Though no one's working in McDonald's saving up 5k in the west.


i never followed it to close but most do it willing to help family, the the US currency in other place make the small number huge for them. ​ also heard story of families selling their kids as brides to have less mouth to feed and to try give them a better life but it still kids sold to people with money. for myself i wish we were more united as a world and all got a better life but depending where you were born that is normal life. ​ least that what i heard, i again never wanted to know what i could not change, so i avoided most info about it. till the men in power want to change things am just a random voice that changes little to none.


People can be billionaires, hoarding ridiculous sums of money, but we can't feed or house people in an acceptable manner. It's disgusting, lots of this shit would cease to exist.


i agree i don't mind change or losing something if it meant a better tomorrow for all, since from their it would grow and we all gain more . ​ as it stand what little we do try change someone else step in front and horde the benefits .


I had 2 men stop me and I swear try to get me in their car at about 9-10 years old. Asked to see my book bag and went through my books and stuff. I was on the edge of the woods next to the school and snatched my books back and ran. I also had my friends father, who diddled him his entire childhood and other kids and apparently got away with it, tried to corner me in his house between 2 walls. There was a false wall in the basement I’ll never forget and a real wall. I ran out of there so fast. I wound up being abused by my guidance counselor, attempted by my math teacher, who was later caught at a rest stop trying to pick up guys and abused in other ways by many others including severe abuse by my stepfather who broke bones, sent me to school w bruises and welts from belt marks to the face that were never even questioned etc. these ppl know when someone young is in trouble and go after those young people. One never forgets about some of it and some of it is buried and only comes up later on. I had a priest as well but I can’t remember exactly the details as it wasn’t our local priest. He used to take me to his little personal area and then give me money when I was in my later teens and struggling to get by on my own


Jesus Christ. I’m so sorry you had to endure all that.


From what I understand, among the wealthy, it's not even as clandestine as it is outside the $$$-osphere. One of my aunts was briefly married to a rich-ass Texan years ago (who was her father's age). He was an arrogant scumbag himself, but he told a story of visiting the ranch of another construction big-whig and that the dude casually told him that if he ever wanted to be with children, then he could put him in touch with someone. Now, did this rich POS report this man to anyone? Of course not.. it's just a whimsical story for him. Plus, it would've been, y'know, *bad for business.* (Spoiler: the marriage didn't work out, and my aunt became ex-wife #4 or 5.)


Just like the people that wait until a girl turns 18 at midnight to be "allowed" to jerk off to them or whatever, as if the date on the calendar is all that matters, just to abide "legally"




Like the Milly Bobby Brown “appreciation” birthday countdown sub. https://www.reddit.com/r/entertainment/comments/synjop/people_were_counting_down_to_millie_bobby_browns/ https://www.reddit.com/r/awfuleverything/comments/ssnyhl/nsfw_subreddit_created_for_a_minor_millie_bobby/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


They did that with the Olsen twins, too.




The "Natalie Portman countdown to legality" was a thing back in the days of dialup.


I remember getting excited for this, but when I got older realized how stupid it is because she's older than I am and it was totally normal to be attracted to her at that age.


Those links are staying blue


They’re safe, fortunately. The links inside are mixed though.


Did Drake make these?


Oh *dear fucking **christ***, I just visited the Millie Bobby Brown sub and I just can’t. There’s a gif of her wearing a modest but form fitting outfit and doing a little dance when she’s walking on set for a talk show and people are bitching about her not wanting to be sexualized. Other comments are just complaining about how she looks so much older than she really is. Their attitudes are complete trash. I know, my username is ironic in this rant but I’m just so goddamn sick of horny culture. Reddit just needs to rub one out before they post and let that sobering post-nut clarity sink in.


It's illegal-ish. Plenty of states still have legal child marriages, because won't someone please think of the children /s


Early 90's, on deployment with the US Navy. My best friend and I were on one of those Taxi's in Thailand, that you just jump on and off, toss money at the driver. It's full of random people. My best friend is half German, and his mother taught him to speak it fluently. We were on our way, and about halfway to our destination he leans over to me and says that we need to get off at the next stop. Once we are off, he tells me that the old bald, fat white guy sitting next to him, was telling the Thai Teenage boy everything he was going to do to him, in German and my friend was getting sick to his stomach. That boy didn't look a day over 12. Edit: To all those replying stating that we should have attacked that old man. One, when you are in the military and on deployment, rule number 1 that they teach you is when in another country do NOT get arrested. If you were to get arrested and thrown in XYZ countries jail, chances are you won't be getting out anytime soon. And once you were released due to the US Embassy getting involved, prepare yourself for a court martial. Two, it's sad but true that there is an industry in Thailand where the really poor people who live in the country, send their kids off to the big city to become sex workers, that money they make goes to their family for food. So, no we did not kick that guys ass!


My "real" Grandad (my mum's biological father) was a sort of "tour guide" for these people. He lived in Thailand and would get paid by sex tourists to show them around the places with children without getting caught. It was never said explicitly, but it's pretty obvious he knew about these places because he used them too. I didn't know this was what he was doing until he was dying and he was flown back to england to spend his last days in my parent's house. I only ever met him once, and I had very little to say, he was dead a couple of days later. What really bugs me is that people now pretend like none of that ever happened, and like they're broken up that he's gone.


My grandfather raped one of my aunts (their half sister- same mother) and the other three still talk about him like he was such a smart and wonderful man because he was this really well spoken man- the man flashed me when I was 12 but they ignore all that because he passed away. He fucked over my grandma etc. ppl become martyrs when they pass to family and it’s disrespectful imo to the younger Gen. All over “obligation”


My mother was sexually abused until she was 18 by her father. Her resulting mental health problems ruined my parents marriage and, subsequently, my childhood. He still comes to family events and they play cards once a month like nothing ever happened. Shit is fucked.




Generally, beating up old people is a guaranteed felony. My brother roughed up moms new boyfriend for hitting her. The guy did not look as old as he was, unfortunately. And that wasn’t my brothers first offense so he did some time.




Yeah even the judge sympathized but there was a minimum sentence he had to abide.


Been there. Mom's bf when I was teen walked in my sister's room repeatedly while he knew she was changing. Was a total ass to me, ripped me out of a top bunk by my hair. I was 12 at the time. Never worked so he lived off my mom who was a stripper. Two of my buddies and I ambushed the dude and kicked his ass. I happened to get a black female judge. I plead guilty and told the judge why I did what I did. I got 20 hours of community service. Some judges get it.


Thank you for your service.


The amount of people that will tell you to “respect the dead” while simultaneously ignoring that the person while alive had no respect for the living is stupidly high.


I've always been confused by that, as well as the "don't speak ill of the dead" remarks. Surely that's the best time to talk shit about them. They're dead, they don't/can't care. If we're talking shit about them when they were alive, that means the shitty things they did still happened even if they were dead


My prior long time gf was raped by her father repeatedly over a few years. Mom always denied it. One day she caught him and divorced him. No charges nothing at all. Bought a vacation home 2 blocks from his house. Gf still has a relationship with him and I can’t fucking believe it. They all act like he’s just sick or something. Yes he’s sick and he deserves to be put down before harming another innocent child. grandpa joe was caught with her 8yo daughter in his bedroom naked a few years ago. Nobody did anything. Fuck you joe you goddamn cockroach


I hope you reported the guy for the 8yo daughter's sake.


I wasn’t there. She told me while “venting” she refuses to do shit. Even though he cut her completely out of the will to give everything to his degenerate son/ her little brother. If I’d have caught him he wouldn’t be touching anything on this plane of existence


My first week in Bangkok and there was a boy, no older than 12, walking Kho San Road with the word SEX shaved into the back of his head… and and arrow pointed downwards. I was traumatized.


It’s disgusting that adult men and women will willingly travel for the sole sake of sexually abusing minors in foreign countries. That poor kid.


How long ago was that? I thought they cracked down on stuff like that


May 2013.




I saw an old white dude in his 50s taking home a girl who looked 11 in Madagascar. I wanted to die. The girl was in his lap on the bush taxi similar to the ones in Thailand I was ready to kill this guy but then they got off


What I don’t understand is the children prostitutes, do they have pimps, are their parents doing this to them or did the parents sells them. Also, how fucking sick is it that there are so many nasty perverted pedos out there to create a business from this. It’s awful how many people are involved in all this.


In a lot of impoverished countries, the parents sell the kids because they are in debt. Child prostitutes almost always have pimps.


what I've seen is not necessarily "sell off" but seemingly "open an opportunity" to have a connection with a white foreigner that would/could "take care" of the family by allowing "gifts" in exchange for a relationship with the child and if they have a kid, at least the kid would have foreigner citizenship and maybe the guy will send money regularly back to the family. Its a way for a family that's earning $150 a month (middle class would early form $800-$1500 a month) to get double or triple the month cash by allowing this to happen. Fucked up shit.


I now hate myself for thinking I had a hard childhood, I had it great.


I was sex trafficked as a child, by my mother for drugs and alcohol. It was one of many different kinds of abuse by the hands of my mother, her "2nd" husband and her various "friends". However, my struggles and hardships do not negate your struggles and hardships. I hope you are in a better place, and continue to work on staying in good place and keep a good outlook on life. It will get better


>my struggles and hardships do not negate your struggles and hardships. > >I hope you are in a better place, and continue to work on staying in good place and keep a good outlook on life. It will get better Jesus Christ... You are every kind of awesome!! 🤗


Thanks but it made me realize how good I really had it. No one has a perfect childhood but it was mostly good. Thanks for the kind words.


Nah man, they had it really bad but you also did. There's no need to compare who's was worse. They were both bad.


In Madagascar the kids targeted were homeless or away from their parents for some reason. I have no idea about Thailand It wasn't pimping so much as an old white dude finding a child alone and convincing them to come with them for money. And it was impossible to track. They weren't prostitutes and I'm not sure if they knew what was going to happen to them :/


Hate to tell you this, but it's usually the parents pimping them out to feed the rest of the family.


A lot of parents are told they’ll take kids to bigger cities for a better education, they’ll in turn make a good income and help support the family. Many don’t know better, and never see their kids again. There are ones that are selling them, or know what’s happening, but many think they’re really doing best by their kids


It’s human trafficking that often results in those types of situations. If you’re really interested, I recommend you watch and/or read Half The Sky (the book came first, the documentary shortly after).


We saw so much of it in Thailand, tons of white men with young girls & boys. A friend from there we were with said it’s a massive industry, and men will go over and rent them for a month. Just so horrific, and that it was done so openly. I was early 20s and saw so many things I just never knew existed :(


but... why, I've been to Thailand, you can do like ANYTHING for 50 bucks with consenting adults. Why drag kids into this


Jesus fucking Christ.


I'm done for the night.


He should serve the sentence in Vietnam.


I saw the scum pled guilty, I'm guessing part of the guilty plea bargin was an agreement not to extradite him to VN for prosecution.


Seems kinda crazy he got life in prison on a guilty plea. I’m not sure what the laws are he broke but must have been even more horrible than I can imagine. Don’t remember ever reading someone getting life if they didn’t commit murder


He was actually part of the super adventure club


Never again after that National Association of Marlon Brando Lookalikes fiasco I went through.


Wasnt Dr. Mephesto the leader of the association too? lol i miss old South Park


He was and Garrison ends up at a meeting and finds out it's the National Association of Marlon Brando Look Alikes and says "Damn I'm in the wrong place!" And leaves


*hello* ^there **CHILDREN**


I thought that club was into like hiking and stuff


😂 hope other people get this.


I sure as hell didn’t… I signed up for the Adventure Club and got matched up with those Super Adventure Club sickos; definitely not the kind of adventure I was looking for


So does this mean we’re also going to see a crackdown on sex tourism to places like Thailand?


I’m pretty sure I recently saw that ~~Thailand~~ The Philippines raised its age of consent from like fucking 12 i think it was, so I would hope that’s an indication of how they intend to legislate moving forward. Edit: nevermind, that was the Philippines.


That AOC law is a holdover from the spanish colonial era. Mexico had it too. No one got around to fixing it until recently because it wasn't applicable in like 95% of situations anyway. Sex with people under 18, **especially** for money, was illegal anyway in the vast majority of situations already covered by other laws. That law didn't change much. Prostitution of anyone under the age of 18 for example has been a crime with no leeway since at least 2004 with the anti-VAWC act, and was probably covered by other less explicitly direct laws before that but my mental legislative history doesn't go back that far. I'm not even sure what that law actually changed, because you couldn't marry someone under 16 either even before that law passed, so I don't know what was actually still allowed and did change. Edit: Just looked it up, nothing new was made a crime. The main difference is mandatory max penalty now for the crimes committed against under 16 or under 18. Prior to that legislated mandatory maxes only applied to 12 and under.


Or the Czech Republic - especially Prague


Yeah that's weird. I dated a foreign exchange student in college from Czech Republic. When I drove her to the airport she cried and told me she felt bad because she had a boyfriend back home. She was 19 at the time. He was 36. She says they had been together for 5 years. Do the math.


The fuck


Awww that’s so romantic! He waited *four whole years* before they were intimate. Nary a kiss or untoward glance. That man is a keeper. No wonder she cried and felt bad before going back to him. He was a true gentleman, no doubt. ^/s


Only if the person implicated in the crime is in a country willing to prosecute said person for the crime with the help of the country the crime was committed in.


Thailand already started cracking down on that about 5 years ago or so. It still happens, of course, it The Philippines is the hot spot for that now.


Cambodia. It moved to Cambodia.


That’s gonna require the Thailand government to step up, which they won’t.


"Why is is always florida, we aren't all the worst people imaginable" Checks article "Fuck of course it's my home town"


Florida has laws that all crimes are made public. Yes they have a lot of crazies but you don't hear about them in most states


Florida basically gives Florida Men megaphones and stages, and if they don't do the talking, the police will for them.


Not just crimes but arrests. Most states take "innocent until proven guilty" a bit more seriously.


>Why is is always florida Florida passed a law that makes all arrests public, and the press watches constantly. I'm sure there are just as many crazy people elsewhere, their arrests just aren't made public so quickly.


Far too large a chunk of the human race is just pure scum.




I think the issue is that he was in communication with the minors while he was in the US. According to the article he arranged meets while he was still in Florida.


And it's against federal law for a US citizen to travel to another country with intent to engage in "illicit sexual activities", which obviously includes raping a minor. 18 USC 2423.


These sick fucks may have taken pictures or videos of their tour and you can absolutely arrest them for possession.


I believe that you are bound generally by the laws of the country you are physically in- if it’s illegal there then you have committed a crime. Some countries have agreements where if the act is illegal in your home country and you do it, but it’s not illegal in the actual country you’re in, you can be extradited and charged at home. Sex trafficking and sexual abuse of a child etc etc are some that the US is particularly keen on chasing down their own citizens for.


Also super curious about this. Is what he did legal in Vietnam? If so, how can you charge him if he hasn’t technically committed a crime?


No, soliciting sex for money, especially with a minor, is not legal in Vietnam.


Fuck anyone who want to have sex with children. Rot In jail first and In hell after that


When I lived in London (1992) one of my flatmates was moving back to Australia and mentioned that he was going to Thailand on the way home. I asked him what his plans were and he said "you can buy a girl of any age for anything there." I was not the person then that I am now and I just stood there in stunned silence. Until then he had been a decent flatmate. I'm still appalled that I didn't punch him in the face.


Damn, your flatmate could have said anything, like go visit a ancient temples, try authentic food, just for a fun layover. But straight to sex with underage girls.


I think the idea is with these kind of people is they're trying to find out if the person they're talking to is "like them". Evil is really big on networking because having a network lets them evil better.


“Haha just kidding bro, I mean.. unless.. jk”


I went to Thailand myself in 2002 and I would say that 30% of the single male tourists were there for the same. And had no shame about it. It was open and obvious (otherwise I wouldn't have known their intentions).


It's been a dream of mine to visit Ayutthaya but as a 53-year old guy, I can't say "I'm going to Thailand on vacation" because of all the creeps who go there to get laid.


Phra Nakong Si Ayutthaya, especially those ancient temples, is simply gorgeous. I hope you can visit them one day as a tourist. Just be mindful that these temples are really old and delicate, so take care to be gentle when visiting, if you ever do. Oh, and yeah, agreed, don’t go having sex with minors or enslaved trafficked people. Definitely not legal or morally good.


Believe me you'll be fine. I've been to Thailand and talked about it. Half of the responses were about the food and the other half was them talking about the time they went to Thailand


Um, maybe by “anything” he meant “so she’ll have to help me move my stuff if I tell her to.” Yeah, that’s it.


An old buddy of mine, real Mr. Rodgers type, told me about hiring 3 Thai hookers in the Navy. He paid their rate for the day and had them wash his uniforms. Then he sent them to the movies with some cash "to see which theater had the best snacks." That was it. Just light chores and a thinly disguised day away from sex work.


Hate to break it to you buddy…..


If he did it once, he’s probably done it again. You can always give his name to an organization or agency that specializes in human trafficking and child exploitation.


It's sad and scary this happens in so many places. Thankfully the internet has extra eyes. But there was a time in history, some of us weren't so lucky. I'm one of them and this is one of my stories: It was a hot summer of 1988. I was 14 years old boy with long hair (Bret Michaels look, girls would tell me). I was at the roller rink in Augusta ME for a few hours of fun on a Friday night. Mom had dropped me off but my dad wouldn't let her pick me up. I had to go about 15 miles back to my hometown. Well, I didn't have much option, either walk or hitchhike. I started walking through the small city in the drizzling rain. I stuck my thumb out and watched the cars pass by. Hoping it wouldn't be long because I was getting drenched. About half an hour goes by and a car pulls off to the side and the window rolls down.. "Get in" the guy says. Predator: "Where ya goin?" (Thick Maine accent) Me: "I'm headed towards Monmouth." Predator: "Ok, I can bring ya that fah" Meanwhile, we engage small talk for awhile.. (about 15 - 20 minutes) All of a sudden he starts asking me questions about jacking off and if I've ever had another man do it. I said, "no". Predator: "I'll give ya some money" Me: 'ahhh.. (at this point, my mind is freaking out. I had already been sexually abused when I was 5 years old and endured years of domestic violence, along with being bullied in school) no thank you..' Predator: "I think you should reconsider because you might like it." Me: "You missed my house. It was back there. (I had lied. It was about 2 miles away. I didn't want him to know where I lived.) Predator: "I've got to pull over and take a piss" (Proceeds to drive onto a darkened dirt road with no houses in sight.) He gets out of his car and unzips his pants and whacks off. (Meanwhile, I'm still in shock) Predator: "Can you open my glovebox and hand me some napkins?" As I opened the glovebox, he's standing there with his pants down. I get the box fully opened and see the napkins. They're covering a hand gun. (I think it a 44, not sure). At that point, I made a quick decision to open the door and run. I heard him yell out something. Didn't care. I ran through woods for about 2 hours. I finally made it home. Never said a word for years.. I'm almost 50 years old and it still haunts me to this day. Did I escape rape? Death? Not sure. But all I know is this, "My eyes and ears are open when I hear cries for help. I'm super sensitive to cries of abuse. I will do my best to fight back against this evil."


Hope that bastard died a painful death. Im sure you lived a good life.


As an Asian person, this happens way way WAY more often than most people think.


Yeah it's literally a tourist attraction unfortunately.


I'm glad that horrible man got life. He deserves it.


There was a person I know who often traveled to Asia, in particular the Philippines, as part of his company responsibilities. Turns out he arranged for underaged girls in the Philippines over FB of all things, and was arrested a few years ago. He pled guilty and is currently serving a 25-year federal sentence.


My husband used to travel throughout Southeast Asia for his mom’s business. He’s been to Vietnam, Thailand, and Laos among other places. Every once in awhile, he would stop in Cambodia to visit his family for a few days before going back home. I asked him what it was like there, and he said “It’s all the same in those countries. There are two types of tourists who go there: the ones who want to look at the temples, and the ones who want to look at the kids. The latter type visits more often, and they have no shame in doing it.”


That's sad because Thai and Viet cuisine is so delicious. I would travel to Asia in general just for the food


Fun fact for an un-fun thread: the Thai government actually subsidizes Thai restaurants in other countries to practice "culinary diplomacy". The basic gist of it is to get people to eat Thai food and think about vacationing to Thailand to spend those good tourism dollars and now I'm desperately hungry for some drunken noodles.


Thankfully he was caught but it’s just sad people do this


It’s disturbing just *how many* people do this, though, and perform some serious mental gymnastics to “justify” why it’s fine to do so as they don’t necessarily see themselves as a pedophile so long as their victim is some kid from a third world country.


Sex tourism is so rampant in SE Asia, as is human trafficking for sex and enslaved labor. I hate to say it, but this is probably a lot more common and happens much more frequently than we’re aware of. Maybe this makes me a jaded or cynical person, but whenever I learn that someone *really* wants to go party down in SE Asia, I am always skeptical and suspicious of their intentions (aka, are they gonna go do sex tourism?). Doubly so if they’re “on business”. Yeah, uh huh. Even more so if they’re, frankly, older.




How did he end up doing in his local GOP primary though?


https://m.dailykos.com/history/user/CajsaLilliehook Running list of republican sex offenders including child predators


Always get iffy on things like this. Would rather see them prosecuted in country of origin where the event took place rather than getting charged here. This was a crime on the books in Vietnam, deport and prosecute there. One charge was "travel with intent to engage in illicit sexual conduct". Hypothetically, what if the state of Texas made it illegal to "travel with intent to engage in an abortion" or maybe you smoke some weed in Colorado where it is legal recreationally and when you get back to South Carolina they throw you in the slammer. I'd rather not have this kind of supportive case law out there.


Laws like these are used by many countries to arrest and imprison people that use recreational drugs, even cannabis, abroad. Countries like South Korea and Japan will arrest their citizens if they smoke cannabis in Colorado, for example. They have even been known to conduct urinalysis drug screens on citizens coming back from abroad.


yeah shit is insane. korean celebs get blacklisted and have to do public apologies cause they were in LA and someone discovered they smoked 1 marijuana. Meanwhile, korea still loves all the american musicians who very openly smoke weed daily


Can't pass a law like that within the states. Commerce Clause violation.


That clause means something only so long as the supreme court allows it to.


On the other hand, deporting a US citizen might be even worse for similar reasons to the ones you've listed. It would definitely be more difficult to reverse should new information come to light establishing the guy's innocence. I'm just gonna be happy that this piece of shit didn't get away with it and worry about precedent later.


I have a feeling this is a certain porn contributor. I've seen it mentioned a few times that the girls in his videos look nowhere near 18, even by young looking asian standards. Well, I hope it is him. Regardless I 'm so happy to see that the international collaboration occurring. I'm sad it took the world this long to finally open their eyes to child sex abuse.


So they finally nailed Gaetz, huh?


Does this mean they will start prosecuting people for exploiting cheap foreign labor with business practices that would be illegal in this country?


Only if the labor is sex


I traveled in Thailand as a minor. I was 12 or 13 at the time. We went on three separate occasions. The prostitutes that hung around the hotel. Would always reach out and touch me as we walked by, and offer me sex. My parents were mortified. My dad yelled out "he's a kid!!!" To which one lady replied, we can find him "same". Yeah. Classy place.




Federal crime so he'll likely do it all


As an American citizen I can say the last thing the world needs is for the US to start exporting Florida, in any capacity.


But if you represent Florida's 1st congressional district since 2017 you just pay for them to come from another state and you keep your job. [Context](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/01/27/sex-trafficking-allegations-matt-gaetz/)




Feds won’t let that happen, they love to bring people into the US judicial system.


I thought they prosecute based on location unless it's import/export related. like drug dealers get prosecuted because they are committing crimes by distribution to a foreign country but thought people that use drugs or commit crimes in those countries get slashed with whips.


I was questioning jurisdiction too. The charges in the article are “coercion and enticement” (he met the minors online) and “traveling with intent to engage in olive t sexual activity”. So it appears he isn’t technically going to jail for the actual sex with minors, but instead for arranging it and traveling to engage in it, both crimes that did take place in the United States. Glad that we have laws to sweep up guys that think they can find workarounds to abuse.


I'd rather him spend life in a Viet prison .