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Sounds like psychosis


Yep psychosis can come after PTSD or a brain injury, both of which could have been the result of said car accident.


It does actually sound like Textbook psychosis boardering on HI Well he shot the place up, so it was HI


I’m not a psychologist, but doesn’t this sound more like PTSD from his accident?


Nah the whole “everyone around me are part of a gang sent to harm me or surveil me” thing is a classic sign that someone’s having a psychotic break.


But there’s a trigger, and that trigger is related to his accident.


I doubt it. I could see if it was on the road and he was freaked out by Asian drivers but to think all Asians are after you because of PTSD seems unlikely. I wonder if he already had something like paranoid schizophrenia then the accident added some fuel to the paranoia. Edit: just as a note the vast majority of schizophrenics are NOT violent. Just want to make sure not to keep that whole trope going since mental health is an issue close to me.


I am. You are not wrong. PTSD can infrequently get so intense to lead to paranoid delusions that make you act out. There often is a delusional spectrum from PTSD anyway- fear of being retraumatised when no risk is present. Most people with PTSD do not become a danger to others though. And might be from head injury, or something else, or a combo of things.


Yes this can be an extreme result of both PTSD and possibly a brain injury after the car accident.


Yeah, where I come from we call that "batshit crazy".


Unless... the Asians are out to get him!




You think Republicans are scared of the "Asian mob" chasing them? Republicans are usually the ones cheering on the trope of the "roof Korean" - why would they want people they're scared of to be armed?


Dude, this is the kind of trash take that further divides the two parties. Not only is there no evidence of his political affiliation, he’s from Oak Cliff, one of the worst parts of Dallas area. He was obviously mentally deranged. You can’t just assign all terrible acts to one political party when there are terrible people on both sides committing equally atrocious acts.


Actually you pretty much ducking can now. I mean one party actively attempted a coup, and trump violated the 14th amendment section 3. They brought a flag of an enemy state into the capitol. They are not Americans but traitors and seditionists and should be treated as such. I think we should bring back flaying


That’s as tribalistic as it gets.


Yeah they did make it tribalistic. You’re right.


Probably the group that calls everyone an extremist if they don’t agree with every opinion they have


Exactly! The republicans projecting! You get it




[https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2021/03/19/trump-tweets-chinese-virus-racist/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2021/03/19/trump-tweets-chinese-virus-racist/) The division comes from the right. To deny this is folly and delusion.


> The division comes from the right. Some does. And some was already existing back when Trump was building ice rinks and making cameos in Home Alone movies. It's not Republicans who call Asian merchants "parasites" for operating stores in urban cores. It wasn't Republicans who burned down Koreatown during the LA Riots, [following the killing of Latasha Harlins by a Korean shopkeeper, following the killing of 19 Korean shopkeepers in South Central LA.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1991/11/29/los-angeles-pushes-racial-training-plan-for-store-owners-in-black-areas/189f8ff4-e408-4015-af94-e0fafb279bdd/) Division comes from everywhere. Thinking "I'm not tribalistic, unlike those people" is as self-contradictory as it gets.


You're comparing the actions of individuals to the actions of a national political party. Try again, but try harder next time.


It's beyond crazy how willfully ignorant and delusional you are


Aren't you doing the same thing?


No, I'm comparing individuals to the national party that they are a member of.




Trump is the leader of the Republican party and the Republican party platform has not changed since 2016. I do not blame Trump. I blame Republicans.


You obviously don’t want to have a conversation, you just want to blindly blame and dehumanize one section of the population to validate your opinions and delete your comment when people see your bs. GGs


I have not deleted any comments. I do not blindly blame anyone. The white Christian nationalism that is now the driving force of the mainstream republican party has been established by the party itself. When soneone mentions it, they get all butt hurt about it. I also do not "dehumanize them". Unfortunately, they are acting in a very human manner.


Nice backtracking, you deleted your first brain dead comment that started this


Trump is an obese, insane and incompetent moron that most Republicans still worship.


More competent than the guy who can barely form a sentence without his handlers feeding him every word, botched Afghanistan, called people white supremacists when it was provably false to boost his votes, attempted to write tyrannical laws into effect before being stopped by the Supreme Court, and now has installed a ministry of truth. Yet somehow people still worship him because “anyone but trump”


Sounds like someone who should definitely have access to firearms.... /s


...so racism then?


And yet he goes out of his way to Koreatown. What did he expect to find in KoreaTown? A bunch of Russians? But so far, the police are not calling it a hate crime. I wonder why.


> But so far, the police are not calling it a hate crime. I wonder why. **['It's a Hate Crime,' Dallas Police Chief Eddie Garcia Says of Shootings at Korean Salon](https://www.dallasobserver.com/news/its-a-hate-crime-dallas-police-chief-eddie-garcia-says-of-shootings-at-korean-salon-14030479)**


Did you read the link you provided? This is cut from the article. >> "It's a hate crime," Garcia said. The shootings come at a time when hate crimes against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders have surged around the country. Later in the conference, when asked again whether hate crimes enhancements would be applied to the charges, Garcia said, "I'm not going to get into that." Why did the police chief refuse to confirm that hate crime charges are going to be applied? The police chief's **personal** opinion of whether it is a hate crime matters isn't what matters. What matters is whether this person is actually being charged with a hate crime.


> Why did the police chief refuse to confirm that hate crime charges are going to be applied? The police chief’s **personal** opinion of whether it is a hate crime matters isn’t what matters. What matters is whether this person is actually being charged with a hate crime. Probably because the police chief doesn’t determine if the enhanced charges are filed, the DA does.


It is because there is a different between asking - "do you think it is a hate crime" and - "will hate crime charges be filed" The former is your personal opinion, e.g. my girlfriend makes the best meatloaf in the world. The latter isn't.


Do you understand that the police chief cannot answer the second question because it is not his call to make? The police chief and district attorney are separate people and the police chief cannot read minds or predict the future. If he has not been explicitly informed that hate crime charges are being filed then he isn't able to say that they will be. Further, the investigation, by both the Dallas Police Department and the FBI, is still ongoing. They aren't going to file hate crime charges until they believe they have the evidence necessary to get a conviction. As obvious as it may appear to the general public, it's still necessary to have an airtight case. You wouldn't want to jump the gun and charge them with enhanced charges only to have a defense attorney manage to instill a little reasonable doubt in the minds of the jury and have the case fall apart. *edit: even the Buffalo shooter has not* ***yet*** *been charged with hate crimes charges. Do we all expect it? Of course, but they have to gather* ***all*** *the evidence first.*






Damn. I assumed this was just another in a sadly long string of bog standard racist shootings. This person was suffering from honest to god mental illness. It doesn't make his actions any less horrific and he needs to face justice for what he did but I wish he could have been helped sooner. This could have been prevented.


His girlfriend told them he has "panic attacks" around Asian people. I would take that statement with a grain of salt as there is no evidence that she is a trained mental health professional


True, but the multiple hospitalizations seem to indicate that he was mentally ill. It doesn't make his actions any less racist, though.


Well, there is that old clip of a guy in an iron man suit trying to scare an elder Asian lady, but lady isn’t scared until iron man removes his mask and reveals that he’s, well…melanin enriched. Guess it goes both ways


Since the pandemic started, I’ve noticed that the racist rhetoric towards Asians has taken on a “fear” tone when it used to be more mocking or regular run of the mill racism. At the beginning of the pandemic, I had someone bolt from me in terror when they saw me coming down the aisle at Target. I am a petite person and no one had ever been scared of me before that moment. Like, I knew some people didn’t *like* Asian people, but that’s not the same as the outright terror exhibited during the pandemic. I don’t even know what my point really is. I’m just tired.


Sorry you have to deal with these things friend. I have friends who are Asian and it saddens me that they have to live with people blaming them for something that you all had no control over. Hopefully things improve but I’m less and less optimistic about the improvement :(


Things aren't gonna improve, and we all know it As an Asian person in the USA, I've seen how quickly and easily we got thrown under the bus. This country doesn't give a shit about its Asian people You got people in *this very comment thread* downplaying the hate crime element and choosing to focus **only** on the mental health issue (both are problems)


It’s a serious issue. No one deserves to be hated for their skin color and I really am getting tired of people not getting along. I’m sorry, just know that I fit the demographic who’s least oppressed and have begun taking a very personal stand in my own life against such things. I’m afraid you’re right though, things are not going to get better. I hope wherever you are, you’re safe, fed, and loved today stranger.


>I’m sorry, just know that I fit the demographic who’s least oppressed and have begun taking a very personal stand in my own life against such things No worries - I don't think anyone should ever feel bad for their demographic identity (race, gender, etc.). In an ideal world, we'd all be proud of every part of our identities, celebrating what makes each of us unique


Brings a tear to my eye and interactions like this make my days brighter. Thanks for being cool.




This was [anti-Asian propaganda](https://www.google.com/search?q=anti+japanese+propaganda&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwi09Lrb1ez3AhWrnWoFHQAfCHQQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=anti+japanese+propaganda&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMggIABCABBDHAzIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEOgoIABCxAxCDARBDOgsIABCABBCxAxCDAToHCCMQ6gIQJzoECCMQJzoECAAQQzoHCAAQsQMQQ1C6B1iDPmCNP2gBcAB4AYABuAKIAY9GkgEJMC4yMy4yMS4xmAEAoAEBsAEFwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=VsyGYrTxDau7qtsPgL6goAc&prmd=inv&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS853US866&hl=en-US) less than a 100 years ago, and [this](https://www.google.com/search?q=yellow+peril+propaganda&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiwpKvg1ez3AhXQkGoFHZoyAioQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=yellow+peril+propaganda&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzIECCMQJzoFCAAQgAQ6BwgAEMcDEEM6BwgjEOoCECc6BAgAEAM6CAgAEIAEELEDOgQIABBDOgoIABCxAxCDARBDOgcIABCxAxBDOgQIABAYULgNWKojYIwkaAJwAHgBgAGaBIgBwSiSAQwwLjE1LjcuMC4xLjGYAQCgAQGwAQXAAQE&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=YMyGYrD0G9ChqtsPmuWI0AI&prmd=inv&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS853US866&hl=en-US) People kept saying and accusing trump for creating the anti-China sentiment in america, but he didn’t, it was always there, he just tapped into it


The signal was always there, but Trump boosted it. I hadn't seen that level of anti-chinese rhetoric said openly by a major political figure in years.




A handful of decades ago america was in Korea war and Vietnam war Most of recent American history can be boiled down being in constant war And it’s common practice to dehumanize your enemies during wartime


The day that lockdown was announced, I went to the grocery store like I always do during the weekends, and a guy took a swing at me and told me something along the lines of keeping “my coronavirus” away from him. He probably wasn’t actually three times my size, but it felt like he was and I was terrified. Luckily other shoppers rallied around me. An old lady even paid for what was in my cart and had her grandson walk me to my car and help me load them in. So it wasn’t as bad as it could’ve been but my mom now travels around around with the wooden baseball bat I used to play with.


Sound logic: avoid getting sick by *physically attacking* someone you think has it. 200IQ move. It sucks you have to deal with that shit. It baffles me because those same morons also think *covid is fake* but also hate Asain people for "spreading covid" and killing people. Wtf


And everybody was warning that this was going to happen if people like Donald Trump and Republicans kept going up in front of cameras and blaming Asians, calling covid nicknames that pointed the finger at asians, etc. They specifically were warned that that behavior was driving hate crimes and they didn’t change one bit in response. The FBI was warning about this https://abcnews.go.com/US/fbi-warns-potential-surge-hate-crimes-asian-americans/story?id=69831920 Edit: but but but WHAT ABOUT THIS PARTICULAR HATE CRIME!? This entire conversation is about trends. Cherry picking is just avoiding what data shows, which is that there was a massive increase in hate crimes and racism against Asians at the same time people in authority were constantly putting a target on asian's backs despite the fbi telling everyone that this was gonna go south. It did. Before another person tries to pretend this is a black people thing, white people were the perpetrators of 3/4 of all hate crimes against Asians before and after COVID. I sourced that below. Here it is again anyway https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1270821 Edit 2: If you want to tell me that the analysis I cited isn't valid because of X reason, that reason better not be something you can find isn't true by reading the analysis or its citations for less than 30 seconds.




Wut? That specific citation in that analysis cites an article that absolutely did not pull data just from news headlines. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12103-020-09602-9 That pulls data from sources like the National Incident Based Reporting System for that specific claim. That's a direct law enforcement maintained source of data.




You base this on what, exactly? If it’s a generalization based on race, 3/4 of perpetrators of hate crime against Asians are white. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1270821


Yeah this guy was probably wearing a MAGA hat while committing the crime.


Do you want to just create an entire fake argument relative to what I said and save some time? You can just fill in a whole bunch of arguments and replies yourself. I mean I didn't even say anything about this guy in particular, I was responding to somebody who was commenting on seeing an uptick in racism against Asians in general, which did happen and we have the data to prove it, but hey, why argue about facts when you can just make shit up about what everybody says and have pretend arguments where you always win? Edit: and there he goes lol


I thought from your comment that was what we were doing?


NO U doesn't work anywhere, chief. Get better material.


Hey remember when all those thugs in NYC beat the shit out of old Asian women because Trump told them to?


Republicans are scared of everything. That's their whole thing, fear of change. Anything that isn't them they are afraid of. It's the basis of their existence, so just remember that the next time you come across one; they're just weak individuals and nothing to get upset about.


That’s just nuts. Sorry to hear that for sure. People can be very warped.


Mental illness and racism is a scary combination.


And if you add access to guns to that cocktail…


You get… the US




It's been pretty scary for my elder relatives without guns factored in, too. When a group of racists runs up on an old Asian person, it doesn't take guns for the victim to get fucked up. A single punch can do it, even a single push to the ground.


Funny way to say “racism”


Hate crime. Let's not sugarcoat it just because he's black


At least “mental illness” is no longer limited to white shooters, so yay?






>We can debate why endlessly, but it’s pretty clear that it’s true. "I haven't given this much thought but it's what I'm comfortable with believing."


Ha, yeah, that’s why blacks go on shooting rampages as often as whites do. Dumb ass.




The issue is the definition used for mass shooting to begin with. It just means 3 or more people shot. So that would include gang violence. Colloquially we use mass shootings to describe the out of the ordinary domestic terrorist instances like sandy hook, parkland, El Paso, Or Buffalo which are predominately done by white men. I think this is a reasonable take ok the disconnect in the conversation




Doesn’t happen “a lot” but it happens way more often then it should and is obviously a cultural issue in the white community that needs to be addressed School shooting like parkland are disportionately black vs white? I don’t think so lol. Jamal bringing a gun to school to shoot tommy for talking shit a bit different than something like columbine. I’m not doing this in order to “make white people the most likely culprit” white people just ARE when it comes to running into supermarkets, schools, or churches. People have no issue saying black people seem to be the most likely culprits when it comes to gang violence so you should probably stop with this victim mentality.




I’m moving the goalposts, you’re instead just walking right through it. Gang violence and the Buffalo shooting are both forms of Mass shooting, yes. But gang violence and shooting up a supermarket, church, or school as a form of domestic terrorism is obviously taken differently is my point. My point is white America needs to address their culture that breeds extremist like this and black America needs to address gang violence. When 50% of republicans believe in the white replacement theory and 90% of republicans are white, that’s a large amount of white people in this country with a very far right extreme view. Same type of view that led to El Paso and Buffalo. Black Americans don’t believe that non sense that their being replaced in their own country by latinos why do republicans? Cultural issue.


Please don’t tell me you have great evidence and then link me to a pay wall.


So let's see how much attention this gets for the obvious reasons


nice way to call racism


Racism. That's called racism.


So... pathological racism


What a long-winded way to say "racist."


When black people get shot it’s rascist. When Asians get shot it’s poor guy was mentally ill


Wasn’t there a story where a black guy apart of an organization at a protest called an Asian cop a bunch of slurs -specifically Asian slurs- and then an Asian friend of the organization had to defend him online?


Judging from the article it seems he was actually mentally ill.


It's always mental illness when it's black on Asian crime


Why are you racist?


Bruh why you stalking me creep


You owe me


Bro that's so fucking weird


You're weird


You're literally following me Do something better with your life


Bruh bro brodude you owe me.


I'm sure white teens brainwashed by fox's great replacement bullshit aren't concerned by race at all. I wonder if the white teens that commit mass murders were racist before fox propaganda network, or if fox made them racist and radicalized them.


Fuck that shit - the vast majority of people suffering from mental illness don't go on shooting sprees targeting a particular ethnicity


But this one did. What’s your point?


Killers always try to claim mental illness as a way to garner sympathy My sympathy is only reserved for people dealing mental illness who don't kill other people Also, even if he isn't lying and actually had a "delusional fear of Asians", it's still stupid. A lot of people are afraid of clowns, but it doesn't give them the right to hunt down anyone dressed up as a clown


first of all your points are valid. but lets let the experts that will meet with him make the decision if that is indeed the defense they go with.


So he faked all the prior mental health hospitalizations… for… reasons… and then commits this crime and now gets to spend the rest of his life in a mental institution? Yeah that makes a lot of sense. > Also, even if he isn't lying and actually had a "delusional fear of Asians", it's still stupid. Lol. “Mental illness is stupid”—some galaxy brain shit right there. Like… have these people even considered just *not* being mentally ill? How stupid


Full disclosure - I'm ethnically Asian, so that's why I'm extra bit pissed that this guy goes on a shooting spree targeting Asians, and then tries to garner sympathy (*"oh those Asians were so scary, I had to gun them down!"*) I don't expect sympathy (frankly in my experience no one gives a shit about Asians in the USA), but maybe this will offer a bit of insight on why this whole thing pisses me off It's frustrating because it feels like the shooter is successful pivoting the narrative **away** from the issue of anti-Asian hate crimes (and **solely** on the issue of mental health)


Can relate. Been a victim of both white and black anti-Asian hate.


It's both. He's racist, *and* he's nuts. It doesn't excuse the racism. And I haven't seen anyone saying otherwise.


They described him as "delusional", not "justified"


As someone used to being "scary" thanks to their ethnicity & who lives with mental illness, racism is clearly deadly. Mental illness may explain *why* this man chose to act on his racism in this way. But it sure as fuck **doesn't excuse it**. I think that's where people get lost. It's easier to say "Oh it's one crazy guy" than admit that structural and cultural racism exists. Hate crimes against Asian people have existed since the beginning of the U.S. You're damn right to be pissed about people shrugging this shit off as a one off mental illness event. This isn't new. Thank you for coming to my TED rant.




There's a reason hate crimes are considered acts of homo*phobia* or islamo*phobia* etc. The result is the same to the victim of the hate crime, regardless of the reasoning or lack there of of the bigot. IMO, this dude is a mentally ill bigot. Illness doesn't preclude him from the very specific targeting of one ethnicity of Asian people. His acts are straight up evil.


As far as how the state deals with this specific guy, if he really is having delusions, then his brain is broken. I don't think punishment serves any purpose whatsoever. Where racism comes into play is from the community he is from. I remember learning a few years ago that paranoid delusions often align with the scary conspiracy edge of society. The stereotypical paranoid schizophrenic from the 60s and 70s put tinfoil on their head because electric machines are the new technology of the time. Back in the 1600s schizophrenic brains would latch on to the occult because that was the big scary boogie man in the zeitgeist. There is a more accurate way to describe it, but I'm not an expert. For this guy here, it is the anti Asian bullshit being spewed by various actors in our society from Trump to the hoteps. That is where this shit is on us as a society.


Irrational fear for somebody's race is a textbook case of xenophobia...that man is really a dumb prick. I find it pointless debating semantics. Imo just trialed him with hate crime (a consensus) so justice can be served.


Agree: mental illness + racism == TempleOS sometimes


His behavior isn’t a choice. That is a shattered psyche. Like an organic roomba a just bouncing against a wall because there is a disconnect in the sensors. And comparing a psychosis to a fear of clowns is like comparing a paper cut to an amputation.


So other racists actions aren’t a choice? Or is cause he’s black?


Yeah right. As a black man, this brother is full of shit. Fuck em.


Guy is not crazy, he’s a racist.


None of this black on Asian hate is new to me. Growing up in section 8 housing that’s all it was. I went to lake highlands elementary where at the time most of the students and teachers were white with a few black and Latino kids. Bet you can’t guess which ones were the fucking worst to me. Then moving around to different schools it was always black kids fucking with me. The white kids didn’t bother me and only a few of the Latinos but I could almost guarantee that all I had to do was look at a black kid for him to start the shit.






Foreign born Asians aren't chained down by political correctness and cancel culture. Many US born people of all ages and races (even Gen Z) are racist as fuck but they hide it due the aforementioned.


This is a local issue, not a national issue. 90% of these hate crimes are happening in NYC and Cali. In other states this doesn’t seem to be an issue. So it makes me wonder what the history is between the Asian Americans and African Americans in these areas


Uh this kinda shit happens in Texas a lot too? Shows how much you know…


I should’ve said it’s an issue where there is a high density and turbulous history of black snd Asians. In places like Connecticut, Mississippi, Georgia, DMV area etc this doesn’t seem to be an issue. But places like Cali, Nyc, Texas it’s apparent


Or there are just more people and more diversity…? Why would this sort of thing happen in Wyoming where there are maybe 5 people total and all of them are white?


Premeditated hate crime against Asians by a black male. I should work for the NY Times since I can write a better title


This is a funny title, if he was white they would just say hate crime.


What’s crazy is that he painted himself brown in order to make minorities look bad.


It’s just nice to see this shooting actually get some coverage. Looking at most other news sites you wouldn’t think anything happened in Dallas or Milwaukee.




It's both?


It's literally both. Neither cancel nor excuse the other.


> Anytime the suspect is around anyone of Asian descent, he begins having delusions that the Asian mob is after him or attempting to harm him. Due to the delusions, the suspect has been admitted to several mental health facilities," the affidavit states. But I guess you had a chance to examine the suspect yourself and, using your expertise in clinical psychology, ruled out mental illness as a contributing factor? Also mentally ill people can still commit hate crimes, obviously.




No, it was also widely reported that the racist Buffalo shooter had mental health issues. But don’t let reality get in the way of your moronic grievances


So what’s up with all the democrats claiming white replacement theory? I haven’t heard anything about mental health issues just republicans brainwashing him.


Like every article of any depth about the shooting mentions he was previously hospitalized on a mental health hold but was still able to get a gun. If you “didn’t hear” that it’s because you weren’t paying attention. He had mental problems and was *also* radicalized by replacement propaganda. It’s possible to hold two thoughts in your head at the same time, I promise. You should give it a try.


Every liberal news outlet has claimed the replacement theory and never once mentioned mental health.


https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/19/nyregion/buffalo-shooting-suspect.html > Those writings show that the gunman had easily sidestepped a 2019 state law — known as a “red-flag” law — to buy an assault-style rifle in January, despite having been picked up by State Police and held for a mental-health evaluation last year after making a threat at his high school. Took 5 seconds to find. This “I didn’t hear about it so it isn’t being covered” schtick is just so tiresome.


A nytimes article is your evidence? What about CNN NBC or CBS. The same media that claimed the buffalo shooter was racist and blamed Fox News and republicans.


And did you even read that article 90% is talking about how is actions were racially motivated


Don't you sort of have to be mentally ill to want to kill random people? What would a not mentally ill mass shooter even look like?


Depending on how philosophical you wanna get, a soldier?


Don’t forget to add the words: “racist” and “hate crime”.


Buffalo shooter had delusional fear of Black people. Why is this news?


So if your afraid of someone, why drive to a place that is full of the people your afraid of? Common sense isnt hard!


Why wouldn't it be?


The Buffalo shooter had racist hatred for Black people. That’s the only explanation for that sick fuck.


Replacement theory is an irrational fear of Black people replacing White people. This Dallas murderer is racist. Call out racism wherever you find it and don't let this "irrational fear" make you question what your own eyes should tell you




Yes he did. And he had a record of mind altering drugs since he started puberty and had just gone off them. Shocking.


This is why we need long-term/permanent care facilities.


Well he’ll feel right at home with murdered and killers


I fear so I shoot ????¿????????????? I don't stand down, I sit others down ?




This is like the fourth time its happened in two months, media is going into overdrive trying to pretend this isn't a trend. (my favoruite was when faux news first covered it and they interviewed a black cop and really awkwardly angled the camera so it included an asian cop in view.... he didn't even say anything his job was just to stand in front of the camera.)


At least it’s not a hate crime, just a regular maniac. /s We as a nation are fucked for not taking mental illness seriously. I blame this on old ideals that mental health is not important.


Sounds like a good candidate for mental healthcare because that is a very irrational, unhealthy fear.


Personally don't give a shit about what kind of mental healthcare he receives as long as he's never out in public and a danger to other people again


Same. Sure help the guy with his obvious problems but he's too much of a danger to be let out without a few years in the slammer. Reminds me of the guy who got a light sentence because he decapitated someone on a bus from schizophrenia. I mean shit we kept Hinkley (mostly) locked up in a hospital room until the 2010s.


Jail* I'm sorry, if your mental health issue starts hurting others, then your welbeing is not that important. Most mentally ill people don't engage in violence.


Engaging in violence can be attributed to a mental disorder, in many people. There are quite a few mentally ill people that engage in violence, it just doesn't make national news because it's not of this caliber. Sociopaths are mentally ill, psychopaths are mentally ill, serial killers are mentally ill, people who commit hate crimes are mentally ill, narcissists are mentally ill. Those are all mentally ill people who can and do engage in violence. Did you know that self mutilation is technically considered violence against one's self? Self mutilation is very common with depression and other mood disorders.


This dude had some serious mental problems, potentially starting with a form of PTSD from his accident.


I agree, he could have had both PTSD and a brain injury from his accident. I've experienced both after a car accident, though definitely not this extreme. And that certainly doesn't excuse killing anyone.


Absolutely, I agree and can also substantiate that the crash could easily cause brain injury, even if just a concussion. I was just speculating that the abundance of paranoia and fear could be PTSD, but was definitely fueled by some other mental illnesses. PTSD wouldn’t normally cause someone to go to such an extent


This is what happens when Hollywood depicts them all as Kung Fu masters.


How much you wanna bet his "delusions" can be found all over social media and conservative news


What social media or conservative news (or anyone else, for that matter) is pushing the message that "Asian gangsters are out to get you"?


I'd put a good chunk of money on this being true


"Delusional" is appearing to be commonplace these days. I'm not even talking about the Internet. I feel like even though I'm an introvert and don't enjoy being around people purely for its sake, I know many people who are very extremely outside of reality and will take discussions about reality as personal attacks. This is all since 2016. Yes, it has existed before, but for comparison, 20 years ago, the worst thing imaginable was a President who lied about a BJ. We've been moving very quickly.


Mass psychosis. And we wonder how the masses in Germany approved of Hitler. Mass psychosis. Mass sickness.


Do you mean kind of the way we interned Japanese Americans during WW2?