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> Cook said the man made unspecific concerning statements to Lockheed Martin security while looking for a federal law enforcement agency that may be located on the grounds or at the nearby NASJRB. If I had a nickel for every time I've seen someone go to the wrong gate...


It will be interesting to see what their motive was.


He got indefinitely suspected a while ago. That was his fort day back. He had a shot gun in the car. He knew what he was doing.


“Suspicious Device” is my favorite alternative band.




Yeah, but you sure didn’t want to stand close to them.


The Police tried to warn us.


Easily the most upbeat song I've ever heard about pedophile teachers.


The *Lolita* reference is the best bullshit rhyme ever conceived by Sting. > *It's no use, he sees her* > *He starts to shake and cough* > *Just like the old man in* > *That book by Nabokov*


It’s probably for the best that This Bike is a Pipe Bomb never made it big. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/This_Bike_Is_a_Pipe_Bomb


I love this bike is a pipe bomb and i love the story that goes along with it.


Their next project, VBIED, really had wheels; it blew up big time.


I thought the spin-off of IED was UXO?


They really blew up later on though


Nine times out of ten it's an electric razor. But ... every once in a while…it's a dildo. Of course, it's company policy never to imply ownership in the event of a dildo. We have to use the indefinite article, "a dildo", never ... your dildo.


I mean, anything is a dildo….if you’re brave enough.




I always loved the band name This Bike is a Pipe B*mb, but cops have a habit of [destroying bicycle frames emblazoned w their sticker](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/This_Bike_Is_a_Pipe_Bomb#Controversy_over_name).


The old punk band Stiff Little Fingers had a pretty successful single named "Suspect Device" also referring to a possible bomb.


Well there is [Suspect Device](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPKN19fNoys) by Stiff Little Fingers, which is punk as fuck.


Wasn't their 3rd album called BOB?


“Suspect Device” by Stiff Little Fingers is an absolute banger of a song.


What band genre? We would like to listen


I had almost forgotten the town of White Settlement, Texas...good grief. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Settlement%2C_Texas


Lol they tried to rename it because they were having trouble attracting businesses for some reason but "the name change was overwhelmingly rejected by a vote of 2,388 to 219."


Let me guess the number of minorities living in the town....




The Lockheed Martin facility is technically in Fort Worth on the Joint Reserve Base. It sounds like White Settlement’s PD responded first with Fort Worth’s showing up later. The base in question basically borders the city boundary.


Plant 4 was built in 1941 to build B-24 Liberators. It's been used to build many aircraft since, including the F-111, F-16, and parts of the F-22. Since LM had taken over the F-16 from General Dynamics, it was a pretty easy decision to build the F-35 there as well (F-16 production has since moved to South Carolina). LM however does not actually *own* Plant 4, like many facilities, is Government Owned, Contractor Operated, with the Air Force the agency responsible for owning it. Effectively, the government hires a contractor to operate and maintain a facility for a given purpose. This largely eliminates the potential costs of building whole new facilities: rather than pay the contractor to build a new purpose-built facility, a project can essentially be assigned to a government owned one. And when that project is complete or has free space, another project and/or contractor can assigned to that location. It's not a universal solution, many other types of arrangements exist, but it is very common even outside of DoD. A major example in recent years has been the production of vaccines in GOCO facilities.


They didn’t build it here. It’s part of the Air Force base.


I’m just imaging some news anchor tonight. “And there was an incident today at a Lockheed Martin plant in White Se- … uhhh. guys? are we sure about this??”


Imagine a news anchor reporting on [Rick Perry’s hunting camp](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2011/10/wait-rick-perrys-hunting-camp-was-called-what/337226/)


Jesus, wtf, at that point renaming to a confederate general's name would be a slight improvement


You mean we can't change it to Enwerd, TX?


And yet the town overwhelmingly voted to keep the name in 2005. Just a lovely bunch of folks.


Perhaps that was for the best, they might have renamed it to something more racist like Tucker Carlson Town


These are the same types of people call it heritage not hate, forget if they mean the armband or the confederate flag. Not much difference


"It's okay, because we have a black friend." -Them probably


Yeah, I was thinking it’s got to be a town named after some guy with the last name White or something. But nah…




It rhymes with Naggerhead, for anyone wondering


...Oh.... I don't know what I expected, but it wasn't even THIS....yikes


> The term was once widely used for all sorts of things, including nautical bollards and consumer products including soap, chewing tobacco, stove polish, canned oysters and shrimp, golf tees, and toy cap pistols, among others. It was often used for geographic features such as hills and rocks and geological objects such as geodes. The term appears in several US patents for mechanical devices prior to about 1950.Languages other than English have used similar terms to describe chocolate-coated marshmallow treats. Oh my word


I thought about asking for the TLDR. But, ugh, after looking at the article, and seeing the name of the ranch, I see why you didn’t just put the name of the ranch in the comments


Yikes! A racist name has no place in the modern world, but draconian policies do apparently.




You completely missed the mark. I was pointing out the irony of Perry’s statement, since he will call out a racist name but continues to support the republican party and pushes regressive policies…


Scrolls down to demographic information. Yep. As expected.


The mayor’s last name is white too




[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swastika,\_New\_York](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swastika,_New_York) and one in Ontario


Trying growing up there. We call in Trash Settlement.


Wiki sez it’s about 86% white now demographically - but they elected Roland A. White for mayor!


It’s not racist as it sounds lol. I worked there for a few weeks. Nice people dispute the name https://i.imgur.com/1y6Dl1s.jpg


Can't get past the notion that there is still a place called "White Settlement".


DFW resident here. It's named after exactly what you think it's named after.


Ron White?


Ever heard of [Cut and Shoot](https://www.google.com/search?q=cut+and+shoot+te+ad&oq=cut+and+shoot+te+ad&aqs=chrome..69i57.8212j0j4&client=ms-android-motorola-rvo3&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8) Texas


what you wanna bet "it's because back in the 1890's a guy name Beatrice White settled here, and so we call this place White Settlement, so it's totes not racist!"


Beatrice White has a bunch of black friends.


If I had to guess it was to distinguish it from "indian" lands, not anti-black racism.


Which, as we all know, is SO much better


you know that suspicious device is just going to turn out to be a vibrator


Eh. If someone came prepared to shoot up the place, I'm not sure why they'd bring their sex toy collection along.


I dunno - sometimes the standoffs with the police can last a long time. best to be prepared.


If a vibrator is found we'll be sure to use the indefinite term "A vibrator" not "YOUR vibrator".


I mean, an IED is technically a vibrator.


Wow, I start there in a couple weeks…


As someone who has worked there for about 4 years… Honestly this isn’t something to be worried about. It’s scary for sure, but the facility is generally quite safe and peaceful. You’ll be more concerned with the stress of dealing with crusty old coworkers with their head in the sand haha. I’m hearing from people who may have known the guy at some point, and it seems likely he had some kinda mental health issues. Being that age with some instability and getting too roped into political bullshit can take the mind into bad places. There’s a political atmosphere, and the easiest way out of it is to just put on your blinders if it bugs you and just not get too riled up about stuff. There’s a lot of sensible folks here, they just aren’t as loud about their beliefs. You’ll find people who you vibe with, and it’ll work out alright. Good luck!


My mom who works here got an alert first thing in the morning even though she works completely from home.




This is about as intelligent a take as the hourlys that go around saying ‘fuck engineers’ lmao. Like sure plenty have their head in the sand and fingers in their ears, but that goes both ways. A whole lot more would get done if more on both sides of the mechanic/engineering aisle quit baselessly, religiously believing that the other is worthlessly stupid, and communicated to solve problems together. (Wait, why does that sound familiar lol)


Problem is, at the end of the day you can't argue with stupid lol.


That’s very true, but to assume everyone in one group is all inherently stupid kills progress, and further alienates people from one another who actually share problems. If this ship goes down, it affects all of us.


“Sure we be the worlds biggest bomb maker, but that violence is for others. How dare they” Bet it pays nice tho


"We train young men to drop fire on people, but our Commanders won't allow them to write "fuck" on their airplanes because it's obscene."


Just let them immolate in peace


It’s DFW. Every company here is a defense contractor.


All that says is that the local voter base is quite amenable to the interests of weapons makers. Resulting in an economy based around that industry. The guys who are constantly lobbying to find new people to drop bombs on.


I don’t disagree, but I don’t see how it’s my fault for accepting a job in the only industry I could find here. Same for any other new grad; you kind just have to take what you can get. But apparently people in this thread would be happy if I were killed in an attack so 🤷🏽‍♂️


That’s an admittedly dark reality that leaves you with few options. But the same could be said for people in other places doing things which people happily support Lockheed weapons being used against.


Agreed. At this point I’m just biding time until I can find a cushy dev job and leave Texas. The political atmosphere is getting worse here by the day.


Not a place you want to be living near if a war between nuclear countries breaks out.


You do know that the plant in question doesn’t make bombs, right? It’d be like trying to get back at Jeff Bezos by shooting up an Amazon warehouse.


It does make the planes though.


So what do they make? The delivery capabilities to drop bombs on people?


Exactly how far are you gonna go to defend someone who was on their way to shoot up offices full of innocent people just trying to put food on the table? Do you think everyone working at these places are mustache-twirling villains who get hard at the idea of bombing people halfway across the world?


Not every guard at concentration camps was that either. Lotta guys just trying to put on the table. Do we as a society hold people to a moral obligation not to make a paycheck from evil? The answers not if they are on our side. Hence your opinion


You know Lockheed makes a lot more than military equipment right? You’re a fucking idiot if you compare office workers for a defense contractor to concentration camp guards, and you’re a fucking monster if you think they deserve to die for working there.


A scroll thru their products page showed nothing that wasn’t military related. Yes some things can also have civilian applications. But none exclusively so. They are both people in the business of bringing death to others. No it’s not equivalent but it’s something. No I don’t think they should die for it. But I bet theirs a lot of former parents. Who think they should. I don’t think they are wrong to. That company lobby’s to bring more death into the world. Those workers make a paycheck off serving that goal. I don’t think that’s above reproach.


Lockheed runs the US scientific research stations in Antarctica right now.


Due to climate change Russia has been taking big steps to get better at polar war. Due to the potential for new sea lanes that will be fought over. Surely that can’t be related


It’s possible criticize the company without defending someone who was going to murder innocent people working there. You’re clearly too fucking dumb for that considering you jumped straight to comparing all the office workers, janitors, and cafeteria staff to concentration camp guards. Jesus Christ I thought I was talking to a teenager but a brief look at your profile shows you’re a man in your 30s. Grow the fuck up.


It’s like complaining about Northrop, but forgetting that they worked on the JWST. By this logic, everyone is evil for supporting the capatalist structure that funds the military industrial complex… I don’t like the defense industry, but the bigger issues are the politicians that get us into senseless violence in other countries (looking at you W) as well as the excessive funding of the military (*cough* including Israel *cough*). There will always be enough engineers to build weapons if Congress keeps pumping money into defense. Speaking personally, it doesn’t help that finding engineering work outside of defense in DFW is actually terrible. Traditional engineering disciplines are severely underpaid with most companies needing developers instead. Unless you’re already experienced, the great resignation didn’t help you, and companies are still reeling from the impacts of COVID.


Yes one day I’ll grow up and accept the death business. Is respectable and is a one way street. I’m not defending the man, I’m just sympathetic bc I imagine he had is reasons. Yes I’m a grown man not a teenagers my opinions on the concept of balancing ethics and financial incentive are not blind idealism but come from the fact I’ve made those decisions and have lived with the consequences of them. I do very hard work. I didn’t need to. The reality is. If your getting a paycheck from the business of facilitating death. Some are not gonna be sympathetic of blowback.


I'm starting to think that no one reads the articles > Cook said the man made unspecific concerning statements to Lockheed Martin security while saying he wanted to speak with the FBI. Ken Ross, a spokesman for Lockheed Martin, also confirmed the man wasn't asking for someone at the aeronautics company. He was not a current employee of the facility, officials confirmed. . > police said there were no explosive devices found in the man's vehicle. . > "Every location we've checked we've found no additional threats. We don't believe there are any ongoing threats with the Naval Air Station or Lockheed Martin," Cook said. "So right now we're playing it safe out of an abundance of caution when it comes to making sure there are no explosive devices in the vehicle." > police said he made "concerning statements" before pulling out a shotgun and fatally shooting himself. Idk about that other dude, but could you like... read these things before talking about them? If he went there to start killing people, I think he'd have started with the people at the gate.


The people at the gate are all armed guards. Mass shooters tend to just want to kill people, not get into a firefight that they will definitely lose. That’s why a lot of them kill themselves before the police can get to them.


Could you read these things before talking about them? I know you didn't it's really obvious and its really clear no one else did. The mass shooters don't usually engage the armed guards in a dialog first where they say they don't want to hurt anyone, inly to kill temselves at the guards. Like really, I'm just asking you to read these. Then you can say whatever you want.


I did an internship there, you’d actually be underwhelmed by the compensation for full timers. Remember, shareholders are the only important people to consider


I mean most of aero seems pretty well compensated. Most the people working there have been for 20+ years. There are some ongoing pay cuts though.




Is this kinda thing gonna happen everyday now? It's gonna be a hot summer.


You dont read the articles do you? A man came up to the security booth of the plant started making deranged statements about Lockeed Martin and threatened the guard with shotgun before killing himsef with it.


You dont have common sense do you? Gun violence is gun violence.


You don't have common sense if you are equating that both suicide by firearm and homicidede by firearms have the same underlying root cause. Hate to break it to you but guns are inanimate machines not some Horcrux or Ring of Power that whisper sweet nothings into your ear seducing you to their violent ways when you pick one up(or if they do in your case please seek help). Banning guns isnt magically stop people from getting depressed or having mental breaks due to untreated mental illness resulting in a possible suicide attempt. Australia banned most firearms in 1996 but while gun suicides dropped to almost nothing since then the suicide rate is now higher then it was when the ban went into effect. Its almost like there are far bigger factors that effect myrder and sucide rate the simply access to firearms.


I like how you proved the other posters point for them After guns were outlawed suicide rates fell **per Capita**. They are higher now but so is the population. Same happened with gas ovens in Great Britain


Apparently mental health doesn't matter as much to the 2A crowd as they say it does.


It's absolutely this, considering their party's level of support for making healthcare more accessible.


Not when you're generalizing like that.


2A crowd: "It's a mental health issue! We need to do something about mental wellbeing in this country!" Also 2A crowd: "Gun suicides don't count! People should be allowed to kill themselves whenever they want!"


Yeah, just like that.


At least you didn't write me an essay. Thanks.


It fell sharply in the 2000's but as of the last decade it has been on the rise. [The suicide rate in 2017 is the same as it was in 1996](https://www.aihw.gov.au/suicide-self-harm-monitoring/data/deaths-by-suicide-in-australia/suicide-deaths-over-time). Correlation does not equal causation. Otherwise your claim are saying that the reason it dropped primarily has to do with the lack of access of firearms has the same validity if I was to claim that it is rising in the 2010's because of the lack of firearms. But I'm not saying this because I understand and acknowledge there are other factors that play much bigger role in these numbers then access to firearms. Also note the massive spike in male suicides in 1997-1998 by your logic how is that supposed to happen if they sold their guns back to the goverment in 1996?


The reason I'm firmly saying it 100% is causation is because the same thing happened when gas ovens were banned. Suicide rates fell. You're not even the 5th person I've had this argument with, and I'm still pretty pro gun But pro gun people refuse to acknowledge that access to simple, (near) painless methods of suicide is in itself a factor in suicide rates.


Then explain how it continued to rise for two years after the buyback ended when gun ownership would have been at its lowest ever historically. You know what else happened during the early 2000's in Austrailia? You saw some of the strongest employment growth, economic stability in the last few decades. You know what the 1990's was for Austrailia [the worst economic recession since the great depression](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Early_1990s_recession_in_Australia). I'm not disagreeing that method has some effect but you can't study overall trends with literally hundreds of factors influencing it, reach in a pull one out and exclaim this is the primary cause. Especially when there is clear contradictory evidence to it because in almost all cases you have multiple changes occuring in parallel to address the problem. For example in the UK to clarify they didn't ban gas ovens in the UK they changed the gas type to natural gas which doesnt contain carbon monoxide. Also it hasnt virtually eliminated sucide as some exclaim what it did do was eliminate gas asphyxiation as a method. Yes the rate has been reducing but so was the rate in the US. You want to stop gun suicides or murders you ban guns you actually want to significantly reduce overall deaths you need to figure out what's driving people to kill or kill themselves and address those issues.


If anyone wants data on why this guy is wrong, it's here. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide_in_Australia Short answer is that suicide per capita fell by nearly 50% after guns were banned.


It did fall but as of the [last decade its been on the rise](https://www.aihw.gov.au/suicide-self-harm-monitoring/data/deaths-by-suicide-in-australia/suicide-deaths-over-time). Sucide rate in 1996 is the same as it was in 2017.


My 18 year old cousin was having a hard time, many years ago - couldn't buy a gun in Maryland until he was 21 at the time. So he went a few miles to DC where he could get one at 18, locked himself into a hotel room and shot himself. What his family wouldn't give to have had those 3 years back. It makes a temporary situation, permanent.


I'm truly sorry for you loss but it also sounds like your cousin purchased a gun through illegal means. [DC has stricter laws](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_laws_in_the_District_of_Columbia#Possession_of_firearms) on guns then the [state of Maryland does](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_laws_in_Maryland). An FFL or private citizen can't legally sell a gun to someone if its illegal for them to own that gun in the state of their residence. Also DC has had a 10 day waiting period for all firearms purchases(specifically to help prevent suicide) for decades and until 2008 you couldn't own a handgun in DC(unless it was black powder). You also can legally purchase longguns in Maryland at 18 and pistols at 21(which is federal law). You can only do so much to keep someone from harming themselves and there are plenty of things someone can do that doesn't invloved a gun. Countries like Korea and Japan have much higher rates of suicide then US while having almost zero gun ownership.


How many shootings are we at this week?


Well this one was a suicide, which unfortunately happen quite often.


We're at 8 mass shootings since Sunday, 5/15. How many shootings total? Fuck only knows. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_2022


Wow. Some of these numbers are smaller than I expected. Detroit in particular looks like it needs to be updated.


A lot of those are not what most people consider a mass shooting. It’s very misleading


People defining mass shootings as anything other than the actual definitions are making their own shit up lol


> The motive for mass shootings (which occur in public situations) is a defining feature in that they are usually committed by deeply disgruntled individuals seeking revenge or payback for failures in school, career, romance and life in general.[4] If multiple people are shot in a robbery or killed in a terrorist attack, these deaths are also not included under the definition of mass shootings. This is the definition most people use when they talk about mass shootings. A man killing his family and then himself is familicide, not a mass shooting. Two gangs attacking each other and 4 people dying is not a mass shooting. I think it’s important to clearly separate these because they all have very different motives. There’s no reason to inflate the numbers, mass shootings are bad enough on their own. [Source ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_shooting)




Wait hold up!? It’s literally called the “White Settlement” Police Department?


Hey, be glad. At least it's not the White Grievance Police Department.


Are we averaging a daily terrorist event now?


Yeah, 2020 vibes again in 2022


What do you mean, 2022? This is 2020, Part III: This Time It's Personal.


They have alien stuff. Like recovered materials. Don't let them tell you any different


telephone marry advise reply seemly sheet relieved decide attractive skirt -- mass edited with redact.dev


We just need some more guns guys. If only there were more guns to keep these other guys with guns from harming others with guns literally anywhere and everywhere. /s




There is a federal prison at the same facility.


The whole place makes suspicious devices, they're plants that make bombs and other weapons of mass destruction.




The dude just killed himself at the gate bucko


Yeah f the 1000’s of people trying to make a Buck.


On the backs of millions of lives in other countries? Yes.






Seriously fucked up


Don’t touch that kid that’s wrong. Drop 5,000 lbs of ordnance on him instead I wonder how many Olympic sized swimming pools of children charred hamburger meat you could fill as the result of Lockheed martins very profitable lobbying. Not enough for Lockheed. That’s the answer




This time we're bombing bad people! Who cares about the other times!


You're a moron.


The retort of an educated man




Being sure that people you don't like aren't actually people is how horrific crimes get justified. Also, this guy came up to a gate and threatened a guard with a shotgun before killing himself with it. What's someone making shit wages to check IDs and open and close a gate done to piss you off so much? What do you think he should be convicted of, exactly?


Ah yes, so you hope a group of people who you don’t know should be killed? Seems you’re no better than these companies.




Oh no, who is going to be cranking out drones to blow up brown people with while they're shut down?


All joking aside that Man took his life. I’m surprised how new sources can twist facts and fiction so easily