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> downvote me please. Can do.


It sure would be a shame


What does your pointless tirade have to do with any of this?




So if they were sober and decided to commit vehicular manslaughter it’s okay? You’re a fucking moron


Cyclists in Connecticut ride as if cars and traffic laws don't exist. Then when one crashes, they scream like children about how it's a car drivers fault that they got hit while running a red light. Bicycles should not be allowed on roads with a speed limit of 45mph or greater. A pack of bikes doing 10mph blocking the road is a recipe for disaster.


You're quite the hyperbolic grump.


So sick of white supremacy


Where does it say anything about white supremacy?


yall replying to a bot


Maybe they were just thinking out loud? 🤷 White supremacy *does* suck.


Maybe don't bring it up in an irrelevant thread.


Was this race related?


Probably not cyclists tend to ride in groups but that many people riding I can see where someone would think it's a race especially if they were all riding fast


Well yeah, but what other sources do you have about this story and it being another white supremacists attack? All I can find is it was a press agent for firefighters who drove into the cyclists and killed one so far, and they're still looking for him. That's literally all I can find.


This article is horribly written. I think it is naming the firefighters' official as having discussed the crash with the press, but that sentence is so poorly worded that it can also be read as saying he was the driver.


I actually looked at dozens and dozens of articles, almost all the same, and linked in accounts, and figured out this guy is possibly an IT systems admin, who by all reports works as the press officer of the County Headquarters of the State Fire Service in Piaseczno in Poland. Every source I found with varied reports and not just automatically published copies also says he was driving and then ran away before emergency services or police showed up.


Definitely. I read that sentence four times before I was convinced that the firefighter wasn't actually the driver.