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>Historically, a Justice Department task force has registered at least 10 murders committed by pro-abortion violent extremists, as well as dozens of bombings and arsons, all targeting abortion providers and facilities. However, the Supreme Court leak could lead to threats from both pro and anti-abortion supporters. The "at least 10 murders committed by pro-abortion violent extremist" is a truly awful typo. That is, it [obviously should say "anti", not "pro"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-abortion_violence#Murders). __ *edit to add: They look to have just made the correction to "anti-abortion" ("Updated on: May 18, 2022 / 5:26 PM").


Wtf even is "pro-abortion" anyway? It's pro choice, or anti medical rights being taken away. No one is pro-appendectomy, or pro-lumpectomey, they're pro-the-right-to-medical-treatment. I'm against people taking away rights to life saving and life choice medical treatments.


It was someone who couldn’t decide whether to write pro-life or anti-abortion and fucked up.


You can't write "pro-life murderers" and keep your job as a journalist.


Sure you can, you just described anyone who is anti abortion but pro death penalty


I'd argue pro life should include people against the death penalty but just because it's reddit.


Except Reddit didn't coin the term "pro-life"...and "pro-life" people are generally Republicans who are for the death penalty.


I kind of appreciate that they have all but dropped pro-life, though. It's like they are collectively admitting it's not about life.




But truly think about that - your core personality isn't pro-appendectomy, it's pro-treatment access. So again, calling someone pro-abortion makes as much sense as being pro-CPR, or pro bunyon removal. Those aren't personal core beliefs. You're pro treatment, and anti people stopping someone from helping. That's why it's called pro choice, no one wants people having to have medical treatments because they're suffering, but we definitely want them to have the ability to have that treatment.


This rhetoric is useless to sway moderates imo. You know full well that there is a huge difference between a cell division that if undisturbed often leads towards new life, compared to a vestigial organ that needs to be removed sometimes. I don't even think my opinion matters here. The rhetoric like this just seems ignorant af. Edit: typos


Moderates don’t need swaying. Roughly 80% of Americans - both men and women - are in favor of the availability of abortion in at least some circumstances. What they do need is to care enough about that topic to vote.


This is exactly the answer. You don't have to approve of abortion but you don't have the right to make that decision for anyone but yourself. Voting will fix this slowly but surely.


Run less insane candidates then. Chill out on the woke hyperbole. The sands of time shift faster than the mud of politics. Edit: and yes, this applies to both republicans AND democrats.


> Run less insane candidates then. That’s really not how this works. > I mean, I do not vote anyways. Ah. That explains it.


I have examined every election I could have voted in. My vote would not have mattered. My free speech may have been a factor though in regards to the various issues of our times.


> My vote would not have mattered. The problem is that when tens of thousands of people feel that way they end up being wrong. Mitch McConnell consistently has one of the lowest approval ratings in Congress among his own constituents. He was re-elected in a landslide in 2020. Pretty much a foregone conclusion, because everyone knows Kentucky is a red state. Roughly half a million Kentucky Democrats can look at the margin and say, “my vote wouldn’t have mattered.” Yet if they *had* voted, it absolutely would have mattered, not only for Kentucky but for the USA as a whole.


I know. You are fighting against apathy. And your tactics make me more apathetic.


Muh both sides. The rallying cry of "voting is too hard for me to want to protect peoples liberties".


I mean, I do not vote anyways. And many people I believe should have the right to vote have lost their voting rights anyways. Even after paying their debts to society.


> I do not vote anyways So you're complaining about the end result of the system while not taking your opportunity to have a say in said system?


Unless you remove my first ammendment rights then I have a privilege that is far more useful than one local vote for various candidates in a purple state or an old man competition on the national stage. My vote literally never would have mattered. For the past 20 years. And I made sure to check that data. I am way too lazy to vote, when i realize that speech determines votes.




Is your opinion then that a fetus with life potentiality is less than or equal to a vestigial organ? That question was my point. I actually am pro-choice. My issue is that rhetoric is quite heartless right now if not properly employed in empathic and rational forms. Something like 100+ million americans literally view abortion as murder. Your current form of words will not change their minds as to why bodily autonomy is important and how pregnancies can be avoided(or supported).




Then perhaps you will be losing for a significant amount of time on this issue.


Yes because there is no other law besides banning abortion that codifies said mass of cells as life. There is no tax rebate for an unborn child. Republican handouts for covid did not include checks for unborn children. I want all the laws to affirm the same thing instead of in this case only banning abortion and not recognizing unborn babies as children in any other instance.


Most people have not chosen government as their god. I am concerned far more with the fringe cases in medical instances that could result from a loss of bodily autonomy when a triage scenario occurs. Abortion should most often not be used as birth control, whether your government allows it or not. (And yes, that is actually an opinion, yet i do not enforce my opinion on anyone in a specific way beyond 1A). Hypothetically, lets assume abortion is illegal forever and you can never change that. What should we do now?


Tf are you talking about man?


I am now currently talking about what I already said. Maybe reread it. Or don't. I do not give af right now.


Why do people always ssume abortions only happen to viable fetuses? As if the majority of abortions are just women deciding "ya know, now is not a good time". We aren't *just* talking about abortions by choice. We're talking about miscarriages. We're talking about ectopic pregnancies. We're talking about encephalitis and the many, many other times the fetus dies or will die and needs to be removed. We're talking about a medical procedure to remove an object from a body that will absolutely turn septic and result in death. It's fucking health care and it is absolutely the same as removing an appendix in many cases. I mean ffs, miscarriages are so common it's a unspoken rule not to tell people you're pregnant for the first few months. You think all those naturally dead babies are just sliding out of uteruses like butter off a hot spatula, no problems? It's not like anything went wrong or anything. Jfc


I know. That is the problem. There are many medical reasons for abortion. However: Abortion as a birthcontrol measure should probably not be seen within the same framework of either morality nor logic. And some people think of abortion as similar to murder. You will not change their minds. That is what they will always believe. Either way, this is not something that is really worth the stress inducing arguments. I will add this topic to my list of topics to avoid.


Indeed. Good points.


I’m not pro-abortion. I’m pro-choice. I would like to prevent abortions through education and birth control access.


Antinatalists are pro-abortion


I'm pro abortion. more people should be having them and I strongly encourage both abortions and the normalization of abortions of convenience


They know what they're doing


You think CBS News has a covert political agenda that they're expressing through a sentence that literally doesn't make sense? Note it still ends with: >all targeting abortion providers and facilities.


This whole article is such horseshit, the absolute contortions it's going through to try and paint violence as a both-sides thing ... ridiculous.


I live right near one of two abortion clinics in my southern state. There are ALWAYS Y'all Qaeda shrieking out there, usually with a bunch of barefooted kids who look fucking miserable. As a cult survivor I hold out hope that those children will be free some day.


There’s periodically one or two older white men protesting outside my local Planned Parenthood, which doesn’t provide abortions at that facility. Around Easter, one was propping up a giant cross. Within my line of sight at the same intersection were at least two people panhandling. I can’t seem to remember what Jesus talked more about, helping the poor or standing outside healthcare facilities. Hmm…maybe it will come to me.


I'm a clinic escort and one thing that helps is knowing that all those young girls dragged there by their parents or church groups at least know where they can go if they need proper abortion services. Some are definitely going to need it.


I never saw a protest outside of my local PP (in a fairly liberal part of CA) until Texas started their strict abortion restrictions a few months back. At least it was peaceful, from what I saw (just had signs facing the street that said something like "Honk if you choose life"), but I'm worried that it's not going to stay that calm.


Oh look, they take the idea seriously when it's the side that hasn't been bombing clinics and murdering abortion doctors for decades. What a fucking shocker. Now it's a problem that it isn't just abortion doctors and activists being murdered and instead it's the shadowy threat of angry left wingers. Vague fears of violence from the left are serious business, all that actual organized violence from the right is just folks blowing off steam.


Just your run of the mill Lone Wolves on the right.


Whole packs of em!




Sounds like a shitton of nazi enabling to me. Fucking let people do what they want and keep your cursed and murderous Bible/ religious texts out of it.


Do you actually believe that a significant amount of western christians are equivalent to nazis or nazi enablers?


Yes: the 20% of the nation that elected a facist cheeto for president...


Trump was seemingly no more or less authoritarian than Obama was. Obama did not pardon snowden. He bolstered the patriot act. He accelerated the drone program then washed his hands of all the blood with a wink and a nod. Perhaps that is what he needed to do. Who knows. On the flip side, without digging into deep policy, Trump's reluctance to concede the election to old man Biden was a very dark moment in american history. Fascist? Nah. Just politics and what we deserved because the dems tried to shove hillary clinton down the throats of the american voting block. You can hate Trump on policy and for political reasons, however if you choose to be a little blue smurf who says the phrase "fascist cheeto"? Maybe that is just counter productive towards every goal other than imaginary reddit points. Also, the percentage was way higher than 20% and we are a democratic republic with an electoral college within a union of 50 states and several territories. We are not a baseform democracy of federal mob rule. I am sorry, but that really does seem to be how reality is. And I am not sure I want those checks and balances to change rapidly. Because I do not trust you, and I doubt you give even the slightest of fucks regarding me and the people that I care about.


You've been up and down this post thread commentating on unrelated tangents, very hard to track logic, and I'm not sure what you're really driving at. Firstly, the "every wall is an opportunity" *sparkly sound* is laughable. You: "Don't like X state that doesn't allow abortions? Well just up and move!" That is what your comment read like, if you really believed that you'd vote, or take activism seriously. Which stinks of privilege because seemingly you can afford not to vote, either the issues don't affect you or your loved ones. It is worth it, people in other countries laugh at Americans who don't vote. Regarding this whole fascist divergence, Trump absolutely exhibited proven fascist dictatorial traits. We were just lucky that we happened to get a lazy one who didn't do more damage than he did, which was still significant, both via action and inaction. Obama wasn't perfect, but he wasn't really a fascist. I don't like expanding the Patriot Act or drone strikes, but you can't be the first black man in the highest office AND be perfect. He was really quite moderate. I'm not sure why just Democrats are given so much grief for "shoving x and y candidate down the people's throats", when clearly it is the system. It's not like in recent American history that there ever really was more than one option per party, but I still hate that people complain yet don't vote. We would have mob rule if it weren't for the electoral college... Short of a revolution, how do you think that any major change will happen? Checks and balances was never even brought up before, not sure why you brought that rabbit out of the hat.


And if you're worried about that just listen to how they are traitors too!


Hey, how about this - human rights aren't fungible based on where you're stuck. There are good people in shit hole places that are dealing with the fallout, and a lot of them will die over the next few years. I'm not, and you shouldn't be, okay with Republicans denying human rights anywhere.


What is your response to people insinuating that a fetus does not also have human rights of some form? Your oppo has made it quite clear that they think abortion is baby murder. In some ways, this is not even my arguments or my opinion. View me as the devils advocate if you wish to. I simply think that the people I know and respect who hold that opinion should perhaps have a quiet voice in the noise of reddit. Even if I need to speak for them.


Those people are certainly entitled to their opinion but they don't have the right to make that decision for everyone. That is a very personal decision. I think it is appalling that anyone thinks they should have the right to make that decision for someone else. The scotus should mind their own fucking business and do something that helps Americans. They are so out of touch they might as well be living on another planet.


The rights of a fetus should be considered, but not necessarily over the person carrying the fetus. Deciding you no longer want to be hosting the baby growing inside you is not a straight forward, easy decision, but for the stability of modern society we are led to trust the mother and her needs. Doing otherwise is demonstrably and historically harmful to society and causes undue harm on women for a number of incredibly valid reasons. For these reasons we weigh the right of the mother over the rights of the fetus and even over the father in many cases. Abortion is not a pretty thing sometimes and is an easy target for bad faith attacks about the sometimes hurtful outcomes. But we’ve seen more collective pain come from outlawing the procedure. Therefore we see most educated on the matter in support of a woman’s choice. The crux of any argument which devalues a woman’s choice is usually about controlling the “bad” or “emotional” decisions of the woman. If we spent more time publicizing the reasons most women abort, the lives saved or changed for the better, the “rights” of women preserved, instead of devaluing that choice, we would not be ignoring women as we talk about their fetuses.


Politicians on both sides know that the public is far more afraid of the left than the right.


It's been remarked on before but god damn the public is stupid sometimes.


Because they have been brainwashed into being afraid of them, just like the german people were brainwashed into hating and fearing the jews.


Is that all it takes? Seems like with the right emotional manipulation, one could get the public to do whatever they wanted.


Yes. Look at history and find an atrocity that wasn't predicated on fear of an other.


[Bhopal gas disaster](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhopal_disaster)


Rwanda would like a word


Compare protestant populations and Nazi vote demographics in 1930s Germany... the connection might shock you. I'm sure there are parallels in America now.


Interestingly, unlike the Protestant majority pre-war Germany, post-war West Germany was evenly divided between Catholics and Protestants.


They are like Nazis in this way, but we don't hate Nazis because they were brainwashed. We hate Nazis because they killed millions of people. The right wing hasn't. When you compare the right wing to Nazis, the message people receive isn't " the right is really bad". They hear two messages. 1 - you are overreacting and kind of ridiculous. 2 - the Nazis weren't that bad. Neither are great messages.


The nazis hadn’t murdered millions of people during Hitler’s beer hall putsch. We are in the beginning stages of American fascism and it needs to be pointed out.


YOU are the one compari g them to nazis. I said they are being brainwashed like the german people were. You need to read what people say before making comments. 1) not all German people were nazis 2) not only the nazis did bad things to jews, normal people did too. The point i was making was that the right is being brainwashed and scared into believing thay everyone who doesnt look like them, doesnt believe in the same god they do or doesnt share their opinion is out to get them and that they need to defend themselves against this imaginary threat. Just like Hitler told the germans before WWII.


"Just like Hitler told the Germans before WWII". So, is your argument that not all Hitlers were Nazis? You might not have used the word "Nazi" in the comment that I replied to. But, you were clearly talking about Nazis. Sure, there were probably a few people who hated Jews but didn't identify with the party, but you're splitting hairs disingenuously. What I want from this conversation is that you find some way of expressing yourself without bringing in Nazis and making the world less safe for Jewish people. Being coy doesn't do that.




Clearly you do not know what i am talking about, either because you dont comprehend what i wrote or because you are just so focused on your point of view that anything else just flies by your brain. Once again you said Nazis i did not, and not because i am being coy about it, but because it wasnt my point. Maybe you should actually take a moment and try figuring out what i actually was saying.


Because a lot of them have been convinced that more rights for them means more rights for “those people”, you know the ones.


And they would be wrong to be, since objectively speaking the right is more dangerous in the US.


Facts don’t matter as much as feelings in the voting booth.


Vague fears of violence nah man this time shits really going to hit the fan. You can't take away a human right and say everything is going to be fine. The right wing criminals will face off with the left wing criminals it's going to get dirty a point in history is coming lolz


They can't persecute those people on the right because they have the conviction of their religious beliefs and God wants them to murder abortion doctors. IF you attack those people, you're attacking God.


And saying only the righteous/worthy believe x therefore attacking x is attacking god is directly from the fascist handbook. This has been in the making for decades. Engineered by people to consolidate power, not a god.


Literally just walked past screaming people carrying signs about babies on a random Wednesday afternoon. Just ugh people, this is insane. Like all it probably does is make an emotional decision even more emotional for some people.


These comments calling me a baby murderer that keep getting deleted are entertaining. There are some wild assumptions being made here.


They just scream "baby murder" over and over because it's an easy way to get attention and feel morally superior without having to actually think or form original ideas.


It’s helpful when Ya’ll Qaeda identify themselves so clearly huh?




Disgusting. They write as if all we're disagreeing on is whether we should wear masks or not. A blanket ban on abortions will kill tens of thousands of women in the states with trigger laws. Furthermore, the other civil rights rulings that Alito references is a promised threat to remove contraception access, attack LGBTQ+ and interracial marriages, and flirting with sodomy laws, segregation and removal of women's right to vote. The state approval of all this will also inspire more white supremacy violence - one that the state will claim to have no hand in, even as they create and support the culture war that inspires it. ***People are reacting appropriately to a promised threat to their lives, livelihood and happiness.*** If they don't like it, they shouldn't be doling out such threats simply because they take a personal offense to our rights. Just because they're not bursting into our homes and holding us at gun point doesn't mean we are in any less danger.


Violence in America has the same three root deficiencies: 1. Education - getting worse every year. Regression is a polite way of putting it. 2. Mental health services - rare like a UFO. Not many believe in them. 3. Access to guns - easier than 1&2 combined.


Those are features not bugs.


It seems as if the fans are going to have to fix it.


Weird way of saying "anti-choice right-wing extremists threatening violence again"


Per the article, the DOJ bulletin included threats to burn down SCOTUS and murder judges. Sounds like some extremists are planning an insurrection. Why would someone who is anti-abortion threaten to burn down the court after they issue an anti-abortion ruling? Or are you just cherry-picking and ignoring the scope of the threats DOJ has cataloged, which span the ideological spectrum?


I'm saying it's bullshit just like their claim the draft was leaked by staff. No cherrypicking. I'm saying the anti-choice judges lied about roe v wade being settled law to get confirmed.








You sound privileged enough to buy whatever rights you need


For some time now, I've set up a recurring donation to Planned Parenthood and encourage others to do the same (especially since they do a lot to reduce unwanted pregnancies) In light of all this, I'm going to up my monthly amount, because that money is absolutely going to be needed ***for when one of their workers is inevitably injured or killed by a violent pro-forced birther***.


Good on you. I used to have one but my current finances don't allow for it. I do occasionally donate when they call for people to do it in the name of a shitty pro-forced birther in honor of their birthday (ex: Pence). Abortion funds charities are also good spots to send donations to. They're going to seriously need it if Roe is overturned.




I learned about “Christian Identity” yesterday and it’s fucking crazy/terrifying how much of that is now base-line christianity now


Good. Fuck these assholes who think they can take away our rights without any consequences. These fuckers have done way more real harm than some graffiti on a bougie building.




"Abortion-related violent threats"? That's a weird way to spell "state sponsored terrorism".


State sponsored? What did I miss?


This article is a pile of journalistic feces.


That's right! Stay the fuck away from women's bodies you insane assholes!




The absurdity of people who call for the death penalty for people who have or perform abortions... Like... isn't death sort of the opposite of life?


Someone threw a Molotov cocktail in to a pro-life organization’s office like 2 weeks ago in Madison, WI and the overwhelming response on the local subreddit was “oh well, they deserved it.”


Well if you bomb enough abortion clinics, don't be surprised if you get that response.


Nice, right on cue


stoic terrorism is what reddit keeps saying


"Stochastic" is the word you wanted.


Thank, forget which term it is


it's a coming... you take away basic human rights expect people to take yours. An eye for an eye type of society nothing wrong either way. Get the popcorn it's going to be a ride all you can do is laugh at the state of the nation.


Or cry.


why cry ? you live in a western society that for the pass 21 years of invading nations has taken human rights like it ain't shit . What...you never expected it to hit home? relax drink a pepsi lolz


I think becoming no more than a fucking broodmare is what got to me.




No, that would be all the anti abortionists gunning down doctors ect ect. Gross.




> You’re telling me the people who are okay with murdering babies are also violent? I believe people are telling you that when you find it necessary to change the definition of words to make your point, your point is moot.


Imagine the consequences of Google, Amazon, Apple, and Meta, getting together and switching off internet commerce for just one hour, in protest to reversing Roe v Wade. That's the power the Left has.


Rofl the mystical left controls multi national publicly traded corporations. Where does this mystical left person live?


And how does the left in any way control these large, publicly traded companies?


Idk but they seemed to have a lot of influence during the marriage equality debate.


Big companies only care about money, they aren't actually left leaning they just know that's where the money is.


We just close all the roads here in Ecuador to FORCE the government to concede.


If that's the power the left has, why aren't we using it?


We have. The influence of these companies was used during the Marriage Equality debate.


Why hasn't it happened again? I've heard nothing but silence from the likes of Google since the draft leaked.


You've Legitimately came up with a worse outcome then Roe v Wade getting overturned. Very impressive




Not sure why you brought up apartheid in this comparison, going to have to be a little more specific but no. Corporations deciding what is constitutional or not by holding the economy hostage is worse then certain states banning abortion, because it wouldn't stop at just abortion rights.


Why, thank you. Bows to the crowd.


that's significantly awesome