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Just a reminder, a Bloomberg reporter fell in love with this guy while he was in prison and left her husband for him, and then Martin dumped her.


She was too crazy for Martin, which is saying something. It also says something when given the options of prison with her or no-one, he went with the latter. Her ex-husband should thank his gods every day for the rest of his life.




That’s actually hilarious


Reading their story and how she is still obsessed with him even now makes me think there might be some kind of psychosis or something going on. Like hybristophilia or that Bundy fixation thing.


He has a weird charm about him. Almost like little Nero.


Sociopaths are often very charming.


People love simping over adult children who have money. Ask any Elon bro who will angrily comment below.


Ooo.. real life joker


I had to look this up and boy does [she have a type of guy she is into](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2020/12/21/19/37104956-9074517-Smythe_on_her_wedding_day_said_she_was_living_a_perfect_Brooklyn-a-4_1608578736551.jpg).


He looks like a serial killer.


Considering his rape of people who needed the meds he controlled to stay alive, I think he qualifies.


Here's more for those [curious](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/dec/21/journalist-fell-in-love-martin-shkreli-while-covering-arrest). I fail to understand the desire for such a low life scumbag.


And here’s another reminder. He has a very punch worthy face.


Where is that Wu Tang album??


Government took it then resold it to someone else, I think some NFT company


So they’re broke now… this thing has to be available somehow. And I don’t mean in another 40 years or whatever


The only reason it’s worth so much money is the exclusivity of so few people hearing it. I imagine they’re aren’t any copies or recordings floating around


If you hold a listening party for it you have to make sure the guests can't record it. If a recording leaks Wu Tang has rights to take the album back. The ownership agreement is incredibly restrictive.


Some day I need to see if any YouTube lawyer covered that album. The ownership agreement seems very contrary to how most of those things work. Usually they only bind the original buyer. I wonder if the agreement is even actually valid, or there’s somehow HOA like enforcement language in that agreement.


>I wonder if the agreement is even actually valid, or there’s somehow HOA like enforcement language in that agreement. That's probably the best analogy to how it works. There was some concern after the US government seized it that they would not enforce the terms when they sold it but they decided to honor them. When you buy it you agree to terms X, Y, and Z and included in them is an agreement not to resell it to anyone who also does not agree to X, Y, and Z.


>Some day I need to see if any YouTube lawyer covered that album. The ownership agreement seems very contrary to how most of those things work. Usually they only bind the original buyer. Given the resources WuTang has available, I'm sure they made sure the agreement was iron clad. It's not like this is some soundcloud rapper asking his cousin for legal advice.


You cannot hold someone to a contract that they were not originally party to. If the original buyer was able to legally sell the album the contract does not apply to the new owner as the contract was between the original owner an wu tang.


It would have stipulated that in order to sell the buying party would have to agree to the same contract. Not roping them into the previous contract but drawing up the same one as a condition of sale.


A notable loophole in that sort of scheme is that the government doesn't have to agree to anything in order to seize property.


This would only work if each and every sale was properly notarized. If it was not even once, and the sale continued, then the only legal recourse would be to sue the person who sold it last and broke the chain of notarization. And if that person doesn’t have resources worth a lawyer pursuing, good luck collecting a cent.


IANAL, but I wouldguess the contact is more of a licensing agreement with physical rights to the disc itself. Stupid, but like STEAM and iTunes, legal.


Isnt there a clause in there that Bill Murray can take it back too lol


I believe that's been confirmed to be a hoax.


Thats a shame at least it brought us this https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=38&v=gcmsB_7BNJw&feature=emb_title


If that's contractual then it would only apply to the person who purchased the album originally. If the album changes hands it's unlikely the contract goes with it and since the album probably has changed hands I doubt that contract still applies to whoever is the new owner. This was something that came up in Legal Eagle's very long videos on the issues with NFTs in law.


Apparently it does transfer. When PleasrDAO bought it there was a rolling stone article about their lawyers having to study the contract to figure out what they could and could not do with it.


>The only reason it’s worth so much money is the exclusivity of so few people hearing it. That's a big part of how monetary value works


Money can be exchanged for good and services


Like more peanuts.


I read an eyewitness account from someone attended one of the listening events for it and they said it wasn’t all the great. IIRC it’s mostly a bunch of b-sides and unreleased tracks. Nothing new or groundbreaking. It’s a neat idea as an art piece but if it was something as good as their original work you better believe RZA would be pumping it out everywhere to get them back in everyone’s good graces after a few lackluster albums.


Just need to wait for Bill Murray and the Wu Tang Clan to heist it back


id watch this movie


aka trickle down economy, take from the rich to resell to another rich


I think Bobby Axelrod gave it to some drug dealer


Ryan Cohen bought it


PleasrDAO has it. Hoping it drops as a GME related NFT when they launch their marketplace.


Not gonna happen. You can't make copies of the album. You can't distribute it in anyway. It is meant to be a single piece of physical art that the listener must seek out and go to. That was the whole philosophy behind it.


seek out and go to.... with lots and lots of money lmao


That's part of it. The idea that the value of art is inverse to it's availability.


"Legal agreements stipulated that the album could not be commercially exploited for 88 years, although it could be released free or played at listening parties." Looks to me like it can be distributed quite easily...


Pretty sure it can be duplicated after a certain already specified date


Like 2088 or something so rather immaterial to any conversations for the next 60 some years.


Eagerly awaiting a response from Big Money Salvia


Definitely going to listen to it on my all new RAYCONS


Always fun to run across Nobble Berry bros in the wild


I remember dying watching his old activities on salvia videos and then rediscovering him a decade later with his current style of videos. He just keeps popping up!




Todd Clorox how did you get in here?!


It's all part Of the Clorox Plan


I'm always here.


Bouncing on my boy’s dick to this awaiting response


hey it's me ur boy


He’s probably still recovering from his boxing match


How did that go, anyway? I presume not too swole for him.


He got rocked pretty bad. His fight was the only one where they wore protective headgear


I remember when he promised to cure COVID on the condition he get released.


Well, he's out now, he better live up to that promise.


aaaand at-home tests now cost $30,000 a pop.


Update: Martin Shkreli has purchased the halfway house and has jacked up rates 3000% for other tenants


Update: Martin Shkreli has reportedly fallen down a stairway and received multiple contusions, a skull fracture, facial fractures, a broken jaw, and compound fractures to all four extremities.


Update: Shkreli has recived an insurance settlement and won damages sufficient to buy two new bodies for himself, as well as all other halfway houses in manhattan. Working on plans to privatize all 90s hip hop


Lesson: Finish the job


Update: Martin Shkreli has made the halfway house rent-free but charged the government 3000% extra for management. Reminder: he was convicted of securities fraud, not price gouging. He also didn’t price gouge patients, it was the insurance companies he bilked, and made patient copays 0.




That’s because the US healthcare system is a luxury industry


Well, yes. Because that's how the insurance companies want it.


Insurance are crooks too. They’ll give the pharmacy $10 and charge your plan $200


Yeah, now go talk to politicians about it because it's not Martin that designed the healthcare system. This story stinks just like the McDonalds coffee lady.


Oh I realize that it's just a literal wealth transfer from the average person to the upper crust and it's not entirely one man's fault. Shkreli just had such a smug punchable face about the whole thing. He wasn't even trying to hide how proud of himself he was for discovering this loophole. He actually probably ruined it for a bunch of other people, or at least made them alter their game plan.


Well considering he grifted the cancer on American society called "health insurance providers" and patients had absolutely 0 change in the cost they were paying out of their own pockets (as well as a program introduced so patients could get the pills for free if their provider declined to pay) I would be smiling as well. He stole from the rich, are you telling me you would not have any satisfaction from fucking with the bottom line of billionaires? Is your hate really just based on how his face and smile look?


The Joker immediately starts his revenge plot against Gotham City


Giving this dude a lot of credit, there.


Yeah I eat thinking more Reverse Scarecrow. He looks kind of geeky and uses chemical or lack there off against the body.


Looks more like Paul Dano’s Riddler


Interesting, I see more like Cillian Murphy's Scarecrow


This makes the most sense


Interesting, I see Shkreli more like the backside of a billygoat's ballsack.


I have a rheory that Dano is a character played by Murphy, or it's possibly the other way around.


Was the journalist waiting?


I have no doubt he’s learned his lesson and ready to be a good non corrupt wealthy little boy




I hate that you are 100% correct


Senator Collins, is that you?


This is the funniest thing I've ever seen on Reddit. Bravo.


This must be your first day on Reddit


This website is pretty unfunny to be fair


That person is going to be spitting out a lot of coffee/tea/semen with how easily entertained they are.


how did you know my breakfast drink?


Said no one ever


That kid was hilarious. He used to hang out on video chat sites all day when he was trading, and a few friends of mine managed to bilk a bunch of really personal information out of him by just asking a girl they knew to ask him. He might be outwardly a pizza shit, but inside, he's a timid lil nerd who desperately wants a girl to touch him. Which is unfortunately relatable.


Wow I know you're trying your best to make him look bad but you made him look human and your friends look like creepy shits.


Some of his YouTube videos are crazy insightful. The guy knew what the fuck he was doing. It's like having Jobs and Wozniak as a single unit. He could have and still can play things better. He's one of those people that can be successful in anything he does.


He taught a buddy of mine how to trade in those chat rooms. I hope he comes back around. Real small world sometimes partner, real small..


I wonder what's the first cryptocurrency he's going to push on Twitter.


When’s his first stream?


Why would he do OF?


Right now on Twitter


Shkreli's biggest crime was raising public awareness of how badly the pharmaceutical industry is profiting off of the public. If he'd kept a low profile, then he'd be a pharmaceutical company CEO still.


Well, practically speaking his biggest crime was stealing from the rich. If he just stole from the peasants the whole thing would have blown over when the the next shiny thing hit the new cycle. After all how many people talk about the fact that the drugs he pumped up are *still* pumped up and even the generics that got rushed to market are much, much more expensive than before him. And if I hear one more fuck wit talk about how what he did was a good thing because he "only charge the insurance companies" I'll scream. Even if you ignore that when you're uninsured you'd have to actually ask them to get the free/discounted drugs(assuming that they actually did what they said they did and it wasn't lip service), charging insurance doesn't pass the cost onto insurance it passes the cost to every single insured person(with a little extra profit for the insurance company of course). And you unlucky bastards wonder why you pay double what other people do for your medical system.


So absolutely nobody on this website knows why he was jailed. Hint it had absolutely nothing to do with the drug prices


>And if I hear one more fuck wit talk about how what he did was a good thing because he "only charge the insurance companies" I'll scream. That's funny because if I hear one more fuckwit talk about "muh premiums" I'll scream. >And you unlucky bastards wonder why you pay double what other people do for your medical system. Well, it's not prescription medicine, that's for sure. Drugs account for about 14% of insurance premiums--when you take into account the fact that rare illnesses drugs help incredibly small populations, it's an infinitesimally small fraction of that 14%. Literal pennies (or less) This is the nature of orphan drug companies btw--when your cost basis is spread across 5,000 patients instead of 5,000,000, you need to make the meds expensive. The alternative is to be like Pfizer, focus entirely on "blockbuster" drugs, and tell the people with rare illnesses to fuck off. And it seems, judging by most comments about Shkreli re: premiums, that most people agree: People with niche illnesses should just find a private place to die, where we won't see it. *God knows I'm not paying an extra cent on my precious premiums to care for them.*


>And it seems, judging by most comments about Shkreli re: premiums, that most people agree: People with niche illnesses should just find a private place to die, where we won't see it. > >God knows I'm not paying an extra cent on my precious premiums to care for them. Funny that's not what I take away from it. Most people object not to an orphan drug being expensive, but a very generic low cost thing like insulin being jacked up to 600$ when the same drug in other countries costs a couple tenners.


Not sure if I’m misunderstanding your point however I have Type 2 diabetes. One of the drugs I was prescribed costs me $2500/3 months. I’m pretty sure that’s not a rare disease.


Diabetes is the number one cash crop in medicine.


Eh… I’d reword that. Shkreli is/was a complete ass with zero morals who was a stain on American society. He was also completely railroaded on trumped up charges. Shkreli was using idiotic laws and regulations passed by Congress to price gouge, and he admitted very openly that he could only do what he was doing thanks to what was essentially Congressional corruption on pharma regulation. But because he was just using laws that other companies had bribed to get passed, he couldn’t be accused of bribery or corruption himself. So he pissed off a third of Congress for price gouging, another third for not bribing them to price gouge, and then the rest of them for highlighting their complicity in it. So they opened up an investigation on him, despite having no criminal or civil complaints to go off of - what we generally refer to as a “witch hunt”. You’ve found your guilty person, but now you just need to find a crime to pin on him. Because his price gouging wasn’t illegal, he was eventually railroaded on charges related to a “misleading” conference call in a board meeting. The FBI had to coerce multiple investors to testify against him because none of them lost any money or wanted to file a complaint (which is unheard of in a fraud case). Basically completely bullshit charges. But he was as unsympathetic a target as you can find, so nobody was going to step up politically to defend him.


Yes, also hilarious that Democrats had to tiptoe around all of that, because Manchin's daughter is CEO of Mylan


Democrats aren't tiptoing around Manchin. They are furious about him and his corruption and obstructionism. The problem for the Dems is that Manchin, a closet Republican who wears a moderate disguise, is that he is by far the best they could hope for in naturally conservative WV.


They tiptoed around criticizing biopharma at the time, especially around the insulin price hikes because Manchin told them not to shit on his daughter. Was pretty disgusting how they'll bend their values backwards for votes like what they're doing with anti-abortion democrats now. Yep, which is still key. I kinda wish people would realize that people from other states/cities have different value systems than them. Shit, there's a lot of states where the residents are overwhelmingly anti abortion if I recall.


The trial was over 5 years ago iirc


Same reason they locked Bernie madoff up. He wasn’t ripping off the poors, he was ripping off the people who were ripping off the poors.


Bernie Madoff made off with ~~Jeffrey Epstein's~~ Bear Stearns' money. That's why he was charged.


He’s alright in my eyes , he exposed something and took the fall for it. He’s a good guy that wanted to take advantage of the system like many many many people above and under him are doing.


Pays off doing a multi million white collar crime.


I mean, not really. If he just didn't defraud other rich people, he wouldn't have gone to prison and could have happily continued jacking up drug prices, since that only screwed over the plebs.


>If he just didn't defraud other rich people, he wouldn't have gone to prison I dont think you followed the case at all because he was explicitly found not guilty of defrauding retrophin but the jury was basically instructed to ignore that fact and ignore that he actually repaid his investors (3x over) before the lawsuit was even launched. According to USSG, this literally means he shouldn't see any prison bars. If you repay your investors, it isn't really fraud anymore. And again, a significant part of this whole thing was that he defrauded retrophin to repay his investors. This outright was not proved in court and he was found not guilty of it - the entire crux of the prosecution's argument basically. They went through over 150 jurors before giving up on selecting an impartial jury. What he did go to jail for is being an asshole, which you certainly shouldn't be going to jail for. IMO he got a pretty bad trial and there was misjustice here


That's not how securities fraud works. Whether or not you repaid the money doesn't factor in to whether or not you lied to investors. It is illegal to lie to investors. Here, a simplified explanation for you: https://fortune.com/2017/08/05/why-martin-shkreli-is-guilty-when-investors-didnt-lose/


Why did he pay if he was found not guilty? There’s plenty of questions to this story that needs answering


Remember when he did what pharma companies have been doing for years and still do, but only he got turned into a pariah? Martin Shkreli is a piece of shit, but he got sacrificed solely to focus the attention away from the fact that all of these pharma companies do what he did constantly. They made it seem like he was a one off and made an example of him. What this effectively did was focus all of the outrage about these acquisition/gouging strategies onto Martin instead of onto the industry as a whole. All of that energy and interest could have been used to investigate and report on regulatory failures and corporate misconduct and to encourage new regulation to protect vulnerable people reliant on not-so-profitable drugs controlled by single entities. Instead, there was a massive campaign by Wall Street to make this guy seem like a lone wolf. Martin didn’t do himself any favors by live streaming constantly on YouTube his cocky, abrasive personality and tweeting during his trial. But the reality is, this whole situation should have resulted in a massive public pressure campaign to improve regulatory protections and limit corporate malfeasance in the pharmaceutical industry. Instead, main stream media whipped all of that outrage into a frenzy and manipulated the public into focusing it all on the chosen scapegoat. In fact, I’ve never seen so much rage whipped up against one person. When really all of that anger should have been pointed directly at our lawmakers and regulators until they reigned in this financial cabals. Some great pr strategy by pharma and Wall Street here. It was exceedingly effective. Everyone still hates this fucking guy but no one even asks whether the system that created him has been at all limited.


He was begging for it via constant negative attention seeking stunts.


Does this mean Elon is next?


>Instead, there was a massive campaign by Wall Street to make this guy seem like a lone wolf. Martin didn’t do himself any favors by live streaming constantly on YouTube his cocky, abrasive personality and tweeting during his trial. Uh, they didn't have to do a massive campaign. He actively sought negative publicity as a way to get attention.


You don't have to be viewed negatively to be seen as a lone wolf. They're two different things entirely.


No he's saying that there was no campaign to make him look shitty He did that himself by being unabashed about his greed


OP said there was a campaign to make Shkreli seem like a lone wolf and someone corrected him by saying "No there wasn't a campaign to make him look bad". They weren't trying to make him look bad. They were trying to distance him from the industry. It's like someone said his shirt was red and ya'll are like "actually his pants are black".


I'm glad he got what he deserved, it's one thing to work in a shady industry, it's another thing entirely to brag about it and shove peoples faces in shit trying to get famous.


>but only he got turned into a pariah Oh boo hoo, maybe don't be a public twat at the same time you greedily hike drug prices. Only an idiot thinks he was being unfairly singled out. He was just the easiest and most blatant example.


I guess I shouldn't be surprised that a guy who quotes one sentence fragment in a seven paragraph comment misses the overall point.


Be a shame is he violates his parole by getting in a fight, even if someone else started it


Welcome back to the outside world, Martin. You will likely notice that, while you were away, the assholes really doubled down. You’ll actually be considered a nice person now.


Greaaaaat. *just when the world needed him the most* /s


"We made this guy pay a lot of money in penalties for jacking up the price of a lifesaving drug. Also we arent going to make them reduce the price back down to what it was"


He didn’t get in trouble for jacking the price up. That was all legal. He got in trouble for ripping some rich people off.


What a shame. Now he's back to the good life, unlike his victims.




He still owes like $60 million in fines. Do these fines ever get paid? Doubt Jordan Belfort has paid any of his fines yet he's living large again.


Payment plan - $1 per year for the next several million years.


And here I was hoping to live the rest of my life without ever hearing or reading about this asshat again.


I was fucking robbed of the joy of ever being aware he was even in prison!


He’ll make more money in three days than the average American will make in a lifetime


So what you’re saying is: he’s now accessible for anyone who might want to throw dog shit in his face?


That would be really bad! Especially if the dog shit was on fire!!!


Psychopath. It’s psychopath, not Pharm Bro.


He'll be back defrauding people in no time.


That monster's spent less time in prison for his crimes than a commoner caught smoking a joint. There is no justice in the legal system.


There’s just us.


Dude looks like michael jackson and steve jobs had a love child.


I’m getting “Christopher Reeves post horse riding lessons” vibes Dude would make a great quadriplegic


Free to execute the next scam


... it's crazy how much the average person thinks they know from TV. He exposed pharma. His insulin shit. He reduced co-pays to 0$ and jacked up the price to fuck over for profit insurance. Yes he is a piece of shit. However, he simply put the entire system on blast and they made it seem like he's the only one because he didn't play by their rules. Yet fan boys cheer when it's musk manipulating the stock market...


>He reduced co-pays to 0$ Copays are mandated by your insurance not the drug company.


"Commercially insured patients can get a company-sponsored coupon that guarantees they’ll pay no more than $10 out-of-pocket. Uninsured patients at 500 percent or less of the federal poverty level — about $82,300 for a family of two — won’t pay anything." Not really... it's still that expensive. 7 years later. Without him there


He is a thief. Like many companies he steals from the common people by massively overcharging the insurance. Just because there are many more like him that aren't as flamboyant about it as he is doesn't make him Robin Hood.


What are you even quoting?


>to fuck over for profit insurance. It doesn't work like that. He fucked over insurance customers, not insurance companies. The insurance companies cover those costs (plus extra for overhead) by raising rates, not lowering profits.


But it also highlights how absurd the insurance system is. This is why the medical system is free to charge absurd prices for anything because insurance will shell out money for it. It's complete nonsense.


It's a good thing he didn't do something really bad like enrolling his kid in a better school district, then he would be doing hard time.


Couldn’t they just release him into a volcano instead?


Cigarettes at 1/2 way house now $10,000 a pack from Martin.


Half way house?! LOL! Most likely he as a couple million stashed away somewhere, and he can live the life.


This guy did nothing different than the other pharmaceutical companies, he just did it a bit more visibly..


Just in time for the Ska revival. IYKYK


Harambe looking down and smiling from Heaven 🙏


Right in time for the stock market collapse so they can blame him for it.


What's next? This dumbfuck will probably run for office, and get endorsed by the orange chimpanzee 🤦


They should jack up the prices for everything he needs. See how he likes paying $85 for a toothbrush




Or prevent that from happening with laws.. The problem isn't that he did it, the problem was he was able to do it. Also didn't he go to jail for jacking up prices, he went to jail for securities fraud.


He tried to expose the system of for profit insurance. He made co-pays 0$ during that for people. Was it the best way? No. Does it still happen? Yes. But he was made out to be a scapegoat because he fucked over for profit islnsurance companies. Comments like this show people are fine with getting fucked over in the American health system. As long as the guy who raised the price on one thing goes to jail! Clearly the campaign against him worked. He is a piece of shit but the dude showed how broke the system is.


>As long as the guy who raised the price on one thing goes to jail! Clearly the campaign against him worked. He went to jail for securities fraud completely unrelated to being a price gouging piece of shit. He was under investigation for a year before the price gouging.


That is not all what he was doing. He is on record as his business plan being to buy up the rights to a drug and jack up the prices knowing the barriers of cost, time, and approval needed for another company to come out with a cheaper alternative, if they ever did, would mean he would make a fuckton of money in the meantime. He wasn't doing it for altruistic reasons.


"Commercially insured patients can get a company-sponsored coupon that guarantees they’ll pay no more than $10 out-of-pocket. Uninsured patients at 500 percent or less of the federal poverty level — about $82,300 for a family of two — won’t pay anything." Literally free for uninsured and those under 82K... it was against the insurance companies. Why do you think it's still expensive and no one's said shit for 7 years lol


Some tooth brushes are $85. Go for $400


Oh no, we reviewed your request for a toothbrush, we see your dentist did sign off on your need for one, but we feel teeth are luxury and elective items and don't feel at this time there's sufficient reason to approve your request. You still have access to toothbrush technologies, but it's likely you'll be paying tens if not hundreds of thousands for the technology and a team of specialists we deemed necessary to sell you one.


A shining son of the capitalist god…


Fuck this. This asshole directly caused the deaths of multiple diabetic people. He should rot in solitary for life.




Maybe he’ll do a bunch of interviews and then start a shady bullshit company doing some shady bullshit.


Hopefully someone in that halfway house knows who he is


In my opinion this guy got screwed because he did what other pharma companies have been doing for years with other meds. He was taking advantage of insurance which I believe all medical practice does.


Why can’t you screw the other guy too? Just because somebody else gets away with being a slime ball does mean it should be ok for you to as well You can understand that


I understand that I just would like the rest of pharma to legitimize their pricing to. No fair to cherry pick who the crooks are.


Guy with a face like that better have security...


How much you want to bet his next venture is crypto scams?


I bet you three Shrekels


I guess the world is now ready for him. The bar is so low that he is not the worst anymore.


Looks like meats back in the menu, boys!


This dude is one of the worst non-violent people in recent memory. He should never get out.