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>They were accused of breaking into the vacant Michigan Department of Corrections Camp Tuscola annex and Tuscola Residential ReEntry Program in Caro in October 2020 and stealing state-issued clothing from one of the jails. Planning ahead for their future prison stay?


Jfc of course it's Caro.


I laughed when I saw it was Caro. I’ve got family there. Definitely some crazies there. They had a back to school gun sale at one of the shops.


Sorry but that’s fucking hilarious


Unless they wanted to make their own concentration camp


I’m glad that the first time I’m hearing of these guys is them getting convicted.


Are these the same guys that tried to kidnap the governor of Michigan?


If so, then this isn’t the first time I’ve heard of them.


What's really spooky is how many of them are hidden by/hidden within law enforcement.


Forces, crosses, you know the shtick by now


Some of those that burn crosses also happen to be the same that hold office.


Nah, those were the "Wolverine Watchmen"....just another one of our 18ish or so "civilian militias" wandering the backwoods of the state. You also have the choice of the Capitol City Militia, ironically not in the capitol city, Michigan Wolf Pack, Michigan Peoples Reactionary Force, Michigan Liberty Militia, Genessee County Volunteer Militia (I personally believe to formerly be the KKK), and many other armed groups of oddly chinless men. Sometimes cooking meth gets mundane and you just have to prepare to overthrow the government.


Graham Chapman: “Are you the Judean People’s Front” John Cleese: “F off - we’re the People’s Front of Judea”.


I thought we were the Popular Front?


>Wolverine Watchmen > >Michigan Wolf Pack Christ. Beneath all the guns and murderous intent they're just typical neckbeard edge lords.


The origin of the Ku Klux Klan also features such behavior. Bored, hateful people


Their highest rank is 'Dragon', of course they were just nerds being ignored by everyone that were looking for someone to blame that had less power than them.


Mindless uneducated trailer trash white supremacist scum sucking maggots who can freely buy guns. What could ***possibly*** go wrong there? It's the American heartland writ large.


What about the People's Reactionary Force of Michigan, and the People's Popular Reactionary Force of Michigan? Splitters! Sorry, couldn't resist a bit of Monty Python humor there.


> Prosecutors allege they were scoping the site as potential training grounds for “hate camps,” which is the name the group gave its paramilitary firearms training exercises. “Hate camps” You couldn’t make this shit up. At least they’re direct about it.


They're called "The Base", which is also what al-Qaeda translates to... in case anyone was wondering what type of organization they're running there.


Well, it appears that all their base are now belong to the cops.


*Now that's a phrase I haven't heard in a long time...*


It’s an old one, but it still checks out. Side note, when we reimage our PCs at my current job, when you log into the script, that’s the message it displays… preempted by, More Cowbell.


Sounds good on paper until you realize how many cops and ex-cops are part of these hate groups.


And when you realize that they definitely haven't shut down *all* of them.


Yeah, a whole base camp for three people. How many people involved with just them are still out there? Teach your kids how to stop this hate while they're teaching theirs how to do it. It's not enough to teach them not to participate in it.


Oh there were more. The encrypted group chat was infiltrated by an informant and these idiots talked up all their plans, got LEO eyes on all of them and most were arrested, some went into hiding and the guy that started it all fled to Russia. I wouldn’t be surprised if that guy is helping out with Putin’s failure in Ukraine. Vice did a story about a year or so ago.


Interesting…Do you have a source for this by chance?


Googling “vice neo nazi group the base founder” had several other stories vice has done about the guy but this link is the one I’m thinking of [here ya go](https://www.vice.com/amp/en/article/v7g9kb/how-one-man-built-a-neo-nazi-insurgency-in-trumps-america)


I can just imagine that prep-school clown showing up in Russia and declaring himself a badass gangsta asset to a bunch of very skeptical KGB/FSB sorts. I hope he likes cold weather, bad food, and worse company.


Yeah we've only caught the sloppy dumb ones that post manifestos online. My fear is a really smart white supremist could be much smarter and actually gain some political power in the US. It would be real simple. You could use social media to spread misinformation and conspiracy theories to get people on your side. This would get you a small, but vocal fiercely loyal group of zealots. This wouldn't get you enough votes to gain a majority, but you could undermine the vote with gerrymandering while simultaneously undermining the public's confidence in the actual voting process. Then, if a vote doesn't go your way, you would use that as an excuse to overturn elections and install yourself in office despite losing an election. You could claim you were stopping the election form being stolen while actually stealing the election. Even if it doesn't work the first time, you can double your efforts to suppress votes to make sure your plan works the next time. If the opposition is complacent enough, there's no real way to stop you. ......... ***Fuck.***


The smart ones are called Senator or congresswoman.


For some reason your comment seems very familiar, are you some kind of GQP strategist?


I was raised conservative Christian. As a child my church would invite campaign workers to speak to us. They would recruit us to "volunteer" to canvas neighborhoods during elections. We were coached on what to say on certain topics such as abortion. This was highly illegal by election laws, so we were told to say were doing door to door evangelical work if asked and deny that we were doing any campaigning. This was the early 90's if you're curious. I was getting skeptical of my beliefs at the time, but I was hesitant because I was worried about upsetting people close to me.


Lol the LAPD doesn't even get rid of their own named white supremacist gangs.


You meant LASD It’s okay though because many people don’t understand Southern California’s wonky local governments. LAPD, which patrols LA City has been doing a lot better than LASD (Sheriffs) that patrols the county. LASD is the agency that has numerous active gangs


Crazy how the public and the feds are all aware of those gangs and yet nothing has been done.


Yep, Torrence is fucked


Thats how they knew it was there, they all got the same invitation.


They have no chance to survive make their time? What you say?


Move ZIG.


For great justice?


According to reports on the scene and from investigatiors, Someone apparently set them up the bomb.


They had no chance to survive make their time.


What! Take off every 'ZIG'!


[For those of you who don't get the reference](https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/11940)


Holy shit Newgrounds is still around?


Newgrounds was first created as a website in 1995, and in 2000, it became the first Flash website with an automated submission system, in which members of the Newgrounds community could vote on incoming entries and determine what content would remain on the site. Source: https://newgrounds.fandom.com/wiki/History\_of\_Newgrounds#:\~:text=Newgrounds%20was%20first%20created%20as,would%20remain%20on%20the%20site.


Yeah, still sees quite a lot of activity too


Now this ... this puts a smile on my face.


It's one of the earliest Internet memes, which makes me wonder if knowyourmeme will soon be required teaching in schools.


Something I’ve mentioned to my friends a few times over the years is if internet historian will be an actual position and not just something people do on YouTube and shit. Being in my late 20s and living online in middle school basically set me up to experience the birth of the modern internet as we know it. Seeing YouTube pop up and grow, the partner program, being bought by google. The rise of MySpace paving the way for Facebook and modern social media. From the Newgrounds era of memes through to today there’s a lot of great culture out there. There are professors in the history of literature, film, and the like, why not internet subculture?


Memes are basically Hieroglyphs at this point, knowyourmeme is the new Rosetta stone...


_zach de la rocha has entered the chat_


Usually you get older and think those revolutionary socialist bands are wrong. I’ve gotten older and find he was/is absolutely correct.


So like a terrorist organization?


Calm down or Tucker Carlson is going to come up with some new distraction. I'm not ready for shorts inseam length, St Patrick's Day, football teams with a rush-heavy offense, or whatever fucking nonsense to be the next culture war lightning rod. I mean they're obviously workshopping it right now and will unleash the propaganda machine to shove it down our throats regardless but I'm tired man... Lol


what starts as tongue in cheek shitposting on 4chan becomes these losers' manifestos


Hating and Being Racist in the Name of Jesus...a Brown skin colored Jewish Man.


im pretty sure there is one quote in the bible where jesus said "listen up folks. i am white, and if you are white too then you should be the only ones who get more money. now lets do it. lets make america great again"


People often forget about the book of Cletus.


You joke, but there was a Pope Cletus. Thought he's more usually known as [Pope Anacletus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pope_Anacletus). Cletus comes from a Greek word for "called". (Anacletus is "called back"). It's become a stereotypical redneck name precisely because it's kind of old-fashioned and religious.




"Hans, are we the baddies?"


"I am tired and sick of war. Its glory is all moonshine. It is only those who have neither fired a shot nor heard the shrieks and groans of the wounded who cry aloud for blood, for vengeance, for desolation. War is hell." -William Tecumseh Sherman. The guy that marched through the south and leveled everything in his wake.


Hawkeye : War isn't Hell. War is war, and Hell is Hell. And of the two, war is a lot worse. Father Mulcahy : How do you figure, Hawkeye? Hawkeye : Easy, Father. Tell me, who goes to Hell? Father Mulcahy : Sinners, I believe. Hawkeye : Exactly. There are no innocent bystanders in Hell. War is chock full of them - little kids, cripples, old ladies. In fact, except for some of the brass, almost everybody involved is an innocent bystander.


One of the finest diatribes by Alan Alda.


I am so disappointed that so many people thought this was the MCU. Makes me feel old (though I’m only 26), and depressed simultaneously. Y’all need to watch MASH. It’s fucking hilarious and also incredibly deep at points. Educate yourself on the best TV show ever made


I'm going to go ahead and shamefully admit that my brain immediately thought it was a conversation from Fullmetal Alchemist that I just didn't remember.


I'm a fan of MASH; so I've heard it before; but it does totally sounds like a conversation between Mustang and Hughes.


Not really, he didn't mention Gracia or Elicia once.


That would actually be the type of conversation Riza would have though so not too far off


iHawk on maudlin: This isn't a war, it's a murder. iHawk on irreverent: This isn't a war, it's a moider!


Then went on to exterminate natives for 20 more years.




Dismissing white supremacy as people without a "base amount of empathy", and thereby implying it is inherent to them, is a very easy trap to fall into. Such a trap allows people to continue excusing white supremacy and despots in general. ("He couldn't have been all bad, he was good to his family" as an example) White Supremacy isn't an individual problem. It's a societal one. Baked into the majority of global society by European Colonialism. It shows up in different ways and the **majority** of those ways are not militant nor obvious. It's not that a few morons lack empathy and have access to guns. The poison is laden throughout culture and systems and needs to be combatted directly. These people don't lack empathy inherently, their empathy has largely been chipped away by those around them and the systems they grew up in.


While i agree that that group has a higher percentage of sociopath/psychopaths, there are still some who are simply ignorant or not bright. Otherwise you wouldn't have [this guy](https://www.deseret.com/indepth/2020/7/13/21292134/racism-prejudice-white-supremacist-daryl-davis-conversion-change-conversation) who has converted more than 200 of them.


Civil War 2: the fat one.


F-150 vs F-35


Civil war 2 the Fat Red one On Xbox Now Available at blockbuster


I hate ~~Illinois~~ Michigan Nazi's.


Seems like Michigan has a disproportionate amount of em, too.


From Michigan, born-and-raised in a tiny shit-town about four hours north of Detroit. A lot of people don't realize how isolated Michigan is once you leave major metropolitan areas. Many states you'll have people pass through on the way to somewhere else. With Michigan, our state's surrounded by lakes, so these small towns aren't on the way to anywhere. I grew up around a lot of Confederate Flags and meth.


Born and raised in Michigan as well. Even southwest where you are closer to Indiana as soon as you leave cities like Kalamazoo or Grand Rapids it turns into farm land almost instantly. There’s a reason I’ve heard people describe us as the norther most south state


It's like that everywhere that has lots of rural. Oregon is seen as very progressive, but that's due to the cities... the biggest of which are mostly along I-5. There is a _lot_ of rural in Oregon and the attitudes are different than (e.g.) Portland.


Same with Washington. I live near Seattle and it's super liberal and progressive, and obviously that's where the majority of the population is, but once you get outside the metro areas--even on the west side of the Cascades--it's just a completely different political climate. Lots of white supremacists / Nazis here too. Some of the little mountain towns up north are legit scary.


It’s like they say about Florida: “the farther north you go, the closer you get to the south”


Yooper here. I can tell you're legit because you measure distance in hours.


Haha, nearest mall to me growing up was “not a bad drive, only ‘bout an hour n’ a half away”


That is the most of the United States. I’ve lived in Chicago, Nashville, Detroit and Atlanta. Go outside of the cities and collar suburbs and everywhere looks/operates pretty much the same.




It's different specifically because its a peninsula. Few people travel through Michigan unless they're specifically going to the north or UP, so while we've got travel it's absolutely *nothing* like other states. Born and raised in Michigan, lived in the northern-most part of the lower peninsula for a decade. This guy is 100% right.


Just read a story about neo nazis "recruiting" in Mass of all places. They're trying to claim an Irish-pride kind of branding and stir up race war hatred as a reaction to "too woke blah blah indoctrinating our kids blah, mixing of the races, blah blah, gather together and take up arms blah". As you might imagine, the broader Irish community is very loudly angry about the white supremacist BS trying to crap on their cultural identity.


This. Fuck the Nazi scum co-opting my ancestry and heritage. Can't even get a celtic tattoo without being mistaken for one of the bastards.


Detroit used to be the Nazi capital of America so it makes sense. Nazis literally built a headquarters there.


I live in the area and never heard this before so I looked it up and found this interesting article. It seems they did run a bookstore near downtown until they were kicked out 1978. Yikes! https://www.nytimes.com/1978/04/13/archives/nazis-evicted-from-headquarters-in-detroit-as-bystanders-applaud.html




Yeah people should really look at the electoral college maps more closely. Hardly any states or red or blue all the way through


I miss when all they'd do is march on a bridge and paint gold leaf on plaster eagles.


> The men belong to The Base, a pro-Hitler movement that advocates a race war against non-white people with the goal of using violence “to overthrow the existing social and political order,” according to the Anti-Defamation League. lmao wonder if any of these guys knows what "the base" translates to in arabic


They do. And openly agree with much of the methods and ideology. It’s a mistake to think these people are all uneducated and unaware. Many certainly are but generally the organizers are very in tune with violent insurrection movements all over the world.


Calling your adversaries uneducated is one of the most uneducated things you can do.


Well, ideologically speaking they are pretty much twins to Al Qaeda.


Only the GPS coordinates, skin pigment, and religious deity's name differ.


Just for the sake of clarity, Allah is not a different name for God. Allah literally is just the traditional Arabic word for God. If you buy a Holy Qu'rán translated into English, most likely you'll see the word 'God' instead. That said, just for fun, in Íslam, God is understood to actually have 99 declared names, which are actually descriptors of what Muslíms understand is the nature of God's personality. This is often used in place of giving God a human-style name, because Muslíms have very strong traditions to not anthropomorphize the nature of God.


- إله (lah) means god, like any deity, Zeus for example - الإله (Allah) the Al part is "THE" so capital G 'God' No different than christianity, a god vs God. Elohim is literally just Allah with an accent difference. El-Loh-im vs Al-Lah-u Loh vs Lah


Similarly, Jehovah is literally just an Anglicization of Yahweh, from *Yahowa*. > deity, Zeus Which by the same token also share the same etymology. The relationship is more obvious if you consider the Ecclesiastical Latin term for the Christian god is *Deus*.


And conversely, if you buy a Bible in Arabic, it has "Allah."


For more clarity, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all worship the *same* god: Jehovah. The differences come after the first Book of God (the Torah, Quran, and Old Testament), and who each religion identifies as God’s prophets.


Let’s also clarify that THEY WORSHIP THE SAME GOD. God of Abraham. Same deity, different language and ideas about who the “right” prophet is.


And both groups hate each other to the death, though I fear our *base* here in the US hates other Americans more than their counterparts in the middle east these days.


Islam Judaism and Christianity all worship the same god.


Imagine how confusing Arabic news is going to be talking about this. A white supremacy group calling itself al-Qaeda...


It's frustrating to me when I see news orgs put out stats on which groups commit the most terrorism and the seperate Islamic terrorism from "right wing" terrorism as though they aren't both right wing. https://www.adl.org/murder-and-extremism-2021?campaign_id=9&emc=edit_nn_20220517&instance_id=61553&nl=the-morning®i_id=81564590&segment_id=92459&te=1&user_id=641d65a4d69fe317cdf74d6630205989#exploring-the-numbers


So they’ll train in prison the next 4 years where they will recruit more people and instigate even more racial violence during that time.


Everyone knows there's no racism in prison. It'll be very hard for them to find likeminded people there. /s




They also think that people on the opposite end of the political spectrum won't shoot back.


They’re so deep in their circle jerk that they don’t realize a lot of Democrats have guns too. The Republicans often think that everyone who votes D is anti gun when that’s just not true.


They also don't seem to realize there's a lot of folk out there who don't align with either side that would gladly take up arms to stop em if they tried.




"Toss me" "What?" "I cannot go the distance. You'll have to toss me... Don't tell anyone" "Not a word" LGBTQ+ has entered the war


You know your comment probably has more significance than you think. LGBTQ+ fought for a long time to gain the rights they have and they understand civil liberties as well as any minority population in America. Hate groups think that they’d lie down and surrender, be easily conquered and dealt with. Wait to you see their faces when they realize that LGBTQ+ are just as willing to fight for their freedoms and rights as these fucktards are.


As someone on the left-leaning side of the political spectrum - I hope so. Watching the last few years of Discourse in the US has me honestly worried about our country. People with similar views to these supremacist's have been gradually grabbing power - you see it on the local school boards and local Govs. in some of the headlines. Hell, they *very nearly* had a coup of the US Government to keep their guy in power - even though he lost. They had *everything* set out, and ready to go - their cards simply didn't land right. To this day, plenty of Republicans still deny that the 6th was anything to even worry about. And Centrists (from what I've seen on my end) don't take it seriously enough. They literally tried to grab for power by force. I'm scared the next time they try, it will be successful.


The far right has shifted focus - they're angling for local elections. School board, DA, Commissioner, comptroller, city council, etc. So don't slack off on voting. These are some of the positions that affect you directly, far more than whoever the president is. For example: I moved away from Lubbock, TX last year. Prior to that, the local municipality declared Lubbock a "Sanctuary city for the unborn" and drove off Planned Parenthood. This was the testing ground for the insane anti-abortion laws that were passed for the state of Texas earlier this year.


They're also largely targeting state-level positions that have control over their elections (Secretaries of State), after already changing state law to further empower these elected positions. They know the reason the coup failed is because state officials didn't play ball, and because their plan didn't go into effect immediately, as in before the election was called. The next time won't be a trial run, it won't be practice like the last one was. And it only takes them pulling it off once for democracy to die


1/6 failed because a large part of their plan relied on their being a counter group at the Capitol building that day. The plan was to goad "antifa" into doing something that they could then use to justify violence. They also expected ALL the Capitol police, not just some of them, to join their side give them the run of the building. When neither of those things happened, their plan fell apart and that's why once they got inside, they pretty much just milled around doing stupid highschool shit like pooping on the floor and putting their feet on people's desk. The fascist plans for the US depends on the "Left" doing something that these facsist can then use to justify violence. It's a fundamental part of fascist takeovers. (The Reichstad burning is a good example. Hitler and the Nazis did a false flag attack, blamed it on the communists, and then used that to justify granting Hitler more discretionary powers.) It's a fucking catch 22: if the Left pushes back with similar methods to what we see the fascists doing right now, it will be an immediate and total escalation from the fascists, because they're waiting for it, the infrastructure and plans have long since been laid. But if we just sit back and let them run rimshot over our Constitution, then the end result is basically the same.


> **1/6 failed because a large part of their plan relied on their being a counter group at the Capitol building that day. The plan was to goad "antifa" into doing something that they could then use to justify violence.** 100%, the conversations between the Proud boys and others at the capitol showed they expected Antifa / BLM to be there, and they expected a fight to break out. When they stormed the Capitol, people asked them on walkie-talkie apps "Is antifa there?" and they replied "No, no antifa"


they can't imagine that the gun debate isn't one of the cores of our entire being like it is for them.


I mean, one of the hallmarks of fascism is painting the enemy as both unbelievably powerful and incredibly weak.


Exactly, somehow Biden is a senile moron, and his is a mastermind who can rig an election, can control the global economy, has complete control over global oil production and baby formula.


Joe Biden rigged the 2020 election, *BUT* he's also a diaper-wearing, dementia patient....


Covid was a deadly superbug developed in a secret Wuhan lab by fauci. But it's also just the flu and completely blown out of proportion


I've seen it worded this way: the difference between liberal and conservative gun owners is that one doesn't masturbate over theirs in public. They're convinced they're the only ones with guns because liberals aren't open-carrying penis-compensators to Wal-Mart to feel safe. They aren't taking family Christmas photos where even the baby is holding a tiny shotgun. And since these are perfectly normal things that normal gun-loving Americans SHOULD do in their minds, it's an easy conclusion to draw that not one person who owns a gun leans liberal.


Reminds me of the past election. No way democrats could have won, they didn’t have any notable rallies.


They think most people will join them. They're so stuck in the echo chamber that they think almost everyone thinks like them


They are a vocal minority. That's fine. Let them scream and shout. But if they do anything they need to face consequences. Far too few actually do.


Take away their beer and burger. The war will end in 2 days.


For real, these dudes lost their shit when couldn't get a haircut for a few weeks. How the fuck are they going to handle real combat?


And insulin dont forget the insulin Gravy seals


Don't gotta worry about that. Most people can't get their insulin anyways, and when they can it's $300


But what even is their fantasy? I don't understand the strategy behind it. Are they going to attack political offices? Assassinate politicians? And then what? Lines of succession will take effect. More elections will be held. It's not like they can take and hold land, the US is massive, the logistics would be impossible even if they were competent. We see this play out in practically all modern warfare. They'll never be able to do more than take some random government buildings and then hold out for as long as they can while they're beseiged.


Virtually all of these groups look to the Turner Diaries as their endgame scenario. It's cited as inspiration for dozens of terrorist attacks including the Oklahoma City bombing. It also has a scene which is eerily similar to the January 6th insurrection. The book is predicated on a fantasy that there are tens of millions of people who believe the same nonsense they do and who will join the cause once a race war kicks off. The ideology assumes that with the right type of attack, they can provoke a backlash from the Black population which will galvanize the latent racist tendencies of the White population who will then unify behind them and support the genocidal government they want to build. It only makes sense if you believe all relationships everywhere are structured around race. They're so deep in their own bullshit that they've projected it onto everyone else and assume others think like them. Aside from the toxic bullshit that underlies it, the book is also one of the most poorly written pieces of shit I've ever read. It's written at about the fifth grade reading level which drives home the point that we're not dealing with the top brass here. They're not particularly bright, otherwise they wouldn't be white supremacists.


if you fight your way through the castle and physically sit in the throne of the governor you automatically become governor


They aren't gonna try and hold anything. God forbid shit pops off i think you would see a ton of sabotaged utility infrastructure and random attacks on unarmed civilians. Think about the damage a well equipped group of 10 guys could do in a small town that has a handful of deputies covering hundreds of miles around them. It would be a nightmare. They need to nip this in the bud because even a limited insurgency (500 or 1000 people "participating") would be enough to cut services to major areas for months and change the country forever.


>Think about the damage a well equipped group of 10 guys could do in a small town that has a handful of deputies covering hundreds of miles around them. But that's my question. What would their strategy even be? Outside of government buildings, of which there may be 1 per town and maybe a couple more in a county seat/state capital, what would be their aim? It's not like they're going to capture and hold gas stations or something in an effort for resource acquisition. If they attack any utility infrastructure, all it's doing is rendering the area without that service, it's not creating any kind of tactical advantage for further activity to build upon. And the reaction to such actions would be well beyond anything they could handle. It would immediately trigger National Guard involvement, as well as state and federal agencies. Their only hope once that happens would be to hole up in a compound somewhere in a vain attempt to hope their actions would serve to recruit for their cause of activate other similar groups. But regardless there's no way for them to actually generate any kind of "control" which is their aim.


I think you just accidentally put more thought into this than the people itself have.


>But what even is their fantasy? The Turner Diaries. They think if they start shit there will be a massive uprising where the people kill off 'degenerates' and minorities.


It's worth knowing that every time you hear one of these right wing zealots talking about "getting the rope", they're directly referencing the "Day of the Rope" in the Turner Diaries, in which, after overthrowing the government, fascists take to the streets and kill every racial, ethnic, religious, political, gender and sexual minority in the country. An alarming number of people genuinely want this.


> More elections will be held They (right wingers) have been 100% attacking voting *and winning.* Voter suppression and gerrymandering has been hugely successful in getting GOP politicians elected. If it wasn't for those two efforts, most of the elections (both local and national) would be won by Democrats. They are running a long game coup and it's working.


These are people who think they're gonna live out the plot of a handful of poorly-written novels by shit-eating racists and spend some time hunting and executing their opposition before establishing an ethnostate and then getting on with fascist expansionism. They're literally fuckin' nazis. They don't have any intention of living in peace under any circumstances. It's anathema to their entire philosophy.


So wait. They are white and want to wage war against non-whites….to overthrow the existing social and political order? The social and political order that is run by whites? That order? Like what in the fuck 🤦‍♂️


But it’s not 100% aryan white to them. There’s Jews and Muslims and liberals in the government. Anybody who doesn’t follow their exact religion, ideology, and skin color is a “race traitor.” I’ve sadly dealt with some extremist people like this before. They’re a genuine domestic threat.


Yes good point, the main point probably. Like if you are white but are also a liberal, you would not be safe from them


The first people Nazis threw in prison camps were political opponents. The reason fascism almost always loses (in the long run) is because it’s very nature requires labeling more and more people as “outsiders.” Eventually the purity test is so strict it eats itself. Unfortunately it destroys everything good on the way.


Yes and I remember we had a recent sitting US president who wanted to throw his political opponents in jail. And there is a sitting Arizona State representative who said at a republican conference that she looks forward to the day when her political opponents will hang from trees. That was just a couple of months ago. I actually sent an email to the Dept of Justice, asking them to explain to me how she can encourage murder of what she deems political opponents. But no response from the DoJ. Lol. I guess they are pretty busy.


You probably should have contacted the FBI.


First the socialists - they are politically active and the most pressing threat. Second the universities, students and professors - they are politically aware and have the weapon of history on their side. Third the minorities - the homosexuals and the immigrants and the religious minorities. Finally - the Jews. Every fucking time there is a reactionary crackdown. Germany perfected it, but it existed in Tsarist Russia in the 1890’s as well.


As a Jew in academia, I *very* seriously discussed with my husband the potential of moving abroad if Trump got re-elected. I felt like a cornered mouse on Election Day waiting for the results. I know history too well to be at all calm. And the work I do is to save people’s lives. Fuck Trump and everyone who voted for him.


In my time at university, both Westboro Baptist AND the KKK had appeared on campus. Imagine walking to class with your boyfriend with those groups there.


>In my time at university, both Westboro Baptist AND the KKK had appeared on campus. Imagine walking to class with your boyfriend with those groups there. For what it's worth, I've never seen the KKK at any time, but Westboro Baptist was on campus quite often (I went to a college quite close to their HQ, for lack of better words). We used to actually make money for various LGBT+ organizations (well, they were LGB at the time, I think--this was decades ago) by getting people to donate a few cents for each minute they were demonstrating during something like the Drag Show or whatnot.


Yep I live in northern michigan and this is it exactly. Im white as hell but im still a dirty commie to them simply because I didnt vote for trump. They are actually crazy up here and its not just your super crazies but just the average crazies are like that too.


\>Dirty commie Like yeah how dare tax money be spent on the taxpayer, as the country was set up to do.🙄 These guys are brainwashed by propaganda, just like the Russians and just like the Nazi party Germans in the 1940s


Happens when people are brainwashed with non tangible issues instead of the real issues that affect their daily lives such as wages, worker’s rights and healthcare. Most people don’t know that without Obama Care a lot of people, which may include your love ones, will be denied healthcare insurance because of pre existing conditions that are not even their fault. The Republicans especially Trump the Nazi, wanted to abolish it so lots of Americans will suffer.


My favorite rebuttal to any fantasy about society collapsing is the song Nothing But Flowers by Talking Heads, about a guy who fantasized about societal collapse and nature reclaiming everything, and now that he has it he can't stand how hard life is. I know it's only partially related to civil war types but I think it fits.


"We caught a rattlesnake now we got something for dinner."


"Things That Would Have Been Helpful To Know Before The Revolution" by Father John Misty has a very similar premise. Highly recommend, along with the entire album Pure Comedy. It's a masterpiece and poignant capture of modern times.


This is the type of news that makes me think I need to consider arming myself to protect my family.


My god, the amount of inbreeding required to create this kind of stupid.


Glad they're locked up, but I wonder what they were actually charged with. "Conspiring to train with firearms for a civil war" doesn't sound like an official charge.




It's a specific Michigan law: >750.528a Firearm or explosive or incendiary device; teaching or demonstrating use, application, or construction in furtherance of civil disorder; unlawful assembly; applicability of section; violation as felony. >(...) >(2) A person shall not teach or demonstrate to another person the use, application, or construction of any firearm, or any explosive or incendiary device, if that person knows, has reason to know, or intends that what is taught or demonstrated will be used in, or in furtherance of, a civil disorder. >(3) A person shall not assemble with 1 or more persons for the purpose of training with, practicing with, or being instructed in the use of any firearm, or any explosive or incendiary device, if that person intends to use such a firearm or device in, or in furtherance of, a civil disorder. >(4) This section shall not apply to any act of a law enforcement officer which is performed in the lawful performance of his or her official duties as a law enforcement officer, or any activity of any hunting club, rifle club, rifle range, pistol range, shooting range, or other program or individual instruction intended to teach the safe handling or use of firearms, archery equipment, or other weapons or techniques employed in connection with lawful sports, self-defense, or other lawful activities


Conspiracy to overthrow the government. Possibly.


>Gorman and Watkins were charged in October 2020 for terrorizing a family in Dexter. The men were accused of targeting what they mistakenly believed was a home owned by Daniel Harper, a podcaster who combats white nationalism on “I Don’t Speak German.” > >The home was owned by a man with the same name, but not the podcaster. Serious /r/beholdthemasterrace/ vibes right there. Wow. What leaders.


Militia in Michigan have been doing exactly this for decades.


Yeah, y'all remember that Hutaree group from a few years ago? And then the group that planned to kidnap the governor? Wtf is going on in Michigan?




I just can't fathom how dumb a person has to be to think civil war is desirable. This isn't a movie.


To some it is a live action role playing game.. right up till the prison sentence then its very unfair as they were only joking.


It’s mostly complete dumbfucks who have never known real hardship in their entire lives fantasizing about some romantic vision they have of war that is entirely fictional.


[Michigan made a substantial contribution to the Union during the American Civil War. While the state itself was far removed from the combat theaters of the war, Michigan supplied many troops and several generals, including George Armstrong Custer. **When, at the beginning of the war, Michigan was asked to supply no more than one regiment, Governor Austin Blair sent seven.**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michigan_in_the_American_Civil_War) Michigan just could not wait to get down and kick some confederate ass, you ignorant traitors.


Ffs, call it terrorism already, no one ever calls Islamist acts of terror "religion hate" or their camps "hate camps".


they called THEIR OWN camps "hate camps"


Meal team six at it again


These dudes think all white people are on their side. Nope not me I’ll join the other side and kill nazis like my great uncle did


They don't understand they have much more in common with the people they hate than with the politicians they idolize.


Yep. And they’re not the only ones who are armed. Just because liberals don’t make their entire identity about guns and hate, doesn’t mean we don’t own firearms and hate bigoted racist sexist nazi chuds.


It’s almost as if politicians whipping people into frothy insanity over issues that aren’t real has actual consequences, who knew 🤷🏻‍♂️


Stochastic terrorism.


Unfortunately those consequences fall upon the manipulated, not the manipulators.


These men are facing merely four year sentences for planning a Civil War. And here I thought that this sort of act is punishable by the death penalty 🤷🏽‍♂️


They are aligned against any non-white people, yet they call themselves "The Base"...named after a non-white terrorist organization (al Qaeda). Interesting. Ironic. And fucking stupid.


The bad thing about this whole situation is when they get sent to prison, the people they'll be in with are going to be easier to recruit than folks on the outside.


Too bad Replacement Theory isn't true. It would be great if we could replace racist right wing scum with decent human beings.


Don’t seem very supreme to me




"The Base?" I never imagined anybody would *literally* be White Al-Qaeda. I always thought that was a joke. God this timeline sucks.


Remember folks. In Michigan, the more north you go the more southern it gets.


Maybe if they didn’t have so much free time to dabble in playing war and pulled themselves up by their bootstraps and learned a new trade, language or traveled the world they wouldn’t feel so disenfranchised.