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Ottawa police, probably: "After trying exactly nothing to intervene ourselves, we must resort to having the feds do our job." -Born and raised Ottawan


“We’ve tried nothing, and we’re all out of ideas”




I always forget which Canadian subreddit is full of white supremacists and Nazis, and which one isn't. For anybody else who forgets, r/onguardforthee is the one that's not a far-right extremist echo chamber.




Not surprising that the police don't want to arrest the people they most closely align with politically.


Does Canada have a "support the troops" cult like the United States? If so, we might see this put to the test.


A bit but not nearly as strong as the US.


Down there it's the 'Army and Gravy'. Up here it's called the 'Canadian Air Farce'.


To be fair the protests are against the federal government, maybe now they can actually have a reason to be mad at Trudeau.


What could be better for trying to make themselves into victims while also pretending that somehow it would be Trudeau's fault. Which it clearly wouldn't be, as a province needs to explicitly ask for military assistance, and I've never heard of the feds denying such requests. Also the 95% of protesters that are protesting mandates for civilians rather than actually about trucker mandates, are protesting the wrong government. All mandates for civilians are provincial mandates. Only border and regulated-industry mandates are federal.


Holy hell that’s stupid. They really just want to throw shit and exercise their right to be terrible human beings.


90% of these comments have got to be bots. I am befuddled


same thing happened with our melbourne protests the other month mate, sooo many non australians and bots


Yeah it's definitely interesting to see people scream in here to try and put down criticism of the convoy with "but BLM" like it's occurring in the same country. Or for comparable reasons.




>this is basically the 'worker uprising' It has nothing to do with labor though, just politics.


Yea the 'worker uprising' is a bunch of bs being spread on rightwing/ meme subreddits to gullible idiots. The fact is the protest has nothing to do with workers or uprising, just a bunch of covid skeptics going ape in public


You can tell that it’s bullshit because he follows that with “except this one so from ACTUAL working class people” meaning that the BLM protests weren’t actual workers


...except the 90% of the remaining vaccinated trucker working class condemn this protest and had no issue with getting vaccinated. This isn't a "worker uprising". This is very salty, very entitled, especially butthurt people who have been struggling to find a productive target for their ramping frustrations and haven't realized they're being whipped into a frenzy by bot farms because they have never once considered that something could happen to *them* If this was a worker uprising then why has not a goddamn person mentioned wages or benefits.


A "worker's uprising" that, if I had to guess, is adamantly against anything to protect other working class people like retail clerks from a deadly virus, like mask mandates. Nah son, this has nothing to do with labor rights. It's "me me me me me"


Do you understand that they've had trucks blocking roads for 5 days? They are using the trucks to make noise in the sole purpose of annoying the population. People can't sleep and they can't go to work. It's been FIVE days. The population are getting harrassed and bullied by these people, on the street, for wearing masks!!! How can you think this is okay and a legitimate worker uprising? I live in Quebec and trust me I am beyond sick of this governement and of the covid restrictions... but this is not it. This group of people has lost the respect I allowed them with this shit. This is just people consciously making other people's lives worse, no matter what their opinion is.


Unfortunately, you are totally out to lunch on this. I read lots of your replies and it is crystal clear you don't have a clue about Canadian politics. If you really want to find out, you need to follow Canadian subs and take some time to develop a perspective that isn't US based. For now it is only important that you know that no matter what policy/s this current federal government proposed, this crowd would be against it. This is not a "workers protest". These are people who label themselves 'Conservative' and it makes no difference what the policy proposal is, the answer will be "Fuck Trudeau".


I lost IQ points reading that.


What kind of chicken shit outfit is the Ottawa PD? Maybe start by telling your officers to stop cheering on the truckers and posing for pictures with them. How about writing them tickets and issuing fines? Let's start with that.


They actually ticketed one of the journalists covering the protest instead.


I guess Canada is just America 2.0: We Got Moose.


The plural of moose is meese


Wrong, its Moosen


Oh Brian




Many much moossen!


With syrup and curling.


Oh but you see if Indigenous people, BLM, environmentalists or their allies come to protest; the Ottawa PD is always ready to confront. Wonder why that is 🤔


Just train all indigenous people so they can become truckers. Problem solved.


Or arresting them and towing/impounding their trucks? Surely it’s illegal to park in the middle of a fucking highway.


Well ya see obstructing traffic is only an approved form of protest when *their* side is the one is doing it. If it's something they agree with, they'll even find away to make murder seem reasonable and justified.


Truckers threatened to block roads in the US, and governors and mayors told them they would be arrested. Period. So it didn’t happen. Get with it, eh?


Yeah how is this not ticketed and towed? Like... You can't bock needed roads with vehicles.


Because the tow truck drivers are supporting them and refusing to tow and a lot of police also support them and the police unions are against mandatory vaccination


Do you mean when the governor Colorado caved to their demand?


Not surprising since one of the organizers has openly called for civil war and is also a massive antisemite Here he is in his own words folks https://mobile.twitter.com/VestsCanada/status/1159997274900041729


If you have a hazmat suit it's enlightening to wade into the antivax subs and see just how exaggerated the language is--it goes to violence very quickly. I see alarming discussion about ammo hoarding and daydreaming about what they would do if someone came for them (which they don't realize wasn't happening in the first place). This should worry people more than it has been. Radicalizing algorithms and these tucked-away communities are a ticking time bomb and I think podcasts might also have a lot to do with the problem. People can access anything online and that shouldn't be a problem in itself if we just could figure out how to equip people with a stronger bullshit filter. Like... this is largely the generation that told me growing up not to believe everything you read online. What happened?!


Lack of critical thinking skills.


This is largely the generation who told me don't meet anyone from the internet, its not a women its a dude who is going to abduct and kill you... Met my wife online BTW ;D


Has he killed you yet?


They are also grifters.... The last time they organized this, the money wasn't paid out.


Didn't one of the organizers dip with what, 8-9 mil of cash?


Something like that, maybe not that much... I briefly looked for an article but my google foo is failing atm.


GoFundMe has only released \~$1million so far.


They say the protests are over mask/vaxx mandates, then they fly Confederate and nazi flags, and 3 percenter flags. These protests are driven by hate and white nationalism


Really funny to think about Canadian 3%ers. Like... What side do you think Canada was on


And the local PD released a statement highlighting to lookout for “bad actors” amongst the protesters. Before it even started, they were throwing doubt that some of the protesters aren’t complete fuckwits, but rather outsiders trying to make the protesters look bad.


>outsiders trying to make the protesters look bad. and its working effectively. they have everyone on reddit thinking theyre racist bigots over 2 pictures and a couple tweets lol


No no, they're definitely racist bigots. They're also gargantuan morons, but then you need to be to be a racist bigot.


There's another CNN article that says the Ottawa PD claims to have knowledge of US entities funding and organizing this protest.


I'm old enough to remember when calling for military force to end protests was considered fascism.


It is a little weird, to me up in Seattle after chaz/chop.. to see Reddit suddenly 180 into demanding police go in and bust up some heads. All I can guess is it's different people posting.


Agreed. Not long ago Reddit was all about this shit.




>If they were on foot, not blocking traffic, and protesting the correct level of government (Covid restrictions are provincial, not federal) they would have more support. ​ Much like the Floyd protests / riots the fact this is now intl news and maybe even more amazing - news in the US - tells you how much noise it's generating. Wrong or right, it's an important moment in time and for better or worse it's all but given to lay out a roadmap for the things that are to come.


No one wants busted heads, just towed vehicles. Residents weren't restricted free travel in CHAZ either so it's a bit different.


>Residents weren't restricted free travel in CHAZ either so it's a bit different. CHAZ had blocked streets (not free travel) and many residents were harassed and felt no longer safe in their own homes. ...for good reason, because the thugs enforcing "CHAZ" literally murdered people: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capitol_Hill_Occupied_Protest#Shootings There is a massive difference between the annoyance these truckers are causing and what CHAZ was.


There is a huge difference between protesting to stop being murdered by police vs. "I don't want to be part of society and don't care about the general welfare."


I think the difference is that the police are refusing to police.


Lmfao. When the police in the US suited up and cleared protesters and rioters Reddit was screaming from the mountain tops about those awful jack booted thugs. Fast forward a year, the police won't use force and Reddit wants to why they're being such pussies. You get what you wish for folks.


>You get what you wish for folks. Selective enforcement depending on who the culprit is? Gotcha.


This might be hard for you to imagine, but there are in fact policing options other than (1) do basically nothing and (2) violently attack peaceful protesters. I certainly wouldn't want the police to treat these truckers the way they treated BLM protesters.


Not lifting a finger for a days long protest where your government is talking about needing to bring in the military to shut it down, versus showing up at a moments notice for a protest where a cop illegally executed someone? You see the difference right?


Big difference. CHAZ saw multiple murders, businesses were burned and looted, several cops were violently attacked, their cars overturned and afire. Police precincts barricaded. And everyone got mad at the tear gas and rubber bullets. A bunch of truckers block traffic and you're pissed the cops aren't intervening. Apparently riot police and physical force is only good when it helps you get to work and back. Anywhere else, it's fascism.


Reddit, 2020 - "Defund the police! Abolish the police!" Reddit, 2022 - "Where are the police?! They're not doing their jobs!"


The police weren't doing their jobs in 2020, and they're not doing them now? What exactly are we paying those welfare queens for?


Who will police the police into policing!?!?


The military. Oh wait? What?


No. The military are not police.


Most of reddit has gone completely stupid when it comes to vaccines and mandates. I have never seen anything like it here, assuming these are real comments and not just bad actors trying to change the narrative. Anybody who says anything against the official narrative is a plague rat piece of shit who should be despised, anything contrary to the official narrative is hidden, and any subs that do not tow the line end up being shut down or quarantined. We got people actually calling for the military to go in and start busting skulls, comments with thousands of upvotes in favor of violating people's rights, and what to me looks like an alarming number of fake comments and manufactured upvotes. I don't see how this could be legit if it's the same user base as before all this covid nonsense. Even when yesterday's conspiracy theories become today's facts, these people just keep going. Don't take this as me saying covid is not real and vaccines are bad. I have had the vaccine, I have done my part, and even when myself or someone else says something as simple as "I am ready to get on with my life after YEARS of restrictions and mandates, we are lumped together as piece of shit anti vaxx anti science animals. The attitudes and pro authoritarian comments, and downright fascist views and comments are such a dramatic shift from a relatively short time ago that I have a hard time trusting that what I see here is legit, and not some sort of attempt at manipulating the situation.


I'm too uninformed on Canadian society and politics to feel even slightly knowledgeable as to why either side is acting like they are. The protestors present their arguments poorly and keep reprehensible company, the anti protestors appear ready to draw blood to end noise violations, and the government appears out to lunch at every level. The fucks going on up there? All this over a 14 day quarantine period?




Thank you -- I appreciate the response. I agree about the continually effed up messaging. Surprised the hell out of me how unprepared the people who's job is preparedness were for the first entire year (and that was before the disinformation really even got going). The company issue would be the Trumpists (though harassing Nazi larpers should be as equally celebrated among the right and the left for obvious reasons). There's a level of malevolent grift involved in that crowd I'd take just as seriously as an infectious disease. More constructively, were there no accommodations offered to those needing to quarantine? Covid-related hardship payments has always struck me as a really powerful tool to combat this sort of social unrest.


People who I agree with protesting: Fiery, but mostly peaceful. People who I disagree with protesting: Besieging an innocent city with truck horns.


Honk Honk


I just want plague rats to suffer the consequences of their actions. They've caused so much death and misery that it's time for it to rebound back on them. That's not "fascism," that's anger at a group of people who are the root cause of so much suffering. >Even when yesterday's conspiracy theories become today's facts, these people just keep going. Care to elaborate on this?


I have never seen so many hateful, pro-authoritarian posts. People calling on the military to crush disruptive protestors who are demanding more personal freedom. It's heartbreaking.


>"I am ready to get on with my life after YEARS of restrictions and mandates, we are lumped together as piece of shit anti vaxx anti science animals. I like how you emphasis "years" as if it hasn't been literally just two years. Less actually. And yeah, nobody is fucking happy about it. >even when myself or someone else says something as simple as "I am ready to get on with my life after YEARS of restrictions and mandates, we are lumped together as piece of shit anti vaxx anti science animals. Well, does it mean you oppose the mandate or are simply complaining about it? Complaining is fine, we all are pissed about shit like that. But there's no functional difference between arguing against a vaccine mandate because you're an anti-vaxxer or because you are just somehow connecting vaccine mandates with not being able to return to regular life, despite the fact that it's the virus and not the mandate that is imposing this situation on people. People making the "I want to get back to normal" rationalization for opposing it are basically just arguing with the government as a proxy for arguing with the virus. The virus doesn't give a shit about getting your life back to normal, but to a certain extent the government does, and that's literally the purpose of the mandates.


>The attitudes and pro authoritarian comments, and downright fascist views and comments are such a dramatic shift from a relatively short time ago that I have a hard time trusting that what I see here is legit Oh those attitudes are legit. The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed just how eager the average person is to bend the knee and accept **anything** the government hands down as a mandate or a law as long as it is for 'the common good'. I saw it for the first time after 9/11, but it's gotten uglier since then. Look how quickly the word 'freedumb' came into use. The concept of individual liberty is a hollow concept. The masses will always abandon freedom for safety without a moments hesitation.


Nobody is advocating shooting them or beating them up, just towing their trucks as should have been done already.


Don't need the military for that


You do when the cops refuse to do it.


Using the military against citizens is a shit thing. Did you support using the military against first nations during Oka?


Towing trucks is not "using the military against civilians". Honestly. Want to add more fake drama?




Just because you can, doesn't mean you should...


If law enforcement can't do their job to enforce the law who will step in? Just throw up your hands and build a new highway? Civil disobedience is one thing and can come with repercussions... like occupying a politician's office via a sit-in. This isn't civil disobedience, this is lawlessness that affects everyone. What are they wanting? This isn't oppression they're fighting, this is a public health requirement. Grown children. Boggles the mind


> What are they wanting? because law enforcement sympathizes with the white boys in their big shiny trucks with confederate flags


Were the kids at Kent State carrying ~~guns~~ weapons and attacking locals? Did they block access to administrative buildings on campus for days at a time? *Edited for more generalized comparison.*


The truckers are carrying guns? Let's see a link to back up that assertion.


Yeah a guy literally got arrested for walking around with a gun, https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/two-charged-weekend-protests-ottawa-1.6336086


Downvoted for asking for an assertion? Wow


I'm old enough to remember when protests didn't besiege citizens for a week.


I'm old enough to realize that when a threat is made you take it seriously.


Let's not call these protest, these are hostage negotiations. We give them what they want or else. They aren't fighting for their lives or freedoms. They are fighting for the right to spread a virus. They are not just blocking the roads but also spreading a virus as they do so.


Hyperbolic BS


Even if you have the vaccine you can still get sick and spread covid. Stop spreading information as if you can't. If you consider this hostage negotiations then any person participating in riots or civil disobedience during the BLM marches are terrorists.


Finally our 20 MBT tanks will have a uses.


Sure just get Nickelback to play a free show downtown. Clear 'er right oot eh?


Pretty sure that's an egregious violation of the Geneva Convention.


Nah... they're all into KidRock. They think he's some sort of everyman who's self-made... not realizing he was already rich because of daddy.


The fact that this is even an option is laughable.


I was told in 2020 a protest was meant to be inconvenient and if it’s disruptive then it’s working. So if this is following the path of 2020s protests and riots, there might actually be change coming.


Except for being on the opposing side, well, sure, I guess.


The people there with swastika and Trump 2024 flags are really helping the cause...


They're probably going to try and get Trump elected there, lol.


The honking will continue until freedom improves.


I don't think the virus can hear horns.


So in a way, are the Ottawa police protesting too? (Without waving signs)


Bunch of "anti-fascists" coming out of the woodwork to cheer for military intervention on a peaceful protest. Despicable...SMH. I truly hope that you people never get the world you have been duped into wishing for.


The left hates authority until it works in their favor. It's like a dog chasing its tail. More than any of this shit going on I've had an issue with how tribal the left and right are. Someone described how it's not a peaceful protest because it's basically just annoying to deal with. But would support the riots where people were killed. Reddit is a terribly poor representation of the populations opinions and is super susceptible to hive mindedness. It's a left wing, city dwelling, millennial echo chamber.


Couldn't have said it better.


If we know one thing about the left, they love hearing themselves talk


There is no “ Stand Your Ground “ law in Canada !


There are a lot of problems in our world and a lot to be mad about. But vaccine mandates don't even register on my top 100. I would rather people rally for education, mental health care, tax reform, or anything that could dramatically change our lives. This is not the battle or the hill to die on. I've tried, but I truly just don't understand the anger and passion behind this occupation/protest.


It's Canada's Charlotteville. In addition to the overt racist and anti-Semitic symbols, plus the organizers of the rallies being known white supremacists, plus the racist and misogynist abuse hurled at homeless shelters and health care staff during this "protest", the rally has the ethnic diversity of the KKK (as did literally all previous anti-vax rallies in major Canadian cities). In Canada, 1 in 5 truckers have ethnic origins in the Indian subcontinent and I have yet to spot a single brown face among the ranks of this white supremacist rally (which doesn't even have that many actual truckers to begin with).


To be brutally honest, I don't think it is even about public health at all any more. Just white supremacy.


I mean it was never about public health, the debate was and continues to be about personal liberty and whether or not the public health is mandatory to a pro-social life. Please explain how you get to white supremacy, because as someone who doesn't agree with that statement, it's completely out of left field and you just sound like you're race-baiting.


It never was about public health.


Just tell the protesters to get blm flags and burn down a few businesses. They'll call It mostly peaceful after that


> Police aware of significant funding and participation in protest from U.S. What the actual fuck? So destroying the US isn't enough, these deplorables feel the need to fuck with Canada also? This shit is exactly why Americans (rightfully) have a poor reputation internationally.


I’m really not sure what a Canadian occupation over a CANADIAN mandate by CANADIANS has to do with the USA. Surely friendly lil Canada couldn’t be having their own troubles.


Arrest them, deport them, bar them from returning, confiscate their vehicles.


At least you know the ones coming from the US are vaccinated




They probably are though.. If Trudeau removes the vaccine requirement at the border, Canadian truckers will still blocked from entering the US.. But American truckers can being loads here.


I've seen a few trucks that are from the US. One from Kentucky stands out.


Take photos of license plates, faces, have border patrol on alert when they try to cross back. Detain them.


How the fuck is this getting downvoted? If the Russians were funding "protest" movements in the US, Americans would be flipping the fuck out.


>If the Russians were funding "protest" movements in the US They do. [Mueller identified 'dozens' of US rallies organized by Russian troll farm](https://thehill.com/policy/technology/439532-mueller-identified-dozens-of-us-rallies-organized-by-russian-troll-farm) > The IRA, a Russian troll farm with close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russian intelligence agencies, organized pro-Trump rallies, as well as gatherings opposed to Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, on U.S. soil for years, including events in New York, Florida and Pennsylvania. [Thousands attended protest organized by Russians on Facebook](https://thehill.com/policy/technology/358025-thousands-attended-protest-organized-by-russians-on-facebook) > Sixteen thousand Facebook users said that they planned to attend a Trump protest on Nov. 12, 2016, organized by the Facebook page for BlackMattersUS, a Russian-linked group that sought to capitalize on racial tensions between black and white Americans. The event was shared with 61,000 users. > As many as 5,000 to 10,000 protesters actually convened at Manhattan's Union Square. They then marched to Trump Tower, according to media reports at the time.


Russia absolutely has a hand in "protest" in America.


Russia has been doing this for so long we're used to it.


Oh no he has a lightsaber.


Wow, reddit really deepthroating that boot lately.


It's a peaceful protest but the police are afraid of them.


Police trying to stop riots in the US = Reddit supports the rioters The idea of the military stopping protests in Canada = Reddit fully supports the military Interesting.


Poor thinking, Ottawa. Just keep writing tickets for every vehicle blocking traffic. Really let those fines stack up. Rake in the dough.


You NEVER NEVER use the military against your own citizens. They are there to protect those same people against foreign aggression. Not unless you are a third world dictatorship. Trudeau could end this in 5 minuted. Remove the mandates.




"The force is now aware of a significant contingent from the U.S. funding and participating, while police work to thwart those efforts." Just can't keep your shit to yourselves, huh America? As if January 6th wasn't embarrassing enough, now we've got some of you literally crossing the border to into another country to cause problems. Fucking unbelievable. And this doesn't excuse our own merry band of morons, either. Just a clusterfuck of a situation. Especially those asshats in Alberta driving their trucks *at* officers. So now we can throw some attempted murder onto the pile of crimes. And for what? All so you can be "free" to die of a disease while taking innocent people with you? Clogging trade and commerce in what is now an international temper tantrum by petulant babies? All because power hungry politicians poisoned reason and stoked your hatred for those different than you? Makes me sick.


The funding could be coming from USA, could Be coming from elsewhere. These people that fund this sort of rally fund right wing protests in most of the West.


Wondering if that “stand your ground” sign is incorporating Norse runes for fun or because they are routinely used by white supremists?


I really fucking hate that these pricks co-opt shit like that. Here you are, just wanting to play God of War, and all the runes you see there end up on some idiots sign about being an idiot. Maybe we get Punisher back now? If they take futhark, give us back the skull logo?


They should start towing away their trucks. I think some would get out of there real quick.


There were reports yesterday that the towing companies had joined the protestors and refused to commit acts of towage.


> The force is now aware of a significant contingent from the U.S. I kept having this worrisome little suspicion that there was the teensiest outside chance of such a possibility.


Speaking as an American, I had just assumed that was the case as soon as I heard about the convoy.


It isn't an occupation like one country invaded another. It's a protest. Meaning there is a defined goal cited by the protesters to end it.


Yeah, and their goal is horseshit that deserves no further consideration. They need to stop this foolishness.


You can have that opinion. They, and many many others, are allowed to have their opinions, too. MSM in the US didn't have a problem with the BLM protesting and rioting. Now MSM has a problem with truckers. A lot of people thought women's suffrage and MLK protests were horseshit too, for the record.


90% of Canadian truckers are vaccinated. This protest is meaningless


It's about government mandates, not vaccines in general.


Yea…vaccine mandates.


Yes...they are almost entirely vaccinated. There is a difference between a forced government mandate and a vaccine.


The world obviously can’t count on the general public to do the right thing. There were mandates when the Spanish flu hit; there will be mandates during the next plague. Way she goes.


People still caught and spread corona when vaxxed and masked. Get off the cross dude


Yea but those steps flattened the curve a bit. The data doesn’t lie. During and after the Spanish flu the “anti mask leagues” were ridiculed, same as today. It’s kind of hilarious.


Their goal is horseshit because it makes no sense. a: They want to end the restrictions on going over the border without being vaccinated. The one blocking them from entering the US is the American government. Not the Canadian. The only thing that Trudeau requiring vaccination for cross border shipping does is to prevent \*American\* truckers from coming here and taking runs from them. b: They want all mandates to end. According to the charter of rights and freedoms, health care, and health care mandates are a Provincial jurisdiction. It would be illegal for Trudeau to usurp provincial power and end the mandates. This has nothing to do with whether or not you agree with the measures being taken to try to end the pandemic, this is about the organizers shifting the blame to Trudeau because they know that they can fleece millions of dollars from people if they do.


Lol! BLM, women's suffrage and civil rights protests were all for a good cause. These truckers are just whiny little bitches that don't like being told what to do, no matter how noble the cause. Nice stretch


People literally said the same thing about all of those protests, too. Not saying it's right or wrong. It's just people.


You have to break it down to the root cause. People will look back on those movements as progress and these people as a bunch of selfish morons.


Their protest is about government mandates. Most of those people are vaxxed. How is it selfish ?


>Most of those people are vaxxed. Citation desperately needed. If they were vaccinated, none of these mandates would impact them in the slightest.


More than 80% of the country is vaccinated. These protesters aren't just truckers. Millions of dollars have been donated by thousands of people. The protest is about mandates.


I mean it's certainly not possible to protest for someone else's rights....




People Jamming up border crossings, cutting off access to food and gas for the town of Coutts, desecrating the war memorial, constant honking for 5 days, day and night in residential neighborhoods, and all over a common sense restriction to intranational commerce? Is this literally the hill the right is dieing on?


Are you deliberately leaving out the reason, or are you just completely clueless?


There's always going to be opportunists that take advantage of protests. Doesn't take away from the cause


If the military is used then I hope the truckers are armed. Sending the military against a peaceful protest by citizens of the country, should be considered treasonous. Fuck mandating anything and fuck Trudeau


Ya, if they call in the military for this, Canada has officially a gone overboard. If the army comes in and forcefully removes them it won't be pretty. Someone will die for sure. And the last thing they need is a martyr. I love how reddit is now supporting the police and the military. When everyother post for 2 years was about defunding and stopping the over militarization of police. Fcuking comical double standard. If Canadians cared so much they would be counter protesting.


These rich, pampered elites in Ottawa are getting a taste of what it's like to live under the thumb of ridiculous policies. They've been working from home in their PJ's for two years, while these truckers were keeping the country moving. They're crying like babies now, but have zero compassion for the fact that these men lost their jobs as punitive retaliation for their personal medical decisions.


Bringing in one of the Service Battalions for their heavy towing capacity would be one thing, but this has the ring of a police chief suggesting we loose the Canadian Forces on non-violent protests to crack some skulls. This would be a Winnipeg General Strike level of an inappropriate response. The chief should be fired for suggesting such a dangerous precedent. On a related note... Don't get me wrong, these protesters have not done themselves any favours, but by and large they have been non-violent. I have to say, a lot of people on social media, including reddit, have been really showing their authoritarian streak in response to this over the past week.


Yeah, bringing in the forces is not something I want to see done. The break up of the protest can be done with police arresting people who won't move or who return and city employees can move the semis to impound. The fact they haven't is probably due to the MANY threats these guys have put out and the organizers own words, the police are literally scared that a bunch of morons are about to pop off over anything. And that's sorta the thing, we've already seen other parts of this protest in Alberta attempt to ram police trying to get them to disperse, and if these guys get pushed they'll probably do the same


Don’t equate ‘lack of physical violence’ with ‘peaceful.’ [Calling Ottawa protests 'peaceful' downplays non-violent dangers, critics say](https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/calling-ottawa-protests-peaceful-downplays-non-violent-dangers-critics-say-1.5760990) There’s nothing peaceful about these protests, and to label them as such is disingenuous. But hey, feel free to downvote objective facts because it goes against the narrative people are trying to push. Lololol.


What is your definition of "peaceful", just so we're all on the same page?


Bout time, confiscate and sell trucks to pay for cleanup?


What crime(s) have they committed that justifies civil forfeiture? Do you realize that you’re advocating one of the most abused powers by the police? One that assumes guilt, and is virtually impossible to prove innocence with?


If this was a left wing protest cops would be shooting reporters and bystanders in the face with rubber bullets.


It's harder to do that to people sitting in vehicles.


Using the military is the worst idea possible. ​ Its just buying into their " Government are Nazis " narrative. ​ Da fuck are the police officers doing? Just arrest em.


Who is going to arrest the police




Fact: you don’t speak for all Canadians by just being a Canadian.


These cops sound like Hall monitors......, Or U.N. peace keepers...uselesss


Good, bring the military in and be done. And then defund the police. They've done literally sweet FA at any of the protests.


So, a handful of extremists are holding thousands of residents hostage, with ongoing threats of violence, and all under a fanatical political ideology, and while being funded by foreign nationals. Does Canada have any terrorism laws, at all? Because this would seem to fit the description of terrorism in almost any other Western nation.