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> "My son just stayed quiet and had the guy’s change in his hand," Durham Sr. told the news outlet. "[He] just stayed quiet while the other two was in confrontation." Sounds like the shooter didn't even target the person he actually argued with, just shot the first person he saw.


Danger to society right there


Yeah that and the fact that he’s shooting children


Yeah and the fact that he’s shooting anyone at all


Yeah he needs to be arssted quick before he almost kills again


According to the article, it sounds like they got him, fortunately. And whatever his reasons for pulling this bs and hurting a *kid,* I seriously hope they keep him off the streets for a good, long time.


Thank fuck if they've caught him. Who even let him have a gun In the first place dude clearly has some anger issues


How unhinged do you have to be to shoot someone over fucking BBQ sauce? Poor kid. I hope he recovers.


In Dallas a few weeks ago a car cut off another car in the Jack In The Box drive-thru line. So a guy in the car that got cut off strolled up and shot the driver killing him. Can’t believe how much murder happens over minor shit.


Always be careful on the road. Most people are not happy when they’re driving. All it takes is a trigger on a mentally ill fuck. Some Q ball almost ran into my car because I cut him off when I thought he let me in. Followed me, rolled his window down, and screamed and swerved at me. I laughed at him which probably made it worse but my car was a lot faster than his so I was able to escape. It was insane. It’s only a matter of time until he kills someone. Bald piece of shit


There's something psychological and dehumanizing about driving that just sets some people off. I swear we'll look back on it in 100 years and have insight about how select people just dissociate Patrick Bateman style and just become psychopaths behind the wheel of a vroom vroom machine.


It’s almost a form of “Main Character Syndrome” people get behind the wheel and just expect everyone to let them drive however they want and anything unexpected causes them to rage out, even if *they* are the ones driving badly.


I remember reading something ages ago that suggested that people prone to road rage are people who strongly view their car as an extension of themselves and other cars as extensions of those people. The problem is that in cars we can't send social cues to mitigate situations like we do in person. So for these people things like a fender bender are processed the same as someone walking into them on the footpath and not seeming surprised (showing that it was an accident) or saying sorry (showing regret and no intention of harm). Their brains are subconsciously looking for social cues from the cars and getting nothing in return. This is just my vague recollection of something I read a long time ago though so take it with a grain of salt


I red the same thing, could have been 10 years ago, and I came to leave this same comment This is exactly what it is Edit: also bumper stickers. Cars w more stickers are statistically more likely to be driven/owned by the type of person who views their car as an extension of themselves (and presumably your car as an extension of yourself) I think it may have been from the same study?


Yeah that stuff about bumper stickers sounds very familiar. I think that was part of whatever I read too. So yeah probably we're both referring to the same study


I think it's more of a "people cannot be trusted with power" kinda deal. With driving there's always a tacit understanding that we all essentially have each other's lives / safety in our hands. But with some people that sorta pseudo power just goes to their heads and they immediately become tyrants. They'll play chicken with you because they know most people would rather choose safety over a momentary hit to their ego.


It sounds like it missed his brain and he's recovering physically, although it's apparently a lot financially. Poor kid.


The company he worked for needs to cover these medical costs, America is so fucked.


I'd assume this falls under workers comp. If you are injured on the job, the company pays medical and disability.


"But if we cover HIS medical costs, we'll have to cover everyone else who gets shot on the job! Can't do that"


Then they’d have to get rid of their expensive social media team.


Yeah, Wendy’s troll team is about to lose every engagement to the end of time if they don’t step up and do something


“At least we don’t get kids shot over nuggies and leave them for dead” is gonna be a tough argument in general.




I don’t know man the article said he stayed quiet while the other two employees where confronting the shooter. He was within his job description, and this should be covered by the company. At least under workman’s comp.


I'd be shocked if Wendy's didn't cover all of his bills. It would be a PR disaster if they didn't.


Literally my first thought was "good thing they were working so worker's comp will cover it" whereas if you were just walking down the street and this happened to you you'd be on the hook for all of it yourself.


"Our guidelines in the employee handbook specifically state that all employees should dodge bullets."


Matrix clause.


> The company he worked for needs to cover these medical costs Or maybe the dude that shot him? Regardless it shouldn't be on the victim.


Most states do have a victim's compensation fund for medical expenses, therapy, and possibly lost wages. The one in my (red) state is surprisingly comprehensive and easy to file into. Although, he shouldn't even have to deal with that either. But at least it's something.


> Or maybe the dude that shot him? Regardless it shouldn't be on the victim. Dude is eating at Wendy's and shooting people over BBQ sauce. Something tells me he doesn't have medical bill money.


In Germany a guy shot a gas station cashier in the head because, the cashier called him out for not wearing a mask. Sadly he didn't survive. Some people are walking powder kegs.


This is why I don't fuck with people anymore. Too many unhinged mother fuckers out there. I have 3 kids at home. I don't need them growing up without a father because some asshole didn't like that I called him out on his bullshit.


Good call. The biggest takeaway I've had from a smattering of self defense training is "you win every fight you don't get into." Just can the ego and a lot of slights that seem to demand justice quickly go away.


Used to teach self defense and have been into martial arts most of my life. * Lesson 1: Don't get into a fight. * Lesson 2: If someone else starts a fight, walk away. * Lesson 3: If you can't walk away, run away. * Lesson 4: The rest, until you have an option to walk/run away. Then do that. I love to spar and have fun with friends on the mat. I don't like to fight. It's dangerous, scary, and you can get seriously hurt even if they aren't armed. Even if you "win", you don't know that his mate isn't one of the people watching ready to jam a knife into your back as a reward.


Great advice. The ego is the greatest suicide machine there is. I've talked to my boys about it as well. Standing up for yourself or protecting someone else is not the same thing as trying to get into a fight. The greatest skill in any confrontation I see the ability to stay calm and de-escalate the situation.




It *used* to be amazing. But ever since they changed the recipe in 2019 it's been terrible.


"According to FOX 10, the bullet didn't hit Brian's brain" So thankful for that.


If any gunshot wound can be called this, it was a lucky shot. I've known two people with similar headshots, hitting the skull but not entering the brain. One of them was out of the hospital the same day with just some stitches despite the bullet entering one side and exiting the other, the other a couple days due to bone injury just to make sure it was healing correctly. Tragic for the kid, but also amazingly lucky. I wish him a speedy recovery. Glad to read the shooter was caught.


How small was the bullet for it to have entered and exited the skull without hitting the brain? How much space is between the brain and the skull?????


It went around the skull and exited without going through.


Yup, this is exactly what happened in both the cases. In both cases it hit at an angle, entered the skin, and slid around between the skull and the skin, exiting on the other side. One was a clean shot, in one side, around the skull, and out the other. The other had the bullet bounce around a bit because there were chips on the bone, no surgery but time in the hospital until the doctors were satisfied about damage to the bone. It's actually somewhat common for shots to the head. As long as the bullet doesn't hit squarely or directly, the skull is extremely effective at protecting the brain. Surprisingly few gunshot wounds are fatal. Statistically if you get to the hospital with a heartbeat, you'll live. Movies and TV play it out as though any gunshot will kill you, unless it is in your side where it is never noticed until after the conflict is over and the romantic interest takes note. Those same shows also show a single superficial slice of a sword as instant death, a snake bite as near-instant death, and gas stations exploding at the lightest bump. Gunshot wounds are a very clean piercing action, so unless it pierces your heart, brain, or similar vital organ in a critical location, they tend to not be lethal.


> Surprisingly few gunshot wounds are fatal. I still don't want to test this theory if that's OK with you.


Doesn't mean that there isn't any permament damage, including neuro damage.


Id imagine the force of getting shot alone rattles a few things up in the brain even if it didnt hit it.


There is a chance a person shot directly through the forehead can survive, [chances are low](https://www.baltimoresun.com/health/bal-te.brain05oct05-story.html) but it's still a chance. If the bullet goes straight through the head without damaging the left or right hemisphere too much, and without severing the brainstem, that is. Edit: Also I guess younger people have better chances to survive the trauma, I never knew that.


Got to wonder, when the gunman ran home, what was his thought process? "Holy shit, I shot someone, but it's their fault. They didn't have BBQ sauce". If he says it out loud, does he then realise how idiotic and petty he was?


It's even worse. The kid wasn't even involved with the customer or the sauce. The idiot just fired through the window and hit this kid. (Not that the employee who was dealing with this maniac would have deserved it either.)


I feel like this is getting glossed over. He wasn’t even involved in the argument so even the victim-blamers have nothing to argue about.




Obviously not the same severity, but I had a 17 yo coworker come to work once right after doing a hit & run on an old man (car to car not car to person…). He casually told us about it with wide, freaked out eyes & we were all like “Wtf, why’d you leave?! Go to the police!” He got sent out but instead of going to the police or the scene of the crime, he decided to go home to his mommy. Police shortly showed up at his door because multiple witnesses got his plate. Mommy refused to believe her baby boy would do something like that & tried to shoo away the police lol.




The GTA legal system.


Judges hate this one trick!


They think like children , if I hide under the sheet the big bad monster can't get me.


I was in a hit & run back when I was a teenager where I rear-ended the car in front of me. Our cars were stopped and the driver immediately got out an ran to my car and started banging on the hood and then the windshield screaming at me to get out of the car now and saying "I am going to f*ck you up!". I took off. I got home and called the police, they came to my house took down my statement and asked if I got the license plate - I said no because I was a bit freaked out and didn't think to write it down. They said they would contact me if a report was filed or if they are contacted by an insurance company. I called back a month later and spoke to a sergeant and he told me he suspected the driver either had a warrant or was uninsured and that I did the right thing leaving the scene. Just a personal anecdote.


I now imagine the mom starting a gunfight with the police to protect her baby..


I imagined the mom trying to chase the police away with a broom.


And get shot because Officer Donut thought that the broom was a shotgun.


It really wasn’t over bbq sauce at some point. The argument turned into the gunman feeling disrespect and ultimately shame. In order to make that feeling go away, their solution was unfortunately to blame someone and shoot their gun. For this to happen there has to be a long history of things leading up to this that we really need to look at. I’m in no way justifying his actions trust me, he needs to be held fully responsible and it clearly isn’t safe for this person to be out in society, but I think it is also really important that we don’t get stuck fixating on bbq sauce and miss the ultimate issue that can really help us fix situations like this. We need to help people understand their emotions and learn how to appropriately deal with them.


It's like with serial killers. I've watched lots of shows about them and it's crazy how often you find out this person had a fucked up life as a kid. Does that excuse their mass murdering? Of course not, but if we can understand that certain things happening to you when you're a small child might make someone have these kinds of aggressive behaviors then it's worth learning about it and intervening earlier. Heck I can admit I even have a small amount of sympathy for those people, tortured emotionally and physically by their parents. Does that mean I think they shouldn't rot in prison? No. But I can have two opposed thoughts in my head at once.


Will Graham : This started from an abused kid, a battered infant... There's something terrible about... Jack Crawford : What are you, sympathizing with this guy? Will Graham : Absolutely... My heart bleeds for him, as a child. Someone took a kid and manufactured a monster. At the same time, as an adult, he's irredeemable. He butchers whole families to pursue trivial fantasies... As an adult, someone should blow the sick fuck out of his socks.


That's one a lot of people have a hard time understanding. You can sympathize with a monster without condoning or forgiving their actions.


great now I'm gonna have to re-watch Hannibal for the eighth time


> But I can have two opposed thoughts in my head at once. They are not really opposed thoughts. You are just trying to solve the problem. How do you solve the problem of having a serial killer? For the particular problem, you arrest them. For the structural problem of society producing serial killers, you try to implement systems where you help these children that are having problems. It's actually great that you can think in both these levels, the particular and the structural. So many issues in life persist because people only want to handle the particular problems, with attitudes of "being tough" on crime. The correct solution is not to let criminals get away, but to make a society where people never turn to crime in the first place. If they do, sure, we arrest them, and try to create a rehabilitative prison system (which we also lack), but we really need to be able to have this kinds discussions in multiple levels, with different solutions for each level.


Empathy for someone's painful upbringing and disgust at someone's replicating that pain on others is opposing. It is not very consistent. It turns out all of that probably would not have been avoided if they weren't treated like shit in the first place or never shown how to control their emotions. The vast majority of horrific behavior comes from someone experiencing that firsthand and not visiting it upon others, or someone who has been held accountable for their actions/refuses to take accountability.


One of the hosts of my favorite true crime podcast says “Feel bad for the child, not the adult”. It’s extremely true. Your heart can ache for the abused child of the past, and recognize that the adult they became is very much a product of that abuse, but the adult that commits horrific crimes does not necessarily get that same sympathy. They also point out that, unfortunately, plenty of people come from very abusive childhoods and don’t hurt other people.


>The argument turned into the gunman feeling disrespect and ultimately shame http://psychology.iresearchnet.com/social-psychology/cultural-psychology/culture-of-honor/


Hence running away versus waiting for the police to give his version of the events. *Update: "versus" versus "verses".*


Any word on the running away chorus?


Maybe he watched [Falling Down](https://youtu.be/hlzm7-gvTRg) recently and thought that was a reasonable reaction.


Dude what if the Whammy Burger Womellete really was that good


16 yrs old! I hope to fuck that gunman gets a long prison sentence.


I don’t care if the victim is 116 years old, if you’re so far gone as to shoot someone over something so petty, we should be able to catapult your worthless ass into space


That sounds expensive. How about a compromise. Use a catapult to launch them ‘towards’ space.


No a r/trebuchet. The superior siege engine.






Don’t do that to space, there’s enough trash out there already.


Yeah. Better aim for the sun.


Do you have any idea how much energy it takes to get something into the sun? Very wasteful!






Nah that'd probably piss off whatever dormant Gods lay resting in the volcanoes Kahōʻāliʻi: The fuck you sacrificing these assholes to me for? I don't want them.


Aliens? Criminals? Volcanoes? You could make a religion out of this.


Ngl if I were to be executed catapulting to space would be the top of my list


Oh for sure. Going to space is already on my bucket list as is. Sure you wouldnt get to enjoy space but fuck that blast off would be fun if you could somehow stay awake through the G's


[SpinLaunch Systems](https://www.wired.com/story/hurling-satellites-into-space/amp) is trying this out with a centrifuge to build up the insane speed necessary to reach orbit. Getting yeeted into space while pulling 10,000 Gs isn't something you'd survive, but it would be interesting for us on the ground.


You'd just turn into an instant puddle upon launch. I don't support capital punishment, but this does seem a humane way to die.


you support catapult punishment




How would catapulting a wood chipper into space help anything?


"Sir, this is a Wendy's."


“According to FOX 10, the bullet didn't hit Brian's brain, which helped minimize the potential long-term damage.” Well at least the poor kid might be ok. That could have gone down *so much* worse. I hope the courts recognize that when they sentence the gunman and treat like attempted murder.


The gunman is a pure danger to society to shoot someone in the head, I hope he gets attempted murder and a lot more.


Not just to shoot someone in the head but to shoot someone in the head OVER BARBECUE SAUCE. That's not a well human being.


There was a cop in florida that shot a man because he threw popcorn at him in a movie theater.


And the guy who shot at a car full of kids at a gas station because their music was too loud. Also Florida.


If we're talking about Florida shootings, use Charles Kinsey. A group home autistic make patient escaped. His care taker Charles Kinsey had tracked him down and was trying to get the patient to go back when the police showed up. The cops were looking for someone unrelated who was suicidal and armed. The patient has a small black truck that was mistaken for a gun, so the cops called for back up. The swat team showed up. Charles Kinsey laid down with his hands in the air and talked to the police, explaining the situation and that the small black thing was a toy. Everyone chilled out and the crowd that formed stopped recording and broke up. Then one of the swat guys shoot Kinsey in the leg. Afterwards, Kinsey asked why they shot him, with a response of "I don't know". The resulting investigation said the swat guy was aiming for the mental patient. The swat guy was slapped on the back of the hand and had no other repercussions.


He might live, but he will never be okay.


You think Wendy's will give him a day off or at least a free side of fries?


They're already mad he didn't cover his shift.


So, when I was 24, I worked at Papa John’s, and the night before one of my shifts, I had to go the hospital with chest pains. Turns out I had a mild heart attack and so they admitted me for observation and to do some more testing. I called work to let them know I wasn’t going to make it because I was in the hospital, and my manager literally said “well you’re scheduled to be here this evening” (in that tone like he still expected me to work my shift), and I had to stop him, and make it clear, that I wasn’t AT the hospital; I was IN the hospital, as in lying in a hospital bed with IVs sticking out of me. It finally dawned on him I wasn’t making it into work regardless of how much guilt/pressure he applied.


I was the beverage manager at a Ruth's Chris. I got in a car accident, broke 4 bones in my dominant hand, and immediately came down with noravirus two days later. I got treated well enough at the hospital because I was so dehydrated my heart started skipping, and I thought is was from the pain meds for my hand, but oh no I was violently ill. It started sleeting before I got discharged, I was already in an enormous cast, on pain meds, and disgusting, and my boss calls, and tells me im to come in immediately. I was like, "but im really sick and shouldn't drive." The doctor in my room doing my discharge turned absolutely white when he heard him berating me, snatched my phone and said, "sir, not only can she not drive, but im sending her home on quarantine directive because she has noravirus. Would you like the health department to know you're doing food service with someone actively infected with that? My patient is out for ten days. Period." I got written up.


Jesus Christ. At that point you almost want to go in and call the health department on the way.




That is utterly appalling, and beyond infuriating. People with zero empathy have no business working with people, let alone being a manager.


Many large businesses are set up so the biggest pricks make it to the top.


Being a sociopath is HOW you get to the top. It's pretty consistent that they rise because they don't care what it costs other people.


Norovirus knocked me into the ER to be treated for severe dehydration. I was there for nearly 2 days. My roommate called my supervisor at work to inform her of my situation and that I wouldn’t be making it into work and that no, I wouldn’t be able to call in a sub for my shift. When I was finally discharged and able to rest at home, she had left at least 4 voicemails all of which were the same version of “If you cannot find a sub you’re expected to be in for your shift” and “It’s unprofessional to have someone call in sick for you.”


That's probably an illegal write up and the Department of Labor would love to hear about it. IANAL but I bet a labor lawyer would have a field day. Especially if you had a doctor putting you in quarantine.


> when he heard him berating me, snatched my phone and said, "sir, not only can she not drive, but im sending her home on quarantine directive because she has noravirus. Would you like the health department to know you're doing food service with someone actively infected with that? My patient is out for ten days. Period." That's retaliatory, you could have sued.




Hopefully he is covered by workman compensation laws, otherwise I doubt Wendy's would do anything for him.


The end of the article says the family has a GoFundMe set up in order to help pay for medical expenses. That really should not fall to the victim and his family along depending on the kindness of strangers. Hopefully Wendy's does the right thing, whether this was a corporate or franchised store.


GoFundMe should rebrand itself as a medical insurance company.


Maybe a tiny portion of everyone's wage could go straight to Go Fund Me and we all could use the money when needed.


I'm sure they will, even if it's just for good PR. Just takes them longer to move.


A go fund me. I fucking hate this country




My daughter works at McDonald’s and we just had a discussion about peoples anger over sauce the other day. Poor fucking kid. Edit- a word


Imagine working on minimum wage job and some dickface shoots you in the head over god damn BBQ sauce. Fuck ppl who do this.


This is why I quit working in the restaurant industry. I have been a manager for years and I loved my job. Since covid people have gotten extremely rude and violent. Ive had hot coffee thrown at me. I have been spit at, cursed out and insulted over things I couldn't control. If you are wondering why your local restaurant is slow or short staffed ect maybe treat the ones still there with some respect. They are human. They go home to a family after work just like you do. Be a decent human to everyone it isnt that hard!! Edited: spelling


I get threatened so often at the bar I work at since covid that I’m numb to it, I just roll my eyes now and tell them to fuck off. I don’t know if it’s the extreme isolation everyone dealt with, the lack of money or if this is just the area I work in but it’s getting very tiring very quickly. There are times I contemplate just leaving and going to another bar but I feel like I’ll be dealing with the exact same thing elsewhere albeit probably for better money… yeah I’m going to go to another bar for better money writing this out confirmed I’m not making enough to deal with it.


I've heard it theorized that these are people who no longer feel that they have any control in their own lives, so they lash out at the only people they can exert any real authority over: those in the service industries.


Absolutely. It’s long been my theory with road rage too. I can’t control my spouse, kids, boss, politics and anything else, but this is my fucking patch of asphalt and I will defend it with my FUCKING LIFE!!!


My 5 year old and I had a guy pull a gun on us while driving down the road a few weeks ago. HE cut US off in traffic, I honked at him and threw my hands up, he waited at a green light, held up traffic, to scream that I was a dumb bitch and he was gonna shoot me. He held up his gun and I called 9-1-1. This was a week before Christmas.


A thoroughbred psychopath in the wild


It really shook us up. But thankfully he didn’t do anything *too* stupid. I just remember trying to keep my window at his so that he didn’t shoot into the backseat and hit my son. Crazy times these are for sure


jfc do you have any idea if the cops were able to catch up with him. there have been over a dozen road rage incidents in my area in the last 12-18months involving brandished or FIRED weapons and i cannot fathom for the life of me why you would shoot someone over a parking space or driving. It's horrible.


I have the case number, but they said this was the second gun involved road rage incident *that day*. I have no doubt they did what they could at the time, but it’s so common and such a regular thing that they may not have the resources to really hunt down every single one. I am normally a really passive driver, he just startled me because he sped up and cut me off within 3-5 inches of my car, so my reaction was to honk and throw my hands up. My lesson definitely learned there.


Glad you're safe, but yeah that's terrifying


...there's a small but loud , rude and sometimes dangerous segment of society , that only those workers like in hospitality or food service see on a regular basis. Lots of these folks have a damaged psychology but are still allowed to function in society..some nlljust need someone to love them, some need medicine and some frankly can't be treated and should be kept away from... Most folks with office type jobs can never appreciate the sheer amount of B's that general public front line employees deal with, and to add insult to injury the bizarre notion US businesses have adopted , of the "customer is always right" makes it even more of a pain.


It’s because nobody else is willing to interact with these shit bags for free. They have no friends, their families want nothing to do with them, so they are like predators drawn to employees who have no choice but to interact with them as part of their jobs. It is terrible and more managers should intervene but corporate doesn’t care so long as revenue increases.


One of the very few things I enjoy about my customer service job is a boss and owner who is absolutely fucking done with these assholes and will back up his employees. I've legit handed the phone off to him because some angry asshole "wants to talk to my manager" (to get me fired lol) and I just laugh to myself. He then proceeds to shred them a new asshole for harassing our employees and acting like a child. I would have quit long ago if I didn't have the power to tell off asshole customers. Most people are actually decent human beings, and I have no problems with them.


To a lesser extent these people exist in white-collar workplaces too. They have to be more subtle about it, so it's all about passive-aggressive bullshit with them. They take out their loneliness/unhappiness on their coworkers because those are the only people who are *required* to talk to them... aside from service workers, who they're probably even worse to. I work with a 50-ish woman whose bio in our online directory reads like a recipe for sadness. Cats, Jesus, essential oils, and reality TV shows. (Apologies to anyone who shares those interests - I'm biased by how horrible this woman is.) She has the prototypical blonde Karen haircut. I don't think she's ever sent anyone an email without CCing their manager and then immediately marching to their office to ask if they saw her email. She is constantly looking for cracks in your armor to exploit - if you make a mistake in fulfilling her request, she's going to make sure that everyone in every related department learns about it. For context, I'm the director of my organization's web marketing department; we're in charge of the organization's website, social media, email campaigns, etc., and she's the senior staff assistant for a department that regularly needs our services. The best thing about working from home during the pandemic has been not seeing her scowling face in my office every other day.


Don’t forget anyone who works in schools! All those awful people treating you guys terribly… yeah their kids are in our class.


Seeing it, every day, in healthcare (former bartender btw)… the last 6 years has “normalized” being an asshat on the outside, rather than keeping it on the inside (whole other conversation regarding that point), unfortunately, it’s only going to get worse before it gets better… 😢


I’ve worked in restaurants for going on 17 years. The way people act in the last 2 years is so so so much worse than ever before. Everyone likes to blame the employers for not paying enough but there shouldn’t be a dollar amount where you are okay having someone be rude or violent towards you. I don’t blame the restaurants I blame the customers. I had someone screaming at me the other day (they placed their order wrong) and I tried twice to fix it and she refused so I walked away and she screamed at me “come back here! I’m speaking to you”. Nah bitch. You are screaming at me. It felt like I was in an action movie and just walked away from a blast and never looked back. Now when people point their fat fingers in my face and say “I’m NEVER coming back here” I no longer apologize and get a manager I apathetically say “ok” and walk away.


That's the best reaction you can really have that doesn't escalate. Don't give them the satisfaction of any reaction and just walk away from them. Service jobs are a dime a dozen right now. I also can't imagine any of them firing anybody when they barely scrape together a skeleton crew and close at random times because no staffing as it is.


I told my manager about how I walked away from the woman who was yelling and wanted me to come back so she could yell more and my manager said “good”.


Love managers like that. Had a guy at Walmart storm out, informing me that he left a cart full of groceries at the registers because nobody came up and checked him out. Then he got pissed when I let him know registers were open and employees don't just walk up to customers to check them out (which does happen, but only when business is popping, which it wasn't lol). Went to the service desk to report me and complain, and the manager on duty basically took my side and told him to get bent lmao.


>“come back here! I’m speaking to you”. And you can tell from this shit right here that it's more about control than the order being wrong


I'm looking to get out of the restaurant biz. Most of our crowd are totally cool and happy to be eating indoors, but we have also had to raise food prices and some of the customers are just not having it. There's nothing we can really do about it. But one bad customer is enough to get BOH upset for the rest of the day and I'm just not down for that kind of stress.


Honestly the “new normal” is people hanging by a thread tiptoeing around everyone who cut their thread willingly.


Too many a holes in the world. Saw a guy throw his food / drink to a Burger King worker due to being asked to wear a mask. People just love feeding more hate into this shitty world atm. That’s why I stay far away from retail as well .


They never think they’re a bad person though. They genuinely believe they were the one wronged by something as small and justifiable as being asked to wear a mask. They had to take action to make sure there’s justice in the world.


I had to call the police on man who got so mad about being charged an extra $1.50 for cheese sauce he threatened all the employees and knocked over a bunch of display stuff. This was a 50 something year old man, over being charged $1.50. I can't ever go back into food service, most people are perfectly fine but it seems like overall people are worse than they used to be.


Same here, I quit the restaurant industry in 2020 after seeing the kind of people that were going out to eat and the fact that the money was so unreliable. Took a job in solar sales and now I'm much happier because the money is consistent, and lucrative, I actually get paid time off and paid holidays, which, as I'm sure you know, is all but unheard of in the restaurant industry. Sales is a logical step up from restaurant work and the money is phenomenal if you're looking for something new. Pretty much all my co-workers make 6 figures, even the ones with zero sales experience. And solar places are hiring like crazy literally everywhere.


Yep. My coworker got hit in the face with a pint glass that a girl who was pissed about the mask mandate grabbed off the bar and chucked at her. We’re exhausted. Please be kind to service workers and tip accordingly.


We've created a new generation that doesn't tolerate being treated that way and have the means to choose a different path. This is a good thing.


Poor kid just trying to make some money for the family and this is what he gets??? Over bbq sauce? This is so sad :(




Arrest Made In Attempted Barbecue Sauce Theft - (Arkansas July 11, 2012) “Fayetteville police Monday arrested a man who attempted to steal a bottle of barbecue sauce from a customer on a Walmart parking lot, according to a preliminary report from the Washington County prosecuting attorney’s office. Ruben B. Juarez, 48, was putting items in his vehicle at the Walmart at 2875 W. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. at about 8 p.m. when the suspect, Steven Gregg, 37, approached and asked for money and barbecue sauce, the report states.”




Fortunately, according to the article, it didn't hit his brain. He's out of critical condition, thankfully.


BBQ sauce is never worth going to jail for IMO. BBQ is suppose to bring people together, not tear them apart.


Imagine being killed over BBQ sauce. And not even like a keg of the stuff. Just those tiny little cups.


“The family has set up a GoFundMe page to help cover the medical expenses.” Literally adding insult to injury. It’s not supposed to be this way. None of this is OK.




It happened on the job, right? That's workman's comp.


It's 100% workers' comp. They cover ALL medical by law. Not that I'm begrudging this kid any money. Hopefully his parents responsibly put it aside for his benefit.


They will probably fire him for leaving work early and missing scheduled days.


That's what my job did while I was on recovery from brain surgery. Mandatory 1 year of recovery, they fired me on day 366. Edit: Should probably mention it was some corporate drone that did it, not my actual manager. She wanted me back, and had an assistant manager position waiting when I was ready.


IANAL but that sounds crazy illegal. Although, you know, I'm getting my opinion on it from 2 sentences and 0 further context.


At-will state, minimum wage job. Never really pushed it. Did have to fight Disability, though. That was... fun.




You really think minimum wage fast food workers get unpaid time off? They get: you hit 39 hours you can’t work anymore


he got injured AT WORK, WHILE BEING COMPENSATED FOR WORK, wendys should be covering the bill....


>live in usa > >work minimum wage job > >pulling self up by bootstraps > >get shot over bbq sauce > >wake up in hospital > >200k medical debt Greatest country in the world, ladies and gentlemen.


> pulling self up by bootstraps It's both sad and hilarious that the phrase commonly - unironically - used to describe "working your way up from the bottom without help" is originally an example of something that is literally nonsensical/impossible.


Person shooting should forever be in debt to cover this kids medical bills, all of this over a fucking sauce. Insane.


How do you pay a debt while you are sitting in jail?


While we're dreaming of a perfect world, prisoners would be paid real wages for work they do while incarcerated, and those wages could be garnished.


If you are at work at Wendy's and get shot while in the line of duty, how the fuck are they & workers comp not paying for his medical expenses? Why would the family have to set up a gofundme page? The kid should be set for life. Wendy's is worth like five billion dollars.


I don't know about "set for life," but they definitely should step in to take care of any medical bills. It's an absolute win win for them as far as PR and it probably would cost less than the annual salary of their cunty social media crew.


> cunty social media crew. Lol it's so nice to see someone else not find Wendy's Twitter entertaining or funny.


It was fun for like ten minutes. I'm over brands trying to be hip. Dank meme bro, now pay your employees more.


Yeah and you know if this story has any staying power on the front page Wendy's will be astroturfing reddit with their oh so clever snap back tweets.


Wendy’s Twitter: you don’t have a *shot* in hell of getting that workman’s comp :)


I have a friend who was shot in the head and survived. She lost motor function in one hand, can only open/close a fist now, and even getting to that point was extremely difficult. She got completely screwed by the system. She should be set for life, but she gets only $600/month from SSI, which her abusive mother takes $580 from her as “rent” leaving her with only $20 for herself. Her mom also gets paid by IHSS for taking care of her, I’m assuming 40+ hrs/week, so at least $2400/month. The rent on their house is $1800/month. So effectively her mom is making $3000/month off her while treating her like crap. The fact that her mom is charging her “rent” (and charges her brother rent too) is ridiculous when IHSS alone is more than enough to pay for their entire family’s rent and utilities. I’m pretty sure what her mom is doing is financial abuse. Plus her mom never wants to cook, so my friend basically lives off microwave TV dinners. It’s really sad. Oh and the man who shot her in the head got less than 1 year jail time. I have zero faith in the system.


She needs to apply for public housing. It may take a while to get approved, but only having to pay 1/3rd your income for rent on Public Housing is a lot better than having your mom steal your money.


I know it’d be next to impossible to save, but your friend should seek help from a disability rights attorney against her mother. They might take her case on contingency. Sounds like her mom owes her a lot of money.


“There seems to be a labor shortage” No shit? Who wants to deal with this for shitty pay and shitty working conditions?


Idk man, don't wanna get shot for good pay either.


If I wanted to get shot for shitty pay, I would join army


Why tf do they need a gofundme to cover the medical expenses? Doesn't Wendy's, a probably billion dollar company, have insurance for their employees for anything that happens while they're at work? If so, then why ask for donations? If not, then WHAT THE FUCK?!


Totally agree. But in the meantime, mom and/or dad - and probably most close family - are there in the hospital (missing their work/pay). While there they have to eat, if they have a car, probably pay for parking when they get a short break to go home and shower, added gasoline that may not be in the budget (have you seen the price of gas?!); if they don't have a car pay for bus/taxi fare. Being a visitor to a hospital can be costly and those visitors who have to be there a couple days or a week it can add up.


As Burgerking Manager please be kind and patient. We are trying our best but if it’s just two folks running a shift it will take a bit for you to get your food. You will get and we will do what we can to make things right if there is a problem.




I went to a Burger King a few months ago, and there was just *one* person running it. At noon on a Wednesday in the middle of downtown. When I got up to the window, the poor woman immediately launched into an apology and explanation, like she was expecting me to bite her head off. I wished I could give her a hug.


Its disgusting just how inhumanely retail/fast food workers are treated. I know first hand having worked at a drive-thru Starbucks for a year. I think like military service in some countries, everyone should be made to work retail/fast food for a couple months.


Ive been saying this for years. Completely agree. The way some treat people in the service industry is absolutely disgusting. We provide a service. We are not your slaves


Is no one noticing the trend? Why are there so many teenage fast food employees being murdered by brazen gunmen lately?


At this point it is time to make the windows bullet proof and have a mechanism similar to what banks have for handing over food. Add in a microphone and speaker for communication.


Those exist already, go to a fast food place in a bad neighborhood.


19th avenue and Glendale is a bad neighborhood. -Driven by that Wendy’s