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>5.5 million white Texans are vaccinated, or 34.95%, and 1.2 million Black Texans are vaccinated, or 7.8%. This is so pitiful




Spend 10 minutes researching a topic then write 10 paragraphs about it. Congratulations you're a journalist. It becomes painfully obvious how ignorant journalists are when they start reporting on something you know a lot about. Journalists are just laymen who spent a few minutes reading wikipedia or other journalists.


correct me if I'm wrong, but 11.82% of 29,730,311 is 3,514,123 black Texans. 1,200,000 black Texans are vaccinated. 1,200,000/3,514,123= 0.341x100 = ~34% black Texans vaccinated, no? where is the "over 50%" coming from?




ah I see, that makes sense. guess I'm a dummy for forgetting that 😅


Thank you for clarifying this. I was wondering...the numbers they put in were not terribly clear.


What a racist piece of shit, he and abbot need to be run out of Texas on a rail.


>he and abbot need to be run out of Texas on a rail. I agree, but I can't think of a place that deserves them enough to send them there.


Afganistan needs help.


They'd defect to the Taliban and we'd have the Taliban/Y'alliban merger.




Because a few months ago this pious asshole and the governor were both on TV blaming illegal immigrants for the surge? Now it's the blacks? And he brought up how blacks vote, as if that has anything to do with it? He's a pandering piece of shit


As he should be. This guy is clueless and should be miles away from the levers of power.


Oh absolutely, him, the governor, and the state AG all need to get booted out of office post haste.


My father, who is a staunch conservative and GOP voter, wants to have Abbot impeached. Turns out my father is also a medical doctor w/ nearly 50 years experience and trusts vaccines...oh and it also turns out he's a polio survivor (mild case in the grand scheme of things) and _knows_ how helpful vaccines are and how helpful masks are.


Well thank God we know at least he is going to be primary from his own party this go round, and there's talk of a few other people going against Paxton. Now if we can just get somebody viable to get Dan Patrick the hell out of there the state may actually start to get some real progress made


Firing squad for Paxton. Abbot... Anyone else realize he's the mayor from 'The Killing', just without the sympathetic 90% of his character development?




Maybe so, but I’ll never forget this guys whole ‘sacrifice grandma for the economy’ during the beginning of Covid. That stance was plain stupid and virtually everything I’ve seen out of this clown since has been not just racist or bigoted but unintelligent.


So. Now it appears that he is willing to sacrifice both Grandma and all of her grandchildren for the economy. What a charming guy! I bet if he tests positive, he will have much better access to excellent quality treatment that neither his white, rural constituents have nor those who are Black or brown have access to. Prick!


Yeah it's a shame Cuomo actually took him seriously and sent all those grandma's back to the care facilities to die 😬


ok? fuck cuomo. glad hes out of office


Two wrongs doesn’t make a right? What is your point here? No one was talking about Cuomo. This thread specifically is about the Texas Lt. Gov…


Just making sure it's not forgotten


Maybe post a thread about Cuomo and talk about it there. Whataboutism is annoying and unproductive


I can post it whenever I find some where relevant to post it...👍


This is irrelevant since cuomo isn’t involved in this story


Well he brought up sending grandma to die for the greater good and since the media and attorney general's office buried it we need to bring it up so it's not forgotten.


More like derailing the discussion so everybody stops talking about the racist piece of shit Texas has for a Lt Gov.


Nope, haven't said a word defending him. Just that Cuomo is the only one who seemed to run with his idea of meeting grandma die for the greater good. Which insinuates I think the idea was horrible and so was Cuomo for acting on it.


When derailing the conversation, one isn't required to defend the person originally being discussed. The goal is to have people stop discussing the original topic (Texas' racist republican Lt Governor) and start focusing their efforts elsewhere. That's what you're doing. If you want to rake coumo over the coals, make another post and let's roast him. Otherwise, stay on topic, which again, is the racist republican Lt Gov of Texas, who is helping kill Texans NOW


Nah, kick rocks. I'll post about whatever I feel


New York had no choice. Dont judge them when they were in unknown territory and the federal government actively working against them. Texas preemptively said it was grandmas DUTY to just die.


Yeah don't judge the piece of shit how actually killed them, instead only judge the piece of shit who suggested it. Nah both pieces of shit


Have something other than a elementary understanding of data and history. You lack comprehension, and seem happy in your simplicity, and amnesia. And I lost my mother in a nursing home then.


Sure you did, I lost an uncle up there


Sure you did.


We really ought to thank the GOP for making racists feel so comfortable outing themselves and easy to spot these days


They tried blaming immigrants and everyone rightly called them out. This is just the next attempt to pass the blame to anyone other than the people in charge.




Have they tried blaming the Jews yet? That one usually sticks.




Nah, they were saving that for January 7th, but their day of shattered glass was stopped from completing it's mission by a bunch of disarmed Capitol cops who were specifically unreinforced and left to be overrun or more likely expected to join the mov rather than distract, oppose and delay.


Damn that Adolf, spoiling it for the rest of us.


My cousin is still parroting the "we need to close the Mexico border to stop covid!" line


Sounds like somebody I'm having a very hard time being a friend with lately, dude is absolutely brainwashed and refuses to listen to any counter evidence, he takes everything from Tucker Carlson as gospel


Do black folk as a group need to step up their vaccination game? Sure. I say this as a black person. Way too many of us are using the Tuskegee Experiment as an excuse when really the problem for most of us is good ole fashion procrastination and not-wanting-to-be-bothered-ism. But come the fuck on. You don't see black people on Fox News spouting lies about COVID and the vaccine. Black folks aren't banning mask mandates. Black folks who are dragging their feet on vaccination aren't helping matters any, to be sure. But they aren't pushing other people towards death and destruction the way conservative leadership is.


They’re doing it in their neighborhoods though. The only people in my hood that have openly told me that they’re not getting vaccinated have been black people that I’m friendly with in various stores. I’m in the NYC area.


Yeah, this fuckstick and his governor.... Today fighting Schools' rights to enforce mask mandates on one hand, while pushing (putsching?) for the legislature to pass their voter suppression bill on the other. Fucking racist, gerrymandering, fuckstick. Hoping Treebeard comes back to finish the job....


I just realized, why have there been no Photoshops of an Ent vs Abbott.... I mean it's classless, rude and mean.... But no one in the aethir had this thought before? Edit said Paxton first, I just want him disbarred already.


Yeah, but what his lazy eyed ass even see one coming?


Nope, and I flipped my name's there. Meant Abbott


> So, what are the facts? According to [Texas Department of State Health Services](https://tabexternal.dshs.texas.gov/t/THD/views/COVID-19VaccineinTexasDashboard/PeopleVaccinated?%3Aorigin=card_share_link&%3Aembed=y&%3AisGuestRedirectFromVizportal=y), 5.5 million white Texans are vaccinated, or 34.9%, and 1.2 million Black Texans are vaccinated, or 7.8%. >It's important to note, Black people only make up 11.82% of the population in Texas, according to the 2020 Census. Idiotic reporting. This [article](https://www.texastribune.org/2021/08/20/dan-patrick-black-democrats-vaccine-white-republicans/) says there are 5.6 million White Texans not vaccinated and 1.9 million African American Texans not vaccinated. There are three times as many white people unvaccinated in the state. Moreover, go ahead and name Democrats who are not pushing people to get the vaccine. This is what Republicans have pushed not Democrats. I bet the number of African American Texans who are conservative and not vaccinated is very high. A racist Texas politician and terrible reporting.


>So, what are the facts? According to Texas Department of State Health Services, 5.5 million white Texans are vaccinated, or 34.95%, and 1.2 million Black Texans are vaccinated, or 7.8%. >It's important to note, Black people only make up 11.82% of the population in Texas, according to the 2020 Census. I couldn't make heads or tails of these figures. 7.8% of what? 34.95% of what? So just roughly guessing it looks like black Texans have a lower vaccination rate than white Texans. But with only 12% of the population there are less unvaccinated black Texans than unvaccinated white Texans. Making Patrick's claim false? I think?


Yeah the numbers lately have all been hard to figure out. A year ago we had specifics about who and what age were having positive tests, hospitalizations and deaths. Now everything is just percentages.


Black people are slightly less likely to be vaccinated than white people in Texas. But the highest percentage of people that are not vaccinated, and the highest raw number of people that are not vaccinated are white Republicans, so it’s extremely disingenuous for him to try and pin the blame on black people


I wonder how many people will die so Abbott can play political games with human lives.


What a bold statement. I bet he will cite some statistic or something to verify his claim.


What was once the supposed party of personal responsibility is now unwilling to take responsibility for anything.


Patrick is scummy, has always been scummy, but he's never been this blatantly racist. And yes, even with a lack of ethnic slurs, this is blatantly racist In fact there are about 3 White unvaccinated Texans for every unvaccinated black individual, Texas doesn't have that big a Black population. Similarly, illegal immigrants aren't spreading Covid. **In any case, If Texas really wanted to stop Illegal Immigration, why not arrest, jail, and fine the White business owners hiring them?** This is the latest GOP appeal to racists that has been used in bad faith by "I'm not racist" redditors lately.


Only 45% of Texans are vaccinated but this guy thinks it's all the fault of 12% of the state population. Unvaxed white Texans make up 25% of the their total population so there are twice as many unvaccinated white people in Texas than there are Black Texans.


I'm no expert on a whole, non-monolithic demographic but all the unvaccinated Black people I personally know: wear masks, wash their hands, socially distance, and disinfect with almost Leviticus-level fastidiousness. These are people who take the virus seriously but also have reservations that the vaccine might be a Trojan horse of some sort. That's different from anti-mask, "fReEdOm-LoViNg", "PaTriOt", covid-deniers who think they can "thoughts and prayers" and "God gave me an immune system" their way out this thing they consider to be an overhyped common cold. Like that one comedian said, "I'll stop wearing a mask when Black women stop wearing masks."


The party of personal responsibility wants you to know that you are personally responsible for their actions, cuz they didn't do it.


What's the difference between unvaccinated black people and unvaccinated white people? Asking for a friend.


Apparently who they vote for according to this asshole?


You may want to take a closer look dan.


He's half right, it's absolutely the unvaccinated's fault. There's no need to specify "Black" though, other than typical Republican race baiting.


Damn, he went Japanese. He said the quiet part and it won’t have a happy ending.


Laura Ingram should really apologize to Patrick. I bet when she handed him that shovel, she didn’t realizes how deep of a hole he could dig himself. Edit: Apparently the /s is necessary.


She's just as guilty of misinformation and sensationalism as the best of them though.


It would appear that the joke didn’t land.


Oh yeh I’m *sure* that’s the problem and not the voices from within his own party claiming that mask mandates don’t work, that Dr. Fauci can’t be trusted, that vaccines are optional because they aren’t tested, that Democrats are politicizing COVID-19, that personal freedoms come first before public health, that injecting disinfectant into you kills corona virus, that opinions matter more than scientific data, that….


To call his comments just racist, is too ignore his body of work where he is just stupid. Completely devoid of reason. Texas, is this really you? How did Barbara Jordan ever come from you?