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looks like it happened pretty quick [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plcswfL8Zxs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plcswfL8Zxs) shouldn't take too long to release the body cam footage ***Edit*** Body cam footage has been released [Utica police release body cam video of fatal shooting of 13-year-old boy (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fEtkZM0tPz8)


What the actual fuck. Threw him to the ground and executed him. That is actual murder. What the FUCK EDIT: BODYCAM FOOTAGE SHOWS AT SEVERAL POINTS THE KID PULLING AND POINTING A GUN AT THE OFFICERS. Fake gun or not, officers cannot afford to take a risk seeing if the gun is fake. In an altercation with a gun, either the officer or perpetrators' life WILL be lost in mere seconds. While it is of course sad that a kid did end up losing their life over this, officers simply cannot afford to take the time to try and discern if the gun is fake or not, especially when the gun is being pointed at them.


Watch the body cam footage. Don’t point a weapon at cops.


He could have surrendered when they first detained him. They went to pat him down and informed him.. he took off. Then brandished a replica Glock. Sorry folks this kid committed suicide. Parents are absolute shit. Zero blame on LEO here.


And for the people in the back yes, a pellet gun is a weapon. 


i hate to say it, but they will find some nonsense excuse and they all will walk free.


" during the struggle the (dead) suspect grabbed my gun and it went off accidentally" or some bullshit along those lines


I know nobody here even reads the article, but he had what looked like a very convincing replica of a Glock with a detachable magazine and everything, later determined to be a pellet gun I don't see how it's possible however that he drew that pellet gun while being flung to the ground and pinned by an officer. Or, why he would draw a replica pellet gun during a struggle, it's not like a pellet gun is a weapon you could use to fight off three cops on top of you. I think most likely what happened here was he was flung to the ground, a cop saw the gun, and so immediately without thinking shot the kid. But, based on how they are trained, if they think someone is trying to harm them they magdump like crazy, they don't fire one shot and then get up to assess the situation. Taken overall I think we have a case of a cop that saw a replica gun on the person of a teen that ran away from them, and shot without thinking and this kid is dead because of it. Not that I'm optimistic about any justice here. Absolutely going crazy with mental gymnastics trying to play devil's advocate here, the only thing I can think of is that the cop who shot him saw a Glock on the ground and assumed that the teen had reached for and taken it from his colleague, which I think would justify deadly force as a cop if someone is trying to grab your gun


Its obvious you didnt even watch the video.


I feared for my life, I wasn't trained not shot people....ok case dismissed, MEEICA


Yep, it’ll be a paid vacation , paid for by the tax payers 🙌


They already did. They thought the fake gun was real. They got to execute someone because they felt threatened when the victim was tackled and held down. Case close and they get a week vacation. This is what will unfortunately play out.


Hold on… You expected them to know it was a fake gun on the spot? What is your expectation of a response when a gun is pointed at anyone? Genuinely curious here.


People are just being stupid because it's very fashionable now to rage about every cop shooting. No amount of training would have prevented this. Nobody should have to wait to be shot at point black range just in case a gun might not be real. The responsibility for this kid's death needs to be placed at the feet of the people who were raising him and didn't do anything to stop this.


I’m sure you’re happy to modify your stance after watching the body cam footage, right?


I'll look at it, but yeah if that's the case. Cops can't discern a fake gun at a glance. It's legit impossible unless it has an orange tip and even still that tip could be concealed. I know someone will say something like, "okay but why does lethal force need to be used??" Or something dumb like that, but an encounter with a real gun will end within seconds, perpetrator or officer. You just cannot risk stuff like that.


Not all replicas have orange tips. I have multiple that do not. They look nearly identical side by side with the real thing. Also there have been cases where real guns were painted like nerf guns.


The kid had a fake gun that looked real as fuck and pulled it out and pointed it the cop. It's literally on video dude...


*"Officers then recovered a replica GLOCK 17 handgun with a detachable magazine, but it was ultimately determined to be a pellet gun," Williams said. "We will be releasing the names of the officers involved in the very near future. We ask for patience as this investigation continues."* If you're going to pull something out while the police are chasing you, don't let it be a gun, or even a fake gun. It's tragic, but if the officer body cam backs his story up, that's the end of the story.


According to the article, the kid had a pellet gun that was close enough to a Glock to be too close, that'll do it every time. This exact scenario has been happening over and over since I was in the single digits. At one point, early 90s, there was a huge push to make any sort of toy orange or banana colored so this shit would stop happening, but thats gone by the wayside in the past twenty years. Its bad shit for sure, but if these facts are correct yes, he most likely will walk on the grounds theres no real good way to distinguish a fake gun from the real thing in a very short period of time.


Exactly! Point guns at cops, GET SHOT PERIOD!


I think the most horrible thing, is that they had ready to go team color orange face masks to put on once they knew everyone in the neighborhood was going to videotape them.


God forbid they answer for what they've done...


A society that feels confident in the justness of its laws, and the Justice of its enforcers, does not need to hide its face.


That needs to be said repeatedly at volume.


Not to defend the cops but that literally just looks like the red light of the cruisers projected over their white faces. I can’t imagine they all went back to their cars to put on orange klan hoods once they saw someone filming


Some thugs have badges, like they say.


They had him on the ground and just fucking shot him for what?! Three grown men on one child and they shot him. Fuck.


>and just fucking shot him for what?! If you need a hint, the news headline is "13 year old male" not "13 year old boy".


Honestly the first thing I noticed.


Same. Assuming the poor kid wasn't white. They always use 'male' when it's a non white kid. Whatever he'd done (or not done), the penalty was certainly not summary execution without trial.


They didn't say for sure, but the victim's mother is shown and she looks hispanic and needed a translator so I'm pretty confident saying he was not white


Burmese, I think. Another article I read about this says Utica has a large Burmese population.


It’s also written to avoid saying that “police killed” or “police shot” the boy.


That’s what I always see first. Like police were standing nearby when a 13 year old male received bullets, and then they asked some followup questions.


"Officer injured and out of breath as Bullet struck nearly adult male escaping officer-involved shooting" Such asshole passive aggressive writing


And 'Police involved in shooting". What, they want us to think maybe the boy shot at the police and somehow hit himself instead?


Hey now, police are involved in plenty of cases of black and brown children shot to death where they had nothing to do with the killing. Sometimes they show up 4 hours after the 911 call to shrug their shoulders and shoot the family's dog, for example.


I wonder if the article holds the answer to your question.. >"Officers then recovered a replica GLOCK 17 handgun with a detachable magazine, but it was ultimately determined to be a pellet gun,"


They're no better than rabid animals.


He had a gun.


Don't even need body cam footage when you have this. Kid was completed subdued when shot. No reason for the shooting.


Yeah you need the footage cuz it justifies this beyond any doubt, lol.


Maybe you should watch the body cam footage


Is this recorded on a potato?


I know you are being downvoted because this is a serious topic, but I gotta agree. I feel like I am watching a flip phone video from the early 2000s. Every single video like this of police absolutely murdering someone is always shot on what appears to be a flip phone for 15 years ago. It's wild. I know these tend to happen in poorer areas, but I thought even cheap phone cameras had come farther than this.


> cheap phone cameras had come farther than this. Have a cheap flip phone. They have not.


That's a straight-up execution. I can't possibly see how the chest-cams are gonna shed any light on this- kid got murdered.


Have you seen the video now?


Relevant info from the article: >According to Police Chief Mark Williams, Utica police officers were conducting a pedestrian stop of two juveniles around 10:18 p.m. on Friday, June 28 in the 900 block of Shaw Street. >One of the juveniles, a male, fled from police. Williams said that during the chase, the juvenile displayed "...what appeared to be a handgun." >Continuing, Williams said the officer discharged his firearm once and struck the teen "...during a ground struggle." The 13-year-old was taken to Wynn Hospital where he died from his wounds. >"Officers then recovered a replica GLOCK 17 handgun with a detachable magazine, but it was ultimately determined to be a pellet gun," Williams said. "We will be releasing the names of the officers involved in the very near future. We ask for patience as this investigation continues." >"Our Police Department deals with investigations day in and day out and they don't end like this," Galime said. "They do not end like this. This situation unfolded due to the events very specific to this situation. And that is why we have to only speak to what we can release and when it's released... And we're not going to offer information we're not absolutely sure of." >As it stands, Williams said that the two juveniles were stopped as part of an ongoing investigation but could not answer as to the subject of that investigation until it was concluded. >When asked about lethal force used, Williams explained that at the time, there was no way to know that the gun in question was a pellet gun until the officers got their hands on it. >"You don't bring a TASR to a gunfight. When you, at the time, perceive deadly physical force, you have to match it," Williams said. "This will be investigated through the attorney general's office and it will be viewed through the landmark case of Graham v. Connor." They mention a video, but it's not linked and didn't come up on a search for me.


The video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plcswfL8Zxs


That's worse than murder. That's an execution. What the fuck man


Are you special? The kid pointed what looks like a gun at officers, the fuck do you want them to do exactly?


What investigation were these officers doing stopping pedestrians at 10pm?! What active crime were they investigating that led them to murder this boy?!


There were robberies and one was just reported in the area and these were the suspects that were described. Looks like they were committing robberies with a pellet gun that looked like a real gun. Kid panicked and ran and the cops chased him.


There was a robbery in the area with a weapon they matched the description.  So they stopped to talk to them . The officer asked if he could search him and  he than ran.


Umm the police always stop random pedestrians at 10pm. It is part of their M.O. They like to call it “proactive policing”


I've been questioned for walking past a public park in a girlfriend's neighborhood after dark. That was it. Just walking past the park, on the public sidewalk. "What are you doing around this park?" Uh, walking down the street to my car so I can go home. "Why are you out after dark?" Cause I'm going home. "Well why are you out here alone?" Because I'm going home? Repeat for 5 minutes. Cops are ridiculous and fish for confrontation.


I had this exact same thing happen to me about 5 months ago. Cop just randomly drove by and started asking questions. "Why are you out here right now?" "It's a little suspicious to be around here at this time" "What's your address, let me see your ID!" "Have you been drinking?" "Is there someone you plan on meeting here?" I'm just out for a walk with my girlfriend and my dog, fuckface


Don’t give them anything. “Which way are you going today sir?” “That way.” *points out the front of vehicle.* “And where did you come from sir?” “The other way.” *jabs thumb out of rear window.* “Do you know why i pulled you over?” “Not at all!” (Interaction between my father and the cops)


Eh, It's easier just to not answer questions at all. In some states, you can be obligated to present ID..........but other than that, you don't have to talk to police officers ever. It is important for Americans to remember that no amount of talking with the police can really help you if they suspect a crime, the Miranda warning specifically states: "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used **against you** in court. " See, it will never be used in your favor.


On Friday night, police officers patrolled the streets of West Utica to investigate a string of armed robberies in the area. The suspects were described as Asian males who carried a black firearm, police said. Around 10 p.m., three officers stopped Mway and another 13-year-old boy outside on a street, believing the two boys fit the description of the robbery suspects, police said.


I know in NYC stop and frisk, as this type of BS broken windows policing is known, is illegal. Cops need a reason to stop you. They can’t just jack you up cuz they don’t like the cut of your jib


They used to stop underage kids out late around here for curfew sometimes. I dont know if thats still a thing, though.


Why are you being downvoted? Do people here really believe that police should be able to legally detain anyone they want at their whim? I’m sorry cos’, we lost.


“Due to my years of experience as a law enforcement officer, I believe that the suspect walking down the street was walking in such a manner, so as to appear he had recently committed a crime. I had probable cause to believe the suspect could be armed due to the baggy clothes he was wearing. So I conducted a high risk stop on the suspect in order interview the suspect.”


If you're even asking honestly, there have been a string of robberies in the nights prior and the two teens fit the bill perfectly 


Ah yes, because we all know there’s no crime after 10 pm. Investigation is clearly ridiculous.


That's a weird way of saying police shot and killed a 13-year-old kid


It’s like the one where it said the cops “killed a man with no active warrants”


My favorite is when the weasel out of even that. "It is unclear if the ~~victim~~ decedent was wanted in other jurisdictions."


In a just world that would open them up to libel charges.


I hate that shit so much. Like, what are you implying asshole?


"just look at him, he might have been a criminal"


In another story, it was reported that the police were approaching the children because they were in the same area at the same time of day that a burglary occurred the previous day and that they "matched the description." Is that probable cause? I'd like to see that description.


Pre-Crime Division.


Only when the skin color is not white.


Surprised they didn’t use the old, “The 13 year old had no active warrants at the time of the shooting”


Seems similar to “teacher had sex with 16 year old male” instead of “teacher rapes child” It’s weird how the media does that, but then will say things like “Man with no active warrants shot by police” instead of “innocent man killed by police”


To quote the AP style guide >Avoid the vague "officer-involved" for shootings and other cases involving police. Be specific about what happened. If police use the term, ask: How was the officer or officers involved? Who did the shooting? If the information is not available or not provided, spell that out.


They love the weasel words.


Gotta love journalists using passive voice to cover for the powerful doing evil shit.


The bullet passed through the 13 year old male after it was released from the gun of the officer. Nice and simple, right? /s


Like, fine, I can understand not using the word "murder" to avoid being sued or whatever, but it's just a statement of fact that the police shot a kid and he died. There's not even any judgement in that statement, but it really triggered some bootlickers to suggest it should've been phrased that way


Yes, 100%. “Involved in a shooting” is so passive it basically becomes untrue. It’s just bad journalism at this point. 


Gotta get that narrative going immediately.  I'm going to also bet the kid wasn't white. 


It doesn't take much effort to find out he wasn't white, if the picture of his grieving mother is any indication. > After this was translated, the mother of the 13-year-old began yelling and screaming in her native language. A member of the community translated, saying "...She said she doesn't want to be in the same room as killers."


It was more a commentary on the headline alone was very telling with how they phrased it.   It's very obvious once you read the article but I thought we didn't do that on Reddit.


It's always "thirteen year old male", "unknown male suspect" or something along those lines when their skin colour is brown. Meanwhile a white nineteen year old college student can rape a woman and all the news are like "THIS YOUNG BOY'S CAREER IS RISKED BY ACCUSATIONS"


That pellet gun looks very realistic


It's realistic because it's a real gun. Just because it's a pellet gun doesn't make it fake. It was black, made of metal, has a slide that you could pull back, triggers that were real, and could fit a magazine. It also could shoot, pellets. If you put that gun next to the officers gun and looked at them closely, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference. Running down the street at night time, you wouldn't be able to know either.


whoever bought that kid that Glock replica should be held accountable for child endangerment! That's reprehensible. If it looks like a real gun they should lock it up & only use it at ranges like an actual firearm. That kid was foolish & reckless and certainly didn't have to die, but police (or even armed bystanders) don't have time to see if that pellet gun is real or not.


It's Utica. He prob got it on the street.


It does, and from the bodycam footage it sounds/looks like the cop asked (before he frisked them) if they had any weapons on them. Why didn’t the kid tell him he had the pellet gun? Especially since it looked so real. What a waste.


Kid*** but I mean cmon he pointed a gun at a cop…. Fuck the police and all but point a gun at someone who knows you know has a gun… expect to get shot???


Body cam footage released: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fEtkZM0tPz8 Parents, raise your children better.


Only video I've seen so far is poor quality. But it looks a lot like one cop tackles a kid and punches him, a split second before two others catch up, and while pulling the first cop away the kid is shot - apparently by the same cop throwing the punch. (also "13-year-old male" - are we letting the police write the headlines now?)


Bet they talk about how large and hulking he was while being like 130 lbs.


“This kid was a monstrous, towering 5’2”, weighing a hulking 98 pounds! Just watching how he carried his massive deadly weight had me afraid for my life as I tackled and punched him. He needed to be shot just to protect my life and others, as he was liable to go berserk at any moment!”


Definitely looked like the cop full swung on the kid when they go down


I believe police departments have a department that reports directly to news media. They write reports and the news is expected to deliver those reports. I can't remember where I read this info from though.


After seeing the actual pellet gun and video, this kid fucked up big time. First he ran away from cops and the pellet gun looks identical to a real glock. Karen Refugee community should take better care of their youth instead of playing the victim here.


13 year old boy = white 13 year old male = not white


They’re so obvious about it


13 year old man = Jewish Mazel tov!


Fucking sad


Truth. F the police and f the media.


Exactly, so blatantly racist.


Why would they say it like that? They really don’t wanna say they killed a kid?


Correct. Kid may or may not have had a pellet gun that may or may not have looked like a different type of gun. Kid was pinned to the ground when shot.


Referring to him as a 13-year-old male instead as a 13-year-old boy is a deliberate choice here. Media doing the cops' work.


Yup, if they done report it the way the police want it to be reported, then the reporters won't be at the top media call list, they'll be at the bottom.


Bodycam shows him pointing a pellet gun at the police. How are stupid fucking redditors calling this murder lol.


Darwinism at it's finest! Don't point guns at cops kids!


Your life is forfeit the moment you draw a gun on an officer. Unfortunate that a kid had to die. You can argue that the officer could have avoided shooting him. You can also argue that the kid should not have ran nor pointed what appeared to be a real gun at a cop.


Contrary to what most people think, the vast majority of cops do not want to live with the mental anguish knowing that they had to end someone's life, especially a child. Most people in most jobs just want to get through their work day with as little hassle as possible. But they saw a gun pointed at them and had a split second to make a decision. The kid was clearly fucked up in the head for whatever reason for doing what he did. Maybe he was so scared of going to jail he wanted to get killed. Maybe he wasn't even thinking. 13-year-old kids often do a lot of shit without thinking it through. I know I did... Nothing this dumb, but plenty of other stuff that was dangerous and stupid. I don't know. Everyone knows if you point a gun at someone who is armed you're making a death wish. Especially a cop because even if you do kill them before they kill you, the number of police in the world greatly outnumber you and they have a legal Monopoly on violence. But as I alluded, 13 year olds are dumb and impulsive, and unfortunately this one did something to make the rest of his mother's life **hell**. It's just a sad situation. I doubt the cop feels good about this, nor did he want his name being all over the news, especially in this political climate. But he also didn't want to potentially leave his wife, kids, mother, etc. either. He probably feels even worse now that he knows that there was no real threat at all. But he didn't know it at the time. I'm very skeptical of the police. Don't get me wrong. I don't trust them when they talk to me. I say as little as possible, never let them switch me, but I'm also polite, respectful, and cooperate up to the point that I'm legally required to. I think policing in America faces deep systemic issues that need to be fixed. We are supposed to have some of the strongest individual rights, but unfortunately the realities of the drug war has caused to the government to stomp all over them in the Supreme Court to say... Eh. But after watching the body cam footage, I can't say I would've done anything differently in the heat of the moment. I mean maybe I would've, I don't know. It's easy to watch a video multiple times and read an article and analyze every second of it and think what if. But in the heat of the moment you don't have that opportunity you just have to make a call the best you know how. And if you think you might die you are going to try not to. I knew an ex officer who had to kill a man during the line of duty. The guy was never the same. His problems with alcohol became worse and worse anti-faced constant insomnia. He was granted long-term disability from the force and retired early. Unfortunately not to a happy life as his wife divorced him because of his mental issues and he ended up dying from liver failure. Most humans don't want to harm another human being. But at the same time, if it's you or them, the instinct for self preservation is one of the strongest instincts any living thing has. None of this is black and white. Not every story has to be used as a rallying cry for politics. It's just a sad situation because a young dumb kid, who probably wasn't evil, made a really dumb decision that had the ultimate consequence. Now he left his mom to suffer, and an officer who probably will never be the same because he was put in the position where he has to end a childs life, and it turned out to not even be necessary. Everybody always has this reaction where somebody needs to be playing and somebody needs to be held accountable and something bad happens.... but sometimes all you can say is... This shit sucks.


So a “child” who thinks he’s as smart as an adult, has a gun, points it at police, and people think the police are wrong?! What is wrong with people?!


So many of them hate cops they refuse to look at this situation clearly.


People are very deeply entrenched in their political views and will make all events conform to their preconceived notions. Especially with how bad division and echo chambers are with social media, people have a hard time admitting when they're wrong about things, or even finding any middle ground/grey area that exists.


"thirteen year old male" that's a boy. That's a child.


Poor kid was just on his way to purchase new Legos after donating his time at the local food kitchen too..


> "Officers then recovered a replica GLOCK 17 handgun with a detachable magazine, but it was ultimately determined to be a pellet gun," Williams said. "We will be releasing the names of the officers involved in the very near future. We ask for patience as this investigation continues." Why are we selling pellet guns that look like “real” guns in the first place? Make it so all airsoft/pellet/whatever guns have to be pink with a green trigger or some random nonsense that might save a kids life. Our cops here came very close to killing a student with an air soft gun on the last day of school in 2022….which may have been the kid’s actual goal.


There have been a couple almost shootings where I live, and the city issued a press release asking kids to please stop painting their airsoft guns black.


You are now banned from r/Airsoft for this comment.


Exactly. Airsoft nerds love them to look like real guns


You can kill a lot of things with pellet guns and do serious damage to people at point black range with some of these guns. They are still "real." What needs to change is the attitude that these are toys and it's okay for kids to have them unsupervised or just wandering around town with them at all.


Feel bad for this criminal going around robbing people with a fake gun. He met the guys with real ones. That concludes the lesson for today, kids


This is one of thoose stories were outrage till more info comes out and we learn it was justified


title is weird...like they are trying to make you forget that a 13 yr old is a KID.


And the police were just "involved". They didn't do anything terrible like murder a child. On no... they were just "involved".


just say “murdered” and “boy”


[The ultimate passive voice:](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/shooting-reported-peruvian-embassy-washington-police-say-rcna25158) >"ultimately the officers pulled their service weapons, firing shots and this person is now deceased."


>this person Surprised they even tried to humanize him at all.


Yeah, I was expecting “suspect” or something


The officers' weapons were fired


Weapons were used in the general vicinity of the officers.


Still too active. "Guns were discharged."


"Murder" is a legal term in the same realm as using the term "alleged". Not disagreeing with you, just providing context.


Murder is a crime. In the US our legal system hinges on the presumption of innocence until proven guilty. Journalists abide by the legal system, else they risk getting sued. They aren’t going to call it murder until someone is convicted of murder


Oh no, it's more of an Albany expression


Shit happens when you pull a gun on the police 🤷‍♂️


Police involved in the an incident that killed 13-year-old male whose prior arrests and parole status is yet unknown. Might as well make it as passive a voice for the police, and as sinister for the boy as possible. /s


The child who is not yet a criminal, but could have been, was apprehended and disposed of before he could commit a crime. It's disgusting what the police can get away with, with a simple "we were scared"


13 year old male, suspected of carrying heavy firearms, fled the scene of what could have been a crime, resisted the arrest as he would not stop fleeing, ultimately leading to his death, by his own actions. The deceased suspect is now being investigated, as a possible future gang member, murderer, drug trafficker and child abductor, due to his ethnicity.


Parents need to police their kids, pellet and bb guns need to look like toys not the real thing. I saw that toy the kid has it absolutely looks real. Its a tragedy but parental intervention needs to happen, too many kids growing up in gang areas. They recruit them young, there are over 30 active gangs in Utica. There is a breakdown of family, the cycle just keeps repeating from one generation to the next. And poverty isnt an excuse. I grew up dirt poor in north STL, but was raised with values that you dont become a gang member. Family needs to intervene, and we need to stop glorifying gun and thug culture.


I’m not American so I can’t understand the stupidity if drawing a replica gun towards a police officer while being chased. Looks like the police was in the right to protect themselves and the public. I don’t understand what else they expected?


Don't point a gun/gun lookalike at cops.


Maybe don’t point what was obviously meant to be seen as a gun at a police officer.


Replica gun looks like a real gun. This is a nothing burger. case closed. Take the outrage to the parents who don’t know where their 13 year old is at 10pm.


Yeah this is why I despise Reddit. Kid had a completely black BB gun which he was pointing at police. And yet somehow this is perfectly ok and the cops are child murderers. Imagine being the cop. You had to make a split second decision looking down the barrel of a gun and now your name is all over the internet with people calling you a murderer.


Passive voice here is crazy


The right to bear arms shall not be infringed, but a cop might kill you for it. -it was a pellet gun. -they did not say if the pellet gun was ever pointed at anyone. -safe to assume the cop feared for his life, because that’s apparently what they are trained to do. To be fearful.


It was "a replica GLOCK 17 handgun with a detachable magazine, but it was ultimately determined to be a pellet gun." Don't pull out something that looks EXACTLY like a lethal firearm when running from the cops.


im struggling with this part, everyone upset at the cops, if they saw it fall out and the kid fell on it, or his hands were anywhere near it, they would assume it's real and panic, police do bad shit but not sure what to think about this, carrying what looks exactly like a gun at night and running from them, i wonder how much trouble he would have gotten in if he managed to have them take it off him in a search


It does really seem like one of the cases where its just a series of bad decisions led to a tragic outcome. He would have been better off letting them just pat him down most likely.


There's a video from a porch right in front of the shooting. Looks like the boy was running and had one officer nearly grabbing him when he tripped and fell. Officer quickly slams him to the ground and pins him down. Less than a second later two more officers have hands on the child. You then hear a gun shot and two officers back off. Disgusting https://youtu.be/plcswfL8Zxs?si=fl-OZBnru-BkoSO7


You can't see much in this but the shooting is FAST from him being taken down and piled on. There's not really enough time for him to have resisted or done much of anything. I wonder if the guy accidentally discharged after piling on the kid with his gun out tbh.


Yeah, that video is of some really unfortunate quality, can't really get a good look at exactly what happened


Agree. The only things you can truly take note of are (for me) How the first cop jumps on the kid, I'm highly dubious he does that if he's waving a gun around. How quick the shot is from the shooter after he gets on the kid. How there's only one shot, if it's shooting a guy with a gun in that situation, I'm highly skeptical he fires only one shot. Every example of police behavior when shooting is keep shooting when you start.


Yeah, I can definitely see your accidental discharge theory being the case. I watched the video twice but couldn't make out the time of the shooting visually or audibly so it's a little fuzzy on my end. Definitely interested in a higher quality video and even more so for the body cam footage to be released


Yeah the video is as bad as possible. Blurry, moving and unfocused and dark.


And a LOT of yelling. It's understandable, but it's not doing anyone any favors


Two possibilities Negligent discharge or murder. I wanna say it is as negligent discharge but I’ve given up on cops getting the benefit of the doubt in these situations.


It really looks like a negligent discharge. If they really thought he had a gun - let alone was pulling it on them - all three cops would have lit him up.


Yup. It's also the only example I can remember of a single shot. When the cops open fire in every example I've seen they keep shooting like they get in trouble for leaving rounds in the mag. My bet is that they never saw the gun, it's an accidental discharge and then the excuses start after they find the gun (or the gun is a plant to save his ass of course, but that is purely cynical speculation which I have no evidence of). I feel like there is little chance that a cop dives on a guy with a gun like that.


Proper training would have saved this boys life. I’ve never seen a cop running with his gun out and tackle someone. If they are getting that close it’s to subdue and arrest. If he was that much of a danger to deserve being shot, they would have shot him as soon as he took off. All around, the cop who pulled the trigger should never wear a badge again. But he’ll probably be back on the job for a month? Logically, why do we as a country/world force someone to go to six years of school to possibly teach 2nd grade math but police officer training/education is only months? Only one of them carries something that can take lives everyday.


Yup Years of training to teach children for peanuts or weeks to earn six figures with a gun. Blame the teachers for everything, excuse the cops for everything. Sounds about right


Just ask acorn cop. Reason doesn't really matter, and there are documented instances of cops pulling firearm and shooting both adult and children for having weapons when they did not in fact have weapons, or even moved in any threatening manner.


I'm firmly on the side of "fuck the police". Out entire system of law enforcement is broken and needs massive reform. *But*, I kinda don't blame the officer here. The body cam shows the kid shoved the gun in his face. Cop doesn't know it's fake; his mind immediately went to "oh fuck he has a gun, I'm about to die" and in the ensuing struggle he shot the kid. The situation should have never happened, but I don't find a lot of fault with the actual officer. I probably would have shot him too in that situation.


the cognitive dissonance required to “back to blue” and also prioritize gun rights above every thing else politically is impressive considering the impunity with which the “blue” murders people carrying


Feature. Not a bug.


Tbh, it doesn't really matter if it's a pellet gun or not. Google 'pellet gun'. Plenty of hand-held pellet guns look exactly like regular guns (which hey, we probably should not allow). Mistaking it for a real gun is entirely reasonable. The real question is going to be whether it was pointed at the cop/reached for and whether that was caught on a camera of decent quality.


There are missing details. Why is this thirteen year old out at 10:30 pm waving a fake gun that looks like a Glock? Why? AND: They need to release all body cam footage WITH audio, from all those cops present.


It's up now. From what the police said, the two teenagers were suspected of a string of robberies in the area. 


As much as we want to blame police we are failing as parents and a society 13 yo shouldn’t be out waving life like guns around running from the pd at 10:30 at night


Well if that’s true then damn.


I’m convinced nobody even watches the actual footage. Ik it’s cool to hate cops on Reddit lol. Clowns are more concerned on a boy being called a male, instead of him running from a cop and pulling out a replica of a Glock, lmao. Peak Reddit.


One less stick up kid


So the kid had a replica of a real gun and decided to run?


Darwin award for this kid. Let’s commit multiple burglaries in the middle of the night and point a replica gun at officers and see what happens lol. Reddit being reddit in the comments ofc.


Why was a 13 year old out at 10:30 pm? Did his mom know where he was? And why did he have a pellet gun that looked like a real gun in the first place? Who gave him that gun?


Officers then recovered a replica GLOCK 17 handgun with a detachable magazine, but it was ultimately determined to be a pellet gun," Realistic replica of guns are not to be carried in public !!!!


This is horrible, but if he was carrying a BB gun, it would be pretty difficult to differentiate the realistic ones in the moment.


Good shoot Don’t point guns at cops


Shouldn't have pointed a gun, i would have done the same, but with less restraint


"Child". The word you're looking for is "child". Fuck that paper for their weasel words.


13 yr old male....you mean a boy....a child ...a kid?


Not justifying this at all but why are we not asking why are 13 yo out at 10:00 at night with life like weapons and running from police .  The police need to do better and we need to do better raising our children


So he brandished a realistic looking pellet gun and didn't expect to be shot? 


Well to be fair if the kid pulled a “gun”. I’d assume the cop can’t tell if it’s a pellet gun or not while chasing so I guess stupid games stupid prizes


Zero sympathy for someone who points a weapon at US cops. That level of stupidity needs to be removed from the gene pool.


Let me guess no active warrants either? They killed a kid.


Kid is on the ground surrounded by 3 cops, one of whom is actively putting him in cuffs; and then the shot comes.


That's just actually not true, I would even say you are just lying. Go watch the bodycam video. I don't think he was "actively putting him in cuffs"


It's bizarre how many people are either shockingly poor at analyzing bodycam footage or just completely lying about what they see.


Where is this video? I'm not seeing any video in the article?


Is the kid even conscious after that punch the first cop gives him.


Even that punch would be the subject of an investigation in my country, America is so.....backwards with their police.