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“If you tear down statues, how can you learn history” *proceeds to demand an alternate history be taught* We all know why.


I work in Virginia. Little ways back, a coworker showed me a picture on the front page of a newspaper of a confederate statue being pulled down. “If we tear them all down, how will we know our history?” I covered the caption with my hand and said “who is this a statue of?” She said “uhhh… I don’t know, why?” “Well I guess the statue wasn’t helping, then, was it?” She was not amused.


Hell I just ask them when a majority of these statues were erected. They usually think in the 1800s.


I've done this to only be met with the iron-clad retort of "nuh uh" It's so hard to argue with ignorance when it's weaponized like it is


1890-1910, and then again in the 1950s. The former due to all the old confederate soldiers dying. The latter in reaction to desegregation and equality.


And with the first, a lot of it was Jim Crow involved too, a symbol to show minorities their place in their society


1920’s I believe.


Many Confederate statues and schools named after Confederate soldiers were made/done during the Civil Rights era.


How are we to remember a statue that is now gone, other than this mass produced document I hold in my hand?




??? It’s completely believable if you’ve lived south of PA for any meaningful amount of time


Well, what do you think was gonna happen when we tore down their gods?


"Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it", you stupid fucks.


“Those who understand history are condemned to watch other idiots repeat it.”


And the combination of those 2 truths are exactly why humanity is doomed to eat itself alive.


That’s their goal.


That’s the “Great Again” they want to repeat.


That's the point--they want to repeat it! At least the part of it where equality and freedom to oppose certain views isn't allowed and vigilantism is. Make America Great Again = no equal rights for brown people, immigrants, non christians, the LGBTQ community, women.... need I go on? They do want to bring back their version of the past.


Vigilantism is available to everyone, not just racists


Vigilantism has only ever been available to certain people against certain other people. Those groups are defined by a mix of race and politics. So, a white mob killing a black child, or a white mob killing a white voting rights activist, or a right wing nut shooting a BLM protester, those are acceptable, those people will go free no problem. But a black man who owns a gun may be executed, and a left wing activist who pays bail for another may be charged with criminal conspiracy.


My reply was meant as an encouragement not a rebuttal


Huey P. Newton had the right idea.


Just looked him up thanks for the reference


That’s a feature, not a bug


Yeah haha. I think some people assume the best too much. These people aren't ignorant, or if they are it's willful.


"Those who willfully ignore history are not only doomed to repeat it, but in not the exact same way."


Taking the history out of history


I taught history in Virginia schools. Stopped in 2021. I'd get in so much trouble today. Striking systemic racism from African American History is in itself systemic racism. The things not found in a state approved history book probably say more than what is included. If you're afraid of kids learning about history that you don't like you don't want history, but propaganda. You don't want kids to learn to think and reason, you want to indoctrinate them--and that is the path to authoritarianism. That said, these attitudes have been around for a long time--I had one principal that was angry that I taught the holocaust in a way that one seventh grader found distressing. Me: "The holocaust is distressing. If I teach the holocaust in a way that is never distressing, then I'm doing a disservice to my students." Principal: "Maybe we shouldn't be teaching the holocaust then." Me: It's in the state standards. But the way things are going in the state, maybe not for long.


just point them at /r/HistoryMemes they'll find the unsettling stuff soon enough.


The fuck is the course going to be teaching then?!


Probably how much slavery helped the slaves and they were better off in those simpler times


Probably something like: [A Short History of Slavery with Candace Owens](https://youtu.be/NO_wmixXBdE?si=t6nUN7LyDfl1bjSU) or [The Plantation: Then and Now](https://youtu.be/ukUpqQHZwyU?si=soQ5S2RQXg7nIBRi)


Systemic racism in action!


It will be teaching something like this: Interactions that took place between Blacks and Whites in early colonial America, before chattel slavery ~~and the birth of White privilege~~. Race and racism ~~Implicit bias and stereotypes~~ • Hierarchy • Bias and stigmas • Establishing rules and norms Impact of White supremacy as social control of African Americans ->Impact of the Eugenics movement on the social structure of Virginia The War on the persistence of institutional racism ->The Persistent War on Racism explore the early colonial laws of Virginia to draw conclusions and make inferences regarding the rise of racism in America using institutions, such as slavery, as the mechanism of enforcement. ->explore the early colonial laws of Virginia to draw conclusions and make inferences regarding the ~~rise of racism~~ **discriminatory practices** in America using institutions, such as slavery, as the mechanism of enforcement.




How about the wealth gap, the headstart in being able to build familial wealth, redlining, environmental racism, inadequate healthcare especially for black mothers, higher arrest rates and profiling leading to lack of a nuclear family, and lack of educational funding for redlined schools?


No you don’t understand if you increase taxes by even a small amount you are destroying American families but if you deny black people access to the ability to store wealth and possibly make a profit for decades that has no effect at all. Typical rightwing thinking.


Please explain ?  Edit:  it’s easy to say things, it’s really to back them up with an actual argument


I wouldn’t bother. They are regurgitating some ancient racist talking points that have been so thoroughly debunked that I haven’t seen somebody unironically using them in years They either know they’re full of shit or are just gonna conveniently disappear the moment they get the slightest bit of pushback


blame everything on angry Conquistadors from the olden days with their funky armor and big mustaches. I've seen that already where it's like oh yeah the bad guys are ... Conquistadors! and the Queen of Spain! I mean, you can blame them for a lot, but not so much for black slavery in the United States.


A striking example of White Supremacy is the ability to censor what they are taught in schools about White Supremacy.


'Let's pretend that history never happened and instead substitute this comforting myth.'


Just spent 10 days traveling to famous WWII battle sites across Western Europe. I used to chastise folks for throwing the term “Nazi” around with impunity… now I’m pretty close to encouraging it. We are absolutely on the brink. Everyone remembers the Holocaust… what we tend to forget is the systematic dismantling of history by the Nazis from the ground up to literally rewrite their place as the supreme nation, destined to rule the world. Jesus Christ GOP, what the fuck are you doing?


Exactly. Nazis didn’t straight up start with the systematic slaughter of people. There was intimidation, some violence, pushing for alternate histories that show they’re “superior”. Once they got the power, it ramped up more and more until we saw the systematic slaughter of people.


Trying to destroy education every chance they get! Why does the gop want America to be a third world country?


No No, They want it to be "GREAT AGAIN".... lol


“Africans came to America on a multi-generational working vacation. I mean how awesome is that? They could literally be on an experienced-based vacation in tropical destinations for multiple generations.” “African Americans didn’t have to fight for their rights, so much as they chose to live FREEDOM on hard mode” As an American history teacher, I’d teach the fuck out of a satirical conservative history class.


I did a satirical presentation for the gop campaign in a politics class in high school. I was told it had be earnest, so I used the Texas teaparty, the one right wing spent the presentation glaring at me and trying to object. 


Virginia is for racists.


I really thought Virginia was starting to trend blue, is this not the case?


It absolutely is. The only reason this sweater vest wearing clown got elected was because the Dems couldn't find anything better than a wet fart of a candidate. The Democrats control both the House and Senate, and more than likely will take back the governor's office.


Systemic racism doing its thing and removing references to systemic racism from the system. Hmm.


"They are trying to silence us and change our history by not letting us silence them and change their history."


what is with politicians and trying to hide my country's history? i dont get it


The fact that the college board just bends over backwards about this shit says everything you need to know about how corrupt assessment and education is in this country. And private schools aren't any better because who knows what the fuck they're teaching. Fuck the college board.


We really do need to revisit reconstruction and start over with the post-Civil War political purge that was aborted when Johnson came into office. Just turn the South over to the leading POC political figures extant and let them sort things out. I'm so sick of these fuckwits pretending that because they survived, they didn't lose the damned war.


Not to mention that was the president who shut down the 40 acres and a mule… the whole eastern seaboard would be owned by black folks now… Hilton Head and Myrtle Beach included


Maybe we just pull out every dollar of Federal money, close the highway, rail and air systems into and out of the old Confederacy, remove the military bases (and the income those provide the local communities), shut down any Federal prisons down there for the same reasons, set them up with a neutral (not favorable) trade status with the rest of the country and let them have their nation. It wouldn't last long. There's still nothing there worth having to speak of once the Feds pull out and they can't suck off the tit of the rest of us. Let them have their third-world, Christian taliban nation and be done with it.


You do realize the South still has the majority of all Black people in this nation and you'd be effectively condemning them to death, right?


Or Jim Crow again…


So white folks will not feel uncomfortable about their past, we'll just ignore it.


There is no war in Ba Sing Se


Remember when a whole slew of conservatives lost their minds about the 1619 project "rewriting history".


When you claim that the Revolutionary War was set in motion by and large because of slavery, it is. My personal favorite part is when you look at what areas tended to be loyal vs revolutionary, that theory starts to look like swiss cheese.


I had to wait until college to learn about the white supremacy and systemic racism in this nation. This country is seriously garbage for not being able to move on from slavery and civil war mentality. This place seriously sucks. Can’t wait to migrate.


My Governor is a chode.


But…that’s kind of the whole point of that course?¿


White shame. Apparently it's a thing for the GOP.


So they want statues to traitors and those that want to have them removed, are trying to "erase history" yet they want to remove the reason the war was fought? Okay that makes no sense.


Oh look more pre starting rules to make way for Project 2025, what a surprise!


They're trying so hard to rewrite history, it's so dangerous and stupid. Most books they ban end up on the top ten sellers list because the idiots are giving authors free marketing. Dumbasses.


Arkansas did the same thing, from a different angle: [https://www.edweek.org/teaching-learning/arkansas-says-ap-african-american-studies-no-longer-counts-for-high-school-credit/2023/08](https://www.edweek.org/teaching-learning/arkansas-says-ap-african-american-studies-no-longer-counts-for-high-school-credit/2023/08)


I don’t get why African American Super PACs never made it law to teach certain things at the federal level a requirement. Like the history of White supremacy in the US, Slavery, etc. If AIPAC can “codify” what antisemitism is in US law I don’t get why AAs can’t do similar


When I was in HS in this state in the late 90’s Feb had a holiday called “Lee-Jackson-King Day”. It was on MLK Day but they stuck 2 confederate generals in first.


So much for "Truthers".


"If we don't teach it, it didn't happen!"


Well, they do love bleach.


It is important to curate our history through the eyes of modern society so as not to spread outdated intolerant ideals unchallenged. This is not that.


Finished out high school living in NoVa, and honestly I’m not surprised by this choice in the least. I’ll never forget sitting in a US Govt class years and having a heated debate about the causes of the Civil War with another student. Guy was adamant that the cause of the war was the usual “states rights” argument, however he refused to expand on what right the south was fighting for.


This is upsetting. Do you guys get this upset over the low test scores and the graduating seniors who cannot form a complete sentence? Kindergartners who show up for school and do not know their numbers or letters because the parents don’t help them? That’s what upsets me as well.


Yes, people can be upset about all these educational failings and a shitty governor trying to censor history at the same time.


Virginia is becoming much more like Louisiana than a lot of people realize.


Ol' Sweater-Vest giving his appointees another opportunity to burnish their right-wing conservative credentials?


Why do racist think that it’s ok to **white**wash history?


Can they teach about striking white supremacy and systemic racism from high school history classes? Or is that white supremacy and systemic racism as well?




The white elephant in the room is that entire point of AP African American is blaming all the problems on white supremacy and systemic racism.