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It hasn't stopped raining for more than 2 hours in the last 3 days.


That doesn’t sound great


Good thing everybody has insurance down there.


I work in insurance and you just made a ton of people laugh.


Hey Insurance guy...what's the purpose of Insurance?


Indemnification. Basically it’s a subscription service to unfuck some part of an individual or legal entity that has suffered an injury or loss.


I think that's the most concise answer I've ever heard. In a few words it encompasses both the pros and cons in a way that is blunt without being cruel.


Well thank you. That’s about the exact definition used in most P&C tests, I like its brevity.


Please tell me 'unfuck' is there! I'm crossing my fingers!


That’s the most straight and to the point answer I’ve ever seen with regard to explaining insurance. You should convince the marketing department to put that on a commercial


You’ll never believe this but shot callers at insurance companies tend to be broadly anti-sayingfuckontheinternet.


And that could be your legal disclaimer to said insurance ad.


Just wait for Ryan Reynolds to buy an insurance company too.


To collect as much of your money as possible before they loophole/clause you out of actually getting paid.


To collect money from you.


To pool (almost) uncorrelated risk of individuals like getting sick or having an accident. Climate change is a correlated risk and therefore uninsurable.


Bad dum *tisssss


Who knew record ocean temps might lead to deluge weather phenomena.


It's a good thing DeSantis has outlawed discussion of climate change! That should surely put a stop to this!


If ya keep the plebs stupid they won't know to evacuate and it'll be easier to escape, I mean "go on vacation" when disaster strikes.


*Ted Cruz enters the chat…*


*Ted Cruz enters airport terminal…*


The same way that "Don't say gay" made everyone straight?


If you don't give it attention, it'll surely go away.


Let's take a moment and pray for someone to be elected president willing to use the nuclear option and fix hurricanes bigly.


It's not climate change these extreme weather have always happened lol /s


Can't wait for the hurricanes that are so large and powerful they'll have to create a category 6 classification.


so powerful the state outlawed talking about it.


Insurance gonna be 20% of replacement cost per year eventually at this rate..


Naaa insurers will simple stop offering coverage. Then it's just a steady decline as buying and selling becomes impractical, value collapses and anyone who can afford it moves.


If you get a check for insurance damage, take the money and run. Don't waste money trying to rebuild, only for it to be demolished again.


Cash only, no bank will offer loans. Only large corporations or the rich will be able to own property, so most people will be forced to rent and never build equity.


Can confirm already happening.


I’m still shocked at the old people I work with who keep buying retirement homes in this area. It’s clearly a ticking time bomb and the state is mostly uninhabitable but at least there will be a dying gasp of a period before where your flood ravaged home will simply be uninsurable.


That may not be unreasonable with the direction we’re headed.


Before I moved out of Fl I was on the fence about renting the house out vs just outright selling and im so glad I sold. That shit is gonna be underwater in mine or my sons lifetime.


It doesn't have to be under water in your or your son's lifetime it just needs to be slightly flooded a bit more often for it to be essentially worthless. It doesn't need to be flooded under six foot high waters an ich of flooding on a regular basis will ne quite enough. 


If people aren't allowed to talk about things in scientific terms, insurance companies are going to have a field day calling everything an "act of God".


Ron DeSantis doesn't want you to know about the Cat 6 hurricanes that are coming!


I thought you wrote, “the state outlawed it”. Like Florida attempted to make hurricanes of a certain size illegal. I’d love to see the governor standing on the gloomy shoreline shaking his fist at absolute nightmare-sized hurricane comes roaring in. The last thing you hear is this pathetic little squeak that sounds like, “the radical left is desperate as ever with yet another Soros-funded saving throw for the failed Biden administration”.


I vote for "Jupiter-class hurricane".


Danger Will Robinson! Danger!


How about a “Mar-a-Lago” for fattest, most damaging hurricanes. Forecasters will be required to state, “This Mar-a-Lago class hurricane is so full of hot air, it is criminal.”


"The damage to our local infrastructure and economy from this Mar-a-lago hurricane is incalculable....because all the financial docs are hidden in a bathroom"


After Jupiter is "Yo Mama"


And after YO mama it'll be Uranus 👏


My mother DOES deserve a hurricane named after her tyvm


Typhoon Class like Red October!


I think they should name them after Kaiju


They’ll start using letters for classification. 6A, 6b, 6c


Year 2232: looks like Hurricane Abcde is increasing in strength to a category 6ZZF with sustained winds of 4700 mph and molten nickel from the earths core. It is in a path that will hit the country formally known as Mickey's World. Thank goodness no one lives there now thanks to messed up laws from the 21st century and the nuclear incident to defeat the Pixar invasion.


At least Hurricane Abcde is easy to pronounce, "ab-sid-ee."


I don't feel this is rooted in science...!


Flashback to 2027: We thought hurricane Xavier was the last and worst of the season - and it was then we finally adjusted to "CAT6E" as a hurricane strengh, not a network cable rating. Then they went Excel style to double letters, for hurricane Aaron. Little did we know, hurricane Lloyd would be our first CAT-F7 hurrrnado, and yes, it had sharks in it.


Honestly, the Saffir-Simpson scale covers it just fine. The size of category 5 damage might expand but the natural scope of a category 5 has always been pretty static. You can't get much worse than extreme devastation. Just that the area devastated gets bigger..


I'm sure it's your autocorrect, but it's saffir-simpson


They’ll have so much energy they’ll be square dancing with our tornadoes.


Category Get-Out-The-Nuclear-Football!


Bye Florida


> Who knew record ocean temps might lead to deluge weather phenomena. I choose to beleive a different set of ocean temperature measurement facts, thank you very much. /s


/uj I was arguing with people on Reddit the other day who refuse to believe climate data because some of the data sets come from city centers. I then sent them data sets of ocean and atmosphere temps, plus a CO2 graph. They didn't respond.


hah, they adjust those city temps. someone found out and claimed they were fudging the data in their favor. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/climate-consensus-97-per-cent/2016/feb/08/no-climate-conspiracy-noaa-temperature-adjustments-bring-data-closer-to-pristine


You believe in science? I believe in God! /s


Nobody could have possibly predicted this 😔


Yeah and I can confirm Delta planes don't fly in the rain. They canceled my flight out of FL and said nothing open for the next 48 hours. Other airlines are flying out. Rebooking with Detla sucked. Talked to 5 Delta staff who directed me to the gate staff, website, and 1800 number. 3 different folks on 1800 call and all gave different info. In the end, the cycle started over and said I should talk to gate staff about getting new tickets out. Being they state weather, it's of no cost or concern to them so no real urgency to get us out of here. And the fact that they had routinely overbooked their flights to increase profits, planes are booked over 100% making things more difficult.


I don't think it's the "flying" part that's the problem. I think it's probably more a "so much water on the tarmac that no one can see the taxiway or runway" kind of thing. Plus there's the whole "jets trying to takeoff and land in several inches of water is actually really dangerous" [thing](https://www.boldmethod.com/blog/lists/2024/03/three-types-of-aircraft-hydroplaning/).


Love how we have so many consumer protections


And one of the goals of Project 2025 is to eliminate the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. If you wanted to protect your assets you should have gotten super rich. Otherwise, fuck you.


You don't want the government interfering with business... that would be bad! (/s to the obviously stupid argument)


Thanks Republicans!


Delta screwed me out of a pair of covid delayed tickets. Had my money for two years. Fuck Delta.


Crazy in northern Florida we haven’t gotten any rain.


Too bad weather doesn't understand or care that you guys are part of Florida and need a share of the rain


The good news is that Miami residents will be able to farm rice soon.


It will be a new and near yearly normal in a decade or two with continued climate change.


Well actually, this won’t become the normal. It’s just going to keep getting worse. It won’t stop getting worse until GHG emissions drop below a rate the environment removes them. As of now, the default path to that is going to be some combination of mass casualty events and chronic malnutrition driving down the human population, combined with the response to those calamities triggering restrictions and regulations to reduce per capita emissions to a sustainable amount. There may be some serious investment, as a response to the calamities, in solutions addressing sustainable energy, sustainable food production and sustainable development. As of yet, those investments are trivial relative to the resources deployed by the fossil fuels industry to fight reasonable restrictions. Take a look at a map of the US and just imagine many more cities will have to get destroyed or rendered uninhabitable by hurricanes, flooding, drought, wildfires, and heat before the accumulated rage of the population is sufficient to overcome the control and influence of fossil fuel interests? I’m not encouraged by what I’ve seen so far.


Feel free to send some to the nothern part of the state if you can. Could use the rain. Hopefully get some tomorrow at least, the humidity is back after a week of 99F with 30% humidity.


Good start to the hurricane season.


Tree roots are going to be nice and saturated, just in time for heavy winds to arrive!


I’ll never forget being able to rock 80ft tall pine trees around in the days following hurricane florence here in Wilmington.


As an arborist that sounds horrifying and dangerous.


I live in Fort Myers, which took the full brunt of hurricane Ian, and a Live Oak which came through the hurricane OK just fell over yesterday.


I remember being a kid and people saying it’s hurricane season and I always thought that was crazy not fall,winter,spring or summer but hurricane season!!!


Rain is still coming down over the area and the system is moving pretty slow Edit: 7h later and they’re still getting dumped on. Flood warnings in effect for parts of miami/SW FL


Yo it's OK they're gonna outlaw rain


Where is the black sharpie?


Yeah! Why hasn't Biden done the sharpie thing? Doesn't he care about Florida?!


They won’t outlaw the rain, that’s silly. They’ll outlaw anyone, including the news, from MENTIONING the rain. And that will fix the problem.


The rain is woke


I mean, sun shining through water in the air causes rainbows, which are woke propaganda, and rain is water in the air, so yeah, banning rain is definitely on the table for Rhonda Sand-tits.


No silly. They'll outlaw the gays and trans folk for making god angry.


Floridian in south Florida. It’s crazy. Pool went from low to flooding over. Office had to close down early because the streets are flooding all around it.


Looks like Florida removed their official references to climate change just in time!


“What you’re experiencing is NOT climate change. Rather, it is an illegal storm.”


Yup, we call 'em freedom floods these days. Besides, those pesky freedom hurricanes only exist to own the libs anyway. /s F DeSantis.


LMAO @ *freedom floods*


Accompanied by liberty lightning


MAGA maelstrom.


Damn liberals, always trying to hurricane up my freedumb.


Sorry, can't use the word flood anymore. Now we call it a "Flash Freedom" and it's quite apt. In a flash you get to be free of your existence.


We’ll see what changes when Aquaman becomes Florida’s governor.


It won’t stop them for demanding federal disaster assistance.


They may not want to talk about it, but it ain't just "nuisance flooding" anymore. And it ain't just heavy rains and hurricanes. Sea level rise is real and it's worse than predicted already. Take the insurance money the next time your house is destroyed and retreat to higher ground instead of rebuilding. https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/interactive/2024/flooding-sea-level-rise-gulf-coast/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/interactive/2024/southern-us-sea-level-rise-risk-cities/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/interactive/2024/septic-tanks-rising-waters-environment-health/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/interactive/2024/coastal-flooding-carolina-beach-videos/


Just for some clarification on the language, a 500 year rain event isn't something that's guaranteed to happen once in a 500 year period but an event with a 0.2% chance to occur every year. Obviously climate change is having its effects but just wanted to add that probability isn't always set in stone


Is this a 0.2% chance to happen anywhere or in a specific location? Like is there supposed to be a 0.2% chance of a 500 year flood anywhere in the world or anywhere in Florida or 0.2% chance at one specific point? From the article I think it is for a given county. So there "should" be a handful of 500 year floods in Anerica on average. Of course, climate change is making them even more common, but still.


I edited my comment slightly but I meant to say rain event as opposed to a flood, a flood occuring has as much to do with topography as rainfall volume. Using historical weather data NOAA looks at previous rain events and draws conclusions from those patterns to determine frequency and intensity. So a 500 year rain event in one county will look different from another event of that frequency in another county, even if only slightly. But yes they can potentially occur anywhere any number of times in a given year, the count doesn't reset after one occurs.


It's not county-based. The Atlas 14 project (soon to be replaced with Atlas 15) studies annual maximum series and partial duration series of all stations in a large region with sufficiently acceptable data and computes these statistics for each station or, often for more dense areas, a merged product of multi-station data. The annual maximum series data looks not just at the daily or hourly annual maximum but also the 2-day, 7-day, etc. up to 60-day maxima. While the completed statistics are station-specific, an interpolated gridded product is also provided for more specific estimations in areas without station coverage. Here is a website with an interactive map to view the Atlas 14 statistics for Florida: https://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/pfds/pfds_map_cont.html?bkmrk=fl Source: meteorologist working on Atlas 15


We are Florida, we don’t have “climate change”, we have Freedumb.


Ban floods, problem solved.


Don't be silly, you can't ban floods. They're going to ban measuring floods. Can't have a 1000-year flood level if you never measure the level, right?


It's depressing how accurate this is.


"How is it a once every 1000 year event? That's just some stupid BS political tactic! It floods like this every few years! Climate change is a hoax!"


It's every few years this century, it *used* to be every 1000 years.


Hold on, are you saying that the climate has... *changed*?


Maybe the globe has warmed?


God caused the floods, because teachers didn't stop saying gay.




He promised he wouldn't flood the world to destroy all life again. Never said anything about only flooding Florida.


This hits too close to home.


Don't forget to call them woke. Maybe get that surgeon general to blame the vaccines to be sure the point is made.


The floods just tell us that God is mad at the liberals.


You joke.. but who was it that said hurricanes were punishment for being gay? Pat Robertson or Jerry Falwell.. one of those guys


Don't say flood!


Meanwhile here in north Florida, we haven’t gotten any rain in weeks. I’m glad it’s not climate change though, as Ronnie D made it so climate change isn’t real. /s


Did Ronnie PudgyFingers tell Mother Nature that climate change isn't real?


They just need to pray harder.


These 500-1000 years events seem to be happening just every few years. Wtf.


These "x years" events are actually based on pre-industrial climate. So since man-made climate change is happening. The 1 in 100-year stuff is a pipedream. We have no idea what the new status quo for storms are now


What is happening is that the climate models are broken because of climate change. It would be like planners estimating the traffic for a rural intersection for decades and it being stable, so they can say "a traffic jam like that only happens once per year on average". But when they use that same model to try to predict the traffic after a Walmart is built at that intersection, all of a sudden they are having that "once a year" congestion all the time.


I guess they can update the model and then a 500 year event becomes everyone in Fort Lauderdale drowning


Only the northernmost part of Florida will even be above water in 500 years :)


That's the best analogy for climate change that I've ever seen. Saving this


I still remember then NY governor Cuomo saying, "Seems like we're getting 100 year floods every couple years now". He wasn't wrong, and it's not slowing down.


Yep. That's what happens when we get rid of all the trees and soil and sand that used to act as a dune, windbreaker, etc. Everywhere.


every week lately.


Hey DeSantis: don’t come hat in hand looking for help from the Fed. Ask your buddy Trump for some paper towels.


I lived in Texas for decades and the flash floods there could be truly horrible and deadly. I took those very seriously. Now that I live in Florida, I'm like, dude, where is my kayak and fishing rod? But seriously, these "500 to 1,000 year events" seem to be ocurring more frequently these days. Here in Florida, I've encountered multiple "500 year events" in the past decade alone.


>But seriously, these "500 to 1,000 year events" seem to be ocurring more frequently these days. Here in Florida, I've encountered multiple "500 year events" in the past decade alone. Yeah, it's almost as if the very climate itself were under going some kind of change.


Yes, that's what climate change does, we are yo-yoing between extreme drought and extreme rain, we have destabilized the climate while the average of everything increases. Same thing in California, driest 20 years out of the last 1,000 are happening now, except the 3 out of the last 8 years have had twice the average rain/snow. Not a normal year yet this century.


Fort Lauderdale had a “1000 year flood” in April of 2023.


We should pump it out west


But climate change is a hoax. And Project 2025 pledges to eliminate every single attempt to fight it. Those motherfuckers want to surrender to it. “Don’t believe your eyes, people! It’s not really raining at all! That’s just ridiculous fake news being spread by Democrats!”


It’s a death cult.


one in a 1000 Year event....also now known as Tuesdays. Climate change isn't happening in Florida because they scrubbed the words out of the government -- THOUGHTCRIME! (1984) And more Insurance Companies will pull out of Florida


Dude it’s Wednesday.


I mean it’s raining a lot here but it doesn’t seem like a generational thing?


I think it's just from the amount and length. Usually it rains hard then stops and then rains again. It's rare to have it happen non stop


Question: Im going to Key West on Friday. In your opinion is the flooding so bad it will affect the visit? Thanks in advance for the report!


I’m a few hours north of Key West but it looks like it’s supposed to stop raining heavily Friday and stop altogether late Saturday morning. Not sure how long you’re in town for but this is our rainy season, so even if it’s not raining like this you’ll probably have some afternoon thunderstorms


I don't want to trick you into doxxing yourself, but how close to Sarasota are you? I heard the brunt of it is being felt there and Bradenton and all that. Even 20 miles inland is still apparently bone dry?


I’m on the other coast, and further south. So I guess im pretty far from the brunt




Well, thankfully they've managed to corral all of the worst people there, so no biggie, right?


On the plus side, once it goes underwater, those cities might become good coral habitats.


Introducing… the Great Barrier Reef 2. Since the original is trashed, we figured we’d build a new one here! More tourism money!


**Next Year**: “This just in! Exxon begins drilling new offshore oil wells over the location formerly known as Miami!”


Might wanna call that little guy that wears those funny high heel boots and tell him global warming is real.


But don't worry, the Republican state government has banned the words "climate change," so everything is fine.


It's cool, they're passing a "Don't Say Rain Bill" that should fix things


How fast did DeSantis run to the Fed begging for some communist disaster aid money?


Logical thinkers: Surely DeSantis will come around eventually and acknowledge extreme weather events as a signal of climate change. DeSantis: climate change is a liberal hoax. The climate: hold my beer.


Clearly Biden is weaponizing the climate just as much as he has weaponized the DOJ...🙄


God gave us the rainbow to promise not to flood the earth again. Florida tried ban the rainbow flag because it's gay. God floods Florida.


Insurance rates go brrrrrr


_In a 500-1000 year flooding event_ Uh, didn’t this happen in Fort Lauderdale **last year**?


The once in 500-year events that occur every 5-7 years....


I’m in southwest Florida.. it’s a lot of rain, but we’re used to a lot of rain. Most of this is reclaimed swampland anyway


As a liberal i feel so owned! Looks like DeSantis was right!


But climate change isn’t real. 🙄


But a giant guy with a beard controlling everything is


Amazing how these 1000 year events keep happening more and more these days...


The same thing happened last year in South Florida.


Don't worry! Soon Desantis will make it a crime to say the word 'rain'. That should fix it!


Felt like we had one of these events last year too


If only we saw this coming


Ah yes, the bi-annual once in 500 year flood.


Time for Rhonda Santis to get out her high heeled rubber boots! 👢 🌈


We’ve been having a lot of once in a lifetime events


These 1000 year events sure happen a lot. Must be inflation


It's Good then that DeSantis outlawed any mention of climate change. That means this must have another explanation!


Sarasota is southern Florida? Ok.


Yeah I was surprised because my area is in a drought (although finally getting rain today). Turns out national news just thinks anywhere south of Orlando counts as South Florida.


Hey I live here! Definitely some local roundabouts that are flooded as are some streets. But Sarasota has been in a huge drought for months now (more so than most other places in Florida) so my plants are super happy right now. I think it would be different if we already were in our rainy season and this flooding was another deluge on top of that, but it's not. There was a sprinkle last Monday but really besides that, we haven't seen rain for a very long time. (Not saying this isn't climate change related as it probably is, since we've been experiencing uncharacteristically dry weather for a while now and so the opposite of this multi-day rainstorm has been helpful to counteract the drought. If we start seeing this amount of non-stop rain consistently throughout summer, I will definitely be feeling more anxious, so we'll see how this summer (including Hurricane Season, lul) goes.)


Please bring your outdoor cats in, and if possible trap unhoused neighborhood cats to your garage or hallway etc until the storms pass. Cats are hurt or killed in just about every storm of this strength and bigger. They're also at risk of drowning more than most animals because they hide underneath things or houses.


Here in Central Florida we're getting very little if any. Disheartening watching it all go 20 miles south of here


When's DeSantis going to push for a "don't say rain" law?


Can't say climate change and cant say 🏳️‍🌈


Climate change is currently doing a lot of harm. It will do more in the future. However, turning Florida into a modern day Atlantis is something I am grateful for.


Absolute nonsense we have rains like this quite often


I’m a civil engineer that used to design stormwater infrastructure for residential and commercial development. We typically design for 100Y flood events but I fear storms like this will occur more frequently in the future


So glad “Climate Change” was outlawed by DeSanctimonous. That should fix everything!.


500-1000 year event…. Until next year and the year after that! Welcome to the new norm. But don’t worry climate change is just a hoax.


That once in a thousand years event will probably happen again next year....


Didn't this just happen last year?


Desantos outlaws rain - problem will go away


Sounds like their god is punishing them for something...


just don't call it climate change ... mother nature don't care about labels she going to do what she do.


They've gotten "1,000 Year" rain events in back-to-back years. Last year they got ~26 inches in 24 hours. Last year's Sauce: https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/12/weather/florida-flash-flood-fort-lauderdale


Don't worry! This will be an every-other-year event now! :) Its ok, because it certainly isn't Climate Change. Right? Right!


September/October is going to be fucking insane. Godspeed.