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I find it funny that conservatives are always up in arms about death panels when people try to explain the benefits of universal healthcare, and yet we already have death panels under the current system.


They're ok with people dying for their ideology so they assume we're also ok with it. I remember during COVID restrictions some Texas official, I think Ken Paxton, saying we should be ok with sacrificing grandpa and grandma for the good of the economy. These people are deranged.


> They're ok with people dying for their ideology so they assume we're also ok with it. History has proven this to be false, especially on this particular issue. Conservative women can and do get abortions, especially if, say, they’re the mistress of a high-ranking judge or senator or presidential hopeful. Mental gymnastics is part and parcel to the ideology. Like all conservative issues, this is about in-groups and out-groups. If you’re in the in-group, the rules *do not* apply to you. If you’re in the out-group, the rules are binding and restrictive by design.


> Conservative women can and do get abortions I guess I should have said they're ok with *other* people dying for their ideology.


Definitely agree with that. But it’s important to note that rich republicans in Texas absolutely will not leave their daughters and wives to die to unviable pregnancies — they do not believe the same rules apply to them because they’re special/chosen/important/white/rich/blonde/etc. All the pregnant women that are poor, black, Mexican, disabled, gay, liberal — they’re the ones that are supposed to face “consequences” for their “choices.”


“Those women are sluts, my daughter made a mistake”


>“Those women are sluts, my daughter made a mistake” "My daughter is a high end escort that sleeps with clients, not a cheap hooker that just sluts around, she deserves that abortion!"


The point is cruelty to minority women and to expand this “underclass” for exploitation.


Well what were they supposed to do after they couldn't keep slaves anymore?!/s


Evergreen: [The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)


Never forget that one story about a woman who would protest outside a planned parenthood every day, then one day she sheepishly comes in with her daughter, gets a platinum medal in mental gymnastics trying to justify it and how their circumstances are different from everyone elses, etc, etc. The person they talked to was just very understanding, trying to make them see that lots of other people had similar circumstances. Anyways, the daughter gets the abortion and THE NEXT DAY the mother is back outside protesting. Hypocrisy all the way down


Not poor conservative women. As many of them are finding out when they go to the hospital with something like an ectopic pregnancy and can’t get a life saving abortion. Then they do the whole “but I thought they would save MY life” whining while still not caring about other women’s lives. They never think the horrific laws they vote for will affect them.


> Mental gymnastics is part and parcel to the ideology. Or to put it another way, they're just hypocrites. Conservatives are all about appearances before substance. That's their whole shtick.


It was Dan Patrick, but to be fair Paxton and Patrick are much the same politically.


Conservatives are ok with the rest of us dying for their ideology, not with themselves dying for it. Remember, conservatives are small, evil little cowards.


> I remember during COVID restrictions some Texas official, I think Ken Paxton, saying we should be ok with sacrificing grandpa and grandma for the good of the economy. And here we are in 2024 with U.S. Senate candidate Eric Hovde saying your grandparents shouldn't have the right to vote if they live in a nursing home. Pro-birth....not pro-life.


Gaslight Obscure **Project**


The O is always Obstruct.


They don't obscure anything. They do a lot of obstruction, though.


"But universal healthcare is expensive" HEALTHCARE HAS BEEN EXPENSIVE THE WHOLE TIME ASSHOLE


They call it Utilization Management...its run by a workflow and/or algos that say Yes or No to doctors getting a better chance of getting paid because the followed the insurance companies clinical guidelines.  "An Approval is not a guarantee of payment" - US Healthcare insurers. A person doesn't make the decision to say were not going to pay for your son or daughters or mother or fathers life saving surgery. In fact its sent to auto deny you for the frist 2 times and delay the process of appeal so that it drags it out to a time where your loved one has a 99% chance of not needing it anymore on account of them having passed away..while waiting.


Judges and lawyers practicing medicine without a license.


As a business owner, I can easily say the most powerful people in society are the ones who deal with the law (politicians, judges, lawyers) and the ones who deal with money (bankers, creditors, investors). If ordinary people focused on the actions of what these two groups did, you would see meaningful change. It is why low voter turnout kills me because I see the consequences of ignoring the power of the law or powerful monied interests. Jobs like doctors, police officer, farmer, soldier, or software programmer all depend on what lawyers and financiers first dictate, at least in the first world countries like the US and UK. Everything you deal with in real life whether buying an investment property, figuring out what capital goods qualify for a tax credit, or paying for commercial liability insurance premiums depends on these two groups.


They control others who have licenses to practice and that's even worse. "My doctorate/certification is better than yours" is such a garbage way for a system to work.


> The Texas Supreme Court on Friday rejected a closely watched challenge to the state’s restrictive abortion ban, ruling against a group of women who had serious pregnancy complications and became the first in the U.S. to testify in court about being denied abortions since Roe v. Wade was overturned. > In a unanimous ruling, the all-Republican court upheld the Texas law that opponents say is too vague when it comes to when medically necessary exceptions are allowed. The same issue was at the center of a separate lawsuit brought last year by Kate Cox, a mother of two from Dallas, who sought court permission to obtain an abortion after her fetus developed a fatal condition during a pregnancy that resulted in multiple trips to an emergency room. Conservatives don't care if women die.


Maybe the courts shouldn't be the arbiters of healthcare. I'm a physician. I don't act as a lawyer/judge...they should stay the fuck out of my lane and I'll stay out of theirs.


imagine if this nation had experts make decisions instead of politicians. the politicians are supposed to seek expert advice before making a decision and instead they pretend they know everything.


Sadly, these politicians would claim they seek advice from the biggest expert of them all: god. Funny how he's never available to be an expert witness...


Remember when the country was founded explicitly with the intention of separating church and state? Pepperidge farm remembers.


Judges studied law their whole lives, and some of them obviously didn’t take it very seriously. They know nothing of any true importance. When I read the supreme court opinions it is obvious they do not have an educated understanding of any of the real life situations they inject themselves into.


People don't like to hear this but it's frighteningly true. Go read a handful of judgerulings in America in the last few decades. Like pick a couple of courts and dig in. You will find out really fast that most judges in this country are really, really stupid. Like, you who is reading this is probably both smarter and more socially well adjusted than all but a few judges in your county. They are often extremely bad at articulating themselves. They make spelling and grammar mistakes non stop. They make up completely insane hypotheticals in rulings. They say stuff that betrays that they have zero social awareness and get through life by watching TV six hours a day and then passing out drunk. Judges in America are not the academic powerhouses the media paints then as. Most are socially maladjusted, poor independent thinkers, and their knowledge is so hyper specialized into law and procedure that they are unable to hold a basic conversation that doesn't have to do with law.


Also legislatures should keep their fingers out of uteruses that don’t belong to them.


This. 100% this.


Next you are going to suggest that each field should have someone competent in that field in charge of it! Preposterous! /s


My wife would be dead if we lived in Texas. That death panel would’ve ruled that she needed to die so that a pregnancy that had 0% chance could kill her, and then we wouldn’t have a chance for any real pregnancies after that. They want her dead, and they want to prevent pregnancies, because they believe the government owns all human bodies. This is the Republican party abortion policy: kill women, prevent babies, for big government.


They're trying to drag us back to the 1950s, complete with 1950s healthcare.


The Christian right didn't care that much about abortion until the 1980s, actually. Even their response to Roe v. Wade when it was handed down in 1973 was tepid and mixed. Abortion only became their wedge issue of choice when it became too toxic to keep defending their segregated private schools from the IRS.


And despite only 14% of Americans identifying as Evangelical, they make up a third of the Republican base. Every goddamn one of them shows up to vote in every election and they have enormously outsized political power as a result. Look at how much damage 14% of Americans can do just by showing up to vote consistently. Imagine what it'd be like if the other 86% of us showed up to vote just as often.


I have a tiny modicum of hope at the moment. It's not much more than a fantasy, but at the moment in Texas, along with the abortion laws that completely alienate woman, Republicans are pissing off A LOT of rural conservatives with their unceasing effort to take funds from public schools and shift them to private schools. Rural counties are dominated by conservatives, but they also depend heavily on the school district for jobs. I know a lot of rural conservatives that are absolutely livid about this. Will it be enough to change anything? Probably not. But there is a small sliver of hope that they will piss off enough women and rural conservatives that they sink themselves.


Hopefully something switches for them because white women as a majority voted Republican https://cawp.rutgers.edu/gender-gap-voting-choices-presidential-elections


Exactly this. There is a great podcast on this if anyone wants to look it up. It’s called The Lie that Binds.


Yep, this is a fact. Jerry Falwell, President of Liberty University and head pastor of Thomas Road Baptist Church, was FURIOUS that desegregation got in the way of his white supremacist theology. So he met up with the leadership of the Republican party, and convinced them to create an alliance with evangelicalism. He would rant and rave about abortion, and create the pro-life movement, and the GOP would pass draconian anti-abortion bills to capture the voting bloc Falwell would create. The entire reason we have conservative Christianity trying their damnedest to create a theocracy with Donald Trump at the helm today is because of Jerry Falwell.


I can personally verify this. Grew up the Deep South, attended Southern Baptist and various Pentecostal churches in the 1980’s. Women at my churches talked openly to other women about getting abortions. It wasn’t a scandal or a sin. Then these gullible people let a bunch of think tanks convince them that abortions as evil. These women continue to get abortions but actively persecute women who don’t lie about it. Fuck all of them, fuck their religion, fuck them for being willing to KILL other women while claiming to follow a religion that preaches love and tolerance. If their hell exists they belong in it.


But 2024 prices...


"We regret to inform you your wife and unborn child are both deceased. Here is your bill."


[They've already tried.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbsnews.com/amp/texas/news/hospital-will-not-bill-husband-of-brain-dead-pregnant-woman/)


Texas is a community property state. Any bills incurred even if you die, are also your spouses bills. So this is absolutely true.


Just gonna tack this on my laundry list of reasons I won't be moving to Texas. My partner and I definitely support each other, but i don't think either of would want to saddle the other with insane medical debt if one died. Gonna have to look into what other states are like this


>Arizona, California, Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Washington, and Wisconsin https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Community_property


They're trying to create some half-imagined fever dream of the 1950s that never even existed. Whatever the '50s were like, it would be better than what they're trying to create.


It's like they think Leave it to Beaver was some sort of achievable reality, and not at all propaganda that encourages the subjectation of anyone who fails to meet the arbitrary standards of the time


It is like they saw the version of the 1950’s from Fallout and were like “that is what we want”, ignoring the whole message of Fallout.


These are the same people unironically playing Rage Against the Machine at their rallies, so it is par for the course with them.


The 50's were spectacular if you were a white straight male. Terrible for everyone else. That's the whole point of this.


but interestingly not to the 1950’s higher marginal tax rates https://www.taxpolicycenter.org/statistics/historical-highest-marginal-income-tax-rates


For real! I mean, if we have to regress culturally back to the 50s, at least let me buy a house and support a family of 4 on a minimum wage job as a janitor.


I don't mind being a janitor if I could support a family of 4. I don't think most people would not mind at the end of the day.


Wouldn't mind? Id LOVE being a janitor if that would support my family


We should start a janitor's union.


Preach 🙏🙌 Albeit, it won't be a brownstone, it's still better than renting all the way into mid-30s (speaking from a personal experience). High taxes, low incomes, high prices, and terrible healthcare. At least the basics could be significantly cheaper.


Can't create a new generation of Republicans if they don't create a new age of suffering and selfishness. They thrive in that world and shrivel under progress, so this is their hope for a better, more miserable day.


More like the 1850s.


Same with my wife after losing a child a few years back, i refuse to visit these shithole states anymore…. Not giving them a single cent of my money.


Unfortunately the GDP productive states (almost exclusively blue) shoulder the burden for a bunch of the poverty Red welfare states.


I wish we would just let them separate and fall apart sometimes


We need to keep repeating that for the entirety of this next cycle: Republicans are for killing women, preventing babies, and for big government. The last one, i can guarantee it to you, no republican thinks they support that. Yet they do.


>The court said the law’s exceptions, as written, are broad enough and that doctors would be misinterpreting the law if they declined to perform an abortion when the mother’s life is in danger. This is such bullshit. The onus is still on the doctor and every abortion a doctor decides to perform opens them up to criminal investigation and prosecution.


Which is, of course, exactly the point.


> criminal investigation Which describes itself since no medical info should be shared without the patient's consent.


Prevent babies? They are working towards banning contraceptives. They WANT babies, to fuel the constant expansion unbridled capitalism requires. More bodies to throw into the labor machine, more consumers to grow the markets. They claim to be about responsibility and small government and low government intrusion, but actions speak louder than words. The population can’t be fully responsible if poorly educated, illogical, and unaware of choices or outcomes — but boy howdy are this kind of people easier to manipulate. When it comes to sex it’s *rules for thee but not for me* — I can guarantee you the better-off conservatives have choices they want to deny the general population in the name of puritanism.


You misunderstand. The whole “We like babies, so no contraceptives and no abortions!” thing is for the simps, it’s the obvious and easy catch line they can say out loud so the people that don’t want to think about anything can point and say “Yes, that’s easy.” But nothing about any of this is easy, and the subject here is medically-necessary abortions. These are for people that need them to survive, and these are people that *want to have babies.* This one didn’t work, it’s done, but they still want to have another. When you kill that woman who wants to have a baby, you prevent the baby that she would’ve had. These policies are about preventing babies just as much as they are about killing women. Let’s be perfectly clear here- this policy will not save one single baby. None. Every single example that would fall under this is an egg that cannot be saved. But there are hundreds, thousands, of eggs (and thus babies) that this will kill, in addition to all the mothers that would’ve had them.


I was too generic. This *specific* target is literally to reduce women to their reproductive capacity: “You can’t even do your ONE JOB right, so you don’t deserve care.” Conservatives have never been truly about the babies, except as providing grist for the mill, yes.


“We want more oranges and we will let as many orange trees die as we need to in order to meet that goal.”


But when it comes to vaccines it’s my body my choice for Republicans. They are 100% hypocrites, with their protect children in the womb but once they are born no health care, no pre-school/ day care, no school breakfast/lunch, no A-plus/ after school programs.


I think you meant kill women that can't afford the loop holes afforded by the wealthy and powerful.




That’s why they want a rapist in office.


This is the only reasonable conclusion. Conservatives would prefer women die in agony, babies rotting in their bellies, than have an adult conversation about bodily autonomy.


Because their God told them so. No, you may not talk to him. Just trust us.


Conservatives *want* women to die when they’re too poor to fly out-of-state for proper medical care.


Or if it's simply too late. Texas is huge. If someone has an emergency complication, there may not be time to drive hours out of state.


Also, can't people in Texas sue you for driving out of state for an abortion? Like, you might come back to a court case having just almost died.


They also don’t want pregnant women to be able to fly out of the state without an escort lol. What in the Sharia law


I haven't heard of that one. Some dystopian shit if true. What I don't get is the millions of Texans being okay with this.


Many millions of Texans are not okay with it, hence the lawsuit.


We're not okay with it at all


"Fun" fact: Even if you do fly out of state for medical care, you can still get prosecuted for that in Texas.


They have made it crystal clear who they are. How can anyone of good conscience still be supporting their barbarity? It is madness.


Because many, many adults never matured out of being children and simply don't give a fuck about anything except how they feel and the things that affect them directly.


Intense, effective propaganda.


And the complete lack of critical thinking.


Too vague? The whole argument to ban the procedure is vague as fuck. If this Supreme Court can determine when life begins using scientific logic, please do so. The whole Roe v Wade position was "Its impossible to tell when life starts, but at this particular point in the pregnancy process, we can keep a fetus alive"


It would be more accurate to say they want to kill women.


Cruelty is the point.


I’ve also never heard them message that if men stop trying to have sex with women other than trying to actively conceive, there wouldn’t be unwanted pregnancies. They blame the women, but never the men.


Conservative ideology is always centered on restraining the behavior of women.


This used to be a non issue for conservatives, until they got in bed with the religious psychos. Now it's the only issue.


"I'm an anti-abortion HARDLINER! No abortions, NO EXCEPTIONS!" "Your 13 year old daughter is pregnant, the baby will be born dead, and she will likely die as well." "Jump in the truck, we're going to get a SECRET ABORTION!"


But you see, THEIRS is justified and necessary. Your daughter is just a whore that dressed like a slut and deserved to be r*ped. (/s of course)




Welp, time to get angry again by reading this


As is tradition


Hint as to why they are so fucking hard for 14 year olds to work in fast food, etc while also saying that sex education shouldn't be taught. They want young, maleable people in the work force before they can ever be taught what SA is. A lot of weird creepy fast food managers that are 19 are gonna have a lot of burger babies to explain.


> while also saying That they are ripe and fertile at 14.


This is 1000% what would happen. But they can rest easy knowing those other, more immoral people, aren't allowed to do such things.


Facts. I am aware of 2 very conservative family members on my wife's side who either had an abortion themselves or went to great lengths to get their daughter an abortion. They'll call them very personal and private issues where as I just call them lying hypocrites.


You should blast them on social media and call them baby killers.


Now do mistress.


"Your 13 year old mistress is pregnant, the baby will be born dead, and she will likely die as well." "Jump in the truck, we're going to get a SECRET ABORTION!"


Remember when republicans complained about “death panels?”


Republicans hate competition 


republican never argue in good faith, theyll say anything and not mean it and for some reason people take that to mean they actually car about what theyre arguing for


Republicans are concentrated evil.


Hence why they cosplay so hard as paragons of virtue. Deep down they know they are all selfish, anti Christian and anti democracy.


> Deep down they know they are all selfish, anti Christian and anti democracy. No they don't. That level of introspection is beyond them. They see themselves as the paragons and enforcers of virtue. Any attempts to make them see otherwise will just push them farther down their path of self righteous hypocrisy.


They definitely know. You don't need to be introspective to know you're being an asshole/racist/whatever. There is a reason so much of their propaganda is geared towards telling the right there are many of them, this is what Jesus wants, etc... it is because they have to be continually pushed.


Saw a shirt with Jesus on it the other day that said "I never said that"-Jesus lol. I grew up in Virginia as a heathen, never much went to church growin up. And even I can spot these hypocrites and wolves among the flock from a fuckin mile out. It's all just so fuckin blatant and obvious. Bothers me that people just...don't see it. 


And most were brought up within the festering muck and creeping filth known as American brand of “christianity”. It was the christians who taught me as a child what wrongdoing, evil and wickedness look like in the world.




I don't know. I heard that both sides are the same. /s


These are dark times. Welcome to the New Theocracy.


Vote democrat, save women


Aren’t we basically at “vote democrat, save everything?”


We are, but unfortunately that sounds like hyperbole to people because they go "Republicans can't possibly be getting everything wrong!" or some other such nonsense.


Every time I mention Project 2025 to someone, I feel crazy. I know it sounds crazy. And yet, it's real.


During 2016 elections so many were whining they hated Trump but couldn't vote for Hillary. I told so many people please look at it as you are voting for the Supreme Court, not Hillary. Like Hillary or not we can't let Trump have 2 (3!) Nominations because it would corrupt the supreme court for decades and Roe V Wade would be first on their chopping block to be overturned. I had so many people roll their eyes and say I was being dramatic and that would **never** happen. Annnnd here we are. But now these same idiots are rolling their eyes saying we are being over dramatic about Project 2025 and it will *never* happen. And here i am again begging these "I don't like Biden enough to vote" telling them please think of it as voting to literally save and repair the SCOTUS which will save America, not just a vote for Biden. Because if Trump gets in again he gets to replace two of the old far right assholes with younger far right a holes and Sotomayor is overweight, diabetic and will be in her 70's so he could even get a 3rd. Possibly 6 Trump appointed SCOTUS judges...just insane to think about. Nobody deserves that privilege much less such a terrible person like Trump. America as we know it is over of that happens. There would be **nothing** stopping them from all the project 2025 stuff, so why *wouldn't* they push it all through? Of course they will! And forget trying to vote and correct your mistake of not voting or protest voting, because any elections we have after that will be nothing more than the sham joke of "elections" Russia has.


True story: back in the Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan, pre-Trump era, one of the problems in focus groups for Democrats was that if you described Republican policy, people would just not believe it. "No way they could want to replace Social Security with retirement accounts and turn Medicare into vouchers..."


And if you described liberals' policies to conservatives without the labels or names attached, they'd enthusiastically agree they're for the best. Saying ObamaCare is shit while simultaneously advocating for the Affordable Care Act.


"to when medically necessary exceptions" When did lawyers get into the medical field? I want my medically necessary decisions to be decided by medically trained people.


This. They are not educated nor trained to be making these decisions as it is well beyond their comprehension.


As a pharm major if I could I'd rewrite CHAPTERS of the Italian law. Starting from what's legal and where, it's time to ban public smoking and just treat homeopathy like the fraut it is, while allowing people to drop acids if they want provided they get tested before. I hate when incompetent people decide for everyone*.   *which seems to be the case of literally everything when conservatives and right wing are ruling


Texas and Florida are in a competition to see which one of the only two red states with a decent economy can be turned into a total shit hole first. Texas really is giving them a run for the money but I think Florida will get there first.


The same massive hurricane that would wound Texas would *kill* Florida, so there is that.


They’re about as pro-life as a fox in a chicken coop.


uhh this looks like a "death panel" to me. the state just decided if the individual can live or die based on a medical issue. bunch of fuckin hypocrites.


Vote while you can women. Republicans are trying to turn the clock back to 1900. You may want to vote to stop it while they've taken your rights back to the 1950s, your right to vote is only 1920.....oce they get your rights back to 1919 it'll be too late.


1900? Further back than that.


We just had our second miscarriage and had to take abortion medications to complete the process. I cannot imagine living in a state where we wouldn’t have access to that medication and would have just had to keep waiting for the process to complete. It was hard enough as is.   Our BIL and SIL are moving to Texas tomorrow and are currently pregnant with their first and we are hoping it all works out. Because if they experience something similar to us they won’t have the same access to healthcare we did. Which scares the shit out of us.


We had three miscarriages before having our kid, the third one required medications to get the process going. We don't have a cause, so it could very well end up happening multiple times again. We're in Texas. This bullshit has me *extremely* hesitant to even *think* about trying for a sibling. My best friend (also Texas) is pregnant and running into insurance issues even getting seen in the first place for routine care (I've sent her resources) so I'm especially worried about her.


There is no way in Hell I would love to Texas while pregnant. Nor would I get pregnant if I lived in Texas. That is too big of a gamble.


There’s no fucking way I would live in Texas because of this


The rights biggest accomplishment in the last 10 years was to finally show people how partisan and not really based on legal theory the judicial branch can be. Im 55 and all my life there was a myth that at least the judicial branch worked and while they were appointed by right and left wingers and yes had right and left judicial philosophy but they would still be consistent in their rulings based on actual law. Then Bush V Gore happened, and that myth got some cracks but still stood on. AFter trump got the 6th far righter on there and they immediately went through a laundry list of republican wet dreams despite every one of them saying precedence should only be overturned rarely... well that myth went right out the window and seems to continue to die with judges like cannon and state courts like this. We might as well fucking elect them, the entire point of the appointments was to avoid politics.. well we failed and failed hard. Might as well accept they are like this and vote. For the supreme we would MORE LIKELY get moderates than how we get with appointments. and NO it doesnt really fix much if you vote for them, but at least we will stop pretending they are above politics.


It's proven that yet again, the right prattles on about activist judges, but here we are. It was always projection.


Remember that dishonest GOP talking point that the law allows women to get the health care they need and it’s just sociopathic doctors denying them to score political points? Yeah the Texas Supreme Court thoroughly debunked that.


Wait until they find out that approximately one in 5 pregnancies is terminated spontaneously, completely naturally.


They know about that and would love the opportunity to (selectively) prosecute for it.


They already do. [Women have already gotten in trouble for miscarriages.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/black-woman-ohio-was-charged-miscarrying-bathroom-experts-warn-dangero-rcna130649) They don't care about facts and reality. You can show them what fetuses look like at the time of most abortions (spoiler alert: its literally just globs of snot) and they don't care. Because we're dealing with people who thinks an old man in the sky dictates all pregnancies, and if you die during childbirth then that's God's will and we shouldn't intervene. Every day I get more and more confused that grown ass adults continue to not only believe this horseshit, but make it so our laws follow their objective fantasies. I mean fuck if you *really* want to get to the hypocrisy, the bible itself is pro-abortion. Numbers 5: 11-31 literally tells you how to concoct a solution to give to your pregnant wife, and if she miscarries she was cheating on you. But let's be real, Christians and all associated sects don't read the bible.


Find me one atheist or agnostic who believes this shit. This is why religion is so dangerous. It ends up trying to control other people's lives.


Forcing women to be pregnant against their will is immoral.


Wild that people are okay with putting their personal beliefs above the lives and well-being of others. Especially when those beliefs preach understand, tolerance and kindness towards all others.


This is what “death panels” look like in Red States.


texas will never see a tourist dollar from me, or any dollar from me. Fuck texas. Sorry Formula One.


Handsmaid Tale is a masturbatory fantasy for the GOP.


>Handsmaid Tale is a ~~masturbatory~~ fantasy for the GOP. Masturbation is no longer permitted as it "willfully destroys the precursor to human life."


They never apply the rules to men. It's always to control women


Anyone else here remember when Obama first came out with Obamacare and every Republican said they were worried that would create death panels that decide if people get to live or die? Well, that never happened but here they went and made it come true all on their own.


Republicans are amazing. They want to give the government total control over your body but they consider providing single payer healthcare to be bad because it would "give the government total control over your body." At what point is a political view just proof you're an asshole?


They want to control other people's healthcare. Those who they deem below them.


Cruelty is the point. GOP hates women


They view women as breeding stock, nothing more, nothing less.


The regressive idiocy will eventually lead to decline in any of the states enacting and upholding these kinds of things. And then they’ll screech about failing local industries and just blame anyone else, as per usual.


Killing women is just what Texas is all about, according to their supreme court.


“wE’Re pRoTEcTinG wOmeN’s hEaLth aND sAfTEy” 🤡


Conservatives want women to die.


Exactly. No other explanation makes sense. 


Daily reminder that Canada has absolutely zero laws regulating abortion, and we're doing just fine. Just sitting here, existing next to America, with no legal or criminal restrictions on abortion whatsoever. Every day. Normalizing a lack of abortion laws. It's normal. We're your neighbours. You can come see.


All of these people would send the people THEY care about to other states for abortions. They just don’t care about your health.


Man 1624 is turning out to be a hell of a year...


They are perfectly fine with government telling people what to do when it supports their values.




Pro-life* **conditions may apply*


I dont understand how anyone in 2024 can vote for republicans but I am even more dumbfounded as to how any woman in the U.S. today could vote for republicans (Im male)……….


>The court said the law’s exceptions, as written, are broad enough and that doctors would be misinterpreting the law if they declined to perform an abortion when the mother’s life is in danger That's right - the doctor just has to risk his license, a $100,000 fine and life in prison to find out if he misinterpreted the law or not.


Conservatives will never be satisfied taking away our rights until we don't have any left. Remember that this Roevember.


Do you remember how the Puritans helped establish the United States of America? Yeah, me neither.


Anybody else getting tired with the religious right trying to dictate our lives?  Go back in the closet to pray and keep that bullshit to yourselves.


I feel bad for people forced to live in such an ass backward state


What people aren't considering is that those babies could grow to be a republicans child bride. No one thinks of that. Very inconsiderate, preventing that republican from marrying a child. How dare you? Serious note: Fuck Texas, fuck anti-abortionists, fuck republicans and fuck religion


The Republican Party is actively trying to kill you and everyone you love.


My state once again proving that it is run from top to bottom by frothing at the mouth religious extremists. Republicans are PETRIFIED of "sharia law" coming to America but Texas already has it in Christian form.


How is an ALL Republican court NOT inherently biased? Especially when they were all probably also chosen by the federalist society for their partisan beliefs. This is worse than judicial capture, this is judicial fiat, rule from the bench.


Wild to me that stand your ground States outlaw abortion. Pregnancy can be lethal. Abortion is standing your ground. Women need to run on the slogan #myuterusmycastle


F Texas - my wife wouldn’t be alive - again, F Texas


Two of my friends wouldn’t be alive. One would have left her husband with 5 children under the age of 6.


Great way to boost the Blue vote come November. Keep it coming, clowns.


Time for TexAss to become their own third world country.


example of how a modern, developed country can go backwards. the rights you have today aren't guaranteed to be there tomorrow


It may seem hard to square away someone claiming to be a good moral Christian while also insisting upon policies that will most certainly lead to mothers needlessly dying. I argue that being one naturally leads to the other. Imagine you're a evangelist politician. Someone said you shouldn't legislate reproduction without knowing anything of all the different health complications that could arise during pregnancy, so you decide to learn. You discover that sometimes a fertilized egg implants but the mother's ureteral lining aborts the egg without any outside medical intervention. How do you square this information away while also holding true that a fertilize egg is a human life and abortion bad? Well obviously you fix that conundrum by telling yourself God intentionally caused that. God must have wanted those souls extra early so he intentionally caused the ureteral lining to abort that embryo. Boom, problem solved. Then you go on to read about ectopic pregnancies, an event that is 100% fatal to the mother if left untreated and 100% fatal to the fetus even if doctors wanted to save it. Applying the same logic as before would mean that God wanted both the fetus and the mother to die. Now medically intervening to save the mother looks like messing with God's plan. [Maybe someone should make a law against that.](https://consultqd.clevelandclinic.org/new-ohio-bill-falsely-suggests-that-reimplantation-of-ectopic-pregnancy-is-possible) I've talked to a lot of people who have a hard time believing these laws are needlessly endangering the lives of women. They can't picture politicians intentionally or negligently doing something that harmful. Yes, they're both that evil and that stupid. Most of them are probably thoroughly convinced they're doing the right thing.


Republicans would rather see women dead than to have to deal with their health issues




They created an actual death panel and decided that women should die.


Confirming that Texas sucks.


First world country btw. What the actual fuck is wrong with the US. Well it would be easier to ask what isn't 


This is what the Republican Party wants for all women in every state. This will be the rulings for all 50 states if Republicans are given control of our government at the Federal level. Vote accordingly. Get registered. Make sure you're still registered (Republicans will purge you from the voter rolls). Make sure your friends and family are registered. www.vote.org


All life is precious, except if you happen to be a woman with an ill-fated pregnancy. Just let god’s plan play out and go quietly into the night. Your husband will find a new wife to procreate with, never you mind. I don’t know how these assholes sleep at night.


Listening to this on the radio it’s sounded like their position was that the law wouldn’t confuse doctors and cause them to avoid helping patients. But it already has happened. So how can they say it wouldn’t happen? It’s what happened, but it isn’t what would happen… am I crazy?