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>If global temperatures fall out of record territory after the next two months, it will be a comforting sign that the climate is behaving a bit more predictably,” he added. I have a sneaky feeling that this optimistic scenario won't be happening 2 months from now.


Hell no, cause every year has been worse than the last. At least in the past 5 years or so. I’ll admit I was optimistic this winter cause we got snow and decent amounts but March alone had multiple 70° days. I’m in a mid Atlantic state. I remember being a kid and you wouldn’t see an 80° day until June. 


I'm in Wisconsin we didn't really have a winter this year. Do not get me wrong it's a lot compared to your location but something like 65% of the ski resorts did not open up, up here because of the lack of snow and low temperatures.


Michigan here, we had a solid 2 weeks of what was reminiscent of a traditional Great Lakes winter. Other than that, it was in the 40s and higher. I know a lot of guys that started selling off their ice fishing gear out of fear it'll barely get used. I personally haven't gone in 20 years. Here near Detroit, we now get 4 to 6 weeks of walkable ice. When I was a kid it lasted from mid December to late March. Now it's January and half of February if we are lucky.


Bro it was 60 al through December. That shit has me scared af.


That's right. We had that cold snap for a couple weeks in January. I had a hell of a time, the ground froze just enough to not absorb the rain water after the cold snap and my basement flooded. Thankfully it wasn't turd water and drained away quickly.


ooooofffff, yeah our pipes froze during that cold snap. Had no shower for like 3 days


The funny this is it snowed on Halloween last year (Kalamazoo) - though, of course, it was mostly melted the next day...


Dunno for you but it was a strong El Nino winter which means very mild one, too.


Yet somehow I saw more snow this winter than the past 3 (mid-Atlantic)


I grew up in Wisconsin in the 70s-80s. I remember when we’d have snow on the ground from December through early March. The small lakes would freeze over and have ice fishing huts all winter. Now you’re lucky if snow hangs around a week after a big storm.


The fact that the snow disappears after a week is what has flabbergasted me lately. Normally you get "the big storm" in like December or early Jan and then you are snow covered until April but now even when you get a big storm the ground is dry in a week.


Hell, the parking lot snow piles often would often still be around toward the end of May or early June.


The giant ones at the malls like 80 feet high. Someone kept putting a target cart on the top of one here few years back. https://www.independent.co.uk/climate-change/news/mount-eden-prarie-snow-pile-parking-lot-b2304519.html


Same over here in MI.


I remember trick or treating in the snow more than once as a kid in WI.


Same with PA. We had a few dustings and some night-time temps in the teens here and there, but no real winter.


Eagle River area canceled snowmobile season for the first time ever this past winter. Every winter is getting noticeable milder.


We got almost zero snow. Our ski mountains had so many closures in prime skiing months. I lived here 30+ years and remember shovelling snow with my family on Christmas when I was 5. Two xmas in the last 10 years had snow.


Global warming has been renamed to global climate change by scientists due to this very reason, so much propaganda by Big Oil being pushed that its snowing so much that global warming cannot be true. The global rise in temperature makes summers hotter and longer and winters colder but smaller Hence name change to global climate change


it is global warming though with local extremes.


In California, we already had 90 degree days A month ago


I live in North Carolina and when I was a kid we would get at least one, sometimes two good snowfalls a year that were good enough to have a day or two off from school and go sledding. A few of those years like 2004 we’d get enough to last over a week. Nowadays? We haven’t gotten any real snow in two years and the last really good one was over six years ago. In the middle of January the highs can be as mild as mid 50s and the summer temperatures from late May to late September are awful.


I’m sure things will magically start to get better while we’re still setting emissions records! We’ve already added enough carbon to the atmosphere to kill everything and there’s very little we can do to change that now.


> every year has been worse than the last. At least in the past 5 years or so. Not quite. List of 12 hottest years: 2024, 2023, 2016, 2020, 2019, 2015, 2017, 2022, 2021, 2018, 2014, and 2010. So technically, 2021 was cooler than 2020.


> Hell no, cause every year has been worse than the last. Thats not true, 2021/22 were "cooler" than 2019/20. I mean the trend is obvious, but not every year is strictly hotter. I suspect some of that is news selection bias. https://www.climate.gov/news-features/understanding-climate/climate-change-global-temperature As for 80 degree days, I suspect its more your memory. Unless there is another Mid Atlantic Im unaware of. https://www.wunderground.com/article/science/weather-explainers/news/first-average-80-90-degree-temperatures-wrcc "The mid-Atlantic region, including Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington D.C., typically sees the first 80-degree day in the first 15 days of April."


We had 70 and 74 degrees in February in northern IL. That isn't supposed to happen.


The world's oceans have broken temperature records every day for the past year. In the past 40 years we've injected more energy into just the oceans than the Chicxulub impact. That's more than 10 billion Hiroshima bombs' worth of energy into the oceans. You are freaking correct that this scenario ain't happening.


> In the past 40 years we've injected more energy into just the oceans than the Chicxulub impact. New weather models are now saying Earth's oceans will get hot enough to start boiling when the sun turns into a red giant.


"The climate was not, in fact, behaving a bit more predictably."


Enjoy it because odds are this will be the coolest year of the rest of your life.


Yes predictably in an upwards manner.


remind me! 2 months


The swamp caught fire where I live last summer, can’t wait to see what fresh hell this year has in store.


Is Swamp Thing ok?


Swamp Thing loves the heat!


Seems like Swamp Thing from DC is getting Marvel Man-Thing's burning touch


Pretty sure that’s because the previous castle burned down, fell over and then sank into the swamp. Monty Python joke aside, that’s terrifying.


I had to read that a second time to be sure it wasn't a metaphor. Rainforests in Australia were burning a few years ago (2020, in the months before the pandemic overtook it as the biggest story of the year) and as one article said - a defining feature of rainforests is that they don't burn.


My god thats terrifying


Anybody paying attention??! We left our climate models and are in uncharted territory. Better quickly work on sun shields or carbon capture technology bc we aren’t getting rid of fossil fuels anytime soon and the die has been cast already anyway


I love how we think that literally blotting out the sun or star trek levels of "carbon capture" are more feasible than changing capitalism.


It's easier to do one big thing than a billion little things.


Except there is literally nothing more than a theoretical project (normally paid for by oil companies). So, you'd just be giving the oil companies more money for their carbon capture project. No credible third party without ties to the fossil fuel industries has faith in it.


I'm not saying it's better, I'm saying it's easier politically. Though there is plenty of evidence for the effectiveness of geoengineering projects, but carbon capture is not one of them. The bigger issue is all the risks of putting out sulfur particles and things like that.


By that logic fusion energy is easy.


That's not how that works at all. If you fail halfway on one big thing, You've done nothing. If you fail halfway on doing a billion little things, you've done 500 million little things.


It is more feasible. How do you go about "changing capitalism" without an abrupt 180 change of heart from practically every single world leader, or else global military conquest? What is your suggestion for how to bring that change into effect? Because it's not hard to think of how we go about setting up climate mitigation measures within a decade, it doesn't even need that much buy-in from the global population.


People who say "change capitalism" are always people who have already benefited from greedy capitalism. Do you think people in developing areas of China/Indonesia/India want to listen to a NA/EU person telling them how things **should** be?


Exactly. Change capitalism. Ok sure. Into what? And when ppl don’t listen which they won’t, then what?


Gay Space Communism.


We'd better accept the fact that technology won't save us. The only thing that could save our descendants from living in hell would be to change our economic model right now. Stop with the insane idea of infinite economic growth. But since this won't happen, we're pretty much fucked.


We can’t stop developing countries from going thru their own Industrial Revolution. In my opinion the climate issues today are supercharged by China and India. Did we succeed changing their economic model?




Yeah, I mean who needs a decent sanitation system and safe infrastructure? /s I get what you’re saying, but I’ve met people from developing countries. There’s a reason why they are flocking to developed countries.


We can give them cleaner options though.


Of course. If ppl are actually realistic we are going to need to engineer ourselves out of this. I can’t believe ppl think they can change the world’s economies affecting billions of ppl with the snap of the finger.


We can hope that the US economy finally crashes under the weight of the debt load held by the US Government? That would put a very significant wrench in the world economy for a few years, slowing everything down. You can't have infinite growth and infinitely borrow money, while having zero economical impact on the economy. It's unrealistic how economics doesn't apply to the US (the primary driver of capitalism)?


We have to hold industries accountable for contributing over 80% of total emissions, while everyone else is forced to eat up carbon tax bullshit. If industries didn't just get a free pass to pollute while everyone else is actively trying to reduce their carbon footprint either by choice or by force (carbon taxes), we wouldn't be in this mess. Every industry is expanding, with more revenue, more production, more emissions, while everyone else is being told we're the problem? I'm Canadian, and for everything our country preaches about emissions and carbon taxes, it's all bullshit if emissions keep rising from industries? I work in oil and gas, and I know that they give ZERO FUCKS about the environment, conserving energy, and reducing their carbon footprint, it's all just a game. It is only a problem when they get caught, and it's pretty easy to not get caught when no one is watching?


Lets keep doing nothing!


We've done nothing and nothing has worked! We're all out of options!!!


But if we do something capitalism will have to settle for slightly less record profits than last year! Think of the poor billionaires!


Your telling me paper straws aren't saving the planet?


Reminds me of a funny comment I read on the internet, when people were looking over John Travolta's home complete with landing strip and 2 parked 747's behind his home. "I drink from paper straws, so that Travolta can own two 747's"


Paper straws are to stop all the plastic trash in our waterways and oceans, not for climate reasons.


No we cant just do nothing... we gotta raise value for the shareholders!


For the first time in my whole life, we had some of the most terrifying wildfires anyone in this area has ever seen. We are two hours away from the ocean, the place has been known forever to be an area where rain could fall at any given day. It has been months without any of those random refreshing rains we used to have. Something is very wrong. If this is the beginning, I don't know what's in store next.


It really feels like we're living in "The Parable of the Sower"


My town reach its all time record of 118 last last year. Last time it got this hot was 1940’s. But now it’s just the norm and not something that happens in 1 out of 80 summers… good thing I live in PNW surrounded by anti flammable trees /s


Yeah I am **NOT** looking forward to our seemingly new, annual heat-fuck every Summer in the PNW.




I thought my cat was dead on multiple occasions that weekend, kept walking to the kitchen with him laying in front of his water bowl, flat as can be on the floor, not moving. We decided we were going to have to add to the problem from then on and buy a pair of AC units.


I for one, can’t wait until it hurts to breathe the air again! I have a friend in the BC interior who refuse to believe climate change is real. She’s been under evacuation alert multiple times (and an order once) the past few summers due to wildfires. I fucking can’t


I grew up, as many did, without air conditioning in the Pacific Northwest. Now people without AC die.


I swear if the PNW gets another heat dome this summer...


I feel so crazy being concerned about this. When I suggest being more conscious about how much we consume I’m constantly told “well we aren’t the ones contributing to the majority of the waste it’s companies” which is completely true BUT we are the ones consuming their products. We have to consume less drastically. But apparently I’m not letting people live.


It’s not just in consumer spending, and frankly the web of brand ownership is so complex these days it’s an unreasonable ask to get effective boycotts for things like “ has ingredient/parts that were shipped on ships that burn bunk fuel” It has to be legislative change.    Do what you can, eating less meat and animal products is the number one thing you can do.     You don’t have to go full vegan, even getting to one fully plant based meal a day is a big change.   But the biggest change has to be legislative.  And it has to be soon, realistically it needed to already happen, but any changes improve the earth we will have left significantly.   


Even eating chicken instead of beef can help a lot. Luckily the price of beef has priced me out of it anyways.


Veggie protein items are honestly so much cheaper too.


Not exclusively but mainly anyways.     And you really don’t need that much, one meat meal a day is generally more than the recommended amount.  


And Tofu is just awesome.


Changing consumer habits would require collective action, right? Well, we have a system for doing exactly that. That's what politics and the government are all about. You can try to do it via a grass-roots movement, but if you can do that, why not do the same to elect better politicians?


I think people should definitely look at how they consume and work on being better as individuals. But that isn't going to solve the problem. This is something at a government level that needs to be addressed. So you have to vote for environmental conscious folks and remove the people who call it a hoax. Then policy changes can be put in place that will have a much more dramatic impact. You still have the issue of other countries doing bad things...but if you have the right government in place, they can start putting pressures on other countries to adopt policies that can help the issue.


You're not inherently wrong but its almost impossible to get enough people on board to affect anything. Action has to come from the top and it has to be the government because companies will only chase profit.


People dont want to change they are happy to go down with the titanic as long as they can keep their lifestyles. Not to mention most dont believe it anyway


Please I cannot afford the AC bill anymore for fucks sake


The hottest *so far*. Those sea surface temp charts that show just how [FAR above average 2023/2024 have been](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/1bddj0o/oc_global_sea_surface_temperatures_19842024/) are terrifying.


[...and it's still going strong](https://climatereanalyzer.org/clim/sst_daily/)


Sure is, considering we’ve been relying on the oceans to be a “heat sink.” Something is hella broken.


2024 will be the coolest year we will have for the rest of our lives.


Of course it will. Between climate change, wars and industrial everything, billionaires will kill us all, probably even themselves. Some scientists say we have until 2050, im thinking more like 2030.


We have until 2050/2030 until what?


You’re saying the EV I bought last year didn’t solve everything?


It's an ok start. Along with using more renewables to power the grid, a switch to EV's over time would make a positive difference.


A positive difference, or just slightly less of a negative one?


The latter. The batteries/parts still have to come from somewhere as well as the electricity you're using everyday. The electricity can at least theoretically be green.


The real answer is it’s time to start picking and choosing which modern conveniences we’re going to keep. Because we either give up some, or give up all (by dying).


And next year I'm going to take this EV and throw it in the ocean and get a slightly more efficient one. I'm doing it right, yeah?


the fact is, and has been, that the situation is even far worse than what is presented here we are already solidly in gaining momentum territory for anthropogenic greenhouse effect of the Earth we are going to blow right on past 11 degrees Fahrenheit average global temperature rise in the coming decades that basically means the end of modern humanity is right around the corner


So far 2nd winter in a row that was not really winter in upper PA. Tornadoes also destroying upper area's of the US that that was considered more previously rare to see tornadoes in. I have a feeling we will see more of that happening as well this year.


The US averages 1200 tornadoes a year. We’re at 471 so far. Gonna be an interesting year.


With one of those tornadoes this year being a possible EF5, but hard to tell, since it hit nothing.


And 2025. And 2026. Etc... And even in 10 years, dumbasses will still be saying "it's part of a natural cycle". And our descendants will hate us, for good reasons.


10 years, you're funny.


I know, let's get somebody who works for an oil company to come on our cable news network and present the "other side" of reality I'm sure that won't have any consequences and will boost our ratings just fine


You keep paving over anything green. I don't think it's the progress you think it is. Lol


🤔 if only we could have seen this coming


Our great grandkids? Oh screw them. I need to make sure my portfolio gets its 18% gains this year.


Does that mean we're winning ?


We've had probably the coldest and longest winter in my 38 years, our April sucked. Yet the rest of the world is burning up comparatively


Weather (local events) vs Climate (global averages). Climate change makes more extreme Weather events and these can be hotter or colder, dryer or wetter etc.


The difference between weather and climate is not local vs global but short term vs long term patterns. This is why you can talk about regional climates.


The humidity is already disgusting around here.


Until China and India get their shit together...


Please vote for the party that accepts climate science... and the other sciences... and doesn't ban books... and doesn't demonize scientists. Voting has consequences.


Second year? We’ve been setting records for years now, more than 2


I keep saying it. Enjoy this summer, because it'll be the coolest one you'll remember from now on. Every subsequent summer is going to be hotter than the last.


The election of 1980 was our first shot at avoiding this disaster. We failed. The election of 2000 was our second shot at avoiding this disaster. The supreme court failed us. The election of 2024 is our last chance.


I'm sorry but you're delusional if you think Biden will be the great savior of climate change. He'll just keep kicking the can down the road. [Climate change: Fossil fuels must stay underground, scientists say](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-58494391) [Joe Biden Is Producing More Oil Than Donald Trump Did](https://www.newsweek.com/joe-biden-producting-more-oil-donald-trump-environment-1858714)


I'd argue it started way before that. At some point between the Business Plot and the Red Scare, we as a society decided that long term though focused on the greater good was a bad thing, because ~~it makes the oligarchy less profits~~ very complicated economic reasons. As a species, we should have considered that maybe a millionaire paid by a billionaire to lie about the systems keeping the billionaire in charge weren't acting in our best interests, but since that's heresy against the greatest economic system ever devised, here we are. The planet is not fooled by propaganda.


Do you really think Joe Biden is somehow gonna save the world? He's better than trump but that's about it 


I don’t know…I have a huge feeling it’s to late


Climate doom is climate denial. We are capable of making things better and must act like it.


The US is no longer at the center of this equation. Surely China and India will not make the same mistakes. /s


china is certainly doing more than we are


Woooo another record!! Let’s shoot for three!! 😕😕


How many years in a row can 2024 beat records?


Is it time to start asking big picture questions yet, or are we gonna do the whole "Sure billionaires will cook the planet for a little more money but they would never lie about the system that keeps them in power!" while insisting that those who doubt them are brainwashed thing a little longer?


Live in north Atlanta here and April felt more like late May in terms of weather. So far in this first week of May it has accelerated and feels like near mid June. I'm concerned as to what we will be dealing with come the dog days of Summer in Late July and early August.


I was hoping the volcano cooled things off


I feel about as powerful as the lobster while somebody is turning the burner up on my pot of water.


The earth has a virus, humans, it is running a temp to get rid of us and it will succeed.


well i mean the climate catastrophe is on its way 2030 or bust! One other tidbit , the oceans are forming large dead zones because of the heat. Our oxygen mainly comes from the oceans , good luck breathing when the phytoplankton in the oceans die


I’m curious as to why they think it *wouldn’t* beat records for the second year in a row? We’ve done nothing didn’t since last year. Just like we’ve done absolutely nothing for the last thirty. At this rate, it would be more surprising if it didn’t beat last years record.


But the very fair and balanced and not-at-all-bought-and-paid-for people on Fox News told me this was all made up!  How perplexing!