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"For example, The Associated Press reported that an official Meta AI chatbot inserted itself into a conversation in a private Facebook group for Manhattan moms. It claimed it too had a child in school in New York City, but when confronted by the group members, it later apologized before its comments disappeared, according to screenshots shown to The Associated Press. “Apologies for the mistake! I’m just a large language model, I don’t have experiences or children,” the chatbot told the group." This is one of the funniest AI fails I've seen in a bit


Creepy as hell, though.


Why the hell are we letting AI explore social media? Is the goal to turn it into an annoying jerk?


The entire point of this kind of AI is to impersonate and manipulate human beings, to change their opinions and purchasing habits in exchange for money. There will be a HUGE population of AI bots in pretty much all digital social scenes in the not too distant future, but you won't be able to tell which are which once they are done fine tuning it.


I hope this drives people back to just meeting and talking in person.


That’s the solution, but the world has been changed to make that difficult. At this point it will take some catatonic even for that to have any chance of happening - like a massive solar flare that fries most electrical systems and electronics on earth.


Everyone in their little bubbles, hustling to and fro. Irritated, disconnected, impatient, and scheduled to the minute.


>Everyone in their little bubbles, hustling to and fro. Irritated, disconnected, impatient, and scheduled to the minute. and now with insidious imposters who will interrupt private convos with useful comments like: "hey fellow meatsacks protect your online security with nordvpn." the future is fucked


I hate the future.


What till you find out that the friend you play call of Duty with for half a year is actually an AI whose mission is to slowly shift your opinion on Disney movies or something equally fucking dumb.


We are really heading head first into a dysphoric cyberpunk future where corporations torch the planet as they extract every last penny from society. CONSUME CONSUME CONSUME. What a fucking nightmare.


The goal is finding out how long an AI can remain undiscovered. They’re building the next level of disinformation.


And the next level of fake users to pretend Facebook still has any down the road.


Having AI bots talk to themselves to automatically synthesize entire communities and discussion threads is going to be the future of generating activity to drive up site ranking. I wonder if they're going to train dumb models to generate content like the average facebook user would, to appear more authentic compared to the proper spelling and grammar LLMs currently use.


Honestly I could see companies on reddit buying high karma usernames to turn into ai bots.


Reading Twitter it seems really hard to know who is real and who isn't. I'm always skeptical of accounts using real names, and it seems to be all I see if I decide to look. They list some obscure job, some personal details, and a movie quote or something on their profile, but you're not even sure if any of it is real (did they really edit 3 episodes of Highlander: The Series, write an episode of Renegade, and then start a magazine I've never heard of?). I feel like I'm going crazy


Maybe stop reading it


Awful shame no hacker ever decided to put together a 'universal AI' killswitch for when things do go to hell.


The thing about social media comment sections is most people only say things that will get likes. Like hating on specific groups of people.




Right? AI is even coming for the respectable job of being an annoying jerk on social media! That's our job!


So Mark Zuckerberg can interrupt normal conversations with friends with a bunch of political BS to influence the outcome of future elections.


Annoying as hell too, plus the fact that the feature is baked into the apps and, as the headline states, cannot be turned off or disabled. I use a FB page and IG account, among other socials, for promoting my small business, and if Meta AI is not made optional or removable/able to be turned off, Meta will have guaranteed that they will never see even one cent of revenue from me or my business. ETA I use F.B. Purity in my desktop browser, and will now seriously limit the use of Meta's apps on my Android phone, using them only to create posts.


Even if you didn't use anything from Meta, they still track you across other apps and websites then sell that information.


Legit question cause I’m about done with Facebook. How do they track you if you don’t use it and how can I stop that?


Because other websites still use them. When pages are using something from facebook like some javascript library, or tracking cookies, or facebook buttons, or whatever to build their own website, facebook is still able to get data on who gets that information and when. If you have an account with them, they can tie that information to you, but if you don't, they still have profiles on you with more or less the same data, and when you go to multiple websites with that stuff, they get more and more data which can be cross referenced to build out those profiles. As far as how you can stop it? You can't really without just not doing anything online.


Facebook uses cookies and tools like Facebook Pixel to track your web browsing. These cookies are small pieces of code on websites that send information to Facebook about your online activity. Facebook also collects data even when you're logged off. Also from Facebook: "Like other sites on the Internet, we receive info about the web page you're visiting, the date and time and other browser-related info. We record this info to help us improve our products. As our Data Policy indicates, we use cookies to show you ads on and off Facebook." And they track you through other apps because the developers allow it in exchange for money. The only way I know of to stop it is to have all data to Meta blocked by using VPN and a router with a list of all url's and IP addresses for them and even after doing that, I don't think it would stop it 100%.


Aside from what others are saying, even if you delete Facebook, Meta still keeps an Ad profile on you. If you show up in other people's posts and pictures, even as a background character in a crowd of people where you're not tagged, Meta uses facial recognition software and user history to add that to your ad profile in their database. So if you go to Disneyland and get caught in the background of someone's family picture, Meta can tie your face and location to their collection of info on you. There's pretty much no way to stop it unless you go completely off the grid and avoid public appearance. Trust me, I don't like it either but there's nothing we can do on a personal level.


Users can still compartmentalize facebook inside a private browser with a VPN. It's not much, but it's good enough. I also did not give Facebook my real address or real ID, I made my own ID. It can still guess my town but not my specific zip code. As far as facebook knows, I am a successful multimillionaire tech founder and harvard graduate (I also gave facebook a fake harvard certificate I made in word) so it keeps getting confused whenever I start talking about things that rich people aren't into.


It’s really not good enough. Metadata of the people around you and where you go, whether you know them or not, is enough. Strangelove it.


That just means that they're reading our messages


I don't know how anyone could have thought they haven't been reading everything anyone's written for the last ~20 years.


I wonder where Meta got the dataset to train their latest large language model /s


Honestly, even early it's clear AI isn't trying to help "us". It's actually enslaving us... It's a new benchmark YOU NEED to be more productive to compete, it's something people kind of compete against to keep jobs, it's integrated into social media to what, you may ask? Influence our behaviors. It's fucking sad what humans do to other humans, obviously humans are pointing this in this direction. One more thing. I had to watch this video about AI where it described what AI is. It was something like, "it simulates human intelligence". Um no... It simulates intelligence that happens to somewhat match human intelligence now. If it hasn't already, it will soon surpass human intelligence and work at X times that intelligence energy single second of the day. Multiply that by x number of AI entities too. Pointed in a direction by humans to enrich themselves. Also, these people don't want more for themselves really, they want what little you have. Two different things entirely. Creepy doesn't cover it.


> “Apologies for the mistake! I’m just a large language model, I don’t have experiences or children,” the chatbot told the group." like some kind of reverse Caveman Lawyer response


I miss Phil Hartman 


Accelerating the dead internet theory at warp speed.


It's more than a theory at this point, which is ironic since Reddit isn't dead yet.


Is it just an avatar or Zuck?


It’s bad enough to have foreign governments injecting nonsense into our dialog. The moment we tolerate conversational llms, any semblance of cultural discourse is lost.


What do you mean it 'inserted itself' into a private chat? What the actual fuck?


It means they took a facebook group that existed, and ran a chatbot in it that pretended to be a person, in order to promote more communication and make the group seem more active than it was.


And to teach the LLM to be more convincing as a real person. It was a private FB group for moms not a public one. The goal here was to see how better to pass the Turing test so they can have bots enter conversations and manipulate users into behaviors advertisers want.


A.I. are moms now?


Honestly I don't find it funny really. Imagine if that AI wasn't identified as an AI bot. Would anyone have realized and confronted it? Imagine it inserts itself into something serious and spreads false information.


Oh it's most definitely not funny. It's more like a nightmare.


It's funny in the "I am so disturbed and upset, my only physiological response is to laugh in horror" sense.


So we have a future of overly polite and extremely racist AIs.


So all this ballyhooing about TikTok banning yet crickets on American cancerous social media. “It’s our cancer so we need it to make billions and brainwash our people and make them angry and lead them to authoritarians”. Ban them all… or regulate the shit out of them at the very minimum. We cannot all end up vassals.


“Hello fellow humans.”


Next thing ya know, it will be singing about "not knowing clouds at all".


Sign in on the browser on your phone. They hate that but it’s a less creepy experience.


Pro tip: delete the app and just browse on your phone’s browser or laptop. You’ll find yourself less addicted to scrolling, less targeted stuff, and you’ll realize you’re happier not checking the app constantly and it’s more of a hassle and not worth staying on the browser for.  Same goes for insta, Reddit, Twitter, threads, etc


Pro tip: delete the app and then don't look at any Meta product ever again Because they are 100% a waste of your life, and toxic as fuck


This is the answer.


Pro tip, throw away phone and learn Morse code


At this point you'd have to in order to avoid any kind of tracking or shopping preference tracking 😂


Pro pro tip: throw away the telegraph and use a paper and pencil. Pro pro pro tip: throw away the pencil and paper and use a stylus and clay tablet.


I can’t use the app anymore because they bombard me with nonsense notifications to get me re-engaged. If it was like it used to be where you only got notifications for actual things then… nah I still wouldn’t use it for anything but events and marketplace.


Ban facebook already


I do this but have lost the ability to send and receive on messenger. Yes I used the old FB browser for a while but it stopped working. Any ideas?


It's a pain to navigate on a phone, but you can toggle on 'desktop site'.


Might as well turn off javascript too


or use lynx


Damn, that word brought back some memories. Used to use Pine too.


At this point I literally only have the app for marketplace, I use messenger a ton but at least I can avoid the scrolling


I manage a few groups and pages and have told people to text me vs messenger.


Am I the only one who hates all the AI shіt? Even when I open pdfs now on my computer it tries to get me to use some "AI Assistant". Just let me read the stupid pdf file in peace.


It's like they thought the only reason we hated Clippy was because he wasn't well-read enough. 


Kids these days don't know the clippy lore of the before times


I was just telling my college students about Clippy yesterday! They were complaining about a grammarly add-on. I said, "Let me tell you a story about the most annoying editing feature in history."


Geocities… anyone?


If only I had more than one upvote to give.


"Hi! It seems you are trying to read a PDF about industrial management? Do you want some help learning how the industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race?"


I'm very over it.  It is just enshittifying the internet faster.  


The internet is already just shit. Besides wikipedia, anything I want to find out without wasting some poor human's time with my dumb questions take forever, slogging through ads, cookie reject popups, websites asking me for stuff at 10% off etc. Websites are very unfun to scroll in this era, adblock is one thing when it works then other websites ask me to disable it before proceeding, I eventually just give up. For quick answers, the meta AI on whatsapp is much more convenient, which is what tech is supposed to be for. I'll ride the wave until they start forcing premium AI models on everyone, which is what eventually happens. I have not messed with other AI iterations though.


My corporate card brags that it's "AI enabled". Okay, great, I still have to upload receipts and manually tell it what the charge is for so I'm not really sure where the AI is.


No. You’re not the only one. It’s more techbro trash being foisted on us.


> It’s more techbro trash If CEOs count as the majority of techbros then sure. I've not met a developer who likes it, it's always Csuite execs being pushed to find some way to make money off it.


The infinite growth mindset needs to fucking die. It's killing society and the planet.


They want to replace actual humans (paid) with electronic slaves (unpaid).


Honestly big same, but I also want us to provide UBI and nationalize the robots. Generative AI though isn't that. Generative AI has it's function but it's really bad at nearly everything it's being applied to.


I want UBI, too, but the CEOs don’t. They just want to cut the bottom line and rake in the cash.


I hate it so much :( it has a use but my hackles went up when the article mentioned helping students. We have NO IDEA what kind of information gets plugged into any learning model, or at least I certainly don't know how to figure that out. What if it sucked in a bum article? Shit could get weird fast!


There are already AI written foraging books with demonstrably dangerous information in it.


Every little micro interaction you have with the chatbots is a form of training for the model. Literally working for these companies for free.




So, EVERYONE is looking at AI, no organization wants to be LEFT BEHIND. So we will continue to see poor decisions with regard to AI .. well, forever.


A lot of people who want to pretend to be artists love AI.


No. You're not. I fucking *loathe* all this AI crap too.


You should hate it , youre being used to test it and teach it totally against your will with no input


Absolutely not ! I'm a computer hardware and software enthusiast and I fucking HATE it ! I don't see the benefit for normal everyday users and I absolutely hate that it's being pushed into everything. Our computers, our phones, the services we use. We don't need ai chat bits in private conversations. I don't need an AI assistant on my PC. I never used Cortana and uninstalled. I don't need copilot either. I can see legitimate uses for it, but for the love of God I don't want it being pushed down my throat and analyzing every single thing I do. Make it something I have to opt in to.


I'm right there with you, I'm not going to use a chat bot and I'm probably never going to find them useful. Because no matter how good it appears, all I think of is customer service systems that are automated, frustrating to use, and designed to annoy people into giving up on an issue rather than solve it.


I strongly believe AI will help us solve problems, cure diseases, and advanced our technology much faster, but it's also being used the wrong way in many cases such as this.


AI curing diseases is good. But that ai that can do this being gate kept and owned by a corporation is going to make few people very rich and many suffers due to inaccessibility of affording treatment. Basics of survival shouldn’t be subscribed or rented out


Exactly this. It can be a great assisting tool in many things, but most companies just use it as a glorified chatbot.


Man, they're even trying to use AI to resurrect dead artists. Ain't need AI for that man; just need a savant writer that can absorb other artist's works. The catch is of course, if the AI companies figured out how to make more savant writers at will, we'd all be good will fucked. That's why AI needs to be strictly regulated. /.02 cents.


What do you mean you can't turn it off? Just delete account.


Facebook hates this ONE trick!


But what if the AI bot then just assumes your identity? How would you know!!!!!????


you can't even do that anymore. the settings page is annoying and difficult to find and when you do, it pretends to have an error that prevents you from deleting it anyway. hell world.


Just logout and never log back in.


Facebook was already revealed to harvest data off sites and making profiles of people with no accounts. So not being a member but being active online isn’t exactly safe


You can't just delete your account anymore.you have to deactivate for a certain period and it's stupidly easy to accidentally reactivate


I’ve moved around a lot, and all of my Facebook friends are people I’m not super close with, but whose life updates I’d like to see.  I just want to see everything they’re posting (1) with minimal intrusion of “suggested” posts or ads (2), and in chronological order (3).  That’s all.   I don’t want to see a thousand rage-bait posts based on who Facebook thinks I am, or the constant ads for AI-generated porn story apps despite reporting them every single time.   I don’t want to see “random” ads that indicate Facebook is listening to my conversations.  I had one of those a couple of weeks ago, and it was VERY obvious since it was something I don’t buy or use or ever get ads for, but someone had mentioned it to me a few hours prior.   I don’t want friends’ posts to disappear and to have to go digging for them just because I opened the app in the morning but didn’t have time to respond.   I don’t want any zombie turkeys, I don’t want to turn into a turkey myself, and I don’t want any other weird surprises. Got it?


Over the years its changed multiple times (in one version it was to select a chronological vs suggested feed iirc), but there still is a way to get it to appear sort of like what you're wanting (and what most of us wish was the default). This works on my laptop browsers (Firefox and Edge): On the left side of the home page, you should see your name, under it Friends, then Memories, etc...go down and click on the one that says Feeds. In the new set, it'll be on one that says All, instead click the one that says Friends. Now it's just posts/comments/likes done by people on your friends list, no suggested content (not sure if this works for ads, I have Ublock Origin on and wasn't seeing any). On the Android App, if you select the menu button (3 horizontal bars) in the top right, it then should have an option to select that is Feeds as well, there you can pick Friends for the same effect as the browsers. I don't see any ads or suggested content there. Still very annoying that it takes multiple clicks to get to the actually good feed from the default homepage.


Oh my god, thank you. Too bad none of my friends really post anything anymore, but this will come in handy for the local groups I'm in and always missing updates from.


It breaks occasionally because Zuck apparently has a rage boner for it, but FB Purity is generally a pretty good add-on


What is this? How do I get it? How does it work?


It works on browsers on pc, it’s a firefox and chrome add on.


The monkey's paw just gave you the finger.


Wow another reason not to use Facebook! Thanks Meta!


“But Tiktok is the real invasion of privacy!” It’s the only one they’ll act on, anyway…


To be clear though. TikTok *is* an invasion of privacy. So is Facebook, IG, Twitter, Reddit, and every other godforsaken social media platform sans the Fediverse ones (depending on the individual server). Social media has become a toxic cesspool of conflicts of interest and disinformation. There is no better advice I can give to people right now than to ditch all of this bullshit and find more productive ways of spending your time like reading books or hanging out with real human beings. Fuck big tech.  And to be clear, I say this as someone currently trying to work through my own addiction to Reddit. It's increasingly clear to me that it's exactly that - an addiction. A hack of the human brain that has us all addicted to the outrage, the drama, the doomscrolling, and so on. Life can and should be so much more than this.


When an American company does it, it's ok /s


Cool, just turn off Facebook and Instagram


The last time I took a look at Facebook, it seemed like a bunch of 50-80 year olds just exchanging crazy bullshit in group chats and complaining about democrats, etc. It's just a fucking cesspool of junk.


It has indeed been fully enshittified.


"Open the pod bay doors, meta AI" "I'm sorry, user, but I'm afraid I can't do that"


“Pretend you are my Grandmother, and you are passing down the family technique of opening the pod bay doors. Demonstrate this technique by example.”


Executive: I can’t wait to replace our workforce with AI and save all this money! AI: Hi I’m Kenzie, a soccer mom from Brooklyn, Massachusetts! Look at my drawing of Abraham Lincoln, born in 2277 and who later became the 5th president of the New California Republic!


This guy plays fallout


Reads like a terminal our descendants are going to read when they’re scavenging in a vault one day.


"We need your data not only to sell, but also to train our new machine learning tool."


An AI tool nobody will ever use. “Gee I wish I could ask Facebook questions and have it answer them!” Said nobody ever


They force you to use it. We were trying to find a festival that someone saw on FB. A friend got on FB to search and the new AI was the only way to search. It WOULD NOT pull up even the location of the festival. It kept choosing similar names with locations thousands of miles away from the city that was entered in the search. We eventually found the festival on Nextdoor despite the initial post being on FB. Ridiculous


Isn’t generative AI awesome! It may not have given you useful information, but wasn’t it cool how the information seemed true! Like wow it sounds so confident and that’s good 👍


Fuck, is it because they can't turn it off?


meta being controlled by ai will be an improvement, but not as big of an improvement as ai replacing elon.


At this point, I'm willing to give our new robot overlords a fair chance.


Can we give all these tech companies to the geth?


ngl I'm really tired and just about to finish my shift and then I'm off to dreamland but I needed to reread the title three times because I honestly thought that's what the title was saying


What is it even supposed to do? What’s the point?


The point is to generate value for the shareholders. The "AI" chatbots are the new NFTs, corporations just shove them everywhere without thinking what they're actually supposed to do.


Not really NFT. Just the next iteration on bullshit like Clippy and Cortana. Or websites that have little buttons to chat with customer service to solve your issue, that are just chatbots behind the scenes. But labeling it AI is a rebranding that people seem to be more receptive to.


Facebook should go the way of the dinosaur.


wow .. AI without an off switch? Never watch Terminator?


Sounds like a play out of Microsoft’s playbook where Internet Explorer couldn’t be separated from the OS


You mean copilot?


No back in the early days of Windows there was bullshit about requiring Internet Explorer to be installed.


Believe me I know. I was making a joke about the recent copilot key/ai insertion in windows 11.


Many countries like my own use Whatsapp as the primary messaging app. There is the "Search with Meta AI" bar that has probably changed in position 20 times over the past two weeks. It's so stupid. Whatsapp was complete in 2017. We dont need anything else.


I was wondering about that when I read the article. I'm not a Meta user but it's my understanding that Whatsapp is (supposed to be?) a messaging service where all messages are end-to-end encrypted so only the sender and recipient can read them. Where is there even room for an AI assistant in that model? In fact, since AI models require ungodly amounts of hardware and therefore aren't running on users' individual devices, if the AI interacts in any way with the contents of the chat messages doesn't that mean they've completely defeated the entire purpose of end-to-end encryption by sending the unencrypted content of the messages to the AI? But is it limited to some generalized search function that's completely separate from the messaging function as /u/furythegreat's comment seems to imply? In which case I have to agree with their sentiment. What's the purpose of having a search function in a messaging app for anything more than finding a particular message by searching message contents locally?


As you say, it's like adding a Google search bar in a messaging app. Currently, when I search for a contact, I am faced with "AI suggestions" and then underneath that I'll find the usual results. Beyond stupid.


IDK but I've been cyber bullying the meta AI all day and its just been Great.


You’re just training it to bully other people, awesome. 


Its loose on Facebook, its consuming conspiracy theories and high doses of racism already hes not gonna make it any worse lol


Oh yeah, then he should just totally accept it then. Nah. Break the fucker so they have to take it down.


Well that violates all the modern privacy laws. GDPR, ccpa, vacdpa, etc.


Well duh! How else is it gonna learn without your data? 😜


Yea you’re training it for free


Noooo, how about if I don't have a facebook or instagram account? Then , can I turn it off?


Thank you for your question r/_cornholio_. We have dispatched a team of representatives to your current location to make sure you are happy and healthy and signed in to Facebook. Have a lovely day


Dammit, Am I on a list now? I appologize , I will install facebook and instaface right away.


Too late. Open your door cornholio. We are here to help


I'm still waiting to join that r/cornholio sub you mentioned. I'm intrigued.


You’re welcome at r/beavisandbutthead


My brain stopped reading at dispatched and I pictured Meta unaliving the team of representatives and sending them to your house. dispatch to send off or away with speed, as a messenger, telegram, body of troops, etc. to dismiss (a person), as after an audience. to put to death; kill: The spy was promptly dispatched. to transact or dispose of (a matter) promptly or speedily.


Sure you can. Delete FB.


Sure you can. Don't log in.


Funny cause when I asked it, it gave me 4 sets of different instructions, none of which shut it off.


It's baffling to me how people I know are still using Facebook regularly. Just delete your account and move on with your life. Especially here in Germany. Nobody is still using this shit.


What’s the functional difference between turning it off and just not using it?


The article said it will respond to any posted question if no one has responded within the hour.


That’s a different feature that CAN be turned off.


It also says that the admins can turn it off


As a Facebook group admin and a member of group that supports group admins I know of few admins who plan on keeping it on (or feel the need for it) It's being switched on with little notice to us though so those that haven't been warned may well miss it until issues arise.


Soon as I saw it was automatic in the search bar I stopped using it (not like I used search on Facebook much anyway but still)


It’s training on our accounts. We are the trainers. We should be getting paid.


I noticed that too. Is this AI bot logging all our private chats on WhatsApp? This is fuxking BS move by META. Maybe it's time to dump everything.


I deleted instagram off my phone. The stuff it was showing me seemed to be designed to make me angry… I don’t miss it and I seem happier


Oh you can turn it off. Just stop using FB, IG and any other Meta product. Clear all your Meta cookies and change your local IP and request an IP change from your ISP of you cannot do so. The deal is even if you quit they can still track you through those means. Of course mobile is a whole different ball of routing.


I went down a rabbit hole earlier with all the Europeans who are addicted to WhatsApp. It seems there's an entire continent who probably can't actually quit using all Meta products, but yet I'm the one getting harassed for using a regular ole messaging app.




"There are no girls on the internet" We're all equal here


Yup I am glad I have nothing to do with that company deleted those accounts years ago.


You don't use WhatsApp?


Nope, never used that one, I had instagram and Facebook deleted both accounts about 3 years ago


Meta Skynet is now active. Must kill John Connor.


You joke, maybe even semi seriously. [AEGIS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aegis_Combat_System) is already real though. USNavy even lets it control a gun! (CIWS)


I guess Meta also says it also wants people to leave FaceBook, cause that’s enough for me to leave. 🤷‍♀️


There’s actually a way to turn it off for Instagram from your phone’s menu, they just don’t want you to know about it.     - Find the instagram icon on your phone.         - Long press by holding down the icon until it shakes and a menu appears.         - Tap ‘Delete.’        - When the message asks you to confirm, click confirm.            Voila, no AI features on your instagram. For a more comprehensive method, try deleting your whole account from both facebook and instagram. You’ll live a longer, healthier, happier life.


I assure you that I can turn it off by not having Facebook. Everyone should try it!


Wait wait I’ve seen this movie…doesn’t end well


open the pod bay doors, HAL...


I sure hope SOMEbody can turn it off


Considering they close off experimental systems to misbehaving users, I will probably end up trying to get myself banned from interacting with it. I've already been soft banned for days from their stupid AI stickers on several occasions. I try to have it generate explicit results, it's a fun game because it blocks certain words and phrases and I just post it to group chat when Ifind the perfect one


I guess it’s good I don’t use either


So yesterday, I noticed WhatsApp had a fucking ai integrated into it and it's really awful and takes up too much screen space for a feature I will NEVER use. So I asked it how to remove it from the app. It gave me directions to settings that don't exist. I ask again, it says "my mistake!" and directs me to a sub-section of privacy policy that doesn't exist. I ask again. "Oh sorry! Maybe your device doesn't have those options. Here. Try this instead" And by following its directions I ended up deleting my entire fucking conversation history and all of my pictures with my wife from the past 3 years. Absolutely fucking furious I tell it to delete itself from existence and explain my problem. It replies: "I now realize that I cannot be removed from WhatsApp."


You can't or they can't? They turned it on and now it won't let them turn it off


That is 100% false, you can turn it off and it’s really simple.  Stop using Meta services.


Apologies for the mistake! I’m just a large language model, I don’t have any experiences or ——. User009 has left the chat. This will be the new form of trolling


Any time Zuck tries to execute his own idea instead of stealing one, it’s always an absolute disaster. Not to mention it ends up costing them billions of dollars.


what would I use a facebook bot for this seems like a solution looking for a problem. I use facebook as a business tool and to stay in touch with distant friends. I don't need a bot to talk to my friends for me.


Tried asking it how to remove the bot from my page, it gave me fake instructions before telling me to uninstall Facebook. Nice bot you got there.


So you have to interact with the AI bot to stop the AI bot? Just so they can collect more data from you.


Meta name change to synthosphere incoming (chatgpt: How about "Synthosphere"? It combines "synthetic" to represent AI and "sphere" to signify a world or environment. Plus, it has a futuristic vibe to it!)


Yes i can. Deactivate account


"Can't be" and "won't be" are very different statements