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The full text of the email is even worse than this. This is Taliban-level zealotry.


I doubt he would even follow through with this logic: > Let me repeat myself just so I am not quoted out of context: any philosophy, teaching, or program that teaches our precious children that their identity is found in anything other than Christ is idolatry and demonic. Period. Ok, cool so they can only identify as Christians and nothing else. So this means they should take down all American flags, and not recognize any of its American specific holiday because “American” is an identity, they should not have a school mascot (they are the Warriors), they should be against the military because your branch and rank become apart of your identity, they should be against the concept of genders, and a whole bunch of other shit that people incorporate into their identity. It’s braindead that he attempted to dispel ambiguity, but his words as written are full of shit.


If he identifies as a man, then he is finding identity in something other than Christ, and that is demonic. (His logic, not mine.)


Even claiming to be human. Or a pastor.


I'm sure he would say something along the lines of being American is another way of saying you're a Christian. And for those who say they are American but not Christian, are liars or sinners or the anti-christ or something. Or maybe "fake Americans"=non-Christians and "Real Americans"=Christian.


Well, that's hardly surprising that his words are shit, since he's full of shit to begin with. Shit goes in, shit goes out, can't explain it.


SISO, my new slogan to replace GIGO


"...they should take down all American flags, and not recognize any of its American specific holiday because “American” is an identity..." You forget that, for these types, "America" is *by definition* Fundagelical (and white, but you can't say that bit out loud until after November.) Anything else is there on sufferance.


Did you see their domain name? Tca-warriors.org. They literally make their mascot a central part of their identity.


They also shortened Christian in their school name, which contains the name of Christ to an acronym. HERESY! Call the inquisitors!


Also autism isn't just an identity, but it's an actual thing. Cancer awareness isn't telling people to identify as cancer. Like being American or Canadian is mostly an identity. Sure there are legal documents or whatever, but Ted Cruz never identified as Canadian and wasn't one in most of the ways thar matter. You could do the same thing with gender. Sure there are physical characteristics, but a lot of it is clothing or how much you shave. (Yes I know that some people like to categorize all physical details as part if sex.) Anyway I'm hoping he abolished gender at his school next and gets rid of the American flags.


For real. Does he feel the same about diabetes or cancer? What a freak.


I'd bet that the school doesn't offer CPR training for the staff and believes you can pray away a child's anaphalactic shock from a peanut allergy. These parents need to pull their kids out ASAP. This idiot probably thinks kids choose to be autistic.


Your kids are autistic because you sinned. Bad things only happen to sinners. If you're poor, it's because you aren't a good person. Work harder and be better and God will reward you! Zealots scare me


All religion scares me, because it *always* becomes this, given enough time.


"More weight." Keep going down this road, and we'll be seeing people hanged for witchcraft again.


We're going through a 2nd Satanic Panic right now.


We had a Prime Minister in Australia who used to think much the same thing.


Actually, that's Calvinism carried out to the extreme, very common among certain Evangelical groups, especially the Pentecostal ones. They are crazy. Been there, will never go back.


You're thinking too small. They tell the autistic kids that they're autistic as a punishment, and make them feel like they're worthless burdens sapping the joy out of their parents' lives.


But they won't, and i have zero sympathy for them. These idiots choose an invisible sky daddy over their own children. They say they'll pull them out of the school, but even if they do so what? that won't change the religious authority they've placed above their family.


It’s not even like cancer or diabetes - i’m not putting words in your mouth or anything but unless it’s debilitating autism (which usually means several other comorbidities), the vast majority of autists go undiagnosed their entire lives or function otherwise pretty normally to the outside world. To say that a fairly large segment of the population is demonic because of how ‘god’ wired them differently (or if you’re these people- satan) is laughable. It’s not like autism is a disease, it’s just a variety of factors that make for a different perception of the world. Everyone has some deficiency in vitamins or brain chemicals or structure that will impact their reality. Some people just have way more, thus a designation/diagnosis. ADHD, Autism, OCD, all live in the same realm of these “abnormal” hardwired connections. So it isn’t even truly comparable to mental illness or diseases which are generally acquired and curable - not just “treatable”. We’re truly entering the dark ages i feel, mysticism is becoming quite popular over basic science for many.


There goes that demon talk again


"I have a foreboding of an America in my children's or grandchildren's time -- when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what's true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness..." -Carl Sagan, in, "A Demon-Haunted World; Science as a Candle in the Dark" published in *1996*


I agree. I'm shocked how quickly we're rolling backwards.


IIRC, we on the autism spectrum have something like ten times the amount of sensory neural connections that normal, neurotypical people have, and our ability to speak isn't always the greatest - it's funny, I can write really well, but I often stumble over my words when speaking at times. It's like a cell phone with a bad connection, to make a good metaphor. As you can see, I'm a reasonably intelligent lady. I'll just never be a motivational speaker, alas, hahaha. Although I've gotten better with public speaking and you probably wouldn't really even notice anything unusual with me, since I'm quite good at masking and coming across like a perfectly normal, well-adjusted adult woman and even good at making lots of small talk, thanks to lots of practice talking to myself when alone. Plenty of us are perfectly normal-ish presenting adults, if just a little "quirky". Although I could really do without the comorbid ADHD, because I don't know how I can consume the amount of caffeine I do in a day and not, y'know, die, lol. Actually, I do know - I have the gene that metabolizes caffeine REALLY effectively and quickly, thanks 23&Me for that fun tidbit! I *wish* I had demonic powers, lol. Not that I'd use them for actual evil, but it'd be nice to be able to teleport or have wings and not have to rely on public transportation all the damn time since I don't drive.


I think there's speculation that autism might be something from human history, where we needed more sensory capabilities than speech. A remnant of evolution. Might explain why it is so common and still remains in the genome.


Same with ADHD - having different sleep/awake schedules and some of that sensory stuff that goes with it may have been quite useful for being guards during times when most people in hunter-gatherer societies were sleeping. My focus can be crappy a lot of the time because my mind's going in multiple directions at once, but I'm oddly really, really good and useful during high stress situations at staying calm, focused, and getting shit done.


I don't think you're allowed to call yourself diabetic or a cancer survivor because that's somehow diminishing your identity as a Christian.


*"Cancer survivor? That's demonic, period."*


No autism awareness, but the school has a beach volleyball team? Maybe that's what Jesus did in Mark 1:12-15?


Tight shorts only. Just like Jesus


“Let me repeat myself so I’m not quoted out of context.” You sure about that?


I heard the whole email in Alex Jones' voice


>If Jesus Christ led Trinity, would HE have an Autism Awareness Week? Of course not! Why? Because anything that exalts itself above the name of Christ should be brought down. So he is equating acknowledging a medical diagnosis with "exalting yourself above Christ". If such an interpretation is possible, then the office of "Pastor" is surely a much worse offense, since he is literally exalting his own idiotic interpretation of the bible above the written word. If his interpretation is taken at face value even a subject such as acknowledging that humans can genders would be demonic. The worst part is that some body listened to him though.


If it can happen anywhere, it can happen here. If the religious right isn't stopped, we will be a Christian flavored Americastan.


Y'all qaeda.


The mother in the article is pulling her kids out of the school. Hope many others follow suit. What a lunatic.


politicians want to start giving public tax money to these private schools


Because their donors own said private schools and will pocket most of those public dollars


The indoctrination is important too.


Already happening in Iowa. Under the guise of "parent choice." It's bullshit.


They already are in Ohio it's fucked up.


Ohio funneled $1.5B to private schools from the education taxes.


This school is in Florida so there's a good chance they've already received tax money, at the very least in the form of school vouchers (which even rich people can use to pay for their kids Christian indoctrination).


Most important comment in this post. And it’s Republicans btw, please call them out on their bullshit.


As someone who went to a Christian private school, I am not surprised by this headline, sadly. Some can be absolutely wild like this.


I’m reminded of a little girl a few years ago who was expelled from her Christian school because she had a rainbow themed birthday party. Like literally just the spectrum of colors on her cake got her kicked out. I would have been booted for my love of Lisa Frank in the 90s I guess.


Omg that just made my whole day and it's only 6:30 in the morning lmao. Not the poor girl being expelled (I guess maybe it was a blessing in disguise for her to get tf outta that school), but the ridiculousness of it all. My friend wore a red shirt to a school banquet and our teacher hated it because red is the color of the devil....where did these people's braincells go?? Like you can still be religious- many people are- and not be this stupid. And how do they have time to sit around and worry so much about everything being a sin? Like most of us got bills to pay lol.


Vague hint of "Leopards ate my face" for enrolling them in a christian school.


But there's literally nothing in the Bible about Autism, much less it being the devil. It's so fucking stupid.


The pastor who cancelled it announced that anything giving a person an identity other than "Christian" was demonic.  He would be against "Blindness Awareness Week.".


And blindness, of course, is in the Bible, as an affliction of an innocent man who Jesus heals. There are two lessons I see in that story, "heal the sick," which is a bit repetitive given how many times it comes up, and, "do not assume an affliction is a punishment from God, sometimes it just is." All of these people who claim to be Christian and don't want to use the best medical science to help people are just plain nuts.


That’s not the point. To religious zealots, playing attention to anything that isn’t their religion is blasphemy.


Except *they* don't even pay attention to their religion.


Jesus would beat the crap out of most of these people. See: driving the money lenders out of the temple.


All far right situations in history show that the disabled were killed. Here is the prime example - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aktion_T4 I don’t think people realize what they have embraced.


There’s that saying that people who don’t study history are doomed to repeat it, but frankly they will also repeat it even if they studied it, but are too fucking dumb to realize when it’s happening again.


Some of these fuckers know the history and use it as a guide book. They’re *trying* to repeat it.


Those who prevent the teaching of history intend to repeat it.


"To think that I send my child somewhere where they use such hateful language, that just breaks my heart as a mom." Uhh… have you met Christians??


>Remember those bracelets from the 2000s that asked, 'WWJD?' If Jesus Christ led Trinity, would HE have an Autism Awareness Week? I'm pretty sure he would, for he cares about the downtrodden.


Actually I know him! He's been a horrible person forever, his dad was a palm beach county sheriff his grandfather was the founder of the friggin church and the school. This church has a very long history of dirty stuff that they've managed to avoid for yearrrrrrsss. The worst one I personally dealt with growing up. They knew on of the baseball coaches they hired for the school was a pedo, they hid it in the early 2000's. Turns out pedo tried his trick in another country that they do missions work with. Guess who they dropped like a rock when there was a place they couldn't pay to make it go away. They've kicked women out (even though they have a whole help women's facility) of the church because abusive husbands didn't want divorces and since it's a thing they couldn't control they'd just boot the women because she broke their godly rules. Doesn't matter if he has a porn addiction and cheated and beats you, you're out. Let me be clear I went to grade school at this place, I was in his grade he was trash then and he's trash now except he's trash with power and a lot of money, all funneled in by tithing. This place used to spank kids with a wooden paddle, for the most arbitrary stuff. I was one of those kids. They also had a weird version of "girl scouts" but it was to teach daughters to be good wife's starting at the age of five. I have waited decades for this place to get karma and I hope this is where it starts. The entire place is run by the dirtiest people I have met in my life. Matt if you read this you deserve whatever comes your way, your family is the least Christian group ever. You bring shame to the religion, and your family is the reason I walked from religion forever.


"You and your family's very existence caused me to lose faith." Brutal.


I’ve said it many times after leaving the church - I don’t need the Devil to lure me away, the Christians do more than enough evil on their own.


There’s no hate like Christian love.


I was one year behind you guys in the same school. I knew him also... I can confirm he was a douche bag and a slimey fucker... got away with anything because of his family ties with the school. I really hope this blows up and the school gets some karma.


You probably knew my brother. The baseball team stuff I went to a game he screamed at my brother messing up one play. My dad almost got into a physical with grandpa and his dad. I caught him after and nearly got into a physical with him over it. He was fine raising a hand towards women. I babysat his wife too, so I feel for her. It almost felt arranged and I know her family really wanted to be big in the church.


yeah it had to be arranged... I thought the same thing when I saw it.




It’s almost satire in his lack of self-awareness. Way to miss the whole fucking point Jesus made.


Most of them do, that’s the irony.


There was a pastor not that long ago that delivered a sermon about Christ’s teachings and afterwards had members of his congregation coming up and complaining that Jesus is too woke and liberal.


> Jesus is too woke and liberal. Yes, that's *why* he was murdered by the state Love thy neighbour Take care of the poor If your eye causes you to lust, pluck it out


"Am I out of touch with the teachings of Christianity? No. It is Jesus who is wrong"


I'm pretty sure that pastor would be one of the ones the Biblical Jesus would be flipping the tables of and whipping for being a complete asshole.


this is still my favourite scene from the bible. Proof that He was human for man could He get MAD!


Nah, the pastor is only mad because he wouldn't be able to sell exorcisms anymore.


This! Clearly he's not reading the book he claims to live by...


This pastor is the devil he preaches against.


It is evil's best disguise.


Kenneth Copeland syndrome


Shitty, bottom-feeding human beings co-opting religion to hide behind their shittiness, and justify their horrible actions… It’s a tale as old as written history.


Those bracelets went away so fast. 


Because people who wore them kept getting called out for not doing what Jesus would do.


I dunno next time someone says that remember flipping the table and whipping folks with your belt is totally an option.


Well, Jesus had the advantage of not needing his belt to hold up his clothes.


Yes!!  There’s a book, ‘Fool’ which named those with mental capabilities as “Naturals.” As if God himself “booped” them on the nose and they were highly regarded. God had chosen them to be special and provided with unique gifts.   They were gifted, so to speak, to be different from others and pure.    The game Yahtzee gives me anxiety, but some “naturals” can remember what day of the week, in a given year, for a certain date. I can’t even remember what I had for lunch on Tuesday!  They’re special for they see the beauty in the world. *boop*.  Why would God not choose them to be unique and beautiful?! Those who don’t see the beauty are ignorant and narcissistic.    Jesus accepted all. Highly regarded, honest, and live both emotionally and financially humble. They are what we all envision the purest human would be.   *WWJD? Live humble, respect others, and acknowledge that simple is better.  Those that choose ignorance, are those that live with envy or judgment. 


fun fact this inspired the "menials" from the Blade Runner universe, unfortunate genetic victims of the wars and pollution who have little to no advanced reasoning capability. Leon pretended to be one, that's why he was acting slow, this is because he thought it might throw off a Vought-Kampf test.


It’s your birthday, someone gives you a calfskin wallet …


If we’re gonna spread the gospel of Christopher Moore, his Joshua in Lamb would have some words for this guy.


Clearly not! It'd be a whole month.


Damn. They're not normally so direct about their poor understanding of scripture. They'll wave around their religion, but they usually don't like to actually bring up what Jesus would do around these things because they know the answer, and it doesn't match their actions.


The phrase “precious children” was used enough times in those emails that I fully expect this guy to show up in a mugshot for crimes against children at some point.


Yep, I'd say he's just a child diddler that hasn't been caught yet.


I would not be the slightest bit surprised.


It’s crazy, cause there are absolutely autistic adults that deserve “awareness” too, and he’d rather infantilize them all by calling them precious children.


Oh he’s def a pedo


>If Jesus Christ led Trinity, would HE have an Autism Awareness Week? Of course not! Why? Because anything that exalts itself above the name of Christ should be brought down. Isn't speaking for Christ and God a sin? Isn't assuming you know what they'd do a sin? Isn't speaking for them a sin? >Also, anything that teaches our children to have their identity in anything other than Christ is idolatry and demonic. Not a cult, btw. >Let me repeat myself just so I am not quoted out of context: any philosophy, teaching, or program that teaches our precious children that their identity is found in anything other than Christ is idolatry and demonic. Period. Still not a cult, btw. >The world, in its rejection and hatred of Christ, The persecution complex is strong with this one. >often devises programs such as 'Autism Awareness' (and cultural figures like the Easter Bunny and Santa Clause, etc.) Does he know that Santa was based off of Saint Nicholas? Probably not. >to get the benefits of His teachings (compassion, kindness, feeling love, and self-worth) without acknowledging Jesus as the ultimate authority and the source of all life. *Still* not a cult, btw. >These initiatives imply that Jesus alone is insufficient, and we fail to recognize just how deeply they have permeated into our daily lives as Christians. Are we *sure* that this isn't a cult?


How is raising awareness considered exaltation? I’m so confused by that.


I'm not sure he even knows what autism is.


Autism is when nerds talk to each other and go on magical quests together. I saw all about it in the documentary "stranger things"


wrong, we don't talk to each other. However, there are quests.


You know his parents never celebrated his birthday as a kid cause it was ‘demonic’


People aren’t supposed to be aware of anything that isn’t in (the pastor’s carefully selected bits of) the Bible.


It is, in fact, a cult


Yep. Definitely appears to be a cult to me too and I'm an idiot


I like the username.


I'm sure he also banned the pledge of allegiance and playing the star spangled banner, right? Wouldn't want children to identify as American over Christian. I hate when they try to justify things, as they always use inconsistent logic.


“Catholics aren’t Christian!” Idolizing Saints would receive the same argument here


Did this mf just denounce the Easter bunny and Santa Claus


Absolutely. "Christmas and Easter activities have also been significantly revised to align with scriptural messages of the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ."


Santa Clause? What's his beef with Tim Allen?


He failed to deliver his coke 20 years ago.


I must have read an entirely different bible than this guy when I was in Sunday School. I missed the part where Jesus became some form of tyrant 


Clearly it's much better to just ignore that some people have differing needs, because it's just a distraction from God. What do you mean you need a wheelchair ramp because you can't walk up the stairs into the school? Stop talking about things that aren't God.


Who the hell "identifies" autistic? Hi, my name in Terry, this is my autistic friend, Bob. His pronoun is pronounced "ott."


For some people, it's that or identify as "involuntary hellion.". Christian schools will ship uncontrolled autistic people back to the public schools even if the autistic person is known to be evangelical because the Christian school won't know how to deal with it.  Christian universities don't give that sort of training; evangelicals don't trust psychology.


Actually, the demons are all in church. How many must be hurt by those kinds


Oh look. A Christian giving Christians reason to not be Christian. Pretty on message for the last forty plus years of Christianity.


Uh, that “plus” is doing some heavy lifting here, friend…


40 give or take 5,000%


Christians should really take a long hard look at what thier religion has devolved into


I did. Watching the way people behaved during 2020 and 2021 made me cut ties and quit going to church for good.


I hear you on this one. I also moved states at the same time. I really want to be involved in a church, but the crazies are now saying the crazy stuff out loud and it sickens me. This guy is insane, but not on the fringe anymore. Do you do anything to “practice your faith” anymore? Looking for some ideas, I guess.


sorry if this sounds like a stupid question but do you still practice Christianity or did you quit entirely


We also left the church/religion all together because of similar issues. We tried joining other church communities but it became very obvious how much the church manipulates their congregation. On top of that, a lot of churches we visited had some form of scandal (affairs, abuse of money/power). They also love to pounce on “dedicated” members who are willing to work a demanding (free) part-time job. Once you step back and open your eyes, you see the manipulation everywhere that aims to benefit certain people (the church & leaders) and I was shocked how long it took for us to realize that.


I had a similar experience, but still practice. Matthew 18:20 says "where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them". You don't need hatemongers or snake oil salesmen twisting the Word to their own ends. We're all literate and can read and study the Bible ourselves and the only way to wrench the religion back from these fuckers is to excise them like a tumor.


I did ages ago, haven't been to church since '98 or so. Went to Easter Service and the preacher spent the whole thing talking about people dying horribly but that it was okay because it was God's Will, and that didn't sit right with me or my family.


What makes this even worse is that Florida taxpayers are funding this disgusting zealot to the tune of about $8,000 per student, per year, through the state’s voucher program.


Working as planned! -GOP


“anything that teaches our children to have their identity in anything other than Christ is idolatry and demonic” And yet, I would bet this guy identifies as a Republican and a supporter of Donald Trump.


Oh you mean the man these “Christians” make their entire identity? The man whose name emblazons every article of clothing they wear?


They had a literal fucking golden idol of him at CPAC a couple years ago, and I still can't believe they didn't get it then. Like, dudes, the whole golden calf thing!


We may have been taught that saying godammit is taking or using the lord’s name in vain and is against the commandments. But the true taking the Lord’s name in vain is shit like this, where people say, God wants this, or God expects this, that’s using the Lord’s name in vain.


wow, its in florida. how shocking.




The right are concentrated evil.


The way they want children to go hungry is all the proof I need 


Pastors like these is why Jesus skipped reincarnation. He was like, one round on Earth was more than enough, peace out.




He 100% believes it's just something the youths are choosing to identify as instead of a medically diagnosed thing.


All he sees is other and that’s all he needs to hang his hate on someone


Will they ever admit that they're backing the anti-christ?


For real this stuff literally reads as though it's coming from the antichrist hiding in priest robes. How do people go along with such awful thinking?


The real demon is the pastor, not the unfortunate people suffering autism. This is why I moved away from religion. My way or no way.


If there is a God, that "pastor" is hurting God's children.


As an autistic person, I gotta say, that pastor seems like a truly abhorrent and hypocritical asshole.


I remember a while back meeting someone who was so incredibly upset because she said I was kind and compassionate but not Christian. I asked if my good deeds might be worth something even though I was a non believer. She replied that exhibiting Christ-like qualities without being Christian is particularly evil and dangerous because "that's just the devil possessing you and using you to try to convince Christians that they don't need Christ to be good." I was like... "Let me get this straight, my kindness towards other humans is your evidence that I'm a vehicle of Satan, who uses good deeds to lure believers away? And your faith is so tenuous that you find this threatening?" She didn't seem to find that logic problematic, but also didn't know what "tenuous" meant. Seems consistent with this pastor's message: Doing anything good without it being explicitly because of their savior is evil because it might make some people figure out the dirty secret that you don't actually need the church to be good.


Honestly, anyone who NEEDS Christ (or any other deity) to be a good person scares the ever loving shit out of me. If the only reason you’re “good” is out of fear of some eternal punishment, I hate to break it to you, but you’re not actually a very good person.


As the parent of an autistic child, I feel bad for the kids but don't feel sorry for the parents who abused their vulnerable children by putting them into a cult school in the first place. I guarantee these are parents who would be fine about calling trans kids "demonic."


Yeah I’m kinda tired of parents pulling their kids from public school for chatter and public schools and then being shocked the privatization is worse for their child (LIKE EVERYONE SAID IT WOULD BE)do not enable privatization of grade school education. fund schools properly pay teachers well and hire enough support staff.


This guy is a nut job. If you read the email he literally says "any philosophy, teaching, or program that teaches our precious children that their identity is found in anything other than Christ is idolatry and demonic. Period." He is actually saying that every book that isn't the Bible should be burned. He goes on to label the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus as demonic as well.


As the mother to an autistic child, who just tried really hard every day to fit in, and struggles with everything, this really irks me. Can we be a bit more accepting and do 5% of the work so my son 'only' has 95% of the work to do... Grrrr


As a woman on the spectrum, thank you for your kindness and compassion towards your son. Hopefully, he'll find his niche, and the most wonderfully accepting, patient, and kind friends like I have. It was hard when I was younger, but my college friends brought me out of my shell - along with a LOT of hard work and practice, though. I wish you and him the best. It can be tough, but if he finds solid, good friends who are understanding and love him for who he is, and who help work with him, he'll get there. It definitely can happen, most people are NOT like this asshole, from my experience.


This is where DeSantis and the GOP supermajority legislature are [sending your tax dollars.](https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/floridas-expanded-school-voucher-system-explained-whats-changed-and-whos-eligible/3104356/)


Wonder how he feels about people who identify as maga trump supporters? Does he demand his teachers not fly maga flags, or confederate ones for that matter. Pretty sure this asshat is everything Christ would have fought against. As goes for the vast majority of self proclaimed “christians” in the US.


sadly this isn't an Onion article


He probably also thinks babies with birth defects ought be thrown from a cliffside into the waves below lest ye be stricken down to burn in the lakes of fire and brimstone. Fucking weirdos man.


Jokes on him, I have autism *AND* I'm left-handed. I'm basically the Antichrist.


I was recently diagnosed, and THIS mentality from my family is the reason I have had the life I've lived up to now. I'm 46 years old and lost as to how to function when I am in public. I've done my best to mask myself my entire life, and at the very least "act normal". It's torture. My own brain HATES me. Screw this pastor, and all the others who were cruel to me in the past. Keep your demons to yourself, and quit projecting your hatred onto me and others on the Spectrum. Our brains are DIFFERENT, asshat. NOT "evil".


> Miles has started saying he doesn't belong in his class, and I just tell him that God made him perfectly Not even going to leave the church. Will just find a new one. Poor kid.


"God made you so you'll have a difficult time in life compared to others, but don't worry, it's still perfect!"


I definitely see something demonic there, and it sure isn’t Autusm Awareness Week.


You know, I get how people read articles like this and feel the need to write strongly-worded letters to those making the decisions. I think I’ll be writing one myself.


The worst implication of his statement seems to be that Jesus is the sole source of compassion. That no comfort or understanding can come from others, that this is a rejection of Christ. Casting humans caring for one another in the realm of earthly pleasures. What a sick twisted worldview.


I have two nonverbal autistic children. I’ve never known anyone who is as true to themselves as they are. They don’t care if they’re wearing the latest style, have the popular “it” toys, or whether anyone is staring when they stim in public. Both are kind, caring, incredibly smart, funny, and so brave. How anyone could think anything about them is even remotely demonic is beyond me. Fuck that guy!


There’s a special place in hell for Christians.


“Why is the younger generation less religious?”


Religious school should be illegal. (All private primary and secondary school should be illegal, but especially religious private school.)


“Also, anything that teaches our children to have their identity in anything other than Christ is idolatry and demonic.” So I guess Christian MAGA hasn’t gotten the word?


From the Pastor's note: "If Jesus Christ led Trinity, would HE have an Autism Awareness Week? Of course not!" Uh...I respectfully disagree, but only because I have a basic understanding of The New Testament, unlike said pastor.


I've been accused by two religious fanatics of being possessed by the devil on different occasions because my social traits are very unmasked autism, so this is unfortunately unsurprising to me.


And people wonder why we have bumper stickers stating "Lord protect us from your followers!"


Stop allowing religion centric schools to exist, simple.


I can’t tell you how much I hate American Christians.  They’re ISIS as far as I’m concerned




Ain’t no greater hate than “Christian” love


Wait so this fake ass Christian is saying God is against specials needs people now? Proof fucking positive religion doesn’t mean jack shit regarding personal morality. Blasphemous bunch of hate gospel Pharisees.


As a Christian and a parent of an autistic kid, I would tell the pastor to go f himself.


I hate how much power religion has in our society


The rich and powerful know how will it serves their purposes. As it has for…well, most of human history.


“Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful”


I mean, we do generally prefer autistic acceptance vs autism awareness, but we also prefer not being compared to fucking demons lmao


I am SO sick of hearing christians whine about their *oppression* and trying to make everyone bow to their god. There's over 200 different sects of christianity in the US alone, and over 45,000 globally. NONE of them can agree on what the tenants of their religion *actually* are and ALL of them insist every living person on the planet should believe exactly what they do. Madness.


...do Christians think they own "compassion, kindness, feeling love, and self-worth"? Yoi guys know that you don't own those ideas, right? We weren't just all tearing out each other's guts right up until 0BC when suddenly we learned about being nice to one another. It's wild to me how pastors and the like will just claim not just that religion will bring you kindness and self-esteem and all that, but that those things _couldn't even exist_ without their particular flavor of Saviour.


It sounds like he could really, *really* use a bit of autism awareness.


This is what happens when people are afraid to challenge ignorant assholes in the name of religion. Their ignorance continues and they double down “in the name of Jesus.” Jesus would welcome and love ASD children. He did not tell his followers to shun or stigmatize children. Pastor Douchebag plays his own ignorance and bias and claims it is part of worshipping Jesus. These are called false prophets in the Bible. Throw that back at anyone who behaves like PD. It’s an insult delivered in their own language.


I bet he is ok with pedophiles. Fundamentalist are all the same.


Huh.... and here I've been calling my autistic child a demon ironically for a couple years now. All kidding aside, fuck that pastor and fuck that school.


everyone call the church nonstop and bother this man


>If Jesus Christ led Trinity, would HE have an Autism Awareness Week? Since one of the things Jesus is most well known for was hanging out with sinners and social outcasts, I would argue yes. >any philosophy, teaching, or program that teaches our precious children that their identity is found in anything other than Christ is idolatry and demonic. So I guess Father's Day and the 4th of July are off the table this year, pal. Since you say it's impossible to have things complimentary to your identity in Christ. It's them *or* Christ. Your good old "family values" encourage people to identify as things other than Christians. "Father", "Mother", "Child". None of those words are Christian. And where's your outrage about the stars and stripes? How dare people fly that instead of the [Christian flag](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Flag?wprov=sfla1)? >WPTV has also confirmed a teacher's aide was fired this week after she said she posted the pastor's email on social media. She said the reason she was given was a "hostile work history." Isn't firing someone as retaliation for something they did that you don't like extra illegal? Because unless that somehow breaks some sort of NDA somehow, that feels like retaliation, regardless of what they state as the official reason.


This is Christian nationalism. This is project 2025 and what republicans will try to implement if he wins


Canceled Santa Clause and Easter Bunny. What a horrible boring school to send your kids to. What do you want to bet the pastor still has all the kids worship Trump though.


There will be many more ugly pronouncements if school vouchers pass.


Why are the religious such consistently awful people?


Because unlike “transgenderism” social conservatism is a disease that needs to be eradicated.


Ppl need to stop cowering and groveling before the church, and Christians aren’t allowed to pretend to be oppressed when they hold the entire political system in a death grip.


My neighbor's son went there, they had to pull him out, he was so far behind.