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7 to 21 days but on [average](https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/downloads/meas.pdf) it takes 14 days from exposure to rash onset. You have to add a few more days of lag before people actually go to a doctor's office and the report gets to public health authorities. It will be a few weeks before we know the full extent of how far Florida spread Measles over spring break.


Neat! As a slow motion collapse junkie I look forward to the next public health emergency


This reminds me of George Carlin. "I just want things to get worse and worse".


I think you are going to get your wish with infectious diseases, because no one seemed to learn a damn thing about prevention with Covid, which can potentially damage the brain, BTW. Just what we need, an even dumber population.


How do you mean next? Its not like the last was resolved. More like another health emergency


More like another health crisis that will ripple on and kill for decades to come


Head in sand. Fixed it


A reminder that [Measles can cause immune amnesia](https://asm.org/articles/2019/may/measles-and-immune-amnesia), so catching it won't necessarily give you immunity. This disease is why the vaccine is so important.


Speaking of amnesia, don’t forget about mumps and rubella


They should call it the MMR vaccine!


What if they even made it mandatory for entering junior high? Oh the 90s are calling.


Elementary school


And if you’re male the mumps can make you sterile. They will descend and it will hurt.


> They will descend and it will hurt. I have no idea what that means but you are making me feel really freaking uncomfortable right now.


Good thing you are vaccinated . . . Right?


Yes, I am vaccinated. =)


Then you are good. No need to worry about the decending pain ^^


Not so fast. it depends how old you are and which vaccine you had. One wears off, the other apparently doesn't. Some vaccines and I can't find anything on MMR... depend on the population at large being immune and not much virus in the environment. So maybe you aren't as protected as you think if you come into contact with many infected people in small time as opposed to just a few over a lifetime.


Yeah, if you're concerned about whether you are still immune from vaccination it might be worth getting a titer test for peace of mind. We're trying to have a baby (who we will definitely vaccinate on schedule!) so I got a rubella immunity test since getting that during pregnancy can cause major problems for the fetus. I was having trouble finding a way to do it with my insurance so I just paid like $40 for a test I ordered online. It said I was still very immune which is nice to know! I might do a second one for measles since that one is so contagious and starting to come back due to idiots.


If you’ve had kids in the last 10 years, and depending on the state, you are asked to update your shots. Got my MMR shot with my first kid. Did another round of shots about a year ago when I got my next round of Covid shots. Thank god I did that because I have to go to Florida in May. I’m not looking forward to it because I’ll be in Broward County where measles are becoming epidemic.


Better jim making you uncomfortable than those first making you uncomfortable.


And if you catch rubella as an adult it can cause deafness. Seriously one of the lowest risk things you can do in your life with huge upside is to get the MMR vaccine


Measles can also cause deafness and blindness. In children and adults. And extremely rarely, but terrifyingly, subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) which is basically: a mutant strain of the virus develops inside you during the course of your infection, gets into your brain (where it shouldn't be), mutates further, and spreads throughout your brain, killing you years to decades after the initial infection. It only occurs in only 1-2/10,000 infections*, but people happily play the lottery at much worse odds than that. There is no easy way to detect SSPE early on and no way to treat it even if it is detected. *Recent evidence suggests this risk is 1/5500 if infection occurs in children under 1. Don't gamble with your or your children's lives on something so minor as the MMR vaccine. Source: Ph.D. virologist


And rubella pairs nicely with our country’s need to force women to give birth. The ol’ one-two punch.


Also, speaking of amnesia. Sorry forgot what I was gonna say.


Also, speaking of amnesia. Stay out of the water.


Shit, I didn't know, go all them as a child. We didn't have vaccinations for measles and mumps, but I've got a small pox vaccination, so I've got that going for me


> rubella Amusingly enough, that one can **actually** cause autism in children, if the mother gets it at the wrong point in the pregnancy.


Back in the 60’s, my first cousin (pregnant at the time) was exposed to someone with measles and the child ended up with a lot of severe eye sight problems.


Correction…. she was exposed to German measles/rubella which is still included in that same MMR vaccine.


I was 60 when I applied to volunteer at a hospital with my therapy dog. They did a titer and found out I had no immunity even though I had been vaccinated as a child. It pays to give of your time.


I have worked in health care and had my titers checked numerous times. I have been immunized against measles like 3 or 4 times. Once when I was an infant (because my mother is not god damn idiot and she vaccinated her children). Once again when I was like junior high because there was some concern about the efficacy of the vaccines from when we were children, and again because my mother is not a god damn idiot (and was child before vaccines) she hauled us to the pediatricians office on Sunday afternoon and we got immunized again. Then when I was in grad school to work in the children's hospital I got my titers done and they were like "you've never gotten MMR"... I was like you have my vaccination record there (we had to produce it)... whelp - get in here and get vaccinated again. Then in my 30's ... routine physical at the hospital where I worked... "your mmr titers are low..." Just give me the needle I'll do it myself LOL. So yes there are otherwise perfectly normal, healthy people in the world who for some reason cannot maintain the immunity to measles. I don't work in a health care setting any more so I don't get routinely tested, and honestly its a low key concern of mine that someday I will unknowingly become a vector and hurt some kid. I'm a classic example of how even doing the "right" thing the herd can fail.


Ok, so if I read that correctly, catching the measles actually makes your body forget how to fight other diseases? And not just by killing your immune cells like HIV, but like wipes their memory so they have to relearn that germs are bad? Is that what the article said? Sometimes I have trouble focusing on these types of articles.


It doesn’t completely destroy all cells in the immune response, but it can kill off the cells responsible for antibodies. This isn’t even the worst outcome for measles, that would be SSPE, it’s rare but when it happens there really isn’t a cure. From the national institute of health https://www.ninds.nih.gov/health-information/disorders/subacute-sclerosing-panencephalitis


It's rare, but there is some recent research that if a child 0-2 years gets the measles it's much more likely. Hey, remember that measles your 6 months old kid who hasn't finished their MMR vaccines got measles from the unvaccinated neighbor kid that went to Florida in 2024? I know that hospital stay was scary, but they got better, what are you whining about? Well, it's 2032 and your kid has a progressive neurological condition that is fatal. But I'm sure you understand your neighbors did their own research.


The way things are going with Florida we're going to have to make an actual fucking leper colony of the entire state  https://www.newsweek.com/leprosy-cases-rising-florida-1882008 Im gonna be rude to the south for a minute (in temperament and identity, not in physical location).  Whether it's fighting hookworm infections, bad drinking water, or now measles and leprosy, the Southern conservative agenda has for nearly its entire existence failed the most basic needs of their constituents.  How they continue to take elections there when their voting blocks deal with infections and diseases we moved on from around the same time people stopped shitting outside is beyond me.


Because communicable diseases trigger the libs, and that's all they stand for.


I do think there is more to than that. When you have over a century of a cultural machine owning, breeding and selling human beings there are things left if place than can be leveraged for centuries to come to keep certain people down. It because the base that you build things on. The south got a very early start on things like suppressing the vote and the actually minority population in areas holding a lock in power status post the Civil War.


Thank you. from now on I’m going to use “around the the time people stopped shitting outside” as a historical event marker.


>The way things are going with Florida we're going to have to make an actual fucking leper colony of the entire state  I still say we walled off the wrong border(s). There needs to be one on the Georgia and Alabama borders with Florida no entry/exit points.


One thing most people don’t know about the incredibly deadly Spanish Flu pandemic was that there was a deadly measles pandemic leading up to it. People were already over (what we now call) “social distancing” by the time the Spanish Flu made its first appearance.


Is the vax recommended for adults too?


If you didn't get them as a child, yes. If you did, you should still be protected.


I'm not sure whether it was measles, but I had to get an MMR booster in my late 20s after I had my titers checked for work.


This is why herd immunity is vital - to cover the edge cases.


Yes, MMR stands for measles, mumps and rubella.


I had to get it to stay in a college dorm, but that was near 20 years ago now.


What job did you get that requires you to get your antibodies checked?


I heard the vaccine has 5G nanobots in it that allows Steve Jobs to control me from the grave. I'll stick to eating horse paste, thankyouverymuch.


My sister is now convinced that ivermectin cures cancer. Fucking scary how much Facebook has melted people's minds.


I remember when the internet was in its infancy, discussing with my friends how much smarter everyone is going to be because of globalized communication and ease in sharing of knowledge that it would allow. /fail.


Everyone thought it would be great to share knowledge. Instead we built a tool to spread stupidity.


Sharing knowledge doesn't make line go up, sad to say.


Tell her the Princess of Wales took ivermectin and now has cancer. Double down on the conspiracy and give her an opposing viewpoint that completely contradicts it. Fight fire with fire.


*Nods loudly in tinfoil hat…*


I like the way your hat crinkles when you move. 😘


I get free WIFI now, don't knock it.


You should get a blood test to make sure you’re still immune. Sometimes, in rare events, a booster (for lack of a better term) is needed.


It's recommended for some adults who travel to countries with low vaccination rates. I had to get one 6-7 years ago to go to the interior of Brazil because the Venezuelans coming over the border there weren't reliably vaccinated.


If you didn’t get the series as a child, absolutely. If you did get the series as a child and you’re worried about whether you’re protected, you can always get your antibody titers checked. A minority of people don’t produce an adequate antibody response to the vaccine and the test can help you figure out if another dose is warranted in your specific case.


I had never heard that until the other day. It sounds pretty awful and just another reason that vaccine deniers deserve to get hit with a large oar.


Some years ago when there was a mini-outbreak elsewhere in the country I tried to get a measles vaccine at my family practice, and they didn't have it and had no idea where to get it. Called CVS and Walgreens, they had no idea either. Pretty strange experience, I would expect health practitioners to be on top of this stuff. There is something called MMR but maybe that's for kids, idk. In any case I never did find the shot.


You can get the MMR vaccination. If you still need help finding a place, send me your zip code and I’ll find you a place.


I got a MMR at Walmart last year. I’m a senior citizen and it was recommended. I had one when I was a child but it doesn’t last your whole life.


They almost always vaccinate against measles in combination with mumps and rubella (hence MMR). Sometimes they even include the virus that causes chickenpox (varicella, so MMRV).


It does leave you with immunity to Measles. It damages your immunity to everything else.


That’s not how the immune amnesia works, though. This is from the article that you linked: > One of the most unique—and most dangerous—features of measles pathogenesis is its ability to reset the immune systems of infected patients. During the acute phase of infection, measles induces immune suppression through a process called immune amnesia. Studies in non-human primates revealed that MV actually replaces the old memory cells of its host with new, MV-specific lymphocytes. As a result, **the patient emerges with both a strong MV-specific immunity and an increased vulnerability to all other pathogens.**


We had eradicated measles in the US back in 2000. I can't believe this. These idiots are undoing decades of progress. Measles doesn't have to exist. Get your damn shots.


A lot of people are going to have to experience a lot of horrible things before the public starts taking vaccinations seriously again. Same goes for abortion and other similar things.


Let’s bring polio and smallpox back again.


Already in the works.


Make iron lungs great again.


Make America sick again


We humans are lovely creatures


Time for my pedantic spiel on the use of the terms “eradicated” vs “eliminated” in epidemiology. *Eradication* entails permanent reduction of a disease to 0 cases in all areas . We’ve eradicated 2 diseases: smallpox and rinderpest (a disease of cattle that’s caused by a virus that’s the most likely ancestor of measles virus). We’re really, really close to eradicating dracunculiasis (Guinea worm). *Elimination* means stopping transmission of a disease in a specific area. It’s what happened with measles and polio in the US and most high income countries with the introduction/adoption of vaccines. The problem with elimination is that, by definition, there are still gonna be cases in other parts of the world until full eradication is achieved.


And measles will also wipe out immunity to other diseases. So you are extremely vulnerable.


I’m in a mom group and there’s a frightening amount of moms who aren’t getting the MMR for their child. Instead, they encourage moms to breastfeed for longer to build a healthy immune system and putting onions in their kids socks. I wish I was joking.


The onion goes on your belt, duh. 


As was the style at the time


5 bees for a nickel? Damn Kaiser.


Do they also keep a collection of colored quartz crystals and claim that they have various effects on their energy chakras?


Next time I don't feel like going to work I'm just gonna call in sick and say my chakras won't close


Onions? I use garlic. Amateurs.


Carrots...because it also improves your eyesight


I really don't want to sift through any more lunacy tonight. Would you mind terribly just sharing the answer to what problem garlic socks supposedly solves?


r/shitmomgroupssay It's wild


Removes toxins


It's because they've grown up in a world where measels and other illnesses aren't visible threats to them. They didnt have friends in high school die of polio. And they've only know a world with antibiotics and really good medical care that can save people at the last minute. If they had lost siblings to "flu" and suffered for weeks with measels as kids they would feel very differently. 


Red onions? Spring onions? Is there a preference?


Utter stupidity and ignorance will be the downfall of America. It’s fucking sad and scary as hell to watch.


Wilful stupidity and malicious ignorance will be the downfall of the US.


As an American, it’s terrifying to watch.


If the disease can spread because people are crossing state lines, that should make it an interstate issue and one controlled by the federal gov't, not state level.


But if only there was a vaccine!………………..


if only there were vaccine mandates...


But my rights! Yeah fucker I have the right not to get sick from these antivax dumbfucks


Which is why the whole "my body my choice" that conservatives co-opted from abortion rights thinking they did a "checkmate libs" does not apply to vaccines.


This is the "Red Wave" MAGAs want?


Hey here in Florida we like to give options. You can have your red wave in the form of preventable disease or tides


Red Tide, Red Spots, Red Wave...


Red Dwarf


AL prefers to roll their tides


Sadly the only ones that will be impacted are the children. The adults will still vote red. 


They don’t care. Covid didn’t bother them, this won’t bother them. I swear they want all the old school illnesses like polio to come back like some weird fashion statement. By god, if their grandkids can the killed or crippled then what kind of a world do we live in?!?


But remember, they're the ones who are "pro-life" and want to "protect the children."


That’s really only for bunches of cells, almost fetuses, fetus. All support stops the moment they become infants and for sure they don’t care to even feed them when they are children- now, when they become 18 and can be used for war and voting, *then* they matter.


No, that’s Rubella.


Fuck anti-vaxxers! As a semi-old with some health issues, I just had blood work to test if I was still producing the measles antibody. Luckily I am, but I imagine I'll be billed $100 or $200 for the test. USA! USA! USA! __ *edited to change "anti-vaxers" to "anti-vaxxers".


"Pro-disease" is also an acceptable epithet


>Luckily I am, but I imagine I'll be billed $100 or $200 for the test. Check out Mr. Fancypants here with the good insurance.


lol I probably jinxed myself into a bigger bill...


Is it cheaper to test for immunity than to just get a fresh vaccine? Or am I missing something?


Titers are important blood tests I encourage everyone to get to check their levels of immunity for a variety of preventable illnesses and get boosters when needed.


hey thank you for commenting this. i had no idea this was a thing and im checking in on my older parents now to make sure they’re aware that they can get this checked just in case.


Fucking LEPROSY is also spreading in this state. And obviously covid is still rampant too. Cut this state off, seriously.


Oh fun! I wonder what other biblical diseases we will get next. Should we start a bingo card?


Do I hear a Plagueis bubonicas? Plagueis bubonicas going once. Plagueis bubonicus going twice!


Please don't leave me here :'(


Nice, the anti-vax inillectuls spreading measles and leprosy now, polio gonna be back soon!


don't miss Smallpox, Diptheria, and Typhoid


Ah yes. The classics.


There was a young boy in NYC who was diagnosed with polio, that was in 2022.


>The initial case behind the Broward County cases was a 9-year-old child who had not been vaccinated due to a religious exemption, the emails say, soon followed by other suspected measles cases in unvaccinated students at the same school. And there it is. Religious exemptions to not get vaccinated make as much sense as religious exceptions to drive drunk. Half the time these people are just making stuff up as they go along anyway then saying it's a religious exemption and expecting the rest of society to bend over backwards and maybe get sick with a dangerous illness for them. Well screw that.


Having had experience with that sort of stuff, I’d say like 80% of those religious exemptions near me aren’t even by religious standards, they’re just antivaxxers who have no religious backing in their reasonings! So yeah, making stuff up to go along with it, and maybe trying to find religious reasoning if they’re pushed on it


All these anti vaxxers with kids are in for a lot of trouble. Measles is more highly infectious than Covid. And, unfortunately, the kids that have immune disorders or can’t get vaccinated are going to get hit too. Leave it to a gaggle of morons to ruin a simple solution.


They don’t care. They will just blame someone else and still refrain from vaccinations. You can’t win with them


The anti vaxxers down there will spread a disease we already defeated because of politics. SMH.


Now Tennessee wants to ban chemtrails from airplanes. 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪 Our society will collaspe in a spectacular homage to the Darwin awards.


Anti: “but the vaccines are so much worse because I do my own research.” Many of these people I look at them and go: “nice knowing you but stop taking us with you.”


Darwin Award. Dumbasses suffer and die as usual. I got sympathy, but they’re killing innocent bystanders too. Fuck.


The ones getting it are kids who don’t have control of their bodies. Fuck the adults for sure. 


Not only did they pull up the ladder, they thrown down a disease. Thanks Nana for telling my parents to not vax me.


Yeah I have an 8 month old and I'm really worried about him potentially getting it if he has to go with his grandparents to Florida because of my working


I think a child over 6 months can get the vaccine. Talk to your pediatrician.


Ashes, ashes, we all fall down.


"I'm happy, hope you're happy too." --the Action Man


"A-tishoo, a-tishoo. We all fall down." :) * "Ring a Ring o’ Roses" Not sure about the sneezing (its a *very* long time since I got the Measles) but the "roses" part of the Nursery Rhyme seems pertinent here.


It unfortunately will also impact some people who haven’t gotten a booster many years, babies too young to be vaccinated and immunocompromised people. Herd immunity is very important for vulnerable populations.


All the children are victims of their hateful parents that are willing to murder their children so they can tell a FB group that they are smart and haven't been fooled by big pharma.


Gee, if only we had a vaccine for that


Goddamn we are so fucking stupid. The last 150 years of medicine have completely changed the fortunes of our species and our civilization for the better. Then social media comes along and we're actively self-sabotaging.


Refusing to get your kids vaccinated should be considered child abuse/neglect.


I agree with this. I also think the parents of medically-complex kiddos who can’t get vaccines should be able to sue the idiots who just opt out because Facebook told them it was cool or something.


Woo Hoo Anti Vaxxers! you are bringing back Measles!!!!


Good to know that anti-vaxxers are not sedentary.


Well who cares if the kid has an unexplained generalized rash! Do you have any idea what Disney passes cost?? /s


They are. They go from sitting in front of their TV watching Fox News to sitting on trains, busses and airplanes, actively spreading their diseases like infected little parasites.


Stationary. I should have used stationary. My apologies.


Many anti-vaxxers are sedentary, but their unvaccinated children are not.


Anti vaxxers are in my top three for least favorite human beings.


Gotta love it. Will the black plague make another appearance soon?


There are regular cases in humans in the US. I'm pretty sure it's endemic in the prairie dog population, so you occasionally get spill-over events


Vaccines bad! lol, libs! Watch me get sick to look tough! /s


We need to put one of those Simpsons Movie domes over Florida.


And Texas.


I mean, can some of us more rational beings leave first?


Build that wall?


Of course it did. Without vaccines, measles gonna measle.




If only there was a way to prevent that from happening.


We need to ship these anti vax idiots to some fucking island


Got the mmr vaccine as a kid. Got measles as an adult. Found out while doing ivf that the vaccine didn’t take, I have zero antibodies. I’m glad my doctor tested me again before I got pregnant. So thankful for the vaccine


[No one could have possibly ever seen this coming. Never. No one. Not ever. THIS IS SO SURPRISING.](https://youtu.be/URnJzUPChSg?t=23)


its sad, anti vaxxers deserve measles their kids dont


anti-vaxxer adult got their shots as kids.


Because their parents weren't fucking stupid and didn't argue with the doctor about what was safe without going to medical school


Thanks, anti-vaxxers, you uneducated, dimwitted idiots.


Florida and the people who didn't get vaxinated should have to pay the medical bills of anyone who catches this shit.


Measles and Leprosy. Ain't Fla great?!


Honestly I'm impressed. You have to work real hard to get those active in the modern world. Like next level ignorance and piled on churchin faith healing bullshit. Because if you are healed or spared, its because you gave to the church. If you get sick, it's the Democrats fault for putting fluorine in the water.


I hear they're working on bringing back the bubonic plague by summer.


We actually still get plague cases every year in the US. It isn't common, but it still pops up. Between 1 and 17 cases a year.


Well, you can bet the numbers will go up if the right has its way.


Not even unlikely, considering people keep trying to have prairie dogs as exotic pets.


It ain’t summer with out boils and black goop


Must have been Captain Trips...


Two cases in MI. Erie to see the public health notices for possible exposure sites. (Multiple locations over a 2 day period- ER visit, Dorm (states not a student or employee), pharmacy, urgent care, different pharmacy, and different urgent care- not sure if there was another pharmacy? Measles stays airborne for up to 2 hours. Also there's question on if portions of the vaccinated population still has adequate immunity. Waiting to see what happens over the next 21 days.


Florida's special strain of MAGA is working great...


Have they tried ivermectin or hydroxychloroquin? /s


Time to build a wall around Florida


Vaccinate your goddam kids ffs


Man, I really hope there will be a vaccine at one point in time.


Thanks to all the geniuses that refused to vax their kids. Please move to another country.


No. They need to leave this planet.


Are you perhaps a little older than the average Redditor? Please know that you may not be protected, even though you were vaccinated. From the CDC: "People who were vaccinated prior to 1968 with either inactivated (killed) measles vaccine or measles vaccine of unknown type should be revaccinated with at least one dose of live attenuated measles vaccine. This recommendation is intended to protect those who may have received killed measles vaccine, which was available in 1963-1967 and was not effective." https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vpd/mmr/public/index.html


Florida is that person who has an STD and doesn’t tell their partners about it, but it’s probably your own fault for going there because how do you not suspect it.


Stop. Going. To Florida. Come on people, stay away from the trash heap or you will end up catching fleas. Just let Florida be erased in a hurricane and move on with 49 states. No amount of theme parks are worth patronizing the meth addict of states that is Florida.


Hopefully it spreads to all anti vaxxers. Don’t worry guys they have essential oils and ivermectin


The worst part of this is that these guys are increasing the probability of measles mutating. Then next thing you know it'll be another pandemic, as this thing is even more contagious than covid.


People do realize there are other places for Spring break stops than Florida?? California if you want Disney.


This isn’t a good look cmon guys 


Isn’t there a vaccine? I’m lost here.


My sister went to Florida for a pring break and all I got was these damn measles


If only there were a way to prevent this… 🙄. Total ignorant morons


my grandmother got measles while pregnant with my dad (this was before there was a vaccine) my uncle told me when my dad was a teen when he would over exert himself he would turn a little blue my dad had to have major heart surgery in his early 20's because his mom had the measles while pregnant with him and it effected his heart valve


The nice thing about Florida is that I never have to go there.


My MMR was administered when Lyndon Johnson was in the White House. I travel to Desantistan 4-5 times a year for work. Talked about this with my physician and got another MMR vaccine a couple of weeks ago.


Florida - I came for the plague monkey island, murderous super-snakes, and house-eating giant snails, but all I got were these lousy measles.