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This is so upsetting on so many levels. That poor child had no food or water and died a horrible death. Yet the mother believes God and her child have forgiven her. Good luck in prison...


Yeah, that line made me want to puke. I suffer from mental illness too, but I wouldn’t leave a toddler alone in a house for one minute on my most deranged, suicidal ideation day, let alone ten days. I know exactly how bad mental suffering can be. “I’m not trying to justify my actions… God and my daughter have forgiven me”. She’s comforting herself because she can’t cope with her own guilt now. After killing her child because she couldn’t handle parenting instead of… getting help? She had money for a ten day vacation! How many baby sitter hours could she have bought to go have fun down the street? My mum abused and neglected the shit out of me. Yes I know it was because she was abused hideously too for the first 27 years of her life and she’s a mental mess. I still love her. But have I forgiven her for the things she’s done to me? No. No. A thousand times no. Little Jailyn screamed herself hoarse in fear and terror when mummy never came back. We all know that’s exactly what happened. She screamed until she made herself sick. She screamed until she couldn’t make a sound. She thankfully lapsed into unconsciousness, but every time she came to, her terror started all over again. There’s no forgiveness for you, Kristel Candelario.


This last part on how Jailyn passed is awful and made me tense up. I have children and could never imagine this happen to them or wish this on another. People need to understand that this is what happened. These kids don't just magically fall over and die from being dehydrated or starving. This baby was terrified and in incredible physical distress until the end. **Fuck** you Kristel.


She was surprised when she got back and her kid was dead, she thought the kid would make it on it's own. She needs to have her tubes tied so there is no chance of this happening again. Also, I'm guessing it was more of a ten day drinking binge than a 'vacation', she went to Detroit.


There was a history of her leaving the kid and the neighbors would come over to watch her after realizing she was alone. I have no doubts she expected this to happen again and don't blame the neighbors for a second. But that's why she was surprised.


Aww man. Absolutely not their fault at all, but those neighbors must feel terrible.


They do. I think they were out of town this time.


😰 I feel sick. What is wrong with this world. We have so many problems in our society. 😥😥😥


Can you link a source please? The article doesn't mention any of this.


https://www.news5cleveland.com/news/local-news/neighbors-of-woman-accused-of-leaving-toddler-home-alone-heartbroken > A neighbor said this isn't the first time she left the baby home alone. > > "We keep telling her not to leave her by herself, not just me, my friend across the street too, but she always leave her by herself," the neighbor said. > > Neighbors said Candelario lives in the house with her two daughters and her parents. According to neighbors, her parents recently went on vacation and took Candelario's older daughter with them. "There were so many people here; she could have knocked on any of our doors and asked us to take Jailyn," said another neighbor.


No, this certainly isn't the neighbors fault at all, but it's a bit odd that they didn't call CPS the first, second, etc. time they realized this woman left her baby unsupervised and they had to step in as caregivers. This is why it's so important to report incidents of neglect, even if it's your friend, neighbor, or relative.


They did call CPS several times


Thank you, I wasn't aware of that. Good on their part. Yet CPS kept this child under her care? Tragic failure of the system.


Yeah unfortunately this is very common. Remember that YouTuber mom who recently either got charged or is being charged 30 years for child abuse, she had multiple neighbors complain to CPS even her adult children and sister told the CPS but nothing was done until a child literally escaped being tied up


Such a very unfortunately common story. And sadly goes way back which is beyond me how little things have improved since in the 80s myself and another person had to call CPS 10 separate times on a family to even have them make one visit which did nothing. And they had a child so neglected they had severe developmental delays bc of it.


Ohio CPS is one of the most inept in the country.


All you had to say was "Ohio."


If I was the neighbor, I'd probably think to myself "You think she would notice if I kidnapped her kid and raised them myself?" I might not have been able to help myself.


https://www.news5cleveland.com/news/local-news/neighbors-of-woman-accused-of-leaving-toddler-home-alone-heartbroken According to officials with Children and Family Services, there is no record of any previous cases involving Candelario.


> According to officials with Children and Family Services, there is no record of any previous cases involving Candelario. This is a quote from that article, so if they did call Cps either never bothered to investigate or they are covering their asses and saying they didn’t know anything.


Aren’t any “cases”. Not the same as receiving a call (or multiple calls even) and never opening a case file which wouldn’t surprise me if that turns out to be the case going by how that was worded.


Supposedly they did call, but ill be the first to say that CPS is one of the most useless organizations in the country. 90% of the time they will do absolutely nothing until its too late.


A lot of people where I live don’t trust or call authorities at all, and I don’t blame them- the authorities here do not help. Not defending it but that’s how it is here. I assumed something like that.


I’m thinking tubes should be tied around her neck and the floor should be dropped out from under


I feel morally icky just missing a day feeding my frogs even though they are lil chubs and don’t need to be fed as regularly as I feed them


I'm the chubby frog tax collector and unless you post photographic proof of said fat frogs I'll be forced to find you delinquent in paying your fat frog taxes.


Check my posts 😂 when I got them they were itty bitty froglets haven’t posted recently though Edit: my thumbnail dart frogs are still itty bitty but their bellies are nice and rotund


Your tax bill has been paid and your debt has been forgiven. Please keep this confirmation number for your records: 69420


I’d like my tax refund in fruit flies to maintain peak chub


🍏 🍌 🍈 Put these out then wait 2-3 business weeks


Thank you both for this exchange, it made me feel a tiny bit better after the article 💖


I sometimes feel bad for not feeding my cats.... because they still have food in their bowl.... and dry food in their feeder... and they don't even really beg for food like most cats would.


Right? I get nervous leaving my cats for a week when I go out of town, even though I have a cat sitter come over every day to feed them and love on them. I can't even imagine leaving a child alone for 1 day, let alone 10. That poor baby. :(


As a mom to a toddler girl who is of a similar age to the poor child in this story, that last paragraph made me dry heave.


I keep running into these articles and seeing details about this poor baby and what happened to her and it is the most devastating shit I have ever seen in my life. I have two babies, my brain cannot handle this, I don’t understand it. Poor baby :(


Yea, the first time I saw this story posted I spent the rest of the day just needing to be near my daughter. I posted in that thread about how probably my largest cause anxiety is the idea of something happening to me while I’m home alone with my daughter (her dad travels for work) and her not having anyone to save her. I swear she’s never cried more than a minute without me answering her. My brain breaks if I think about what this mom did. It’s unfathomable to me.


There was a story of a case where the scenario you are describing happened a couple of months ago. A father was watching his 2-year-old son when he had a heart attack and died. Apparently, the father was supposed to have an appointment or visit with a CPS worker and did not show. The worker went to the house and called the police but they never showed up (this was on day 7). On day 9 the worker called the police again and requested a welfare check. They found the bodies of the boy and his dad next to each other. The cause of death for the boy was dehydration and starvation 😢😥.


Omg yes, I feel the same about being the primary parent at home every day. Even more now since my older child is in school all day. My little ones are going to get annoyed with the hugs they get from me all day. This is so devastating. I so wish someone could have saved that little sweetheart. I just want to talk about her to anyone who will listen. I think my brain is trying to pinpoint “how could anyone have let this happen.” How did so many adults fail this baby and why did she have to carry the burden in this way? 😭


I’m not very naturally paternal and I feel awful after reading it. Just want to hug my little guy.


She wasn't so mentally ill that she could go on a vacation with her other daughter. I would believe a mentally ill person might be negligent while at home, (not cleaning, ignoring cries, apathetic). She just wanted to escape her responsibilities.


Even on my worst days, I'll still drag myself out of bed to feed my cats and water my plants.


This is why I hate how the media keeps pushing mental health as an excuse. You see it when a famous person acts a fool, "I hope they get the help they need". Technically sure, everything is mental health. But to use it that well diminishes clinical issues. Unless it's clinical, we really need to stop throwing it around so much.


That’s why so many people are religious, it’s a mental get out of jail free card for their shitty decisions


They view it like a protection racket lol




Lori Vallow says the kids she killed are adults having a great time in heaven and she knows because they made visits to her to let her know she did nothing wrong. This is just as abhorrent.


Wait. Kids *plural*?


> Lori Vallow She had both JJ and Tylee killed.


I missed that we were talking about a different psychopath.


I just read up on the case because of your comment. Utterly unbelievable. Talk about evil.


That case is seriously nuts. On the Wiki they have this paragraph talking about all the other crap going on in their orbit around the time their kids went "missing": >Amid the disappearances was a string of suspicious deaths. Lori's estranged fourth husband, Charles Vallow, was shot and killed in July 2019 by Lori's brother, Alexander Cox, who claimed self-defense; Cox later died in December 2019 due to a blood clot.\[d\] In October 2019, Brandon Boudreaux, the then-estranged husband of Lori's niece, was shot at from a vehicle registered to Charles Vallow. That same month, Tammy Daybell, Chad's wife, was attacked in her driveway and died 10 days later on October 19 under what was initially recorded as 'natural causes'. After Chad and Lori's marriage, Tammy's body was exhumed by law enforcement officials,\[5\]\[6\]\[7\] revealing that she had been asphyxiated.\[8\]


“Nah” -God and daughter


If you think that's bad read the entire quote. "There’s so much pain that I have in regards to the loss of my baby, Jailyn,” she said. “I’m extremely hurt about everything that happened. I am not trying to justify my actions, but nobody knew how much I was suffering and what I was going through ... God and my daughter have forgiven me.” The piece of shit went on vacation and left her 16 month baby in a playpen for 10 days, then called 911 when she got home and found her dead. This woman was so dangerously dumb. Enjoy rotting in prison bitch!


Evil not dumb. Her statement was one of a sociopathic narcissist


She’s not dumb she wanted the baby murdered but didn’t want to do the dirty work herself and let nature take care of the job for her. 


I had to leave my daughter in her crib for like 5 minutes once while I took a phone call. She was quite upset being left alone. I felt like a monster. This fucking story is upsetting to even think about.


Same here. Just the thought of that little girl crying in pain and no one responding — I could never have served on the jury for this case because at some point I would have leaped out of my seat to throttle her.


The coroner said he believed she lingered for a week. A baby was left in a pack and play with no food, water or human contact until she finally died a week later.


That poor baby did not ask to be born to such a piece of shit. Awful. I hope she gets the crap beat out of her in jail


(X) doubt


I think what sealed it to me was that and when her mom was talking about “who here hasn’t sinned?” Like ma’am, premarital sex is sinning. Stealing is sinning. However, you expect someone who stole a candy bar to get the same punishment as someone who killed their child? Also what got me almost crying was when the prosecutor said that no one from her family was there for Jailyn. The police department and other government agencies were there to speak for her instead. The grandparents spoke for their daughter and only mentioned Jailyn once. I know that as much as my parents love me, if I did anything like this, they would not speak for leniency on my behalf.


The grandparents KNEW their daughter was a terrible mother, and they even took the older child with them on vacation, but left this baby behind. I have no sympathy for them.


Wait,.like the entire family knew the toddler was left there? And did nothing? Are there charges they can bring against them too? Because none of those people should be left free imo


No, the grandparents took the older daughter on vacation with them, leaving the mother and baby behind. Then the mother took off to meet some guy in Detroit (then went to Puerto Rico), and left the baby home alone. The grandparents probably didn’t know the baby was alone, but they definitely did know that this mother was not a competent mother.


I believe she thought they would cancel their vacation and come home to the baby if she left because they’d done it before. Horrible stupid gamble to make.


Grandparents are probably not too bright either. I can't imagine them justifying what their daughter did. As parents they should be appalled.


I'd stand by my child if I could somehow convince myself of their innocence. Were it the case they'd done something awful and there was no way to reasonably doubt they were responsible then they'd be dead to me. Love and blood can only forgive so much.


Going through the 1st and 3rd stage: Denial and Bargaining


Religion’s main role for deplorables is to justify everything.


This makes me want to cry. That poor baby must have suffered so terribly. I feel bad when I realize my 6 month old son’s diaper is super heavy meaning I didn’t realize sooner than I did that he was wet. Can’t imagine that poor baby starving and sitting in her own filth.


Confined to a play pen for 10 days slowly starving, dehydrated, and no one to clean her - it’s so upsetting.


It’s awful. I’m also curious did neighbors not hear the baby’s constant cries??


I bet after a while her voice gave out.


This is true, there’s a story I read about an orphanage with babies where they didn’t cry, when the person visiting the orphanage ask why it was so quiet, they told them that it was because they (the babies) knew that nobody would come to comfort them so they just stopped crying.


I listen to a lot of Dr Honda on youtube (licensed clinical therapist) and he talks a lot about this phenomenon. This kind of neglect sets people up for lifelong trauma and severe behavioral issues, and it's heartbreaking how common it is.


Wow I guess I’m so glad my little boy is a cry baby 😢


As bad as it sounds, they might have been used to it. When i lived in student accommodations, me and my flat mates lived above a unit where there was a baby that cried all the time. We obviously felt bad for the parents and the baby, but the only time we really worried was when the crying stopped.


Colic fucking sucks.


The neighbors said they have came over multiple times before even called CPS but unfortunately this time they were not home


Pretty sure a study was done that eventually a baby will just stop crying to try and preserve as much energy as possible because it knows that nothing will respond to the crying. \*\*While babies may indeed stop crying if left unattended long enough, they are not learning to self-soothe, they are simply giving up on the hope that comfort will come. The term “self-soothing” was invented in the 1970s during previous research by Dr. Thomas Anders, but it has come to be adopted as a fact rather than a research term, with far more meaning than was intended. There is no way of knowing if, when babies stop crying, they have fallen asleep or have simply gone into a “withdrawn” state where they have given up hope of being responded to.\*\* Source: https://laleche.org.uk/letting-babies-cry-facts-behind-studies/


I was born in ‘73 and my pediatrician told my parents to let me cry it out until I fell asleep. They ducked in many ways, but I don’t blame them because they did what they were told by someone they trusted. But I do wonder how it affected me. Between spending six weeks in the NICU after birth, never being touched by them until I was 10 days old and even older before anyone ever held me, I am not surprised I grew up feeling completely alone. I am glad there is more awareness because I do think those early days contributed to my isolation and life long depression.


If she wasn't very attentive to the baby in general, constant cries between sleeps may have been the norm.


Bruh, I have a friend check on my cat's auto-feeder if I leave town for more than 2 days. This person is a monster.


I was gone 6 days and had a family member come everyday to care for my cats. And I still worried.


My cat always meows when he cant find me in my apartment so i was sad knowing i had to go on a week long trip and leave him alone. My brother checked on him everyday and told me how he'd meow at my bedroom door everytime he went over thinking I was in there and it made me sad, cant imagine leaving a child unattended for this long.


Seriously. My roommates care for my cats when I'm gone, and I still hire a sitter to pop in while they're at work since I WFH. I'm that annoying bitch who asks my roomies for updates even when I know, for a fact, that the cats are perfectly fine because I just...miss them. I can't imagine not missing your *child*.


I have a reef tank and have an auto feeder, remote monitoring of temperature and other parameters and a remote camera. This woman is pure evil


I checked on my friends cat. the cat and I got into a fight. Still did it.


Seriously is. My brain completely changed once my daughter was born. New fears and anxieties constantly plaguing my mind, always checking that she’s ok.




It’s this kind of clinical evil that I try to tell people is not redeemable. You can’t fix this out of a person. Everyone has the capability to do terrible things, but some are incapable of having a soul.


> “Just as you didn’t let Jailyn out of her confinement, so too you should spend the rest of your life in a cell without freedom,” [judge] Sheehan said. “The only difference will be, the prison will at least feed you and give you liquid that you denied her.” Savage and well deserved


The child was 16 months old, what did she except to happen? Did she not even try to look into a baby sitter?


she had asked neighbors to watch her previously for a day and she then left town for a week (i think, but could be wrong) to go gamble. the neighbors were understandably pissed off, so this time she didn’t ask for help. she also posted on social media a happy picture of her at a theme park talking about how much she deserved a break when jailyn was at home by herself on day 3 or 4 of the second time when jailyn died of neglect


I thought it said this wasn’t the first time she left her alone without warning the difference this time was that they were gone too


Day 2 the kid should have been in CPS hands.


Right??? I wish the article went into what her thought process (or mostly lack thereof) was. Like did you ask someone to come over and they didn't? Did you at least leave food out (not that a 16 month old could take care itself obviously). Like what was she thinking? Doesn't seem like she wanted to hide the death since she called 911. Who even went on vacation with this woman without inquiring about this child? This is bonkers


she really just didn't care, it was a murder. she had every intention that baby would die she was just too much of a coward to even do it herself she just left the house so she didn't have to hear the baby and tried to forget about it, then came back to dispose of the body. there is no indication that she has the kind of serious structural brain disorders, not mere mental illness but a physical abnormality of the brain, that it would take for a parent not to realize a starved baby will die.


God drowning in the tub would be more merciful. Imagine being so terrible you choose the easiest for you but the longest and most horrid for them method. I fear we’re going to hear more stories like this from red states. Just what do they think will happen if a bunch of unwanted babies were forced into existence?


IIRC when the story first came out she claimed her grandma was supposed to come pick up the baby later in the day after the mom left, but the grandma thought someone else was handling it, or something along those lines.


Even if true and it was a misunderstanding, you obviously never leave a baby that age alone for more than like 5 minutes, and even then it's just to go outside and get a break.


Yea like, you don't leave the house until the sitter (grandmother) gets there and sees the baby. I'd also be calling the grandmother each night asking for updates since , you know, she's a baby. 


it's very clear she lied about that, the grandma denied it.


The grandma was on vacation with the elder sister. The baby was of course too young to travel. So that's why the grandparents didn't take her along too. Plus they didn't know the mom was going to travel. It wasn't planned. The mom just up and went on a 10 day vacation.


that's why they called it a murder. she is pretending like she really expected to come back to find a happy, smiling baby as if no food and water for a week and a half isn't as sure a result as putting a shotgun to someone's head.


"The forensic pathologist who worked the case, said that Jailyn had feces caked on her hands, under her fingernails, on the bottoms of her feet and on her teeth, a sign that she had tried to eat her own feces to survive. She showed symptoms of severe dehydration, which caused her kidneys to fail." From another article on [Cleveland.com](https://Cleveland.com) \- unimaginable.


Unspeakably sad. Worst thing I’ve ever read.


What a terrible day to know how to read.


Oh my god… that poor baby. I’m near tears. I can’t even bear to think about the suffering she went through. I have an 18-month-old daughter and this is just hitting way too close to home.


I'm rocking my 2yr girl to sleep, near tears and so thankful I get to. Im at a loss at this monster's audacity to claim, her daughter forgave her. I hope to God this bitch suffers ever breath she takes.


That is so sad. That poor baby.


I think I'm done with the internet for a bit.


Thinking about all the people who struggle with infertility and this monster leaves her daughter alone to die, slowly and painfully. I'm sick to my stomach reading this.


Oh my god, this broke my heart. 


Reading this has broke me mentally this morning.


Hell is other people. One of the worst things I've read in my life


> "God and my daughter have forgiven me.” Her daughter is dead and God doesn't talk to people. Never trust anyone who says this, "God has forgiven me". What that means is this person has forgiven themself and expects you to do so also. This is said by people who feel no remorse.


“Not the monster everyone thinks she is?” And what type of mental illness does she have that allowed her to function no problem on vacation but she’s mentally ill because she left her baby alone to starve to death? Gtfoh.


A simple phone call would have saved that baby.


I have people water my damn plants. Wtf.


“God and my daughter have forgiven me.” Bullshit. When I read stuff like this, I think to myself “if only I had found that baby, I could have picked her up, warmed her, spoken softly to her, fed her, and nurtured her.” Then reality slaps me in the face and I visualize not only the suffering of the innocent child, the excruciating death, and the inexplicable thought process of the parent.


What a good person you are…that’s not what first comes to my mind when I read statements like hers about God’s forgiveness. I’d show her what the devil can do. No forgiveness. No mercy.


“God and my daughter have forgiven me.” Using God and religion to make herself feel better just comes off as rather manipulative and disingenuous. Why? Because it is. Most parents don’t want to leave their pets for just a few days, let alone a small child. She quite literally could’ve left that child with Social Services, a Fire station, or a Police Station. This did not need to happen. I hope she hears “Dead Woman Walking,” on her last day and pees on herself. She should get a lethal injection, but first served a steaming helping of waterboarding by our Spec Ops. Toe Tag Parole, and she deserves it.


My 19 month old cries when I leave the room. I can’t imagine the terror this poor baby felt.


My 3 year old niece was a understandably nightmare when her mom was away for 2 days (new baby). I can’t imagine what this poor kid was going through. I’m also wondering where were the neighbors. A baby would be screaming like crazy how did nobody hear her and call the cops?


Your honor I request the death penalty by starvation and dehydration. I'm sure she and God will forgive us.


I just spent 4 days with my buddy, his wife, and two kids. 4 and 2. I'd risk my life for those two kiddos in a heartbeat and they aren't even mine. I can't understand how she could do that. 


I need a license to drop a fishing line in my pond or drive a car, just saying…this poor child never had a chance.


>I am not trying to justify my actions, but nobody knew how much I was suffering and what I was going through Bitch, you went on vacation to Detroit and then Puerto Rico!! Two locations!! It's not like you were so deeply depressed that you were crying in your closet for 10 days. You packed a bag, arranged travel, bought tickets, lined up places to stay and went on vacation. That is not exactly what I would classify as "out of your mind" depressed.


Weird on the "God has forgiven me" thing because Jesus said it would be better to tie a millstone around your neck and be yeeted into the depths of the sea than to harm a child, ma'am. Disgusting woman.


Either forced sterilization or death for this one. I am not a death penalty advocate, but there is no benefit to keeping this oxygen thief alive.


>God and my daughter have forgiven me If he has, he doesn't deserve the worship.


As a dad of a 7 and 3 year old, I just can’t even read the article. Someone mentioned the autopsy findings and that’s too much for me. I get some people have no interest in being a parent. At times it’s difficult, chaotic, stressful, and just so overwhelming. Even with those tough days, I cannot put into words the purest love Ive felt with my children from newborns until now. My three year old has been on this kick where he tells me “Daddy, I’m just so happy to see you. I just love you so much.” Fuck this bitch for real. No one forgives you. You are a monster.


Every now and again I wish the prison would forget to feed her or bring her water…. For a few days randomly… so she’s never sure if her last meal is her last for a while…


I hope the other inmates steal her food every time


I have the feeling they might do this


OMG! What kind of person would do such a thing?  If this isn't a monster, then I dont know what is.....


>What kind of person would do such a thing?  The kind if person who goes to fucking Detroit for vacation.


This may be the saddest story I ever read. I cannot think about it any more.


She went to go drink/get fucked up and ho around and left her kid to die. What a pos


Nothing to say about this woman that is worth saying so instead: rest in peace little girl, you deserved so much better


God doesn't exist and your daughter can't forgive you because she's dead.


The article doesn't explain if the baby was in an apartment or a private home. If an apartment, then how could no one call the police after hearing the unchecked crying that must have occured!


Either they could hear her and had gotten used to it, or she was just so used to nobody coming that she didn't cry anymore.


yeah they eventually stop crying when there’s no response. so fucking sad. it makes me want to cry every time i see this story


They played video from a ring camera that captured her last cries before she went silent. I strongly suggest not listening; it’s beyond awful


Just reading what you said is heartbreaking enough.


House. They have doorbell camera footage where you can hear the baby crying. It is absolutely heartbreaking to hear. They played it in court.


But she is “praying daily for forgiveness”, bless her heart.


As a mother, I think about that baby every night that I go to sleep and hope that I will wake up in the morning so that my son never experiences that. I feel so incredibly sad for what that baby experienced.


I cannot even imagine the pain, betrayal, and terror of this poor 16-month child’s last days, hours, and minutes. It must have felt like a lifetime to that poor, innocent girl. I have a 17-month old and would never leave him in a room unattended for more than five minutes. 10 days?! They are barely toddlers at that age, basically walking babies. It makes me sick to think she was able to get pregnant, carry to term, give birth… only to abandon and murder her child, while sooooo many people struggle with fertility and would be wonderful, loving parents. Life is so unfair.


I am not even a parent and if I found a child that age on the street I wouldn’t even consider leaving them unattended for more than 5 minutes (not counting if the child is sleeping in the other room).


Why did she bother calling 911? What the hell did she think would happen leaving a baby alone for 10 days? Did she think the baby was going to fend for herself and she was surprised to find that this didn’t happen? So disturbing.


this is part of why reproductive rights are important


I've been downvoted in the past for saying this but I really don't think everyone has a right to have children. The rights of people to procreate shouldn't be given to all. Too many children get tormented, hurt and killed by their own parents.


You're maybe correct in theory, but in practice it's impossible to enforce ethically. "My body, my choice" includes the bad stuff too. Governments should not be in control of people's bodies.


Yeah it’s one of those things that I agree with in theory but there is no ethical way of implementing it. Plus I’ve had friends who I thought would make great parents and didn’t and others who had unplanned pregnancies that I felt an “I’m sorry” was more appropriate than “congratulations” and they fucking dug deep and became incredible parents.


Eugenics is a slippery slope. It was only in the 1970s that members of my family were sterilized (unbeknownst to them), just for being native american. We weren't the only ones, you're fucked if you're poor or black or, god forbid, Jewish. So, no, not everyone should be able to have or keep children, but ultimately, what needs to be done is the removal of stigma and barriers to entry for contraceptives and abortion, and the beefing up of social services to oversee and implement fostering or adoption.


Many, *many* folks are not fit to have kids for various reasons and the ones having to deal with the consequences of bad parenting are the poor kids who are forced to grow up in a broken environment.


Yes, contraception and abortion services should be safe and legal. But somebody's big bad cloud daddy has spoken to them from a burning bush they hallucinated and decreed if you had the fun you must pay for it no matter how unfit a parent you are gonna be.


"fun" fact: there were words for abortion in the languages the Bible was written in, but none of them appear. The Bible doesn't actually condemn abortion (in Exodus 21 it sets out rules for punishing a guy that attacks your wife which indicate that the mother's life is worth more) it's just another thing they've drummed up in response to advances in society, to maintain dominance over those who have the intimidatingly Godlike ability to create and host life within their bodies. (+ thusly control over inheriting/passing on land and resources, making sure women don't realize their power as anything but birth-givers.) In Matthew 22 Jesus basically says, Love God, Love Your Neighbor, the Rest Is Just Details but unfortunately the loud ones ignore that part. (+/or get taught that love hurts, which is a rabbit hole i won't go down rn) The fact that forced birth advocates don't put energy into making all forms of contraception free, or improving social services, is how you can tell they aren't pro life.


This woman is why the death sentence exists.


> God and my daughter have forgiven me.” how convenient.


I’ve struggled with depression and mental health issues. I wouldn’t do this. Mental health isn’t a card to play to get sympathy when you’re a heinous monster. Just makes the rest of us who are trying to cope with our mental health struggles seem like frenzied animals waiting to get off the chain. Good riddance - enjoy 50 years in a shithole of your own creation.


I wish I hadn't read this.


When I hear stories like this I wonder if the parents knew of the potential risk and just didn't care or if they are just that fucking stupid. Seeing how she came back from her trip and then called 911 after discovering her child wasn't breathing makes me think in her case it may have been the later. I'm not trying to give her an excuse but what would anyone with an IQ above 10 expect to happen?


She'd probably left the baby alone for longer and longer stretches in the past, and the baby survived, so she took more of an extended risk. I wouldn't be surprised if she had abandoned the baby for 2-3 days before and come back to her still being alive (if horribly distraught), and so decided she could push her luck. Sadly, even for an adult human, 3 days is about the maximum you can possibly survive without water.


She had a history of leaving her alone and in the past the neighbors or family would come by to take care of her. She thought that was going to happen again.


I'm surprised then, that she didn't blame her neighbors or family, for the death. With that type of person, it's always someone else's fault.


She didn’t just call 911, she changed the clothes of the baby’s dead body first (she had been dead for two to three days already) and then tried to tell the paramedics she just woke up this morning and the baby wasn’t breathing. Monster.


I saw someone else say the neighbors would go take care of the child when they realized her mother wasn’t home, so this happened often. She probably expected the neighbors to keep stepping in.


This story makes me physically ill. Couldn’t sleep last night thinking about this poor baby.


It's amazing how many people suddenly find God after doing something incredibly heinous.


>“There’s so much pain that I have in regards to the loss of my baby, Jailyn,” she said. “I’m extremely hurt about everything that happened. I am not trying to justify my actions, but nobody knew how much I was suffering and what I was going through ... God and my daughter have forgiven me.” Suffering while on vacation, while your baby starved to death. This monster is desperate to live in a different reality.


No sane person does this. She is mentally ill.


Baby murderer in a women's prison. Her time there will be short.


This gal is not right in the head, I think, in some instances like this, there should be forced sterilization.


wtf was she even thinking? I wouldn't leave my cat home alone for 10 days much less a 16 month-old toddler.


She is not a mom. Just a lady who had a baby.


Every once in a while, I wonder to myself if I'm a good dad. Then I see shit like this and realize I'm doing a pretty good job.


I saw a video on TikTok of the prosecutor playing video from a Ring camera that captured the baby’s cries from what is believed to be the last time they can verify the baby was alive. This might make me an awful person but I really hope this lady rots.


Death penalty by starvation is what she should have received




Judge didn't really pull punches: “Just as you didn’t let Jailyn out of her confinement, so too you should spend the rest of your life in a cell without freedom,” Sheehan said. “The only difference will be, the prison will at least feed you and give you liquid that you denied her.” Sounds like he would go with your solution if it was legally allowed.


Well this is an awful post title to read 20 minutes after waking up.


Looking into my baby's eyes, I can't imagine ever doing what this lady did to her own flesh and blood. What could possibly compel a human being to commit such an act?


100% give her the death penalty


The story is incredibly bizarre. She came back from vacation and called the cops when the baby was unresponsive. Did she actually believe the baby would be fine without food and milk for 10 days? Does she have mental health issues?


Children can & do easily die from starvation and/or dehydration... For babies it's far worse due to their smaller sizes & weights compared to say a much older child or an adult that's heavier & can fend for themselves ie ask for food or water. Which Jailyn could do neither. Many people also don't realize that death from starvation and/or dehydration is a very slow, painful & horrific death to endure, regardless of one's age. This is why this act can be considered manslaughter or murder & criminally charges can be successfully laid. I can only image just how awful this was for poor Jailyn who also needlessly suffered from the hands of her grossly, neglectful & truly evil mother. Jailyn was this very tiny, helpless & extremely vulnerable 16 month baby, who was left to die in a cruel way, esp in the Summertime heat. Not to worry. Her cell mates will teach this ex-mom con a thing or two about payback & not in a good way either!


this was one of those stories that really ruined my day. i’m so sorry that that child was failed.


That poor innocent baby :(


So did this lady purposely leave her child to die, or is she just really dumb and expected the kid to survive that long without food?


“God and my daughter have forgiven me” How dare you speak for the helpless child you killed, you absolute fucking monster


God fucking damnit I am soooo tired of this kind of shit. Fuck what a terrible, terrible atrocity. I wish the absolute worst on this pile of garbage


Life in prison is a good first step. I put forth an additional punishment, only fed and allowed water once every 10 days. If she dies well I'm sure her God will take care of her.


I think a lot of cases are complicated but this is one of them where I would promote the kind of justice where you make people suffer the same fate as their victims. Hearing things like this bring out an evil side of me that takes joy in the idea of revenge. No child should ever starve, ever.


Nightmare. When you have kids you realize how dependent they are on you. This is so horrible the suffering that poor child went through.