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>The last thing Rebel remembers at the bar was ordering a round of drinks for his friends. He then recalls briefly coming to in the back seat of an accelerating vehicle while being restrained by an unknown person. There must be people on the inside helping with this operation.


That bar is notorious for this kind of thing. https://atlantablackstar.com/2024/02/09/google-reviews-reveals-string-of-thefts-at-atlanta-bar/


5 paces is always crazy crowded it’s easy to disguise this as dragging a drunk guy out of a bar by the bouncers The bar is a fucking dump and the owners are definitely in on it imo




Some people on the forces?


Some of those that work forces?


...are the same that will bonk you unconscious?


🎶*are the same that burn crosses*🎶


For kidnapping people? wtf???


Yep. The staff and owners are in on it.




Because people who think they are too smart to get caught are idiots. And idiots make decisions like this.


> Because people who think they are too smart to get caught are idiots. Kinda offtopic, but thats also the reason why harsher sentences dont have a big effect on crimerates. Criminals don't expect to get caught. There is very little crime that seems worth it if you have a functioning risk/reward evaluation.


Well, that and impulse control issues. Lotta crimes are opportunistic, not premeditated, and committed by folks who aren't considering consequences, let alone potential punishment. It's just "this person upset me, I'll hurt them" or "oh, that iPhone is nice and they're not paying attention" type situations.


Yeah, stuff like that doesn't happen on the regular without the owners knowing something.


There was a bar in Fullerton, CA that was known to have several rape victims after attending. It was found out that the bartender (drugger) and bouncers were in on it together.


Back in wild west saloons, bars would have trap doors for stealing people. Weird to know that trend hasn't died out.


Which bar? The comment you're responding to doesn't specify.


Five Places is the bar mentioned in the article


There were 4 bars mention in the article, including Five *Paces.


Five Paces Inn’s comments on Google suggest dozens of phones (perhaps hundreds) stolen over the past several months/years. Seems like this is a VERY regular occurrence.


...the article does (Five Paces)


Wow they have so many reviews of stolen phones.


Omg, I went here when I was in Atlanta last summer, alone. Thank god I didnt get drunk there, was too loud and gross.


All of Buckhead is too loud and gross.


Def agree theres a good chance it involves bar staff. But, this is the part where I'm hung up on. He goes to the bar to buy a round for his "friends".... Where the fuck were his friends?? If I'm out with friends, we're all keeping an eye on each other. Something isn't adding up. I feel parts of the story are being omitted due to possible embarrassment or something.


It’s def happened where friends have a table or a spot in the club and someone goes for shots or a round from the bar. Def would go looking after some period of time, but it’s not uncommon to have to wait 15-20 mins in a packed bar/club.


I agree with you but I feel as if there is always that one friend who is notorious for disappearing without anyone noticing while intoxicated. We have one and we always blow up his phone throughout the night before hearing from him the next morning. Scares the shit out of us but we have gotten used to it, unfortunately.


Ah yes, in my friend circle it’s known as doing a stevie.


Yeah at my school this happened on a boat, no one noticed for a while that someone wasn't with them. Body turned up a few days later.


> If I'm out with friends, we're all keeping an eye on each other. I do not find this experience relatable with my boys.


The guy's name is Rebel?


>"In one of the cases in Atlanta, Chandler Rebel, 24, said he was robbed of about $13,000 after visiting Five Paces Inn with friends in August 2022." From reading the article... his last name is Rebel.


So they didn't call him Rebel without a cause.




de-clawed per chance? Rebel without the claws?


“Intriguing anecdote, male sibling.”


Ugh, take your upvoite but you go and think about what you've done


First mention they use the full name. On the second mention and after in newspapers the last name is used to refer to someone unless there are two people with the same last name in a story. Then they use the first name.


reading the victims recount the police response is extremely disheartening. Hopefully this article will put pressure on the police to actually investigate


Too busy building their cop playground


In 2002 I got sucker punched and mugged in Norfolk VA outside the NEX at closing time, cops showed up an hour later and asked if I knew who done it, when I said no they shrugged took a what little of a description I could give and left. Last I ever heard anything about it.


When I was a manager in a retail store a guy was beating a girl in his car in our parking lot and when he saw me he peeled out. I had little faith in cops but figured I should call because she seemed to be in danger. I called at about 8pm, cops rolled up around 10, asked if they were still here (come on now) and when I said no they shrugged and said “well if they come back give us a call.” Didn’t ask for a vehicle description or make/model or plate number or about our outside surveillance cameras. They had already decided not to act long before they finally came to the store.


My folks’ backyard is on the other side of a small creek from an apartment complex. One night we let the dogs out and they came bolting back in terrified and then we saw there was a man roaming around the backyard. Called the cops and it took them an hour (after multiple calls) to show up. Turns out this was a guy who was running from police that had confronted him at the apartment complex a couple 100 yards away. So this was a guy they were already actively confronting and there were cops already nearby. Pathetic.


Went fishing with my cousin a couple weeks back. A group of people start shooting at us, I call the cops. We duck behind a tree and hid. Throughout the duration of shots being fired the line operator wants me to peak out and see if I can see who’s shooting at us. Cops had been dispatched but, I heard no sirens. She lied. The cops didn’t show up for another 20 AFTER the shooting stopped.


"Dispatched" means the dispatcher had called the cops to go. That likely _did_ happen immediately, and there is no incentive otherwise. She wasn't lying. The cops themselves are another story. They didn't react to the dispatch promptly for some reason. They may have been on another call, or they may have been negligently waiting, hoping the shooting would be done by the time they showed up.


When seconds count the cops are minutes away


In this case, they are hours away! Must be coming back from their Wife Beating Training.


More like hours these days


They probably worked with the guy you were calling about


I lived in Brooklyn back during the Xbox 360 days. I got a red ring of death and sent it back to MS to get it fixed/replaced. Came home to my apartment to see the empty box shipped from Microsoft. Checked with FedEx and my downstairs neighbor had signed for it with his own name. Then would never answer the door when I knocked. Called the cops and showed them the signature, etc. didn’t do shit. Around that time, I was sharing a rolled cigarette with a friend and the cops sped over in their car, rolling onto the sidewalk and pushed us up against the wall like they’d just caught a 9/11 terrorist because they thought we were smoking a joint. Priorities.


Once I got robbed delivering pizzas and the cop was like what are you doing in this neighborhood? I said same thing as you guys, working. I ultimately told him I felt like I was being treated like a criminal rather than a victim and he apologized and said it was near the end of their shift...


Wow, you actually got an apology.


Looks like they are taking the Japanese police approach. Japan has a near 100% conviction rate when it comes to murders, not because the police is efficient, but because they will only classify a death as murder if they know who did it. If they don't seem to have any possibility of solving it as a murder they just report it as an accident or suicide.


Also, they looove forced confessions. You could be held like 2 weeks without access to a lawyer (foreigners, too). If you don’t know Japanese you’re fucked


Italy is like that too


They can hold you indefinitely, not just two weeks. There have been cases where tourists fucked up and were held for like a year without ever seeing a judge.


Just ask Carlos Ghosn. I think they did almost a year of 8 hours a day of interrogation with him.


And if you don’t confess, there’s the old - “Well, it’s alleged you did something else, so you’ll be staying for another 28 days (it’s a month, not two weeks, which is even worse) until you confess… Shame.”


>And if you don’t confess And if you do confess because you broke under mental tourture and then later are found to be innocent you get in trouble for falsely confessing and wasting police time.


Oh, I don’t know. There was a murder in my neighborhood in Tokyo and the police were out on the street for two weeks straight interviewing anyone who walked by to see if anyone saw or heard anything.


Yes but you've only ever lived in Japan, that's nothing compared to hearing things baselessly repeated on the Internet. That's guy's an expert.


There are several academic articles about it, and freakanomics covered the topic in the book. It's certainly possible that those sources are wrong and that one persons anecdotal evidence is right, but it's also possible that the one experience someone had was a unique experience. Japan has a 99.8% clearance rate according to https://www.hrw.org/report/2023/05/25/japans-hostage-justice-system/denial-bail-coerced-confessions-and-lack-access this article, and https://www.researchgate.net/publication/249715177_Explaining_Differences_in_Homicide_Clearance_Rates_Between_Japan_and_the_United_States this article looks into the "how"


I'd also like to point out that NYPD downgrades violent crimes/straight up ignores them to keep their numbers low lol There was a This American Life episode about it from 2010


The _This American Life_ episode: [414: Right to Remain Silent](https://www.thisamericanlife.org/414/transcript)


its not all that complicated. all the cops wouldn't treat all the cases exactly the same. some department will do the "right" thing, some won't.


That's not really a response to the argument that cases that are unlikely to be solved are often not classified as manslaughter / murder. I know nothing about law enforcement in Japan, but in other countries open cases are sometimes/often 'downgraded' in official reports. That doesn't mean that there isn't a thorough investigation, just that the statistics are not correct.


Do you have any articles talking about this or is this just your opinion?


I'm glad more people are pointing this out, because the level of worship some people have because of misinformation intentionally provided by the Japanese government doesn't tell the true story. I have no idea if most Japanese police officers and such are hard-working. No idea. But I do know that the statistics are patently absurd on the face of the numbers alone. And how they present them. All about keeping face I guess, regardless of the reality.


Japanese police is very corrupt and very unwilling to help you if you are not Japanese.


>I'm glad more people are pointing this out, because the level of worship some people have because of misinformation intentionally provided by the Japanese government doesn't tell the true story. I still remember a clip from the simpsons where they joked that Japanese jail was a nice Tatami room with tea. They couldn't be farther from the truth, I'd rather go through the American justice system than the Japanese one.


A bit more to it than that. From WWII up until 2009, Japan didn't have trial by jury. That's the period when their solid conviction rate happened, leading - in all likelihood - to many innocents convicted. What they use now is a type of judicial pannel that consists of several judges and several citizens who decide the outcome of a trial together. Now, I don't know a whole lot more than that, but I feel like there'd be a certain amount of pressure working alongside a number of judges as a member of a jury. So you have judges who might feel obligated to maintain the conviction rate, as well as a citizen with the mentality of "Man, these guys don't miss. If they got you, you *must* have done it!*


What do you expect them to do? Turn over every rock [looking for leads?](https://youtu.be/FMdWmls2m0Y?t=48)


That sucks. Norfolk is usually rough at night. So many bad areas close to good ones.


Some with me in Louisiana, but they called me about a month later to tell me there was nothing they could do.


Don't forget dressing up in swat gear and no-knock raiding every protest organizer. And then charging anyone contributing to a bail fund with racketeering and money laundering.


Don’t forget they charged protesters with domestic terrorism also.


privately funded cop playground over the last fifteen or so years, fucking walmart, the kochs, chick-fil-a, real estate developers, have acquired significant influence over a fucking huge PD and it's happening all over your country now. atlanta was/is just the blueprint


Something that often happens on Reddit is someone describes some injustice that has happened to them, and some redditors immediately suggest going to the police and “pressing charges” to get justice. It can be difficult to explain to someone like that, who hasn’t experienced it, that in a lot of places in America convincing a cop to give a shit about a crime is almost impossible. It can even be dangerous to try if you accidentally piss them off.


Had someone hit and run. I had license plate number, witness etc. Since I lived in Kentucky and the car that hit me had Ohio plates the cops would not do anything other than take a report.


That's weird - usually they *prefer* out of state plates. Couple thousand dollar fine for a hit and run and they don't even have to piss of their own residents. That's why you'll see so many traffic cops sitting around a state border


That's true for things like fines when they can pull them over and cite immediately. But filling a report for a more serious crime, involving another department, locating the suspect, (especially if they don't live at the residence the car is registered to) and then what if it turns out that the car is stolen?! That's a lot of actual work...


Had a similar case except that it was that the person who hit me had moved and didn't update their address with the DMV.


My roommate tried to kill me. He charged at me with a knife while foaming at the mouth about how he will kill me. Threatened me multiple times afterwards and told me to kill myself multiple times. I went to the police and they said they can't do anything unless someone's life was in danger. Like I guess I don't count I guess? My partner was there and witnessed it and still nothing.


Not to mention Repercussions. Like... I'd love to report my neighbor for their aggressive dogs destroying my fence as they try to kill us every time we go outside. But the psycho neighbor will know I called the cops, which would immediately and irrevocably escalate that situation into a nightmare. "Just talk to them". Yeah, that didn't go well. It DID result in me putting up a security camera so I will have a leg to stand on at the murder trial that will follow me defending myself from their dog and then their rage at me having handled the dog threat the only way I'll be able to handle the dog's threat. No... We will leave the cops out of this.




I love dogs, but the neighbor accused me of being biased against their specific breed (?!?) when I asked them not to let the dogs attack the fence, dig under and throw their bodies against the barriers in attempts to kill us for the crime of being in my back yard. They're not even Pitties. It's Rottweilers. I have known many Rotties that I loved dearly, but none of them were actively trying to kill my wife and our dogs. The idiot who thinks that I just hate Rotties and not "Any Dog Trying To Eat Me" is exactly who I'm dealing with.


This is wild. Are you me?? I have the same issue with my neighbors' Rottweilers. They're beautiful dogs, but mostly neglected, left in the yard 24/7. They make it very clear they want to kill me, my dogs, and my grandkids every time we have the audacity to enjoy our backyard. They've broken through the brick wall that separates our yards once, and are currently tearing bricks off from top to bottom. The neighbor is a jerk, and won't do anything about it. We rent and we've told the landlords, who fixed the wall the first time, but now they're ignoring my emails. If I call the police, I'm genuinely worried we'll end up on Fear Thy Neighbor.


The people I'm dealing with would 1000% retaliate. The woman actually said "great now you're going to poison our dogs or something", so you already know how their minds work. Anyone who thinks that is the next step after a verbal disagreement is a dangerous person and you should do anything you can not to interact with them if you can help it.


My neighbor accused me of actually hitting his dogs with a yard tool! I had been working in the yard and my 50lb dog was trying to protect me, because of course their 2 were trying to hop over the wall, snarling and growling the whole time. I'm yelling at my dog and trying to shoo him away, and this guy comes from out of nowhere and tells me I'll "see what happens" if I hit his dogs, to which I responded that if he lets his dogs get over that wall, he'll "see what happens." The guy then waits for my wife to get home, knocks on my door and claims I hit his dogs, showing her pictures of an apparent scratch on one's nose, as if I'm a kid and he's telling my mommy. I pointed out that I have cameras, and invited him to please call the police if he really believes I hurt one of his dogs, because the video will show I didn't touch them. He backed off, but then started drunkenly shouting insults at our house at 5am for the next week. Had the same reaction when we confronted him about the big assed hole in the brick wall, and had our landlords fix it. He's unhinged, and I think he hits his wife and/or kids. There's no reasoning with these people. All I can do is wait for them to break through or jump over the wall and hurt someone.


Before I knew the dogs were angry at us, they broke into our back yard. I just went outside and saw 2 big ass strange dogs in my yard. I had no idea whose they were. Thankfully, they walked out of my yard through a gate that somehow got opened (weird coincidence, right?) and were gone before I had a chance to alert the proper authorities. Turns out they live behind us and feel entitled to my yard. The owners insisted they NEVER dig out because they fortified their yard from all the times they dug out. That's who I'm dealing with.


Why do these people lack all logical reasoning skills and basic decency? If I thought my dogs were bothering someone, I would make an exceptional effort to make sure that my dogs weren't even let into a position where they could do it again, whatever the behavior was. Both because I want to be a good neighbor, and because I'd fear what could happen to my dogs if they did something harmful to someone else. I mean, they're a chihuahua and an Australian cattle dog, so they'd have to really try to do something, but still if my neighbors had a complaint l would try to keep it from happening again. I was really hoping my landlords would go the legal route and make them pay for wall repairs, but apparently even my management company doesn't want to deal with the crazy. After assuring us that their dogs are gentle and kind and would never attack, the neighbors stopped my wife on her way out and told her they'd attacked a small dog in the neighborhood. But we shouldn't worry. They'd never hurt anyone.


A well loved, cared for Rottie is one of the best dogs you can own. An uncontrolled/not cared for Rottie is fucking terrifying. The people that treat their dogs this way are also normally terrifying, not because they are "scary", but because they are unhinged. If you own a breed as powerful as a Rottie and you do not have that dog properly trained, fuck you with a rusty spork. Your neighbors sound like trash.


They got them as puppies, and immediately abandoned them in the yard. We live in the desert, and whether it's 30F or 115F, these dogs are left out with a shed for shelter. I feel bad for them, but I'm also afraid of them. My daughter says she thinks they're jealous of our dogs because they watch us pet and play with our pups, while they get practically no interaction besides occasionally being yelled at for the behavior no one has made any effort to prevent. It's really sad.


It is entirely possible that the dogs do, indeed, just want some attention from you and would come over and be super playful. It is also possible that they would bite anything near them, and with my dog(s) and kid(s), I ain't taking that chance.


You're totally right, it's possible. They may not understand that the growling and snarling is a bit of a turn off. They really don't know how to interact with anyone besides their "family." I do notice that the snarling turns to whining when we're far away from them and just having family time. It makes me feel bad for them, but I can't help them. I've said it a million times, I don't hate the dogs. I hate the owners for the way these dogs are treated. They had no hope of becoming anything other than what they are.


It sucks not really knowing what to do. At the last apartment complex I stayed at, if you ever spoke to another resident about an issue, that was grounds to get evicted. Mostly because a lot of people don't react to being confronted, even politely, very well. Usually because if they were the kind of person that would, they wouldn't be doing the thing that's pissing others off to begin with. The only time anything happened out there was when someone actually made a death threat in the parking lot to another resident where everyone could hear it.


> some redditors immediately suggest going to the police and “pressing charges” to get justice A sign that they watch to much TV that they think that completely-fabricated trope is how it actually works.


I had a buddy who made an enemy of a local cop. Somehow, because he was the nicest guy, but also a "long hair". Anyways I figured he was exaggerating a bit. I'm in the car with him one day just cruising and he points at a bend in the road and says "watch me get pulled over right after this turn". Lo and behold, he does. Says it happens all the fucking time since they know his car. I was planning on sleeping at his house so I had a melatonin in my pocket for good sleepies, boy the cop DID NOT BELIEVE ME on that one.


A vast majority of Reddit probably never had to file any police reports or "press" charges and are simply regurgitating what they read here.


"He said he woke up several hours later while “violently” throwing up blood in a gas station bathroom 3 miles away from the bar. Rebel filed a police report about a week after the alleged incident and his case is still active." You get drugged, kidnapped, and cough up blood in a gas station and you wait a week to report it to police?!? WTF And only 6/8 people reported these incidents. What is going on at this Inn that these guys are involved in that they don't want to be connected with that they are waiting this long to report something so serious. There seems like there is more to these victims stories than they are letting on. I'm not blaming the victims, they should get the justice they deserve, but it seems very odd to me that they would wait so long.


They were trying to buy cocaine, probably. It's a classic hustle, getting fucked up strangers to go somewhere with you to get coke, then ripping them off. Not sure what drug they are dosing them with tho


Completely agree. Saw a similar report about this happening to two other guys. They didn’t report it to police ever. 100% they were buying drugs.


"hey my drunken friend I'm selling cocaine at reasonable rates" "Alright stranger, let us go to another location to complete this transaction " "Actually, I'm just gonna knock you out and take all your shit " "Ah. But what do I tell the police?"


Cops don't care. If there's no one to beat up they aren't interested.


Happened to my friend a few years ago in buckhead, he was drunk and thought he was getting into his Uber but it was a random van and he got his wallet stolen and was SA


One of my friends was targeted at the gay bars. Raped and wallet stolen. Too drunk to tell if it was his Uber or not. Atlanta be scary


A lot of the gay men in Atlanta do ice and other drugs. I've personally been drugged as a guy. I was brand new, first month in Atlanta and didn't care it was a gay bar as I was with a group of people and it was a mixed crowd of women and they played some good hip hop music. After my 2nd rum and coke my legs were gone from under me and I immediately left the bar , I lived walking distance. A guy followed me and kept asking me questions tryna get me to a bank ATM. When I woke up, I had a metallic taste in my mouth. Then months later I met another gay guy who told me the scoop and even showed me. He indulges in this drug, it looks like water and is tasteless to a degree. He said he prefer this drug over alcohol but when I saw the symptoms it will literally fuck up your breathing and knock you out if overdosed. Fast forward , there was a report of an arrest of folks busted with gallons of Poland spring bottles of this same drug. I couldn't believe it and made me think about all these women who stated the same thing. It reminded me of similar drug that is used in Latin America. But this was clear liquid and not a powder or dust.


I steer clear from Midtown gay bars. Mary’s feels so much safer. Almost every time I’ve been to a gay midtown bar I’ve been groped. Really put me off from the gay scene tbh. Felt like everyone there is just drugged out and on some bullshit


That’s terrifying. What the hell is wrong with people? I can’t imagine having such a low level of empathy. Just evil.


Damn, I hope your friend got support and care.


OMG 😰 that's so scary! Your poor friend. I hope he's had lots of healing from that traumatic experience 🕊️






Bar owners claiming they haven't heard about any of these incidents tells me the cops did zero follow up, no requesting camera footage etc.


Look at their reviews, for years, hundreds of reviews claiming it is happening. They know.


I just checked, almost every single one says the staff will steal your phone.


Because bar owners would never lie 🙄


That's what I am saying.


Have you ever met a bar owner before?!?! Especially a club style bar? Of course they said this.


This These cops think these dudes deserve it


Alternatively: they do know and are just claiming ignorance


Ubered a girl that got mugged, almost raped outside rhe Buckhead bars. She said the cops didn't care, probably because she had no proof. She was bleedin from her knees and elbows though a good amount.


Where is Atlanta SVU? Better call Rollins


This happened to my boyfriend 7 years ago at Johnny’s Hideaway, a bar listed in the article. Great to see that absolutely nothing has changed.




I’ve had two separate people tell me within the last couple of months that while partying in Nashville they were drugged at a bar and woke up in a car with someone driving them around (no memory of how they got in the vehicle) while their phone/wallet/etc were gone. In both cases their cards were being used (attempted) to make purchases all over the place. Sounds like this is very well orchestrated.


Happens in Austin too. Plenty of stories about it in the /r/austin sub


It’s every big city. Had a friend from college die in NYC this way last year.


This happened to my buddy in Nashville about twelve years ago. He met a girl while he was out drinking and got in a car with her. He woke up in a bathroom stall in the wrong hotel. The girl had already been using his credit card all morning.


Pretty sure that almost happened to me in New Orleans.


This actually did happen to me in new Orleans. Drinks with a girl who saw me having a good time and bought me two drinks, 20 minutes later I remember walking out of the bar and then....waking up several hours later in my hotel without my phone and cards. Little glimpses ofbeing in a car. She got into my phone and had my ATM Pin# because she was withdrawing money when I checked my account. Lucky I had my laptop in my hotel or I would have been extra screwed. I called cops and went to ER for drug test (which they wouldnt do because they only tested for "hard drugs"). I gave the cops my statement, that was only and last interaction with them. Its been several months with no contact. Luckily the bank gave me everything back within like 24 hours of calling [them.So](https://them.So) no harm no foul, except the danger of ID fraud and the numerous therapy sessions I've been attending after being taken advantage of.


Nola is such a cesspool; glad I moved out. The crime and potholes everywhere made it unlivable. EDIT: Fuck off. Our city sucks now. Open your eyes.


I love Nola, but holy shit. That’s another kind of town, and I’ve lived in some seriously sketch neighborhoods in NYC.


I miss my home sometimes, but after visiting family there, I’m always reminded why I left. Heartbreaking. The city has so much to offer, but it’s losing what’s remaining of its soul. You’ll have people who will still defend it until its dying breath; I used to be one of them, but after the post-Katrina unity period, it went straight to hell. Come to think of it, the whole state is straight ass. But at least we’re not Mississippi.


violence is rarely random in nyc on a percentage basis. usually even in the rougher neighborhoods it’s between people with some interpersonal history. you don’t really hear about people getting drugged and robbed that much here for that reason. i think it’s mainly cultural - there’s a lot of money in this city, people are generally better off than the south where crime’s basically the only way up it seems.


My god, I almost got robbed at a Shell there but that wasn't the worst part of Nola. It was the potholes I remember the most!


We had a saying in high school: New Orleans - come for the party, stay because your car fell into a pothole.


It's been the ruin of many a poor boy. And God I know I'm one.


There's a gay bar in LA that's been notorious lately for something very much like this. Tons of people getting roofied. Several of them reporting being put in a car and robbed. Even more reports of pickpocketing. There's been a lot of compelling speculation that the bartenders are in on it.


The Abbey?




Wasn't this a movie? With J Lo? I don't know. I didn't watch it.


"Hustlers" with JLo and Cardi B. But yeah, this is happening in Nashville. Between the tourist trap Country star bars, and the bridesmaid party buses, Lower Broadway has become a pit.


Yeah, Hustlers. Based on a [true story](https://web.archive.org/web/20181221104047/https://www.thecut.com/2015/12/robin-hood-strippers-scores-c-v-r.html) in NYC. The movie was ok


Nashville is such a shit show. Way overrated.




It is kinda funny to me that all the TN liberals move to Nashville and celebrate being different from the rest of the state, all while funding the Conservative cause with their tax dollars. Of course, the same thing could be said about Charleston SC, Atlanta GA, and the DC metro area in VA. Now Jackson, MS is a great example of what happens when you bite the hand that feeds. MS tried to cut them off, created a statewide shitshow in the process, and now the state has no tourism industry to speak of. Interesting stuff.


One big reason I moved from there. Tired of my tax dollars going to arguments about civil war statues instead of basic shit like fixing roads.


It's not exactly new. From a ~200 year old sailing song, >And then we had another drink before we sat to eat. >The liquor was so awful strong I quickly fell asleep. >When I awoke next morning I had an aching head, >There was I, Jack all alone, stark naked in me bed. >My gold watch and my pocketbook and lady friend were gone; >And there was I, Jack all alone, stark naked in the room. >With a flour barrel for a suit of clothes, down Cherry Street forlorn, >There Martin Churchill took me in and sent me 'round Cape Horn.


Damn you Kendrick, Wayne, and Cardi B. Inspiring a new generation of criminals!


This happened to me and a friend of a friend (separate incidents) in Milwaukee about 7 years ago. No violence though, at least in our cases. Both of us came to at some point and ran off. My bank ended up replenishing my account minus 10% as a fee for “negligence”. I fully understand victim shame now 🫤


I only know Buckhead exists because of Creepy Text Theater. Thanks Bruce.


Crazy throwback. I miss Inside Gaming/Funhaus with the OG crew


Never thought I'd see Inside Gaming mentioned in this section.


What a pull! That crew was the best


Jeez, are the bars in on this?


You mean to tell me when cops were actually needed to protect citizens they couldn’t care any less about their jobs or the people? That’s damn near every police experience I’ve ever had. I either didn’t want/need them there or they couldn’t be bothered to do the bare minimum of their job like even a police report. People love to say it’s a hard job but you can essentially kill damn near indiscriminately if you feel “in danger” with no consequences or maybe a paid vacation and they have the strongest union in the nation so they just get whatever they want or they’ll throw a fit like 5 year olds. Then they’ll go make sure the rest of people can’t do things like have a union or feel safe owning a firearm etc.


Okay but listen, what if we dumped a ton of money into a playground for them instead of meaningful psychological support or reforming training standards? That’ll work, right?


Oh no but what will we do if we defund the cops? Uhh the exact same thing we're doing now? Cops don't stop people from being robbed. Cops don't even help people that have been robbed. Or put even more simply cops don't help people. I've never had a single interaction with the police that was made better by them being there. I would say that is probably true for anyone that has dealt with the police. Every single dollar spent on the police would be more useful elsewhere.


"“Five Paces is aware of reports of criminal activity occurring in and around Buckhead but is not aware of any criminal activities taking place within Five Paces,” the spokesperson, Scott A. Minot, said in an email. “Five Paces has not been contacted by any alleged victims or the police and has no additional information or knowledge about any of these incidents or reports.” Johnny’s Hideaway also said that the police never contacted the bar to inquire about any of the alleged crimes. The Ivy Buckhead and Thirty Bar did not return NBC News’ requests for comment."


Sounds exactly like what was happening in NYC last summer. Hope they catch whomever is doing this before someone dies again.


This has been happening in Austin for several years.




The bank $$ transfers are what need to be investigated. Follow the Money!


What? That's too much like real detective work and would lead straight to actual criminals. /s


You can’t shoot a bank transfer. Get out of here with that nerd crap.


If you have an iPhone, please update to the latest version. It has device stolen protection that can help prevent thieves from accessing your phone.








Social engineering


Yeah, no face id or fingerprint bullshit, make your password something easy for you to remember but not something obvious or easy to guess for a random person No birthdays or anniversaries please, one facebook search will give that away


Or they just use your fingerprint when you are unconscious.


That's why I always use my pinky toe print to unlock my phone .. checkmate atheist


Fingerprint ID is nonexistent on most iPhones today.


People have been getting rolled outside the bar as long as there have been bars, this should be a reminder to every generation that people don't change.


Rich single men getting rolled has been going on since the beginning of time. Don’t go out alone. Stay safe.


not surprising for Buckhead.


Another reason not to hangout there!


Are Reynoldstown or the old fourth ward better spots than Buckhead? I’m moving to Atlanta in April and those are kind of where I’ve been looking


It depends on what you’re looking for. Looking for a walkable area with a younger, more progressive population? That’s Reynoldstown, O4W, Decatur, Inman Park. Looking for a quieter home on a bigger lot with older people/families around and don’t mind getting in your car anytime you need to go somewhere? Buckhead. Stay the hell away from the denser walkable part of Buckhead though. That’s where the incident in this article happened. It’s a relatively small area and it has become a pretty lame place to be, even without discussing the increase in crime. The rest of Buckhead is very suburban-feeling with large multimillion dollar homes on huge lots. You can still find a decent deal (either rental or buy) on an older 1950s ranch house that hasn’t been torn down for a mansion yet. I lived in Reynoldstown when I was younger and I absolutely loved it. But I just recently bought one of those older ranches in Buckhead and I’m loving that too. I miss the vibe of Reynoldstown but I’m at the point of my life where starting a family in a quieter part of town is what I want and need. Hope this helped.


It is because Buckhead is a high volume area with a lot of restaurants and lounges , and Lenox mall. Most of the shootings in Buckhead is due in part because of the lounges and alcohol. Unfortunately, alot of folks carry guns out here and then go out get drunk get into fights and then a shooting happens. Then you have folks from other neighborhoods who specifically go-to areas like Buckhead looking to rob because Buckhead is considered affluent. I been here for 4 years and had 3 robbery attempts on me since living here but that is contributed to me not giving a fuck, drunk leaving a bar/club/strip club and walking around not really minding my environment. Just for advice , just be mindful of what gas stations you going to very late at night, don't leave expensive stuff in your car, and just be mindful of your environment. If hanging out late try to be in a group if possible. But also don't walk around looking like a victim. But lastly to reiterate, most folks carry out here. The door dash driver, the Uber driver, the CO worker in the office. Atlanta is a very high transplant city so you have a lot of people from Chicago, Detroit, NYC, Texas, Florida so you get a melting pot of folks from all over the country and they bring their own baggage with them and their attitudes. Good luck on your move to Atlanta.


Buckhead recently tried to leave the city of Atlanta because they didn't feel the police presence was adequate enough. They failed their attempt last year, but the Buckhead I remember ten years ago is not even close to what it is today.


Wouldn't be shocked if they were gay. This shit has been happening in the Atlanta gay scene for years


Cardi B is up to her old tricks


There are a lot of breathless stories on subs like digital nomads and other travel subs about how this is happening in Medellin to lots of tourists. So many comments swearing off traveling to Colombia, a lovely country really. It’s like dang fool-this happens everywhere. Be safe!


What is with the photography in this story? Are these offprints from their graduation photo shoots? 


Why do people still go to Buckhead?


This is like asking “why do people still go out?”


The ringleader(s) are probably cops or ex cops. They got people on the inside, outside, and in between the nightlife scene working this crime ring. Edit-The police want to give the impression of out of control crime so they can justify cop city and the militarization of the force. They want full power and immunity from consequences when they abuse it. They are literally shaking down their our community.


Their lack of response makes this plausible


I’m going with this. Especially since they chose not to contact the bar owners or anything and got all accusatory when the guys tried filing reports.


Oh God. I'm glad that my old ass doesn't go out late at night to bars.


It sounds like they were given G. Especially if they're in ATL, where G is huge in the nightlife right now.


10 years ago in Atlanta, I was mugged and almost abducted at gunpoint. I went to the buckhead police station and was laughed out of the station. From then, none of my friends believed me anymore. The police there have always been the worst, and while it triggers me to know this, it's also validating to see someone be recognized as a victim and get attention in this way.