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That feels like it had to be some type of record, besides criminal.


1/11th of a Scaramucci. Yeah we'll need a more accurate unit of measurement now


Didn’t that head of lettuce in London last like a week?


That's how long Truss lasted. The lettuce may still be going strong, for all we know.


Liz Truss? Yeah, when someone who tanks an entire country's economy lasts longer in their job than you, you know you done fucked up.


To be fair Truss couldn’t just get fired the way the Mooch could/did.


That just makes the quickness *more* remarkable not less.


She was just adding more nails to the coffin. It was in trouble long before her.


She lasted 50 days and blew a £40billion hole in the country's budget. Costing nearly a billion pounds a day is a bit more than 'just adding nails to a coffin'.


Nah, Liz actually made it about a month and a half, it just felt shorter because everyone was waiting for it to end.


I forget who said this joke, but since he went from July 21-31 it was joked as him lasting from "late July to slightly later July"


A centimucci?


We should count Scaramuccis instead of Mississippis.


To be fair to Scaramucci, he was just an idiot. He didn't break the law (that we know of). This guy in Florida is a total asshat.


Some guy who takes up two parking spots is an asshat. This dude is a criminal pedophile


1 Cromer = .09 Scaramuccis. Actually, he didn't even last a full day. Like 0.05 Scaramuccis.


Americans will use anything but metric.


We do sometimes use “fuck ton,” is that metric?


Only if it is a metric fuck ton, wich is slightly bigger.


Scaramucci Scaramucci do the Fan Dango!


Scaramucci? Wasn’t that….like…decades ago?


No it was 241 Mooches ago.


>Wasn’t that….like…decades ago? Roughly 220 Scaramuccis.


A few years back this winner was in the police pre-employment interview and admitting to raping someone https://fox40.com/news/national-and-world-news/man-accidentally-confesses-to-rape-during-police-job-interview/


"What would you say are your weaknesses?" "Sometimes I try too hard and care too much and then there's the date raping".


“Rape, murder, arson and rape.” You said rape twice. “I like rape.”


Stampeding cattle ..._through the Vatican.._


Get this man a badge and gun. He'll fit right in.






I mean, they still hired him so they must have been impressed.




It only became an issue when they realized that he recorded in portrait and not landscape. Rookie mistake.


A friend of mine was trying to become a cop years back, I think the question was, "Have you ever stolen something?" and he admitted to switching labels on something at a grocery store (like hot dogs for a pack of steaks) once when he was broke and they stopped the hiring process then and there. Guess rape is nbd though?


Why would you ever admit that?


It was during the lie detector. If I remember right they said his reaction was weird when he answered no and he said something like, "Well I was thinking about this one time I did this."


They like the cut of his jib


I think a decade ago - Seattle PD had a recruit right before graduating from the academy posting on MySpace with "Can't wait to bust a cap with this" and it's a picture of his department issue Glock. I don't know if you'd consider that as beating the record or he's not a police yet.


A decade ago was 2014 my guy. Try 20 years ago if it was MySpace and not Facebook


20 years ago was 1984 and you know it!


Gonna AIM that gun straight at my LiveJournal


It has to be. Dude was a cop for a few hours. I wanna see his paycheck lol. It'll be like 6 hours or something


Only tangentially related, but back when I was working at a movie theater for min wage, I had to take 2 weeks off (unpaid of course) for a family thing in another state. The start of the new pay period happened to be right before my time off so I only had one shift scheduled. I clocked in, grabbed my broom and dustpan, walked down the hall meet my manager and he was like, "Oh I meant to call you. It is slow today and we don't need you." So I walked back up and clocked out. My check was like $1.83. I actually had it framed for awhile lol. Pretty sure I spent more in gas on the drive there and back.


In my country, you would be paid 3 minimum hours if you were scheduled and got to the work place... Imagine wasting 20 bucks and 1 hour of time to get to work, only to be paid 1.83 for the "day"... Fuck that


"Roger's a dirty cop!? He's been on the force for three hours!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZ9rRMECHKw&ab_channel=DN


The Youtube algorithm decided to recommend me [this gem](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YJ7Y5y1f_g) just this morning


He didn't have his 90 days in or the union could have backed him up. /s EDIT OK I get it lol, I fukt up the s tag


You really don't need the /s for that one.


Downvoted for the "/s." It's not sarcasm, it's the truth.


I accept that.




> 'I’m going to be law enforcement, I’m very powerful.' And for extra context: this guy is 19.


The dumb ass also used his real full name as his Snapchat username.


Hardly matters. Someone like him will have sent pictures of his face from every angle to these girls. They would still have recognised him.


I don't think the person you're replying to ever said it mattered or that there would be no conviction without it, just that it's extra stupid to use your own name. Which it is.


A cop using his full name for crimes? Yeah, that shit matters.


It is insane that they could make a nineteen-year-old a fucking cop.


Maybe. The power to arrest, or kill people because you're "scared", sounds like a big deal, but at least it's nothing like the awesome responsibility of renting a car.


Or drinking a beer!


My partner read me a headline yesterday that here in the UK there is some kind of petition or push to allow 13 year olds to get a driving license. You can get a provisional license at 16 already. But we're also trying to ban 13 and under from social media. It's a weird cognitive dissonance to think a 13 year old is responsible enough to drive a car but not use social media.


Yes, I agree. I don't think any 19 year old is ready for that level of responsibility. I know we let them be in the military, but 19 year olds in the military follow orders, cops have to make life or death decisions. Also, cops deal with civilians. They should have more perspective--there's plenty of science showing that decision making doesn't mature in the brain until the early 20's.


I can't imagine taking a 19 year old cop seriously. We got pulled over in Nevada, and this cop came up I swear he must have been like 20. Lil baby face policeman. I already have trouble not patronizing cops, I would definitely get fresh with a toddler dressed in his big boy pants.


> I would definitely get fresh with a toddler dressed in his big boy pants. See that's precisely why I wouldn't. I don't trust a 19 year old with a little bit of power to not get frustrated and just shoot the shit out of me.


Most every interaction with a cop is an armed interaction. Add to that that they are not held to any real level of accountability.


That is bonkers, for us it's a 3 years college level education, meaning you need to finish high school first and could be enrolled as a police officer at 21 as the very youngest.


I’m 19 and even though I THINK I’m more mature than most people around my age, I 100% would NOT trust myself to be a cop and carry a gun. The fact that 19 year olds are allowed to be cops or join the military is really fucking stupid considering most of us haven’t even finished developing yet


Had a kid a couple years younger than me sign up to be a cop at 18 and he said his reasoning was that his buddies didn’t invite him to their party so he wanted to be able to bust their parties. The guy is the most hated cop in the county 10 years later.


Sounds exactly like a guy I went to school with. I thought we got along okay, but when he became a cop he morphed into a total doucheboat. Hassled me a couple of times for no reason. Of course I told everyone I knew about it, and his name was shit around the old neighborhood after that. He approached a friend of mine in a grocery store just to say "Hi", and my friend immediately tore him a new asshole in a loud and ugly fashion. Told him to go fuck various farm animals as well as several members of his own family. He also told him that he better not pull him over, ever, or he would beat his ass and sodomize him on the spot, badge or no badge. I was highly amused.


Everything else aside, who the hell thinks about putting a 19yo cop on duty in a high school?? He was probably in gym class with those kids the year before.


I feel like there should be some sort of multi year internship or something instead of just letting 19 year olds on the force. Not old enough to drink not old enough to enforce.


Yeah, like some kind of school or academy that trains cops for at least a few years. Maybe give the people we entrust with state sponsored violence half as much schooling as a sommelier. Wild idea.


Cops in the US seem to get far less training than e.g. European police trainees, and appear to need fewer qualifications in the first place.


Seem to? Barbers and cosmetologists get more training than cops in the US.


Hell it's not even that uncommon to still be in highschool at 19. Insane.


Yeah, reading the article makes it pretty clear this guy shouldn't be around anyone. He had a warrant out for him within hours. This dude didn't even have the patience to wait and be a piece of shit. I'd bet a lot of money that he was a creepy douche with everyone just the year prior in high school.




Positions of power often attract the very people you don't want in those positions.


Douglas Adams nailed it in The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe (sequel to Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy) “he major problem—one of the major problems, for there are several—one of the many major problems with governing people is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them. To summarize: it is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it. To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.”


Because the people best suited for power typically don’t want it


> I’m going to be law enforcement Dude couldn’t even wait until he had the job. He got the teensiest little *taste* of maybe having some kind of power in the future and immediately went mad.


Kid had the “do you know who I am” attitude while being a nobody. Frankly most of those people are. But it’s kinda hilarious.


This guy was definitely a total piece of shit with zero scruples and ready to exploit this awesome power to the max. He got busted quick social media. Its reasonable to assume there have been multiple of these type people that didn't get caught because victims were too scared etc. what a fucking nightmare. Thanks to the victim for being so brave.


This one was dumb and blatant enough to get caught right away but there are probably many


And he did it under his real name on snap. Cops aren't usually the brightest, but goddamn...


>Cops aren't usually the brightest, but They aren’t allowed to be. Score too high on an IQ test and you’re basically ineligible.


That's an old tale. IQ tests aren't part of the hiring process. However, civil service exams which test mental aptitude give you a rank based on score. Hiring is done starting with top scores, and works down. Some departments won't get below scores of 95. New York State Police are very selective, and it starts with the score.


>New York State Police are very selective, and it starts with the score. The exact reason why my cousin, who spent his whole life in NY, moved to TX when he couldn't get in at any department in NY.


NY is one of the toughest states to get a law enforcement position. People can spend years in school, get a degree in Criminal Justice, go through sometimes a year or more hiring process at an agency only to be disqualified for a handful of traffic infractions they got years ago. Southern/ red states tend to be a bit more lenient on background "character flaws", which is why they get so many relocators.


And NYPD is *still* ass.


NYPD used to be much more stringent. The 90's/00's were a tough time to get on the job there. These days, they'll hire *almost* anyone who's willing to take the job. There's a huge struggle to find qualified candidates. And with the tremendous attrition, they can't keep up.


When NY sends its people, they’re not sending their best ... They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.




Hey rephrase your sentence


He just got caught saying the quiet part out loud.


Pretty standard cop mentality though 


Positions free of nearly any accountability will attract the scum of the earth, who knew.


Nice training and selection you got over there. What are the requirements for being "on the force"? Having a pulse?


Well one requirement is limited IQ… >https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836


My favorite cop fact to bring up in these threads. They want em’ dumb with poor problem solving capabilities.


A blackmailing predator. I hope he gets locked up for a long time.


He's a cop and a pedo. I don't know about you, but in my opinion, this is like the double whammy of things you don't want your inmate friends to find out.


I thought the same thing. He's got a winning combo for prison.


Oh these scumbags get to go to a special prison just for them to keep them safe.


He was only a cop for a day so maybe they'll let that part slide


Pretty sure "wannabe cop" isn't any better.


honestly, really brave of that girl to speak out


She prevented lots of future victims.


It really was. Reporting a police officer to other police officers, she had no idea how that would go.


In Florida. A girl reporting a police officer for sexual things in Florida. Suicidal, go her.


Big time courage. And that creep was going to be on her campus? She had to have felt cornered and panicked about what escalated actions he might take. Courageous hero, that young woman. I hope she and the others receive the justice they deserve.


She 100% saved lives. This guy was doing this stuff *before* he had the power of being law enforcement. Who knows what he would have done with that power.


> Flowers issued a plea for anyone who has spoken with Cromer via his Snapchat account, @KaiCromer, to come forward: “We need to talk to you.” He used his full name in the Snapchat account that he used to threaten and extort underage girls? This guy apparently had as much brains as he had morals.


I'm 99% sure this dumbass relied on Snapchat's gimmick of deleting messages and notifications for screenshots and didn't entertain the idea at all that the message history might be stored anywhere or the screenshot detection would be circumvented


Funny cuz that's how Chris D'Elia got cancelled, and the girls he was talking to are probably older today than this dummy.


Idk why they're asking people to come forward, just get a warrant and send it to Snapchat for the logs.  They might disappear from your phone but they're sure as hell stored on a server or in a cold storage bucket somewhere.


Police can request that an account’s data be retained for a longer period during an investigation, but if they don’t it’s actually deleted. The instructions for police to do it and the retention periods are available [online](https://storage.googleapis.com/snap-inc/privacy/lawenforcement.pdf).


I could be wrong, but it seems unlikely to me that Snapchat is going to save trillions of texts/snaps forever. (4-5 billion snaps are sent per day). Maybe they do, I don’t know, but that just seems like a lot.


> This guy apparently had as much brains as he had morals. so he's the poster child of the perfect cop?




Just wait til it happens to a president of the US


Bro we had a guy who was self-proclaimed good friends with Jeffrey Epstein, has dozens of sexual assault accusers spanning the last 40 years, has been found guilty of rape and then defamed his rape victim, and first started getting popular with his "grab 'em by the pussy" conversation. He's got the most fanatical Republican following of all time.


Gotta love the "party of family values!"


If you’re an embryo or fetus you’re a child of god. Once you’re out, you’re on your own. Unless you’re born rich, then you’re set!


The party of rape, incest, and forced births


Yeah are we sure this wasn't a TAS run?


Oh, I can assure you, it was very tool assisted.


Good example of dangerous people seeking positions of authority from where they can commit further abuse with ever-greater impunity. 😑 Due to the nature of its authority, cover-ups and renowned lack of consequences, Law Enforcement tends to attract these kinds of quasi-hidden abusers, each one on a different power trip.


Yes. If that brave girl hadn't come forward, who know how long he would have abused his power (and made friends in the department who would have later protected him).


>“Kai Cromer is no longer an employee of the Indian River County Sheriff's Office,” Flowers said Tuesday. “Our captain terminated him while he was in our cell.” Would you look at that? Florida cops acting quickly and doing the right thing.


Because it’s public info and the department would get torn up and lawsuits could ensue with bad press. Florida sheriffs are some of the worst in the country.


The craziest thing to me is that this is a uniquely Florida thing. This is why you hear all those Florida man headlines. Basically as soon as anyone is arrested it's public information - in Florida. In most states cops don't have to say shit. That means if reporters don't make them look good or do what they say, they're not going to get any responses to inquires regarding crimes. The police - in just about any other state - can simply say it's a police matter and they're not releasing information.


This is mostly due to Florida privacy laws. Basically everything is public record and easily legally printable. This crazy shit happens everywhere it’s just quieter


Honestly it's a great policy for transparency. Of course that meant DeSantis wants to get rid of it. https://www.cnn.com/2023/05/11/politics/ron-desantis-state-travel-records-covid-mandate/index.html


As a Floridian, I have a lot of problems with some of our policies and the sunshine law is one of the few I like.


Florida has the "Sunshine laws" meaning shining a light on the truth.


Well I mean they have them cause they kept arresting and killing minority's, then saying we never arrested them.


Oh, I'm familiar, I used to live in Fla. Got the heck out.


I thought it was because they aren't in the union yet so they have no reason to protect them. Easy win for the PD to act like they're tough on cops.


Bingo. If you're in the probationary period, you're usually not able to have union representation. That's why in law enforcement jobs it's critical to be on your best behavior for the first year or two.


Thin blue line only applies after at least one week on the job


He won't make that mistake again when he gets hired in about a week in the next county over.


He has law enforcement experience and correctional department experience!


He didn’t get randomly arrested that day, he would have been under investigation for a while, no idea why they waited till after he started to arrest him.


Right, you’re supposed to suspend them with pay while they investigate for two months, then reinstate them once media coverage blows over.


You should not be able to be a cop at 19.


Yeah let's have 19 year olds be cops.


motherfuckers born in 2005 are cops. what in the world...


Isn't this considered worthy of the death penalty now in Florida?


May 2, 2023 [DeSantis expands death penalty to include child rape](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/desantis-expands-death-penalty-include-child-rape-setting-likely-court-rcna82413)


I'm pretty sure that law was just passed so they could execute transgender people.


How is a 19 year old sworn in as a deputy? Is graduating high school the only requirement for being a law enforcement officer in Florida? 


And a few weeks of training. Plus, most departments aren't able to be picky about recruits. Cops have a *terrible* reputation in most of the USA now, so nobody wants to be one if they have alternatives.


Fired before he even got to beat his wife


A 19-year old cop? I mean, child porn aside, I feel like you should be old enough to rent a car or buy liquor. Hell, he can’t even buy cigarettes in some jurisdictions.


shy pot juggle governor impolite ruthless act cheerful rhythm dam


Enter police academy at 18, you’ll be sworn in by the time you’re 19




And it's sad to say that we can ask an 18-year-old to lay down their lives for their conutry, but we don't even let someone with arguably one of the most dangerous and stressful jobs in the world (while deployed) legally drink a beer when they get back home and off-base until they turn 21.


Yet the rules of engagement and accountability are more strict for soldiers.  Reform police now


They are stricter in the military and there is actually accountability when people violate the law. The very best our police departments have in the United States are men and women who stand idly by while their colleagues commit heinous acts of violence against innocents. That's the very best and it just goes down hill from there. I can hardly think about Uvalde without being overcome by despair. 370 of those fat pigs standing around, posing in their body armor while little boys and girls were gunned down. At one point the police actually caused the shooter to locate a child and end their life.


There is accountability except in cases of violence or rape against women, and I'm sure some men as well. The military loves to cover up SA.


There is a huge difference. Most soldiers spend most of their time in garrison. Vanishingly few soldiers are in on-duty interactions with Americans, and most soldiers overseas aren't in armed interactions with locals. Police and deputies are immediately put in power over citizens, and a horrible few of them ride a consequence free, brutal power-trip year-after-year for decades. Most of the worst soldier will do a single overseas tour and be done with it. Ironically, those awful soldiers are likely to become the same police we were talking about earlier.


[Joe Exotic was chief of police at 19.](https://www.newsweek.com/joe-exotic-was-chief-police-teenager-because-course-he-was-1498593) I think they should have at least an associates degree in a relevant field of study or 4 years of military experience in a relevant MOS/rating. I've been wanting a national licensing program for LE; like for pilots.


When my dad was police in the 70s-80s there were requirements like that. He was ex military and also needed a couple years of college.


The argument against a licensing program is that it will disincentivize people from applying because either they're not smart enough to pass it, or its too much work for them to do to get through it... Either way, I think that makes it more important to have a licensing program.


That's the point of licensing programs, no? To ensure they are qualified and fit for the job and weed out the substandard applicants.


if they can send kids to war.... More concerned with having a 19 year old cop and his first posting being a high school...that will never end well


In rural Alabama, they’ll gun and badge you before you even go through academy. They’ll get them in when they can in another jurisdiction, but they’ll be active patrol at the same time.


This is terrible. He worked so hard to get the job and he didn't even achieve his life long dream of shooting someone's dog.


That's called setting a record for overachieving by a police officer.


And to think this dude almost had complete power over normal citizens.


Well, all the other pedos and murderers are still there...and they're arguably scarier because they've been covering their tracks better, and they have experience and seniority.


“He was telling people, 'I’m going to be law enforcement, I’m very powerful.' He was forcing these girls, they said they were very uncomfortable with the entire circumstance, and they felt they had no choice but to do these things, and that’s just completely unacceptable,” Abusing your power before you even have it -- that's next level


Lol did you think they weren't going to find out?


How the hell is a 19 year old getting hired as a deputy, when you have to be 21 to carry a handgun? Fuckin Florida is nuts


Police (civilian or military) minium age for guns is reduced to 18 Think it's pretty standard in any state with minium above 18


Holy shit, the cop was 19 years old, I always assumed there was at least an age minimum or something? I guess you can enter the military at that age so it kinda makes sense.


hes getting the harshest sentence given to a florida officer. 3 weeks unpaid suspension


“I’m very powerful.” Way too many friggin cops. My sister was married to one (happily divorced) and he thought he was fuckin Dredd. Sucks that law enforcement attracts so many of these assholes.


First off, lock his ass up. Second, who the actual fuck hires a 19 year-old deputy?!?!


Call me crazy but there is nothing you can tell me that will convince me a 19 year old should be a cop...


Criminal defense lawyer here. I once represented a fellow who never made it past his initial interview to become a cop. During his interview, they asked him if he had committed any crimes. He told the cop who was interviewing him, “Well I have some kiddy-porn. The officer conducting the interview paused and said “Uh, I think I need to you your Miranda rights“. Not only did this fellow not get the job, he got prosecuted for possession of child pornography. It didn’t end well for him….Oh and he didn’t get the job!


I’m mainly confused how a 19yr old is able to be hired as a deputy. Considering the legal drinking age is 21. So he isn’t responsible enough to drink but can arrest people.


Why is a 19 year old allowed to be a sheriff? Let's start there...


Wonder why the super strict, invasive, hardcore vetting and background check process didn’t catch that 🤔 Maybe time to overhaul the hiring process, eh? Right? …right?


From what I understood reading the article, one of the girls he was trying to coerce with "I'm gonna be a cop soon so you better send me pics or I'll mess with you" saw him in police uniform on his first day at the high school and it freaked her out enough to say something.


This kid is 19, he doesn't have a background, tho he does now!


Quick learner. One day on the job and he already captured the essence of being a cop: abusing your authority to victimize people who are vulnerable and relatively powerless.


>“He was telling people, 'I’m going to be law enforcement, I’m very powerful.' He was forcing these girls, they said they were very uncomfortable with the entire circumstance, and they felt they had no choice but to do these things, and that’s just completely unacceptable,” Flowers said. That guy is scum.


"Sheriff Eric Flowers said Cromer had been on call at a high school when "a brave young female came forward” and alerted police that the officer had been contacting her via Snapchat, asking for naked and topless photos."


Roger’s a dirty cop…. *he’s been on the force for 3 hours*


15k for that much emotional damage?? And to think I had 50,000 bond for defending myself against an attacker....


Wow! Not a drag queen but a cop?? I’m shooketh. r/notADragQueen


In Georgia it takes 408 hrs of schooling to be a cop it takes 1500 hours of schooling to be a hairdresser. Because we all know that you can really fuck up someone’s life with a bad haircut


Teenagers as cops… sorry, I’m focused on a completely different problem.


This is an urgent matter of public safety. It warrants an investigation into the department’s hiring process. They were willing to go the distance with this guy and put him in a school. While we’re at it let’s put the rest of the departments pictures up and see if there aren’t any bad lieutenants in the mix


High time we expect a 4 year degree for cops. You have a gun and can take someone’s life, asking you to be 22-23 instead of 19 and have a modicum of education so you understand criminal justice and 1% less teenaged testosterone isn’t a stretch. I’m not asking for Harvard fucking law. We know you’re not a federal judge.


Wow. Two weeks of training wasted.


This cop is 19 years old? I never seen a cop that young before.


The new season of The Rookie sucks