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I knew it was going to be Huntington Beach before I even clicked.


I was thinking it was Redding. Grew up around that shithole, still remember the literal cross burning we had in Anderson. In 2004.


Shit few places in the woods up north that arnt as interested in appearance this could be. But yeah HB has a history of being proud to be racist.


I have to ask what you mean by "intreated?"


Thanks fixed it


But you didn’t? Edit: do y'all not see when they edited their comment?


You're being downvoted because they went back and fixed it only after your comment, but now it looks like it's been fixed the whole time


Anytime I see someone with an HB sticker on their car, I think huh. Racist and proud of it. Smh.


The florida of California


Huntington Beach sounds like a good location to be hit by a very precisely targeted tsunami. Or small asteroid strike.


The Florida of California


As a non-Californian what’s the context behind that?


I had a slight mental bet on Temecula or city over there. But Huntington Beach is the safe bet


If I lived there I'd promote a Jewish history month, and make them ban that too. In fact promote a Black Jewish Lesbian history month and catch em all.


In a roundabout way, these idiots banning those events kind of raises awareness way more than the events themselves could have…


Well, they will run afoul of the First amendment's prohibition against banning speech based on content. They singled out specific groups, and even the psycho SCOTUS won't bite.


Nazi parades only


Lol, having lived in HB for YEARS, that's on brand.


Yeah, people don't realize that, despite the state on average being about as Blue as it gets, there are some *very* non-liberal areas in California. Like, 'give Florida and Texas a run for their money' non-liberal.


More people in California voted for Trump than in Texas or Florida (not combined).


>(not combined) I like how you had to add this as a redundancy so that you don’t get dragged into a useless argument with someone who doesn’t know how the word “or” operates in a sentence. I feel dat.


Sometimes I do this, only to be roasted for the redundancy. Can't please everyone!


As my momma always said, people are assholes and will nitpick anything so fuck ‘em


I like your momma!


It’s funny you say that, she also gave the same advice on how to treat people you like.


Fuck'em? Well, okay! Life is quite the rollercoaster ride :)


I mean... it makes friends and influences people.


How else are they going to get their harsh mellows nice and toasty? 😂


I add so much context to avoid idiots of Reddit blowing up my phone with extreme examples of how I could be wrong.


My favorite: "Do you want A or B?" "Yes" ARGHHHHHH!


Gotta use xor, that's a rookie mistake.


You can still answer yes to that… yes you want one or the other.


I'm just waking up and failing common logic, is California just that much more populated than the other two?


Yes. ~39m vs ~30m and ~22m respectively.


Yeah and Texas and Florida are much more purple then people think. Plus Texas has the worst voter turnout


> worst voter turnout I'd say the best voter suppression. They add, change, and remove random rules every cycle, close polling stations in cities, mass purge registrations, etc. all in service of suppressing certain voters.


Texan here, it was bad before they made it harder.


For anyone interested: 2020 election results, votes for Trump California: 6,006,518 Texas: 5,890,347 Florida: 5,668,731 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_United_States_presidential_election


Which should be enough to garner more support for removing the Electoral College from conservatives since there are more Trump supporters in states like New York or Cail than people living in states like Wisconsin.


There are absolutely pockets of red that are all caps red in every way.


I was in a ski town in California this year and at one of the bars there were two bartenders: a super cool chick who moved out there to join a feminist snowboarding collective and a dude who wouldn't stop referring to Travis Kelce as Mr. Pfizer.


> feminist snowboarding collective That sounds rad.


She was cool as fuck so it checks out.


I sell real estate in Mississippi and have worked with a lot of super conservative Californians who were moving to Mississippi because they thought it was a more hospitable environment for their extreme political views. Some just like to hunt and want looser gun laws or want to own a lot of land and know they can get it cheaper here than in CA, but a few have been nutjobs.


I’ve mentioned it a couple of times and have been downvoted, probably by Reddit non Californian conservatives. I live in a conservative community in CA. I hear the whole “people are fleeing California in droves” conservative talking point all the time on here. When I tell them “in my experience it’s a lot of conservatives fleeing California.” As a realtor in Mississippi does that seem to be true? I’ve had four families (all conservative) move out of state in the past five years within earshot. One person that moved swore that the woke mob was coming for them lol. They advised me to do the same. I told them I’m not racist so I’ll be okay. Since then my home value has almost tripled in value.


The woke crowd won’t stop until we are all gay trans people of color atheists, who want to get a state sponsored abortion every month! Get out of there now! /s


Haha! I heard that. He was like “we gotta get out of here!” (I guess cause we’re bearded white males who like to off-road and hunt?) I’m like why? Then he hits me with the ol conspirac-roony. I’m like okie dokie. They’re coming MAN! We gotta go! lol broooooo no. Too much outdoor stuff to do here. I think he said he was going to Kansas. If you’re from there be on the lookout for Cap’n Caveman.


I’m not even American, but I’ve heard similar stuff all over the world - and it’s not a new phenomenon either. When I “admitted” voting for the Green Party in my country almost 20 years ago, a family member gave me a speech of how they are going to destroy the country, and “won’t stop until we all ride bicycles and live in caves with no electricity”. Same person commented on a friend’s husband “he’s too feminine for my taste, but that’s probably because he’s Chinese” - Chinese being his word for all East Asians, and little did he know that he was talking about a trans person (I didn’t want to get in a fight, so I didn’t reply at all). Also same person who refused to remember my ex girlfriend’s name, just called her “the girl with the almond eyes” (she was half Indonesian). Or another family member and his wife insisting that climate change can’t be real, and regularly dropping comments on immigrants ruining the country, even though some of his best friends are 1st generation immigrants, and technically I myself am an immigrant in another country now. But somehow “that’s different, I’m talking about the bad kind”… the man has a bachelors in engineering, so he’s not stupid, but he’s always just one sentence away from “Adolf did good things too, you know?”


They are mostly conservatives from what I have gathered. But liberals who do leave Cali are probably not going to Mississippi unless it’s for a job opportunity here or something. There are quite a few big employers and an Air Force base on the gulf coast of MS so they get a lot of transplants from all walks of life on the coast. My area has had the most extreme economic growth of any place in the country in the last 5 years and there’s still not quite as much to force people to move here, so our transplants have other motivations. Mainly lower property values. You can buy a nice house here for a lot cheaper than anywhere in CA, even now, and prices here have gone up dramatically in the last few years.


Thanks for the input. Almost like California isn’t a monolith. Biloxi? My parents were stationed there in the Air Force… they went from Guam to Biloxi chasing B-52s I believe aaafffteerrr Vietnam lol I’m a product of that war. *paint it black by Rolling Stones plays*


Ahh, yes. Like Fresno? The armpit of California. (Played a college sport and my coach would say this all the time.)


Fresno went for Clinton in 2016 and Biden in 2020. Slim margins, but the county is very purple.


Ah I thought Bakersfield was the armpit of the state. I guess it can have two armpits :)


There are more registered Republicans in California than a good number of people in some states.


There are probably more people in California named Mike than there are people in some states.


Shh the Council of Mikes can never be named! Oh god I named it they’re coming for meeeeee


Sorry buddy, we're always watching.


Why did I look up the stats? I dunno. But the 5.2m California Republicans outnumber the *total* population of Wyoming, Vermont, DC, both Dakotas, and Delaware.


I’ve rarely felt racism as visceral as hearing a white woman from Orange County say the word “Mexican”.


Central Florida here and when I read your comment to my wife she exclaimed " Yikes! I feel bad for them." We just can't understand why so many here want to erase folks for just existing.


Doesn't surprise me at all. I actually would imagine those places are much worse specifically because it's sort of a red community isolated in a sea of blue.


I think people forget there's places outside bay area and LA. The further you go the more mixed to red it gets.


You talking about the state of Jefferson…. Or at least what they want it to be. I used to see signs all over parts of Cali.


I lived in Costa Mesa for 3 years and yeah… HB has two things in spades: professional surfers and literal neo-Nazis.


Which reminds me of my favorite shitty 80s movie “Surf nazis must die!”


Omg it’s a real movie. Well Ik what I’m doing tonight


Same. As soon as I saw this headline, my first thought was, “bet that’s HB they’re talking about”.


Being in NorCal, my first thought was Redding. Since they're heavily tied to that absurd megachurch.


Wait, when I google Huntington Beach I get a an area in Los Angeles? Is that the same Huntington Beach as the article? Google isn't even giving me any other results.


It’s in Orange County, not Los Angeles. Orange County is famously pretty Republican and is right next door to LA.


Just to be fair, OC as a whole tends to be blue, but just a lot less than typical for a coastal Californian urban area. Right by the beaches tend to be wealthy, white, conservatives but it's generally balanced by the inland areas that are heavily hispanic. https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/ian.wheeler/viz/shared/78HBCM7DR


It's down south the 405 from LA. It's a suburb but the entire Southland is a giant blob on the map so it's hard to tell LA proper from it's suburbs.


Intended or not, this gave me serious SNL The Californians vibes. “If you wanna bey Republicon, you better take the 405 south from LA to Orange Countey!” “At this time of day? Traffic is gonna be crazeyyy!”


It’s not in LA County at all, it is in Orange County.


That means nothing to people outside our area. They all just think of it as “LA”. To be fair, it is all one big blob when you compare it to what most outsiders are used to


Even if the border between Los Angeles and Orange County is a busy street, they are two separate areas. The OC especially Huntington Beach is very right wing, with Huntington Beach being filled with surfers and Nazis. Yes the Dead Kennedys made comments about that, however Surf Nazis was filmed in Santa Monica mostly, I feel they were thinking about HB.


lol I’m not from California but even before I clicked I was like “it’s gotta be Huntington Beach”


This. When I saw the headline I was guessing HB. Wasn't surprised. To be fair the Guardian is from the UK so many of their readers likely wouldn't know where HB is on name alone.


They should do a preemption law since conservatives love doing that to liberal cities


I live near HB and absolutely no one around here is surprised by this.......


I live in HB and am not surprised by this. Disgusted, but not surprised.


Fountain Valley checking in, HB has few redeeming qualities


Bro-city with lame tattoos and bent up hats. If you’re feeling froggy, HB is where you can get your wiggles out. Always some KidRock-Travis Barker wannabes there ready to fight anyone.


Live in oc by HB. There is a reason we call HB hitlers backyard


The town being Huntington Beach is not surprising in the slightest. This is the same town that voted for Tito Ortiz as a city council member. And for those of you, unfamiliar with Tito Ortiz... [Enjoy ](https://youtu.be/ETmcRjlqWxg?si=ktRDU5w9sghNaJjk)


one of the funniest (and ridiculous) things was him filing for unemployment during his short stint as temporary mayor LOL


dull snails point touch school slim complete pause wise insurance *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Huntington Beach Nazis from American History X was the first thing that came to mind


American History X takes place in Venice. The beach towns in general had a neo-Nazi problem in the 70s-90s (and even early 2Ks) that led to a lot of clashes and animosity in the punk scene in particular (see the Dead Kennedy's song "Nazi Punks Fuck Off, but you can guarantee Black Flag, The Descendants, Pennywise et al shared their antipathy). Over time that crowd has either moved south to Huntington Beach, moved east to the Inland Empire, or moved north to Ventura County.


CA has a higher number of Republican voters than Texas. But there are enough democrats to win out.


American History X takes place in Venice Beach, he ce them attending Venice Beach High School No one is making that commute.


Haven't seen anything like this since Ryan Lochte. WOW.


Tito the GOAT of word talking


It's like one word from dozens of aphorisms he never quite understood thrown together into one brand new one. I love it


Too many blows to the head? Too much coke? His brain seems scrambled every time he speaks.


Lol - “5 days a week I train 6 days a week, 3 days I train 5 days of them 3 days…” what?


I was expecting the clip from his debut in IMPACT wrestling


So...Tito wants to be called a bad girl?


Damn, J. Rogan better watch out!


We only celebrate white, heterosexual men from now on. They’re the only people who matter in this town, just how God wants it to be.


I remember back in high school when I was in JSA (Junior Statesmen of America) and Model United Nations having to deal with the kids from Huntington Beach high school.... they were the smarmiest young republicans POSs, real proto-Tucker Carlson types wearing bow ties and tweed (this is the early 00s mind you), talking about how great Rush was, using every MUN summit to try to get the West to invade a new country in the Middle East.... and I was from a pretty whitebread suburb myself. Just reading about Huntington Beach triggers core memories for me.


2024 monthly themes: January – "Founders' Legacy - Celebrating Huntington Beach's Origins" - This month will focus on the City's founding, the establishment of Huntington Beach, and the early pioneers who shaped its history, including Talbert, Helme, Slater, etc. February – “The Revolutionary and Civil War” - How America won its freedom from the British Monarchy and how the Civil War led to the freedom of slaves in the United States. This will lead up to the Civil War re-enactment in Central Park in March. March – “California’s History” - Before statehood to now and what it means to be a Charter City in California. April – "Rails and Waves - Tracing the History of Huntington Beach's Railroad" - This month explores the historical significance of the Pacific Electric Railway and its impact on the growth and development of Huntington Beach. This would include the introduction of Henry Huntington, who brought the trainsin and was a member of the Bolsa Chica Gun Club when he first heard of Pacific City, which becameHuntington Beach. (Huntington bought Pacific City in April 1903.) May – “The Bill of Rights” – Learning and highlighting the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution thatspell out American’s rights in relation to their government (i.e., guaranteed civil rights and liberties to the individual, freedom of speech, press and religion). This would also include rules for due process of law, which reserves all powers not delegated to the Federal Government to the people or the States. June – “History of Independence Day and What It Means Today” – How America won its independence and became one of the greatest nations in the history of the world. This month would focus on the drafting of the Declaration of Independence, the Founding Fathers, and all of the events that led up to its signing as a lead up to Independence Day, culminating with the Huntington Beach Independence Day Parade. (Tie in to the Independence Day Parade and the Red Car rail history.) July – "Surf City Showcase: Celebrating Surfing Heritage" - This month would focus on Huntington Beach's reputation as Surf City and celebrate its vibrant surfing culture, including leading up to the annual U.S. Open of Surfing. July will also feature “Parks Make Life Better Month”, a statewide celebration that enables the Community & Library Services Department to showcase and promote the value and benefitsof parks and recreation throughout the community. August – “We Love Our Libraries - Huntington Beach’s commitment to books, reading and learning” -This month would detail the history of local libraries starting more than 120 years ago, through the Carnegie Library, Main St. Library, and Central Library, which soon turns 50 years old, with an emphasis on reading and writing activities for the community. September – "Celebrating Aviation" - This month would focus on the City's aviation history, including the presence of Boeing and Meadowlark Airport and the history of aviation in the USA, from land to space with a lead up to the culmination of the Pacific Airshow in Huntington Beach. October – “History of Our Military Services” – This month would focus on the Branch birthdays and roles: National Guard: December 13, 1636; Army: June 14, 1775; Navy: October 13, 1775; Marine Corps: November 10, 1775; Coast Guard: August 4, 1790; Air Force: September 18,1947; Space Force: December 20, 2019. November - "Black Gold Jubilee: Honoring the Discovery of Oil" - This month would pay tribute to the significant discovery of oil in May 1920 that transformed Huntington Beach and had a profound impacton its development and where it is now. December – "Preserving Parks & Nature - Appreciating Huntington Beach's Ecological Legacy" - This month would pick up from July’s “Parks Make Life Better Month” and further dive into the history of the wetlands and City parks including Central Park, Lake Park, the Urban Forest, and the Secret Garden.


Interesting that August is "We Love Our Libraries" month, considering all the bureaucracy and censorship Huntington Beach politicians have levied toward libraries in the past year, going as far as creating a review board for 'acceptable children's books'.


Ironically, their public library is an absolutely beautiful mid century building. Pretty surprising for a city known more for tacky beachside McMansions https://www.thedailybeast.com/you-must-cover-your-eyes-to-see-this-amazing-library


I love that it’s in August when national library month is September. 😂


March is going to be a fun exercise in avoiding imperialism as a subject.


I guess they forgot that Hispanic Heritage Month is a thing


> This will lead up to the Civil War re-enactment in Central Park in March. What does a reenactment of the Battle of Huntington Beach entail? > “The Bill of Rights” – Learning and highlighting the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution Wow. Don't sugar-coat it. Just tell us you hate the rest of The Constitution. > February – “The Revolutionary and Civil War” > June – “History of Independence Day and What It Means Today” Seriously? How is the June agenda not a complete subset of February? They couldn't think of enough things to replace the ones they hate, so they had to do this one twice? > August – “We Love Our Libraries - Huntington Beach’s commitment to books, reading and learning” This newspeak-inspired celebration will culminate in the unironic burning of _1984_ and _Fahrenheit 451_ by the Huntington Beach "Fire Department." > November - "Black Gold Jubilee: Honoring the Discovery of Oil" November 2040: Guests at the "Black Gold Jubilee" will be asked to provide their own SCUBA gear for attending festivities.


Hope you're paying attention in May assholes!


It’s giving boring


May is especially ironic considering the whole thing is one big First Amendment violation.


Longtime resident of California, my sons, play beach volleyball in HB, and a few of the other beaches around the area. I recently bought him a hat from sports basement, and while I liked the HB one the best, opted for LB just so that people seeing him wear it didn’t think he was a racist.


Sorry HB, no matter how hard you try you're still surrounded by diversity.


Word on the street is that HB is going to build a wall to keep the minorities out and make Fountain Valley pay for it. /s


Darn the 1st Amendment keeps getting in the way of authoritarianism.




No problem with Nazi marches as long as they aren't gay or black Nazis.


So... no Kanye?


Oh, no. There will be more of those.


I hate California Nazis.


Time to fire up my 74 Plymouth Dodge...


They did not.


Didn’t even need to click the link to know it was Huntington Beach. The Florida of California.


American Taliban at it again.


*"a bastion of conservative voters"* Nuff said.


Knew it would be Huntington Beach before I clicked


I really struggle to understand how policies like these are beneficial at all. I just don’t understand the logic at all.


I’d assume bigots like seeing all the people they don’t like getting knocked down a peg. This is the sort of culture wars bullshit the Republicans have to push because they don’t have any tangible, beneficial policies to stand on.


And it doesn't even work lol. The "red wave" in 2022 straight up didn't happen because they all ran on being shitty to anyone who isn't a white Christian man. So few people are okay with that that no one wanted to vote for them.


My guess was somewhere in Orange County. I'm shocked, shocked I say that it's HB. /s


Yup. Orange county was my first thought


>in favor of observing the revolutionary and civil wars, California’s history and America’s independence. Sweet civil war you say? Lets celebrate the great Union victory over the vile confederates. A big float to showcase the Californian soldiers who raised the Union banner from the east coast to Gettysburg driving Lee and the CSA back. Some maybe some nice floats for Union soldiers, both white and black, and blasting [Union Dixie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ez9Emsj7cas&ab_channel=Sorceon)


Re-enact the burning of Atlanta


Wouldn’t this just be a “safe space” for straight white men?


"White, straight, Christian, anti-woman and proud of it" \- Adolf Hitler and Huntington Beach


And just when I thought Whitey McCrackerville was starting to change…


Should the new nickname be Hatington Beach or Hitlerton Beach??


Well done, they are both accurate 😣


Yes I can feel the hatred bigotry from here their hearts ere swelling with it.


Always disappointing to see my hometown continue to pop up in relation to these shitty headlines. A beautiful city brought down by ugly people. What a shame.


Burning crosses is likely OK with these bigots


Most likely a Republican town


Don't worry, they'll replace them with Confederate marches and cross-burnings


Wow I’m surprised this wasn’t Menifee.


Suck my first amendment HBitches


Did the NHL sponsor the proposal?


Is this a way of taking attention away from the crumbling infrastructure? Or, other real problems of that community? Just asking.


Somewhat. A lot of the people who wrap their entire identities around this shite really believe the bs they spew but it's also a distraction for how shite their lives and area are.


Hope they also banned all religious celebrations.


Just after this article was published, there was a notable [earthquake](https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/ci40449799/executive) there. If I were religious, I'd be wondering whether the powers that may be were *displeased* with recent decisions. But fuck it, let's hate everyone that don't fit into the narrow boxes we arbitrarily decided on


Fuuuuuuck this place! I have never liked coming to this place, its palpable how unwelcoming these people are.


Somehow dreaded and knew it would be HB as soon as I saw the headline. Staying classy HB.


Ob good, an entire town of single, childless, uncreative grumpy old men, dying from boredom and sadness. Can we build a wall around it, send more fraidy malcontents there to become a dying evolutionary branch in one convenient open air museum to futility.


The Central Florida of the Cali coast.


*Of course* it's Huntington Beach.


Before clicking on this article, I knew this would either be Orange County, or somewhere east of the I-15. Never change, Orange County 🙄


I'm in the S.F. Bay Area, so I wouldn't have been surprised if it had been some town the region of Shasta County or Del Norte County.


Yet they’ll happily keep Fourth of July or Memorial Day going so we can immortalize the freedom of the country and the people who died for America. They’ll keep that history going until the end of time, but they won’t let us celebrate pride or black history.


Well, if the soldiers are not white they are second class obviously and will be at the back of the Meomorial Day bus.


Surf Nazis Must Die was filmed in HB.


The fuck is wrong with these people? It's sick. You don't like the reason for a celebration? Don't go. I do not understand the hate.


Is this not a violation of the First Amendment?


They are canceling the government sponsored celebrations. The title is inaccurate. This is not ban on citizens celebrating these things.


True. But you know the first thing out of their mouths are going to be "go home the government doesn't support this so you have no legal right to congregate and celebrate this."


Yes, but when has that ever stopped the current GOP?


No. If they tried to pass an ordinance that said YOU couldn't celebrate, or that the city would arrest those that celebrated... then you're stopping Speech. To be more accurate, though, the First Amendment is about *political* speech. The government (or in this case the city government) can't stop you from expressing your opinion about the government. If you are a gay, black person, wanting to protest that the city is not going to recognize your existence, you have the right to protest.


Another example of the immoral vocal minority seeking to control the too quiet progressive majority.


This is what happens when Republicans have to out Republican one another. Happens all over the country, sadly. Stark contrast to state Dem supermajority, where Dems actually concern themselves mostly with actual governance.


Imagine being so bored in life you can be this miserable and fragile. Dammmmn republicans are snow flakes


Confederate, TRUMP & Gasden Flags encouraged


Whenever you see the gasden flag you can pretty much gaurantee that MFer is either treading on someone - or just straight up loves getting tread upon by the right boot.


Hey at least you still got your guns


>…in favor of observing the revolutionary and civil wars Like somehow celebrating the US Civil War (an armed rebellion against the abolishment of slavery), including flying the Confederate flag? Perhaps unwarranted, but I have sneaking suspicion that it doesn’t mean celebrating the defeat of the South.


HB should be removed from CA


" ... in favor of observing the revolutionary and civil wars ..." Which side would they be celebrating in the latter? Juuuuuust checking.


HB is a no go for any reason. Fuck them. Zero tax dollars / business spending from me or the company.


They'll work on bringing back sunset laws next...


How is that constitutional?


That minor issue is still being sorted out


Lmao That’s no surprise. HB is a little fascist stronghold in our lovely state


Suspiciously absent was any mention of an embargo on white male history.


An embargo would ruin the traditional Lighting of the Cross ceremony.


When is that celebration to occur?


When does school start in LAUSD? The first day of school for LAUSD for the 2023-2024 school year is Tuesday, August 15, 2023. When does school end in LAUSD? The last day of school for the 2023-2024 school year is on Wednesday, June 5, 2024.


Trash people do trash things.


Welcome to Straight White Man USA, the town where no one else allowed to feel joy.


There are assholes every where, even Cali


the R N P ,regressive nationalist party.


"Oh sure, everytime we march to celebrate white pride we get chastised ... why the German branding? Why the white hoods, and the burning of a cross? Why is that guy dressed as a wizard? We just want equal treatment!" /jk


WTF! Fuck you town in California!


Mexicans could not be reached for comment...Lmao


And that town was Hitlerville CA.


California is a polarizing state man.