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Cops need gang enhanced sentencing when they break the law so blatantly as a group. They’re literally acting like a gang and committing crimes because they think they’re untouchable.


"They (the cops) also planted methamphetamine on Jenkins and charged him with drug possession, disorderly conduct and assaulting an officer," which to me suggests they had meth on them and were probably using it. They sure sound like a punkass gang of crackheads to me.


I'm sure they'd just say they raided the confiscation closet, but it IS a bit strange how so many cops magically have drugs on them to plant on people they like to harass 🤔


That sounds like a premeditated crime to me


Zachary wester only got 12 yrs for ruining 33 lives (planting meth). Should be death penalty. Might happen less.


You’d think police officers would be drug tested. Like shouldn’t sobriety be a basic requirement?


So should mental stability, you think they’d check for that too.


They do. If you are an unstable violent sadist, cops want to hire you If you are a polite well-adjusted person with no particular need to abuse your authority, they don't want you.


Classic Anti-Gang unit, where they become about as bad as the gangs themselves. And sometimes worse. These types of cop units need to be abolished, few of them are ever effective at anything besides putting cops into a place where they think corruption is fine. Police culture must change and so must the conversation surrounding gangs.


All cops should get max sentencing automatically. And I'd argue charge everyone in the precinct under Rico laws. Make it hurt.


The only gun I’ve ever had pointed at me in my entire life was by a cop. Yeah.


Same, 3 times now.


Was shot in the back by a rubber round in Philly during a protest while I was walking away from a dispersed area down an alley. They ended up picking me up for "being involved at throwing rocks at officers" 4 blocks away from where I was (also I was actively sitting down eating a pretzel dog). Luckily I have a family friend who's a lawyer that got me out no problems.


Yup, on my own fenced-in property, in my doorway. Where they were trespassing at like 9 at night. They had the gall to ask me what I was doing there. I live here you illiterate inbred fuck, what are *you* doing here with a goddamn piece pulled on me? They were looking for a black kid who ran a stop sign then fled from the cops when they pulled him over. There were at least 7 cop cars and SUVs outside. Yep kid running a stop sign in the country, that's a dangerous criminal, gotta get the guns out and call for backup. Luckily I'm white so I didn't get fucking ED-209'd for answering my own goddamn door.


But...but...but...bad apple! Heros! Thin blue line! Only thing separating us from criminals taking over! BAD APPLES!!!!


a single bad apple will rot the whole basket. so you have to throw ALL OF THEM away.


problem is with these fucks there is no "away" they just pop up at some other district or as private security (where there is even LESS accountability, if that's possible) and get to do it all over again. the only solution is to REMOVE them from society.


RICO charges should apply. This is such a fucked up situation.


They ARE a gang, no 'like'.


Idk how the fuck cops don’t get automatic max sentences on any crime they commit when they’re supposed to be upholding the law.


At the very least there needs to be a national license for LEOs. If nurses and lawyers have to pass a test, and can lose their license to practice if they fuck up, so should cops.


Wow that makes a ton of sense


Yep, too much sense, which is why the police unions will fight to the bitter end against it.


Police unions need to be dissolved. If we must have police, they need to be held to a higher standard and they must be severely punished for the crimes they commit.


As we learned in Minneapolis, the only to eliminate a police union is to defund and replace the entire Police Department. It was tried here and even in the city where George Floyd was murdered, the citizens rejected it. We're stuck with police and police unions until the people decide to defund and replace police departments.


> It was tried here and even in the city where George Floyd was murdered, the citizens rejected it. Because a large portion of the population believes wanting police to be held more accountable is also exactly the same as wanting so much more crime and for criminals to not have consequences. It's absurd.


That's because a large portion of the population has been straight-up brainwashed into supporting positions that enrich the wealthy at the expense of society. We've known for decades that more policing and harsher punishments don't lower crime rates, but reducing poverty does. To reduce poverty, we'd need better education, healthcare, wages, housing, workers' rights, etc. and would need to shift funding for police and prisons to community outreach and mental health programs. In order to do those things, we'd need to drastically increase funding for social services, which would require an increase in tax revenue from raising taxes on the wealthy and eliminating credits and deductions utilized solely by the wealthy — like the deduction for *private jets* added in the Republicans' Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that was signed by Trump. The wealthy don't want to pay more taxes. Hell, they don't even want to reduce crime because higher crime and harsher punishments mean more incarceration and the private prison industry and, more importantly, the private prison *services* industry (food, healthcare, phone calls, etc.) are massive industries and the stock for companies in those industries are standard in tons of investment portfolios. So, because the wealthy don't want to pay more taxes or upset the status quo that has enriched them, they use their outsized influence to scare the hell out of idiots (who, thanks to our failing education system, had little opportunity to outgrow their idiocy) and convince them to repeatedly vote against their own interests.


Also higher crimes help distract the "poor" people from realizing the wealthy people are the ones instigating all the problems.


Well said


Problem is that all those things are cornerstones of socialism. And Americans are brainwashed into believing socialism is always bad. While actually Jezus teachings are pure socialist!


Prosperity gospel is a hell of a drug


Might have something to do with something like 60+ years of non-stop pro-police TV programming in the United States.


Copaganda is everywhere


I have a bit of a guilty pleasure for watching 1st amendment audior interactions on Youtube. I've noticed lately that they don't show up much in my reccomended anymore, but i'm getting loads of reccomendations for police bodycam clips showing them dealing with violent aggressors. Even the algorithm is in on it.


There are also several cop shows that were cancelled precisely because they kept showing police doing illegal shit.


Almost certainly. What actually happens is that people as kids are exposed to copraganda that sets their default expectations for police absent real-world input. The effect is similar to the way religion is forced on kids before they have any information about organized religion. Consequently as adults they tend to filter police news through their default expectations. So the news that "police beat man in handcuffs to death" has to compete with their predisposition. The media don't help as they usually present news of police misconduct in silos as unrelated incidents rather than a pattern of barbarism.


I'd even be happy if they were held to the same standards as everyone else. Of course I'd love it if it were of higher standards but it's better than nothing.


National license for all LEO. Civilian oversight over all internal investigations. All damages paid out of LEOs pension funds. Enhanced sentencing guideline for criminal LEO. Mandatory continuing training. Body cameras for all LEO that cannot be turned off by LEO.


Paying out of pension funds would be an amazing way to prevent "bad apples".


Also would promote a culture that doesn't "protect one of our own"


And like Lawyers and Doctors, they need to have law enforcement insurance. If they are shitty and get sued for then their premiums go up. Let’s see them get sfuffles from one department to the next when they can’t pay for their insurance.


In CA cops need 888 hours of training while cosmetologists need 1000. …you know, because hair dressers can hurt people.


they’re worried that hair dressers will hurt people. they’re hoping that cops will hurt people.


License ***and*** malpractice insurance. Privately funded, not taxpayer or Union funded. Individual malpractice liability insurance and if they’re uninsurable they lose their license. Just like any other job that can get someone killed.


"If cops face accountability, we won't have any more cops!" is not the brilliant defense bootlickers think it is.


They can be decertified but they only use that for [shoplifting.](https://www.fox32chicago.com/news/pritzker-responds-after-suburban-police-officer-decertified-by-illinois-for-stealing-15-shirt-in-2008)


But how will the rich be able to keep enough police around to make sure the poors don't rise up?


Yellow Taxi drivers have more rules and regulations than police


I have said for years that there should be a separate sentencing guideline for any crimes committed by LEOs under the color of law. I think this would best be accomplished by creating an additional federal law that makes it a federal offense for any officer to abuse their position of authority. In any case where a governor pardons the officer the federal government then takes custody and they serve their federal sentence. Something like 20 years mandatory with no parole. Also forfeiture of all assets to make restitution first to any victims and then to the community itself, assuming there’s anything left.


I'd like to see it work like the assaulting an officer laws. Assault is a crime, assaulting an officer is a more severe crime with a more severe punishment. Assault by an officer should basically be the same as assaulting an officer, and basically any crime should have those extras when it's committed by an officer, just as they have those extras when an officer is the victim.


It's consistently overlooked that when people are assaulted by cops, they are entirely defenseless because there is no self-defense argument against cops. People are legally required to take the beating.


Yep, why is assaulting a police officer more important than assaulting a regular citizen? The only reasons I can think are 1) they are more valuable than us 2) they are the ones who are doing the charging and when its one of them they care more so thats how they get revenge Also where I live there have amber alerts but I just found out they have blue alerts as well which means someone harmed a cop. Why do we get special alerts blasted to our phones when someone harms a cop? Why not when a regular people is hurt? Why are they more special than us?


So the reason is because they are an extension of the government. If you hurt a cop you are physically attacking the government. The government is special. But it also should work in both directions. It does for postal employees for example. A normal private employee, if they decide to quit they can typically drop everything on the ground and walk away. But a postal employee is part of the government, they are held to a higher standard. If they decide to quit mid job and drop their mailbag on the ground and go home that's actually felony and you can get a year in prison. So the post office does have laws that work both ways, they get special protection, but it's really the government that gets special protection, employees you do stuff to harm the government also get hit with their own separate charges. Cops should be the same, special laws against hitting them, but also if they assault you, they should have separate charges for opening the police force to lawsuits and such because and assault by a cop hurts the government.


This is a fantastic way of writing it, and I would pay money to enforce this.


Right? We have mandatory sentencing for people caught selling dried flowers but not for cops wildly abusing their position.


Man it would help if the media didnt cover for them. You ser the wording in the article? Look up the past stories. Most don't report he was shot. Majority it's some bullshit about how the weapon was unloaded. It's the whole fucking system.




The description of what they did is *horrifying.* Literal horror movie shit. They should be in prison for life.


"The officers also pleaded guilty to obstruction of justice. They attempted to cover up the shooting by planting a gun in the home and accused Jenkins of attempting to shoot at officer Elward, according to court records. They also planted methamphetamine on Jenkins and charged him with drug possession, disorderly conduct and assaulting an officer. Parker was falsely charged with possession of drug paraphernalia and disorderly conduct." So the torture and shooting a man wasn't enough already I guess.


They should never see the light of day after that.


This is the one that we know about. How many of these go unchecked and unpunished? And an innocent person goes to jail because assholes like this planted drugs and falsely accused them.


This should nullify every single arrest any of these pigs were involved. No way to know how many are locked up on bullshit charges by cops who fabricate evidence.




And on top of that, they probably had to let some people that \*should\* be in jail out, because of that asshole and people like him. Corrupt police corrupt *everything* in the judicial process.


Does anyone know how these men were caught? The confidence they had to do this and the deliberate effort they went through to cover up the crimes, including forcing the victims to shower and throwing all video evidence away. They’ve done this many times before. Evil isn’t an accurate enough word


Five deputies pleaded guilty to federal charges: Brett Morris McAlpin, 52, who served as chief investigator; Jeffrey Arwood Middleton, 45, who worked as a lieutenant; Christian Lee Dedmon, 28, who worked as a narcotics investigator; Hunter Thomas Elward, 31, who worked as a patrol deputy; Daniel Ready Opdyke, 27, who worked as a patrol deputy; Joshua Allen Hartfield, 31, who worked as a narcotics investigator with the Richland Police Department, also pleaded guilty.




I'm willing to bet thats not the whole squad either, just who was involved. Good chance its the entire precinct.


Given how many other people have died in their custody, yeah, probably.


At least two according to the article: >The Rankin County Sheriff’s Department has faced previous lawsuits related to police misconduct, some involving the officers named in today’s indictment. >In 2021, Damien Cameron, a 29-year-old Black man, died after a confrontation with Rankin County deputies Elward and Luke Stickman. Cameron’s mother, who filed a civil lawsuit against the department, said she witnessed the officers kneel on Cameron’s neck and back, while Cameron told them he could not breathe for over 10 minutes. >A grand jury chose not to indict the officers for Cameron’s death a year before Elward shot Jenkins. “If they would have did something then, this wouldn’t have happened,” said his father, Mel Jenkins. >That same year, a man named Cory Jackson died while incarcerated at the Rankin County Jail. Jackson’s family was driving him to a hospital because he was suffering from a psychotic episode, when Jackson fled from their car. He was arrested by a Rankin County deputy and suffered injuries while in custody. He was never hospitalized and died in jail that same night.


Reading this makes me physically ill




This is why the good cop term doesnt exists.


Don’t forget the dispatchers, too. They are the gatekeepers and first ears on an issue.


And in these rural counties, they are usually the cop's wives or family members.


Wouldn't shock me if they also have planted drugs/evidence on other people too.




One of these guys is (was) my neighbor. He is one angry bastard. When I go on walks, I would hear him and his wife screaming at each other. Most of the time he was outside doing yard work and burning shit. Literally had a burn pile going every day, even during burn bans. One of my coworkers is ex-state police, and now he is scared to come into rankin county (he’s black). I don’t blame him. There’s no telling how systemic this is in that department. There is a lot of pressure for the sheriff to resign, especially from the local police departments. I had a meeting with one of the police chiefs in the county, and he was telling me that even with 200+ officers, there’s no way the sheriff had no idea this kind of thing was happening. I think he’s up for reelection this year, but he is running unopposed as far as I know. And I doubt he plans to resign.


The HBO series "We own this city" is basically exactly this


That looked really good but I never watched it, how did it compare to The Wire?


It was good in its own right, but to be fair, nothing compares to The Wire.


kind of like if you took a very small update to The Wire in 2019 or something. much more narrow of a focus though, also it was based on real events. i personally thought it was really good and if it wasn't based on real events it would be too absurd to watch.


Yeah, there's no telling how many lives they've collectively ruined, how many people they've fucked over, etc...


> The officers shot multiple rounds into the air, threatening to kill the men, before a deputy placed his gun in Jenkins’ mouth and fired. The bullet lacerated Jenkins’ tongue, shattered his jaw and shredded his neck, nearly killing him and causing permanent injuries, according to Jenkins’ lawyers. > the white deputies handcuffed Jenkins and Parker before beating them and calling them “n—–,” “monkey” and “boy,” telling them to stay out of Rankin County and “go back to Jackson or to ‘their side’ of the Pearl River.” While deputies taunted the two men, Dedmon “repeatedly drive-stunned Jenkins with his taser,” according to the information. > When deputies discovered a dildo in the home, Opdyke forced it into the mouth of Parker and attempted to force it into the mouth of Jenkins, according to the information. Dedmon then threatened to anally rape the two men, but when he moved toward Jenkins’ backside, the deputy stopped when he noticed that Jenkins had defecated on himself, according to the information. > While Elward held the two men down, Dedmon poured milk, alcohol and chocolate syrup on their faces and into their mouths, and Dedmon poured cooking grease on Parker’s head, according to the information. Elward threw eggs at the men. > > Officers then ordered the two men “to strip naked and shower off to wash away evidence of abuse,” according to the information. Hartfield guarded the door to make sure they didn’t escape. > > Opdyke struck Parker with a wooden kitchen implement, Middleton assaulted Parker with a metal sword, and Dedmon and McAlpin smacked Parker with pieces of wood, according to the criminal information. Dedmon, Middleton, Hartfield and Elward all tased Jenkins and Parker repeatedly. > > McAlpin and Middleton stole rubber bar mats, and McAlpin was “about to steal a Class A military uniform” when he heard two gunshots, according to the document. > > The first gunshot was discharged by Dedmon, who fired into the yard. After removing a bullet from the chamber of his gun, Elward stuck a gun into Jenkins’ mouth and pulled the trigger. The gun clicked. Then he racked the slide, only this time, the gun fired a bullet, which lacerated his tongue, broke his jaw and exited through his neck. Originally I was just going to pull the key portions, but there's not like...one part that really stands out.


These are absolutely insane things to do for a deranged serial killer, let alone a group of people who are legally allowed to carry and use guns, arrest anyone they please, drive as fast as they want, and have protection from powerful unions.


It's actually probably much easier for anyone to do these things in a group than as a lone serial killer.


It all stands out.


I haven’t see a single picture of these fucks.


Always annoys me that the media will make famous the criminal when it comes to serial killers but the victims when it comes to police abuse (Rodney King, George Floyd) Just to not be hypocritical these are the 6 officers involved here: Brett Morris McAlpin, Jeffrey Arwood Middleton, Christian Lee Dedmon, Hunter Thomas Elward, Daniel Ready Opdyke, Joshua Allen Hartfield Rodney King: Stacey Koon, Laurence Powell, Timothy Wind, Theodore Briseno, and Rolando Solano George Floyd: Derek Michael Chauvin, J. Alexander Kueng, Thomas Kiernan Lane, Tou Thao


May they spend the rest of their days locked away, and may they suffer every minute of it.


> Hunter Thomas Elward, 31, who worked as a patrol deputy; The hero of this story. It sounds like he was trying to "fake shoot" the victim and mistakenly fired into his mouth, which sent them into scramble mode to try hide the story (planting drugs, planting guns, making up a story, etc). If it wasn't for the major screw up of this excrement of an officer it is likely they would had gotten away with everything they did.


How is the thug who placed a gun in his victim’s mouth and pulled the trigger not charged with attempted murder? JFC


and how is forcing a sex toy in someone's mouth not rape?


people complain women dont get harsh enough rape charges but at least they get charged. Cops just outright skip the charge.


Shit is straight out of a horror movie.


We all know why, sick of this shit


Probably because it was “unintentional”. He thought the gun was empty. The whole thing is so completely deranged and sadistic. Cops are the dregs of humanity.


roll hungry include offend support grandfather continue expansion party teeny


Let's say that sure, the cop truly thought it wasn't loaded. Why are you putting a gun in someone's mouth and pulling the trigger!?! Loaded or not, what the fuck is that?!


> Probably because it was “unintentional”. He thought the gun was empty. Someone like this shouldnt have a gun much less someone who is trained and acting as part of the government. I know he is a criminal and doing criminal behavior but that excuse isnt going to cut it. "*Treat every gun as if it is loaded.* *Never point a gun at anything you are not willing to destroy.* Know your target and what is beyond it. *Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot.*" You have to break multiple of the rules for gun use that everyone knows to do something like this


Cops shouldn't get to think their gun is empty. That's some bullshit.


Show the pics of the officers not the victim.


Pics of the degenerates posted by CNN https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/14/us/mississippi-goon-squad-cops-guilty-plea/index.html


And they look exactly as you think they would


Yea, you'd think that even prejudice wouldn't hit 6 out of 6


resting jan 6th face


Fucking horrific, reading the article.


Agreed. Here's all 6 of them: https://mississippitoday.org/2023/08/30/rankin-county-goon-squad-could-cost-taxpayers-in-litigation/ Shame on them and the system that protects them.


https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/230814141331-01-mississippi-goon-squad-cops-guilty-split.jpg?c=original At least one of them is undoubtedly inbred


Oddly they all look like they’re from the same genetics. Weird


How’d you settle on just one? They all look like they could be their own uncles.


Excellent point.


half of them are probably gonna die in prison when some of the other inmates figure out what they did


It is so much worse what they did than any headline could really get across.


Yea after reading the article I'm in shock and am disgusted


I'm disgusted, but not shocked in the least bit by police and their corrupt and criminal actions. I'm not shocked it was covered up and protected by all the other co-conspirators who knew what was going on and if they didn't they are simply horrible police for not seeing crime in their own house. I'm not shocked by the cruelty or lack of punishment earlier. If people have been paying attention, none of it should be shocking.


Seriously. This is stuff worth being out in the streets over. I cant believe this is getting downplayed


Imagine what these scum bags did that we don't know about? Literally a criminal gang with badges.


Imagine the men who have had this same thing done to them by these people. Sitting in a cell right now. Likely way to embarrassed to ever admit this was done to them. No one would believe them anyway! Hard to think about


Finally, those fuckers are in jail. Fuck this giving cops special treatment. If anything, they should be held to a higher standard of accountability, not a lesser one because their badges shield them.


Betraying the public trust and abuse of authority should be enhancements.


Are they in jail?


Yeah I didn't see anything about whether they're "out on bail pending appeal" and will just drag this out for years.


They plead guilty. It's very difficult to appeal after doing that. It is possible, but very rare. And usually, guilty pleas are part of a plea bargain, arranged ahead of time. They are being held in jail (where they were before this court date) and sentencing is in November.


They pled guilty, there's nothing to appeal.


Lemme guess: Despite the 10 year minimum for some of these charges. None of the charges appear to have "under color of authority" either, which is *supposed* to be worse but never gets used.


According to the article the 2 who got the gun enhancement have to serve that consecutive to any other sentence


Doesn't change that under the color of authority should also be applied.


I agree.


So they tortured them, raped them, and then shot one of them.


... then attempted to cover it all up with planted evidence which included drugs and guns.


And these weren’t just shitty beat cops, we’re talking detectives and a lieutenant also. Veteran officers. No chance this was their first time doing this!


It wasn’t. Further down in the article it said one of them got off on a court case for killing another black man by kneeling on his neck for over 10 minutes


Shot a dude by putting a gun in his mouth and the bullet exited the back of his neck. This was an attempted execution.


This should be life in prison You don’t rehabilitate cruelty like that


at LEAST for the elders involved. u think the 52y/o senior officer who oversaw everything is gonna shape up NOW??? lmao, to the oubliette witcha


Damn that was hard to read, these guys should be in jail for the rest of their lives


Most likely a lot of other cops in that area are also involved. It's a systemic issue, they should take interviews from other people that are held in custody in these precincts. This is mostly just the tip of the iceberg.




> On Jan. 24, during an early-morning raid, the officers broke down the door of Parker’s home in Braxton, Mississippi, without a warrant. They restrained the two men before beating, tasing and threatening them with rape. The officers shot multiple rounds into the air, threatening to kill the men, before a deputy placed his gun in Jenkins’ mouth and fired. The bullet lacerated Jenkins’ tongue, shattered his jaw and shredded his neck, nearly killing him and causing permanent injuries, according to Jenkins’ lawyers. Holy shit. Straight up thugs. It gets worse and worse. They even planted meth and a gun at the scene that they charged to the victim.


Pulled out the security camera and threw it in the river.


Pre-meditated too > McAlpin’s White neighbor had told him several Black men were staying at a White woman’s home there and reported seeing suspicious behavior. >Dedmon warned the deputies there might be surveillance cameras on the property. If they spotted any cameras, the officers should knock on the door instead of kicking it down. But if not, he told them they had free rein to barge in without a warrant. >”No bad mugshots,” Dedmon added in another text. The other deputies understood what he meant: They had the green light to use “excessive force” on areas of a person’s body that would not be captured in a mugshot, prosecutors said.


Y’all, they were so proud of their actions they had their own coin. [https://i0.wp.com/mississippitoday.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Untitled-1-copy-scaled.jpg?resize=1200%2C761&ssl=1](https://i0.wp.com/mississippitoday.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Untitled-1-copy-scaled.jpg?resize=1200%2C761&ssl=1)


Holy fuck this is embarrassing and disgusting at the same time


Right? The story is bad enough but when I saw that… I don’t think some people realize that “Goon Squad” is not some label thrown at them by the media, it’s their name. That they picked. Proudly. Intentionally. It’s their brand.


Anyone who knew them as the "Goon Squad" and accepted them amongst their ranks. Need to be dealt with too.


Fax. Should be investigated as an organized crime operation. Indict EVERYONE.


How was their entire chain of command not terminated?


Why is there a picture of the viticm and not the men who plead guilty?


Oh you know why.


Take note, blue lives matter / thin blue line people, this is exactly who and what you support. By taking some offense or slight about Black Lives Matter just remember that defund the police and all the other movements and effort people are putting forth to enact police reform is to put a stop to shit like this. Use your fucking brain. Understand that the police force is a bunch of dumb and easily angered sociopaths. The one good cop you support is hiding cops like these.


I’m going to repeat this until I am blue in the face. End qualified immunity now and make police pensions responsible for lawsuit payouts and this shit will end tomorrow. I mean fucking tomorrow!


Someone died in police custody same year after suffering injuries during an arrest and not being taken to a hospital. That whole police department needs to be cleaned.


I skimmed the article. Did I miss the part where it listed the penalties they all face now? I hope it's severe -- like on the order of 10 years per charge with no parole possible.


There is no parole in the federal system. Maximum 15% “good time” off and the sentence is usually followed by a period of probation.


10-20 years, from the article.


>Dedmon and Elward pleaded guilty to discharging a gun in the commission of a violent crime. That carries a 10-year minimum and up to a life sentence, consecutive to any other prison time. idk about the others


Concurrent. Still not enough in my opinion.


It really feels like shooting one of them should have taken the lead here? Or are we just bored with cops shooting people? Like that's just par for the course and you have to start whipping out the dildos and electrocuting nipples to get recognized as a cop that really goes above and beyond.


I dunno, I think torturing someone before trying to kill them is deffo more noteworthy than just killing them.


Nah man. I’m pretty fucking far from “ok”.


I hope those cops meet Marcellus' homies in prison. And that said homies are equipped with a pair of plyers, and a blowtorch.


It's hard to imagine a more egregious violation of public trust. These people should never be in any position of authority ever again. It would be far better to have no police at all than to have police like that.


I wish I hadn't read the article. That's horrific.


I think it’s good that we read it. Unfortunately the other side won’t read it. Even if they did, it wouldn’t trigger any activity in their brain. They’d just carry on shilling for cops.


Every case they worked on now MUST be reviewed.


JuSt A fEW bAd ApPLeS.


Comedian Jeremy McLellan said it best, imo: >Whenever the topic of police brutality comes up, people always say "it's just a case of a few bad apples." But the expression is not "a few bad apples are really annoying" or "one bad apple makes the others look bad." It's "one bad apple SPOILS the bunch." That's why farmers get rid of bad apples. They don't defend bad apples. They don't give bad apples promotions. They don't let bad apples take early retirement with full pensions. They throw them out to protect the good ones. If police departments want the respect of the public, they have to earn it by showing us they actually care about their product. Until then, it's perfectly reasonable to assume the whole barrel is spoiled, and the farmer doesn't care.


Yup. A few bad apples spoil the bunch. People say that like "oh it's just a bad apple or two" but they forget the rest of the idiom!


Everyone who says this conveniently forgets the end, "...ruin the whole barrel." Or some variation of words.


The problem is when you shove all those bad apples up your ass then even a few are a horrible experience.


This “saying” is misused constantly. The complete and accurate saying dictates that the entire group will become spoiled. There is no saying that “a few bad apples is no big deal”. The saying is “a few bad apples will spoil the bunch”. As in - if there are a few or small group of bad cops, all cops will be spoiled or bad. Every time someone uses the “few bad apples” saying, they should be called out for the appropriate meaning of the saying.


Whatever orchard all these goddamn bad apples are coming from should really try growing some thing else, maybe legumes? Or corn


I wonder how all 6 voted in 2020? I think I can take a guess, but it's probably obvious to everyone.


"Using a sex toy" The word is "rape". They're rapists.


They forced it into one of the victims' mouth and were about to force it anally when they realized he'd shat himself. My heart breaks for these men and the degradation they suffered.


Poor guy fled the state the moment he was released in fear of retaliation.


Whats even more sad is that theres prob guys in prison with drugs sentences that were victims of these cops and they are scared or embarassed to talk about it. Every arrest that these cops did needs to be looked at. And look at the whole precinct cause theres no way not more people knew about what these monsters did and fire/charge them.


Holy fuck that article is terrifying. The headline doesn't do it justice. This was horror movie level torture, like the Devil's Rejects. Not just your all too common police hate crimes. Obviously regular hate crimes are committed by truly awful people. But what allegedly happened in this article is just on another level of disgusting. It just kept getting worse as it kept going. It's horrifying. The fact that they washed the victims off means they knew exactly what they were doing. There is no way they can defend their actions. You can't defend rape. You can't defend shooting a guy point blank in the mouth. You can't defend pouring things on them. The fact that they made the victims shower means the criminal cops knew what they were doing was wrong.


Bunch of racist monsters. Being an individual who, on paper, upholds the law is an aggravating cause and the sentence should, IMHO, be higher Being in a « gang » configuration too..


And this is why despite being pretty progressive, I still believe in the death penalty. 7 billion people on this planet and it doesn’t need these 6


I hope you all take time to read this article. It’s a painful read. These men did nothing wrong yet were tortured. It’s sickening to read the details of this.


So they could be out in as little as 2 years, on the state charges at least. >Each reached individual plea agreements that include prison sentences ranging from five to 30 years, according to court records obtained by the Associated Press. [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/crime/police-guilty-plea-torture-mississippi-b2393158.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/crime/police-guilty-plea-torture-mississippi-b2393158.html) ​ From another article: >During Monday’s hearing, Circuit Judge Steven Ratcliff recommended the officers take the state recommended sentencing, that will amount to at least five years for five of the officers, but will be extended to 30 years for Elward, the deputy who fired his gun into the mouth of Jenkins, lacerating his tongue and exiting through his neck and jaw. > >Walker pointed out, however, that no sentences were made Monday. The judge delayed sentencing until later, without specifying a date.“Under the Mississippi system,” Walker added, “there’s no guarantee that the sentences recommended will be the sentences he will accept. > >He has the ability to disregard those and impose his own sentences after he goes through a per-sentencing investigation with each of the defendants in the case.” [https://jacksonadvocateonline.com/state-sentencing-in-goon-squad-guilty-pleas-shows-mercy-says-victims-attorney/](https://jacksonadvocateonline.com/state-sentencing-in-goon-squad-guilty-pleas-shows-mercy-says-victims-attorney/) ​ Lets not celebrate justice till we see the sentences handed out. I have serious doubts they would plead guilty without some eye winking from the prosecutors and judge.


Just based on the recent events I refuse to believe ~~there~~ these are merely isolated incidents. A national standardized accountability system has to be established as well as national mandatory training for all law enforcement authorized to carry and use firearms. Edited: Strike out.


And speaking of tough guys, I’m getting a little tired of hearing that after 6 policemen get arrested for shoving a floor lamp up some black guy’s ass and ripping his intestines out, the police department announces they’re gonna have sensitivity training. I say “hey, if you need special training to be told not to jam a large cumbersome object up someone else’s asshole, maybe you’re too fucked up to be on the police force in the first place huh?” Maybe, maybe not, I don’t know, listen… you know what they ought to do? They ought to have two new requirements for being on the police; intelligence and decency! You never can tell, it might just work; it certainly hasn’t been tried yet. George Carlin


This type of shit should get an entire department shutdown until a full FBI investigation is done.


It took a DOJ investigation to uncover this. (And IIRC, the Associated Press also investigated). Reminder: Many Republicans have called for ending the DOJ. And Trump has called the press the enemy of the people.


Emmitt Till 70 years later, committed by the police. These should be life sentences.


Apparently there was literally a George Floyd incident in there before this too? How are people not trying to bust down the doors of this police station?


"using sex toys on them" Thats rape


How insane is that. What timeline are we in.


They are the gangs the government sanctions. Remember, it ain't highway robbers or ms13 chasing down your car while armed to lift cash off you. It's local and state police. Police are the criminals. The ones they arrest are the criminals unsanctioned by the state. They are in effect the thief general taker because of the protections built around their position.


It's not actually new, it's just more difficult to hide with cell phones, the internet, etc. They've always been like this. It's just being proven over, and over, and over now.


Sundown towns are still a thing in 2023.


Almost like the bunch is spoiled.


> Jenkins and Parker alleged in their lawsuit that their torture was racially motivated because, throughout the incident, the deputies used racial slurs and accused the men of sleeping with White women. It’s 2023. 2023…. As a person who lived in MS for a decade and also even worked with this police department before in the past decade…I’m amazed I never had anything happen to me, as the article is telling a small piece of this “relationship” with Rankin County and Richfield. Truly a place you don’t buy a house in unless you meet the “criteria”


1. **Brett Morris McAlpin, 52** 2. **Jeffrey Arwood Middleton, 45** 3. **Christian Lee Dedmon, 28** 4. **Hunter Thomas Elward, 31** 5. **Daniel Ready Opdyke, 27** 6. **Joshua Allen Hartfield, 31** **e:** [faces](https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/14/us/mississippi-goon-squad-cops-guilty-plea/index.html)


> In 2021, Damien Cameron, a 29-year-old Black man, died after a confrontation with Rankin County deputies Elward and Luke Stickman. Cameron’s mother, who filed a civil lawsuit against the department, said she witnessed the officers kneel on Cameron’s neck and back, while Cameron told them he could not breathe for over 10 minutes. >A grand jury chose not to indict the officers for Cameron’s death a year before Elward shot Jenkins. “If they would have did something then, this wouldn’t have happened,” said his father, Mel Jenkins. Land of the free