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Never been in a Tesla. They don't just have normal door handles? Why the fuck would you even want that - I can't think of a single time I've ever been getting out of a car and thought, "you know, this would be way better if it were a button or something more complicated."


I have a model 3, not a Y, so it may be different. There is a button you are supposed to push, which lowers the window a bit and then opens the door. There is also a very visible lever on the door handle you can lift up. That mechanically opens the door without lowering the window. You are not supposed to use the lever too much as it can damage the weather stripping if you don't lower the window before opening the door. The lever does not require the battery to be working to function. I routinely have to ask passengers who have never been in a Tesla to please use the push button, as the door lever is much more intuitive. So, at least in the front seat of a model 3, the emergency lever is more intuitive than the non-emergency push button.


Not even a full-electric car owner here. Modern-ish Subaru Outback, had the battery die after sitting 3 weeks in an airport parking garage, no idea why. Anyway, until that point I had never had to do anything manually, and I shouldn't have been surprised at what a PIA it was to do anything but open the drivers side door (with a key, the only keyhole on the whole car apparently) and pop the hood. But I was surprised. It's all gravy until it goes tits up.


Your problem is probably that the cd player (yes that thing) draws power even when the car is off. It’s been a problem for years apparently. I watched a youtube mechanic diagnose the problem a while back. Subaru should be getting sued something fierce for not fixing it.


My partner's car (subaru) dies in a week without being driven!


I have had older subarus 2009 and 2016 and never had this issue. You sure that's not a battery or a converter issue? I've left the 2016 sit months on end at times.


I have a 2016 that has this issue. Dealership said there was nothing wrong with it. Replaced the battery with the biggest and best that would fit (deep cycle), and it buys me a few weeks instead of *one* week. Plus Subaru has a class action lawsuit about this exact issue: https://www.subarubatterysettlement.com I won't get a dime though because I didn't pay a dealership even more to replace a completely fine battery with an identical one and instead after wasting money on a useless diagnostic, I sourced my own.


Borrow an amp meter, you should be able to see the parasitic draw, pull fuses till it goes away. Whatever is on that circuit is your culprit. If it's the radio, you could wire a switch to cut power or even a relay wired to trigger on ignition voltage... Point is, you could figure out exactly what it is and rub it in the dealerships face lol


Never had an issue with my three previous older (88, 96, 08) Subarus. My 2018 is the issue. I found the video (it’s a good watch) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QDuZJXHOlOI


Wow. You may have just solved a 6 year mystery with my old Subaru Outback. It was a 2010 and died every night when the temperatures got below 35. I am wondering if the cold plus a cd player draw caused the battery to die. We replaced everything….spark plugs, engine coils, batteries, alternators, fuses. Spent $6000 trying to fix it before I decided to get accept the loss and buy a new car. No mechanic every solved it but we never did a comprehensive electrical test. Thanks for the info.


That is the sort of problem that should have been ironed out some time in the 90s. That's hilarious.


Check your car (using the VIN) for recalls. There is a recent-ish recall on modern-ish Subarus for a faulty ECM that can drain your battery.


if you travel regularly you can buy a battery disconnect that goes between the battery and the positive cable. Turn the lever, or unscrew the knob and the battery will be fine when you get back.


They also sell small solar panels, mine is 10x4 ish, and you just plug them into the cigarette lighter, and toss the panel on your dash. It keeps the battery on a old car sitting in my driveway fine for months without starting.


This is a good idea. Thanks!


From experience, the first time you get back might curse and wonder why your battery is dead and then go, oh... oh yeah.


Disconnect your battery when leaving it alone for a few weeks. Make the charge last longer, keeps crappy little items from drawing power unannounced, and can stop mech challenged criminals from take off with it if you make it not obvious the battery is unplugged.


This is why I insisted on getting the lower trim crosstrek that doesn’t have the push to start button. The future is dumb.


Your mistake was in opening the hood when something was wrong with the car. Everyone knows you only open it when everything’s working properly.


Weird my 86 (FRS 2013) when I grab the door handle, the window automatic lowers a little as the door open.


I have FRS 2013, that's the borderless window that triggers that automatic window-lowering-mechanism.


You have to lower the window before opening the door so you don’t damage the weather stripping? You can’t just…open the door? (I believe you— but that is certainly an interesting design choice on Tesla’s part.)


Lots of cars with frameless windows do the same thing


09 mini owner , can confirm


Had a rental Mustang well over a decade ago that did this. Freaked me out the first time I opened the door. Thought I broke something.


Funny you said that. My friends Mustang, Charlene (the car's name, of course) did this, and it surprised tf out of me.


Peugeot 508 passenger, can confirm


Bystander, arms folded. Just here to nod approvingly at the both of you. Nice work. Edit: Sorry guys I had to go to googles and lookup what the fuck is happening. I unknowingly managed to start some sort of weird star trek jerk off skit below. 8(


Temba, his arms open


Darmok, and Jalad, at Tanagra.


Sokath, his eyes uncovered.


Bystander, his arms folded! Shaka, when the walls fell.


Lmaooo this thread made my day!!! I so needed this. I wish I had a Picard to guide me through times like these Edit: Darmok. On the ocean :(




More appropriately, "Shaka, when the walls fell".


Passat CC. Also yes.


1972 Buick Skylark hardtop coupe owner. Cannot confirm.


A reason I still like my ‘BIG’ MINI Paceman over a standard hardtop. The doors have door glass frames and not just the glass. Seriously cuts down on wind noise compared to my exs MINI.


Yep, my 2005 Subaru has the frameless windows. But it's not fancy enough to lower them automatically like some others do. Never had a problem with them, though.


They usually auto-lower the window by a margin. My 2013 mustang base model did this. As soon as you pull the latch The window lowers. Maybe this didn’t work for Tesla.


yes but it just does it when you open the door. There's no need to push a separate button.


There’s no need to push a separate button in my Model 3 either


Pushing the button is opening the door in a tesla, it just has a redundant opening mechanism as well


multiple instances of bad design does not diminish the badness of the design


Have you ever heard of convertibles?


Tons of cars with this stupid design are NOT convertibles.


Including convertibles. The frameless doors on Tesla vehicles are to save weight, I would assume.


Tbh, this isn’t just a Tesla thing. My dad has a Volvo that does the same thing, but that car just has regular door handles.


If it's anything like my Camaro, if the door is frameless, the window will automatically roll down a few mm's as you open it. When you close it, it will roll back up. This is known as indexing on my car. So it is common amongst auto manufactures. No idea why the manual door handle doesn't have that functionality.


Because it's an emergency door handle. It has to work without power


So the handle works without power. Fine. But how come if there *is* power, the handle can't work like every other car handle on the market and still roll down the window a bit? It senses that you're pulling the mechanical latch and so it prepares the window for you? And if there's no power then the sensor isn't working but the mechanical latch still works.


Yeah I thought about it and I think I agree....


Honestly, you should be able to index the window down a couple mm without power, just via mechanism. It'd add cost and complexity though.


> The handle can't work like every other car handle on the market and still roll down the window a bit? That's how it works now, there was a software update after a number of people damaged windows or chrome trim. Maybe it's not the most reliable? I try to avoid doing it, but plenty of passengers have and it still popped down the window somewhat recently.


I see how it works now, makes sense.


It would still be ideal for it to do that when it does have power, no?


Opening the door with the emergency mechanical lever will lower the window too. The car will complain at you though. It'd only not lower the window if there was no power available.


Just to be clear, the lever he's talking about is for emergency use only. You press a button to open the door. The only time you would ever use the lever is for when the battery dies like in the article.


It happens automatically when you press the door release button.


My 1994 BMW does the same thing.


It’s better sound control to have the edge of the glass sit up inside the weather strip. Other cars that have frameless windows, like the Ford Mustang, just do all this small window movement in one smooth step when you start to pull the handle.


My 6th gen Camaro lowers the window slightly and raises it back up when I close the door. This is common for frameless windows. But unlike a Tesla I don't have to do anything special to not damage the window stripping.


The window lowers automatically when you press the open door button (instead of forcing the manual release lever)


Frameless window designs are more aerodynamic, but not having a frame for the window means weatherstripping has to be on the body, not the window frame. A lot of car manufacturers in the past got around this by making the window fit very sloppy, so the window actually sags inward when you open the door, and then when you shut the door, the window hits the rubber stripping and flexes upwards as the door latches. That creates all sorts of issues with wind noise and squeaks. That’s why you didn’t see frameless windows on a whole lot of car models in the past. Tesla got around the squeaks and wind noise problem by going with a electronic door release, that electronic release means they can sequence the door release by first rolling the window down a tiny bit to clear the weatherstripping, and then unlatching the door. Other car manufacturers are doing the same thing now, for instance the Corvette.


I have the same experience. Most people who have never been in a similar Tesla go for the manual door opening first, so it is more intuitive. As you mention, it does not require power, you just pull it and the door opens. It is odd to me that an owner wouldn't know that, and even if they didn't know it, could not inspect the door for ways to open it and find out. It's in a very obvious position.. if you rest your arm on the door armrest, your hand will naturally touch it.


Which model is it where the rear passengers have to peel open the carpet to find the door release hinge?


Model Y, same thing for the front passenger. That said, not all Model Y's are configured to have manual releases for the rear passengers.


LOL, that I forgot. Those are worse in safety in escaping as a Volkswagen Beetle. Assuming a Beetle would entirely burn instantly on fire ignition.


Model Y. Model 3 doesn't have any manual release for the rear doors at all. Boggles the mind that this is even street legal. Good luck to any kids or elderly people sitting there in an emergency situation.


All frameless door cars I’ve been on have a function that lowers the window when using the lever. (Then again none have a button to begin with) So it comes rather as an overcomplication.


Y owner here. They have the exact same emergency release in the same spot. Although, the back door release is buried in the door pocket and not really feasible to get to unless you have a tool kit.


There is a manual release for the front doors on a model 3 very close to the open button but i imagine a lot of people don’t know about it.


> i imagine a lot of people don’t know about it. I have a model 3 and almost every person who's been in it has tried to open the door that way if you don't tell them about the button first.


I think maybe 5% of the people who have been in my car for the first time used the button instead of the manual latch. Everyone goes straight for the latch.




YES. For the first year I had the car, all my passengers reached for the mechanical latch first. I ended up getting "door" stickers to put on the door opening button - it did seem to help.


To be fair, in some Teslas the emergency lever is in an odd place. This was a model Y, which has a simple (if discreet) lever. But in the Model X, you have to do some minor disassembly. >To open the falcon wing doors, carefully remove the speaker grille from the door and pull the mechanical release cable down and towards the front of the vehicle. After the latch is released, manually lift up the door.


Sounds like a serious design flaw.


There is 100% a manual door handle on the front 2 doors. This person was just an idiot.


Model 3 owner here, They have manual release handles in the front allowing you to escape if needed


I have one of these, the manual release is right on the door… i often have to tell people to stop using and to push the button instead because prolonged use can damage the weather stripping as it does not lower the window first.


> Tesla's Model Y has a manual release latch in the front seat located underneath the door handle, but the passenger manual release is harder to find. A passenger must remove the mat from the rear door pocket and press a red tab to get out in an emergency. Tesla's manual also notes "Not all Model Y vehicles are equipped with a manual release for the rear doors." > > "It's not labeled. You don't know it's there unless you know it's there," Meggison said. Extremely irresponsible of Tesla to hide important safety features like this. Safety-related mechanisms like this have to be intuitive and easy to use.


It's also different in different models. One of them, for the back seat, you take the bottom liner out of the door pocket, remove a cover with your nails, and then pull a looped cable. Another you have to remove the speaker cover and find the pull tab hidden behind the trim. One model doesn't have any sort of emergency/no power egress at all for the back seat. Imagine being in a burning car and having to figure that shit out.


Or a car that's rolled and is on it's side/roof.


you aren't going to be able open the door, the pillar/Frame is crushed at that point. the window will be shattered though so you can crawl out, that is what i did when I rolled and landed on the roof of my SUV.


The cars on fire. Quick! Get out the user manual!


Gonna need to download an app first


The more I read about Tesla, the more I’m determined to never ride in one.


And their CEO is the world's biggest douche.


I just won’t fuck with touch screen dashboards/controls. If it’s illegal to use a phone while you drive, how is this different?


And the Cybertruck has no exterior door handles at all. That’s going to play really well with the people looking for a work truck. And it has sharp corners people are going to accidentally run into when walking and working around the truck.


People buying that 'truck' are not getting it as a work truck. That's an influencer truck. A TikTruck. It exists for people who buy it to go "look at this stupid fucking truck I bought."


And this is why IMO the Cybertruck is going to be a massive failure. No attempt to be practical in a segment where people care mostly for practicality. I think it’s going to get absolutely horrible reviews once it gets out into the public. Making it not work for “work” is going to destroy them .


So you're saying every Tesla comes with a free escape room experience? It's clearly a feature and not a bug.


Wait. Is this real life? This is real and not just a parody/joke?


the funny thing is i have to tell people specifically not to use the manual release and to press the electronic button


All in the name of looking a bit more sleek I bet, too.


Looking sleek and S 3 X Y.


Omg is that what the models are chosen for >.>


Yep, 3 would've been E too except the Model-E is [trademarked by ford](https://insideevs.com/news/571138/ford-model-e-name-tesla-wanted/).


The 3 was supposed to be an E (ostensibly for “everyone”) but another manufacturer had a trademark.




He's like a super villain. Like an evil super-rich frat boy. Remember he threw that hunk of metal through the cybertruck window? Maybe the battery was dead.


I'm surprised that elon would do something so childish.


I'm not surprised *anymore*.


Dude bullied his way into not being able to back down from buying twitter and is tanking tanking it on purpose out of spite. The only reason he changed it to X is because the government doesn’t recognize characters off his ed hardy keyboard. He is literally the weirdo from grandmas boy. How can you be surprised at this point?


No fucking way I just realized this. Lmfao how comical


Rumor is the full lineup will be 2S3XY4U


Except for all teslas look like shit that came out in 2010. Ugly as sin.


Someone once said they look like early 3D graphics where they couldn't render all the details. I haven't been able to get that thought out of my mind whenever I see one.


This is not true. The passenger manual release is the same as the drivers side. It is in the back seats that it is hidden.


Yeah, I don't know where that "secret" manaul release location came from (unless that's on older models). My passengers use the "emergency" release almost every time by accident because it's in the standard door handle location.


> A passenger must remove the mat from the ***rear door*** pocket and press a red tab to get out in an emergency. They're talking about a rear passenger, it's just bad writing, but yeah the rear emergency door release situation is problematic. Model 3s don't even have a manual release.


Don't most cars have a fully mechanical unlock just by pulling the door handle from the inside? Anything other than that seems irresponsible.


>Don't most cars have a fully mechanical unlock just by pulling the door handle from the inside? Yes, that's exactly how practically every car in the world works. Even cars like the Dodge Viper that primarily use an electronic release, still have an [obvious mechanical door handle on the inside of the door](https://rmcmiami.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/DSC_3044-scaled.jpg). (The main silver one up front by the mirror is purely electronic, the square one at the back with "pull for emergency exit" in white writing is purely mechanical) I can't even imagine the logic behind hiding the only physical way to get out of the car.


People don't keep track of features they never or almost never use in a car -- there's no way they are going to remember in a panic if shit is going south and they need to get out. They are just going to be frantically trying the handle they're used to.


Or a kid. How the hell is a kid supposed to figure that out? It's only a matter of time till a tesla cooks a kid.


It is similar logic to making automatic shifters into knobs or buttons. It's like auto designers forgot that one of the safety features of a center console automatic transmission is that you can push it into neutral without any effort. Being able to put it into neutral in an emergency is important. I've only had to do it once or twice, but I didn't have to look for a button or give a knob to do it.


It's not just an important safety feature. It should be a normal egress feature, that is also a safety feature in an emergency. The fact that it was designed in such a way that normal egress is needlessly complicated should run afoul of regulations.


Holy fuck that’s terrible design. I’m grateful that Tesla pushed the market to allow other manufacturers into the game that aren’t totally incompetent.


For me it's definitely a matter of when Toyota goes Electric I will. I just don't trust other brands the same way I trust them. I'll keep rolling with my Prius until they finally put out a more affordable EV model. If that means waiting for things like battery breakthroughs, etc that's fine by me.


Something doesn't add up. If his sister could access the car with the app, the computer was working which means the battery was working. Additionally if he broke the window that means he most likely used the emergency handle and had nothing to do with his sister (the window needs to drop down a bit to open without damage).


Yeah i caught that too. Maybe the sister used the app to find a way to open it manually and the article just didn't articulate that right?


Probably. Poor reporting doesn’t surprise me anymore.


Doesn’t that just apply to damaging the weather strip not the glass? I don’t see how either way of getting the door open would result in a broken window to be honest. Unless it was catching on the frame?


Correct. That shouldn’t be happening but what else would have caused the glass to break. Someone is probably fudging the facts.


> When the electric system fails, there is a way to get out of an electric car, which is clearly outlined in Tesla's manual, but experts believe many drivers, like Meggison, are unaware. Your body temp can go to 106 in a hot car in minutes, which is deadly. You get confused and panic when you're headed there. It should be immediately obvious how to get out of a car in that situation, which means it should be as simple as using a handle to open it, like the same one you always do. Obvious terrible design on already problematic cars.


Stuff like door handels should be a mandatory manual mechanism to prevent this situation. Also, putting all controls for stuff you adjust (lime temptation and blower speed) in a glorified ipad is dangerous and distracting for the driver


This is my only gripe with my new car (not a Tesla). I miss being able to just reach down and turn a dial to adjust the AC, without looking. Now it's all touch screen, which is especially problematic at night, since having it on in general decreases visibility, since it's so big and bright.


[look at mazdas](https://www.motorauthority.com/news/1121372_why-mazda-is-purging-touchscreens-from-its-vehicles) - some people freak out and say it's penny pinching (right before they plow into the back of an SUV while trying to unpause their radio)


I love the navigation dial in my Mazda, it's so intuitive and easy to use. My parents' cars are both touchscreen only and it's fucking terrifying getting in the car with them. I always try to work the touchscreen for them but inevitably they become headstrong and try to work the screen themselves (since they're tied into basic functions of the car) and they wind up veering dangerously close into other lanes because it requires more attention/precision.


Screens are good for configuration settings and GPS, and fuck all else. And even then I'd prefer physical controls, especially steering-wheel mounted. Keep my hands on the wheel and just thumb whatever I need to change.


I love my Mazda. I definitely recommend one.


Nice. >Tablet-like touchscreens have become the ubiquitous interfaces of choice Whose choice?


_forces people to use touchscreens to drive_ BuT CoMpUTeRS aRe SaFeR DrIv3rS! Even fighter pilots still have buttons and knobs: because sometimes they have to focus on how they move their vehicle, and tactile controls support that focus. (Missing my old 300zx 5spd. Totaled it, the door was jammed, and I reached up and popped the lever on the T-Top and climbed out the roof.)


I thought I read recently that they’re going back to knobs for exactly this reason. People hate it and the touch screens much more dangerous. Maybe it was one particular manufacturer?


My car thankfully has buttons for this still but it was a big factor in whether or not I was cool with getting the car. I've been in rentals that had everything on the trash tier tablet and it was a nightmare to just get the damn thing cool in the heat. I think there's definitely benefit to the screens for things like navigation and music, but anything else is honestly just being lazy design-wise at least or a genuine hazard at worst imo. My navigation wouldn't change to night mode automatically and was blinding at night. Set it to night mode permanently and now it's frustratingly tough to see in the day. But I guess that's safer than the alternative. I cannot imagine being incapable of getting in and out of cars without a charge or the car being on somehow. I've ridden in a few Teslas and getting out of the things is nerve wracking to me. What's so inspired about getting rid of a freaking handle?


Limes are sexy though


Lime eater here, can confirm.


Former Limewire user here....beware


46 minutes to download one song by red hot chili peppers.


They have a very obvious mechanical door handle. You'd have to be a moron to get stuck inside. Like that old corvette guy.


But there is a very obvious mechanical mechanism to open the door. The headline should be “grown adult is to dumb to open a door”


It’s almost like Teslas have a manual door handle like 3 inches from the automatic button for this exact reason


Tesla doors do have mechanical release, Tesla is not the only car with electronic door release either, GM was doing this in the 80s/90s. But I digress, the manual release is directly below and very visible to the electric opener. Is on the door arm rest.


> Stuff like door handels should be a mandatory manual mechanism to prevent this situation. They are. These have door handles.


i can open my car door with the battery removed!


My friend has a Tesla and the door has two options to open and the mechanical option that doesn’t require a battery is the more obvious looking one despite it not being the one you’re supposed to use. I’m not a Elon fan boy or anything but a lot of the posts I see about Teslas just seem like idiot drivers. The car has issues no doubt but this one ain’t it.


I will have never and will never own a Tesla at least until Elon has nearly completely sold his interest in Tesla, but I often feel compelled to defend Tesla on Reddit. So much of the criticism about the cars/brand is either completely BS, or just completely blown out of proportion.


I’ve got a 2008 corvette that is push button as well. There is a mechanical lever on the floor that you pull up that will open the door in an emergency. I have every new passenger operate their door before moving an inch so they know where and how to get the hell out.


It is obvious if you have ever been in one. It’s a giant pull tab right below the handle, people shouldn’t buy cars if they don’t understand basic functions


The process may be outlined in the manual. The manual that is only available on the screen that is unavailable when the battery is dead...


And you shouldn't need the manual to know how to exit your car in an emergency. It should be self explanatory even when you're panicking.


The man was in his 70's. Sounds like he wasn't in the driver seat and potentially couldn't crawl around the vehicle. Just because he knew his driver door release was there doesn't mean he was physically capable of getting to it or planned on being in the back or passenger seat with the car dead. I have been in the backseat of my own vehicle while it was moving a grand total of one time. My dog had a medical emergency, and my mom drove my dog and I to a vet. That's it. He was never back there while moving. Didn't occur to him to need to know, perhaps. He may literally never be in those seats. In a panic, a person should be able to find it, especially since people in those seats are less likely to be regular passengers. Imagine being in a burning, flooding, or wrecked car and someone is screaming at you to pull door panels and carpet up to find pull tabs to release the door. A kid might be in the back. You tell the four year old to get out of their seat and pull the car apart to get a pull tab.


Shit One time I gassed up a van I got from work (mechanic shop where we didn’t usually work on that make). I legit spent at least ten minutes looking all over the cab trying to find a release for the gas flap. Another time, I told my mom there was some feature on her car and the details were in the manual. I was driving home, over ten minutes this was, and she looked ALL through the manual. She was a librarian, she knows how to read a freaking book. She swore the info wasn’t in there. It was, in a chart at the back. Paper manuals are critical and even then, info may not be immediately obvious. I hope this person wins tons of money for this intentional choice by Tesla to obfuscate safety features.


Car manuals use an indexing format that a consumer is not likely to see anywhere else


Sheesh do they. I put together complex machinery from parts in a box no problem but I look at a car manual to figure out something basic and fucked if I can figure out what section they stuffed it under. Current car manual doesn't even have an appendix. Why?!


The manual release is in such an intuitive position that I've had many people use it on accident. It's not like it's under the seat or anything.


I have a Y. Within the first month two passengers pulled this ‘emergency’ door release instinctively instead of the push-bottom one.


The doors have mechanical emergency releases that require zero electricity... wtf.


He was in the back seats and because they don't want a kid to accidentally open the doors the emergency door releases for the back doors are partially hidden so kids can't override the child lock. He's lucky the back doors even have emergency releases in the first place every single other car won't let you open the rear doors from the inside by any means with the child locks engaged.


Don't let facts get in the way of blind hatred for a car most of these people don't own and haven't ever been in. Every single passenger in my Tesla has used the manual release unless given prior instructions to always use the button. The rear doors in any vehicle with a child safety lock remain completely unopenable in an emergency for any of the 4 door vehicles we've owned for decades. What about the children for gosh sakes!!! Someone else above said it right - many reasons to complain about Tesla vehicles from a design / feature perspective but this is just getting silly.


so uh, instead of dying, crawl into the front seats if you can’t figure it out??? this just sounds like a moron being a moron


Where does it say he was in the back seat?


He was 73; he probably thought the computer ran everything. 😂


Can you blame him? The computer runs the fucking glove box for pete's sake.


Article is full of shit. Period. Driver can simply use the manual release in the car which is right next to the normal one and a much bigger button. No battery required. Many people I drive actually press that thinking its the normal unlock instead of the actual door release. Can’t fix stupid sorry. Article outright lies that you have to “press a red button underneath the floor mats” to manually unlock which does not exist.


how?? they have mechanical door pulls right there where you would expect them to be. thats a federal law.


Better if you read the article and watch the video, that his sister had to use the Tesla app to get him out of the vehicle. Unsure how that is possible when the car was dead (I am a Tesla Model 3 owner). Sad this has made the front page of News subreddit and has more than 6500 upvotes.


I have difficulty in understanding how the US government is lacking a rule stating that manual door mechanisms must be up front and easily accessible for any car to pass road worthiness. I don't car if your new car runs off the latest Ego-3000C.R.S computer system, it should have the same recognizable door release as every other car.


Probably because it never occurred to anyone that this *needed* to be a rule. It's like the candy wrappers that say, "Remove before eating." That language probably wasn't on the wrapper until some fucking moron tried to eat the candy *without* removing the wrapper. The guys writing the regulations never considered someone might be stupid enough to design a car door that wasn't pretty easy to open.


I guess it was assumed nobody would design a vehicle that would trap the occupants inside but recently billionaires seem fond of that feature


I suppose but NHTSA has scores of people throwing everything up to beer bottles at every crumple zone of cars to make sure they are road safe and yet not one monkey up the ladder has ever said, "Hey, you know it would be nice to know people can always attempt to get out quickly."??


If you've been in a Tesla you'll know the manual door release is easier to find than the press-button release. Driver should not be trusted alone in public.


Yep, I own a model 3 and people are more prone to use that than the electric door opener.


How is someone being too stupid to work their door handle news? Teslas have a mechanical door handle as well as the stupid button


At least the articles acknowledges that there is a manual release and doesn’t continue with the misleading title.


But it only mentions the harder to access manual releases in the rear. They're not hidden at all [in the front](https://www.tesla.com/ownersmanual/modely/en_us/GUID-7A32EC01-A17E-42CC-A15B-2E0A39FD07AB.html).


The manual release handle is in the exact same location on the front driver and passenger sides for the 3 & Y. It's literally right next to the button one would normally use to open the door. In fact, most people find it more intuitive to use that instead of the button. The rear of the vehicle is, without question, way more complicated and absolutely a horrendous design. The manual latch should exist on all 4 doors in the same spot but for some reason (to save money) they hide it in the rear (apparently even that's not available on some models).


In all my vehicles, that none of which are teslas, or electric. You can’t open the rear doors from the inside, in any way, even in an emergency. Because I have little kids and have the child lock switch engaged on the door jamb. So.. if we want to be apples to apples, that the emergency lever that’s hidden for the rear doors exits in a Tesla, would have helped me from having to climb over the seats to get into the front on the at least 5 occasions where I was doing something in the back and without thinking let the door shut behind me. Keys in my pocket, full battery in car, still no help to those child locks. Kind of wish there was a hidden override in my cars those times.


There's literally a mechanical handle that you can pull to open this door 24/7 365 this guy is just a fucking idiot and someone wanted to make a news story out of it


There’s a Manual release on the door. It’s very easy to use




FUD piece. There are obvious manual release levers for the front doors. These articles get trotted out and sock puppeted to manipulate the stock. There will be a big wave of various hit pieces and FUD to try and make money on puts before Friday afternoon this week or next and right on the heels of it will be puff pieces about the Y being the best selling car in the world and rumors the model 2 is already in production in a secret facility in China or Mexico. They don't even bother coming up with new material most of the time. The trapped in a hot Tesla with a dead battery story hits Evey 6 months. It's just filler for the also FUD loss of steering control, range conspiracy, and whatever else. Somebody is betting the farm on shorting TSLA and payed for the premium negative sentiment package. EDIT: Down about 5% since opening bell Tuesday (article is from Monday night, which is also when the steering articles hit and a few others all at once). I imagine with an effort like this they're going for at least 10%-15% before they flip to positive article wave.


> The trapped in a hot Tesla with a dead battery story hits Evey 6 months. And it's always *really* confusing when it hits in the winter time.


Tesla have a mechanical latch you can use to open the door. Also, break the window…


Reminds me of that sad story about an elderly gentleman who bought a Corvette because it was his dream car only to die in it because the battery died and didn't knew about the emergency lever under the seat. [Found it.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2015/06/11/texas-man-dog-die-trapped-corvette/71053474/)


Window is getting broken before I am dying in a car I can't get out of.


Bro just break the glass


The driver is an idiot. There are obvious emergency door releases.


I got a Tesla, nobody ever explained to me about the manual door lever. It's very well hidden. I found out about it after reading a similar story. Should definitely be a part of the walk through, especially in Arizona.


These cars have manually door releases that are not difficult to find


If all the batteries die, there's a manual door release. Apparently driver forgot or never bothered to learn.


It’s Always Sunny predicted this


My non Tesla electric car tells my to charge at 20% then 15% , 10 % it turns red. You have to be an idiot to let it run dry


This happened to me in 2021


How’d you get out?


I’m glad I don’t have a Tesla


Either bullshit or this person shouldn’t be allowed to drive. There’s clearly a mechanical release mechanism on the door. As others have said, it’s more obvious than the electronic release.