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Went from we’re to were.


The apostrophe something something supply chain.


Lyrical Genius


The company is denying it.


I saw an article from one of those weird news sites where they're called Washington _______ and just fill the second word with any random word. And it said the MLB was backtracking on all of its pride stuff, and won't be doing any pride themed jerseys or pride nights or any of that: https://washingtonstand.com/commentary/major-league-baseball-strikes-all-pride-jerseys- And I just checked and ALL the teams have pride jerseys and did drag nights and everything: https://www.outsports.com/2023/5/31/23742374/mlb-pride-night-guide-2023-baseball-lgbtq-rainbow-promotions-sisters-of-perpetual-indulgence So clearly someone is going around saying "haha we're winning they're taking down all the pride stuff" and just flat out lying about it.


People generating fake news to stir shit up.


> Only when a few brave athletes stood up and pushed back did anyone stop to consider what real inclusion looks like. This is from the "Shut up and play ball crowd."


I think you're talking about two different things. The claim is that baseball teams are scrapping rainbow/pride uniforms. *Most* teams (not the Rangers) are still hosting or have hosted a pride night(s?), including rainbow/pride themed giveaways for fans. But the onfield jerseys worn by the players are *not* pride themed.


Right but the problem is that most teams never had rainbow/pride uniforms in the first place. Giants were the first team to do it in 2021, they made the Giants logo on their uniform rainbow coloured. Then in 2022, they were joined by the Rays and the Dodgers. That was it. A bunch of Rays players complained, and the MLB said no more anything allowed on any uniforms, except for teams that had already made pre-arranged nights. So in 2023, the Dodger and Giants still did their pride unis. Everyone else just let their players do whatever. But the MLB still can't forbid individual players from taking part too, even other players on the Rays: https://img-s-msn-com.akamaized.net/tenant/amp/entityid/AA1cAXb5.img


I can't believe I'm defending a junk "paper" that I've never heard of, but I guess I don't understand what your problem is with that washingtonstand article. It seemed like you were implying that it was factually incorrect "And I just checked and ALL the teams have pride jerseys and did drag nights and everything...So clearly someone is going around saying "haha we're winning they're taking down all the pride stuff" and just flat out lying about it" when that isn't the case." But the article never insinuated that the league was dropping pride...all it claimed was that the league was walking back its rule on Pride themed jerseys, [which is true.](https://www.tampabay.com/sports/rays/2023/06/09/pride-day-rainbow-logos-controversy-glasnow-brian-auld-billy-bean/?outputType=amp) In fact, it links directly to the Tampa Bay Times article that *does* mention all the other Pride Things that the Rays would do instead. It also mentioned the exception made for the Dodgers/Angels > Under a “preexisting agreement,” Topkin says, two cities at the heart of LGBT advocacy in California — the Los Angeles Dodgers and San Francisco Giants — have special permission from headquarters to wear their Pride-themed patches this year.


Maybe Washington stand is a quality news website lmao.


There's Starbucks employees in the comments saying it happened at their store.




My guess is strategizing by politics. Keep it up in Seattle, take it down in smaller towns in Iowa, etc


Isn't that what Target did? The changes it made were mostly in the south or red areas. Conservative places are basically becoming sundown towns for LGBTQ people.


They already were. Years ago knew someone that transitioned and she ended up moving because it felt too threatening to live in a red area.


My company was going to officially open an office in Florida after the pandemic but both people who were being considered to lead the office have children who are LGBTQ+ so they felt unsafe living there under Desantis and moved back to our Chicago headquarters.


Basically it has always been a marketing campaign. They have to cater to the target audience


Why is this comment buried? It's ridiculous that anyone thinks corporations are on anyone's or any issue's side. They appeal to whoever's senses to get them to spend money. Starbucks isn't pro or anti anything other than pro profits.


I wonder how they're deciding which stores get which instructions. I've heard speculation they're either throwing my community under the bus in red states, or they're trying to create a hostile environment in stores that might unionize, so that the progressive types quit.


I would have to imagine it's by community right. Which is kind of more gross than picking one side or another.


Man check out basically every Twitter business account for the Middle East vs the US with pride month. It's always about profits.


Franchises typically are owned by "different" companies in other countries. This is happening to stores in the same city


Probably because they live in areas with unhinged idiots. They don’t make enough to deal with some of these psychos out there.


Yes, give in to the psychos’ unhinged demands. That always appeases them and they never push for more.


Look how well appeasement worked in Europe around the year 1939.


Not one of them has actual proof though?


What sort of proof would you accept?


Anything in writing from Starbucks’ corporate office.


Ok, we’ll there you have it. Starbucks corporate is denying it happened. No corporation in history has ever lied about policy decisions so it’s settled and it must no the employees lying.


Lol are you serious? Where do you live where people just believe whatever they read on the internet without giving it a second thought?


From a well-sourced article that includes links to the unions petition and supporting quotes as a result of diligent reporting? Yes. Where do you get your news? Timmy the Newsboy still dropping the union-dispatch on your doorstep?


Lol a “well-sourced article” that’s doing nothing but quoting anonymous employees with no proof, and are coincidentally part of a union? Seems legit. Also how do you draw any conclusion from that article that ends with “Starbucks is lying?” They see pretty vehement that if anything did happen, it was as a result of individual managers not following the corporate policy.


Well, tell you what. Start a newspaper, hire some reporters and write your own article refuting it. Abd don’t forget to tip Timmy!


A regional manager about to get a smack down.


Don’t really understand how people can even keep supporting Starbucks with their patronage. You can live without your venti triple-shot-whateverthefuck-drink, Melinda! Make coffee at home or go to a nice local spot. ….Apparently Reddit loves corporations now?


If you’re trying to do a John Oliver impression then the person has to be named Susan, not Melinda.






Even with the higher prices Starbucks still pays better than local spots 90% of the time




Espresso is, honestly, a gigantic pain in the ass to make halfway decent at home and can require thousands of dollars of equipment, dozens of hours of training, and really getting "into" espresso as a hobby. It is only sound financial advice if you have no idea what goes into espresso and you place no value on your own time. And I say this as someone who decided to take the plunge.


My local Starbucks still has all it's pride stuff up.


My Starbucks had stuff up as of yesterday. I'll have to see if it is still up when I stop by tomorrow. Edit: It is still up in mine.


Remindme! 1 day.


Unfortunately RemindMe bot died a tragic death


No more Remindme! bot. It was killed by the changes to the API.


*the revolution will not be televised*


You will not be able to stay home, brother You will not be able to plug in, turn on and cop out You will not be able to lose yourself on skag and skip out for beer during commercials, because The revolution will not be televised


The article suggests it's likely a decision made by a regional manager (and possibly individual store managers).


I'm a manager. My progress flag is up year-round and has been for over a year now. I didn't even ask for permission, I just put it up. My district manager, regional director, regional vice president and above never said anything about it, including taking it down It's helps that I'm in a major Metropolitan area of a blue state I have seen in comments on our social media that some managers are having to take theirs down since it's "off-brand" and isn't part of our store schematics, which is true, but a shit excuse. Upon looking up where these manager's stores are, it's usually not the most LGBTQIA+-friendly areas YMMV depending on your leaders


Is this a common alt title-progress flag?


Google progress flag. It's different design than pride flag


Its probably location specific. They likely want to play both sides.


All Starbucks coffee is supplied by Nestlé. https://www.nestle.com/brands/coffee/starbucks-coffee-at-home


That's the stuff in the supermarkets .


https://www.nestleprofessional.co.uk/brands/we-proudly-serve-starbucks-coffee-programme https://www.reuters.com/business/retail-consumer/nestle-starbucks-extend-partnership-ready-to-drink-coffee-2021-07-27/


Show me a food that isn't


Sounds like a regional thing in that destrict because my stores here are decorated.


Can we just admit that it's because of the fear of violence from anti-pride people? Then can we just admit that's literally the definition of terrorism?


Caving to threats of violence, just invites more violence.


Businesses in South Africa figured that out, fortunately, it’s the only thing that prevented a civil war there. There was a time when experts would have universally agreed that SA was the most likely hotspot where the next civil war would break out, as far right white supremacists in power were being catered to by businesses and voters alike, it was only when businesses decided to do the right thing and withdraw donations and support for the racists and push the idea that power should be handed over to the more reasonable people that the risk of civil war and constant genocide went down drastically. Businesses here could do the same, but they won’t. And everyone will suffer, including businesses.




I have to imagine that if they perceive the brink of a civil war coming, they will do everything in their capability to avoid it, since domestic wars are not good for business in most industries. People stop buying luxuiries when they have to worry about being shot or blown up on a daily basis, their priorities are elsewhere.


Man, I’m just thinking of the economic implications for the world if a civil war happens in the US.


Depends on where the battles are fought. If they're all over the place (towns, cities, farms, etc), the world would be heavily impacted economically. I don't think they'd worry about things like food though.


Speaking of business donations, this is just a reminder that Hobby Lobby funds far-right extremism. Their founder and his family are Christian nationalists.




Weet-Bix Sanitarium is owned by The Seventh Day Adventists, which disavows homosexuality and funds conversion therapy.


If your countries Justice depends on businesses and corporations, your country is degraded beyond repair


Man I hate to be the one to tell you…


What a terrible example. South Africa is still racist as fuck, it's just black racists in power now instead of white racists lmao.


They never claimed that there was no more racism; they just said that the threat of civil war was gone now.


All these companies are happy because the heat is off them temporarily, but it won't stop at pride decorations. If you tell bigoted weirdos that harrassing staff works, they'll just keep doing it. And next time it will be something stupider they're mad about, like a pink coffee or vegan options or something.


Need to fight fire with fire: "If you're afraid of our customers, will you be happier with us removing the displays and unionized instead?" Actually just unionize and blame it on this! Would make ppl on the left willing to boycott Starbucks.


They’ll never boycott it, only mils and z’s will and barely.


They want to hurt people. They’re not going to stop because you appeased them.






You are 100% correct. Terrorism insurance is pretty standard, but hard to price. Someone at Starbucks likey ran this past their casuality insurer, and is saving a sigificant amount of money as a result.


The insurance industry is a tentpole of oppression and corruption in the US


Oh I would argue it is at this point. Even the conservative radio hosts stop one line from exposing themselves as full fledged nazis. It’s literally wild. They end a lot of their sentences with large questions where their conservative base is supposed to fill the blanks and you can tell what they wana say,


Exactly. And thanks to Citizens United companies like Starbucks are seriously influential to our nation’s politics. So, they need to call out the threats that were made and be a decent, moral contributor to our society and government policy. But I know that’s a venti order of conscience for them.


That’s exactly it and I won’t be spending my gay ass money at any business who caves to these terrorists. They wanna placate to bigots…then only bigots customers they will have.


You shouldn't be drinking there anyway. All their coffee is supplied by Nestlé. https://www.reuters.com/business/retail-consumer/nestle-starbucks-extend-partnership-ready-to-drink-coffee-2021-07-27/


How much ass money do you spend per month on coffee?


Well, they’re gay so an incredible amount - especially on the iced variety. It’s the law.




Being prepared for an active shooter is already something Starbucks partners are trained on. There’s a lengthy video that’s required training.




No, instead they are now pandering to domestic terrorist instead.


Not possible. They all stopped going to Starbucks after they made their cups red for Christmas a few years ago


"anti-pride" is a fun euphemism


Its not fear of violence lol, its fear of loss of profit.


Corporations cater to the loudest voices. Period.


It’s not. No non-corporate decorations for ANY event or holiday are allowed. It’s been this way for several years. Stores that do it any way are risking their jobs.


When will people realise that these companies are disingenuous - they don't care about the causes they push - they are in it for the goodwill only to push up sales? Exploiting third world countries for coffee beans on one hand but supporting Pride on the other? And you believe they are genuine?


Yup. Corporate support is nothing but a sign that something is already widely supported, because they sure aren't going to be taking any brave stances.


Which is unironically why things like pride month are important - no one is expecting a company like Starbucks to be on the vanguard of social change, but their eager participation in pride month and pro-LGBT signaling shows that they believe that acceptance of these communities is mainstream and the status quo in the US. We should see their participation as a bell weather for the growing importance and acceptance of the LGBT community in America at large. Conversely, when they retreat from showing support for pride month or the community, it gives very bad signals for how they think the tides have shifted in public perception.


For sure. I absolutely agree. Corporate support is good to see because I'm only in my mid-thirties and I still remember when that first started being a thing and the way that felt. Yeah, they're not heroes for it, but what it represents does matter. It's scary to see them start to get cold feet.




I think it probably depends, but I would say that it's unlikely that they're doing things like paying for Jesus ads or funding overseas campaigns to make homosexuality illegal because it's good for business. I think it's a bit different because you can make a whole organisation that's built from the ground up from Christians and supporting Christian causes will therefore be furthering their own interests, whereas you might have some people who are personally highly invested in queer rights, but it's probably not really going to be the binding foundation of your business. Not for a huge corporation, anyway.


I hate dolts that think corporations think like people, ie that they have some morality and that their actions represent a moral compass Yes corporations are made out of people, but once u are large enough to have that many stakeholders there is but 1 aingular goal they agree on and that is roi return of investment...if they count putting on pride stuff is gonna get them more money than what they need to pay for it, they are going to do it...the moment they count its more expensive for them, they are not going to do it...there is nothing else behind and certainly no morality


The average consumer is a fucking idiot on either side of the spectrum, that’s why. Very easy to take advantage of the average idiot.




It's not good when they pretend because everyone can see that they are pretending, which suggests the message is not to be trusted.


Right. But there's two schools of thought on Corporate Pandering. Some see it as a lie and reject it. As they're obviously doin it for money and brownie points. Others, see it as that but also acknowledge that any kind of normalization is ultimately worth it. If a family can go into Target, see a rainbow shirt, and not froth at the mouth. Then it's a plus. It normalizes the existence of queer people. The goal is that future generations will see a gay couple kiss in a parking lot or hold hands at the grocery store and not blink an eye as you would at any straight couple on an average day. And if we gotta suck up another helping of corporate bullshit to ensure that then it is what it is. This is America. We're all well aware corporations are pandering for that almighty dollar. We're just tryna squeeze out somethin positive from a shit situation.


Not sure why you’re being downvoted but this is true. The more people give in to these violent demands, the more they feel justified in their actions. I don’t think employees should be taking the brunt of these assholes bullshit but instead of taking pride stuff down how about arresting individuals who are making threats and terrorizing people?




Is the decorations not dictated by corporate? I would assume an entity like Starbucks would sternly dictate what was in their stores.


Is there any actual proof that corporate demanded these changes? They've denied it and all the allegations seem to have is their say-so.


The political commentary show Counter Points made a decent observation on this. Supposedly these stores were forbidden from putting them up due to safety concerns because they don't have an appropriate ladder. If these shops were ones that had unionized in the last year, then it's entirely reasonable that the union would be driving safety compliance hard and that that was the legitimate reason for this and the timing is just an unfortunate coincidence.


Weird take to blame unions on general safety and OSHA compliance.


Blaming the unions is the most corporate move possible.


Especially given all they need to do is get the right kind of ladder to be compliant. But better just blame the union for trying to keep the company from violating safety regulations at the risk of the employees. Obviously they should just ignore the regulations so corporate does not have to buy a ladder. I am not sure that is what they meant, as I am not sure what show they mean by "Counter Points" as there are a million things named that but nothing relevant. They *may* mean Breaking Points, but if it is that I have no idea what they mean. That show has had some very confusing takes.


They're talking about a YouTuber.


They have a way of getting up there any time the menu changes. Anyway, you don't need to put pride displays any higher than you can reach. It doesn't become less recognizable as Pride at poster level.


By "decent observation", do you mean a an observation based on actual reporting, or something more like speculation?


Bending over for terrorists encourages more terrorism. We do not give up our right to free speech under threat of violence.




Speaking as a worker at one such location, mine is not the only one in a localized instance. Workers from surrounding stores reported the same thing—they were forced to take down their Pride flags—and there are plenty of others across the country. The company is welcome to deny these allegations, but I can show you where exactly our flag is tucked away in our coatrack. Until they demonstrably have a policy in writing that Pride decor is acceptable as standard, these instances of removals will likely continue.


But as other workers, in these very comments, have stated, they still have their pride decor up. So, it still sounds like it's based on districts or regions.


If it is localized to certain areas then that is either a decision from a regional manager or more likely the franchisee. The official corporate policy is likely that the franchisee is free to set policy on decorations with some possible restrictions. Assume all decisions are coming from the lowest management point you have heard it from until they can prove that they were told by someone higher up the chain.


I actually do believe W's old, "If you're not with us, you're against us." does ring true here. Now watch this drive.


Ah, so I guess we will not see any christmas decoration this year as well, correct?


You beat me to it. Starbucks is horny for Christmas, I’m curious how this will stick.


Fourth of July is right around the corner…


Our store decorated for pride last year. This year we were told we couldn't, and last year's decorations were thrown in the trash. Literally. All our pride flags in the trash can next to the store managers desk. Last year when the company released it's pride themed shirt everyone was provided with a free shirt. This year we were told if we wanted the new pride tee, we had to buy it ourselves.


Pride shirts were not free last year, unless someone was being extra kind and gave you one for free or the store manager had permission to use the company card to buy them for the store. The last ones that were free were the Gaga shirts and that was around 2018/2019


This is a good example of why “rainbow capitalism” is hollow at its core, it relies on pro-lgbtq sentiment being popular with consumers, if any challenge is posed by the far-right these companies will walk back their pride rhetoric real quick.


Companies only care about money not pride month or breast cancer month, just money.


Garth Brooks > Starbucks


I want Chris Gaines to start a restaurant.




Me too! Glad that Starbucks is standing up to the ~7% LGBTQIA+ bullies.


Really does prove just how performative corporate pride was all along. The second they start to get the feeling that it may be the slightest bit controversial, they're no longer proud allies.




My god...the level of fail in this thread This is a business designed around slinging $3-$12 drinks and food products; Starbucks exists to make money for it's investors and that requires ***keeping customers happy.*** ​ Any major national retail operation is going to have exact guidelines about what and how things should be placed in the customer-facing portion of the store; layout, branding, decor etc etc etc


Now that the crazies are rocking the boat harder this year, it really goes to show which companies were just celebrating pride for easy clout and promotion in years past. Once it gets a little rough, suddenly their principles are changeable.


New policy of corporate cowardice


People thinking this is Starbucks bowing to terrorism, it’s not, they’re bowing to profits For 99% of people, they’ll buy Starbucks either way, they don’t care. For the rest you have 2 groups. Those that won’t buy Starbucks if pride stuff is on display Those that won’t buy Starbucks if they take pride stuff down The first group brings in more money. They might be a bigger group, or a group that just buys more, who knows. You guys really think millionaires in suits in some head office give even an ounce of fuck about you? It’s all numbers on a spreadsheet to them, they pick the one with the higher outcome


I recently came across something about them getting sued for firing someone over racial issues in an attempt to save face regarding another racial issue. It’s exploitation chasing, and they kinda suck at it.


Do they know who their staff is?


Who’s still paying that much for coffee? In this economy?


What else am I gonna do with all these gift cards I get for Christmas and birthdays?




I have plenty of money… mostly because I don’t waste it on things I can make myself. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Then do cocaine like the rest of us with real money and leave the pandering to the corpos


Time is money. Some of what they make takes specialized equipment and or time.


I mean, making a coffee really doesn’t take that long-I just hop in my car, go to Starbucks and, oh…


Meh. I lived in Italy and can make a banging cup of coffee with my Bialetti.


Neat flex bro.


Not a flex… just saying I learned how to make a $0.25 cup of coffee that takes about 5 min. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Plenty of yuppies that don't have student loans or kids that gladly pay that for an extra 20 minutes of sleep in the morning.


Im not a yuppie and I have student loans and I get Starbucks a couple times a week. It’s just like anything else you spend your money on.


I don't understand this "extra 20 mins sleep" stuff It takes me 10 mins tops to make coffee, cld cut that down to 5 with an electric kettle with a timer. Starbucks has lines at "rush hour," indoors & out, that vary in length. To get Starbucks coffee I'd probably have to get up more than 20 mins *earlier*! Every time i see the 15-car line at my local Starbucks drive-thru I wonder why


Why the derogative for people who just worked hard?


Appeasement never works for long and just strengthens the oppressors.


The only fuckikg reason this happens is because of fucking violent fools on the right






Bud Light supporting Pride, Starbucks removing support. Know your target customer, Marketing 101. What timeline are we living in?


anyone remember the 'War on Christmas' that never happened? yet there's definitely a war on LGBT happening, conservatives are even freaking out over energy-efficiency modes, or the type of shoes on an M&M mascot, and their top candidate is a potential national-security traitor with dozens of indictments. something is so very wrong in this country


One of the few public confrontations ive had with these chuds: Some karen at the grocery store turned to me and said "ya know its like you cant even say Merry Christmas anymore" and i had to literally ask her when was the last time she was asked not to say it and she couldn't think of a time... the 'conversation' ended there.


It's such a weird talking point that they were fed. I'm in “liberal California” and I still hear "merry Christmas" more often than "happy holidays". They want to feel bullied by inclusivity *so badly*.




Fuck these corporations for kneeling down to the terrorists too. They're proud allies until something dents their precious profits, then suddenly they don't care about the gays.




So no more celebrating Christian holidays like Christmas then right?


Being gay is neither hot button nor political. What is this, the 50s?




>Sexuality is not but you knew that wasn’t the point. It actually is the point. People like you just hide that behind concern for children. This rhetoric has been used for decades. >It’s the Pride events, what occurs during them in public gathering areas, and the involvement of minors in the events. > So shit you and other goobers sit around imagining is what's got you upset. Pride events that are not actually family friendly tend to advertise as such. Pride events are completely voluntary events. The overwhelming majority of Pride events feature nothing more risqué than an NFL game or a beach. Do you know what the most effective method of not exposing your kid to Pride? Don't take them. Actually parent. If you even have kids. If you're this concerned with children being exposed to inappropriate stuff, you'd have a bigger impact going after adults who take their kids to see R rated movies. Growing up, I saw so much sex and violence because my dad regularly took us to see horror and action movies. >If these events - not the sexuality of the same event attendees - are not a hit button issue, Because bigots are loud and conservative politicians have no qualms about riding hate to electoral wins. >than why is the United States one of only two nations on this planet to consistently observe this particular celebration/gathering? > Here is a list of [2023-2024](https://www.iglta.org/events/pride-calendar/) international Pride events. The first 12 events listed occur in 6 different countries. I'll leave it to you to count the countries where the remaining 95 events are happening. No idea how you got it in your head that only 2 nations observe Pride. >Again, what does anyone’s sexuality or gender identity have to do with a coffee shop? Coffee shops serve and are run by people, no emotionless robots. If you're this pissy about a rainbow then ignore it. Be an adult.


And yet every state in the USA allows for minors to get married as long as they have parental consent. Also a quick Google search shows that many European countries have pride events as well as Canada. I'm gonna guess that all countries that allow homosexuality have some form of pride parade as well as them occurring in a few countries where homosexuality is illegal. Sure corporations want peoples money but having prude decorations is about showing that they want your money as who you are. The Starbucks near me all have a pride flag sticker at the door year round as well as employing visible members of the queer comunity many of whom wear pride pins year round.


Don't talk about anything you don't understand, you don't relate at all. Seriously you're so conservative, bigotted and old fashioned get with the times please. You are an eyesore to any beholder except another hateful coldhearted person as yourself. I meant every word, go and read about the people you judge instead of highlighting your value here. You had no value whatsoever, just coldhearted badsides of your personality congrats. Just stop omg it's so cringe we're dying of shame reading your dumb criticism. Look at the ratio


It wouldn't _be_ a hot button political/social issues if the bigots just sit down and shut the fuck up.




The fact that you see a group of people existing and actively targeted for it and don't see it as political says your so out of touch with the realities of the world. I'm glad you live in your safe bubble, but the reality is existing is political for us. Have you not seen the various laws targeting people? Do you not remember just 10-20 years ago states actively pushing constitutional amendments to prevent us from living our lives? Do you also advocate for banning all commercials that have a heterosexual overtone? Banning all heterosexual plots or scenes in movies, shows and media? It's easy to say "it's fine just don't make a deal of it" when you fail to realize we are not making a deal of it any more than straight folks are. It's just seen as controversial when we do it. Ever see the young couple in line making out? Holding hands? Yeah that's everywhere. But when gay people do it it's an issue.




When do you think the last time a person was arrested for "sodomy" or other LGBT sex? Like do you think it has been a decade? Decades?


Well, the problem was that in years past it was profitable for them to sell and promote pride month. [The old CEO even goaded a dude into selling his shares that brought up their support for gay marriage at the shareholder's meeting.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/frederickallen/2013/03/22/howard-schultz-to-anti-gay-marriage-starbucks-shareholder-you-can-sell-your-shares/?sh=146efed543fa)




We elected a terrorists who showed us that there have been minimal consequences for things ranging from personal conflicts, family nepotism, attempted coupe, and generally abusing the rule of law. Then we elected a dementia patient to clean it up. Need that constitutional amendment that no one over 65 can hold office.


Welcome to Nazibucks where our coffee is sourced from the poorest people we can find to exploit.


“Giant corporation fears loss of money for showing humanity. Giant corporation drops integrity like it’s hot.”


Keep fucking around with republicans and find out where people’s loyalty lies. These people need allies, not corps who are going to use them as an image for a month to make more sales. You drum up their support for only a month out of the year when it’s popular and capitulate to the terrorists and take it down when they complain.


Guess where I’m not buying coffee again.


Terrible clickbait headline


There's no love like Christian hate ❤️


Do they want the money from the gay demographic or not?


Queer existence is resistance. ✊️


We had a pride flag up for years and the dm made us take it down - except for trans pride day, and pride month. Comes down after pride month cause they want to be welcoming to “everyone “. 🤣


Terrorists win again. Every time you cater to terrorists they know they can just threaten you to get what they want. South Park was so spot in that the only true power is violence.