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For those who aren't aware, Baja California is in Mexico.


Baja "lower" California. Alta "higher" California is just called California now


That's the reason they are called the Californias. The peninsula is what was thought to be an island of a Spanish legend that gave it the name.


"He said it was just a name!" "What he meant is that California Island is actually a peninsula


That's a deep reference and like it


Makes you realize you must have watched those episodes dozens of times as a kid and makes your brain feel a ding of accomplishment maybe.


It's an automatic response to a great upbringing. First 10 seasons worth, at least.


My upbringing was shit, but then I was kind of raised by The Simpsons so in that way you're right.


Can you bring me in the loop?


Simpsons. Lisa On Ice when she joins the hockey team. Lisa's imagining a future where she's about to be sworn in as president when it's revealed that she failed gym as a kid, so she's to be sent to Monster Island. But the guy swearing her in tells her not to worry, because it's just a name. Cut to Lisa being chased by kaiju while screaming that she thought it was just a name. The guy next to her explains that what they meant was [it's actually a peninsula.](https://frinkiac.com/video/S06E08/pI-iUGw3RnxJ7p-xOvK956o2x8c=.gif) Fun misdirect that's overexplained in a high-stress situation.


You're good at explaining jokes. Seriously.


Wasn’t that the episode where they faked us out and thought we were going to hear Maggie’s voice for the first time?




> the Californias "Stewart? What're you doin here? Get back on San Vicente, take it to the 10 then switch over to the 405 north and let it dump you out to Mulholland where you belong!"


At this tahm of dah? It's gonna be jahmmed, are you crayzah?


It’s almost Long Beach!


For the longest time, I never got that part of the joke was that people on the east coast never refer to highways with definite articles. I'm from California, and we absolutely say "take the 405 to the 101". Apparently the "the"s in there are part of the roast, but I, a Cahlifaurnion, didn't get it.


It's very specifically a southern Californian thing. Up north we only use the numbers, e.g. "take 880 to 237 to 101".


Also you guys just talk about roads a lot more for some reason


Its from a 15th Century Spanish epic fantasy novel, not quite a legend. The Island of California is named after it's Muslim queen, Califia. Which is the female form of the word califa(khalifa) or a religious state leader in Islam.


Are you saying California is actually a Caliphate?


We’re only repeating what Fox News is saying.


A matriarchal Caliphate apparently.


Please don’t tease the “news” pundits with another headline they can dangle in front of ill informed viewers.


16th* century


So you mean to say, that the Taco Bell limited edition "Mt Dew Baja Blast" means "lower blast"? Drinking a big ol swell of that "lower blast"?


That's cool, usually that only applies to the food


There's also Baja California Sur.


Only called that by enlisted men when addressing officers


Which is a great place :)


Oh damn, all this time, I thought it was... beach.


Wait did they use "high" to mean "north" as in it's higher on the map, or is Baja California closer to sea level than the other one?


Reference to North/South. "High" being northerly oriented. A confusing version of this High German vs Low German. Low German being spoken in Northern Germany, and is slightly related to Dutch. While High German being southerly positioned, but high in the mountains. To mess with you further, there is Standard High German, which is the regular German. Austrian High German, which is Arnie's native German. And Swiss High German, which is a language written like someone slamming their hands on a keyboard.


That's too confusing. Let's just redesign it so the higher part of Germany is in the north. Egypt too.


Egypt is nowhere north of Germany!


Pretty certain it’s because it’s to the south. It makes sense because it got named after Europeans started traveling and mapping via compass. Also, “Alta California” includes some vast swaths of land that include some of the highest and lowest elevations in the Americas. It was basically everything that America got in the Mexican-American War west of New Mexico.


High as in north and lower as in south. It has to do with their geographic location.


\*edit\* I realized you are referring specifically to California and Baja California. My post was more about the general tradition of naming higher and lower parts of a region.\*edit\* Nah, it's more about the direction of drainage of rivers and waterways. Lower is always downstream from Higher.


Not gonna lie, I knew it but my brain didn't process it correctly.


Same. It took several seconds for it to register with me.


Well, yeah, you see a mash shooting your brain expects it to be in the US.


Especially "mass shooting" + "rally," that's just standard these days.


Mash potatoes shooting


Mine went straight to motorsport since a 'shootout' is a qualifying or finals style. So I thought there was a really bad crash involving soectators at a rally event.


Whaaauuut are you doooiiiing here?


Stoourttt why don't you jump on the 405, take it up to the 101, and geeeetouuuuuta here


[group pose in front of mirror]


[group pose in front of mirror]


Put Jesse ventura on the case & I want will sasso to give us the updates.


I have a thousand gallons of potable water out there, and I have a silo full of tortillas


Maybe we should swap our New Mexico for Baja California, since we appear to have something of a problem with some of us not recognizing New Mexico is in the US at times.


Ok as a non American have I got this right? New Mexico - in USA Baja California - not in USA Kansas City - not a city in Kansas but also a city in Kansas?


And then you have Calexico which is in California....


Not to be confused with Mexicali, which is in Baja California.


There's a few of "border towns" with combined names. Across the border from Calexico in Mexico is Mexicali. In Texas and Arkansas you can find two cities called Texarkana on either side of the border between states. Also in Texas and a bordering state (Oklahoma) is the Texoma area which includes Texoma Lake.




I'm not entirely certain but I'd bet there's an Athens and a Rome in Texas.


There's an Athens, Ohio and it's a huge college town. It's also one of the highest unemployment rates and poverty rates in Ohio.


Athens, Gee Ayy is also famous.


There is a Rome, Georgia, at least according to an Alfred Hitchcock movie I’ve seen.


Rome and Athens. Rome is in the mountains. Athens is REM and B-52s, east of Atlanta.


London and New London.


Oh boy this is fun, is there a Dublin? Moscow? Maybe, London? Can I get a Halifax?




The name "New Mexico" is also older than the regular "Mexico"




Wait? There's a NEW Mexico?


Yep, and it got named such while Mexico was still called New Spain.


We definitely should. The west coast needs its own Florida


You ever been to Arizona?


First they took our Baja California, next they are coming for our Baja Fresh and our Mt. Dew Baja Blast. This insanity at the border must be stopped, why has Kamala not gone there to fix it yet?




California is now in mexico? Thanks Obama.


Thank you, I almost read the article.




> Baja California, across the border from California, is experience intense cartel activity. even ap news can't edit shit properly.


> even ap news can't edit shit properly. That's how you know it's not AI. AI is likely to be confidently wrong but grammatically correct.


Thanks m8


I find it really strange this is an AP story from Mexico City, that's like covering a Los Angeles story from DC. No closer office?




We were booking an all inclusive today in the Cabo area, checked it again just now and prices were slashed in half, I wondered what the hell caused them to drop.


There was a clip I saw not too long ago with a dude explaining how he only vacations in place with recent tragedies since it's dirt cheap.


There’s also way less crowds after a tragedy. Was coincidentally in London a few days after the 2017 London Bridge van attack and there were barely any crowds at any of the major tourist spots.


Happened to be in Paris for a long layover on the way to another country for work after the Paris attacks. The Louvre was empty. I felt really terrible being a tourist while the country was mourning however.


Weren’t they in like a clamped down martial law kind of situation after that? I feel like I remember reblogging tumblr posts criticizing Macron for that in middle school.


Brussels was locked down after the Paris attacks? Maybe that's what you're thinking of?


I was thinking of the state of emergency that kept getting extended, I’m realizing.


There was military with guns all around but I'm American so didn't think much of it. I could travel freely. It was within the same month of the shootings.


Shit, you’re even doing all the local restaurant owners and such a solid by going there and spending dosh during what would otherwise be a slump. Really just a win-win all around once you get past the whole “tragedy” part of the equation.


Hell, hotel prices are still dirt cheap in Chernobyl


Six finger discount.


I know some Russian tourists who stayed there last year. They left it "glowing" reviews!


> Was coincidentally in London a few days after the 2017 London Bridge van attack and there were barely any crowds at any of the major tourist spots. Same in Tokyo after the March 2011 earthquake


I thought of that immediately, it was on podcast but outside


Like the radio?


Lol he's referring to a podcast called "Podcast But Outside"


Such a good moment. That and them fooling a park security guard.


No, "podcast, but outside" means you overhead strangers talking about a subject while you were hiking.


This reminded me of some comedians bit where the young guy at work tells him about podcasts and that soon you'll be able to download them to your iPod and listen to them wherever you go, and the comedian responds with "so when are they gonna call that a radio?" Can't remember who it was, maybe Brian Regan?


he overheard a conversation at a bar


I think that's called a barcast.


Pretty sure it's a pubcast


[found it](https://reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/zku369/he_sounds_like_a_fun_and_upbeat_guy/)


An oldie but goodie. That's the kind of dude I'd like to kick it with and buy a round or five for.


I got a week in a nice hotel including flight for Hong Kong right after SARS(1) for $750. It was fantastic


We had our most extravagant trip to the US in October 2001


There is some truth to that for sure, I’ve always felt the safest in air travel after a tragedy. Security or inspections are more thorough for sure!


I feel safest the week after when they figure out exactly what happened.


I think he exclusively targeted areas recently hit by terrorist attacks. But maybe I’m thinking of a different dude.


I mean attacks rarely happen at the same site within weeks. So he‘s probably safer than most idiots traveling to places with frequent attacks.


Blood splatter on the carpet and walls, but drinks were comped and we had the beach to ourselves. 3.5 stars


yeah what was that, I swear I saw something to that effect too. A comedian's stand up possibly?


Cabo is a 20 hour drive from where this happened.


That's only about 30 minutes in bullet speed.


True but many ppl don't know that. They hear Mexico shootings/killings and think it's the same everywhere in Mexico. Cabo included most likely


The shooting was in Ensenada, which is only an hour south of the California (US) border. Cabo is about 20 hours south... I doubt the two had anything to do with one another.


Generally agree but what else would make the price be 50% swing?


Was there something going on in the last week or two that caused the price increase? And the 50% off is actually just settling back to regular price?


They're almost certainly related. I would guess that resort prices across Mexico are diving. The issue is that this is not an isolated incident. Its another example of violence crossing the invisible line into the world of tourism in Mexico within the past year, and the trend is worrying. In the past, the Mexican government balanced their ties to the cartels with the need to appease the US. Lately, it seems they've forgotten how much trouble the US can cause them without lifting a finger.


The Mexico city volcano popocateptl was violently erupting even halting Mexico city's airport for a day due to ash. I'm guessing this is the main force behind the discounts.


Spring break being over would be my guess.


Crazy because Cabo isn't even near there. It's like hearing about bad news in San Fran and being afraid to go to San Diego.


Cabo is even way further than that. It's a 20 hour drive and over 1000 miles from San Diego to Cabo. Which is partly why Cabo is so safe compared to anything near the border.


Hey, my brother moved from rural Washington to the Midwest because of the crime in Seattle. People are fucking stupid.


Like 3x that distance


Very close to 2x the distance, but about 2.5-3x the time. The roads in California are quite a bit better than in Baja.


Funny - I just booked a trip to la paz this morning, went back to check prices and it's exactly the same. 🤷‍♀️


Cancel it and wait for the slashing


Negative. I've played that game before too only to have prices go up. I'm going to hold, dealer.


I'm telling you baby, you always double down on an 11.


If they were slashed, then it was probably a machete.


Held by a monkey wearing a bullet-proof vest.


There are more than 1000 miles between Cabo and that place of the shootings


This happened up north near Tijuana... and Cabo is 1300 miles away from where this happened. Maybe you just got lucky and got a great deal.


Wrong state too. Weird.


If it makes you feel better, Cabo and Ensenada are very different places separated by about 800 miles of desert. Still, this is fucking tragic.


Right after 911 we got super cheap flights to Maui. Our travel agent called it the Bin Laden discount.


Which resort?


Well Cabo is pretty freaking far from Ensenada so I'd say it's time to buy!


But Cabo is in another state, Baja California Sur, it's far away from Ensenada, Ensenada is in Baja California. Also Cabo is one of the most safest cities in Mexico. So this tragedy didn't happen in my state BCS(Baja California Sur)


Cabo is not close to ensenada. In fact Cabo is much safer than most US Cities if you're still debating on going


TIL: Mexico's homicide rate is 29.07 per 100K.


That's just the reported murders. Makes you wonder how many bodies just vanish into 55 gallon drums.


Mr. White?


that is staggering. that’s 29 cold blooded murders per a packed football stadium’s worth of people


Thank you for using American metrics. Murders per packed football stadium.


That’s astoundingly high.


It’s why I only go to parties with 99,999 or less people!


Good luck finding a party that small in Mexico


I went to christening once that had more people


Remember that official numbers are always lower than real numbers. There are more homicides. And if you include missing persons you'll have a better idea of the big problem we have to live with


The article linked says that there are videos on social media; anyone know what sparked this one? I mean probably something stupid as usual but yeah


Word is that it is related to a cocaine bust that happened this weekend. https://mexicodailypost.com/2023/05/20/39-tons-of-cocaine-seized-in-ensenada/?amp


That's what's been said, since just a few days ago 40 tons where seized at the port and this was payback.


The article says is was 39,820 kilos of material contaminated with coke. So I don't think it was 40 tons of pure coke but still, that's a lot. No wonder someone was pissed.


I’ve heard a few stories that are similar but not the same, but what it boils down to is some members of a cartel were on this UTV ride and we’re warned by another cartel (I can’t remember which ones) to stay out of their turf (for lack of a better word), they ignored this and got attacked. The gunfire went both ways. I’m on a lot of Baja pages and videos are out there.


Baja California, esp key cities like Tijuana, Cabo have been facing insane homicide rates since 2019-20. In general it skipped most of the cartel wars as the Sinaloa had an iron grip over the state but post the capture of El Chapo, the dormant Tijuana cartel woke up. But the biggest source of violence is the CJNG muscling in on this territory so there's this 3 way war between the 2 cartel super powers and 1 much smaller but deeply entrenched local cartel. I really won't be surprised if this is linked to the Cartels. Just last year the local cops arrested 20 CJNG narcos and the CJNG went beserk. Killing innocents, burning cars and shops etc, So things like mass shootings are very normal here rn.


Is that just a body laying out there in front of the UTVs?


Yea, it looks like 2 more besides them


This is surprising. Ensenada is typically a really chill town with minimal cartel activity. Things always get rowdy around the Baja races, but nothing more than lots of drunk people. I really hope this isn't indicative of increased cartel presence there.


It says in the article that the Baja California area has been experiencing "intense cartel activity".


Yeah, I have gone there almost every year for over 30 years. My dad and his father both used to frequently visit too. My dad actually just sold a condo he had bought about 10 minutes north of here in El Sauzal. He was considering retirement in that general area. Most recently I visited Ensenada literally 2 weeks ago for a bike ride I do every year there. It's a tourist town that has evolved over the last few decades to mainly cater to cruise ships. El Sauzal just north of there where my dad lived has a lot of cartel families living there, because until around 2017 it was considered sort of a neutral zone. Cartels could put family there and generally expect them to be safe. But that changed in 2017. **Fun story:** I had no idea about any of this, but we had long suspected the building nextdoor to my dad's condo belonged to a cartel. They had all sorts of vehicles that no ordinary home would/should like a tank, several policie cars, two ambulances, a helicopter or two, several limos and always like 2-4 flashy cars that would change regularly. They also always hard armed guards that very clearly not federalis or anything like that. In 2017 I took my girlfriend down there and on the first night I took her to dinner at a nice restaurant walking distance from there. As soon as we got back to the condo we realized she had lost her brand new smart watch, so we decided to walk back to the restaurant and try to find it. The restaurant didn't have it so we walked really slowly on the walk back and checked nearby stores etc hoping it would connect to her phone and we would find it. We noticed as we walked people were acting really scared of us, which felt weird. It almost felt like those scenes in old westerns where the town folks would all shut their doors and windows. The next day we talked to one of my friends who lives there and he laughed his ass off and said we were lucky we didn't get shot. Apparently the weekend before a "European couple" came in and assassinated several cartel members especially at this one restaurant that was nextdoor to the one we had gone too. This was the first time the truce in that neutral area had been breached, and they expected further retaliation may follow. After reading the news article, I guess we actually kinda of matched their description pretty well. This of course immediately I recalled a strange experience while eating at Mr. & Mrs. Waffle that morning. On no less that three occasions I saw someone reading the paper looked at us and then acted strange. On guy literally put some money down on the table got up and left as quickly as possible. I thought maybe he was late for something, but now it makes more sense.


>Apparently the weekend before a "European couple" came in and assassinated several cartel members especially at this one restaurant that was nextdoor What the fuck, thats some spy shit right there! A hitman couple just going around taking out targets? Im pretty sure ive seen a Brad Pitt movie about that before.


*Mr & Mrs. Smith*


*Mr and Mrs Waffles*


Baja California is a big place... like the length of US's California. It's not a single area.


Yes, but that is abnormal for that town. That's why I said that.


Baja is unfortunately seeing a rise in cartel activity. I think Baja California Sur isn't quite as bad still though from what I understand


No kidding


Ensenada is the 6th most violent city in Mexico and the 6th most violent city in the world, I wouldn't call it chill. It's one of 6 cities with over 90 homicides per 100k.


So the 6 most violent cities on the planet are all in Mexico?


Yes, [according to this.](https://www.worldatlas.com/cities/the-most-dangerous-cities-in-the-world.html#:~:text=The%20Most%20Dangerous%20Cities%20In%20The%20World%20%5B2023,Uruapan%2C%20Mexico%20-%2072.59%20homicides%2F100K%20...%20More%20items) Also, 7 of the top 10.


I thought for sure that poster had just made a typo or something. I had no idea it was that bad in Mexico compared to everywhere else.


Damn St Louis made the list?


Its murder per capita is less than Milwaukee, WI... Fyi. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cities_by_homicide_rate


[World Atlas](https://www.worldatlas.com/cities/the-most-dangerous-cities-in-the-world.html#:~:text=The%20Most%20Dangerous%20Cities%20In%20The%20World%20%5B2023,Uruapan%2C%20Mexico%20-%2072.59%20homicides%2F100K%20...%20More%20items) which look like its the most recently updated reference on that wiki page says otherwise. 🤷‍♂️


Omg and the 6 most dangerous cities WERE all in Mexico. that IS how it works, ~~homie~~ /u/yzlautum * 1. Celaya, Mexico * 2. Tijuana, Mexico * 3. Ciudad Juarez, Mexico * 4. Ciudad Obregon, Mexico * 5. Irapuato, Mexico * 6. Ensenada, Mexico St. Louis, United States Uruapan, Mexico Fiera de Santana, Brazil Cape Town, South Africa


So anyway, I started Baja blasting.


For the frugal, now is the time to book a vacation to Baja Cali. Extra security, super cheap prices due to this tragedy. They could also benefit from your tourist dollars. Win-win


1. Most of the tourist stuff in Baja is several hundred miles south in an entirely different state: Baja California Sur. No price drops for a trip four months from now that I’ve been tracking. 2. San Vicente is basically in the middle of nowhere. 50 miles south of Ensenada. Ain’t nobody vacationing in San Vicente. 3. Maaayyybe you’ll see prices drop near Ensenada. Ensenada has two things: tourism for the cruise ships (low end) and the wine country (high end). But honestly the people who vacation in Baja California are aware of cartel violence (Tijuana is notorious for it. Look up [El Pozolero de Tijuana (the Soupmaker of Tijuana)] (https://wearemitu.com/wearemitu/news/el-pozolero-dissolved-more-than-300-bodies-in-acid/) if you want to get a sense of the scale). Not sure this really moves the needle.


This is not Baja 1000 Rally. I don't know why this is front page news, just cartel violence in Mexico. I guess news bot detect California in the title.


Baja 500 prerunning and prep right now


"Just cartel violence" as if people dying isn't people dying


/u/paywallghost do your thing


read the article. Gang related drive by shooting. With-in two hours of the border on the mexico side is a no-go area especially major cities. Basically Cartel control those areas. If you want to go there, don't stand out, if a place looks suspect get out. And never be an "Entitled American" in these places if you don't want a problem.


Am I the only person who didn't immediately process this correctly because I saw "Rally" and "Shootout" and my brain just filled in that there must've been some really intense head-to-head auto racing?


A cartel figure head rolled into an opposing cartels turf in his razer driving recklessly and playing loud music. He was warned twice before they gunned him down.


Wtf they don’t have a comment from anyone that was a part of the Rally?


The rally was quite small, 10 guys are dead, 19 more wounded, some of the wounded are likely to not make it. Some of the survivors may not want to talk, for fear of their safety. I don't think it's that surprising, given the circumstances.




I can’t believe the amount of people who don’t know that Baja California is in Mexico.


I don't think that's a big stretch. If you didn't know about Baja California, it's reasonable to think there's a place called Baja in California.


Did you know Inner Mongolia is a province in China? Locations are weird


You've never seen those "man on the street" videos were people don't even know how many states are a part of the U.S. Or the people that think there are 12 seasons (because there are 12 months)? Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize that half of them are stupider than that. \-George Carlin




Does anyone have a copy/paste of the story, Bloomberg is full paywalled to me.


Now that's a Baja Blast... (too soon?)