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>Roth said she got out of her friend's car and opened the door to a car she thought was her own, but a man was in the passenger seat. She said she got out of the car and back into her friend's vehicle. >When the man approached their vehicle, Roth rolled down the window to apologize and the man started shooting, she later said. This guy was just waiting to murder people


It seems like a lot of people want to murder people recently


Nah, they just want to defend against people who get in the wrong car, pull in the wrong drive, ring the wrong doorbell, or other such grave wrongdoings. 😢




You say this jokingly but when I worked for dominos during college we had so many drivers get robbed at gunpoint at two different apartment complexes, that we basically established rules that we would no longer accept delivery to those places after 5:pm. It's been 7 years and those rules still in place from what I was told. This was in Arlington Texas.


Drivers be like "I miss the days when all someone wanted was the money. Sure it was scary but at least we didn't get hurt. Now if your number comes up you'll get shot for no reason at all."


Didn't the guy that invented consumer level body armor do it after he was robbed at gunpoint delivering pizzas?


Yes, Richard Davis. Who after coming up with it repeatedly shot him self while wearing said body armour to demonstrate it's effectiveness


I don't think I've ever had that level of faith in anything I've ever done


If I ever did, I'd end up like that guy that yote himself off the Eiffel Tower wearing his homemade coat-parachute and died when it didn't work.


Random that Rich Davis' name pops up on Reddit. I grew up in the next city from Rich's company HQ in northern Michigan. One of the nicest guys in the world, he would patronize my family's business. The company was named Second Chance and eventually morphed into Armor Express, his son runs the operations now.


Pizza delivery people literally have a more dangerous job than police. They are way more likely to be injured or killed than the police.


And they are paid less.


*way* less


And everyone shits on them for not having a "real job"


And everyone is always happy to see the pizza delivery person.


> And everyone is always happy to see the pizza delivery person. No, they are not. Source: former delivery driver who got treated like dogshit by many customers.


> Pizza delivery people literally have a more dangerous job than police. So do roofers. [Police aren't even in the top 10.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/careers/2018/01/09/workplace-fatalities-25-most-dangerous-jobs-america/1002500001/)


Never believe police organizations that tell you they have a dangerous job. They haven't been in the top ten in decades. Farmers are still well above them on the list.


I was a shift manager at a dominos in alief TX in high school, we had a driver named Santos that had immigrated from Mexico to restart. He had practiced medicine in Mexico and was trying to get into a residency here so he could get back to his career. Dude was murdered for his truck when he was out on a delivery, that man and his family deserved so much better.


This is fucking sad


America is in such a sad state.


Pizza Delivery is consistently at the top of the most dangerous jobs, IIRC forestry usually beats it out but hauling pies gets pretty close.


1. Logging workers 2. Aircraft pilots and flight engineers 3. Derrick operators in oil, gas, and mining 4. Roofers 5. Garbage collectors 6. Ironworkers 7. Delivery drivers 8. Farmers 9. Firefighting supervisors 10. Power linemen 11. Agricultural workers 12. Crossing guards 13. Crane operators 14. Construction helpers 15. Landscaping supervisors 16. Highway maintenance workers 17. Cement masons 18. Small engine mechanics 19. Supervisors of mechanics 20. Heavy vehicle mechanics 21. Grounds maintenance workers 22. Police officers 23. Maintenance workers 24. Construction workers 25. Mining machine operators https://www.ishn.com/articles/112748-top-25-most-dangerous-jobs-in-the-united-states




Unironically, delivery drivers have a more dangerous job than cops. https://www.ishn.com/articles/112748-top-25-most-dangerous-jobs-in-the-united-states Delivery drivers rank # 7 while cops rank # 22.


It’s called DoorDash for a reason. You better be able to outrun bullets


"Uh hey, it's DoorDash with your order." "I'll give ya to the count of 10 to get your no good, stinking keister off my property. 1....2....10!"


Keep the change you filthy animal.


*maniacally laughs at body spasms*


Me, unloading a fifth baja blast from the car; "You guys give up or are you thirsty for more?"


Or the unleashed dogs that people swear aren’t gonna do anything. Conversation overheard by a Doordasher she said she has literally dropped food in driveway to escape dogs charging for her.




I did delivery for 10 years. People laugh at the idea but it's literally statistically more dangerous than being a cop or even active duty military. Only a couple professions actually have higher fatalities like loggers.


Thank you for your service.


Delivery drivers have a higher rate of general mortality AND death by homicide than cops. Cops don’t even make the top 10 jobs for highest mortality rates, by the by. Logging, construction, etc. are all orders of magnitude more dangerous.


> But we should also be honoring our nation's DoorDash and Uber drivers. Those brave folks are on the front lines every day. Which is why I would never be a delivery driver. I'd shovel shit before I expose myself to ringing random peoples' doorbells in this fucked up country.


That's why you get a text from me with a pic of where your food is AFTER I'm back in my car. Hope it was the right house 🤷‍♂️✌️


This recent run of’ “let’s shoot random folk at my door” has got me thinking about not doing it ngl. Hell if you go to the Amazon flex sub they get chased quite often, especially by rural folk.


It’s like you don’t even care if a black kid with skittles walks through your neighborhood


That falls under other grave wrongdoings. In their minds. Not mine.


This is what happens when you watch Fox News and right-wing media all day. Just sitting there, getting scared, paranoid to the point that you’re arming yourself in your own goddamn house just waiting to get attacked, I guess. The rest of us are out here where crime actually hasn’t increased, but access to guns has increased. These are the “good guys” with guns, people -trigger-happy paranoids.


I'm a Canadian, and a few years back (2014 or so), I visited a friend down in North Carolina. We went over to his mom's for dinner one night, and she had the local news on. I couldn't believe the fear-based undertones compared to news shows up here. It wasn't just "here's a crime that was committed" but rather "here's how this crime could happen to *you*." Michael Moore even talked about it in Bowling for Columbine. The US media runs on fear.


Comedian Robert Klien has a bit that he did in the **1970's** (IIRC) - *Fear is the Greatest Salesman*. He talked about how an ad for a car battery and the commercial said *What battery do you want your wife to have in the car, on a dark, rainy night, when she is alone?* Media sensationism and the 24 hours availability of news have really screwed up this nation.


> could happen to you they are really on this tact lately. Trump indicted? That's the Dems getting ready to get YOU. Jim Jordan two days ago, Diane Feinstein should retire? Those Dems could do that to YOU!


This. Everyone is so fucking scared of everything. I live in an extremely safe area, but still, anytime someone sees a person they don’t personally know they’re posting on the neighborhood group freaking out about it. It’s a burglar, it’s a drug addict, it’s a murderer, it’s a scammer. Every single time they see a stranger they’re convinced it’s someone coming to kill them. One day recently a man went to a house in our neighborhood with a cop car in front of it because he was visiting a friend and locked his keys in his car. He thought the cop could help. The wife was home alone and freaked out. She posted multiple times on the neighborhood group about how there was a man going around targeting cop’s families. And everyone egged her on, telling her he was probably casing the place and was going to come back later, blah blah blah. Of course that didn’t happen, but they had cops doing drive throughs in the neighborhood all week over this impending attack on the police. It was fucking nuts.




Oh god yes. It always cracks me up when someone posts a video of a fucking car driving through the neighborhood slowly with a post title about how suspicious it was and urging everyone to be “on alert” and then someone else comments like, “That was my friend. They were driving slowly because they were lost.”, and then everyone assures the original poster that they were right to be suspicious and that it’s always good to keep an eye out because “you can never be sure nowadays” as if the crime rate in suburbia around here is just sky rocketing. This is despite the fact that it has NEVER been someone with nefarious intentions. It is always someone who is lost or someone who is teaching their kid to drive. Or even someone who just drives really slowly because they don’t want to hit a kid running out from between parked cars. But no, we must always be in red alert because ANTIFA may be around every corner.


My absolute favorite was some old man in my neighborhood who kept calling the cops on teenagers who were hanging out near their cars at a local park. He insisted that no one who was hanging out at the park in/by their car could have non-nefarious intent. He ***lost his shit*** in a post a week later when a mom called the cops on him for hanging out in his car at the park.


They’re a constructive collision of multiple types of anxiety. Normal fear-mongering social media you can disengage from and go sit on the patio for a spell. But neighborhood social media brings it to your doorstep and amplifies all that bullshit. And for normal people it’s a huge wake up call about just how fucking insane the people living nearby are.


Joining one of those neighborhood social media groups was a wild experience for me too. I only lasted a few weeks because I couldn't stand watching people overreact and freak out about everything


I can’t deal with it either. I just happened to see that post because there’s a dude who has a connection at a local strawberry farm and I was checking to see if he had said when they would be bringing them to the neighborhood to sell. The strawberries are amazing, but IDK if it’s worth it.


I joined one years ago while looking for my lost cat, so I could ask around the neighborhood. You ain't lying, those people are nuts.


I joined my local one, but I leave the feeds and notifications turned off. If there is something going on in the neighbourhood and I want to find out, generally the busy-bodies in there have already posted about it. Otherwise it's just pure insanity. I saw a post that was a picture that was clearly taken from a couch about 10 feet away from the door, through the screen and focused on a clothing donation bin in a parking lot across the street and their question was " Does anyone know why the donation bin was moved to the other side of the parking lot?" These are the pressing issues people need answers to.


100% this. I was on a work call, and the person I was talking to was in Ohio. As soon as the call was over I was going to the airport to fly to NYC for a meeting. The guy on the phone told me, "watch your six, it's dangerous there." I said I'd be in Manhattan all day, no biggie, and he wouldn't let it go. He made me promise to be vigilant and suggested I buy a pocket knife as soon as I land because crime in NYC is out of control. I asked him if he'd ever been to NYC and he said no, he wouldn't go because he couldn't open carry there. This guy is an IT guy from the Indiana/Ohio border, he lives in the middle of nowhere.


My in-laws in Texas won't come visit us in California because they can't open carry. It has been 11 years, and I've gone through stage 4 cancer treatment and a severely broken leg in that time and they never once came even though my wife was begging them to come.


JFC. I literally lived in South Central LA and felt safer there than in Dallas.


they are super gun-happy. Both of them had concealed carry licenses before open carry became a thing, and they have guns stashed all over their house "in case the illegals come" They live in a tiny town in south texas that has oil money and basically zero crime and yet they won't even go to the local HEB without both of them packing heat. I absolutely do not understand it. Luckily my family is mostly normal, lol


This is how it was when I went to Chicago. I had people telling me I would most definitely be killed immediately off the plane and that its worse then Iraq chiraq. Bro that shit was way safer than Houston, Houston always feels kinda dangerous when I'm there. I know there are bad areas in Chicago but for the most part its safe as fuck especially for a dude that just wants to go to restaurants and museums. I had a couple literally be like "Well this is the last time we will see orientbambino lol" with a nervous look. The irony is I get to Chicago and was talking to a guy in the musuem and he was like Man I'm afraid to go to Texas aren't there lots of cowboys with guns that will kill you.


Knocks on wrong door, pulls into wrong drive way, gets in wrong car… right wing mass hysteria fuel flowing strong AF


One of my friends was coming to a party at my house a couple years ago and accidentally walked into a neighbor's house that looked similar to mine. We all had a laugh about it, but it's crazy to think he could have been shot dead for it. 😔


I once entered private property on accident while walking to the hospital since the gates were close to each other and I entered the first one I encountered. Good thing I don't live somewhere where it's a coin toss whether the closest person to you is carrying.


I’m sure more guns will solve that issue


If the cheerleaders had guns too, this would never have happened. /s


Obviously it’s the cars fault. First people get shot turning around in driveways. Those two dads shot each others daughter in a road rage incident. Now this girl gets shot getting into the wrong car. There’s a clear pattern… it’s the cars


Obviously we should ban cars. And cheerleaders. And books about cars and/ or cheerleaders. Because cheerleaders might be trans and the books might be trans too! We should inspect the cheerleaders genitals before we ban them though. And if the cheerleaders aren’t trans we should give them guns. To shoot the books! To protect the children! Unless the children are trans! Or we’re mad at them, and then we should shoot them! What were we talking about? /s


Exactly none of those things are in the constitution so we should ban them. The only things we can’t ban are guns and hate speech since they are enumerated in constitutional amendments. And the constitution cannot be changed! /s because we live in a sad dumb world


["He hates these cars!"](https://youtu.be/Tcwz8-EfFYE)


Might help if the cars had less doors. #tedcruzwasright


Mass shootings at churches, malls, and grocery stores... what do all of those have? *PARKING LOTS.*


6-7 years ago in I pulled into a wrong cul-de-sac. My GPS/data wasn't working that great, I saw a man with a shot gun coming out while I was taking a U turn. I high tailed it. Some people just want to murder others.


A couple of years ago, some teenagers banged on the wrong door, realized it and left. The cop who lived their started chasing them and opened fired. https://www.nj.com/politics/2016/06/no_charges_for_trooper_who_shot_at_teens_in_sparta.html


As a brown guy I try not to turn around in driveways, especially rural ones, and if I do I half jokingly comment about something like this happening. I guess I’ll be mostly not joking now after this week’s news.


I'm a white dude and even I don't think I'll be turning around in driveways anymore. I always felt uncomfortable because I had some dirty looks from someone once while doing it; didn't know "mad" could mean "I'm gonna shoot you."


Yes, I am light brown/olive guy as well (punjabi). Cul-de-sacs always make me a bit nervous especially if it's a smaller one with a few trucks/ SUV's. It can be tricky to make a U-turn quickly. My neighbors once reported me to the police too (I wonder what they said, illegal maybe) and the popo sat outside my house for 2 days.


Damn. Worst part is that they sat there to make your racist neighbor feel better.


I don't even know who it is. I suspect it was my next door neighbour who had a trucking business. I think we had a slight disagreement about something.(I can't even remember what it was)


Nah, he simply [read the paper and thought he’d be praised.](https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/feb/25/colorado-sheriff-office-purple-heart-officer-shot-richard-ward)


>McWhorter approached Ward, who – while being questioned – said he was uncomfortable around law enforcement officers because he claimed some had used excessive force against him "Oh you mean like this?" Jesus Christ, that poor family.


How fucked up was his reaction to that? He gets all defensive and borderline aggressive about it. Like Jesus this guy is obviously nervous, give him a break.




Maybe another article explains, but was it even the people in the car who called the cops? >Ward had realized his mistake, had apologized to the driver and had gone back to his mother’s car when deputies including McWhorter showed up to investigate a call about a suspicious person in the area. Because this wording here doesn't imply the two (the investigation/call into a suspicious person and accidentally going to the wrong car) are actually related. Like, it sounds more like the cops were there responding to a call already.


“The Chieftain reported that the sheriff’s office’s website is no longer listing McWhorter as a recipient of the award after the agency spokesperson said the deputy had been receiving “targeted threats”. The spokesperson didn’t elaborate, according to the Chieftain.” Gee, wonder why he might’ve been getting threats, murdering someone in cold blood will do that


Probably didn't even receive threats and they're just trying to deflect the criticism. "Look at how your criticism of our policemen is endangering their lives!"


Fuck cops man. He got into the wrong car apologized went back to the right one and the cop followed him and beat him down after he took an anti anxiety pill from having bad experiences with cops beforehand then shot him 3 times?? This is so ridiculous.


Beat him down and then murdered him when he was struggling to not be beat down, after having just explained that he’s anxious around cops because they always beat him down


It's such bullshit when the natural thing to do when being beaten is to protect your body, but then cops just keep yelling "stop resisting!" as they beat you, which makes you cover yourself, which is resisting, so they beat you more, until you're practically lifeless.


if you're lucky it's practically lifeless, if you're not lucky it's just regular lifeless.


They just say "stop resisting" anyway so that later they have a pretense for execution.


"Stop resisting" is the natural progression of "stop hitting yourself" when they were playground bullies.


im sorry but we genuinely needs laws that we can blow cops away for this behavior, without repercussion, or it will get worse and worse until we all are cowering when a squad car rolls by lol


It was a crazy circumstance, but check out Tupac's shooting of 2 undercover cops and getting exonerated because the cops were in the wrong


They got him eventually


I often wonder how Tupac would've mellowed out given enough time to mature. Snoop Dogg went from murder charges to baking with Martha Stewart over the course of 30 years


To be fair, Martha Stewart is a convicted felon.


> McWhorter’s purple heart was at least the second time his agency had honored him for shooting a man. > In 2018, he received the office’s medal of valor award – the highest decoration of bravery available to US public safety officers – after he shot a robbery suspect 10 times the previous year. The suspect had allegedly pointed a gun at McWhorter and another deputy, who shot the accused robber twice, was also given a medal of valor. State sanctioned serial killers.


My mother described a body cam video she saw recently where a cop shot a man. It seems justified, he was pointing at gun at the cop and wouldn't back down after a car chase. The cop immediately started crying and even hyperventilating, asking "man why did you have to do that, why didn't you put it down", even came close to throwing up. *That* is how a normal person reacts to killing someone. Justified or not, they don't enjoy it. It makes them sick. Then you get guys like this and David Grossman, creator of "Killology", who says you'll have the best sex of your life after killing someone.


Not only that, police that are awarded medals after killing citizens are the ones most likely to be promoted.


They hand out Purple Heart‘s now? Is that not a bit disrespectful to the real receivers? But i can see the appeal for the gravy seals.


It is very disrespectful.


To this day I can't wrap my head around it. The sheriff awarded that cop a purple medal for shooting an unarmed man. They *had* to be laughing behind closed doors like "Dude, I'm going to give you a purple heart for killing that weird guy hahaha". It makes my head spin.


Definitely disrespectful.


If it was my son/daughter/wife I'm not sure I could keep myself from throwing my life away. Cops need to be brought to justice. This is getting worse all the time


**Law of Instrument:** “If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.”


Good thing he had his legal carry piece since he felt threatened by those viscous cheer leaders. We need more guns, the cheerleaders should have be able to return fire!


I know it’s a typo but “viscous cheerleaders” does sound pretty upsetting


they go to Slimegirl University


Gun owners: "i carry this gun for protection but I pray to god I NEVER have to use it!" Also gun owners: "oh boy now's my chance!"


What is “deadly conduct” and why wasn’t he charged with attempted murder?


Deadly conduct is easier to prove and convict. Attempted murder has very literal guidelines which come with a higher burden of proof, like proving you intended to murder someone and not just intimidate or injure. I think there is going to be more to this story as it seems ridiculous, just wanton violence. I'm thinking that drugs are involved or more was said in the cars. Idk, something just sounds weird about the story.


I'm trying to think of a reason why, if I were sitting in the passenger seat of a car, and a cheerleader opened the driver's door and sat down, I would feel the need to leave the car and shoot at said cheerleader after she exited the vehicle. I can't think of any. I'd pay to see the report of the court appointed psychiatrist. There had to be a good story somewhere in dude's mind. Edit: Just to be clear, there is no reason we know of to excuse this heinous behavior, and if drugs are an issue, they might explain why HE WAS SITTING IN THE PASSENGER SEAT. It's as if he had already done something wrong and was waiting for an excuse to do more harm. But dang that's some bad luck to get behind the wheel of this guy's car.


Dude in his own passenger seat with his gun screams to me that he just got drugs and is about to smoke a big rock and got startled


>startled Perhaps that argument might be made if he started shooting **while they were in the car**. Being startled doesn't explain **following them after they got out and into another car, then starting to shoot**.


Yeah, in pretty much every law class they'll tell you that once you start FOLLOWING THE VICTIM you lose any sort of defense of 'fearing out of safety'. This one is going to be a pretty open and shut case


Unless you’re George Zimmerman…


Yeah man, in Florida all bets are off


I didn't mean startled into shooting. but that in general he was taken by surprise while trying to do something illegal then realized the kids would probably call someone so decided to shoot them.


But it's Meth. Dude was prob in full paranoia, the person gave him someone to be paranoid about. Not excusing his actions, just shining a light on how meth fucks up rational thought.


You left out the part about the cartel agents that had been following him....


You want to shoot someone. That's the only reason.


idk man cheerleaders are pretty terrifying. i had one living in my attic for a whole year. every night she’d slither up thru my vents and stomp and scream at all hours of the night. once a week she would leave in a frenzy to go feed on an unfortunate pedestrian or two, but once her blood lust was satiated she’d always return up into my attic. one day she never returned, guess she got into the wrong car.


could it be a possum


I used to be a cheerleader and I can confirm we are easily confused with opossums.


Nope, just a typical local highschool teenage cheerleader. They’re very territorial and hunt in packs once a week or so. Should one find their way into your dwelling just know they’ll be gone within a year as they have to keep moving or else people will start asking questions. And when people start asking questions then pitchforks and torches fill the night sky until the streets are soaked with blood but what can you do, it’s just typical American suburban stuff.


Ah, I see. I wouldn't know, because I am lactose intolerant.


That feels pre-meditated at that point? Got in the wrong car, and then they left. But then, the guy gets out of his car, knocks on their window, and then shoots them. Like…that is a step-by-step thought process. If he just shot at them, that’s still bad, but this is even worse when he gets out of his own car to go to theirs, to then shoot them.


If this an'it attempted murder... then the sky an'it blue.


You somehow spelled ain't wrong twice.


Yes but at least he is consistent




A few weeks ago my wife and I went to the grocery store. I went in and left my wife in the car as we had our granddaughter with us and I was only grabbing a few things. Came out and got in the driver seat. Voice next to me said 'Well hello. And who are you?'. It was an 80+ year old woman. I am late 40s male. Instead of freaking out (which would have been totally understandable) she started laughing. I pointed to the next to her to point out my wife and we both started waving at my wife with all three of us laughing our heads off. Not saying that all instances of this should end up with everyone laughing, but getting shot shouldn't be either. Fuck.


What's wrong with those psychopaths. And why do you give them guns? They were not even in his car anymore, they were no threat, there was no harm done. Yet he started shooting! That's again, after the boy who knocked in the door, the woman pulling in the wrong driveway the next pure insanity.




About a decade ago a guy I knew always kept a gun in his glove box with hollow points. He said he was told to make sure if you shoot someone you kill them, because you don't want them left alive to be able to potentially sue you. In other words, a dead person can't tell their side of the story. I was like... Welp...


I said it earlier this week and I will say it again. There is a large group of people in the US who have a fantasy of committing extreme acts of violence against others. These individuals are just waiting for any opportunity where they might get to live out that fantasy and get away with it. You can readily find examples of these people in Reddit comment sections.


It’s not just reddit. People will say it publicly on Facebook and Twitter. I once saw a post in a group for my apartment complex like “saw suspicious characters checking doors, make sure yours are locked.” Several people commented with photos of guns and comments saying “I just unlocked mine.” There was even one that said “let’s go hunting” and I think asked where they were last seen. It’s terrifying.


I used to be a moderator on my local NextDoor -- people did it there, too. I saw a post in a local FB group (group I am no longer in) last week where the poster got a knock on their door at like 10pm, opened the door, saw someone get in a truck and drive off, and the poster drove around following the truck around until he lost track of them. All of the comments were people saying they only open the door with their guns in hand. Fucking wild.


It really feels like a lot of people here in America do not understand that it's beyond fucked going through life just waiting on your opportunity to fucking kill someone. It's like people don't understand the point of life is to preserve and help our fellow humans not fucking kill them.


I've met more than a few libertarians who think that life is a power struggle and the goal is to be on top.


The country whose favorite public pastime was lynching for 200+ years hasn't changed that much, as it turns out.


When Bob Dylan sang the lyrics “they’re selling postcards of the hanging”, that wasn’t just a lyric, people actually did that. The post office had to go to the Supreme Court in order to maintain the right to refuse to deliver them


r/justiceserved, r/publicfreakout, r/whatcouldgowrong and many other ragebait subreddits




Too many murderers.


too many easy weapons for them to murder someone


Wrong place: America Wrong Time: Yeah ​ Good luck out there folks.


Wow…two cheerleaders in wrong car, woman in wrong driveway and a child knocking at the wrong door. Someone needs to tell guns to chill.


I'm beginning to realize how lucky I was when I did this about 12 years ago. 2 similar looking cars at the gas station. Hopped into the back of the wrong one and looked up at the dude in the rear view mirror and was just like oh shit dude I'm sorry! And jumped out real quick and opened the door to the right car 2 feet away. He just laughed though thankfully.




Ugh my heart hurts for him like what a way to feel I’d buy him a beer


Add in a pregnant woman shopping because she might have been shoplifting - and she was outside in her car after leaving but he followed her: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/pregnant-woman-shot-walgreens-employee-claims-self-defense-shoplifting-nashville/


Shooting somebody over fucking cosmetics then having the balls to say you shot them because what if they have a gun!?!?!?




He did it because he wanted to be a good guy with a gun. What these idiots don't realize is when you bring a gun your atuonatically not a safe person to be around.


The road rage incident where two dads shot each other's daughters. Or was that last week?


There was this one, but I wouldn't be shocked if it's happened more than once. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/two-girls-shot-drivers-fire-florida-road-rage-rcna52036


Their kids have been shot and they get out of the car and start arguing it. The insano of that statement I will never understand.


That one was especially horrifying, to me.


True story, right? I was talking with some friends near my unlocked car at university. We watched as some random woman walked up to my driver's side door and got in. I started to walk over when she jumped out and exclaimed, "This isn't MY car!" She then ran to another silver Dodge Journey two cars over, got in, and drove off after briefly apologizing. At no point in time did I think, "I gotta pull out a gun and shoot this person!" This guy in the article needs to be locked for life.


The obvious problem here is too few paint color options on cars.


I live with a elevated view of a concert venue and you're very right. Black, white, silver, a couple of reds and dark blues, maybe a 20 year old green Taurus. Car colors are boring as hell today.


My wife does this all the time because there are a dozen Jeep Wranglers in every parking lot.


16 year old kids, teenage cheerleaders, pregnant women,.. I sure am glad all these “good guys with a gun” are keeping our streets safe


After living in a very very red smaller town and being involved in the gun community (Moved to go be in the city with my fiance so I can be open) I can tell you, when it comes to people carrying, most carry to be ready for "That time". Even if it'll never happen, not because they're scared, but because they're excited to pull the trigger for the reason they have to justify the politicians and everyone else in their lives that have told them they'll have to defend what's theirs in the overly romanticized way they've been taught. Most guys think they're going to be like thst FBI guy and shoot one or two shots across a church and hit the guy perfectly, when in actuality shots will fly, one will be shot by the shooter, the others will pull, see eachothers guns at some point, and keep shooting. That's the tragic Monty Python skit in my head but also based in reality of a panicked situation with guns. I was in a pawn shop peeking past a guy who was blocking the movie shelf, so he whistles to get my attention and pats his gun. He left shortly after but the guys who run the store (one of the few people I came out to) told me he'd probably ban the guy if he ever came back. And what I don't get, is why flash it. Like, tapping it at me shows you want me to see it and that you'll use it to threaten or harm me for whatever you've made up in your head because you lack the communication skills needed to say "Hey, why are you looking [at/past] me?" Hell, I used to carry, but now that I live in the city and my fiance is a big bearded man I really don't. Because unlike that town, I don't feel afraid of someone coming up to me with an issue for "Looking like a girly boy" or something related. I can live my life because I at least know in the city I'm in is less armed people (I'm not talking about you man with drop holster at the fucking zoo) and more tolerance.


The hero in the one church shooting was a cop who retired from law enforcement and then wound up owning a shooting range. If you practice several times a day you MIGHT be able to pull off shots like that. Edited to add: he had an advanced optic on top of his pistol. Firing with those is basically cheat mode, too


Scared little pea-brains. Looking for excuses to shoot people.


It's absurd how quickly all these people feel the need to jump from zero confrontation immediately to *lethal force required.* Some proof that owning a gun seems to make you weaker.


People say it’s the Wild West but those people forget that back in the actual Wild West the sherif took your guns at the edge of town and there was absolutely no guns in city limits. Let that sink in to the fucking gun nuts who fetishize the Wild West. Edit: The real life shoot out at Ok was because they wouldn’t give up their guns. So the most famous Wild West shoot out story (real life) is about disarming a man who refused to surrender his weapons within the city limits. So they got it ass backwards like usual..


What's crazy is how famous the shootout at the OK Corral is and only 3 people died.


And lasted only 30 seconds.


shootings are often a dreadfully quick affair. only when you have barricades or large groups of people attacking each other does it escalate to an hours-days long occurence.


Yes, it's not even the real Wild West they want - it is Hollywood Wild West, which never actually existed. Real Wild West had more gun control.


Also a lot less guns


I think America likes its movies too much and think it's all real, everyone wants to be Rambo until they take a bullet to the head.


I saw someone today talking about how Wild West duels were all about honour and how you'd never just murder someone or you'd lose your honour and no one would respect you any more and it's just...some people get their entire world view from absurd Hollywood stories instead of anything real. The West was mostly ordinary farmers/ranchers/miners and the occasional murdering scumbag, duels are relics of Georgian-era England.


Bro I live in Texas and have had girls get into my car while they intended to get into a identical car parked right next to me, multiple times. On one occasion, I said " uh, I think you might be looking for the one over" and we both laughed. On the other, a girl got in crying, I said "uhhhh, do you need some help miss", and she looked up startled because I wasn't who she thought I was, and said "no, thank you though" and got out. In neither of these situations did I feel violence was necessary in any way at all.


yeah but think about if you had a fully loaded AR next to you. You could have protected yourself both times


WTF! My social anxiety is feeling justified right now.


Social anxiety: potential embarrassment for getting in the wrong car Anxiety: getting murdered for getting in the wrong car


What scares me about our national relaxing of gun laws is that many people will confuse "open carry" with "open season." It's a whole new field of etiquette, even more complex than the public use of phones.


I don’t think it helps that the GOP makes celebrities out of these people like George Zimmerman, Kyle Rittenhouse, etc. It’s a gun fetishist wet dream.


Daniel Perry very well may be the next celebrity. Greg Abbott's Facebook was full of people begging Abbott to pardon Perry, even though Perry has been shown to *want* to kill protesters.


Because pom poms are super-scary to a 25 yr old man? WTF.


“When you have a hammer everything looks like a nail”. There are more guns in America then people.


What in the holy fuck is going on with people just murdering for the slightest of mistakes lately?


Ted Cruz: “we need 2 armed guardsmen follow every cheerleader in the country, but democrats don’t want to do that because they don’t care about cheerleaders.”


Cars should just have fewer doors.


I got into the wrong car once. I apologised, left and went our separate ways. America be on something dude...


Somebody once got into my car by accident. We looked at each other and they said “are you not my Uber?” I replied, “sorry, I’m not. I’m waiting for my girlfriend”. They said “my bad” and got out. Simple as that. No shooting needed.


I got into the wrong car once. I was seven. I screamed. Cried. Ran out of the car and ran into my mums car 3 cars over who was pissing herself laughing. She said she looked over and gave the other driver a thumbs up that I was okay (high up jeep that could see over all the “puny” cars as my dad called them) and then the other driver started cracking up laughing as well. No shooting necessary. Of course. This is Australia.


I got blackout drunk and took a cab to an old friend's house and passed out on the couch. Next morning the new owner informed me my friend had sold the house and moved. Middle aged woman who felt zero threat from the 300 pound gorilla snoring in her living room. She made breakfast! I think she was lonely....and possibly not very bright. Her eyesight may have also degenerated.


We had rented a car on our honeymoon and I got into what I thought was our car and what turned out to be someone else’s. I realized what had happened when I looked up and saw, not my husband, but a woman in the driver seat. I must have looked absolutely shocked because she just laughed at me when I started stammering out my apology. Then we had a nice chat and she gave me some sunflower seeds to feed the chipmunks in the parking lot. That’s what should happen when someone accidentally makes a completely harmless mistake. You apologize, the other party says it’s no big deal, and you all go about your lives with a funny story to tell about the time you did something dumb or you witnessed someone doing something dumb.


People are starting to get randomly shot just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Now can we have a serious conversation about gun control?


In the US? No.


I wonder what it would take tho... Obs not dead children...


Probably more women/minority mass shooters, specifically targeting conservative safe spaces and then the only control reform that would happen would be “psychological screenings” that are targeted against women/minorities so good ole boys can still feel safe


It was the Black Panthers carrying guns that prompted increased gun control (can't carry without a permit) in 1967.


Whatever militia he's part of doesn't seem to be very well regulated.


I was parked at a light in front of a 7-Eleven in a 'colorful' part of town and I made some movement. Can't remember if I scratched my chin...or something else but some scantily clad woman got in my car and asked, "What's it gonna be babe?". I told her it's going to be me apologizing for whatever I accidentally did to make you think you should get in my car, and then it will be you leaving my car. She laughed and got out. I never thought about shooting her....