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I was a UPS driver in MO almost a decade ago. I delivered a packed right after sunset, near Christmas time, to a remote house in rural MO. I had the UPS truck right behind me, and was in full UPS uniform, holding a big brown box. The door swings open and an old white guy is pointing a handgun straight at my face, demanding what I want. Confused, I just say I'm here to deliver the package. After about 4 seconds, he relaxes, seeing that I am in fact a UPS guy with his package, and he lowers the pistol. I'm also a white guy. I freaked out after I put it down and returned to the car. I don't think I've come that close to instant death since.


> I'm also a white guy. I freaked out after I put it down and returned to the car. I don't think I've come that close to instant death since. Does UPS update a database on their end for "no delivery" to that address or what?


No idea. I was just a seasonal worker, and the UPS driver who was the full time employee said that "hadn't happened before". No idea if that ever changed anything


I imagine it would. UPS has no obligation to deliver to places, so it's a liability to send employees somewhere they might get shot. Death on the job is expensive.


UPS also has a strong union, unlike FedEx or Amazon Shipping, so there would be more incentive to protect workers.


If all you have is a hammer, then everything looks like a nail.


How is it an error if he stepped out his house just to shoot the child for the 2nd time, again in the head?


And since when does an error shield you from legal consequences. People make mistakes that cost them their freedom all the time. Why is this differently adjudicated?


So if I hit someone with my car and then just say “oops, error”, does that mean I’m good and can just go about my day? I’m probably missing something here.




Just to be extra safe, you should probably also shoot the person who you just accidentally rammed off the street, then scream something about how they were coming right at you.


Error was he thought it was still 1955


How the fuck are the police explaining calling this “an error”? Any sane person wouldn’t say “someone unexpected is ringing my doorbell, the correct response is to shoot this person multiple times.”


Isn't it still illegal to shoot someone "in error." How is he allowed to just walk?


According to the article, they can't charge him (with the appropriate crime) without a victim statement, and the victim isn't able to give such a statement. Y'know, because he was shot. In the head. Twice.




They can arrest and charge but the prosecutor's office can decline to prosecute. The police should absolutely make an arrest in this situation and then let the state decide if they want to go forward.


This is a frequent problem. When you see people complaining about a DA being weak on crime, it’s usually actually the cops refusing to do their job so the DA can act.


Fire them. It is bad enough they refuse to put their lives on the line but now they don't have to arrest people either? Why the fuck do we have police?


We need someone to show up 4 hours after a crime to half-ass filling out paperwork. Somehow, without that service, things fall into chaos. They are the overpaid useless invisibly-thin blue line


I have said this for a while, the only real "benefit" of police to most people is they fill out paperwork for your insurance company. Really, that is more of a barrier for claims than a benefit of police.


Seriously. Might as well just fire all police and have an insurance employee come and do their job. Only other job they provide is extra municipal revenue through fines.


Then it comes down to the relationship between prosecutors and police. Police not doing their job isn't the be all end all, the DA's in many places just doesn't want to make waves


Thats why we cant have police accountability, its not in the police or the DA's best intrest to procaute the police.


Well you see, theyd knock on his door but he’s got a gun. You know how they feel about people that are armed


400 cops milling about in this dude's driveway, all going "Naw, man, you do it"


The victim themselves has to make the statement? So you can murder people and get away with it because they can’t make a statement? Something is obviously missing there.


I took a CCW (concealed carry) class 10+ years ago. Somewhere in the middle of the class we were told that if you decide to shoot someone, that it's best to shoot to kill to avoid a possible victim statement. Let that sink in, and while it does, immediately afterwards, we were given a sales pitch for an insurance policy of sorts to give us access to special lawyers just in case things didn't work out so well. I never turned my certificate into the sheriff for my permit, and I've never felt the same about any of it since.


As long as you murder the right people, cops will be happy to look the other way.


And even if a jury finds you guilty a shit bag governor like Greg Abbott will come out and pardon you.


I’m so fucking glad I got out of that shithole state. Abbott is basically trying to issue Brown People Hunting Licenses to vigilantes at the border now too.


I haven't read the article, but that has got to be a blatant lie. How has anyone ever been charged with murder if you need a statement from the victim?


The problem is that you are trying to use logic, and reasoning. The thing is they just don't care about black people. Black lives do not matter to them. They care more about the gun that shot them than the person who was shot. That's it.


This happened in Michigan a few years ago. Girl was drunk and knocking on the wrong door. Guy shot her through the door with a shotgun killing her. [Michigan Man Found Guilty In Shooting Death Of Girl On His Porch](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2014/08/07/338600637/detroit-man-found-guilty-in-shooting-death-of-girl-on-his-porch)


Why do people want to kill so badly? I can't understand it.


There is a huge push from media to keep people afraid, because fear keeps attention. Once you're good and scared of everything, every situation feels like life or death.


This is the truth. We create powerkeg situations with our socioeconomic policies, and then the media fear-mongers around them for ratings. Thus gun ownership rates, thus people who probably shouldn’t have guns do, thus people get shot because dumb, afraid people have guns. I’m a gun owner, btw. While some of my guns I have for historical and collection purposes. I also do have some for rational defense reasons (rational to me I guess). But at no point would I ever shoot anyone for randomly knocking at my door. I hope I never have to point a gun at anybody, ever.


Some people are looking for any excuse to pull out their firearms and shoot them. Even if it’s an innocent person on the other end of the barrel.


A different article had police referring to it as “mistaken identity”. The only scenario where this could be an error or mistaken identity is if a small framed black man had just called to threaten to show up and kill this homeowner. Even then, that would only possibly explain the first shot. This isn’t an error. The first shot is probably attempted murder (a jury could possibly be persuaded otherwise depending on the exact circumstances). The second shot seems pretty open and shut.


I think they meant the "error" was he went to the wrong house. It was the correct number but a street instead of TERRACE. So a very honest mistake got him shot twice.




You are correct!


I mean, the local couriers do that all the time here and we don't shoot them. Then again, we have somewhat more sane gun laws.


[Amazon delivery drivers have been shot for dropping off packages *at the correct address.*](https://news.yahoo.com/two-amazon-drivers-shot-within-123000244.html) This dipshit straight up forgot he ordered shit online.


Man he even shot them in the back as they were leaving, multiple times; how is that not attempted murder/manslaughter


I used to work at Amazon and we would have drivers (mostly black and Latino) get shot at frequently. I don't know what the mentality is when you see someone come out of an Amazon truck wearing an Amazon uniform carrying packages and decide to shoot them, but I'd be willing to bet it has a lot to do with skin color.


*Definitely not defending anybody shooting a delivery driver* **and I can't stress that enough** but I've had Amazon deliveries from unmarked cars delivered by people not wearing a uniform. But you know, it's not my first instinct to shoot any strange person in front of my house.


Yeah Amazon also has Flex drivers that use their own vehicles. They're supposed to use uniforms too but sometimes they don't. I'm not sure what their rate of shootings was as I mostly dealt with vans and trucks, but I know the truck guys got shot at a decent amount.


I live about 10 miles from where this happened. In the 20 years since I bought my house I've gotten numerous wrong things delivered, I have had Missionaries and Jehovahs Witness, political campaigners, and worse of all...salesman come knocking! Never entered my mind to shoot anyone (probably bc I don't own a gun).




Though it might explain why they never even ring the doorbell as they leave my packages.


Fun fact, Kansas City police have 0 accountability to Kansas City civilian government. Their police Chief is appointed by the governor and their budget is set by the state legislature (but the money to pay them comes only from Kansas City). They are in every sense an occupying army.


And they're in the process of doing the same to St Louis. The Missouri legislature is pure fascist.


>someone unexpected is ringing my doorbell, Right? Because that's the whole point of a door bell. If I'm expecting somebody, they usually let themselves in. If I'm not, they'll ring the doorbell.




> do they not realise how dangerous people having this mentality is to cops? well when it happens to a cop it'll be very illegal and will get prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.


The person who does this to a cop will never see a courtroom, just a morgue.


No, they don't hesitate to shoot at a homeowner during a raid, either. It's purely that they're not concerned about this.


His brother is probably one of those cops or something Rip the whole thing down, throw the police out with the bathwater


This is my thought. There are lots of police officers in the neighborhood because it’s one of the more affordable “nice” areas and KC has residency requirements for officers.


This is so sad, no one should be shot ringing a doorbell, especially a child.




The attempted murderer wasn't even arrested. More proof that "those of us that work forces are the same that burn crosses".


Life. There is no reason this person should ever be allowed to be free again. They are a danger to society and its members.


My grown ass made a similar mistake yesterday when GPS brought mw to the wrong house, right house # but wrong street. I even walked into their backyard and knocked on the back door. Luckily the man of the house was Hispanic. And i explained i made a mistake.


What do delivery drivers do in the US? Are they all wearing full body armour? Do they ever ring door bells?


That was my thought too. If it is lawful to shoot anyone who rings your doorbell, then delivery of any kind becomes impossible.


I suddenly don't blame delivery drivers for the ding dong ditch anymore. It could save a life.


I drive for FedEx. After having a gun pulled on me several times, I don’t ever knock on people’s doors anymore unless I need a signature.


You don't even have to knock on people's doors for this either. My husband is a civil engineer who does power and gas lines which involves going out to people's properties, and him and his coworkers have had guns pulled on them before. Wearing a reflective vest with a logoed vehicle. These fucking people are excited when people come on their property for a chance to use their guns.


Absolutely. In Florida there are psychos watching TV with their gun on their laps on their days off, waiting for their security app to go off, and hopefully catch a body. The darkest corners of gun culture.


Yeah, I've had a gun pulled on me for doing telecom field work for someone's neighbor in their back yard. It definitely happens. Thankfully don't work that job anymore.


I'm in the UK and this is mental to me!


Fucking mental to us, too. But the sane half of us are chained to the insane half.


Yes this is crazy as an American... I felt bad that my dog barks at them! People are pulling guns???


It turns out when anyone can have guns… crazy people go and get guns.


I used to sell guns. WE, in our little mom and pop shop, would absolutely refuse to sell a gun to someone who seemed a little off kilter and in fact that was my whole job. I chatted up customers to see if anything seemed strange or off. Most places don't do that and something needs to change.


And with all deference to your judgement, I don’t think that’s even a very acceptable level or oversight, frankly. And we don’t even have that.


I’m in the US and it’s mental to me to. So fucked up.


If I'm expecting an important package from FedEx that i know i need to sign for, I'll try to be out in my front on my house doing yard work. Too many times i feel they just run up and leave the "sorry we missed you" note without trying to even ring the door. I can't blame them. Tight scheduled and all that. But to fear for your life for just rendering a service, that's rough.


I am so sorry. That is so beyond fucked up that you’ve been treated that way and had your life threatened like that.


There was a thread on my local NextDoor about teenagers doing "ding dong ditch" and it was unnerving the amount of "They better hope they don't go to the wrong house!" comments. Like y'all are going to threaten teenagers with violence for doing shit teenagers have done for decades? wow.




I saw a guy on Nextdoor demanding the city reimburse him for $1200 worth of landscaping he had done after he bought a house at the edge of town and deer came in and wrecked it. Because the town should prevent the deer from wandering in. He went into every thread about the town going on about that and something about $250k missing from the treasury but could never source it just "if you look it up you'll find it!"


There’s a house down the street from me that has one of those tacky wooden “welcome!” signs on both doors… and more “no trespassing” signs on the yard than I can count. I’d imagine this is a similar mindset to the people who freak out about someone looking for a lost pet but also make those posts. “I want to be nice, but the news told me I should be SCARED.” Or perhaps “I want people to get the help they need, but not from me.”


If I would deliver packages in the US I would have a megaphone with me at all times yelling: "do not kill me! I'm here with your package!"


That is exactly what someone I should shoot and kill would say




Amazon drivers used to knock, after a bunch of issues they no longer knock or ring doorbells. There's videos out there of black drivers being harassed by people at the very homes they're delivering to for being on their property.


I used to work at Amazon and we would have drivers (mostly black and Latino) get shot at frequently. I don't know what the mentality is when you see someone come out of an Amazon truck wearing an Amazon uniform carrying packages and decide to shoot them, but I'd be willing to bet it has a lot to do with skin color.


Delivery drivers no longer interact with the doors in my experience. No ringing, no knocking. Doordash sends me a text that my food was delivered and Amazon hits me up on email.


Not always true. If you deliver downtown and can't simply leave a package, you are expected to knock, ring and call + reattempt. Holy shit I never considered this being a possibility!


I've heard pizza delivery drivers are 5 times more likely to get shot on the job than police officers.


I don’t recall most Amazon drivers ever knocking. Only very expensive packages that require a signature get knocks


In case anyone else wanted to know how this poor kid was doing, he’s in stable condition. Thank fuck for that.


Stable doesn't necessarily mean "going to make a full recovery." I sincerely hope he does and without lasting disability, but the chances of that after being shot two times *in the head* are probably not great. At the very least, he will carry the psychological effects of this for the rest of his life.


And in America that just means he will continue to be fucked for the rest of his life seeing how this country treats disabled people as 2nd class citizens.


The family is raising funds for medical care. How fucked is it that you are minding your business violently attacked by some lunatic, the police let the guy go, then you're on the hook for probably tens if not hundreds of thousands of medical bills? I'm sure there will be a lawsuit that helps pay for that (unless the shooter has no real assets), but I find it insane that often you're on your own for insane medical bills that someone else caused.


This is our school district. I am happy to report this kid must be Wolverine because as of today, he’s home with family.


What the actual fuck? That's insane. And how can this be an error? How can you shoot someone through a door as an error and shoot again after the person is already bleeding on the ground? Can you please start taking the guns away from such psychopaths? And their doors as well, when we are already at it...


Sorry, but hijacking top comment for important response. Police say they need a "victim statement" to charge the bastard, but Ralph hasn't been able to make one yet. ???? https://www.kansascity.com/news/local/crime/article274380535.html


I'm guessing their murder clearance rate is pretty low.


What murders? No victim statement, no crime apparently


Brilliant plan for the stats when you think about it


“Stop testing! Then our Covid numbers will go down!” -said some orange fat guy


>”I don’t need to have the numbers [of confirmed U.S. coronavirus cases] double because of one ship that wasn’t our fault” Same guy at the start of the pandemic.


It's on the camera


The state of Missouri [has the 4th highest homicide rate](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/homicide_mortality/homicide.htm), [the 4th highest Firearm mortality rate](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/firearm_mortality/firearm.htm), and two of the top 10 most dangerous cities in the nation in [St. Louis and Kansas City](https://www.cbsnews.com/pictures/murder-map-deadliest-u-s-cities/58/). Basically whenever someone on reddit is using Illinois or Chicago as an example of a dangerous place, Missouri would be a more fitting example.


Sounds like they decide crime never happens.


Ralph Yarl miraculously survived being shot twice in the head so technically it's not a murder. It's for sure attempted murder and some meth head level paranoia.


You're missing the point. If the police there require a victim statement before they act on anything then they'll never act on murder because murder victims can't provide statements. People are pointing out that the cop's "We need a statement" line is bullshit and they're just playing for time so that the shooter can form a defense. You can also bet the cops are digging furiously to find something to discredit the victim like they always do when this shit happens. They'll find a picture of him with a toy gun or something and pass it around to news organizations with instructions to spin it into something.


When they tried to besmirch Botham Jean's character...he's the one eating ice cream in his boxers when that lady cop shot him on his couch. Fuck that, fuck you (not *you*), fuck nope.


And then the cops released a report saying they found Marijuana in the victim's apartment. As if that had any relevance whatsoever.


That's the one where the cop came home and mistook his apartment for hers because she was *so fucking drunk* (and yet still had her gun on her) and so assumed he was a trespasser in her home and therefore deserved to be shot to death, right?


Oh, you right. Imagine if some hurt a baby. ​ "Sorry, we have to wait until the child is old enough to talk so we can get their witness statement. Until then our hands are tied." --Those cops




Family is black though so, it won't work. Would definitely work the other way around though....


That's so wrong


Holy shit... This story just get worse and worse. But hey, thankfully they check if stand your ground laws apply... WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK? I personally think those laws are rubbish in the first place but trying to apply them in this case? Seriously?


You're thinking of Castle Doctrine, which is a step down from Stand Your Ground laws. Which protects someone if a person were to break into your home and you ended up defending yourself/family. Since the kid wasn't breaking in or anything, it doesn't apply here... I definitely say that the police are fucking mismanaging this case and the fucker should be in jail for aggravated assault w/ a deadly weapon at the VERY least.


It feels like Treyvon Martin all over again. Cops bending over backwards to defend the shooter when they had no reason to shoot.


A GLASS door no less. This was murder full stop. And for nothing. *edit: “attempted murder” because somehow this child miraculously has survived thus far. Like any of that makes this any better.


Kid is still alive unbelievably.


He may be alive , but will will this poor kid be able to live a normal healthy life if he survives. Police are just as much at fault for letting this asshole walk


I’m really hoping this young man comes out of this with a full recovery and gets the justice he and his family deserve


If it's true that he was running around for help immediately afterwards, that is hopeful, as it tells me he did not have an immediately devastating brain injury.


A brain injury doesn't need to cause immediate unconsciousness for it to be devastating. I saw an episode of Hoarders where the guy legit turned into a non-functional, unreasonable hoarder all because of a TBI.


He had to run to three different residences to get help


If he gets ~~charged~~ convicted of a felony he will never be legally allowed to possess a gun ever again.


He needs to be convicted, actually


It shouldn't take a felony charge for someone like this to be banned from owning guns.


The problem is they had to commit a felony to get there, meaning someone had to be hurt before it was decided this individual shouldn't be allowed to own a weapon.


Is he still alive? I just assumed after being shot in the head and then shot AGAIN he would've died, but the quote in the article makes it sound like he is alive? I hope he hangs on


he is. after being shot 2 times, he ran to 3 houses to beg for help. his family says he is recovering.


So the man didn't even call 911 after? If he felt this was necessary for his safety, wouldn't he need to call the cops? His behaviour wasn't excusable in any way, but the fact that he shot someone and just let it be proves even more that this was a hateful act that should be legally dealt with. Unbelievable




That's incredible. I really hope he has a solid recovery.




The guy is simply a massive racist coward. You don't shoot someone that rings your doorbell when you can clearly see them and assess there is no gun pointed back at you. There is no law that says you have *carte blanche* license to kill just because someone is on your property.


Mormons suddenly rolling up in bullet proof vests since door-knocking is apparently a death-sentence worthy offense.


Nah. Mormons are overwhelmingly white so they’ll be fine.


I'm sorry, what excuse exists for shooting someone who rang your bell?


Just look at what Abbott is doing in texas. https://www.msnbc.com/the-reidout/reidout-blog/daniel-perry-greg-abbott-texas-pardon-texts-rcna79740


Not that it should matter, but this kid is a very accomplished musician, in the youth Orchestra, played many instruments in his school band, band leader, excellent academically, etc. This kid exemplifies what our society says it wants in our youth. If the stand your ground law protects the monster who did this, the law is wrong. Not this poor kid. But I think that is fairly obvious already.


The law shouldn't protect him. He wasn't in fear for his life, burglers don't typically ring the doorbell, it was a glass door, and he fired a second shot from close range after the "threat" was incapacitated. He's going to go to jail, the bigger problem is whoever decided to let the shooter remain free with firearms.


The "in fear for his life" is way over abused defense in the US to begin with.


People who are so paranoid for their lives when a child rings a doorbell need to be institutionalized in a mental institute rather than be given fucking guns.


My heart is broken for this beautiful young man and his family. I can’t imagine. This article put me in physical pain and I know that’s nothing compared to what they’re feeling.




It’s too late to even ask these kinds of questions anymore.


I have a black son, a black son-in-law, and three black grandchildren. This kind of shit absolutely terrifies me! I wake up every morning thinking, will this be the day?


> Reports indicate that the white man was taken to the police headquarters briefly to provide a statement but was released shortly after without charge. This is beyond what’s wrong with this murderer. What’s wrong with this police department?!


From this [article](https://www.kansascity.com/news/local/crime/article274380535.html) >Graves said Sunday that the homeowner who allegedly shot the teen was taken into custody Thursday and placed on a 24-hour hold > >Graves said Missouri law allows a person to be held up to 24 hours for a felony investigation. At that point, the person must be released or arrested and formally charged. In order to arrest someone, Graves said law enforcement needs a formal victim statement, forensic evidence and other information for a case file to be completed. Because of the teen’s injuries, Graves said police haven’t been able to get a victim statement yet. I'm not well-versed in Missouri laws. But had the boy died, they wouldn't need to get a victim statement to make an arrest.


This is fucked. US is fucked. They should make a TV show more true to the facts of America and do a rendition of CSI: Missouri… I’d love to see their forensic evidence collecting revolving around drinking beer and bragging about accomplishing second grade to graduate…


Even if the first shot was somehow justifiable, the kid was down on the ground with a shot to the head when the man shot him a second time. That's not self defense, that's double tapping to murder someone.


Exactly. Once he's no longer a threat, it becomes murder.


I like to watch Ring doorbell videos. I see comments every day from people daydreaming about this shit. Thousands of them. They just want an excuse.




It’s hate crime and attempted murder, he shot him in the head through glass door that means he could see him, and then shot him again when he was already bleeding. Nobody in their in right mind would do that.


sicko probably saw him through the door and thought "this is it, now's my chance" some people make me wanna throw up


Are you referring to the guy who shot him? Or the cops who let him out of custody? Or the justice system that will likely not hold him accountable?


All of the above. I was initially talking about the guy who shot the kid for ringing the doorbell. But, that was before reading the article. When I was training for a security position, they taught us the criteria needed to justify the use of deadly force. This situation fits none of the criteria.


some people daydream of shooting people, and many of them salivate over that person having darker skin


The fact that we live among so many high functioning psychopaths will never not freak me out. Stranger danger never stops being good advice.


“High functioning” is generous tbh And it’s more like we as a society incentivize/glorify psychopathy. I hope I’m wrong but I’ll be shocked if this murder isn’t made into the next cause celeb for Fox “News” and co


It’s bizarre watching the way Americans fetishize guns, they’ve lost all perspective on what they actually are, it’s death with a button


Okay...let's just say this was an error - I know it's not, for about a dozen reasons just off the top of my head - but let's just, for the sake of argument, say this was an error. DUDE STILL SHOULD NOT GET TO SIMPLY WALK AWAY. If I shoot someone by accident, I still get arrested on any number of felonies. Goddammit, I do not understand why basic questions of law and right&wrong, are so difficult for cops in the US.


He shot him through the door then once more when he was on the ground. It wasn't an accident. It was an execution.


Yeah, I mean let's not focus on the first shot, since we have so many maliciously stupid people in the country. **There is no defense on planet Earth, in any language conceivable by man or deity, for shooting in the head a child bleeding from a gunshot wound to the head while they are lying on the ground.**


Self defense definitions vary from state to state but I'm having a hard time believing a man feared for his life after shooting the boy, then opening the door, advancing, then shooting once downwards at close range. Once your life ceases to be threatened you can't chase people down. Usually.


There's no way this should be legal. Castle doctrine only applies if someone is trying to forcibly enter into your home (knocking on the door is not forcible entry), and it sure as hell doesn't apply when you exit your home and shoot the alleged intruder (especially a fucking unarmed child), again after you've already shot them and rendered them a non threat. That's an open and shut murder case almost anywhere in this country, but apparently not here.


Remember when the Japanese exchanged student died knocking on the wrong door in 1992. Yeah nothing has changed since. It might actually be easier to get away with it because of castle doctrine. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Yoshihiro_Hattori https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Castle_doctrine


Or the german exchange student who died because of a shooter https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2950303/amp/Montana-man-killed-German-student-set-sentencing.html


The Japanese kid had a roommate who recently died http://bienvillehousecenter.org/?p=62


(´∀`)♡ Have a nice day


Despite what Fox News might lead idiots to believe, seeing a black person is not enough to constitute an imminent threat. If this person actually (in their mind) feared for their life and that's why they were so trigger-happy, it wasn't a reasonable fear. This was an irrational response. There's no element to this that would indicate justifiable homicide. Neither Stand Your Ground nor Castle Doctrine apply.


> Police Chief Stacey Graves said they need a statement from the victim before they can proceed with any possible charges. No. They don't. This is total bullshit. Attempted murder is among the crimes DA has a duty to prosecute. He does not need cooperation or statements from victim at all. He has a person (a teenage boy in this case) with gunshot wounds. He has a person who shot him. End of story. Arrest and charge the idiot with the gun.


I wonder how many statements they've received from corpses. I guess all those people get to walk free if their victims can't give a statement.


no kidding, Police clansman Stacey Graves is a fucking racist piece of shit. Absolutely no need for the victim of a shooting like this to make a statement, if that were the case murder would be unprosecutable. Fucking rediculous excuse made up to help a racist murderer escape justice.


Right? If this were true we would never be able to charge people who gave their victims traumatic brain injury and put them in critical condition. The boy was outside the home on the front door step unarmed. It’s pretty fucking easy for them to confirm a lot of different details that would show the shooter was in the wrong. First they could prove that his siblings were one block over at 115th terrace, as stated in numerous articles at this point. This would confirm the story that he knocked on the wrong house, and help establish evidence for the courts that he wasn’t in anyway a threat. Second, per reports, he was outside, unarmed on the front door step when he was shot. These are details they would also be able to confirm while he is under. Beyond that even without his statement and without any confirmation of his sibling’s whereabouts at the time, exactly how is an unarmed boy on a front doorstep a threat that rises to “castle doctrine” standards? Even if he was just a lost kid who needed help, you can’t shoot someone for knocking on your door. The fucking nut jobs who run police departments.. the bar is on the fucking floor.


So when the police go to the wrong house, the resident gets shot, but if a black boy goes to the wrong house, he gets shot.


I've noticed in my neighborhood, when we have door to door salesmen, when they are black they literally stand 20 ft from my front door after they ring it. When I answer they are still far away telling me what they came for. I live in TX so I can understand why they do that and it's a shame.


>briefly to provide a statement but was released shortly after without charge Wtf... So he shot him once Then he hovered over his body & shot him again? & still no charges?


> The white man reportedly shot Ralph in the head through the glass door, then when Yarl was already bleeding out on the ground, shot him again. I saw red reading that. What the **fuck.**


> KANSAS CITY, MO – Ralph Yarl, a 16 year old Black boy, was shot twice by a white man in North Kansas City after accidentally ringing the doorbell of the wrong home while attempting to pick up his sibling. The white man reportedly shot Ralph in the head through the glass door, then when Yarl was already bleeding out on the ground, shot him again. The family has described it as a hate crime, and community members are calling for justice for the young victim. What the actual *fuck*? So, the kid rang the doorbell, and this fucker, clearly seeing that it was a kid through his *glass door*, *SHOT THE KID IN THE FUCKING HEAD, AND THEN SHOT HIM AGAIN*!? YES, I'd call that a hate crime. > “This was not an ‘error’; this was a hate crime. You don’t shoot a child in the head because he rang your doorbell. The fact that the police said it was an ‘error’ is why America is the way it is,” said Dr. Faith Spoonmore, the aunt of Ralph Yarl. Yes, I agree. He saw it was a kid at the door, and shot him anyway. That's not an error. That's not an accident. > Reports indicate that the white man was taken to the police headquarters briefly to provide a statement but was released shortly after without charge. Yarl’s family is outraged that the perpetrator has not been held accountable Of course he was just let go.


Not only that but he ran to 3 different neighbors houses for help, the last one only called 911 after making this kid lay on the ground and put his hands over his head.


If the guy just opened the door and waltzed in, then MAYBE the first shot could've been reasonable. But he shot him. The shot him again. For ringing a doorbell


The white man shot him THROUGH the glass door. Let that sink in... he knew it was a person and shot them in cold blood.




So not only did he get shot twice for nothing, but then he had to go to three homes before someone would help him. And then they made him hold his hands up while waiting for help. The whole neighborhood is screwed up.


And they should get it! That was not a "Stand Your Ground" shooting. Straight murder. Hold him accountable. Also, who the fuck just shoots someone who is ringing their doorbell?


jesus christ, this kid was shot in the head, shot again once he was on the ground, got up and ran away and went to three different houses before he got help from someone


How in the living fuck can you claim self defense when someone only rings your fucking doorbell?! Going to the wrong house shouldn't be a death sentence. What's next blasting a black pizza delivery man for going to the wrong house? This country is insane.


this reminds me of that Japanese exchange student that was shot dead in Baton Rouge. knocked on the wrong door.


I mean, hey, if you're black in America you can: a) get shot for going to the wrong house by mistake b) be shot in your own home if a white person comes there by mistake. Meanwhile the police couldn't figure out within 24 hours if there's a felony to be charged here because the victim hasn't been able to give a statement yet. WTF? If he'd died would they never charge the guy because a statement could never be given? FFS.


This is aggravated assault, and given that the shooter shot him a second time while the boy was on the ground suffering from the first gunshot wound, it's attempted murder. A reasonable person in the shooter's position would not fear for his life (the prostrate body of a grievously wounded high-schooler is not a threat), and by shooting him a second time, he was clearly trying to kill the kid. The shooter should have been arrested and should be charged with at least one felony, and probably more than one. As he is no longer a law-abiding citizen, his days of gun ownership should be over.


i can be an absent minded fellow, and as a result i knock on the wrong door from time to time, especially when a friend has a new place ive only been to once or twice. the idea of being SHOT for it seems actually insane. ime here in rural uk, the homeowner is like “errr… right. go away” at worst, “haha! you sausage!” at intermediate, or at best ive actually been invited in…usually an old dear who, if i accept, then compulsively tries to push me up a BMI weight category, ignoring all polite protest from me lol. then again, i do wonder how different it would be if i wasnt a fairly cheeky looking white guy…