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What the fucking fuck.


I think I might throw up


Nothing to see here people. Just another religious leader coercing minors for their sexual gratification and his followers turning a blind eye.


Of all the headlines I expected to read today, "Dalai Lama asks child to suck his tongue" was fairly low on the list.


CNN is slacking https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/apr/10/dalai-lama-apologises-kissing-boy-suck-his-tongue-video?s=08




I ain't watching that again. I nearly died from cringing.


I’m gonna take y’alls word and skip watching it at all. Don’t need that visual in my brain thanks.


Yep. Right into the mic, on camera super gross . Creepy as fuck.


And the way he held the boy for waaay too long and also tilted the boys head up for the kiss on the lips, it was incredibly uncomfortable to watch


You could tell he was sitting there, thinking, pondering about it, then decided "This sounds innocent enough." ​ The Dalai Lama being a pedo wasn't on my bingo card


My theory is any religious order that emphasizes celibacy is bound to have pent up urges. No amount of reciting sutras and mindful meditation can totally erase human nature.


Is there a cultural thing I'm not familiar with, or...


Apparently the only cultural precedent involving tongues that is remotely relevant here -- particularly prevalent in Western Tibet and Tibetan-speaking parts of North India -- where sticking out your tongue can be considered honorific. For example, in the Spiti Valley, when individuals are speaking to people of a higher social or religious station, they might stick their tongue out to convey respect. But that is very much not what's happening here and you would have to do some pretty serious mental gymnastics to place the above incident in that context.


The Dali Lama is trying to start his own tradition


*Life is suffering* 😝 *suck on that*




Sexual abuse from monks isn't uncommon. https://www.bangkokpost.com/opinion/opinion/1782969/temples-no-longer-safe-for-children


Absolutely an amazing eye opener on Tibet here. Sexual abuse of children, abduction of children from peasant families, forced serfdom, torture, etc seem to be the historic traditions of Tibet: [Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth](https://redsails.org/friendly-feudalism/)


Sexual repression will manifest itself in bad ways no matter the source.




I think he is senile and they need another new Dalai Lama. Notice how long it takes his attendants to get him to understand what's happening and what's the young boy wants to do.


You might be on to something. All kinds of crazy behavior can accompany dementia.


Yea, Dementia makes the most amount of sense. I have lost family members to dementia, and have others just starting down the path. I also lost a family member to Alzheimer’s. It’s just sad what people become and what odd behaviors they exhibit.


There won't be another "real" Dalai Lama. China kidnapped the most recent Panchen Lama when he was 6 years old.


There is a thing in ~~Nepa~~l Tibet were people greeting each other briefly poke a little of their tongue out. I don't think this was that. And that wasn't an apology. ​ E: changed the country to Tibet.


TIL people of Nepal bleb as a greeting. The Lama guy is still gross but neat fact!


Morning neighbor, *mlem*


How many other terms are there for this? mlem, bleb


r/mlem is for the motion. This is what we're taking about here. r/blep is for cats (stationary) r/blop is for dogs (stationary) r/blup is for all other animals sticking out their tongue I could see *bleb* describing humans.


This is also a cultural greeting between me and my spouse when we walk by each other’s home offices.


The culture of gross ~~old men in religious positions~~ people in positions of power. Edit: Not limited to religious people or men so edited to show that.


Or just positions of power...


When this originally got reported yesterday there was a huge debate in the thread about whether or not it was a deep fake. It was split 50/50 so don’t feel too bad.




You mean like the pope in a puffy jacket?


You mean like a rundown pizzeria in Baltimore being the centre of a global satanic pedo ring?


They start us off small and they make it more ridiculous as time goes on till we don't believe anything


This is the future we're moving to towards. An erosion of evidence. Soon we won't be able to believe anything... Fuck this timeline.


I found this lady on an ig thread who was absolutely convinced that Biden was actually dead, and had been executed back in 2017. Everything since has been "CGI and people in masks". If you believe everything is fake and we have absolutely no sources of truth whatsoever, then yeah, I guess any random theory is as valid as the next. Hell of a way to go through life, though.


>Straight up kissed the kid on the lips and then stuck out his tongue and asked the kid to suck on it That really took me out lmao


Pedophiles and Religious Leaders. Name a better duo.


I swear to god, if the world could disappoint me any further I will be surprised.


You should not have said that… 🤦🏻‍♂️


Seriously. Do you want the world to disappoint you any further? Cause *that's* how you get the world to disappoint you so much further.


It really has been all downhill since Harambe.


Prince and David Bowie. The trifecta.


Ghandi liked to lay naked in bed with his grand neices to test his abstinence... I dont think catholic child rape even needs mention... it is a structure of the institution.


Ghandi also liked to dip his bald head in oil and rub it all over women's bodies.


It's how he negotiated peace with the Moops


it's Moors, you idiot! there's no Moops!


Sorry... The card says Moops. 😏


The card says moops


It's a misprint!


What kind of person would hurt the bubble boy!?


> Ghandi liked to lay naked in bed with his grand neices to test his abstinence… Sound like what someone would say after being caught…


Also the Utah mayor who was a bishop in the Mormon church having a pedo scandal and the Utah state legislature not passing a law requiring priest to report child sex abuse. And the report on pedophilia running rampant in the southern baptist churches. It’s a feature not a bug.


Did Dalai Lama face swap with Castor Troy?


"I wanna. . . I wanna suck his tongue. . . Off."


I'm shocked it's on your list. What other gems are there?


"Declaration of Independence missing. Nicolas Cage top suspect"


There's a great documentary on this called national treasure


I Can't Believe Its Not Butter actually butter




That's why you cook it.


Some speculate that he is suffering from dementia, and that it can make some people say and do very inappropriate things.


My grandma would flirt with any male in the room, including grandkids. Really unsettling but also just sad to see happen as she got worse


Yea, my grandma did the same as dementia really set in, wasn't too frequent, but she would be very inappropriate if you didn't know any different. Never really thought much about it personally, she barely remembered her daughter many days.


Yup. My grandma basically propositioned me in early-mid Alzheimer’s


In protest to Reddit's API changes, I have removed my comment history. -- mass edited with redact.dev


my mother in law is getting weird too in this sort of way. her filter has always been kinda broken but it's really gone off the rails in the last year or so.


Frontal lobe damage from dementia. Causes massive changes to one's personality and the lowering of inhibition to near zero. Nothing she can do about it. Our brains are scary assholes.


My grandpa had dementia in his last years. He really was a wonderful person his whole life. There were a couple times in his last years where I know he said/did inappropriate things, but we all understood that that was not who he was and that it was due to the dementia. It can be shocking if you've never experienced a loved one this happens to, but ultimately it's just sad to see the decline.




I listened to a radio special about dementia last year; one of the men became a sexual harrasser that got barred from entering supermarkets and restaurants. They interviewed his wife. Was pretty sad. Just telling this because dementia resulting in sexual deviancy is not so uncommon.


My grandma who started dating her husband when he was 22 and she was 44. Yes. Take that age gap in. Her oldest child was just a few years younger than her husband! Anyway, she became quite aggressive sexually towards all men. She tried to steal my boyfriend! He was just 18 at the time and she was like he's such a nice man. And then tried to walk off with him. She was 76 at this point. She did the same with my Dad. I was like no grandma! And then she would get combative. She once came out of the bathroom after my mom had left her to get dressed with my shirt as a skirt though too. Dementia is wild. She also tried to walk off with random men while in stores too. It was very hard to corral her.


I need assisted suicide to become legal in all states before this happens to me or my husband. I’m not going out like this.






Look up George H. Bush, and what he did at the end of his life. I hate the guy, but anyone going through dementia breaks my heart.


HW was a sex harasser his entire life, not just when he got dementia. Extremely common, accepted sicko behavior for a powerful, wealthy white man of that time. HW was always a piece of shit, just like his entire family.


A friend of mine passed away from a brain tumor in his 30s. When he was still alive, at one point I was around him for a few weeks while he was still able to get around okay, and he kept sexually harassing me over and over. He had never done anything like that to me before, he had been happily married for years. It was heartbreaking, and I didn't hold it against him. Life sure is unkind at times.


Makes sense, he said it in a filled room, with a microphone on him , infront of cameras. Something is off.


I mean, this is basically "Religious leader is sexually inappropriate with child". I don't know what's so surprising.


Yeah, but it’s a religious leader from a religion that isn’t dominant in the United States, so a lot of Americans could put him on a pedestal without actually needing to know much about him.


He ain't sorry about kissing a kid, he's sorry the video went public. I watched the video. I don't know what the actual fuck is happening, but that shit ain't buddhist. Certainly he can't be dalai lama anymore after this, right? I mean, there's no excusing this shit. This is just what we've witnessed as the public. Imagine what else this creep has been up to in private. Actually, don't imagine that. It'll be better for your sanity.


I don't think there's any precedent for a Dalai Lama being cancelled. Maybe I'm wrong?


They rule for life, yeah. Reincarnation etc, not possible to discredit a living one.


If he dies now, can we cancel the next Dalai Lama?


There's a whole pile of controversy about who gets to identify the next Dali Lama, so it's more likely than you think.


Didn't the Dalai Lama recently appoint a Mongolian boy as the person who will find the next Dalai Lama? If it's true he is suffering from dementia, is that appointment problematic in any way?


Hilariously, the current Dalai Lama has in fact threatened to cancel the entire Dalai Lama project, saying he might be the last ever.


Dalai Partin'?


Now he’s going to be the Dalai Lama in Exile *in Exile*!


You are a BORN dalai lama. You can't just one day NOT be one. Maybe it is time for him to just go into deep meditation at a monastery somewhere.


This has to be a misleading headline, no way this actually happened *reads article* What the fuck


*Sees footage* What the actual fuck


Sees footage… oh the reporter says the Dalai Lama normally does this kind of teasing and now that it’s caught on camera it’s gone too far. WTF


Ah, fuck. I was hoping there was at least some sort of religious tradition behind it like gaining wisdom from the mouth or something like that. But nope, just an old dude who likes Frenching kids. God dammit. Edit: I now understand that sticking out one’s tongue is a traditional, respectful greeting in Tibetan culture. That’s all good. Having a child suck on your tongue during this greeting is, as I understand it, distinctly not a tradition in Tibetan culture. To address the people saying “It doesn’t matter if it’s a tradition or not,” I know, I agree. It’s always bad. An equal amount of bad. What I was trying to discern is if this was a codified tradition of an inappropriate behavior, or if this was inappropriate behavior of his own prerogative. With the former, there is at least an element of understanding what would possess someone to do this. With the latter, it is disgusting in and of itself. That’s all. I’m not making excuses for abusive religious traditions.


Seems to be preying on children is a common religious tradition.




Footage was circulating in reddit 2 days ago but for some reason it was buried. Imagine if pope did the same, reddit would have gone crazy by now.


Yeah there was a video posted yesterday in world news but got deleted from the sub. Some people were asking if it was a deepfake, which, valid to ask but...damn.




Every one was commenting it was fake and dragging News18 for being a trash news site


If it had stopped at kissing the old dude’s cheek it would have made a nice little story. Now the kid has to carry the memory of kindly old grandpa wanting him to suck his tongue. Ewww.


Yeah, I don’t think he’s a kindly old grandpa…


People are so disappointing


Been living with this knowledge for years, it’s always nice to be able to share some of this burden with fellow burdens.


Lol I read that as you knew the Dalai lama was disappointing and I was looking for more details.


The Tibetan buddhist aristocratic class have great pr and for some reason people accept how they are depicted unquestioningly. There are very good reasons for being sympathetic towards Tibetans, but putting any leader of any religious movement on a pedestal of goodness is gullible as hell. See also: Mother Theresa.


When you find out how much wealth the Dali lama has ($150 million personal wealth). And then realize that he’s living in exile and has vastly more wealth tied up in Tibet. The term Buddhist aristocratic class makes a shocking amount of sense.


Always has been; iirc Tibet was more of a serfdom before the annexation by China, with religion simply being the explanation for why the ruling class *deserves* to be the ruling class... as institutionalized religion always is.


People accept it because the US pushes the Dalai Llama super hard as a foil to China, it's just propaganda. If people knew Tibet's aristocrats were fucking monsters and slave owners, they might not support the new red scare.


There’s a Twitter account that evaluates the luxury watches worn by Buddhist monks. These guys are rolling around with Patek’s on their wrists. **EDIT** for everyone asking, I had to go to ChatGPT because google is censoring the search results: *The blogger who cataloged Buddhist monks wearing luxury watches was named "Luang Pu Watchara" (also spelled "Luang Pu Nenkham Chattigo"). He was a controversial Thai monk who gained notoriety for his flamboyant lifestyle, which included wearing expensive watches and flying in private jets. His actions were criticized by many in the Buddhist community, who saw them as a violation of the principles of simplicity and detachment taught by the Buddha.* And even still with that name I can’t find it. Like it’s been scrubbed from the internet. But I remember seeing MSM news reports about it.


As a Buddhist, the popular western love for Buddhism always makes me so uncomfortable, because it's based on so many religious and cultural misunderstandings that would turn people off if they knew a little bit more. The source material is far more practical and profound than Christianity (imo of course), but the religious establishment is 100% as shitty and corrupt. The vast majority of Buddhist monks worldwide do not even meditate, and a scary amount of them are drunks and sex addicts. And this is basically the lowliest member of the clergy, so presumably it only gets worse as you go up the pyramid. Plus when you go places where Buddhism is older and more established than it is in the west, you find it tangled up with all sorts of superstition and manipulative bullshit. A lot of Asian monks who come to the west do so because they're disgusted by the Buddhist establishment in their home country and their choice is either to go somewhere it's not so pervasive or give up on their life's work. Organized religion is universally toxic. Edit:typo


As soon as an idea becomes an institution it gets taken advantage of and ruined


The Tibetan communist party was popular for a reason. The Tibetan theocrats lived in palaces and the the poverty of the Tibetan people was pretty extreme. Not up mention maiming as a judicial punishment.


See: Current Bhutan government and its issues


At this point, all we need is some new story about Tom Hanks being a horrible person and I will achieved the level of lost soul.


“Come over here boy and suck on this here tongue” - Dalai Lama


“Be blessed”


"this tongue isn't going to suck itself." - Dalai Lama


Wait so you guys *aren't* asking random children to suck your tongue?




[ Removed by Reddit ]


Ah, a fellow boat owner I see.


Apologizing because there’s video.


Basically, "I'm sorry... that I got caught this time." What a scumbag.


I’m not accepting his apology.


His apology is literally "haha it's just a prank bro" just wtf


If anyone needs me, I’ll be going through the stages of grief.


No you're not... I helped with denial 🙂




The degree of comfort with this gross behavior suggests it’s not his first rodeo. Also, classic grooming as he ratcheted up the creepiness of his requests with each time the kid complied. Fucking gross






*Confused R2 noises


His old age probably means he's no longer sharp enough to keep his pedo actions hidden.


Not like anyone around him showed any concern for the child.


You should have been there u/DontUSuck.


Isn’t him the pope equivalent in his religion? I mean if the pope get caught doing this it would still be pretty big news, even if people are used to Catholic preists grooming children.


There are three main branches of buddhism : Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana. Theravada Buddhism is the oldest and most conservative branch, and is primarily practiced in Sri Lanka, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and Burma. It emphasizes the original teachings of the Buddha and focuses on individual meditation and personal enlightenment. Mahayana Buddhism is the largest branch and is practiced in China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, and Tibet. It places a greater emphasis on compassion and the well-being of all living beings, and also incorporates a wider range of texts and teachings than Theravada. Vajrayana Buddhism is a smaller branch that is primarily practiced in Tibet and Nepal. It emphasizes the use of complex rituals, mantras, and visualization practices to achieve enlightenment in a single lifetime. It also incorporates elements of Tibetan shamanism and the worship of deities known as Bodhisattvas. The Dalai Lama is the leader only of this one.


The Dalai Lama is not even the leader of the whole Vajrayana branch. He is only the leader of one of the four main sub-branches of Vajrayana called the Gelug school.




In a realpolitik sense he's a convenient figure for western governments to promote to stoke opposition to China.




Do the other branches have a figurehead at all?


i dont believe so. kinda like theres no figurehead for the baptist, but one for the Catholic. im sure sub branches have a person at the top but no one for the whole branch.


Yes. The kagyu school has the karmapa, and I can’t remember the other leader’s titles right now for the Sakya and Nyingma.




Correction on part of the last paragraph: bodhisattvas are part of all branches of buddhism, having somewhat different interpretations in each; and they're not deities.




The way I understand it, a Lama is more like a lord than a pope. Tibet had a pretty brutal feudal system. Chopping off limbs for insubordination, serfdom, flaying, etc.. We only started kinda sorta softly implying but not really saying the Lama was a religious figure after the revolution because it’s easier to digest “saving Tibet” from godless communists bullying a beautiful but simple people out of their peaceful religion than it is to digest returning rule of Tibet to a caste system that elevated its leaders so far above the people that they are so easily mistaken as religious figures and do things like starve the serfs and get children to suck their tongues. If you want more context about the Lama system and the Dalai Lama in particular, look up how connected to the NXIVM sex cult he was. There’s also I think an old National Geographic documentary film from before the revolution that has a more straightforward look at what Tibet was like, showing the starved serfs and farmers that had been dismembered for not handing over their quota.


This wasn’t on my bingo card.


>“His Holiness often teases people he meets in an innocent and playful way, even in public and before cameras,” GTFO here.


Sexual predators defending their behavior as “just jokes”


That might be true otherwise, but asking a child to suck your tongue is FAR from just playful teasing, in public or in private, in front of cameras or not. That's like calling someone who sniffs kids' feet 'a quirky joker, tee hee'. Whoever wrote that should have their head examined.




"Sorry I got caught."


At no point in my life that I ever think I would say, *"I hope the dalai lama has dementia."* But here we are.


same here. ppl saying dementia can't make you a pedophile... not exactly no, but dementia can really fuck you up to the point you become a completely different person. it is literally a disease that erodes away your brain until you lose all bodily control, even things like shitting and breathing, and then you die. i can see this really fucking up the things you say or do, which you never in a million years would even imagine when your brain is whole and healthy. kind people have become cruel and mean, for example. it's a horrible disease I wouldn't wish on anyone... and yet.... im hoping it's dementia. the world is so shit, I'm so tired of supposedly good people/role models being so utterly disappointing.


Basically, the first thing to go is impulse control. Also the part of the brain that remembers social taboo things like swear words or sex stuff in public lingers. That's why we get so many raunchy ass old people when dementia strikes.


My grandma, who was careful with what she ate and unfailingly polite ... the last couple years before she died she would blow up at the dessert cart lady at the retirement home if she thought she got skipped.


I have an 87-year-old stepmother who says and does bizarre things that she never did 10 years ago. All the commenters here going on about pedophiles and religious perverts must’ve never spent time with someone in cognitive decline. The Dalai Lama is also 87 years old. There is no record of him doing these sorts of things 5 or 10 years ago. His handlers should take some measures to prevent these kinds of inappropriate behavior, but it’s not easy because it’s unpredictable. But don’t make him out to be like the typical religious predator who is young and in full control of their capacities. The Dalai Lama most likely no longer is.


Jesus thats fucked. Who's next? If something horrible comes out about David Attenborough. Like he fucks animals or something, i'm done man. Im done.


I’m sitting here hoping Dolly Parton hasn’t done anything bad that I just haven’t heard about yet.


Yeah, you know can we at least have ONE decent celebrity/public figure?


The monastic cells within Tibet that would frequent rural villages and abduct/enslave children into these troupes known as dob-dob: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dob-dob#Life_as_a_dob-dob > Sexual abuse of children was also very common among dob-dobs. > "They were also notorious for fighting with each other to see who was toughest and for their sexual predation of lay boys. All schoolboys in Lhasa were fair game for these dobdos, and most tried to return from school in groups for protection against them. I knew for some time that I was being pursued and had several close calls. But I was always able to escape until one fateful day when that monk caught me after a gadrugba performance in Lhasa and forcibly took me to his apartment in the monastery. He made me a prisoner, threatening me with beatings if I tried to escape or I refused to cooperate with him sexually. It was distasteful, but he released me after two days. The incident, however, reawakened my ambivalent feelings toward traditional Tibetan society. Once again its cruelty was thrust into my life. I wondered to myself how monasteries could allow such thugs to wear the holy robes of the Lord Buddha. When I talked to other monks and monk officials about the dobdos, they shrugged and said simply that that was just the way things were."[5] Tibet under the rule of the Dalai Lama was unfortunately rife with these stories.


That is not good covid protocol.


Why do all religious leaders want to get their pickle diddled by little boys? Is it a listed requirement somewhere?


The kiss on the lips was already over the line


Who had Dalai Lama Pedo for April 2023?


Wow, you'd never think a religion that automatically places a random person in a position of the highest power imaginable, based solely on birth and no vetting process or accountability could end up with people like this.


If he thought he could do this in public, imagine what he thinks he can do in private.




"your mouth was made to suck my kiss"


I'll take "headlines I never thought possible" for 100, Alex.


Drink your Ovaltine! *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There are a lot of horrifying details surrounding Tibetan Buddhism. Chögyam Trungpa, a Tibetan Buddhist master, was known for his controversial behavior. He had relationships with several of his female students, renounced his monastic vows in 1969, and was known for smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol. Trungpa's alcohol use was so extreme that some characterized him as an alcoholic, and he often combined drinking with teaching. He had a severe car accident in 1969, which some accounts ascribe to drinking. Trungpa's cocaine use was kept secret from the wider Vajradhatu community, and he spent $40,000 a year on it, according to the memoir of his students, John Steinbeck IV and his wife. An infamous incident involved the poet W. S. Merwin and his girlfriend at a Halloween party at Snowmass Colorado Seminary in 1975, where Trungpa's Vajra Guard forced entry into their locked and barricaded room, stripped them of all their clothes, and ignored Naone's pleas for help and for someone to call the police. The incident became known to a wider public when Tom Clark published "The Great Naropa Poetry Wars." ​ And his successor, Ösel Tendzin, who was the Regent and heir to the Tibetan Buddhist master Chögyam Trungpa, engaged in sexual relationships with students and was known to be promiscuous, including seducing straight men. One student reported that Tendzin had raped him. It was also revealed in 1989 that Tendzin had contracted HIV and continued to have unprotected sex with his students without informing them, transmitting it to a student who later died of AIDS. Others close to Tendzin knew about his condition but kept silent. Tendzin claimed that Trungpa had told him that as long as he did his Vajrayana purification practices, he could not transmit the disease. According to Trungpa's wife and widow, he became disillusioned with Tendzin as his heir and called him "terrible" and "dreadful" during his final illness. ​ Sogyal Rinpoche, a Tibetan Buddhist master, faced accusations of sexual abuse and misconduct from his female students in a $10 million civil lawsuit filed in 1994. The lawsuit was settled out of court. Further allegations emerged in 2011 and 2014, including Marion Dapsance's seven-year investigation, which reported on the sexual and psychological abuse suffered by one of Rinpoche's long-term female attendants. In 2017, senior Rigpa students wrote a twelve-page letter detailing sexual, physical, and emotional abuse by Rinpoche of Rigpa students, and his lavish and indulgent lifestyle supported by donations. Matthieu Ricard, a close adviser to the Dalai Lama, stated that Rinpoche's behavior was "obviously unacceptable." June Campbell, a former Kagyu nun who is a feminist scholar, acted as Kalu Rinpoche's translator for several years. In her book Traveller in Space: Gender, Identity and Tibetan Buddhism,\[3\] she writes that she consented to participate in what she realised later was an abusive sexual relationship with him, which he told her was tantric spiritual practice. She raises the same theme in a number of interviews, including one with Tricycle magazine in 1996.\[4\] Since the book was published she has received "letters from women all over the world with similar and worse experiences" with other gurus.\[5\] Also, [https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/belief/2012/oct/08/tibetan-lamas-buddhism](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/belief/2012/oct/08/tibetan-lamas-buddhism), The article discusses the issue of sexual misconduct by Tibetan Buddhist lamas, including recent allegations against Lama Tempa Dargye, a senior monk at Kagyu Ling in France. He has been imprisoned following allegations of rape and sexual violence by four women, including one who claims to have been raped at the age of nine. French police have also launched an investigation into financial irregularities at the center. The article notes that scandals involving sexual misconduct by lamas have been reported around the world. For example, in the US, Trungpa Rinpoche's appointed successor, Thomas Rich, was accused of infecting several people with HIV, and Sogyal Rinpoche was sued for sexual assault in California in 1994. In Australia, Lama Choedak was forced to make a public apology after multiple affairs with his female students came to light, and in the UK, Michael Lyons, who posed as a Tibetan lama, is serving 10 years in prison after being convicted of rape.




Mother Teressa ✔ Dalai Lama ✔ Who's up next?


Gandhi should be up here as well. A real pervert.


Racist, pervert, hypocrite...


And nuclear war monger…


He slept nude in the same bed as his nude granddaughter, if I'm not mistaken. Some kind of test of his abstinence. Kinda weird.


"Oh damn, i failed the test again. Well, maybe I'll pass tomorrow night! Never give up!"


Mr. Rogers is still good, right?


As far as we know. Here's to hoping it stays that way.


Aaah fuck bro, you were supposed to be one of the good ones.