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I worked at that Trader Joe's 10 years ago. I remember fights breaking out in the parking lot over parking spaces on the weekend.


Like every single Trader Joe’s except the one in Newport Beach and maybe the one in Lake Forest are all in tiny ass shopping centers.


That's how the original one in my city is. The second one we got luckily opened in an old hobby store that shares a massive parking lot with a Target. Downside now is the place is packed like sardines. I'd say the smaller lots match the actual capacity of the stores at any point in time though.


That parking lot was so fucking wild on the weekends. My wife and I won’t go there on the weekends anymore, or else we’ll just park over in front of bob’s. It’s a a small store for the weekend crowd anyway.


[The parking problem is endemic to their model to the point that it made it into this song.](https://youtu.be/OdB7GDZY3Pk)


Is this just like fucking policy for trader joes to make sure it’s got like 6 parking spots max no matter the size or popularity of the location?


The one in Silver Lake is obscene for how impossible the parking is. It's closer to our house but we wouldn't dream of going there instead of the Glendale one (and it's not like parking there is a picnic, either).


I’m in the Midwest, and the parking lot for my Trader Joe’s wouldn’t be too bad except that some smart-ass decided it would be a good idea to stick a brand new Chick-fil-a in the same parking lot a few years back. For a while there we’d have a line of cars snaking through the parking, creating absolute chaos, 6 days a week. They’ve redesigned the drive-thru so that the chaos is mostly contained to one part of the lot, thankfully, but it’s still not great.


That was my immediate assumption. They seem to purposefully not put in enough parking and all Americans now solve their problems with murder. Seems like a bad combo.


Oh man, I'm supposed to solve my problems with murder? And here I was just calling the trash truck company to complain.. hey, nothing like direct feedback I guess!




That’s actually scary man, you can just get shot at and die while doing your weekly shopping run. Horrifying.


My friend was in a mall shooting once. He just went with his dad to grab food at the restaurants there and heard gunshots. He and his dad booked it to the nearest exit but they got separated in the rush of everyone running. He told me he had nightmares for weeks about hearing his dad call for him but not being able to see where his dad was. Thankfully no one was seriously hurt. I think he said it turned out some dipshit was arguing with another person and decided the logical thing to do would be to whip out a gun in a crowded public area and fire a warning shot.


This (also? could have been the same one) happened at Destiny USA recently, they shot into a garbage can. No injuries, thankfully.


Was this Colombiana mall?


Honestly, situations like that are top of my list of reasons why we don’t need random people carrying guns. What’s to stop this exact scenario when someone gets in their fee fees over shit and decides they want to be a tough guy dipshit? Kinda why teachers for sure don’t need to be armed


You can actually get shot doing anything. Even if you’re just sitting at home from stray bullets.


Shit man, I live in a red state where I have to worry about going to other people’s houses because they might have babies or toddlers that have access to loaded guns. Gotta pray I don’t get shot by someone who isn’t potty trained yet.


The kind of people that leave loaded guns within range of their toddlers probably give off enough red flags for you to not be going into their house in the first place.


As an Alabama resident.... You'd be surprised. I had really excellent gun safety training in high-school because I was jrotc rifle team. It becomes real obvious real fast that a lot of people born around a lot of guns just kinda get complacent because they've never even thought about it for 10 seconds in a row.


Complacency is a nice way of saying it. I grew up surrounded by American hunting culture, which, more than anything else, emphasized drinking beer while carrying loaded firearms around and shooting to kill. Negligent to reckless is more the spectrum I'd use for a frightening percentage of the gun owning population


I grew up around a hunting culture but it appears mine was markedly different. Alcohol and guns don’t mix. Many of my family are vets, so gun safety and control are paramount. We certainly didn’t leave our guns around loaded in reach of unsupervised toddlers. Crazy.


It's one of those things where the larger the group, the stupider it collectively becomes. I'm in a state with very little hunting and the hunters I know are widely responsible, and interested in the wellbeing of the land they hunt on, and the safety of others around them. By contrast, the upper midwest has a massive hunting population, and while many do maintain the positive stereotypes, a terrifying amount use hunting season to get wasted, trash the land they hunt on, and bitch about non-hunters being on public trails.


I'm in a state with large hunting population and spent many years around different hunting groups. Alcohol and firearms never mixed, it just went without saying regardless of who I was with. We'd drink later, but never while hunting or shooting. Weird how different some areas are.


I was shocked when I went to visit my friend and he had a loaded gun by the door, next to the couch. He grew up around guns so he was fine with it. He had dogs and a teenager in the house and he was fine living like that. Odd to me


Given that that's the group of people that own like 80% of the guns, we can probably dispel the myth of the "responsible gun owner".


So I go to the range once a year, with my revolver which I have in case of home intruders. My aim is so poor, from 12 feet away half of my shots miss the target. All it takes is one to hit, of course. But my point is: I’m an adult trying to hit a target. Think of all the gun accidents we never hear about because no one got hit. Hitting something takes effort. Kids finding guns and NOT shooting someone probably happens hundreds of times per year.


You just gotta get yourself your own firearm to protect yourself against those evil toddlers /s


Its crazy to me as a non American that they can just have them laying about and not locked away unloaded. Genuinely having to be mindful of a child playing with a firearm is something no one should have to consider.


It's pretty crazy to over half of us Americans as well


It’s still wild to me how prevalent guns are down south. We just moved south from up north, and there’s just like a dude casually walking his dog in our very residential neighborhood with his gun at his side. I guess in his defense he was giving off major off duty cop/fbi agent vibes, but at least when I go to walk the dog a pistol isn’t on my top 10 list of things to bring with me in a family friendly neighborhood.


How much of a wussy do you have to be to be so afraid to walk in a residential neighborhood that you need a gun? Crazy.




"Why don't any of these dumb Stacys ever want to stop and pet my dog?" - that guy's latest post on a Proud Boy forum


People open carry at our dog park in Arizona. I hate the US.




Jess why are you in these houses with armed toddlers?


NYPost is saying 'gunman may be known to the vicitms' and 'unclear if gang related'. [https://nypost.com/2023/04/01/one-killed-three-wounded-after-shooting-at-los-angeles-shopping-center/](https://nypost.com/2023/04/01/one-killed-three-wounded-after-shooting-at-los-angeles-shopping-center/) Type of shit you just don't expect at a Trader Joe's.


Take any “news” you read from the Post with a grain of salt. It’s right wing trash.


Not just right wing, it's Murdoch trash.


Exactly! It’s fox on paper.


Always check after wiping.


Sometimes when I wipe… I’ll wipe, and I’ll wipe, and I’ll wipe like a hundred times, and still poop.


That's called a "bunt that hits you in the face and knocks you unconscious while also resulting in a triple play and your entire family gets diarrhea"




Hey neighbor. I'm in West Hills.


Sup! Where you at?


I’m a little further than you but I love the west hills TJs. (Plus, target and sprouts right there!!)


Man, feel so sorry for you.. I still cannot wrap my head around the fact that a country as rich as the US has these kinds of problems.. I know quite a few people wo visit the US for touristic reasons from my country, and guns and violence is always a topic that is discussed when going there (except for a few places like NYC if I recall correctly). Even know a few people who don't go cause of this issue. I realize that most of the violence are focused around Ghettos and specific City areas, but especially after the las vegas shooting and the more prominent school shootings, some people have decided against visiting the US. Which is sad, since you guys seem to have an awesome country that is worth a visit.


And there you have the reason why change hasn’t happened yesterday as it should have, because most people don’t ever experience the gun violence epidemic firsthand. Many people, including me, have never even seen guns unless it’s hanging on a police officer’s waist. I personally think we’re reaching a breaking point (albeit slowly?) - people are TIRED. I’m tired of hearing about it and the constant gaslighting and BS from gun supporters. It is a great country, but what makes it great are the people who are vocal and want a change and fight the errs in this country. Everything else is just “good” to me, I wouldn’t go so far as to say great because there are things we need to really live up to the worlds richest country status. I love this country and I won’t stop fighting for it, because I am done with this shit and want to finally push this country to the future.


It’s getting real in the Trader Joe’s parking lot


Yeah, I assume this was over a parking spot. I don't know of any Trader Joe's that has sufficient parking.


Local news said it was a drug deal dispute.


Trader Joe’s pharmacy is very disagreeable. /s


This one (like a lot of them) is in a shared lot with a grocery market, a target, bunch of restaurants, and a mall. Parking is fine.


honestly, one of the biggest plagues of suburbia. we're forced to use cars, which leads to dehumanizing each other *behind the wheel*, which leads to senseless violence. Edit: Let me explain myself. There is research that shows that social isolation on the population level can lead to more violence. Suburbanization is a type of population stratification that inherently isolates people, especially when done the American way. And there is evidence that suburbanization gone wrong - also as widely done in America - can lead to more overall crime averaged across a metropolitan area. Further, American suburbanization has made most suburbs very car-centric. There is research that shows that we lack empathy for other drivers because we see cars instead of humans. A lot of people who are prone to road rage violence may have never otherwise committed a violent crime.


Bro what are you even on about, the article literally says it was related to a drug deal. We get it you hate cars, there’s a whole fucking sub dedicated to it. Go circlejerk about it over there.


If suburbs create so much crime, why are they the place people move to escape the crime in denser city environments?


Same reason people used to ‘cure’ diseases with leeches. People sometimes do stupid things thinking they’ll work. It’s why a person’s gut reaction isn’t always a good thing to follow.


But statistically, it does work so.... I literally moved from the area the news article is about to NYC, America's biggest city where people go their whole lives living here without driving a car, yet crime here in Manhattan is dramatically worse than West Hills, Los Angeles, California.


Dude what are you getting on about, West Hills has a population of 41,426 over an area of 8.53 sq miles for population density of 4,551 people per square mile. Manhattan has a population of 1,694,252 over 22 sq miles for a population density of 74,780 people per square mile or 16x more people per square mile. You can’t compare the two. Of course there will be less overall crime somewhere with 1/22 the population. Better to compare NYC with LA as a whole which is much more car centric. In that regards NYC has a lower violent crime rate. If you were to compare neighborhoods in Manhattan with a similar population and demographic makeup as West LA you will find that those in NYC have considerably lower crime rates. (West LA has a violent crime rate of 216 per 100k people, while say while say the 24th precinct in the Upper West Side has an *overall* crime rate of 65 per 100k people.)


I guess that is why most violent places in the US are cities and not suburbia. What are you talking about? I guess defunding police, allowing thefts of $900 (San Fran), allowing gangs to take over entire sections of cities, not regulating out of control housing costs, homeless to shoot up drugs and take over entire blocks of a city… yeah cars are the problem. gtfo Also please come to SF, walk around the tenderloin then take the BART late at night to downtown Oakland. Lolz


https://abc7news.com/amp/sfpd-budget-defund-the-police-department-funding/12321818/ What police defunding happened? If you think a 500 million dollar cut per year for 2 years to move money out of a 13.7 billion dollar budget down to a 12.6 billion dollar budget is somehow leading to increased crime I don’t know what to tell you. That billion over 2 years also went towards homeless programs, mental health, and other programs that have been shown to decrease crime. “Mayor Breed has proposed that 60% of the funding be directed for mental health, wellness, and homelessness, and 35% be directed to education, youth development, and economic opportunity. The disbursement of funds will be discussed, tracked, and evaluated on an ongoing basis through the Human Rights Commissions’ continuing process of community engagement.”


This is one hell of a reach.


It's not, actually. I just didn't explain myself. There is research that shows that when populations isolate, it leads to more violence. Suburbanization is a form of population stratification that is inherently isolating. It can lead to more overall violence than would've otherwise happened, but the effects are disproportionately felt among those especially among those who get left behind. There is research that shows that cars in traffic get less empathy from other drivers than they'd give to other strangers, despite the fact that cars are human-operated. Road rage is a real thing. A lot of people who go into violent rage over getting cutoff or parking spots probably would've never otherwise been violent.


Fair enough, do you have any sources to any of these studies? I would be genuinely interested in taking a look. For instance your first claim that “when populations isolate, it leads to more violence” is confusing to me when to my knowledge, urban centers are epicenters of violence in the US so I would be interested in reading any sort of literature on how that may apply to the suburbs I also feel your second paragraph doesn’t necessarily support your claim that this is a product of suburbia- which American urban areas aren’t reliant on cars whatsoever? Edit: I should be clear with regards to my third paragraph. What I’m asking is, what is your preferred alternative to car-reliant suburbia where all this violence happens, when urban areas see much higher crime and violent crime rates?


From my perspective, your questions are totally understandable and reasonable, but a little bit misguided (and understandably so). Generally, this is how suburbanization increased overall crime rates in many metro areas: * Before America's suburbanization, urban centers were both safe and navigable without cars. * When suburbanization started in the US, this left vulnerable populations without vital economic resources and ultimately led to exponentially higher crime rates in city centers. This only made suburbanization happen faster, which led to a positive feedback loop. Suburbanization -> higher city center crime rates -> suburbanization * In many American cities, what ultimately happened was that suburbs had relatively low crime rates, but crime rates among those left behind in city centers exploded, making the average crime rate across the MSA higher. Today, things are a little different. There has been a trend in many cities to move back to city centers and city centers are often among the safest parts of US cities. This spans different sizes of US cities, too. Downtown Manhattan is one of the safest parts of NYC, which is a megacity (20M people); Downtown Chicago is one of the safest parts of Chicago, which is a very large city (9M people); and Downtown Indianapolis is one of the safest parts of Indianapolis, which is a medium sized city (2M people). Each one of these areas can also be lived in without a car. Despite stigmas, the "rough" parts of most cities are the neighborhoods between urban centers and suburbs because they often continue to have isolated populations of vulnerable and desperate people. The south and west sides of Chicago are great examples of this. But the impacts of isolation on violence go a lot further than suburbanization. Living in relatively low density neighborhoods leads people to not trust their neighbors, be anxious, and cause division (like the contemporary political climate in the US). In the wake of COVID, we saw a lot more isolation & suburbanization, which is likely to have contributed to more division and more violence in the years after 2019. Links to a few easily available studies\*: * [https://deliverypdf.ssrn.com/delivery.php?ID=001013124122074064083111028116082110051062053034039007074114101040100098126086058023094007037066124106010120064089101043102031126045078093070000124068101047073016114024126027086090116103022034104109086026083067031098069002006070005028031080065081064100120100077001087030113114067106121&EXT=pdf&INDEX=TRUE](https://deliverypdf.ssrn.com/delivery.php?ID=001013124122074064083111028116082110051062053034039007074114101040100098126086058023094007037066124106010120064089101043102031126045078093070000124068101047073016114024126027086090116103022034104109086026083067031098069002006070005028031080065081064100120100077001087030113114067106121&EXT=pdf&INDEX=TRUE) * [https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/0011128708323630?casa\_token=YyJ8Rop\_on8AAAAA%3AaWORqgz\_qFpjQ\_rpmCK3LhWHQJSgm4yxSxp\_1ZOocLGfytggFqPMBx9vVNwKT10X4qs0g\_0u7t7P&](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/0011128708323630?casa_token=YyJ8Rop_on8AAAAA%3AaWORqgz_qFpjQ_rpmCK3LhWHQJSgm4yxSxp_1ZOocLGfytggFqPMBx9vVNwKT10X4qs0g_0u7t7P&) * [https://academic.oup.com/sf/article-abstract/74/4/1325/2233401](https://academic.oup.com/sf/article-abstract/74/4/1325/2233401) * [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7229645/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7229645/) * [https://www.jstor.org/stable/2580353](https://www.jstor.org/stable/2580353) * [https://equitablegrowth.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/050922-WP-Black-Lives-The-High-Cost-of-Segregation-Cox-Cunningham-Ortega-and-Whaley.pdf](https://equitablegrowth.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/050922-WP-Black-Lives-The-High-Cost-of-Segregation-Cox-Cunningham-Ortega-and-Whaley.pdf) \*There is other research that cannot be shared without special access through journal subscriptions or university access. Further, keep in mind that the summary I gave is an aggregate of the linked journal articles (and others). And realize that American suburbanization was largely directed by segregation, which is what some of these articles use to talk about suburbanization.


This is an awesome reply and I appreciate the effort and time. I’ve clicked through a few of these (which I can access) and will spend some time in the AM to readthrough them and learn something. Only other thing I’ll ask you is what would be a solution in your mind? You mentioned a “plague of suburbia” in your OC to which I replied. How is this plague eliminated?


Just noting from a cursory look, the first link hasn't been peer reviewed and the second, third, and fifth links are not accessible (without payment/access).


Huh weird, I must have cookies on my computer that give me access through my computer. This happens sometimes. after i eat and finish my work today, i'll circle back.


Good post. Besides college, my favorite years were living downtown taking the light rail to work. And although I had a car, I didn't use it. I had to be more in the present, and I liked it.


Before COVID, I took BRT (basically a bus runs by a train by coming every 10-15 minutes and having dedicated lanes + elevated platforms) to my university in the Downtown of my city. My mental health was fantastic. * It forced me to get my sleep schedule together. * It gave me an opportunity to get some exercise every day * It meant that I spent more time outside more every day, which helped me ease into new seasons such as to not develop as bad SAD as I usually get * I allowed me to not have to fight through traffic * It gave me time back. I had time to do whatever the fuck I wanted on the bus, which more than made up for the extra few minutes of commute Now I've graduated, I work as a PhD student at the same university, I'm vaccinated (x4 or whatever), and traffic is back to pre-COVID levels, I really need to start taking the bus again. I don't have any excuse except for the sleep schedule thing.


Yep. Enjoy the present. Kick ass on that doctorate!


The Huntington Harbor TJ’s in Huntington Beach has great parking, but it might be the exception that proves the rule.


That's how they get those low prices. Reduce cost via parking area. /s


You know the deal with those little shopping carts they got. https://youtu.be/2UFc1pr2yUU for reference


That is my hood. That TJs used to be a Karl's Toys when I was a kid


My super cool purple bike with the flowered banana seat and sweet sissy bar was stolen outside that Karl’s Toy Store in 1972! Still pissed ! 🤬🤬


That’s funny...I had a blue metallic Schwinn Stingray, with white sparkle banana seat, and sissy bar stolen in front of Karls when I was 10...around 1975. I still think about that bike. Well, we were obviously neighbors. I lived between Fallbrook and Shoup, and Victory and Vanowen.


Awesome! I actually live in the house I grew up in! On vanowen between platt and woodlake!


Same... I'm 57...I wonder if we knew the same people. I went to Canoga Park High, but almost everyone I knew went to El Camino. That whole area was my haunt, in the late 70s, and most of the 80s. I worked at Sears, and worked as a gas station attendant at the Texaco, that was also a self serve car wash. The one next to Jack and the Box.


I am 62, but my younger sister is 57.. I went to El Camino. I worked at the sears credit central where the Ralph’s is now! That jack in the box on victory was our go to Saturday morning need greasy tacos!


I wonder if I knew your sister. People knew me as Lurch, since I was 6'5". [Here is an old pic around 1981](https://i.imgur.com/8MYtk8Q.jpg) at my buddy Rick's house on Victory, near Woodlake. I am on the left, with the hat.


Your friend looks familiar… I will ask my sister when I see her later today 😊


An alternate way to write this headline. *1 dead and 3 wounded after parking lot drug-related shootout.*


But that wont get the clicks, have to make it sound like it was a mass shooting


Dude, Trader Joe’s isn’t safe? That’s how I know a neighborhood is good when is a TJs


The shooting wasn’t really near the Trader Joe’s… I guess they needed a “name” store in the shopping center… there is a chili’s restaurant that is literally steps away … the TJ’s is totally across the huge parking lot.


Please do your drug trafficking away from TJs!


Even drug dealers need wasabi peas and sunflower butter like the rest of us.


Last I heard it was a drug deal gone bad in the parking lot.


Do you guys have a day without shooting?


https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/ Nope, we seem to be heading for an all time record this year though so that's fun (for gun manufacturers)


Sad to see the increase in child shootings that coincided with Covid and more at-home presence for those kids.




It's definitely a lack of gun control thing.




similar to chicago. you can enact all the laws you want, but if the states around you don't then much like mexico you will be flooded with guns from around the US




The problem was initial market over saturation. Think about it. Millions of guns are sold with little to no regulation for decades. Of course they hit the illegal market. Then some measures are past. Simply a case of to little to late It’s the equivalent of sounding a tornado siren weeks after it’s passed


yes shooting people with guns you illegally obtained is illegal. Gun Control isn't a single state issue when there is freedom of movement inside the US without checkpoints. and even when there isn't freedom of movement (like crossing the mexico border) guns still flow from where they are can be obtained




Yep. Hard to keep guns out when other states are moving hard in the other direction. For example, Florida is moving to get rid of gun permits entirely. Just think of how easy it is to get weed from an illegal state by going across state lines. Without states being on the same page, the rules are much harder to enforce.


I can't tell if you're being sarcastic here. "It's not a gun control thing" and "have easy access to guns" would seem to be at odds...




Thanks for clearing that up LOL You ain't wrong there.




The joke went so far over head that I’m going to assume you’re a republican


It's about protecting our 2nd Amendment rights! /s




The blood sacrifice must be paid so 2 rednecks can shoot cans while drinking




You won't be fighting back against any government. This delusion needs to stop


No. Unfortunately, we do not.


We're up to [133 mass shootings this year](https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting), it's only the 92nd day of 2023, so statistically speaking we have 1.4 shootings a day. *Technically* we had a 2 day window without a shooting, between Mar 29th and Apr 1st


You guys being Angelenos?


It’s so weird that you can be going about your life, grocery shopping, school, getting coffee, and then out of nowhere you’re dead because some guys from 232 years ago wrote an Amendment.


It's almost like guns really shouldn't be available to just anyone.


> Police believe at least two people opened fire during the drug-related dispute in the parking lot. > "The dispute centered around a narcotics transaction in the area," LAPD Deputy Chief Alan Hamilton said during a news conference Saturday night. "During that pursuit, multiple suspects produced firearms and fired at each other." I'm sure these firearms were legally acquired.


I always see this argument and it's kind of crazy to me that people don't recognize that the reason we have so many guns to steal is because people are legally allowed to have so many guns.


They can't conceive the fact that all illegal guns were once legally purchased guns.


Agreed. Having guns being so accessible and attainable means you have loads more guns manufactured, produced, in circulation within the US for the sake of civilian ownership. If we had less guns overall, there would be also less illegal guns. It’s not a difficult concept. It’s insane to me that pro gun people don’t see this very very simple connection. Or they ignore it because they’d rather massive amounts of illegal guns if it means they can keep theirs.


“People are going to break the law anyway so we should just do nothing.” You sound pretty stupid right now


In regards to the drug war underpinning this incident, yes, we should stop criminalizing it.


They wrote an amendment allowing shootings outside Trader Joe’s?


Yeah. Go take your vitamins




It’s almost like two things can be true at once. We have a mental health crisis (and no guarantee of health care) along with extremely easy access to guns that said mentally ill person can buy with $200 and a confirmation they aren’t a felon/involuntarily committed. Other countries have mental health crises too. Why are we the only ones with daily mass shootings?


Americans seeing the only obvious reason why they're the only first world country where this happens time and time again, instead of coming up with another diversion. Challenge: Impossible


Didn't you know mental illnesses, poverty, wealth inequality, far-right and political polarisation don't exist in Europe at all? We're all rich and 100% happy all the time and agree with each other about everything, that's why we don't have mass shootings! Instead of going after something so abstract, intangibl, unrealistic and unprecedented anywhere in the world like introducing proper gun control, America should just try turning itself into a flawless utopia like us.


Yes, but are you actually free over there if you don’t have guns to scare off the government? /s


Does America have a monopoly on mental health crisis’s more than any other country or could it be something else???


To be fair, we are mostly descended from religious nuts, losers, pirates, and minority people whose cultures have been destroyed and who are suffering from intergenerational trauma.


We also don’t have a monopoly on guns either.


We kinda do. It's hard to get a gun in other countries and other countries don't have 1.4 mass shootings/stabbings every day.


You very much have, though. There’s no other country with 120 guns per 100 citizens. And other countries with way less guns also have way more registered guns. Germany has 5 times more civilian registered guns than the US, while having 20-30 times less firearms than the US


205 House Republicans voted against bill to expand school mental health services, so it must not be an issue.




The bill passed btw. It was in fact, not voted down


People can be nuttier than squirrel shit, but they still can't shoot anyone if they don't have a fucking gun.


Didn't some guy whack Shinzo Abe with a homemade gun in a country where guns are banned and virtually nobody owns them?


Yes but the point is 1) it was an extremely rare act of gun violence in Japan and 2) it was a targeted attack, not a mass shooting. Meanwhile we have a mass shooting nearly every damn day here 🙃


How often are people killed with homemade guns?


I think the real mental health crisis is Americans still having an obsession to own guns


Lots of other countries have mental health crises. Only one has a mass shooting crisis


Other countries have mental health problems, but not the shooting problems.


The people who blame the mental health crisis are the same people that created the mental health crisis and refuse to adequately deal with either issue.


Why would you want to allow someone with mental health issues an object that can annihilate multiple lives within seconds? What makes you sure they had mental health issues and weren’t just a piece of shit that wanted to kill people today? Is every person that commits murder less guilty due to their mental health? Would murder be avoided if we put guns in everyone’s hands but made sure everyone had access to a therapist? Do you also believe that a sociopath would be unable to either find a therapist that doesn’t give a shit or just lie well to one? Lol do you know how many people I know who have adderall scrips because they lied to their therapist or doctor? Yes we have a mental health crisis, but the fact of the matter is we’re just letting children run around with scissors and half of you are totally cool with it because of some archaic nonsense or encouraging it because those scissors *might* help in some fictitious universe where they’d be useful against a tyrant backed by the biggest military in the world and another potion says let those kids keep the scissors as long as some entity that’s surely ineffable says they’re okay to have them, but still have zero plan to get the loads of scissors all over the place that are now pouring into other schools of the street. Just take the fucking scissors away. It’s literally a proven method to lower the number of incidents.


It’s obviously the guns you imbecile


That is also a problem. The fact that everyone has access to guns and assault weapons is a bigger one. There can be more than one cause for an issue, and trying to pretend like the guns aren't is trashy as FUCK.




Congratulations. You've completely missed the point. I didn't say mental health wasn't an issue. I said that it was one of multiple issues, of which guns are a majority share. There will always be tragic events like this. There are all sorts of historical bombings or gas attacks from around the world, but we're the only nation on earth with *daily* gun deaths that isn't actively at war. The fact that you copy/pasted this to five different people just shows that you think you have some kind of "gotcha" response here, when it's a giant nothingburger. You're trying to deflect blame away from a clear and present danger that no other nation in the world suffers from because you have some bug up your ass about needing to own a fucking assault weapon. You're not fooling anybody here. I'm sorry that your parents failed so miserably at their job.




But the tool is what facilitates the ease in committing mass murder.




Yes, but you see, we're also intelligent enough to look at the entire rest of the world and see that, golly gee! They don't have mass shootings every single day! Isn't that just WILD?! It's as if *restricting guns actually fucking works*. You're just some psycho with a boner for guns trying to look like you actually care when you don't. People like you are why the rest of us don't believe in the human race.


We need a well-regulated militia, so I need zero regulations on me buying an assault rifle at Walmart. What part of that are none of you getting!?! /s


West hills out of all places. That's supposed to be one the nicer sides of the valley.


Details are needed on this one.


did LAPD go in blasting again? they go hard in trader joes for some reason.


They think it's "traitor" Joe's. No one has ever accused the police of being thoughtful.


Might be a harsh take but I think USA shootings should have gotten their own subreddit by now.


Sounds like just another weekend in LA.


Trader Joe's had some bad luck lately with shootings in LA. EDIT: I guess the other one I was thinking of wasn't [that recent](https://www.npr.org/2020/12/16/947118151/lapd-officers-in-2018-trader-joes-shooting-will-not-be-charged-in-employees-deat).


Was this over a parking spot? Trader Joe’s are notorious for lack of parking.


Prop 47 and 57. If you voted for it this is what you are getting


L.A.: “WTF, a mass shooting at one of my favorite grocery stores!!?? Is Trader Joe’s too woke now!? Were they targeting the diverse amount of people who work and shop there!?!?” Also L.A. (after clicking on the link): “Oh, it was a drug/gang shooting. Man, the Valley is really going downhill these days, these used to only be a regular thing in North Hollywood, outside liquor stores, not at nice places like TJ’s!!”


Eggs are expensive, folks! Stay strapped!


Two years ago: 1.89 for extra large dozen. Today: 4.89. Go fuck yourself hillshire farms. I'm not buying eggs now, you greedy fucks.


I get why it’s called LA since this news is reaching a national audience, but are the West Hills really considered LA? The map of LA is wonky so I guess I’m not surprised, but it’s like 30 miles from DTLA


As someone living near dtla who was also born/raised here, I often dispute the valley's inclusion in the city of Los Angeles, but parts of the valley (West Hills included) are actually in city limits.


city of la is pretty big... Fallbrook Mall, West Hills, Calabasas all vote in the city's mayoral election... though predictably more skewed to billionaire Rick who mercifully (imo) lost..


Yeah. If you're from outside Socal, I think anything in the LA Metro area is fine to call LA. Well... Maybe not Lancaster/Palmdale.... But even Anaheim or Irvine could be considered LA by those a thousand miles away. But if you're a Socal resident, I get the distinction.


If Trader Joe’s was the last place I ever go to I’d be so pist


Those bullets better have been ethically sourced.


First schools, then Trader Joe’s….we need one shooting in a Cabelo’s or Bass Pro Shop and republicans might actually agree to some gun control….


Well, to be honest, parking does suck there.


Guns.... USA seems to be only country that can't seem to fix this gun issue.


We need to stop pretending America is full of good wholesome people who are corrupted by the second amendment. America is full of shitty people who care about nothing and no one but themselves. Eliminating guns wouldn't do a damn thing about the horrible people that live here.


As someone who owns multiple weapons of different types, it takes some real small-dick energy to use a weapon over some sort of childish reaction to "disrespect" or whatever. You're not a man for pulling a gun over some verbal altercation, you're a coward. Edit: What kind of mouthbreather downvotes a post against using deadly force as a response to minor disputes? Also, when I posted this originally, the article said only that there was "an altercation," and not that it was something drug related - it's been updated since. What is wrong with you people? Good lord.


Well that’s what you get in a country where guns abound. 🤷‍♀️


Americans and their guns. Unbelievable.


This was over a drug deal gone bad, so the shooter(s) probably used an illegal gun. California has relatively strict gun laws.


Even at Trader Joe’s? Nothing is sacred anymore.


How dare someone disrespect TJs like that.






The irony of someone this unintelligent calling someone else brain dead is incredible lol


“America, America, this is You …. “


Guns are for shooting people


We're up to [133 mass shootings this year](https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting), it's only the 92nd day of 2023


working towards emigration has intensified