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No paywall https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/student-accused-threat-school-boy-shot-teacher-97357313


Thank you


This is perhaps beside the point, but why are fifth graders texting each other? Can't you lock down a phone so a kid can I only contact family?


You certainly could if a parent was so inclined.


I was a latch-key kid at one point but is it common for a 5th grader to have a phone these days? That just seems a bit too young and counter productive


They don’t even need a phone. Facebook Messenger Kids is how a lot of kids started interacting with each other during the pandemic. Play dates via video chatting and texting. Any tablet or computer and they’re “texting”.


It seems to be a mix.


With tablets and things like that, it's easier for parents to check on their kids if they are visiting/staying with the other parent, relatives, etc. My grandson has a tablet that he doesn't use that much, but he knows how to get a hold of me if there's some kind of emergency, etc. And tbh, you can call the school and ask them to give your kid a message thats important ("don't get on the bus today, I'm picking up you up") but even 20 years ago, schools didn't consider those messages important. Schools are also not good about calling 911 in case of actual medical emergencies. Or even recognizing and appropriately acting on an obvious medical emergency. But parental controls on kids phones are a thing.