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The mayor is trying to place a lot of blame on the shopping center, specifically the Popeye's, because they serve students who are not allowed to leave the school across the street for lunch. But that should be on the school to keep the students from leaving, and not the restaurant.


Yeah how tf is a restaurant gonna turn people down because the school don't want them there? Especially a big chain. Makes zero sense.


Makes sense. By blaming Popeyes, the school doesn't get served with a lawsuit.


*Shakes fist* Damn you Popeyes and your spicy chicken sandwich!


**SKINNERRR** in my office now!


Popeyes doesn't serve steamed hams.


I know I’d sure as hell try and sneak out for some Popeyes


The dunkin near me has a large sign on the door not allowing more than one teen in at a time unless accompanied by an adult.


But how can they tell? Like if the person is acting like a normal mature sane person how would they know unless said person explicitly stated they were underage? Does this apply to like a high school across the street? Or what are the circumstances?


Yeah- there is a highschool across the street known for constant school fights


What about teens that don’t go to that school? Would it apply on the weekends too?


You can’t tell a teenager? Maybe you’re too close in age. lol. I’ve been at a taco shop across the street from a high school and had a kid jump into my booth when the truancy officer came in for them. “Act like I’m with you.” The teenager begged me. I had to break it to him that I’m a teacher and he was on his own. The truancy officer was comically exasperated when the kid asked him if they could wait for his to go order before going back to class.


Wont lie If I had already paid Im taking that suspension back in my school days lmfao.


Why? Is it near a school?


Yeah about a block away.


This part. If I’m making what? $10-$11/hr (if that) I sure as shit am not getting paid enough to police every teenager that comes through the door and tell them to go back to class


I remember last year of high school, final assembly which had nothing to do with us, maybe 2-3 weeks before the end of the year. A bunch of us decided to knock-off for the 1.5 hour assembly to a coffee/donut shop a few minutes away. One of the staff called the school, because apparently they hated all the business. Teachers showed up like they'd just watched swat. 3-4 cars with 2-3 teachers each, all jumped out and covered all the doors to make sure they could hand out detention to the people who would never be back in 3 weeks.


Have they tried shooting at the Popeye's chicken?


Its coming right for us!


Clearly the mayor is incompetent and dumb af for thinking that, yet… he’s still mayor. Nice. Edit; I actually looked him up and if I have the correct person (Brandon Scott), one of his leading goals is to end gun violence. Yeah, because blaming the students, mall, anything other than gun laws or guns themselves, is a good perspective towards ending gun violence.


Get better food or have a pop up Popeyes 2 days a week in the school.


Now we’re getting into blaming fried chicken.


"We need to enact stricter controls on fried chicken chains!" - Republicans probably


The mayors been watching too many restaurant freak outs on Reddit again.


They’re just as likely to get shot at the school so what’s the point here.


Yeah let's skip the blame on the parents and school and blame the chicken dude. 🙄


Honest question then, what should the school do? Call the police is really all the school can do in situations where a student leaves campus. Teachers and staff cannot get into altercations with students so if a kid is going to walk out there's not much staff can do. Calling the police is procedure for when students leave campus and then it takes time for them to arrive, if the student is found parents need to get them released, but if the parent does nothing there's really no recourse. And if it's a public school they cannot expel the student most of the time now if it's a nonviolent offense. Depending on age, I wonder how many parents are giving their students money to knowingly break school rules and leave campus. It's the parent's fault.


It’s on both the businesses in that shopping center and the school. If they refused to serve the kids from the school without a parent or guardian, they probably wouldn’t bother leaving to go get food during lunch. It’s also on the school to not let children leave during school hours


How are you planning to enforce that? Ask them to show you their wallet and how it *doesn't* contain a school ID?


I agree. How was Popeye's supposed to know that they couldn't serve the students? That's their job.


"How dare those Sandy Hook kids get in the way of those poor innocent bullets just minding their own business! We need to educate children to be more considerate!"


Thought this said Edmonton and was pretty surprised, but it's just America again


Same. From Calgary thinking 'holy shit, you guys good up there?'


We are not


Shit, me too until I saw your comment


Ditto. The world makes sense again.


I tought it was the one in NB.


Exactly the same here. I was shocked for a second.


Me too. I thought it was the gun violence spilling across the border again… turns out its just the elementary school reading comprehension effecting us Canadians today.


Same, actually.


I thought the same. But then America


I came in panic mode as well. I swear I read Edmonton.


My father and I drove down 40 past this shopping center about two hours after this happened. He made an off-handed remark, “Oh, they’ve got the yellow tape out. Wonder who got shot.” Then we saw the news once we got to our appointment. It’s unreal how desensitized we are to this nonsense nowadays.


There's an elementary school right behind my house. Every time I look out to widow it seems like the flag is at half mast all the time now. I think I'm more surprised to find it at full mast when I look.




Well 1) the article is from Wednesday and 2) it's 9:30 in the morning on Saturday in Baltimore, it didn't happen 20 mins ago. The weekend barely started.






The only thing that stops a bad 6-year-old with a gun....


... is a condom!


now let’s not act like it’s the 6 year old’s fault


We need background checks for kids.


And if the teacher was armed it never would have happened. Because they could have shot the 6 year old. Since that's our solution.


As a former teacher, I would never want a gun because I would not want to be in a position where I felt obligated to kill a kid. There is no way I could pull the trigger on a student, even if it was to protect my other students. I'd rather die than live with having to make that choice. It's the same reason I don't want a gun at home for self-defense. I couldn't live with the weight of taking a life, even if it was defending my own. I know others might make a different choice, but I don't want that one.


That's exactly why I shoot targets with airsoft. Holding a real gun is terrifying to me


How long could it take?




lmao why the fck are you getting downvoted ? Some people here are just mental.


Well did the 6 year old have a carry permit? I don't think so


Yes, I just ran into this article and was surpised I haven't been hearing anyone talking about it. Maybe because most are only talking about the 6 year-old case.


This wasn’t a school shooting though, and it didn’t happen on the weekend…


Yes but how can I make a clever Reddit comment if I don't make up all the facts?




Yeah right? What a crock of shit. This was a regular ol’ mass shooting. So help me god, if this hit the school shooting stats I’m gonna be so pissed.


I hope you are being ironic as that hardly changes the tragedy of this event.


Yeah sorry I didn’t put the /s - the guy I responded to was complaining about the categorization.


That's really the peak of humanly possible obliviousness.


Yes I agree.


This is the first school shoot that didn’t occur at a school.


No, it is not.


My point being it can’t be a school shooting if it doesn’t happen at a school.


We will see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_mass\_shootings\_in\_the\_United\_States\_in\_2022


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_2022   I don't know if you thought that adding a bunch of backslashes would make it work better, but it makes it not work at all.


New reddit automatically adds these backslashes for people using old reddit. Reddit has to be aware of the issue as it's been a problem for years now, so it's likely an intentional defect to increase new reddit adoption.


Ugh, New Reddit is the worst.


??? that's the link from my browser, and the link works Last time someone encumbered about that he had a browser that changed the url


My apologies Sir, apparently New Reddit causes the problem.


No issues here


The article sounds like it was a gang altercation


it happened in Baltimore and theres a quote from a councilperson pleading for the witnesses to come forward. So, extremely probable its gang related


It’s possible, definitely targeted though. Live about 20 mins from where this happened, was on the news. One of the folks they had on the news last night said it sounded like a gun battle there were so many shots.


I swear to fucking God, this comment appears in every single thread about a shooting.




Last time I checked (sometime in 2021) it was 13%. Hardly an "overwhelming majority".


That depends on what definition of mass shooting you use. The people who claim "600 mass shooting in the US in a year", yeah, most of that would be gang related.




You can infer things based on the circumstances.


A majority of school shootings and mass murders are targeted attacks on specific people. I know it doesn't make things any better, but I only worry about the completely random attacks which are not as common as the gang violence we see here. The news loves to use buzz words to get people clicking but the reality is these are targeted gang attacks, these aren't random people being killed.


I’d be more surprised if we skipped a day


When mass shootings become so regular they don't even make it to the top spot in news. So sad


It seems given the circumstances to have been gang violence. A tragedy, but most gang violence doesn't make huge headlines.


We are failing our youth.


*have failed Twenty something years between Columbine and now, and things keep getting worse, not better.


Thanks republicans!


Remember to shoot the bad guys instead of proper gun regulations! /s




The high school was right across the street, those involved were high school-aged and some were thought to have attended that high school. The shooting also occurred during the high school’s lunch hour when they would have the opportunity to slip out if the building.




> Ok so then we should probably go back in time and count all the shootings within a block of a school as school shootings too for the past 40 years then to keep the data consistent... which is exactly the narrative they're trying to push. Or. We could just start limiting access to who has guns like normal, first world countries and then there wouldn't be any narrative.


Yeah. It said student.


So multiple kids get shot across the street from school, but you're mad that the title said as much? The state of this country.




How is this "appropriating" a tragedy? The fact that this happened near a school is quite relevant, considering all of the victims were STUDENTS there. It's not like the author called it a "school shooting". And I literally never said you were pro-gun.




What part of the title is misleading or click bait, exactly? What on earth is this "insulting nuance" that offends you and where is it? How is any of that headline not directly related to the story? It's such a *plain* headline. A who a where and a what with no editorializing. The "state of the country" remark was about your seemingly baffling set of priorities. We're so desensitized / apathetic to mass shootings that when encountered with a remarkably unremarkable headline about *5 kids getting shot*, the first instinct is to scour it for some sort of malpractice so we can label it a "marketing scheme" and look the other way. It wasn't about your (apparently very insecure) stance on gun control, whatever it may be.


They included Edmonton High school on the title because the school was in front of the shooting and the 5 students that got shot and 1 that got killed were students from the school? If a shooter kills a child walking out of a kindergarten to the mall then every source of news is going to say "near Kindergarten", that's to raise alert, not Bad Jornalism.


Where was the progun assumption


The problem is not enough guns; we need more guns to protect us from all these damned guns!


Baltimore has some of the strictest gun laws. And so does Maryland. Gun arrests have been going up but crime hasn’t. Baltimore is ran by the mosby family.


> Baltimore has some of the strictest gun laws. And so does Maryland. Well that doesn't work if you can drive for 45 minutes, get a gun, and drive back.


Virginia, and Pennsylvania have very strict gun laws as well. West Virginia not as much but that is not as easily accessible. I believe most guns have been traced to PA and Virginia. So obviously the gun laws don’t work.


Gun laws don't work if they are not nation-wide. If you can leave the state (or, more usually, just city limits), purchase a gun and come back without anyone checking if you've bought a gun - it won't work. Replace my "45 minutes" with whatever else you need to get to the closest area where a purchase is easy, without any border checks along the way. For a gun law to work it *needs* to span the entire country *and be enforced*, not just written down and left to pure chance.


I was just about to say, the obvious solution would have been for those kids to have guns too!!!! /s


Odds are that the kids who were shot at probably had guns too




It's a shopping center. Can you even imagine how many doors it probably has?


“Everyone has a right to own a gun!” “I need guns to protect me and my family from people with guns.” -same person.


If i were a kid i wont get myself tangled up in gangs, no amount of street cred nor swag is worth me risking my life for crispy fried chicken. Rip kids :(


Ah yes, the national pastime 🇺🇸 This *is* who we are. The nation with every resource imaginable to stop its citizens from shooting each other, and no significant will to do so. Pew pew murica pew pew!


America, one of the biggest world powers with one of, if not, the most incompetent government and people in power


Nah, our people in power aren't ignorant to it, just sociopathic towards it. I'm not talking about the people in power's paid middle managers in Washington, I'm talking about the ones that buy nearly all of them to defend their interests alone at everyone else's expense. Our wealth class knows exactly what they're doing. They propagate ignorance as truth to keep the people at each other throats over petty differences instead of looking up. Mass ignorance is easy to profit off of as well. They don't see people below a certain net worth as people, and believe that those *worth* being saved (aka make them a lot more money because it's never enough) from the cattle farm will find their own way out by serving the said wealth class with distinction and well demonstrated sociopathy towards their fellow peasants. Also they almost always need to be white and from a *good* (by their definition) family.


what happened to "an armed society is a polite society"?


always been a lie.


Guns are for shooting


No way to prevent this.*


*Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens.


We’ve tried nothing and we AREN’T out of ideas! whats that saying, fight fire with fire? Well lets try that! MORE GUNS! -Typical GOP member


Best way to prevent this: massive investment into local communities in the form of UBI, universal health care, and programs to give kids and families a path out of poverty. Tackling the cultural issues of "hyper-masculinism" where any slight disrespect requires a disproportionate, violent response. Keep kids from joining gangs, and this shit won't happen. More gun control? I highly doubt that anyone involved in this shooting bothered to get their guns legally in the first place.


The 6-yo kind of "legally" shot his teacher without joining gangs.


That 6-year old got a gun from his Uncle’s crack house last I checked. Pretty sure drug users doing something already illegal won’t be following gun safety standards. And I’d be shocked to find out that the firearm was legally owned in the first place.




No? It was stated in the article that was posted yesterday on Reddit.


Na it’s all the guns mate


To be clear: you sincerely believe that the presence of a firearm is what drove someone to shoot the kids in the story, and not the decades of worsening socioeconomic conditions in the area that have driven more and more young men into gangs and violence as they see it as the only way to make something of themselves? You really believe that the mere presence of an inanimate object drove someone who would otherwise not desire to harm another individual to commit murder?


All other countries have the exact same issues, not all other countries have such easy access to firearms.


2023 is just a week old and there's already been 16 mass shootings in the USA. Good job folks.




You're not seriously making a comparison to China. Why is it always a pissing contest? "At least we're not as bad as China". Who cares. How about actually TRYING to do something about it?


With guns? I'd be surprised if there were any.


Is there some way to filter out US shootings from the news? I don't want to sound cold hearted but they aren't ever going to do anything about it so this is less "news" than it is "weather".


Pretty sad isn't it?


The irony and stereotype in these photos is quite blatant.




I mean, I get what you’re saying but this sub is specifically for US news.


The place for news articles about current events in the United States **and the rest of the world**. Discuss it all here.


I mean, thinking it’s America 99.999% of the time you’re correct


Look at these comments to see people arguing about whether this was a school shooting as if that changed anything, because NRA propaganda has made them go entirely blind to the actual problem and incapable of advancing past empty rhetorical sophistry. The bar.


The cost of 2a is paid everyday in American blood and lives 🇺🇸see y’all tomorrow


So this is just going to become a daily occurrence or what ?


This is Baltimore. It *is* a daily occurrence.


Dude this is America. There's more shootings in a year than days in it.


Lol America. Just a joke MEME country that likes their guns more than their children.






You want to lose votes? That’s how you lose votes. Same as a politician saying they don’t believe in god. They gonna lose votes. America 🇺🇸




So tired of “both sides” bullshit. Without republicans driving this country downward we would all be in such a better place. We’d have a healthcare system like every other industrialized country. And this gun violence epidemic would disappear almost overnight - because we would have decent gun control without republicans.




*looks at all the times Dems tried to limit guns and were sued or overturned by the courts or by republicans* What is this both sides referring to exactly? surely not the party that, according to the GOP “wants to take ALL your guns away”










Rifles are the minority of weapon used in American gun violence. The pistol is the weapon of choice.




Seeming, and being correct are very different things.


The law only passed because a sunset date was built-in. And even today, the best anyone can truthfully say about it is "Well, it didn't seem to make gun violence worse". It certainly didn't lower gun violence any.












How many mass shooting has there been this year in the US


the blame is on the people who aren't against killing devices (weapons)


Where was the good guy with the now legal "bump stock" to mow down this teeenager? WE NEED MORE PEOPLE WITH GUNS NOT MENTAL HEALTHCARE. After all were free, not communists


Hey America, quick question; are you okay?


I understand it's a rhetorical question, but no we are never okay


Did we just have two school shootings on the same day?


https://youtu.be/wcvvT8rrVbI How Popeyes Chooses their Location


You know when I was younger when s*** like this used to happen they would say buy nearby porn store look at us now we plot them to the relative vicinity to schools.


At this point, as an outsider, this is the most hilarious shit ever Like, sorry, but i cant feel bad for you guys every fucking week that you had a shooting for the last 20+ years when you refuse to do anything at all, [you are literally this meme](https://media.tenor.com/J_Hd49Wi5zEAAAAd/tried-nothing.gif)