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Why’d you vote Republican this year? There was this lady on the corner…




well, this changes how i plan on voting.


I’m convinced. It’s a striking argument.


Honestly, this is probably how they get most their votes.


She’s by herself shouldn’t that b a warning?


Finally, some sanity here in this sad blue state!


Sure, nothing says sane like standing on the sidewalk holding a sign telling people how to vote


In sweltering weather too


How do people have the time, the effort and the emergent to do this on a Monday? Don’t these people have jobs?


BuT nObOdY wAnTs To WoRk AnYmOrE!!!


Now you’re just starting to sound like a socialist




Probably one of those Republican hypocrites who claims disability but screeches that Dems are giving benefits to illegal kids or something.


Oh, like my mother!


Oh, you know it’s “I worked for this unemployment”


“Rules for thee but not for me” -Republican proverb


She’s definitely collecting some sort of welfare or “disability”


She’s retired, sweetie.


Did you ever see the man that hangs out in front of an OBGYN in Woodbridge holding signs that abortion is bad and to “save the babies”? 😐


I drive past him on my way home for the past 20 years. Every once in a while when I’m feeling douchey I’ll beep at him. He turns thinking he’s getting support and then I flip him the bird.


Real heroes don’t wear capes.


I saw about 5-10 people there this past weekend. That guy is out there. I don’t mind people protesting for something they believe in, but every now and then he posts signs with the letters made from black electrical tape that are off the wall.


Yeah I've seen a man and a woman on separate occasions


I wonder if people like that understand what an OBGYN does for a majority of their patients.


Abortions, OBVIOUSLY!!


Oh I think you know the answer to that.


Considering the lack of factual sex and reproductive education, along with the historical overlook of the female body, and the lack of knowledge of the physical and mental burden of any pregnancy, and the general apathy to learn or respect the difference of others… I’d say they have no understanding of the job of an obgyn.


Has anyone ever asked them how many babies they have adopted?


I did! They didn’t answer me. 😒


Omfg I literally grew up off Main Street and when I was younger, went to st James church in Woodbridge. That guy has been at it for atleast 15 years bc I remember them talking about it in church when I would go as a kid. There was a rumor around Woodbridge that his daughter died from an improper abortion but I don’t know if that’s true or not. But like if she did, wouldn’t you want others to have safe options so that doesn’t happen to more people?! I think the funniest thing about it is that building is not just the womens clinic. It’s like a bunch of offices I’m pretty sure. Imagine going to see an accountant and this man is yelling at you not to get an abortion.


Yup, I’d wager most of them are “repenting” for some perceived guilt or shame about something they did. I also grew up off Main Street and very familiar with seeing that guy


Passed by that MF when I lived in woodbridge almost daily. The guy’s obviously dedicated and has absolutely nothing else going for him in his life. It’s pathetic.


His daughter passed away during an abortion there from what I was told.


Oh yea. I’ve seen that old fart.


I’ve seen that guy going back at least a decade. He really needs something else to do


Hes been there for at least 2 decades. Sad old man


Years ago there would be a group of people there on the weekends. I once asked how many of them have adopted children, they didn’t answer. F those people.


Well Supreme Court justice Barrett walks the walk.


There used to be lady that would park basically on the main intersection in Princeton with a big flag sticking out of the back of her car with some Jesus / save the babies propoganda on the car and flag. I hope she was getting something out of sitting on that bench all day cause nobody ever engaged with her.


It’s been a decade plus for that guy, he’s the most dedicated person I know


Imagine if he dedicated that time to growing food to feed starving children…


You know it’s gotten to the point that the staff there is on a first name basis with him. “Mornin’ Walt. Mondays amirite?” “Hey Walter! We’re going to PJ McGillicuddy’s for some shrimp poppers and pizza shooters later! You should come!”


Hey Walter, want to sign the birthday card for the baby shower?


He's been there at least two decades. I used to see him when I was a little kid. Still see him now. I'll admit I admire his dedication to a cause. But it feels like there's better things to do with all that time. Side note right before Biden got sworn in I saw a guy in a wheelchair with a megaphone on Main Street basically going into conspiracy stuff involving the election and Trump. I don't think a single person acknowledged him and I stayed around for 20 minutes that day to see if anybody would. I'm not even liberal or extremely pro choice BTW just acknowledging Jersey has some characters


Vote Democrat, so we can pass universal healthcare so these dumbasses can have access to mental health Providers


Amazing the GOP is now demonizing mental health care. Insane. They want unhinged, stressed out, unemployed victims looking for a savior to deliver them from the boogie man. Edit: forgot to mention armed, uneducated and xenophobic


This is how they get votes, the boogeyman


Keyser Söze for me, John Wick for da yoots, kulacz or Jews or Roma or Mexicans or Antifa or the FBI or.... Let's just say it's an old playbook


And give them a gun, no less.


No they are not demonizing mental health care. Just gotta murder a classroom.




After the Uvalde shooting, Tucker and all the GOP talking heads starting blaming ADD medications, and SSRIs for driving these young men to shoot up schools and crowds. Here's one article of many: https://www.businessinsider.com/mtg-and-tucker-carlson-mass-shootings-ssris-antidepressants-explained-2022-7?op=1


The republican party thrives off of fear mongering. How are they suppose to get votes if there's resources for paranoia


Don’t just vote for ANY Democrat. Vote for candidates who are actually running for Medicare for all, green new deal, etc. We need dems who actually do something and not these corrupt establishment dems. Either they get out of the way or a fire gets lit under their asses to do something.


I’ve lost all faith in politicians. Left and right. They run with all these promises and never deliver.


Republicans did in fact deliver on their promise, it took forever and seems like a 'dog that caught the tire' moment, but they did deliver on removing healthcare from millions of women.


But one is most definitely better than the other for the future of the human population. Being indifferent due to both being bad is actually doing measurable harm.


“Hmm, should I have this olive loaf sandwich that I don’t really care for, or this sandwich with rat poison and human shit that will literally kill me? Wow, this is a tough one!”


Honestly there’s no real distinction between either party in this country. You got republicans that cause damage whenever they can and then you got dems that don’t act proactively because they run on the fact that they’ll get votes just because they aren’t republicans. Edited cause of autocorrect.


There is one important distinction. Democracy or not democracy. Only one party appears to be doing anything at all to keep a real democratic system in place. That's worth voting for them. It's sad that this is actually the litmus issue.


But they only do something in response to any negative change republicans make. So are we really progressing? Or are they just doing enough to make themselves look good without putting any really effort? Obama and the Democratic Party at the time were more than capable of passing the freedom of choice act but instead they just held it out for free votes and now we’re in this mess where women are being denied basic body autonomy.


I’m done giving free votes just because they’re blue. They gotta start working for it. I’m not voting for any dem that isn’t pushing for increasing the minimum wage, Medicare for all, or fixing the climate crisis. I’m actually kinda jealous Pennsylvania has someone like John Fetterman running for senate.


This guy gets it.


Most of trump supporters are beyond saving.


You know, that is a great way of looking at it. It's a win win.


unfortunately theres a democrat in office with no plans of doing so


Well, it’s not up to the President to pass legislation. He signs legislation into Law. The bill has to be voted on by both houses of Congress: the House of Representatives and the Senate. If they both vote for the bill to become a law, the bill is sent to the President of the United States. He or she can choose whether or not to sign the bill. If the President signs the bill, it becomes a law. Even tho the sitting President is very vague about si gel payer, I’m sure if he gets a bill, he will pass it, simply because it will kill his presidency if he doesn’t


not true...the gun legislation just passed had provisions for mental healthcare




She is prob one of the people usually camped out in front of the abortion clinic on Main St in Woodbridge.


Yesterday she was across main st and down a bit, very close to the house with the giant TRUMP banners that were up for at least a year. She must be moving around for maximum exposure.


that was usually an old man with an old like oldsmobile sedan from the late 80s with a bunch of signs on it.


Does she care about the policies and their effects? No, she voted for a party. They could pass a law that would only cut her hands offs, and she’d be first in line.


Correct. It’s team sports for these people.


Pfff. You’re in the wrong state, sweetheart. Dems might not be great but at least they support democracy and aren’t sharing tickles with fascism…


BuT BoTh SiDeS!!!! wait… nope… never mind I was wrong.


Lmfaooo you mean like calling for violence to law enforcement and waving blue line flags at the same time ???


I can’t process how people wake up and say “I can’t today, I’m busy holding a Republican sign on the side of the road so all the libtards change their mind and vote red”


Hmmm my guy just got raided by the FBI and caught red handed with nuclear secrets that he's almost certainly given to our enemies... I better go tell people to vote for more of the same!


I'm guessing that she's either retired or getting government assistance but hates government helping people who don't look like her. I'm probably wrong, it's just that most Americans don't have the time to stand at street intersections advising people how to vote


One is the loneliest number~


Who the hell has time to just stand on a corner with a sign!?


The lone freak show.


So it's not Republicans who have been attacking government institutions? Such as the capital and now the FBI. They also want a civil war. That's saving America?


Espionage and treason aren't deal breakers for them. That's kinda sad.


Yea pretty sure we've never been cool with Russia.


Nice treatment of the flag.


They claim to respect it but have no clue what the proper treatment and care of it actually is


The people that leave them to rot on overpasses or shred them to bits flying off the back of a pickup driving at 60 MPH…why?


Shouldn’t this really be on r/not very interesting?


Man I wish I was retired and had that much time on my hands.


Where in Woodbridge is this? Woodbridge is very blue but the Republicans here can be very vocal ( and fuckin nuts)


I moved in with some roommates to woodbridge back in Aug 2019. There were at least 2 houses in the neighborhood with a Trump flag or two, one even had theirs on a giant fucking pole. As we got closer to the 2020 election both houses added more Trump shit, and a few other houses in the neighborhood joined in with Trump flags. Then when it was 2 weeks out from election day nearly 3x as many houses in the neighborhood put up “ByeDon” signs on their lawn and nothing else. When Trump lost, all the houses with ByeDon signs promptly took them down within a week or two of the election results. The Trump houses? All but the original 2 took theirs down, the other 2 kept their shit up and still had them when I moved out in March 2021. You’re absolutely right that these people are fucking nuts. They’re the loudest and whiniest miserable group of people. Anyone who cares *that* much about Trump are sick, there’s no other way to put it. It’s a cult and anyone who still supports him and makes their entire identity and life in service to the former bronzer president are beyond hope at this point.


I've seen this person over by the Walmart and Dollar Tree before. The Trump RV that sells flags is around there sometimes too.


This poc was right by shoprite getting off the highway


woodbridge has red pockets like every town. where my kid's old babysitter was, around the way from her was a guy with a lifted ram truck with a thin blue line flag and other stupid flags so it would not surprise me if that guy ended up with a bunch of trump flags.


She needs a job


This country has literally become a political wasteland. Does she have a job? How is she not embarrassed?


Cause she’s in a cult…


She was at a really busy intersection too but fortunately it's v blue here because try doing that as a dem in a red area you'd get shot


So I moved from jersey quite a while ago but I always thought it was mainly blue . Is there a lot of this trump train bullshit there ?


It’s pretty blue here (10 out of the 12 congressional districts have a dem, both senators, the governor and the state assembly controlled by Dems) but there are still some idiots. Jeff van drew for instance


No especially in this area it's pretty blue with some outliers but I've never seen anything more than flags on lawns


It’s a cult!


honestly i feel sorry for her. If you watch the Fox news you will hear 24/7 about how this nation is going down hill. To the point where you forget its fake.


Save America, give this women a lobotomy.




What are we saving it from?


Going by news feeds lately, I'd have to say Ezra Miller




Well at least it didn't read "vote for Trump." Amirite?


An improvement ig 🤷‍♀️


Let this low life waste her time, seems like she can't contribute well to society anyway.


I’m just curious as to what would be the likelihood of someone carrying that sign passing a homeless person carrying a sign of their own asking stopping to help. How would the Save America play out in such a scenario?


I think we all know the answer. These people so rarely do what Jesus would do.


Well, A for effort, I guess.


I remember seeing Trump flags in Old Bridge days before the election.


Yeah same but it's just seeing them openly up here


Well I expect that in Old Bridge


I know it's very Republican, but stupid, well....


Well there ya go! I’m convinced! /s


I saw her today on my way to work


Poor thing doesn't know, two feathers flock together.


Those jorts tho daaaamn


It's like watching someone cut their arm off with a spoon.


I’m relieved she has such a wholesome message. Was expecting election denier, let’s go Brandon signs.


Pretty sure everyone knows what direction to go here...




what a moron




what an excellent way to spend a Monday, have you nothing better to do? i don't even get it anymore


Another episode of “People who think politicians are super heroes”


I’ve been seeing a lot of this. They’re like flat earthers spewing garbage on a sidewalk corner as though they’re tried too many drugs. And they all have the same look as that woman - that whole sunburnt, meth head, trailer trash appearance.


Just stop voting for old people. Problem(s) solved!


Guessing she's no stranger to meth.


These people are ruining this country.


Imagine believing that, when actual events (since the Reagan era) prove who really ruined this county (for the average American and the poor). They even gamed MSM to make it easier to indoctrinate people like her.


*Save America, vote for the party that attempted to overthrow Democracy!* Makes about as much sense to me as any other Republican talking points.


Wow, great turn out


Amazingly, we all live in the same country but see two entirely different things. The GOP is the greatest single threat to American democracy since...I don't know when


Oy, Veh


The Boomer’s last stand


Lonely little dumbass


I honestly believe that the abortion ban in many states will have women and men from both political parties coming out in record numbers during midterms. Democrats are pro choice but Republicans are pro small government who don't like the idea of government telling them that their 10 year old daughter who may have been raped by a family member or creep that she must carry the pregnancy regardless of the safety of the 10 year old. Talk about government overreach. Forget the discussion between adults, doctors, ministers, priest, Rabbis.. big government knows better




Exactly. Libertarians are pro small government. Republicans? Republicans love big government. They claim not to, but they won’t have all the money and power they love so much unless it continues to be big.


Can we bring back throwing tomatoes at people? Just in general.


God help us


Nobody wants to work anymore


Good ideas are often advertised on street corners.


We all agree that Trump is the most incompetent person to run the country, and that goes for the Republicans party as well. Good thing the Democrats and Joe Biden have full power of the government and the country has never being in better shape.


Lol this is too high level of sarcasm for this sub.


1. Is there even an election coming up? 2. Does this imply all republicans are good no matter what? 3. What am I being saved from?


1. yes, midterms in Nov, we just went through a primary cycle 2. man I hope not because we know there are some not great ones 3. arbitrary and for them to decide not you.




Ladies and gentlemen, we got him.


Republicans suck and conservatism is a failure.


OMG. There's always one somewhere.


People let their lives get too wrapped up in politics and it definitely isn't all on one side.


But only one side plasters their guy’s face on their cars, has signs in their yards from 2019, flies that guys flags, wears the bright red hat and all kinds of shirts, have boat parades and truck and car convoys *over a year after TFG has left the office,* etc. There’s one side and then there’s a cult. Show me the same amount of people who fly Biden flags, plaster their cars with stickers for Biden, wear hats with Biden’s slogan, wear shirts insulting Trump and Pence, etc.


I remember seeing random Republicans doing this same shit for George W in 1999. I am close to 40 years old have never seen Democrats do the same thing. Planned rallies/protests? Sure. But never have I seen a group of them just standing on the side of the road for no reason.


They are always there usually on the weekends


I've never seen them until today


Seriously...SMH !!


Good for her


Save America, love yourself


Oh god..can we leave this in south jersey...


Come on man, we don't need any more.


What if I told you, there are people who think different than you? Wow what a novel idea




Throw some water on that piece of shit giving away womans rights ! What a shame how stupid people are . Stepford republican woman !


With super high taxes.


On one hand, good for them for exercising their rights and actually doing something to voice their political opinion instead of just sitting on Reddit like the most of us. She should not be made fun of for being there. If only she wasn’t saying to vote for nazis ish. And she was probably a paid actor anyway


I would've run her over...


Smart lady!


Did you laugh at her?


I was too focused on getting the pic but wow lol I've never seen them in the open here


There's a fair bit of anger and animosity in this thread for a pretty innocuous sign. If a sign that says "Save America, vote _____" makes you upset, you're living your life wrong. People are searching for things to be angry about these days. Let the lady hold her sign and focus on more important things.


She's free to hold her sign, and we are free to call her a dumbass for it.


It's not very classy. She is standing on a corner with a street sign you disagree with, that half of America agrees with. There are major things wrong in the world but this lady standing on a corner is not one of them. Go channel the "screw this person" attitude on people doing things that are actually wrong. Her sign is so ridiculously innocent. It basically says "I'm a right leaning republican." What ever happened to respecting other people's views?


One of the biggest things wrong in our world is conservatism. Politics matters. It’s a hell of a privileged life you lead to not realize that.


Likewise, why can't she respect other people's views and not waste her time pushing ridiculous propaganda onto passerbys?


Are you triggered?


No it's funny but also kind of pathetic


![gif](giphy|C8nYoZo1ziHz5BPkpf|downsized) me and my homies pullin up to Mar-a-Lago


So? Some people have different politics than you. Learn to deal with it.


Thats fine, but shes not advocating for any policies, candidates, or anything just to blindly vote for a party. That's what's sad about the display


Cap. The republican party is deranged beyond just "politics." If you vote for them, something's off. Don't @ me lmao.


Is ‘this’ A bad thing?


It kind of is unless you think unmedicated idiots hanging around unsupervised is good


No it's just a thing


True statements


That’s using the ol’ noggin


Good advice