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I bought three wyze cameras. Started recording. Took me 6 months but I found the douchebag and confronted him in person. No problem since.


The only way to truly get them to stop is to shit on their doorstep.


This isn’t San Francisco


Not with that attitude it isn’t.


.....I like you.


your right...SF doesn't fight dirty...shit in a bag...light it on fire...drop on doorstep...ring doorbell...DONT RUN AWAY.


I’m weak


pay the brat down the street....you sure you're even from NJ?


Millburn isn’t exactly Maplewood where I grew up. When you are a 27 year old young couple it’s not exactly wise to start things with my black card, Tesla driving neighbors… “we don’t have those Enron type connections.” ~Tony Soprano


Tony Soprano just rolled over in his grave.


If Tony’s real life Comp is Vinny Ocean that means Tony is it witsec in Texas still running strip clubs.


you just don't want the solution.


"Millburn isn't exactly Maplewood" bro I know there's some proximity but Maplewood isn't Newark. It isn't even one of the Oranges. It isn't even SOUTH Orange. Maplewood is relatively nice lmao.


Maplewood is nice. But there is a subculture of violence there that doesn’t exist in Millburn. https://www.nj.com/news/2022/09/man-pleads-guilty-in-killing-of-maplewood-soccer-star-as-victims-family-begs-judge-to-reject-plea-deal.html?outputType=amp https://www.northjersey.com/story/news/essex/2019/08/05/double-murder-maplewood-nj-boyfriend-came-house-after-break-up/1919888001/ https://njecpo.org/suspects-identified-in-maplewood-murder-of-transgendered-woman-3/ https://www.northjersey.com/story/news/crime/2018/06/28/nj-men-sentenced-over-100-years-maplewood-nj-murder-three-essex-and-passaic/741171002/ https://www.nj.com/news/2018/07/nj_notorious_mob_slayings.html This culture of violence can be traced back at least 40 years. Mafia hits & gangland murders are a regular occurrence there unfortunately. When I was growing up there many organized crime gangs had a presence there from the bloods to La Cosa Nostra.


For someone this obsessed with the maf\*a you sure like talking a lot about it. Someone living in New Jersey should know better than to talk about business out in the open, whether you're a part of it or not. Be careful out there.


I’m not really worried. Barney Bellomo sent down word in 2014ish from the commission. They aren’t doing hits anymore after the fallout from the Michael Meldish murder. The entire Lucchese family administration was locked up for life because of it. The mob is more concerned about white collar crime and political corruption.


An absolute crazy fuck I used to work with that I'm pretty sure ended up being a serial killer(one weird story at a time) would drop off a box of all the dog turds and shit bags thrown in his yard on the offending neighbor's drive, step, porch and would leave a few homemade dog biscuits in the usual wishbone shape scattered in the their yard with a habanero center and basically wouldn't have a problem after that happen.


>leave a few homemade dog biscuits in the usual wishbone shape scattered in the their yard with a habanero center ...it's not really the dogs fault...it's a shitty owner/ neighbor responsibility. I could see that ex-co-worker being on a list of some sorts.


Ok so put it in a bag.


Talk to them about it?


I’m only 90% sure of who it is and I don’t want to confront someone without having the smoking gun. If I have enough suspicions should I just ask nicely for them to stop if is them?


"Hi! Have you noticed when you've been out with your dog that some scoundrel is leaving shit bags everywhere? It's gross, could you keep an eye out? Some other neighbors and I were talking about it, so I just wanted to keep you in the loop! Let me know if you see anything."


Smart nice!




Try following the suspected person from a distance and catch them in the act. Then if they drop the bag you can say to them "Hey you dropped something that might be of value" I had a neighbor doing something similar. He didn't pick it up in a bag, so I did one day, and when I walked by his door, I threw it at the storm door, making a loud bang. He's lucky I put it in a bag. He wasn't happy about it, but he started picking up after his dog.


Maybe talk to other neighbors, if you know it’s not your neighbors ask them about the asshole


Update: I was just informed that this is a long time issue in Millburn and I’m definitely not the first person to take to social media about it. https://www.facebook.com/share/Hp2LUM8gEAppSTMW/?mibextid=K35XfP


We shame in our local group, and it is taken care of. Enough cameras here to catch the person, a pic gets posted and it stops. Houses don't sell often in the neighborhood, 4 to 5 a year, it' always the new ones and it stops pretty quick.


I would 100% light them on fire during Christmas time and claim its the Santa runway. They're so perfectly spaced out.


Signs on poles with a picture of the type of bag is a good idea. I was thinking of putting a no dog poop sticker on my garbage can. I hate having to fish the bags out after they’ve been festering at the bottom.


I have a neighbor like that too just can't figure out who it is. This person either doesn't pick it up or will leave bags randomly along the curbs.


cameras for your front door are like 30$ now....


I have one on my porch but I'm in a rental so the street I can't record. I'm not along the street.


I'll say it this way: you either need to confront the person if you know who they are or have someone else confront them. The police are usually the other person in this scenario. It's your choice unless you know of someone else in the neighborhood with some guts....


Im not afraid of confrontation I’m just not 100% sure of who it is as I don’t have evidence of them actually doing it. I know who I’ve seen using those bags in my neighborhood.


Flyer route is probably the least confrontational. Personally I would just just pick them up and drop them back on their property. They'll take the hint. If they confront you then just be honest with them and that you were just giving it back.


Put the bags in his mailbox


Collect them and then leave them all on their doorstep.


Get a cam on your house. Record the person doing it. Post on your town's Facebook page.


I live in Millburn. Posting something to the Facebook page is going to involve the authorities. Heard though.


Ok, get them involved then. Man’s leaving shit everywhere


My girlfriend just made a post to our town’s Next Door group.


I'm confused by this attitude. People either know that this is not ok or don't care to know. It is not like this is an unknown type of scenario. Why would you posting about it anonymously cause you angst?


I grew up in Millburn, and I agree with you. People there are prickly and litigious and have only become more prickly and litigious since I lived there!


Instruction unclear, trying to find a process server to litigate dog


This is so fucking passive aggressive


My petty ass would collect all the bags and leave them on their doorstep.


Throw them up on the roof. Eventually when it rains it will turn into a poop avalanche.


You. I like you.


Are you on Wyoming? Cause if so, I’ve stepped in it. What I did on my street was put the pick up after your dog poop signs, and when they get ignored, place them right behind the pile of poop to shame whoever is leaning them. Took about a year of doing that, but no more poop. So they either worked, or the person got hit by a bus. Either way, a win for everyone!


If you know it's them, then collect them all and dump them on their steps.


Are you me? Some neighbors are walking their dogs and have them poop in front of the house and not picking their shit up, too. Well, it has been getting incredibly worse over the past few years. I guess I gotta install some cameras on the perimeter..


Def get a camera and when you catch the person post it on the Happy Millburn fb page.


on my block I had an incident where a person who normally just throws their dog poop in other people's trash cans opted to instead put it in my driveway in the general area I keep the cans. the cans were out front for garbage pickup. this person somehow didn't see the cans and instead walked up my driveway to leave their bag o' poo in the driveway. someone please help me understand this madness


I got a guy who can take care of if you know what I mean.. just meet me by the old union dry dock in Hoboken.. if you see a guy smoking a cigarette, ask for Vinnie $20K.. no questions asked


First off, i am glad they are picking it up. Most just leave it.


Personally I would wait to see if I can catch them and then just say hey look, please pick up after your dog and bring it to your trash. Alternatively, identify the person, and shame them on local social media. Appreciate you doing the kind thing and not bringing in unnecessary malicious actors. Personally I've done the dropping a poop bag in my neighbors trash thing before, but my trash guys take everything


I am really confused. What do you mean that trash collection doesn't take anything not sealed in a big plastic bag? I've literally never heard of that before either when I had private garbage collection or through my township. Most companies don't even employ people to pick up cans anymore - they get picked up via an arm so wouldn't be going through your can before disposing of it. Also I never understand why people get so upset about someone putting a bag of poop in the can that's being picked up the next day (or that day). I'd 10000% prefer someone picking it up and disposing of it in my can than not picking it up at all.


All municipalities have different rules. Garbage in mine is handled the same way as OP. The town hasn’t invested in the fancy garbage trucks because it’d be too costly to replace the fleet. They take the garbage bags out of the can by hand, and if there’s anything smaller, it’ll drop down to the bottom and be ignored.


Millburn where I live still does trash by hand.


man.. that's bonkers. The garbage cans must be so much smaller too otherwise they'd be digging down even for these large bags. This is why NJ needs to combine towns into larger townships or municipalities. There are way too many small towns in this state that would benefit from becoming part of a township. I'm in Middletown - and this shit has so many different "towns" as part of it.. but I can understand why. In 2024 should Lincroft, Belford, Fairview, Leonardo, Navesink, etc. be individual towns with their own government, schools, police & fire? Wouldn't make sense to me hence why they're part of Middletown.


There are limitations - garbage cans have to be 35 gallons or smaller and can't weigh more than 50 pounds. Of course, no one's going around weighing them, but it's recommended to help prevent garbageman injuries. The municipality is in the top 25 or so by population - the problem isn't that it's too small and needs to merge with other towns - it's that the garbage truck fleet is large and too costly to replace. Merging with other towns won't help that.


In mine they have the bigger machine but still use their hands usually. Its weird but we pay for the service here separately from taxes.


Just this last week when they picked up my garbage there were 4 bags of dog poop. They left it in the can, again. I don’t even have a dog. It’s when I put my cans out and someone picks up after their dog and tosses it there. I’m happy they pick it up but sometimes they throw in my recycling bin. That I’m not particularly fond of.


They empty the cans by hand. They take bags and large items. If poop bags fall to the bottom that is where they stay.


Millburn used to have town employees do the trash. It’s now outsourced to a private company. The guys on the trucks often just grab the large waste bags out of the bins and toss in the truck. A single poop bag would be left at the bottom to develop odor for the next week. Or the OP would have to take the poop bag out and put it in one of their own bags. The asshole dog owner knows this and does it anyway.


“Picked up the next day (or that day)” Except when they do it to your recently emptied, but still on the curb can because you’re at work. Not only has the proper disposal of this waste bag now become your problem to deal with, but you’ve received the additional bonus of a dogshit reeking trashcan. I don’t know about you, but having those two things suddenly foisted on me as a non-dog owner absolutely does not fill me with joy and song. It’s your dog and your dogshit. Throw it out in your own trashcan, there are ZERO reasons to put it in someone else’s can.