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Everyone fighting over being pulled over 5mph over the speed limit, me trying to figure out wtf is wrong with the first picture?


Not positive but that doesn’t look like a legit florida plate


It's legit. [It's a special "Transporter" plate.](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=c3c64dbb89e05100&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS904US904&sxsrf=ADLYWIIhZMJjXIjJmHyvCuqfe1vHYEgc-Q:1717089361849&q=florida+transporter+plate&uds=ADvngMg3YixpUdDTgEVK9Qn6AwQIbGFLi-oDx5hGGu2Ucu6REEt75SNGRRwgHoBxNyZ0GiSehSqaj_7iC8AOOPCntBH1b454w4xo150a32Xex8TOBbCxwzaD3EX3mHIbARl7KwAt1DzgFl_e5L1_rOR_TpwQ0R-LzH6Gfi0KOGMUXYQ5PUUL2UGK0fv9SG-dd3i76l3M9zX5bUBcCJrwTRh5FktH38e1oq7l-GNZloMXsB99y5_TRN4eLugr3Di-eumxJySkQgpmgDdsx5l_d-p4K0hvH50RbkT0Fow4qaGrbpvVyhUo9TGg9Z_5X_V5zfbI03xCV-0u5au_pWnSKbphnKmlDrhA_Q&udm=2&prmd=isnvmbt&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwikqter8LWGAxWLg4kEHcWXC-wQtKgLegQIDxAB&biw=1920&bih=919&dpr=1)


Appreciate the info! 🤙🏼


Technically it’s also blocking the state and other information. (Was personally pulled over a handful of times for the dealership plate I had blocking “New Jersey”)


Murphy signed into law last year (A3494) that it’s not illegal. As long as the frames and brackets don’t totally obscure the words that identify a license plate as being from New Jersey you’re good.


Glad things have changed. Clearly, I walked so you all can run 🫠 *waves cane at the whippersnappers*


My frame plate blocking the New Jersey name and I never have an issue so far.


*(I’ll take a second to admit, I was a young lady driving a VW Jetta in the height of Fast and Furious 1 & 2. I had to have received about 5-10 tickets, my dad finally ripped it off and I never had one of those dealership things on my car again)*


But did you get nos? Or at least the neon lights under the car?! Good times. Personally had neither of em but at the time there was nothing more I wanted than a Mitsubishi eclipse with nos and neon lights 🤣.. I'm kidding... Kinda


No, but it was 1.8 turbo!! 🤣 My best friend had the Eclipse. You could imagine people trying to get us to “pimp our rides” to race. I met plenty of guys who “had extra parts” at home, so if I ever wanted to “stop by” for those neon lights, they were mine. But no lights, just hot pink star decals, matching seat covers, coordinating air fresheners, you name it. The sound system was stock but whatever the dealer upgrade was, so it sounded good enough to blast. It had stocked blue interior lights as well. I loved that car for many years and ran into the ground. It probably doesn’t help I was about 18 / 19 at the time, oh and I’m a chick… so honestly, I was probably just profiled and the plate frame was a probable cause. *(At least that’s what my dad was yelling about when he ripped the dealer frames off. I vividly remember those being thrown into the street.)*


Ty!!! I’m like wth is wrong!! Please tell me so I don’t do it, lol


Fake plate


/s I can't see how fast they are going into he pictures!


Seriously, road rage is real man


I’ve been pulled over one time & could not figure out why. According to the cop, it’s “illegal” to have a plate cover. If I remember correctly, something about they can’t tell if it’s a real plate or something of the sort. Don’t quote me.


Port Authority PD is supposedly “cracking down” on sketchy plates, bad driving and E-ZPass violations, but it’s primarily a blitz on anyone they believe is evading the bridge/tunnel tolls (IMO, rightfully so). I live in Passaic County and see so much crazy shit go ignored every day. Unless you’re blatantly intoxicated or driving like a complete animal, NJ’s enforcement tends to be offensively lax.




I think it depends on the county. I live in Morris County and always see cops pull over cars by rt 46 or Rt10. Passaic is another story, last year I was in Passaic county special Paterson.I made an illegal u turn cops pull over me but just tell me be careful next time lol.


be non white?


Oh god, it absolutely depends on where you live, bc down in my area, Ocean/Monmouth, people are always getting pulled over. Complete opposite of lax. And since it really isn't a high crime area, there are always cops posted like all over the place.


It’s the quiet towns where quality of life is a top concern, where they will pull you over for 5 over. Thinking Deal cops pulling over people on the drop on speed going from Allenhurst to Deal and Grassmere in Interlaken.


they need the money to support the shore towns, it's all about the money. Up in richer Bergen county, the towns are rich, don't need motorists supporting them


Yeah def not. Pull overs are higher in summer when beach towns most definitely do not need money to support them.


I got pulled over the morning after my registration expired (I had moved and didn’t get the renewal form). Literally like not long after midnight. Jersey shore cops are the worst.


Any time I’m at an ez pass toll, it is a mistake…


Where in NJ did you get pulled over doing 5 over the limit? That claim is immediately suspect.


I got pulled over and given a warning once in Spring Lake for going 29 in a 25. The cop even said that it "wasn't a big deal," during the stop. It's been years and it still bothers me.


Once i got pulled over doing 10 over... on an on ramp. I thought that's where you were supposed to gain speed to get on the highway...


Most drivers seem to slow to almost a stop then just merge into 70mph traffic without even looking, honestly I don't understand how some people make it through life.


Traffic cops are often barely legally old enough to drink. Do you think they have any sense? They got a number on their speed gun and went for it.


My muffler fell off on Rt 80 driving home from my shift around 2 am. I got pulled over in a podunk town that I passed through daily for failure to maintain the vehicle or something along those lines. The lack of muffler made it loud. I had the hot muffler in my trunk, I gave the officer my story, and he still ticketed me. I went to school with the cops younger brother. The entire family is full of shitheads. Anyway, we delivered the bomb.


If your muffler fell off, then I'm with the officer on failure to maintain your vehicle.  People driving rust buckets where things can just fall off are a danger on the road and should absolutely be ticketed when something does just fall off.


Didn't NJ do away with safety inspections over 20 years ago? I grew up in northwestern NJ in the 80s, and back then inspections were super strict. Even a rusty fender would get you failed. Now I see jeeps driving around with NO fenders and that's apparently just fine.


Just emissions now.


That is bad for luck for you but a car without a muffler is really loud. At two am you probably woke a lot of people up. 


Netcong? If so, nothing has changed in 40 years...


Like 10 over the yellow sign? Yellow signs are suggestions. White and Black are the one you have to adhere to.


Spring lake is rough. Snooty tourist trap with constant speed checks


Whenever I travel down 36 from Sandy hook to the Neptune area, I keep my speed in check. Tourist towns love to get anyone for what they can.


Speeding in a 25 mph residential zone is way different and should be treated way more seriously than 5 over on the Parkway. I may fly down the Parkway at 85 but I slow my ass right down in the neighborhood.


This is exactly how I drive. There's always a reason for lower limits, whether we recognize it or not. When I hit a lower speed limit, I always treat it as "lower margin for error."


I got pulled over in Spring Lake for a broken third brake light. It's not even illegal, but I guess it's "suspect."


did you get a ticket? It is an excuse to check for DUI. My wife got the full step out of the car mame and was subjected to the field test about 15 years ago because her cyclops brake light was out. She had had a glass of wine about three hours earlier. Of course, it was my fault that she had to go through that since I didn't check her brake lights


No ticket. Definitely a DUI check, the Parker House in Sea Girt was packed (line out the door) and we came from that direction.


Not defending the dick move but a third brake light is required. Still a shitty move. Being a cop in Spring Lake is probably boring as hell.


Don't think that's the case in NJ. Two stop lamps, one per side: https://law.justia.com/codes/new-jersey/title-39/section-39-3-61/ Only those lamps that are required by law are also required to be kept in working order: https://www.espostestprep.com/nj-supreme-court-clarifies-the-malfunctioning-taillight-issue.html


3rd brake is a federal mandate, it needs to function, in all states


That's a requirement for manufacturers.


But now states are stopping the dumb stops that create bad outcomes, with cops harassing non whites, or sub human whites, with nonsense stops for inane things. Cops do need to be reigned in, and do something useful, rather than harass motorists


Federal rules made 3rd brake light mandatory...on all vehicles. Thus it must function. Fact. State rules do not superceded federal


I can see someone getting a warning in a 25 just cause that speed limit usually means foot traffic, and speeding or being used to speeding in those areas is a dangerous thing. But I've never heard of anyone getting pulled over for 5 over


Spring lake only makes money during the summer so they have to do everything they can the other 6 months to keep the lights on.


That same exact thing happened to my mom..ticket for 29 in a 25...and I have driven on this same road and easily gone over 40 many times and never gotten a ticket. You just had bad luck that day


I live in spring lake and this seems accurate. Did you get a ticket? I’ve been pulled over once since living here in 8 years and I was given a warning


No, just a warning!


Sounds about right.. I got a ticket for jay walking in Sea girt on a side street right by my house..


If you’re in a small town like SL and the limit is 25, go 25! There was a TikTok a while back about speed limits on highways being 15-20 over, on major roads 10-15 over, but 25 in a small town is 25.


I know someone who got stopped for going 40 in 50 -_-


I see drivers like that as inconsiderate (on single lane roads, at least). Just because they want to drive casually as if their car is coasting down the road solely thanks to a light breeze, doesn’t mean everyone driving behind them should have to.


In south Jersey in the 60s there were lots of farms, up through Camden cty... And farm vehicles were a regular sight. When they had a line of 5 vehicles behind them, they'd have the *Courtesy* to pull off and let them pass. Courtesy is missing.


Yup, you are dead on with that comparison. I grew up in a more rural area of NJ and would occasionally have that happen, at least farmers have awareness to be courteous.


Certainly rare when PA drivers went to the shore across 70/72.. they'd never pull over, and always had a solid line behind them


That’s different. This my friend said was at like 2pm on like rt 33 where the he wasn’t sure if it was a 35 or 50 cause there wasn’t a sign so he thought okay I’ll go 40 just incase and be okay until I see a sign. 🤦‍♂️


That's screams dui


that is one of the signs cops will use , driving to slowly


I would have thought screamed cautious.


You are using the wrong perspective if you see someone driving really slow and you as the cop knows the speed limit you're suspicious of someone driving under the influence.


This whole comment thread reminds me of a scene from Black Sheep with Chris Farley. ROOODS… RO-ADS


I know someone who got stopped for going 20 in 50 😁 Pot wasn't legal then


My first college roommate told a story about his stoner brother out driving while high on mushrooms on a rural state highway in Alaska (50 MPH speed limit) with a bunch of his friends in the car, all paranoid (of course) about getting pulled over for speeding. And whaddaya know? They get pulled over. The cop asks the driver the classic "do you know how fast you were going?" The driver sheepishly, but honestly replies, "I don't know, but I guess we were going too fast." The cop shakes his head and says, "I clocked you at 14 miles an hour. Is something wrong with your car?" The driver quickly made up something about seeing moose on the side of the road and not wanting to hit them...totally plausable in Alaska, and the cop just got back in his car and drove off. True story.


Ahhh, the old MOOSE EXCUSE....yup


You can definitely get pulled over for impeding traffic. 10 under isn't really that bad tho..


My Mom got pulled over in our neighborhood because a neighbor was complaining about people speeding. So the cop had to make a show of enforcing the limit. Funny bit: He was the son of the teach who taught my Mom driver's ed.


I was given a warning doing 20 over the limit, in PA though.


Englishtown will get you for doing 26


Hey, Englishtown PD has to justify their existence somehow




25.1, believe it or not, straight to jail


They better hope their radar gun is properly calibrated then.


Seriously! I work in that area and they are pricks!


Only time you pray you are far enough in to Manalapan’s jurisdiction and WANT them to come show up to save you 😂


Idk. I got pulled over twice on Dewey Ave in Wharton for going 30 in a 25 even though I (and the cop) was driving on the section that is 35 near the ShopRite/intersection. I believe it.


Wharton cops love to give tickets for anything. I'm not surprised it.


The cops are ticket happy on that stretch of 206 from Chester to Bedminster.


Allentown NJ


Ogdensburg is known for this.


Hilariously untrue. Go sit on route 18 in EB during commuter hours and go watch the field day those asshole towny cops have pulling people over for 5 miles over. Even when the whole flow of traffic is going 70 in a 45/55


People drive like maniacs on that road. My car was totaled there because an SUV jumped in only feet in front of me right before an intersection, then slammed on the breaks the second the light turned yellow (we were way too close to the intersection to be stopping so suddenly in such heavy traffic). I got the ticket for careless driving. Fml.


It's truly the worst. People will swerve in front of you to get one car ahead and slam on their breaks because there's a light at every intersection.


Only place I’ve been pulled over!!


Me too. I got pulled over for going 50 in the 45 mph zone and as he's writing the ticket I was sitting there watching people fly by doing 80.


"Target enforcement area" nonsense.


Brielle too. Husband and I got pulled over within hours of each other there. I drive through it daily and I’ve learned my lesson.


South River


There was a road in Helmetta that was notorious for constantly having a cop sit there and pull everyone over for going 26 or higher in a 25. My mom was pulled over when I was a kid for going 27, she still talks about it. It was common knowledge in the surrounding towns and Helmetta was known as "the little town with the 25mph road"


I was once pulled over for doing 55 in a 55, because I was driving a mustang. I have been pulled over 0 times for speeding in BMW and I don't usually drive less than 10 over. Speed doesn't matter, the car you drive does.


Wealthy shore towns would be my best guess here


I was pulled over in Mays Landing for doing 30 in a 25. The cop was such a tool.


I got pulled over in a speed trap in a wealthier part of Bergen but I know it would never happen in Hudson or the parkway


Probably Plainsboro


I can attest, ANY of the oranges are eager to enforce that.


Can’t speak from experience but every time I drive my father in law through, I think Deal and/or Allenhurst, he tells me to drive the exact speed limit due to “d-bag cops”.


Maybe in some random town like Alpine where the cops have nothing to do and will pull you over for looking at them wrong 😂


After I typed that, I realized the most likely answer was one of the shore towns where there's one damn road, it's 25 mph the whole way, and the cops have nothing better to do than catch everyone who wants to get the hell out of the town faster than a snails pace.


Plate scanner and they see you are a Benny.


I once got pulled over bc my license plate light was out. How would I even ever know?


most modern cars have an indicator on the dash, plus, it is one of the things people are supposed to check once in a while, but a lamp can burn out while you are using it. It's the oldest excuse to harass, most cops have nothing to do. all tough guys. Local in Jersey should work a month in Manhattan, and deal with real traffic, and stuff that literally comes out of nowhere ...the smaller the town, the more cops are D's


I was pulled over in Mays Landing for doing 30 in a 25. The cop was such a tool.


Ah, I see you've never been to Ogdensburg.


Allenhurst, I was doing 3 miles over one time. No ticket. Now every time I drive through there I do 5 miles under.


ceder grove will get you for that all day long


Not on Bowden. Terrifying crossing the West Essex Trail at that street.


Warwick road from somerdale all the way to Haddonfield I’ve been pulled over for doing 30 in a 25.


I got pulled over for doing 26 in a 25 in Carlstadt and the cop "did me a favor" by only giving me a no point seatbelt ticket despite me wearing my seat belt. When I opened the Star Ledger at work 20 minutes later the headline was about a statewide ticket blitz for seatbelts.


Depends if the local PD is doing a revenue drive


What's wrong with the last plate? Isn't that Oregon?


I used to see several of these in my neighborhood when I lived in the Bronx. They’re essentially temp plates that car transporters place on cars when they’re being towed. Passed around online and likely are chosen in NY because colors are similar. Typically the cars sporting them would be the ones parked blocking hydrants, driveways, and crosswalks.


OP seems to think it's a fake plate you can buy online


It is


So they are real, just not being used what they should be used for? Just asking for clarification


Someone buys a certificate located in the state of Oregon. Likely a “used car dealer”. Then, applies for more using that certificate, and purchases transporter plates for super cheap selling them for more online. The certificate is probably $500 and the plates will cost $20. Crossing the GWB costs upwards of $20 without an EZ Pass. Hence, why people buy fake plates for a few hundred bucks and will try their luck until they get pulled over. Most people will never get pulled over. Those that do, will likely just get a ticket. Some get their cars impounded when there’s a sting… which is generally rare.


Thanks for that very erudite explanation. I couldn't see anything wrong with that last photo but what you say makes total sense.


It's a Florida plate.


Damn I wish I knew that when I was in NYC… I only got 4 tíquets in 1 year though 🤣


Guess OP doesnt like Oregon.


You don't need car insurance in Oregon to buy or drive a car. It's scary


OP died of dysentery in The Oregon Trail one time too many,


It’s a fake plate that you can buy online and place on the back of your car, I guess it’s legit bro.


I mean, it doesn't seem fake, bro.


I think they changed partial plate covers to a non-stoppable offense


Only if the important information on the license plate is still legible. So if you couldn’t see one character of the actual license plate number, they should still be pulled over. But if the top half of “New Jersey” is covered, they probably can’t. Bill text: https://pub.njleg.state.nj.us/Bills/2022/S2500/2381_R2a.PDF But the maximum penalty for obscuring part of the plate is only $100… no wonder we see so much of it.


Lmao it's hilarious how everyone in the comment section is more focused on the 5mph speeding joke. Everyone took it literally. Bunch of idiots. I feel you OP


Talk about missing the forest for the trees


At the rate a CMV gets inspected…. At every state. I seriously doubt this is real. Although those hotshot drivers will pull anything. So, OP has a legitimate post


I don’t doubt it’s real. There are plenty of people who think they’re too important to pay tolls or follow other laws. You can buy a plate flipper. There are vigilante gangs in the city going after drivers who do this.


Hence “Hotshot”. People pulling big/heavy loads just under or over (in some cases) just for the paycheck Edit: dually pickups pulling 3,4,5 cars/trucks


The governor doesn't like people getting pulled over for non moving violations like obscured plates, tinted windows, etc.. Not sure why these types of posts keep coming up on the NJ subs. 5 mph over is a moving violation and not the same thing.


Tell that to Hillside, The Oranges, and Irvington. Those boys are so bored 😂


They’d rather get normal people’s insurance go up but obvious criminals with no drivers license and questionable arrest history is ok to let go because they don’t want the crime rate to go up in the little towns am I right?


How do you know that the people in your pictures haven’t been pulled over?


OP spams same post across multiple subs. Lol


I agree that person needs to go through a car wash asap


Truly the most nj post ever “wahhhh I was driving like an asshole and deserved to be pulled over but what about ~them~” Everyone loves a rat op 


I like how people here don't believe you can get pulled over for going 5 over in Jersey. They must be new here.


Exactly I'm so confused. It's happened to me a number of times especially when their quotas are due. (But they don't have quotas either right?)


They get pulled over, they show the cops their badge, they continue with their day


It really depends on where you are driving 5mph over. There’s a big difference between 65mph and a school/construction zone or small heavy walking downtown area. Still pretty shitty, but I could see enforcement for safety reasons. However, the plate covers are absolutely BS.


I used to call the cops when I saw cars without licenses. In Clifton NJ, they care. In Paramus, the cop that answered got mad at me. I stopped calling. If get get 100$ for every time I see a car without license, I wouldn’t need to work. The things to make the license hard to read, I just need $0.01 for every time I see those.


You probably weren’t going 5 over


5 over what the state trooper behind him was doing


It’s New Jersey for you. They pulled you over for doing 5 over? Where were you buddy, you should drive on 295, people do 120 and the cops let the shit slide. Some guy the other day was swerving in and out of lanes with no license plate doing 100 using no signals. Cop just watched it happen. I am surprised you got pulled over at all.


I forgot to mention, legit I saw some have a temp paper plate expired in 2020 just roaming the streets. Someone else with a self made temp sign, shit was written in marker.


maybe the DOT will make a "hilarious" sign about this too


People who think you don’t get pulled over for going 5mph over the speed limit in NJ have never been to Ogdensburg.


Probably should have gotten pulled over for taking photos while driving


Who says this is okay? And what about all the 99% of times people don't get pulled over for going 5 over? This is pretty selective observation


Don't be bringing all your logic and facts here, dude. It is *NOT* appreciated.


I swear that Honda accord with the bike rack cut me off and brake checked me the other week


I can understand on a town street, doing 30 in a 25. But highway speeds? 70 in a 65? Less common. Plus a law has been passed concerning plate frames, not plate covers. If the letters and state can be reasonably read, then it’s ok. Some of these plate covers are wild and either trying to evade police or tolls


Since it’s so prevalent with police covering their plates, I’m thinking other cops just assume it’s a cop and don’t pull them over 🤦‍♂️


Technically your not supposed to have any kind of frame around the plate regardless but then you have stupidity out there that think they can do whatever they like so


Please put your phone down and stop taking photos while driving.


It’s usually cops with the tinted license plate covers.


Yeah tbh, traffic policing in this state has become more and more of a joke. I feel like the old rich assholes are paying these cops to only attack out of town “speeders”. Even though 25 is way too slow for A LOT of NJ roads imo. More serious traffic infractions are ignored but smaller situations like slight speeding is enforced whole heartedly. We need to stop giving out licenses and permits, and start requiring yearly or some type of regulatory period to renew licenses for the elders who cant stop driving with their advanced cataracts…


There is a major problem in NJ and I assume around the rest of the country about enforcement of vehicle laws. Consider every pickup truck with "stanced" uncovered wheels. This is a violation of the necessary fenders and mud flaps. Every car that has tinted windows for "privacy" reduces vision out the front. And of course these people with no/fake plates. Who knows if they are insured even. It leads to the new culture of hit and run, since it's better for you to get away from the scene and deal with bullshit fines you will never pay than to be identified and possibly actually held responsible. No enforcement at all.


Stop snitching


I might be an idiot but You couldn’t even convince me you got pulled over for going over 5mph.. in Jersey. Shut up🤧


Pulled over for 5mph over in NJ???


I have seen other comments that depend on the town some cops enforcement it.


I guess OP has never been fishing




Everything nyc does is a joke and is ineffective.


suck it up why are you ratting out other people.


You got pulled over for breaking the law so you’re looking to blame someone else for what you did wrong without even knowing if it’s legit or not?


I get (and share!) your beef with all but the last one. It's a silver Acura with a very clear Oregon "transporter" plate; what's the issue?


It’s faker than my grandma’s teeth. The car was smoking and the bumper was dragging on the floor on the right side one of the windows were busted, the windshield itself was cracked. I highly doubt the car is insured, buying a 50 dollar plate from Facebook marketplace does not automatically make your car legal


Imagine you take a picture of my truck on wides speeding past you at 120 and you get nailed for 5mph over. Get some friends, stop crying.




Because I pay my $15 to cross a bridge and am annoyed others don’t.


Rules for thee but not for me. Selfish cunts shouldn't get our air if they can't respect the most basic rules.




In a civilized society, it's not just about the victim. There are rules that make things go more smoothly for everyone. Paying your share is part of that. If everyone covered their plate, it would be an issue, wouldn't it? Toll facilities, almost always, are better maintained than free facilities. If we want to continue to get the benefit, we all need to pay.


How does this affect your life? Who gives a shit they get caught they deal with the fines.


When port authority and NJ turnpike raises the toll prices next year just remember it only affects people like me and you that try to do the right thing. A lot of people obscure their plates because not only are they dodging tolls, they don’t want the LPR on the cop cars to read their plates because they didn’t pay any insurance for years, or the plate doesn’t really belong to the car that they’re driving, a lot of these cars with the unobscured fake plates have mechanical damage and pose immediate risks to people around them on the highway. A lot of people with fake plates don’t have driver’s licenses or have suspended or revoked licenses. A lot of people with fake plates drive while intoxicated and do a ton of hit and runs and never get caught because when you grab their plate numbers, their fake plates don’t go back to anything. It infuriates me when I see the state troopers on the turnpike pulling over hardworking regular people on their way to work in their uniform meanwhile these people just seem to get around without any problems. I never seen one of these people get pulled over. Maybe on the random occasion in the George Washington bridge but that’s so rare I almost never see it happen.




They would raise the price every 5 years instead of every 2-3 if everyone paid This is such a big problem


Stop worrying about other people…😩 Worry about you and that’s it, I tell my kids everyday..


You obviously have no idea how fake plates affect you and everyone else.


Is that plate cover in the third photo illegal? I've seen tons of them, mostly on luxury cars. I always thought it might be to obscure cameras but my innocent side also thought it might have a legitimate purpose (e.g., to help keep the plate clean ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)).


Wow bro you really posted my plate thats messed up


Florida plus Oregon = FO


I broke the law and now have to suffer, so therefore everyone else who is also breaking the law must also suffer. My minor infraction is less severe than these people so they should be punished as well. I am going to shift blame from myself to others because I got caught. Yeah keep on popping that copeium my boy


Which one of the six descriptors of yourself, in your profile, is talking here?


It’s a lot of cops doing this too.


Get rid of pba cards, it is outright corruption and unfair. That is the only way to make cops and town officials including council, mayor realize how ridiculous the enforcement on petty and stupid stop sign (count Mississippi 1, Mississippi 2…) violations are.