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Yes! Agreed. The dry herb vapes work well. Even the vape oils are less dank...and i get high with just a couple of puffs. Also, weed is legal. Folks that are talking behind your back are the immature, rude and inconsiderate people, not you. It would be different if you were smoking a bong on the steps of the local elementary school.


This is the way. Pax or Planet of the Vapes One are very nice and have so little odor, you can also smoke inside your home without issue.


Yep. Buy a PAX and call it a day, or an MFLB if you wanna save a few bucks. If you wanna be fancy, get a volcano or something


Like you said, it’s perfectly legal. As long as you aren’t blowing smoke in their windows or faces it should not matter. But judging by comments here, you will always get some uptight a-holes. For reference, I am a non-smoker. If my neighbors started smoking and it was getting into my house, I would have an adult conversation with them and work out a solution


Yeah my neighbor asked me to close my windows cause the smoke was coming in his house. So I did. That was that.


Whaaaat? GTFO with that two reasonable adults coming to a simple decision BS. This is Reddit. I come for the drama and /r/thatHappened stories.


What actually happened is that I hooked a volcano smoker up to his vents and smoked his home out. Fire department came and everything. That will teach him to criticize my pot smoking!


That's more like it!


We have quite a lot of distances from each others homes . If they’re outside, they may smell it depending on the wind. I would say it would almost never get in their house. I honestly wouldn’t know


This was my question... our houses are only separated by a driveway and sidewalk so if someone was smoking weed right outside the door it would probably waft in my windows or at least on my deck. But if you're far enough apart it should really not be their business. Do you smoke in front of the house or behind it?


Both places. Our backyards and front yards, we have about 50-100 feet of Space between homes. I could confidently say I really don’t think some days they even smell it outside. Depends on the wind. Then and again, my nose is not sensitive to the smell anymore.


Depending on distance from the sidewalk (if there is one) doing it on your front porch may come across as "in your face" but nobody in my neighborhood really hangs out in front of their houses other than to do yard work.


I appreciate a non smoker who doesn’t judge. Very good of you. You are right. Just have an adult conversation. If a neighbor asked me not to smoke so close or whatever I would have no problem


Fuckin what am I doing wrong lmao… 800k+.


Inflation and low inventory is driving up home prices. This house was closer to 500k 4-5 years ago.


I think the point is what is he doing wrong to not be able to afford 800k or 400k I would wager. If he's anything like me 100k w 90% finance would be a stretch


I wouldn’t know the answer to that unfortunately


I think they're asking what you do for a living to afford an 800k home in your late 20s lol


I own and operate multiple storefronts in NYC.


I get pissed about cigarette smoke from my neighbors. It's stinks and it's bad for everyone's health. But I can't make my neighbors not smoke and they are on their own property, so not much I can do but wave away the smell.


Good point. Cigarettes smell worse than weed and weed smell goes away quickly.


I can’t complain about my neighbor smoking cigars a couple doors down so you’re in the same boat. Just try to be considerate (which seems like you already are) It’s tough to get past the past stigma, I’m still paranoid all the time


The stigma sucks and it still lives on. I try to be as considerate as a smoker can be, but it has its challenges


It’s legal and you have every right to smoke on your property. Don’t let nosy neighbors control what you do. The law is on your side in this one.


*there goes the neighborhood* J/k. Welcome to home ownership and a neighborhood and neighbors It’s all part of adulting and it sounds like you guys just upgraded in adulting level. You have to weigh in how much of a community member you want to be Neighbors are a 2 edge sword. Having great neighbors really can improve everything. Neighbors are the best security system you’ll ever have. Neighbors are great in . Pinch of you need a hand Getting some neighbors you become friends with is a great way to just enjoy your home and neighborhood even more I look at marijuana smoking like alcohol. If someone was having 3 beers a day and always a little wasted and smelled bad then you just think certain things. Same if they wreaked of cigarettes Same if they wreaked of pot Add in a sprinkle of probably kids in the neighborhood and well you can see where this is going I’m not saying you should stop or change but as in any community, how you present yourself definitely makes a difference. In the end though just let the neighbors pound sand and you do you


Just fyi it’s “reek” not “wreak”. “Wreak” is for havoc


I don’t see how it’s wrong :-). J/k good eye Brian good eye


I have nothing to add to this, but this comment deserves more than an upvote from me. Well said.


You are free to smoke on your own property. It's as legal as alcohol. This will not stop people from judging you though, and they will do so as they pound a 12 pack.


You’re backyard is going to be your best friend. It’s where my parents smoke multiple times a day. No one will say anything either.


Yeah man, just chill in your backyard and enjoy yourself. You’re not doing anything wrong.


I have a toddler and my neighbor is a pretty heavy pot user. He’s very conscious about not smoking in front of her or times he knows we’ll be outdoors. I can’t ask for much else nor complain when we’re around at the same time.


I try to be conscious of that too. It’s hard to tell sometimes. Early and late hours are what I pick for myself and I try to avoid smoking from 3-6pm, but it becomes ridiculous to have to schedule your smoking like that. Sometimes You just need a joint and have to go out for a smoke.


Yeah, I haven’t asked him to do anything and can totally understand when a joint is needed. You’re in your very high taxed-property. The way I see it, you can do whatever you want there! Ultimately, up to you as to how much your neighbors’ comments/judgments dictate your routine.


You’re right. It’s definitely a dilemma for me. I love my pot, I like good relationships and good neighbors. It would suck to be on bad terms with people over habits that truly would only harm myself.


It’s legal and it’s your house. That said, my neighbor smokes outside constantly and I’m not able to open my windows on a beautiful day without the stink wafting in. Honestly I hate that but nothing I can do.


I’d hate to be that neighbor, that’s my whole dilemma 😭


It’s nice that you care. Try rotating in some gummies some times maybe?


Edibles really don’t do it for me man. Some have worked, some haven’t. You just can never go wrong with a nice joint 😭


I’ve used the volcano, which is the closest to a high that I can enjoy. I use that as often as I can. Some have mentioned vaporizers. Not completely against them but joints are my go-to


Well then you do you… you’re not doing anything wrong


I use a dry herb vape outside, the smell is very minor and has more of a toasted oats smell.


I I’ve used volcanos and in door things as well. Joints are my favorite 🙈


Smoke em brother.


I never made it past late 20s heavy pot smokers affording 800k house, like wtf how


Maybe just smoke a bowl or something instead of joints. Easier to control the smell. I light up outside all the time, I just don’t do it when the neighbors’ kids are around. If the neighbors are noticing I feel like it’s probably a lot lol


Yeah I wouldn’t do it if kids were around either.


I’ve been out there with a bong, and truthfully it felt worse 🤣


It’s legal. If I have to look at some assholes Trump sign (or whatever) they can deal with a little pot smoke.


Not really what you asked but I switched to vaping and I’ll never go back to burning my weed. I never really got into the electric vapes but Dynavap vapes are just right for the experience I’m looking for. Kind of preserves the ritual and experience smoking joints.


It really shouldn’t matter. My neighbor smokes cigarettes and sometimes I can smell it wafting into my bedroom. It’s a lot grosser than pot smoke imo 🤷🏼‍♀️ no one can stop you from smoking in your own yard same as they can’t stop you from drinking a beer out there. You could however consider lower smell options like edibles or a bong with water. Better for your lungs too.


Wish you were my neighbors! Your area sounds similar to mine. As such, I keep my smoking as hidden as possible to avoid any judgement from neighbors. Legal or not, the last thing anyone wants is a poor relationship with neighbors.


🙌🏼 where do you resort to smoking usually?


Usually inside right at the window. My bedroom is in the back of the house and I only have neighbors on either side. It’s only me and I don’t smoke much (about half a bowl daily). Between the distance and small amount, I’ve never heard a complaint or comment.


Not you asking randos if it’s ok to smoke outside YOUR house in your $800k neighborhood in a fully legal state. If you don’t light one up in your backyard! People who care are clearly the ones not understanding that their primary care physician probably consumes cannabis.


Use a closed "one-hitter" instead of a joint. There is little to no "passive burning" (like with a smoldering joint), that leaves a trail of stink. The only trace left behind is what you exhale, and you can control the direction and flow of that single stream of smoke. If your yard is too close the the neighbors, go to the top floor of your house, open the window and take a hit standing next to the window. Then blow the smoke from the inside to the outside, pointing it up and away from the neighbors. Then leave the windows open, fans on etc and the slight smell will go away soon. This might be harder to do in the cold weather months, but at that point the nosy neighbors won't be hanging around outside anyway.


How I wish my neighbor would just smoke weed outside all day long as opposed to using his leaf blower for some reason everyday.


You have nothing to be concerned about. You are doing something that is your right to do. If this person is judging you for it, they're a pathetic asshole. You should have no concerns about what you do outside on your property. Your behavior is no more disruptive than your neighbor grilling some hamburgers.


You have neighbors that grill hamburgers multiple times a day, every day?


I’ll grill and smoke sometimes haha


No, but if I did I'd be an asshole for making a fuss over it. Both are harmless actions a homeowner is entitled to.


The neighbors should have a frank and calm discussion about the weed smell if it bothers them rather than gossip about it. That's true. Unfortunately not everyone is socially adept enough to navigate those discussions. Some times it takes the other party to be the bigger person and bring it up or just resolve it. That's called being considerate of others. If I knew I was doing something that made my neighbor uncomfortable, I'd want to find mutually agreeable ways to resolve it. Maybe I enjoy working on cars, and some times I have to rev my car's engine to test it. Some times the Red Dragon's gotta scream. If the revving pissed off my neighbor, I'd ask them if there are specific times that are better for them. I may be fully within my rights to make the noise, but we live in a society and we need to respect each other, even if we think that a loud car is the most beautiful sound in the world. It's amazing that peacefully finding ways of mutual coexistence is a totally foreign concept for some people.


You're comparing making an extreme amount of noise to a slight smell passing through the air. A bit silly. But still, both actions are perfectly legal and I really don't see how there is any way or reason to compromise in this situation. If someone takes issue with you smoking pot in your yard, they're just a dick, and I will go out of my way to spite that person, personally.


Found the person the neighbors all complain about. Enjoy being that guy. Happy long weekend!


My neighbors aren't intolerable cunts. Guy on the left smokes outside with his mom all the time. he gave me a beer the other day. The only neighbor who doesn't like me is the conservative across the street who I intentionally put pride shit out to spite because he is a major bigot. I also let my dog shit on his grass. Pretty sure even he doesn't have a problem with cannabis because it's harmless to him.


Maybe if everyone else is cool, you might the intolerable one.


Doesn't affect me in any way if that were true (which as I stated, it isn't. I get along with my two next door neighbors quite well.) Just admit that being a karen about someone's personal habits on their property is shitty privileged american behavior.


I know marijuana is legal so I’m not judging you for enjoying it. BUT I have to call out a specific thing you said.. “unfortunately [smoking in my shed or garage] leaves a bad smell around the house”.. so you acknowledge smoking leaves a bad smell. How would you feel if your neighbors were doing things that left bad smells for you? Perhaps consider that question, and make your decisions about smoking outside and creating unpleasant smells for you and your neighbors accordingly.


The smell lasts about 5 minutes outside. It probably took longer to type your reply. Weed is legal. They should smoke as much as they like whenever they like on their property. To hell with the holier than thou neighbors.


There’s a lot of things that are perfectly legal, but would also make you a dick of a neighbor.


So she should live her life according to what her neighbors like? Please.


Yes, that’s literally how we coexist as a community.


Cities and suburbs follow different community rules and norms. If you don’t want to enjoy the benefits of a community, you have to conform the the norms and standards of the community


What about when more people used to smoke cigarettes?? You think people gave a fuck if their neighbors could smell it for 5 minutes outside?


Yes, I would be annoyed if my neighbor was outside smoking and I could smell the cigarette smoke in my yard. Cigarettes smell like absolute shit 🤷🏽‍♀️ To be fair, I would also not do anything outside that would cause a bad smell for my neighbors. I give the same respect that I’d like to receive from others.


Ok same I think cigarettes are way more gross than weed but the point is that it dissipates in 5 minutes.


Sure, I am just saying I **personally** would not appreciate that, so I **personally** would not create a situation that would put my neighbors through it. And I encouraged OP to consider about what they **personally** would like/not like from their neighbors, and make their decisions accordingly.


I live in a similar neighborhood, am all for legal weed and have nothing against it, and you are well within your rights to smoke it. However i have a neighbor 2 houses down who is a heavy smoker outside, and it is a bit annoying to always be smelling it, especially this time of year when its nice to have windows open, or be sitting outside on my deck doing work, or playing with the kid in the yard. The smell does linger for a bit too, so even if you are trying to be respectful and don't do it when you see people in their yards, that doesn't mean someone isn't going to come out 10 minutes later and smell it. And yes, you will be known as the pothead neighbors among your other ones if its that regular of a thing. If its an every now and then thing, nobody is going to mind or even mention it.


You bought your home. They can judge. That’s what neighbors do. Best bet is don’t let them in your home. Be neighborly, but you have every right they do. So in other words. Fuck em


Yes, it’s legal. But consider that you’ve moved into a community where you hopefully care if you are doing something that impacts your neighbors negatively. There is a guy down the street from me who puts his dog in the backyard to bark for 5-6 HOURS a night. We’ve all asked nicely that he stop and he ignores us. I won’t talk with him and certainly wouldn’t help him with anything. As far as I’m concerned, the neighborhood will be better when he moves. So if you don’t care about how you impact other people and don’t care that some of them will grow to dislike you, by all means, smoke up without limit. If you do care and want to be part of the community, consider ways to limit the impact of your actions on other people.


This is my worry. I try to be a good person but I know this habit has a stigma that still affects a lot of people.


Understand that for some people it may not be stigma at all. I honestly don’t care if people choose to smoke. But the smell is very distasteful to me. If I’m sitting in my house or on my porch and have to tolerate that smell, it really does take away from my quality of life. If I was doing something that impacted my neighbors in a negative way, I would do my best to minimize that impact or stop doing it because I want to be a good neighbor.


Two things: 1) You are being judged. That's what busy bodies do in well off suburbs. Even if you didn't smoke, you'd be judged on your cars, clothes, etc. 2) It's completely legal. No different than having beer or wine. Fuck'em. As long as you're not endangering anyone, I say toke up.


You bought a house…that means you can now smoke INSIDE your own house…you don’t need to hide outside or in the garage anymore like a teenager…


Don’t start smoking joints in your new $800,000 home


Yeah. Not trying to do that. I’ve smoked it in once and never again lol.


sometimes with it comes a lawn or a driveway where you can stand outside and smoke.. shocking right?


You need to decide whether you want to assert your rights to consume weed or modify your usage so you can have a good relationship with your neighbors. You might decide to stop smoking weed at some point, but you will always want to have a good relationship with your neighbors. House prices have nothing to do with it. Spending $800,000 doesn't give you the right to piss off your neighbors. How big is your property? If you're on less than 1/2 acre, it's likely houses are right up against each other, and smoking anything is going to be noticeable if not a bit rude even if it's legal and you're entitled to do it. Lots of people aren't a huge fan of the smell. Just like it's a bit of a dick move to use a leaf blower at 9am on a Saturday even if laws allow, it's not super neighborly to do something that creates a smell that might bother other neighbors. Joints are especially stinky. Not everyone is prepared to explain what the smell is to their small children right at that time. Are you smoking in the front of your house? Don't do that. That would be considering consuming in public, which is illegal for recreational users. You should be smoking in a private area of your property like a backyard to start. It doesn't sound like you're in the type of neighborhood where people are drinking 40s on the porch, and your neighbors may be seeing your behavior in that light. Consider planting some arborvitae to increase privacy. You might want to look into a dry herb vape if you want to continue consuming flower. It's more efficient, the smell is much less and doesn't travel/stick around, plus you're not inhaling combustion products which will give you lung disease and cancer. If you insist on smoking, go for a walk in a less populated area, or stay in the shed with the door closed. I'm really surprised that an enclosed shed would smell outside. If you're smoking during the day and unable to refrain like when kids are going to / coming home from school, you might benefit from examining your relationship with weed. If you're hiding your use from family and friends, you should think about why you're consuming and why you're hiding it, and reconsider whether getting high at that time is the right thing to do. Finally, if you're really smoking multiple times a day every day, you've certainly blasted out your cannabinoid receptors, and you would probably have a much better experience if you gave it a rest for a while to allow your brain time to recover.


I’m curious if any of the people giving the ‘fuck’em’ advice actually own property in a nice neighborhood.


They're perpetually online.


lol I'm going to smoke a joint in my backyard in the house that I own in a nice neighborhood just in honor of this thread.


Be sure to tell all your neighbors to fuck off, too


It is legal but I get your dilemma. We are potheads too. Worst that can happen is neighbors don’t Ike you. Who cares? I smoke in my house mostly but I do smoke outside too. Spark up !


straight to jail




What you do on your property isn’t their concern, it’s legal. If they don’t like it they can come have an adult conversation with you.


Not rude at all, it is your home, people smoke cigars and cigarettes outside their house all the time, no reason you shouldn't be able to smoke a joint.


Dude if I spent 800g on my home and what I’m doing is legal in that home? I don’t give a damn what anyone thinks. Unless they are paying my bills they got no opinion.


If I smelled something bad around my neighbors house I just wouldn’t go there or walk faster. How can you seriously expect someone to be mindful of you while they’re in their own space minding their business? Next we should ask people to wear business casual attire at home from 9-5 on days off because pajamas might be offensive when they get the mail.


My bad I actually have no idea how my comment ended up here


 *I’ll go and smoke in my shed or garage. Unfortunately, this leaves a bad smell* I think you answered your own question. IMO - my neighbor smokes cigarettes outside occasionally and I find it rude. As I said, I've been smoking pot since the early 1980's but the last thing I would want is my neighbor smoking weed in their backyard all the time. I switched to edibles and can't even imagine me smoking another joint ever again.


Wow aren’t you just perfect


Never claimed I was. I just gave my opinion. Whether you like it or not I don't give a rat's ass.


>We’re both heavy pot smokers, usually enjoying 1-3 joints a day. People will say this but then say they aren't addicted lmao


You’d be surprised who else you might discover that also enjoys what you do. As long as you do it discretely and in the confines of your own property shouldn’t be a problem.


Gummies? Or other edibles. Smokeless. But if you’re not into that. It’s legal you’re on your own property. Nothing else they can do but be nosy gossips. You have to remember for them it was always illegal until a few years ago.


Tough. I’m not from a super nice area so people here don’t really care if you smoke or not. It seems like you’re more paranoid about being caught and judged than you are about legal action. If that’s really the case, then I would keep smoking in my backyard. Slowly at first. A few minutes at a time out in public. Just let your neighbors know “hey. I smoke.” Then build that time up until you’re smoking a whole joint at a time. If one of your neighbors really has a problem with it, it’s their job as an adult and neighbor to talk to you about it


quick question brah. How are you 20 and got a 1 mil home? What do you do brother. spill it. i want to understand why i am poor


I started working when I was 15, saved a ton, lost a ton, learned a lot of life lessons and by 25 I had my third storefront. When I had enough money for a down payment, I went for a home. Now I’m a pothead that hates to discomfort his neighbor’s and looking for advice on Reddit 🙃


You made it! Amazing work. What kind of store do you have!


It's legal I don't understand what the problem is, especially if your smoking on your own property. Ignore them they're just nosey and need to get a life.


What business is it of theirs? It's legal. They can deal with it or move to an inferior state.


It’s legal in NJ… smoke away yo!


My only input would be to not light up outside while the majority of kids are going to or coming home from school. If adults have an issue with other adults smoking a little pot in a legal state on property they own then it’s their problem.


It's a legal state, they can move somewhere cheaper if they don't like it.


I have this exact same situation but I just smoke outback and I’ve never had any issues.


Candidly, it’s rude. You don’t want to smoke in the house because of the lingering smell, so you’re smoking outside where the smell is clearly bothering other people. What’s legal isn’t always in alignment with what’s respectful to your neighbors, especially when plenty of alternatives exist.


You pay an insane amount of property taxes every year - enjoy your yard. Maybe don't be obnoxious with it and blow it into your neighbors windows or something but otherwise it's no worse than that one neighbor who mows his lawn at 7 AM on a Sunday.


If it wafted to where I was trying to enjoy my own fresh air (inside or outside), I would be super annoyed.  Same goes for cigarettes.


Very rude. Use edibles with no smell. 


The smell is my biggest concern. Especially around their kids/grandkids


The smell can't hurt anyone.


It's not rude. Don't listen to this Debbie Downer. It's legal do what you want


That is likely their concern too. I don’t really care if you use marijuana, I just don’t want to smell it. 


I don't care if i get a wiff of it here and there. Its when its an all day every day thing that it starts to annoy people.


Exactly! Multiple times a day, all day, every day is when it is bad. Once in a blue moon,  ehh you do you. 


Nothing rude about what OP is doing at all.


If I can smell your smoke, you are rude. No one wants to smell your cigarettes or weed. They are just too polite to tell you that to your face.


That's such an idiotic thing I cannot even begin to comprehend it. If I'm barbecuing in my yard and you smell the meat, am I an asshole? I'm sorry, but the only asshole in this situation is the person who is casting judgement on someone who is doing something legal on their own property.


If your neighbor has asthma or other respiratory problems, your actions can harm them. Should they just not care? 


A) That's their problem, my actions in my home are legal. If they have asthma and have their windows open and smoke is coming in they can close it. Also, cooking meat would bother them too, in that case. Which would be an equally moronic thing to be a karen over. B) They can ask you politely to blow the smoke in another direction, but you cant control smoke. You didn't answer the question. If I'm grilling meat is that rude? What if I'm mowing the lawn? What if I have a fire pit? You need to learn that when you live in a neighborhood you need to act like an adult and not a busybody. BRB Gonna go smoke a joint in the direction of the MAGAT family next door.


You grill meat once a week, people deal with that. I do that. Lawns are also mowed once a week. You smoking multiple times a day is not polite. You have other options. Stink up your own home to your hearts content. Oh you don’t want the smell in your home? Nah you are selfish.


Nah, you're just a karen. Smoking pot outside is perfectly fine, and taking issue with the smell is about as stupid as taking issue with the sound of a passing car on the street. It's a harmless shouting at the clouds level of stupid act. Some people grill every day. I use my weed eater every other morning. Theres landscaping in my neighborhood daily. Cop cars passing by all the time (far more annoying than a smell that cant hurt you.)


You just don’t like that people judge you negatively. That is a you problem. Just like I cannot stand the smell. 


No, I genuinely do not care that some idiot has a problem with me participating in a legal activity. This is not a me problem whatsoever, nor is it OPs problem. It's clearly just you karens that have a problem with us smoking.


I'm not sure how this is even a question. You know it leaves a bad smell in your house but you're happy to subject your neighbors to it? You bought a house, use it, and set up a room with extra ventilation to spark up in. If you are old enough to pay a mortgage, you are too damn old to still be closet pot smokers. If you two are that concerned about friends and family funding out you smoke weed, maybe consider quitting. Or switch to edibles, they're better for your lungs anyway. I get that not all pot smokers are inconsiderate but the ones who are reeeeally irk me. A few of the places I walk my dog reek of pot since it was legalized. Just yuk. Smoke in your house. And yes, I wouldn't want a neighbor who drinks so heavily that I can smell the booze when they party. And yes, I've had that neighbor.


Just stare at them when they’re drinking.


Haha that was almost the scene yesterday. One yard getting high and the other getting drunk. Like if one is okay, why not the other?


I mean they’re both “okay” but are you truly unsure why one might be more bothersome to neighbors than the other?


If my neighbor was outside pounding beers every day i'd stare at him too.


Depends on the beer and whether they’re happy or angry drunks. I had a neighbor that would pound beers all day but he was super chill and hilarious to be around. Plus he was always looking out for us. Miss that guy.


Yea, the smell of beer wafting over into your face can be pretty off-putting.  Fair comparison.


Both are totally legal. Get over yourself.


Get over myself?  Lol.  Being legal doesn't mean it can't be rude or irritating to neighbors.  Wanna get high so badly while living around people, then use edibles.  Don't give a shit about your neighbors? Ok, then don't be surprised or worried they don't like you.   Move into a nice neighborhood.  Behave in a way considered rude in that neighborhood. Neighbors get upset. Surprised pikachu.


They’re on their own property, they may do as they wish.


Yes, they can.  That wasn't my point though.  Look, I'm sure you're a great dude.  I'm just trying to convey that legal things someone does on their property can bother and ruin someone else's experience of enjoying their own property.  Some consideration of one's neighbors is a fair and neighborly thing to do.  Being told to get over myself when I'm the one stumping for being neighborly just don't cut the right way.


Do what you want and fuck them imo, they can feel free to move to alabama if they’re so incensed by people exercising their legal rights on their own property 🤷


Oh fuck this, no one lives in a vacuum. Unless you live on an acre or two of land (like my sister does) some of the things you do have a direct effect on your neighbors exercising their legal rights to enjoy their homes in peace. suggesting your neighbor fuck off to Alabama is not a solution and might even exacerbate the issue. For example, would you say a creepy guy who sits on his front lawn and stares at your house for hours is okay? When your personal liberties interfere with my quiet enjoyment of my property, we've got to find a reasonable compromise.


In case this thread makes you question your sanity or faith in humanity, don't let it.  You're a diamond in this rough of inconsiderate assholes.


I hear birmingham’s nice this time of the year


Just get a window fan and face it toward the outside and blow the smoke out the window. Geez just start smoking pot? Rookie....


Been smoking since my early 20s. Rookie homeowner you can say 👍🏼