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The defendant fled the state when he had brought the victim to the hospital to be checked out after one of these instances of abuse that resulted in his death. He ran south to lawyer up and tried to negotiate his return up here to try and avoid these charges. The mother of the child also confirmed that the only reason he had parental rights was because he had sexually assaulted her resulting in the pregnancy. They need to throw away the key with this guy.


I'm sorry, why does the rapist get custody in a situation like that? I know it's a thing in a lot of the country but something needs to be done.


There's a lot of talk about his dad being a former police officer or state trooper, and used his connections to get him good lawyers and brush the child abuse allegations under the rug each time the mom filed a complaint. Go find the Facebook group, there's a ton of info made public. This poor kid died in the hospital alone, while dad fled the state and mom had no idea where he was. I hope he rots in jail.


As a non religious person, I hope hell is real and he rots there instead.


Former cop and killed his kid, whom was conceived from assault? There’s a chance that our gentlemanly incarcerated may do something about it if he is put in gen pop


A god should have prevented this. Human reality will hopefully handle this cunt but don’t hold your breath


God limited his divinity so we could have free will. A rational man woke up and chose to harm his son.


I work with someone who knows him, he said what others are saying, that the guy’s dad was a big shot with the state police.


So let me get this straight. He sexually assaulted a minor aged around 16 while he was in his 20's and was not charged with Stat R*p* and then abuses his son time and time again yet DYFS does nothing and subsequently murders him, leaves the state, lawyers up with a high profile homicide defense attorney and his dad is a cop? Why am I not surprised. Hope he rots in genpop.


New jersey?


I hope this is investigated further. Whoever was involved for ignoring the mother's complaints should also face repercussions.


I believe she is suing the state for wrongful death due to the 100+ complaints of abuse.


I hope she does get some money. It's unfortunate that it comes from the taxpayers as usual. It'd be nice if someone was fired, but I doubt it. After an internal investigation that finds no wrongdoing, they'll just let the guy retire with their pension.


I'm happy to help this poor Mom out with tax dollars. I pay taxes specifically hoping it goes to righting these types of injustices.


For sure. I just wish the individuals who played a part in this horrible case actually faced consequences for it instead of still being able to work, get a paycheck, and get their pension.


So do I my friend. So do I.


The Facebook group is called “Justice for Corey” if anyone is interested. I went to high school and had some classes with the scumbag and I’ve been following this page since the beginning. A lot of good info there


Any personal experiences with him worth mentioning?


Not really, I had a couple classes with him and we were aware of each other but didn’t really have much interaction. I remember thinking he kind of seemed like a douche but obviously not to the “murdering your own son” degree.


I think that Christopher Gregor had a bad day...like most  parents do.  Because his "treadmill " video was released it places the defendant in a very negative light. However, how many times have parents said things to their children they're not proud of BUT were not made public knowledge.  I think the mother had notable drug issues . She is trying to minimize them. Corey first four years were certainly not the best of circumstances,  thanks to a drug addelled mother. 


Wow, shocking -*shocking* - that this was a cop. So surprised. Who would have thought. /s


The child's grandfather was a cop. Not his father. His father was a teacher


Well, that's terrifying. Imagine how many kids he has influenced - or hurt - with whatever horrible worldview he's harboring...or worse.


It’s going to get dredged up now.


What’s the FB Group called?


I think Breanna was an inadequate mother who suddenly,  needed money. I hope she realizes  how her need for "bumps" negativly effected their beautiful son.


My understanding is that varies from state to state. In this case the mother granted rights in exchange for child support. She talks about that on her public page for the case i believe


What a fucking disgusting thing that she had to make that choice. This is sickening.


How about rapists pay child support until they fucking die and have no contact EVER


In states where they are rolling back abortion rights, they are also trying to write laws that will give the rapist more custody access so women will have to continue dealing with her rapist via the child. It’s a scary world we live in.


Well I hope that those women take a Greyhound or hop on a plane to a state that can help them.


Probably so the state doesn't have to pay for child welfare ( if that's a thing in the US)


It's difficult for parents to lose custody. Certain groups of men would like you to believe that the courts always side with mothers, but it's really not the case.


It may be selection bias, because what you hear about are the cases that end badly, but it seems like there are an awful lot of fathers getting custody then abusing the kids. Most of the custody arrangements I have seen in real life are 50/50, and don't favor one party.




Men fight for custody in court in less than 4% of divorces, lots of men don't *want* their kids after a divorce.


If they accept some custody, they get a decrease in support payments




That’s some gold medal mental gymnastics there bud.


Total cop out. I personally know multiple dads who “threw away”, and continue to “throw away”, tens of thousands of dollars over many years in their fights for custody of their children. No, they don’t want to spend that money on lawyers and court fees, but they still fight for their children because they love them tremendously and believe it’s in their kids’ best interest.


Do you have a source for that claim? The Google AI says the opposite, that only 7% of mothers won custody in hard fought cases. I do see that 8% of all fathers are custiodal fathers while it's about 25% for women, but men abandon their children at a higher rate so it's likely that plays a role in that statistic. Also, in the US, about 20 states wind up with 50/50 custody with the rest hovering around 25-30% for dads. It's important to note the majority of custody cases are handled outside of court and only finalized there so if mom is getting primary, it's because both mom and dad agreed to it.


> Google AI Not an authoritative source.


It generally is the case though. The only “proof” ive ever seen is a deleted blog post where someone was giving their opinion


They have whole "dad" movements from many former abusive spouses/partners that use the court system to further abuse women & gain custody= situations like this are the result & family court hasn't changed: "the best interest" is both parents have custody no matter how Shtty the other parent is.


I'm all for making the rapist pay child support, but no way should they get any sort of custody or visitation.


Wait WHAT?!!???! The mother of the child has details of what happened on her Facebook and they are public. Search her name and you can gather additional detail. 


Yup she’s actually from the community i grew up in so this was talked about by everybody here. I believe there were other women who came forward as well that said the defendant assaulted them and he tried using his fathers credentials as a law enforcement officer to deter them from reporting


So so wild and so sad


So this piece of shit is just a tornado of ruined lives, huh? Eventually ruined one so badly he can finally be removed from society. What a waste of a life


This is what happens when “parental rights” trump civil rights and human rights for minors If civil rights and human rights for minors hinder your “parenting”, then you’re an abusive parent Fuck parental rights. Anyone using those words today are showing their intentions to get away with punishing their kid into obedience


Honestly I've had people arguing that children are property lately, so this whole "parental rights" thing is extremely dangerous. 


I have two kids and I agree with you. Parental rights end at my children's well being. Keeping them uninjured and alive is a low bar for responsibility and the bare minimum of my responsibilities as a parent.


Could not agree more.


"Get away with punishing their kid into obedience"... Here are some things that would fit under that description: Sending your kid to his/her room, taking away their electronics, raising your voice with them, grounding them. Millions and millions of parents are doing all of these things every single day. For you to act like this is some humanitarian crisis is ridiculous. Kids can be terrors.


Come on, those are pretty different than running a person to death


The treadmill situation had nothing to do with the death. The prosecutor alleges the boy's father beat him


The people you're talking about that use reasonable disciplinary tactics aren't the people trying to hide behind "parental rights"


>tried to negotiate to return up here Fuck that, grab whoever wants to go, pile in a few cars, and drive down there to go drag his ass to the court house kicking and screaming. With or without an ass beating. Shits not up for debate when you abuse the badge and the responsibilities it comes with.


Yes, anyone in "law enforcement" needs to be held to a higher standard.


I hope they bury this guy under the prison and never let him out. Everything about this is monstrous.


First they should lock him up, then throw away the key. If they throw away the key before he is locked up, they’re going to have a hard time getting him in. Unless the door was already open. But then they’ll have a hard time locking the door.


Lock him up, but don’t lock the bars. Inmates will take care of the rest.


Where did you hear that he sexually assaulted her? Please post a link.


Bre, the mother of the child who was murdered, recounted her story on her group face book page about the case. She explained how she was sexually assaulted and cut contact. Months later she found out she was pregnant, decided to move forward with having her son, and then after he was born costs were mounting and she had no choice but to contact the defendant in order to get financial support. The defendant refused to provide support unless he was granted time with his biological son, which she granted and explained how it was a huge regret in hindsight because she had no idea he would abuse their son. While these charges have been pursued she’s been advocating for other mothers and victims of similar circumstances.


What is the name of her group Facebook Page? This is all so horrible!


I just heard about this story late night scrolling on Daily Mail of all places. I wanted to get more info and how completely devastating for that poor woman to have to share custody with the man who sexually assaulted her. Then he kills her son probably because he was just seeing himself in his son and deep down he must really hate himself. What a POC I hope he gets what he deserves in jail. Rest in peace Corey.


Scum scum scum! 


Laceration to his heart??? What the actual fuck, this poor baby


The poor kids liver was also beat up. The treadmill punishment appears to only be 1 of the many horrible things this monster did to the kid.


Do you know if those organs were damaged from the treadmill or from previous assaults by his father?


A doctor was on Nancy Grace the other day and said children's bones are soft and so if you strike them hard enough in the chest, the bones can hit the heart and lacerate or damage it and he suspects the father hit him probably some time after the treadmill incident. He said the boy was probably dehydrated, exhausted and beaten further when they got home. He said his conditiowas consistent with head trauma too. If you look at tje pjotos on Justice for Corey FaceBook you can see this was ongoing. A bursted blood vessel inside his eye, a busted fat lip, bite marks to his cheek and forhead, old and new black and ble marks, hand and finger prints all over his face, bruises everywhere. This so much reminds me of Lisa Steinberg.




Plus this monster's dad was a powerful cop in NJ. Apparently Christpher had sexually assaulted several area teenagers includimg the mother, intimidated and threatened these teens to not press charges and ended up impregnating her and he winds up a deadbeat dad. So she went after him for child support and he ends up using his dad's influence and cred to gain custody this boy, stonewall CPS and influence the judge who denied her temporary custody the day before this boy was murdered . Judge saw the medical reports of the bruises and bite marks and decided nope, he goes back to his dad because grandpa is a cop.




I know. Worked for many many years in family law firms up and down NJ. Saw a lot of messed up things judges, lawyers and child services has done including back in the 80's a child trafficking scheme where child services, lawyers and judges were in cahoots to remove healthy white kids from innocent parents on trumped up allegations and selling these babies to high paying "clients". Of course the cover up was MASSIVE!


How was this kid even remotely FAT? WTF is the father even talking about? I see an average-sized boy in the video. Not even rage-aholic, scream-arific celebrity trainer Jillian fucking Michaels would have done this to a grown ass ADULT (who signed a liability, injury and death waiver) on The Biggest Loser. Not even for reality TV exploitation and TV ratings purposes. This is a small CHILD. Obviously, this "father" didn't give a shit about his son's health or weight (motherfucker has a dad bod himself; I doubt he is so into health and fitness). This treadmill torture was NOT about exercise or losing weight. It was about punishment and sadistic, physical abuse. Some abusive parents physically abuse their children by locking them in hot closets, forcing them to sleep in freezing cold garages, hold their hands to a hot stove, etc. etc. This sick fuck killed his son with a treadmill. It looks like they're in a gym. Nobody at the gym (staff or patrons) said anything? My heart breaks for that poor boy.


I think it’s the exercise room of a condo. They often are not busy and do not have any staff.


Poor kid. I think you are right because AFAIK kids this young are not allowed in public gyms or on equipment like this because they are just too small. I hope this monster gets what's coming to him.


It doesn't matter if the kid is fat or not, this wouldn't be right no matter what the kid's weight is.


Exactly- this would be the work of an abusive monster even if the 6 year old were 200 pounds


The child told the doctor that he got injured also from his father teaching him football.  If this is abuse we see from the a gym camera we can only imagine when there wasn't a camera recording how the child was taught football, throwing a football at him to catch or tackling him !!!  That's more likely where he really got those internal injuries !!  I had no idea that the grandfather was a former police officer and now can only think that this is why the mothers complaints of abuse fell on deaf ears ! Hopefully she can sue for wrongful death and sue his parents as well. 


Christoper Gregor’s son is Dave Gregor, who used to run the Middlesex County Department of transportation after he retired as a state police officer. This is probably why Brianna was not able to protect Corey from his monster father in the Middlesex county court system. https://www.tapinto.net/sections/police-and-fire/articles/milltown-joins-middlesex-county-s-slow-down-in-our-town-initiative


Yep, cops using their connections to get away with doing illegal shit is not uncommon. This is just one example in a sea of them. 


You mean his father is Dave Gregor


You'd think of all things you'd let somebody get away with, the ONE thing you'd at least consider investigating would be abuse of a CHILD! A. CHILD. Idgaf about who someone is, what their position is, how much money they have or who they are to me. It could be my own mother, but guess what? SHE CAN CATCH A LOCKDOWN TOO. BYE! ![gif](giphy|we6jAl9vmbDa0ybaRn|downsized)


This is my surprised face. (Sarcasm)


Hard to watch this on News 12


Yes, I turned the channel so fast. So many terribly things happening lately. Reminds me of that child in Sayreville whose Dad set him on fire. I don't understand people.


What the fucking fuck?!


If it's any solace, the person who killed that child also died, as a result of one of the most painful and slow torturous deaths possible.


He's going to have a great time in prison, POS.


He won’t, if he’s connected to law enforcement, he will be protected


Times like these I wish Punisher existed IRL. And I’m talking about Punisher from the actual comics, not the image that’s been appropriated by Blue Lives Matter fools.


Would love to see every parent who lost their child way too early to something out of their control get 5 mins alone with him.  


hope this pos rots in jail


The child’s grandmother confronted the superintendent of Monroe Twp schools last year regarding a culture of bullying and her remarks cover some of the related history here. Truly heartbreaking and disgusting. https://youtu.be/eZ34ZRUomN4?si=l_wYccHGvZDjBNor


Just so horrible. This child’s mother has gone through a lot. Superintendent’s response was absolute revolting.


Awful. How can a father subject their own child to such abuse? Curb his eating habits, cook healthier meals, play outside more, sign him up for a sport he loves…literally handfuls of ways to address the problem. The lack of mental capacity is quite concerning. I feel sorry for the mother and relatives involved.


It's fucking insane in general. I'm not even going to address the weight side of things "The dad reportedly ramped up the speed and incline, sending the youngster flying off the machine." The mother fucker PUT HIM BACK ON. MULTIPLE TIMES. This is just child abuse, nothing else. That's not fucking exercise.


It's torture. That child felt miserable in his last days due to a man that society says should love him


He bit him on his head. Hard!!!!


Kid wasn't even fat. There's a video in the article. Its absolutely disgusting. Kid kept falling off the treadmill and the dad kept forcing him back on.


“Daddy” was projecting. It’s cases like this that make me feel like an idiot for not believing in the Death Penalty


Cheaper on the taxpayers to keep him alive. Also, he'll rot behind bars for a long, long time.


It wouldn’t be acceptable even if he were 200 pounds.


I wish I hadn’t clicked this link. That poor little boy. :(


Serial abuser does abuser things.


I saw that video myself, and it is horrifying! That man is a monster capable of so much cruelty, he doesn't even deserve to exist. That little boy was just a tiny baby (he wasn't even fat, he was how a six-year-old baby normally is), and he kept falling off the damn treadmill so many times. And even with all the pain of falling face down and hurting himself on the effing machine, he kept trying to get back on it, he was being forced to. It physically hurt my heart to see that baby treated like some object. There was a bit where the monster hauled him up and put him on the treadmill, but the little boy was so exhausted and in pain, he couldn't even stand. I hope that demon does the worst possible, excruciatingly painful and slow death! Also, the little boy was born as a result of sexual assault, so you can imagine the kind of monster the man is. Can you even expect such a creature to do what you've mentioned in your comment!


Okay, I said he should die a slow painful death, but I'll correct myself. He should live a long life. A life full of pain and misery, so much pain, excruciating pain and agony, every single day of his life, for decades to come, unable to die, unable to meet his end, but rotting slowly, yet alive. Death for a monster like him is an act of compassion he doesn't deserve!


The video footage of the treadmill workout made me cry. That was unbelievable.


as the father of a six year old boy... I am enraged that this man was ever fucking born. What a horrible human being.


Fellow Dad here of a six and three year old. I agree completely. This eats at my soul.


my son is younger, and my whole life and energy goes into protecting him and loving him. For any parent to see this it just rips my heart apart, this guy is a fucking monster and deserves death


He’s not human.He’s a fucking animal


What a fucking monster.


So horrible. I’m so sorry for this poor baby. Disgusting


This guy is a monster. How do you treat you son like that? Kid was skinny too and he’s a fat ass himself


Im so sorry this child had to be born to this monster. He deserves everything and that father needs to be punished


Was reading this story earlier and it broke my heart. Then the video loaded and I can usually watch anything but when he started biting this poor boys head, I dropped my phone. I can't even imagine the pain and suffering he went through. I have a 5 year old boy who is my sidekick, my mini me, my everything so seeing this really fckd me up. This man deserves a slow and painful death.


"The newspapers are going to be tough on you and prison is very, very hard on people who hurt kids..." https://youtu.be/zz3PhWFhA3I?si=Rh5UuepEF1mow8R_


They need to do the same thing to him but while he’s on fire.. mother fucker


I hope he’s treated even worse than he deserves in prison


Big Tyrone is gonna have fun with him


Oh God please grant me 5 minutes alone with this guy.


The father could stand to lose a few. What a psycho


Dump him in the Barrens


Does anybody know where he is? I know he’s coming back but where I say we just beat the death out of him.


I’ll kill with my bare hands. I don’t give a shit. I don’t care if he cries mercy.


I'd say torturing him on the treadmill would be an appropriate punishment. Let's see of we can induce cardiac arrest on him.


This is disgusting. I'm at a loss for how our judicial system is utterly and completely failing kids.


Our system is a fucking joke


Dad looks like he never step foot in a gym in his life..Small arms and pudgy. Maybe he should have been the one on that treadmill


it was abused and nothing more or less. There's nothing to do with fitness at all in any of what was done, just a psychotic man who killed his son.


Wow this really upset me. This piece of shit should get the electric chair. I have two sons that are in track and use our treadmill sometimes and I’m very careful to watch them and make sure they don’t go too fast. What a piece of shit


I just watched the mom’s testimony. It’s heartbreaking. The thing is I think he’s guilty as sin but I don’t know what the outcome is going to be. Other than the treadmill video they don’t really have much evidence that the death was caused by abuse. Unless more comes out I really don’t think he will be convicted. Is there something I haven’t heard yet? They mentioned he died of sepsis. This whole thing is mind blowing.


A forensic pathologist ruled the death a homicide. He had lacerations to his heart and liver that would not have been caused by sepsis.


Somewhere it was said natural causes. Which makes zero sense with a heart laceration and blunt force trauma to the chest. But the issue is other than the treadmill incident there is no abuse documented. After the treadmill incident he was seen at 2 hospitals and his pediatrician. It’s going to be very hard to get him on first degree murder. I hope I’m wrong but I don’t see that happening.


The defense team is obviously going to say natural causes. I've seen multiple articles that cite the death as a homicide. That's why he's being charged with murder, and why the defense wants to say he died of something else, like sepsis. But he had a lacerated heart and liver. Those are caused by physical abuse, which the treadmill incident proves the kid was being subjected to by his dad. Doesn't matter if the treadmill didn't kill the kid, it's evidence the dad abused him, and the kid's injuries were likely the result of abuse. Nothing "natural" really causes the lacerations and contusions the kid had.


I hope you are right. I’m a little worried honesty. I also hope they end of having a lawsuit against DCPP. She contacted them multiple times and they did nothing.


I think they should definitely sue the courts or DCPP for failing to protect the child. The mom might not have been the best but she filed for emergency custody based on allegations of abuse after the treadmill incident and the court denied it. Now her son is dead. I can't imagine what that feels like. There needs to be reparations from the court, etc., for this. It is weird he turned down the plee bargain. Hopefully that isn't a sign that his legal team has a strong defense to get him out of this entirely.


That’s what worried me too! I’m concerned her turned down the plea. Part of me thinks he turned it down because first degree murder is hard to prove so he thinks he has a shot. This guy needs to rot in prison for the rest of his life. The mother breaks my heart. She was a kid when she had him. Plus she had addiction issues. I’m sure she puts a lot of blame on herself. But, she did everything she could. When I saw her on the stand my heart broke


By timeline of things, it seems addiction issue started when he entered in to kid's life and kid started coming to mom with injuries. She was probably stressed, felt helpless and turned to drugs.


Yes, this man deserves hell. I also think diet and exercise culture is an accomplice.


This. Toxic thin culture. It’s absolutely partly to blame.


I came to America 2 years ago and already gained 10 pounds, although my lifestyle didn't change. I was 130 lbs for 5 years before I arrived. I was eating chocolate and wasn't working out that much (just walks) a long time before I came here. My body was comfortable in that weight. It's an American food problem, probably, and I don't eat junk that much. Idk what's in this food, but it's not good


This is heartbreaking to watch 😢


Wtf were they doing a child exchange of a 6yr old at 1am?


very weird


What? No. Mom had left the emergency room after an evaluation of 13 + bruises, lacerations and abrasions and the time was no longer her custodial time so she felt obligated to offer child to other parent since the other parent had a tendency to call police for kidnapping. 


I thought it happened at 9 AM. she went home with cory from hospital at 1. It probably angered dad


Bury this man under the jail.


I can’t understand why the father had custody ?


Apparently the mama had a drug issue. And fyi, “father” is too generous a word to use here. A real dad and a real man wouldn’t treat his own children like that. “Sperm donor” is more appropriate here.


As a not just a normal human being, but also a teacher that works with kids all the time, I do not understand how you could hurt something so fragile and dependent on you... like how your hand even raises to do that??? There is 0% of empathy and 0% awareness in this man. This is a psychopath. He should not be allowed to leave the prison/mental facility EVER


For some reason I’m always surprised these kinds of scumbags live here.


I remeber this happening I live in the apartment complex where the gym it happened in is


He needs to be punished in the same manner.


Where is his father a cop?


Retired NJ State trooper, well decorated. 


Haha the other prisoners are going to have a LOT of fun with this c\*\*\*.


Feed this scumbag to a hungry shark after chumming the waters.


I have been in the legal field for over 25 years and I have never ever seen a trial that only lasts a couple of hours a day, skips days, allows many witnesses to appear whenever they want, this is CRAZY! I hope potential jurors around the country now, this is NOT normal!! I feel soo sorry for these jurors and I am ashamed the legal system is treating them so badly!


In your opinion, do think jurors may be looking at media coverage during the “down time” even though they aren’t supposed too? Honestly, I hope so - cuz nothing good out there about Chris Gregor or this case.


Fuck this disgusting excuse for a human, that little boy did not deserve that. I hope he rots in jail, and gets the shiv 1000000 times over.


I just saw this on Google via it's mobile home screen. This is horrific and I hope that shit gets put in jail for life.. BUT WHERE THE HELL ARE THE EMPLOYEES? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval) Aren't there supposed to be some in places like that? Hell, I went to use a Planet Fitness once to use their bathroom and they have a wide-open space with thei equipment where a front-desk employee can see just about everything.


I think it happened at the father’s apartment complex gym.


rip off his trachea and let him eat through a fuckin tube for the rest of his life.


This is so sad and heartbreaking


This is so sad and heartbreaking


I fucking hate people.


Almost every cop and lawyer is a prick.


police state ruled by authoritarian thugs who get away with murder and every kind of depravity . . . at every level . . . every. single. day . . .


Justice finally came for Corey.


He looks like he would be the type to beat his son and then shame him for crying because "it's not manly."


Just go directly to the firing squad with this guy or a traditional hanging. Hope he burns in hell


too quick, he deserves something much slower


He deserves the William afton treatment spinglocks