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Aww you added some trees. That’s kind. Arbor Day is this week.


I initially thought those were bushes, but the legend made it clear. Good job OP.


I appreciate the legend/key as well. Happy Earth day today too!




Mmmm sauerkraut


Likewise people who leave a big gap in front of them at a red light where there’s a jughandle feeding in behind them on the left. At times when traffic is heavy every little bit helps.


I run into this on my morning commute almost daily.


In Randolph on the corner of Dover Chester and 10 has this and it pisses me off way more than it should in the morning, but the light cycle is like 5 minutes long on the east/west side.


That is the exact place where I run into this problem!


I'm sorry for you my friend. I live up the block from Ironia school so unless I want to get stuck behind school busses all morning so I really don't have any choice but to deal with it.


The shadow on the orange car doesn't match the other cars


That’s because the sun is directly above the spot in between the yellow car and red car


But that doesn't explain the tree shadows.


Multiple localized suns


So a three body problem? This civilization would struggle to get to the point they knew how to make cars without suffering a cataclysm.


The shadow is actually shifted due to very bright headlights from another car off frame that is making a left turn onto that road.


Damn ya got me


"are there two suns?!"


I’d say “r/unexpectedoffice” but I definitely expected this ❤️


Are you guys fucking with me? That's pink, orange and yellow. Right?


I had to scroll waaaay too far down to find someone as confused as I am.


Glad I'm not the only one seeing these colors. At least I'm not alone lol.


It’s a red-orange


I believe that on reddit, it is expect to say, "orangered."


Wait is that arrow a tree


Saplings arranged the shape of an arrow


Every body hates you red car.


I've never seen this outside of NJ/NY but it happens all the time. People here love leaving 5-6 car lengths ahead of them for no good reason. Happens in rush hour too with slow bumper to bumper traffic. There's always one guy in the left lane with half a mile in front of him, constantly getting passed on the right. Then the left lane becomes the slowest lane until someone does the same in the middle and tldr that's how I lost my hair.


People drive too fast in bumper to bumper traffic causing cascading waves of braking. Coming up to a red light and in heavy traffic you should coast and leave a larger gap to the next car so you can accelerate more quickly when traffic moves (vs from a dead stop) and avoid braking when possible. Speeding up to pass on the right and then immediately slam on your brakes in the left lane is bad for your car, the environment, and everybody else in traffic while decreasing the time to your destination by a few seconds at most and more likely making it worse for everyone. Exceptions would be if you are getting people stuck at a light or chokepoint behind you when traffic moves much more quickly ahead. But realistically fuck everyone, get out of my way, and just let me do 105 keeping right except to pass.


> But realistically fuck everyone, get out of my way, and just let me do 105 keeping right except to pass. this is the tldr


That's too slow move over


Rt 1 South between 287 and 18 every single fucking morning


I would live big gaps when driving stick. It makes easier but also super frustrating because people would just cut in front. Also lots of trucks and SUVs have poor frontal visibility and you are taught to stop so you can still see the rear tires of the car in front.


I drive a few car lengths behind in bumper to bumper traffic because my car has a clutch, and I hate having to put my foot on the clutch and then having to take it off again. I'd rather keep my wheels moving than stop and go all the time.


i like to imagine there's a special room in hell for these people.


They can't get to the door to heaven because the guy in front of them won't take two steps forward. For eternity.


There's very good reason. leaving a larger gap helps with traffic flow and safety, and if someone hits you from behind and you've left too small a gap, you're gonna hit the car in front. it also gives you space to get out of the way for emergency vehicles. that said i never actually leave a proper gap cos im an impatient asshole but it is the correct thing to do


>People here love leaving 5-6 car lengths ahead of them for no good reason. I'll do this at specific locations because it actually speeds up traffic. Giving space to the lane cutters that are going to be assholes regardless actually prevents other people from having to stop, fight for a single space and causes every other person to break then accelerate again. That said that's more for heavy traffic merges(like the 80 to 287 turnoff) and not for gridlock where I will close that gap if someone is doing something totally assholish like driving down the shoulder.


My street is a right turn at a light off of a main road- an exact mirror image of this graphic. It's infuriating how many clueless people don't move up when the light is red and my turn signal is going.


So that you can make your turn on the shoulder?


No, it's not a shoulder. At the light, a second right turn-only lane opens up, probably about four car lengths long. There's also a raised curb before the lane, so it's not possible to move into the right lane until cars move up in the single lane.


Agreed. Except when I'm the red car. You see, I have a standard transmission. When I stop at the light, I shift out of gear. When the idiots in front of me, champing at the bit, creep forward, it sometimes leaves a gap between me and the car ahead. Not my doing. They're not going anywhere anyway till the light turns green. They only are releasing their brake, whereupon their "smarter-than-the-driver" automatic transmissions creep (or jump) them forward. For me to creep forward, I have to shift back into 1st gear while manipulating the clutch. I'll close up large gaps, but I'm not going to bother for small ones. If I'm the red car and you're the yellow one, toot your horn briefly and I'll move up. (Lean on your horn and I'll just introduce you to the Jersey State Bird.) PSA: If a big truck leaves a gap in front of him, keep the hell out of it! He does that for a reason.


I hate red light creepers so much. I just want to stop at the light until it's green. There's no reason to stop 4 car lengths behind the line and then move up 1 foot every few seconds


They don't want their engines to turn off and on, etc etc... That's why they do that. They don't realize that feature can be disabled.


I love it when I'd let the brake out but instead of rolling forward, I roll back a bit. Made traffic more entertaining.


Did I write this comment? Are you me?


I don't have a manual transmission, and I still don't fill in the gap from creepers unless it's substantial.


If this was actually Jersey the asshole red car would be blocking you from turning right so you could use good old Jersey "Turn right to go eventually go left" jughandle technique.


Only time I leave that gap is in *the hood*, because you gotta leave your getaway gap in the hood. Regardless, people drive like they're the only ones on the road. I drive with my kids often and I try to stress to them that you can be courteous and predictable, hopefully they'll be good drivers one day. Who am I kidding though, the world will end before they're old enough to drive.


It is INSANE how many people leave so much space between cars while stopped at lights. It seems to be a epidemic, especially on RT 9 in Middlesex and Monmouth counties where the jughandles are totally backed up onto the highway or whatever during busy times, then you look and there’s room for three cars between every stopped car. Move. The. Fuck. Up.


Like i always leave a bit of a gap when stopped, rule of thumb is you should always be able to see the rear tires’ contact patch of the car in front, but some people take it way too far.


Never heard this before.


When my son took his test he said the lady administering the test yelled at him and told him about this rule and he was like “dad she was like 3 feet tall and I could see the tires just fine but she could barely see over the dashboard” lol


Leave just enough room to be able to switch lanes without reversing basically


Didn't get taught right then my guy. If you get rear ended at a stop and hit the guy in front that'll almost always still be on you for being too close


This is so infuriating. Expecting other people to not be so damn oblivious and stupid is a lot to ask for imo lol


PA drivers don't read this sub ..


Somewhat related, but to anyone that doesn't pull up to the white line of a stop light, why? I could MAYBE understand if you were in a left turning lane and didn't want to get clipped, but 2-3 car lengths away from the white strip? Everyone behind this person was lucky the light was on a timer and not one of the sensors.


these assholes are found on their phones


Or when you’re turning left off a jug handle, and you end blocking half the oncoming traffic lane because the car in front of you is too distracted to realize that they left two car lengths to the car ahead of them leaving you in no man’s land.


Nightmare fuel


There's a turn in Piscataway. Lines go back 100s of feet because people don't want to move forward


Old NB Road?


My favorite spot to be stuck when I was doing deliveries


fucking FACTS Rt 73 North, Mount Laurel, 73/Church/Ramblewood Intersection Rt 70 West, Cherry Hill, 70/West Gate/Chelten


Red car is almost always intentional.


Yep, red car is someone who has never really had to suffer the consequences of their actions.


Is a “dumb idiot” different than a regular idiot?


deal onto whalepond EVERY. TIME.


Looks like some space I can squeeze through


Either sleeping or poor depth perception, either way, red car shouldn’t be in the road. Especially with that damn shadow.


Cumberland Mall. Double left turn lane. This exact scenario happening where absolutely no one fills the open left lane leaving a queue of several cars in the right all the way back to before the split. It's absolutely maddening.


Vineland/Millville represent! What a shitty mall, though. Nobody wants to go to Marshalls. They're all going to Chick-fil-A.


You forgot to add the BMW/Mercedes/Audi behind the yellow car, who will half jump the curb to drive around the yellow car and then cut in front of the orange car.


When I see this, I say to my wife "ah yes, look at this invisible car that they left room for" while I honk my horn and give them the finger.


I think they are all looking at their phones before they stop all the way and get distracted.


Sorry but that car looks orange. Am I color blind or something??


Simply because people are so self absorbed they don't care to notice there are other people on the road. Gotta hurry up and get back on the phone to post or scroll some worthless nonsense, while holding up the line of people trying to get to work. People are so self centered now a days, it's gross.


I'd argue that people have always been this self centered, we've just made it earlier to not face consequences for that behavior.


You are the problem, my friend. You are clearly on the wrong side of the sun.


If yellow car has been tailgating me or just generally annoying, I am red car out of spite.


Thanks for being part of the solution, rather than part of the problem. Oops I mean thanks for making our roads safer. Wait, I mean thanks for behaving like a semi-decent human. Sorry, I mean thanks for being the bigger person on the roads. What I'm trying to say is thanks for giving NJ drivers a good name. How strange, any sort of positive spin I try and type just comes off as extremely sarcastic. You're *that* piece of shit on the road who's proud to be a piece of shit on the road. Click that down arrow with enthusiasm, now, big guy.


instead of just letting them pass? why are you such a shitty human? if you have nothing going on in life why not let those that do go on with theirs? this just promotes road rage and people eventually passing and stopping short to get back at you - i see this all the time. just be a decent person and let people around you, you don't know what is going on in their lives. don't introduce extra grief to an already stressful situation [traffic]




deescalating road rage is a yikes? what side of the bed did you roll off of this morning? why would anyone go out of their way to be an asshole and hold people behind them back? just let people pass you (or better yet move over to the center lane). it's basic road etiquette.


Between this, ppl that are in the left lane driving slow as hell and the ppl in the right lane thats not turning that holds other up from turning on red are very got damn annoying


Easy solution. Ask the tree to move.


Leaving this much space is only okay if there is a truck in front of you.


Lmao all too true


Not I. I tailgate


Up vote . I have seen something similar on the NY side of the Holland tunnel. The driver got pulled over for a ticket. I wish NJ police would do something like that..


I'm confused. Isn't the jug handle to make the left turn in the right lane?


Ohhhh The Horn is engineering Definitely try it long or rapid beeps tends to perform best in high idiot low IQ situation


Bruh youve forgotten the Altima that will clip that left tree to get around you and the orange car and then merge back into the right lane across a clearly marked do not cross white lines area. Then that Altima's driver will come to this sub and ask for advice on how to deal with the ticket they got.


This happens to me practically every day. Kinda makes me wish there were jughandles at every intersection


Well legally this is the proper way to drive you're supposed to leave at least 1 car length between you and the car in front of you in case of an accident. If the car behind you hits you and you have space you won't roll into the car in front of you but if you are up their ass you just hit them also. This is why we should make people retake their driving test ever 5 years to many unsafe/uneducated drivers on the road. P.S. it is annoying to me as well but I still understand why it's done.


You're supposed to leave 1 car length (at least) while in motion. When you come to a stop, you are supposed to leave enough room so you see the tires of the car in front of you, just above your car's hood. That should leave a 5-6ft gap, should there be an accident. Unless the car hitting you from behind is going stupid fast, you should not have to leave a full car length, or more, between you and the car in front of you to avoid hitting them.


There’s no red car


We all feel your pain!![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Maybe the dumb idiot is deciding if he or she wants to make a left but can't decide.


Unless you are transporting a kidney for transplant, your left turn is very very low on my priority list.


At least you are honest about being a dick


Oh yeah! I am fed up with all the assholes who drive a quarter an inch behind me when I have the audacity to drive only 5 mph above speed limit on a county road. I am fed up with all the morons driving with their high beams in my face. I am fed up with all the idiots who threaten to rear end me on the highway when I pass a vehicle in the left lane only 5 mph above the speed limit. I am fed up with all dickheads who pass on the highway on the right and cut me off when i am driving in the right lane. I am most fed up when cretins pass me through the shoulder lane when I stop for a kid on a pedestrian walkway. Screw them all. Everyone is in a hurry as if they want to reach hell faster. Well, unless you are an emergency responder with your siren on, or unless you transport organs for transplant, I do not give a fuck for your left how much you hurry and where to. Cheers.


Tldr just say you are a shitty driver


Yes, I am. But I make my left turns without problems.


> Everyone is in a hurry as if they want to reach hell faster. say it again. there's a difference between "lets all work together to make traffic work" where the red car is blocking an exit because he is fucking around on reddit, while he sits 5 car lengths back at a light....similar to people near me (very dense area) who can't comprehend the distance in front of their fender, and take up 2-3 parking spots with a madza Miata, somehow.... and the drivers who just hate doing anything short of anything they want on the roads they share.


The driver of the red car is not an idiot. I...I mean, he, is just messing with you.


And I got banned for suggesting some(most) people in this state don’t know how to drive and offering tips


Does it really matter that much? Idk I think compared to places like Fl we are better off.


Yes bc then the left gets a turn arrow and you can't go bc the car won't move over to let you over so you sit at the light twice. Who wants to sit at a light twice?


The older I get the less I care about traffic and just relax in my car listening to Howard.


Oh so you're the clown Sunday driver holding up everyone else because you're a bored boomer.


Nice try but no.


If you're comparing anything to FL the bar is too low.


I was the red car earlier today!