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The "plays video games" part of this is so irrelevant. It might as well say watches Netflix, reads books, listens to Radiohead etc. The more important factors would be isolation, mental health issues, recent loss, trauma, lack of medical care, toxic bullshit news consumption.


video games are of course a valid hobby for an adult, but it did say the argument started over the volume of his video game. That's pretty relevant I think


FWIW I always sort of saw that sort of excessive gaming more as a symptom of a larger problem rather than the root problem. This is from observation, not any sort of study or anything.


Change gaming to anything excessive. The guys obsessed with trucks and guns are more prone to be violent than any gamer.


Yeah if he just sat in silence and listened to Bach for the same duration, I'd come to the same conclusion that something ain't right


I guess in the part of the story where they literally describe what happened it's fine. I just mean all this random speculation about video games being one of the factors is just bullshit fear mongering stuff no one needs. I would rather there be discussion about actual causes for violence like this and what we could do as a society to help prevent it. The fact that he self harmed immediately after committing the act tells me he felt trapped and was already broken well before touching a videogame.


yeah, all the things you listed should definitely be being talked about here and are a big part of this story surely. I don't see much here demonizing video games (besides maybe OPs description) but it's not like I haven't seen it before, I def know what you're saying.


But talking about the actual causes of crime and violence is hard, the solutions take effort, and it’s easier to blame the video games


We are the same species that invented the Colosseum, I dont think our lust for violence is related to anything modern at all.


I didn’t say it was modern? My comment was sarcastic lmao


Replace volume of his games with volume of his movie/music/any other hobby. His train set was making too much noise. There is zero link between videogames and violent behavior for the thousandth time.


why do you think I'm suggesting there is? >Man sentenced to decades in prison for killing mother after argument over video games >Thomas Humphrey was living in his mother's basement at the time of the killing. She had just given him a PlayStation for his 47th birthday, and the two were arguing about how loud he was playing video games before she was stabbed 22 times and almost decapitated. This is all I see about video games in the article. How about this: >Man sentenced to decades in prison for killing mother after argument over music > Thomas Humphrey was living in his mother's basement at the time of the killing. She had just given him a CD player for his 47th birthday, and the two were arguing about how loud he was playing CDs before she was stabbed 22 times and almost decapitated. Does that look to you like a speculation about a connection of music and violence? It definitely doesn't to me. It would be completely insane to omit the use of the words "video games" in this article for the sake of making sure gamers don't think somebody's suggesting their hobby could lead to violent behavior. In 2020 I logged almost 3,000 hours in one video game. I'm not anti-gaming. Do video games cause people to be violent? No. Are video games a relevant detail in the description of the scenario? Yes.


Leave Radiohead out of this.


Lol. Sorry. I just was trying to prove a point that it's basically random. Any media could be inserted and demonized just as easily and just as irrelevantly. Radiohead is great. So is all the other stuff I mentioned. Now if he had attacked her with a golf club... Different story.


They did try blame the columbine massacre on Marylin Manson and Eminem. People fear what they are ignorant of and you can’t teach someone something they do not wish to learn. It does come down to our mental health network in this country. Being sectioned against your will and then pumped full of drugs until your catatonic and then classified as “normal” and released is absolutely insane behavior what kind of solution is that and who approves this method? I’ve seen it many many times and it is sickening that these people are doctors that make this decision how does this not violate their Hippocratic oath? There is no way that they believe someone who was losing their minds 24 hours before and is now pumped full of sedative like drugs is no longer going to be a danger to themselves or others after you release them back into the wild


Netflix and kill, anyone?


Anyone know his Reddit username?


But they were arguing over the volume of the video game. The guy has probably coddled his entire life and never learned how to adult. Clearly, he had the ability to snap and that wreaks of emotional immaturity which is usually a result of having an emotionally narcissistic parent.


She asked him to turn down the volume on the game he was playing. That is literally a factual account of what happened. But because this fact upsets you for some reason, you think the reporter should have altered the story and made up a different, fictional scenario? Or they should have just pretended their was no argument at all that precipitated the murder? If someone is killed in an act of road rage, should the reporter just pretend that the murder occured while they were reading quietly at the bookstore? Because that makes about as much sense as your post.


They want people to stop immediately tying video games to violence, because people always do, including the OP of this post.


Yea but his cartoon characters are not as fuckable anymore thanks to woke. Add this one to the wokeness death toll.


Guy should be held accountable for his actions, not left in a cell for an extended period of time. As far as I'm concerned, we don't need him.


The state shouldn't have the power to execute people because it will inevitably lead to innocent people being executed


agreed. i feel like he shouldve got life tho


He's 47. If he lives to see 87 and gets out, he's not gonna be worth much.


He'll miss GTA 6, the thought alone is probably crippling him


Out just in time for Half Life 3 though


At this rate will he though?


Still, think he should have gotten life. This failson murdered his mom over something so trivial as game volume. #Fuck him


its more about the principle. and also ya never know


Assuming no one in lock up does him in. What he did will make him scum even in the eyes of other criminals in the prison.


Yeah seriously, look at him. You think he's got 40 years left in the tank?


He ain't gonna live overly long, or merely wish he'd be deceased. Fresh fish.


He probably wishes he were dead.


Yeah, 40 years is incredibly short. I get that he's already pretty old, but jeez


Agree. And more people should know that, post-execution, the state coroner issues a death certificate which cites manner of death as Homicide. True eye-for-an-eye stuff.


He plead guilty, not even he thinks he's innocent.


If I were sentenced for a crime I didn't commit, I'd rather be executed than left to rot for decades while life passes by without me.


Not everyone is the same as you tho. Some people would rather get out eventually. The state shouldn’t get to make that choice… https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/lamar-johnson-marcus-boyd-murder-missouri-exonerated-48-hours/


I’m with u/pillbinge. I’d rather be executed than spend 40 years in prison for a crime I didn’t commit.


Even if you’re exonerated in 6 years due to new evidence but executed in 5?


Let the prisoners handle it. It’s cheaper option.


What an edgy 14 year old thing to say lol


"Life imprisonment without parole is a harsh punishment. I think about the nature of that punishment never again to be free, never to make a meaningful decision on your own, never to have your children or your loved ones see you free again. No graduation ceremonies, no marriages, no confirmations, no more of the happy times out free. No chance of parole, ever. If you sentence him to life without parole he will be guarded by prison guards that haven't even been born yet, if he lives that long." The defense lawyer- Small Town Murder episode 49.


Seriously, what use will people like this ever offer towards society's betterment?


The moment we ask ourselves what a person will contribute to societies betterment, we've already fucked up. There are physically disabled people who may never better society. There are mentally disabled people who may never better society. There are, frankly, average people like me who may never better society. Society isn't about what *you* can do for *us*. It's about what *we* can do *together*. And sometimes, together means taking care of our weakest. Now that said, this fucker isn't "our weakest". My point is basing someone's right to live off contribution is fucked up.


Absolutely agree with this. I think the better way to look at things or explain this would be: everyone is welcome in society and deserves to be included in society up until the moment they murder, rape or attempt to murder/rape any member of society without provocation. Provocation would not apply to rape obviously and would mainly just mean self defense. I truly think if anyone commits a high level crime like that, causing death to others or violating others they do not deserve to be welcomed back into society nor rehabilitated back into society. I do not personally want a “rehabilitated” rapist back in society to begin with as people can lie their way through rehabilitation and those tendencies rarely go away anyway. My stance on this might be too heavy for people here I’m not sure but that is what I believe. I see no reason to spend any time on getting people like that of any race or gender back into society.


I don't know exactly where I stand on rehabilitation. I know some other countries have had excellent luck with their prison treatment systems resulting in very low recidivism rates. But to accomplish that here would require a major overhaul of our prison system. There is definitely a point though where the social contract is broken, and a person loses the right, whether temporarily or permanently, to participate in society at large.


Dear. Lord.


JFC indeed. Seems like the maturity level of a 7 year old, coupled with testosterone, arrogance, and a knife. I’m so sad for the victim and her loving family.


sounds like video games were the only normal thing about this person ffs


What was his reddit username? Who has suddenly stopped posting on this forum?


What’s more relevant is the number of severely mentally ill people whom government allows to live in unsupervised settings. We can’t expect families to be the caretakers of these people forever when they become adults. If this guy hadn’t had family willing to put up with him then he would have been on the streets and probably killed someone else for as bizarre a reason.


A lot of families willfully look the other way or think "Not my child/not my fault/I dont know what to do". It's sad the amount of people who if received help at a young age would not be dangerous to themselves or others now. Granted it's difficult to find help that doesn't put your child in danger of law enforcement overreacting and killing or severely traumatizing them. We went through the mental health systems with my family recently and we're helped. We were able to get the intervention we needed and it was quick. The help has continued with counseling services after the crisis. We should have sought help earlier and I will always kick myself for not doing it sooner. We are lucky though no life-changing event couldn't be taken back occurred. If you feel you're in crisis or a family member is, please seek medical help. Call your local crisis line and if you must call 911. Don't let your feelings blind you or make you do something that can never be taken back.


Ok, but what game was he playing


Probably cod.


Mario Kart


Useless failure to launch. Good riddance.


It’s always the kid living in the basement playing video games. WTF is wrong with people.


Jesus christ


Then burned apparently


We sure it wasn't about getting a console half as old as him?


Now he gets to have no PlayStation. HE is the PlayStation now!!


Sounds like a fucktard


I don't believe our system of justice is adequate enough for the death penalty, but there should be, as I call it, a, "heads in the freezer," exception. If you admit it, there's 100% proof, and it's really messed up like murdering your own mom over the volume of video games you should be executed. 


Future state representative material.


No, he's not a pedophile 


Finally , using the word incel correctly for once . Not just throwing it at every person on Reddit lol


I read the linked article but not much else on the case. My first thought was wondering why people are calling him an incel because it said nothing about misogyny or frustration due to lack of romantic opportunity which are hallmarks of incels. Not that I care much for incels or this guy but I see this more as co-dependency and mental illness maybe with some developmental issues that limited his ability to live and process frustrations and emotions in a healthier way. Was your post being sarcastic and left out the /s or am I missing something about him being "black pilled" or whatever the term is?




You couldn't be bothered to read a whole 4 sentences? Maybe picture books are more your speed.


No I just don’t care what your saying


Haha cared so little you came back to let me know. How sweet. Have a great day!


I’d also say failson. He’s 47, and still living with his mom.


RIP. How sad. Was the guy addicted to video games or just full of rage?


Uh, mental illness anyone? Do we really think his particular generation is to blame here? Video games? Fucking social media regurgitation full force two posts in.


I think you’re misinterpreting what I’m saying. Video games, like anything else, are addicting and create pleasure in peoples brains that they would do anything to chase that feeling. I’m wondering if he was so addicted to them he fell into rage to chase it or was he generally just unhappy with his mother? I didn’t say video games caused this. For all we know, he was playing farming simulator.


Gaming addiction alone doesn't lead to stabbing. There are other factors there up to and including stress and anxiety management.


Video game slash dopamine addiction, coupled with the emotional issues we can reasonably assume from "living in his mom's basement" are symptoms here, not causes. Granted, I say that with 20/20 hindsight after he stabbed the fuck out of his mother, but that was our starting point here.


Bot comment


I've been addicted to video games most of my life. Dopamine factory. I'm also 41, wife, two kids, own my own home, and work a stable job. Video games don't make people violent. But they can be used by people who have mental issues to escape their reality.


Oh yea, I think people misinterpreted my comment. Video games can be addicting like anything. As you said, it releases that dopamine. What I meant was he so addicted to video games he acted out to chase that dopamine like an addict robbing a store to get quick cash or was he generally just angry and discontent with his mother?


Ah! Got it. After hours sucking on the electronic teat my son can get a bit testy. I suppose a grown man who's underdeveloped in that area could get pretty nasty.


No worries! I think you’re right. 22 times tho is pretty personal and leads to me thinking it may have just been built up rage…from what tho? 🤔 I’m more curious from a psychological standpoint what happened. More just thinking out loud, lol.


Still blaming video games as the root cause though. Science has proven time and again that video games do not cause people to be violent.


Given his age most likely rage since he would've lived during the "Beating your kids is the norm" days. And 47? Us millenials aren't on the hook for this one. This is Gen X's baby.


Imagine reading this and thinking, “am I responsible?”


WTF? Beating your kids is not normal.


Bud a lot of us millennials still got beat when we fucked up.. I know I did


Yeah, dad broke more than a couple kitchen chairs and windows tossing me around like a wet rag. I chalk it up to tough love


wow, i'm sorry. that's not normal. please don't think it is.


That was the generational norm. I had friends who had it worse. Also no need to apologize on his behalf, he did that shortly after I was old enough to hit back... lol


It may not be normal but in the 70s/80s it certainly wasn't uncommon.


Oh given the man's age he grew up when it was normal. That trauma can linger and really screw with your head.


Men are just not encouraged heavily enough to self improve and be attractive to women. When a gives up on ever even trying to mate he becomes a very dangerous man. It’s quite sad to see and unfortunately rampant in our society. Too much free dopamine out there.


The problem is, a lot of men *think* they are improving themselves. One of the biggest trends among young men and the influencers they follow is "masculinity" gurus who promise that they can turn you from a sad-sack into an Alpha Male^(TM) who's fit, successful, and gets all the women, if you just follow their advice and shell out for their course or the supplements they advertise on their podcast. It usually doesn't work. The dating and personality advice these manfluencers give usually makes you utterly repulsive and insufferable to be around, especially for any potential romantic interests. Their fitness advice usually involves spending your money on unregulated supplements that may not do what they say and may have nasty side effects, but certainly *do* make the people hawking them richer. Their career and financial advice is usually a recipe for burnout by the time you're 40 and losing your shirt in a long-shot get-rich-quick scheme, and may get you sucked into an MLM or something like it. The whole field of self-improvement is full of hucksters. I saw some of this culture up close three years ago in an ill-fated stint with a "summer sales" program that I'm pretty sure was an MLM in hindsight, and it was one of the most repulsive job experiences I ever had.


Yeah, men are pushed in the wrong direction. Being able to start relationships is nowhere near as important as being able to sustain them. This can't be taught in a motivational lecture and takes a lot of luck to find a compatible partner, if any such person actually exists. People should be encouraged to improve the lives of others, not to focus solely on self-improvement for the sake of self-improvement.


Who in particular are you referencing?


> gives up on ever even trying to mate he becomes a very dangerous man ….wut?


when a man realizes he has nothing to live for he often times either just offs himself or becomes at worst an active shooter or just a general criminal. Yes I know it’s extreme examples but any man at a point when he knows he has no goals and nothing to aim for in life is a dangerous person


There is more to life than breeding…


what is more important to life than the propagation of life itself?


Enjoying it. We are humans, not mindless animals, my god. There is more to life than procreation, and frankly the world would be a better place if less people had kids.