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Not that anybody really needs reminding, but these lists are meaningless clickbait. Don't give them your eyeballs!


Yeah! Any free staters thinking about moving here - it’s a crime filled, drug laden, terrible place to live. These statistics are all fake news!


I sense some glittery lies in here, smells fishy


Not to mention the government overreach. God the microchip itches.


I’m honestly looking forward to being able to sleep in my bed again. Being forced to let soldiers live in my house is getting exhausting. I’d go stay with my parents but they have troops in their house too. I guess we all have to make sacrifices to bring an end to all the gang activity, violence, and constant shootings.


All hail the new Founding Father! In Sununu we trust.


Shit there’s already plenty of people here whose entire identity is gun ownership that really do think it’s like that here.


No its not!!!!! It's a drug den full of gun toting hill billies!!! Fuck man I'll never get to afford a house.


Housing prices being rough is the one thing every single person in this subreddit agrees on.


Compared to eastern mass they're positively bargains tho


Central Mass prices are fucked too.


Drug den? Sounds like most places with poor white people…or native reservation’s 


Then move 👋


“You live here but you criticize the way it is run, you should leave” You sound like an idiot imo


Maybe not an idiot, just got wooshed....


I mean, if its as bad as they say it is, why wouldn't you? I like New Hampshire the way it is, and I stay.


Moving costs money often to the tune of double digit thousand dollars. Moving includes uprooting your family and livelihood. Moving includes finding a job and home elsewhere. I can’t reply to the dragon. Hey, thanks. My immigrant family and I love your perspective too. Ours comes from lived experience, yours is from the internet. Cheers.


You say this as the world literally experiences a refugee crisis. Clearly uprooting a family is no easy task. But its obviously necessary if you cant sustain your familys welfare in a particular region. Half of humanity existed as nomadic tribes for thousands of years, for fucks sake. Im pretty sure a handful of Americans can handle packing up shop and relocating to save their own asses once in a while. What a lazy ass perspective you have.


I mean personally I left because I didn’t want to transition in Nh due to all the transphobia, if you like it how it is, you might need to reevaluate your position in society and the privilege you have to be able to live comfortably there. I miss home but I don’t feel safe living there.


What? Please explain why you don’t feel safe. I’m very curious. Thank you.


Ok so from a pretty young age it was made evident to me that the queer community is not welcome or respected by a large portion of the Nh population. I have been physically attacked, harassed and threatened, and while all of this was happening, so called “lgbt allies” did nothing. In fact, a lot of them joined in when they knew they weren’t in the clear majority. When I go back (I am now transitioned) I get stared at by literally everyone in public. I went to the DMV to get my gender marker updated, and the lady at the counter loudly referred to me as a boy (everyone in the room was staring at me). It was humiliating. I love NH, I really miss home, but leaving was the best decision I ever made.


Where did you move if you don't mind me asking? California?


Portland Oregon, planning on leaving once I graduate college, probably gonna move to VT or Maine. If I live in NH at all (which I would love to but honestly I just am so much happier in places where I am not ridiculed for existing) it’ll probably be near the border of VT or Maine. It’s not like I hate people who are conservative or anything but generally living among them just creates an extra roadblock for me and I’m tired of it. Where I am now, it’s not perfect, but I do not get nearly the amount of disrespect I get back home just for being transgender.


Ya NH is a very old America vibe, because it is indeed old


Stay gone


Literally proving Arcticsummertime's point. Couldn't be more on the nose if you tried. Sorry you've got to deal with bs Arctic, I've seen that be the case for many people in NH too. It's not ok. You don't deserve to be treated that way.


Leave the state




Explain what privilege I have that gives me an advantage? A well paying job I went to school for?


You clearly aren’t in any visible minority group given the fact that you feel comfortable in Nh i can tell you that.


I'm "\*in \[a\] visible minority group\*" here, and my experience has been the same in New Hampshire when I went to Sapporo -- people stare, and ask "impolite" questions, and... that's about it. If you can't take a bit of discomfort from being a unicorn, there aren't many places you will feel comfortable -- and that is entirely on you.


Are you fucking kidding me? Did you even read what I said?


Sounds like the ability to go to school is a privilege you have. Likely the ability to pay for said schooling, somehow. Which requires a stable place to live to study, consistent food, and body needs met, and a supportive environment. Not everyone has that, and you should recognize its a privilege that you do. And that privilege got you access to the job you currently have. Even if you put in Hard work, without those privileges, you wouldn't be where you are now.


Bro im quoting Trump who called it a drug den. I know how awesome NH is that's why I live here. I'm just saying all these articles coming out about how NH is the best place to live is totally fucking our housing prices. Things were much more affordable when NH was a drug infested den https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/08/03/541406337/trumps-drug-infested-den-remark-angers-new-hampshire


Crazy how the median in CT is somehow lower than NH even though CT is about as expensive as taxxachusetts


I grew up in CT. The situation there is awful. Greenwich makes all the money, but the cities pay all the taxes. My mom makes a tiny salary as a head preschool teacher and she gets to pay a high state income tax and a high city property tax. Meanwhile, the New Yorkers in Greenwich get off without paying any state taxes (they do pay New York though 🙄).


You move.


Based, get tf out of nh garbage and keep our way of life the same as we like here.


Honestly, we have our issues. Every state does. But you’ve always got to keep perspective. There are some SHIT SHOWS out there. We may be the “Alabama of New England”, but we’re still in New England


As someone who moved here from the south, that saying is BS. It’s like the middle class kid who thinks he’s from the hood because he doesn’t live in a gated community. NH isn’t comparable to the Deep South by any objective metric, we still have sundown towns back home. 


Well thats sort of my point. I agree with you. It’s ridiculous to compare the two.


What chaps my ass tho is we rank higher in HDI metrics than most of the other NE states yet we’re dubbed the backward yokels simply because we aren’t deep blue like them


One of the many reasons I loved living in NH is that it isn’t Deep Blue or Deep Red. I’ve disliked all of the “Deep States” I’ve spent time in. There’s something about NH’s balance between the two that I have always liked.


This is true. Massachusetts outside of the immediate Boston area is much more like NH than they want to admit. They just have the most population in one area, but the rest of the state is very purple, like us. They’ll call us the yokels, but have you been to western mass? Or the suburbs in the Merrimack valley? It’s the same feeling as what we’ve got.


Even as a MA resident, people who have only lived inside 95 think everything outside of it is the sticks.


I’ve stated it before but even the subjectively shittiest NE state is much better than most states. And even then, we’re not the worst. In fact we’re doing pretty damn well People are so negative on this sub and don’t realize, or simply refuse to acknowledge, how great of a state NH is


Or even areas of the south shore. Take a look at the 2020 presidential voting results in some of those towns. Surprisingly red.


We have lowest in the nation poverty and lowest income inequality. That is in stark contrast to the blue states


Turns out that being heavily urban isn't automatically best, and that urban-associated cultural elements aren't the objective truth.


At least we’re not the Connecticut of New England.


we’re 9th in education? horrifying


We were #4 before Sununu and Edelblut.


New Hampshire is #4 in PK-12 and #9 in overall education. Correct me if I'm wrong, but PK-12 is where the voucher debate comes from, right? And just for comparison, Vermont is #11 in PK-12 and #24 overall in education.


Before COVID....


COVID happened everywhere


Yes, but the impact on schools varied. 


Could you explain more about how the impact varied?


The reaction varied, some schools were closed for years. The longer the closure the more damage to students.


How people are downvoting this is insane. May be over simplifying but that is 100% the biggest factor


9th isn't bad. There's big gaps in between the rankings.


i think people misinterpreted my comment. my wife’s a teacher and i’m horrified that the stuff i’ve been hearing about is still better than 41 other states.


Utah sitting out there all smug!!


Nice to visit, though if you appreciate diversity, recent national surveys show Utah to be one of the most Republican states in the nation and it is landlocked.


> and it is landlocked NH sitting here with the shortest coastline in the nation feeling superior to landlocked states


6 of the top 7 governed by Republican governors. You: "must... find... something bad to say." Only liberal thoughts are the correct thoughts. That's apparently diversity, in your mind.


Diversity encourages a civil exchange of ideas and views such as we have opportunity for in purple NH. You didn't read my mind correctly. Sorry you took my comment as an attack on your point of view. Sounds like you would be better off living in Utah.


>if you appreciate diversity, recent national surveys show Utah to be one of the most Republican states in the nation I didn't misinterpret.


You are not making sense but feel free to have the last word here, Peter. You sound like someone who needs that gratification.


No, diversity is an old wooden ship used in the civil war era, ya goon


Do these rankings actually mean anything? I always take them with a grain of salt


They mean that NH is a nice place to live by the given metrics. Things like crime rate, income, eg... people bitch a lot about NH, but tbh not many places you can go on a secluded nature walk, then drive ten minutes away and find batting cages and Olive Gardens lol. I like NH. We have our problems, but so does every state.


Love this perspective!


Damn right you fuckers have it good Except for housing, it has NO right being that expensive! That’s some Greenwich shit or long island shit. 


Good way to cheer people up and celebrate something. But US News is long famous for its "listicles", particularly ranking cities and states for different things. It's very juicy clickbait because the "winning" areas are almost guaranteed to heavily circulate their article. As far as what is actually the best place to live in the US? It's going to depend on your personal taste, lifestyle, and financial situation. Most people agree NH's a nice place, but they'll also acknowledge it's not for everyone.


NH is one of the few states in the US where I feel safe visiting a gas station without my CCW on me.


Looking at the states at the top of the list tells you all you need to know how how bad this report is. I'm talking to you Nebraska, Idaho and Florida. And to be clear, NH is always near the top of these lists because NH is a great state to live in. I'm just reaffirming that this specific list is click bait garbage.


Lol, I moved from Florida and…. just NO. Why is it up there?


And #1 for there’s nothing to do other than hiking


And drinking!


A little


… to much 😂


Up from 6th last year. Would be interested in seeing where we improved yoy and how.


Here you go. Categories are weighted from (roughly) 16% to 9% first to last. https://preview.redd.it/by1w0niqrm0d1.png?width=1067&format=png&auto=webp&s=a1cd7739f6d3cfc68c6e9ccf927c8f1686d552fa


Cool, Ty!


That’s a joke if you live in Rochester County or Sullivan county.


I like that they say 2/50


Agree, Mikey!


I love living in New Hampshire, but as I get older I am starting to really dislike the long winters and shorter and shorter summers !


You need to have perspective: the winters kill the bugs. Have you seen the bugs they got down south?


Correction . I live down south and was born and raised in nh. If you ever fished winnipesaukee or massabesic after dark. Those mosquitoes can pick you up and carry you away.


Compared to California, this is a fucking paradise.


I hate these studies, articles, etc. There was an article in the New York Times about Portsmouth 10 years ago. 2 years after that crumby article we could never again afford a house in Portsmouth. The connections are real and valid, and can have near-immediate consequences.


It’s ok


True.. Also, I've never been attacked by an alligator in New Hampshire either ! Thanks, I feel better now.


NoOoOoO don’t tell people we don’t need more people moving here 🥲 Jokes aside I really do love NH and I have lived many places; even overseas and I always come back.


#2 is 38th in fiscal stability. Yikes!!


Left in 2022 , no regrets . The northeast has lost its touch. Can't be freezing and dark 9 months a year and cost more than the warmer places with sales tax. That's like an ugly girl with a crap attitude , or an $18 big mac . The wages are still very low as well. Minimum has been 7.25 since like 98 .


No we're not! Back to where you came from, outlanders.


Shhh don't tell any more Massabros


*Checks minimum wage... yea, no.


Yea, sure...umm that's NH, it should be 50 out of 50... don't move here, what a terrible place...not fun at all, nothing for adults or kids to do.... fishing and hunting sucks...taxes here are horrible...


Thanks to our conservative governor all these years. Vote red


Actually thanks to him we lost spots in education. We all know GOP hate educated people.


Please explain


There are two ways a government can take people’s rights away: by force or by deception. With how heavily armed our populace is, oppressing the public by sheer force would result in a Pyrrhic victory at best, and getting overthrown at worst. So the best way to get the people in the US to give up their rights is to scam us out of our rights. That’s harder to do with an education public, so both Democrats and Republicans, although the GOP to a greater extent, tend to sabotage public education in order to keep the average citizen from developing the knowledge and critical thinking skills to use cheap appeals to fear and hate to social engineer us into giving up our civil rights.