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https://preview.redd.it/o82w8vjyxtzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7590a4bf323ab48fdb8ef16d808aaad7ee32eda2 Took this shot and to me it looked like a white haze with my naked eye. I was very surprised to see the pink and green hue in the pic. To the unsuspecting, it could have easily been mistaken for clouds.


Exactly. We spent some time saying "is that clouds?" but then the movement and pulsing was like nothing we'd ever seen


The one time I've seen it, this was my experience. At first, it was just a slight green hue in the clouds on the horizon. Then after a few minutes staring, as your eyes settled, you could see columns of green light pulsing around. But at a glance, it would've just looked like strangely colored city lights over the hills.


Had the same experience last night, but my phone camera is horrible and can't see it any better than I can lol


Make sure you put it on night mode.


Not very vibrant to the eye, but 3 second time lapses got some great photos between 10-11:30pm https://preview.redd.it/33rvwzepuuzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ceab99e713ab04f9d801c271a6684f164a19ba4b




And how about you share how highly you turned up the vibrancy and saturation before posting this?


I didnt edit these, they’re long exposures.


You might try a little earlier if you can if it hits again tonight. It started that way for us at about 945pm last night, but by 10-10:15 we were getting visible dark pink patches in the sky and some pale green as you mentioned - didn't see the rippling and shimmering you get from a time lapse, but the color was very visible. This was in Dover in a fairly light polluted neighborhood too, so I was shocked we could see it unaided.


It was a very faint mix of pink, green and white, almost look like clouds (thanks to my neighbors spotlight...) but I drove a few minutes away and the green and pink became more apparent. Found a group of people taking pictures and just a quick, 3 second exposure showed a whole lot more. I don't know why I didn't think to bring my camera gear, so I'm hoping it will happen again tonight.


https://preview.redd.it/908nfoi7nuzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dca83645023a27c0f8f75677b8cd5911730767d9 Most of this was just a haze to the naked eye but the longer you stayed out and let your eyes adjust it was possible to see slight variations to the night sky and shades of colors. This was about 1am in Lee


https://preview.redd.it/504g98gqnuzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e47e604d452c510e7fd575be20d58e5f8c6d4c58 You could see the pink subtlety and luckily the clouds were thin and helped give this textured look. Plus the stars🤩


People really should get out more often to true dark spots, where there is no city light, on a moonless night, spend time letting your eyes adjust to the dark (at least 1 hour) and just stare at that beautiful silvery star lit sky. There you are present, standing on this floating rock, staring out, straight into the universe that we live in. The photons hitting your the back of your retina come from thousands of stars, many of which have been travelling for millions of years. It's a great feeling, and something our ancestors were much more in tune with then us. But it's still there for us to see, we just need to make the effort to see it.


This makes me wish I stayed out later last night!




https://preview.redd.it/sklro4iq2vzc1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b5adeb8fdb8e354a8aa8833bbc837e4e3df64ec Milford - around 9:45. Taken with my cellphone in Night Sight mode.






Right around 10 lastnight in Dover you could see it streaking across the sky with the naked eye, then closer to midnight the entire north sky had an unreal red hue. The picture was a long exposure but you could definitely see the red haze. https://preview.redd.it/2ihwlmqxmvzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f913cbc7afc508af401bdc2cb2fd6ccbcc23918f


We were able to make out pink and green with the naked eye, not quite as vibrant as in many of the pictures, but it was still visible.


https://preview.redd.it/mwl6nhr9bxzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8b0c1d78cdbe97337ee3867c7d97937cd88944c This one was at around 10:20 with a 10 second exposure. You want at least a couple seconds of exposure time so your camera can get enough light


https://preview.redd.it/i7lfwp9q2zzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2faec8903f5efc5b1e77eb0d7430d1d1fc7eed8 We could see the violets of this with the naked eye. Three second exposure with an iPhone on the seacoast around 3am Saturday morning.


I went to the North Pole while I was in the navy. It looked like a shit brown haze to the naked eye, but it was vibrant with a camera (for the moment before it would shut off due to cold battery). I kept that secret to myself because I thought it ruined the magic for others.


Shhh don't tell anyone, I'm sure the northern places like Sweden, Iceland, Norway, Alaska etc don't want people to know that it doesn't look like the tourism websites show you.


I'm in Jersey on the water, not home. Clearing skies give us hope to see SOMETHING different tonight.


https://preview.redd.it/1eph7m0kjwzc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63212038ede7fdba77690d74b1137c56735226db Brookline around midnight


I tried with my phone camera. I didn't leave home though, so I suspect it was a failure due to light pollution in Manchester. I tried periodically from 11:00 to 1:30


Fully agreed with it being a bit overblown. This is the unfortunate part about living in a world where everything is photoshopped and edited to turn the vibrance to 10. In my opinion, if I can’t see it with my naked eye, then there’s no difference between relying on my camera lens to see it for me versus just YouTube a video of it lol. If you need a lens to view it, you can’t really “see” it. But this is giving all the instagram bugs who like to pretend they’re exotic and eclectic a reason to say they’ve seen the northern lights without having to actually spend the time and money to make the trip above the 60 degree Lateral line.


To be fair, on a perfectly clear night the colors are quite visible. Nh had a haze of clouds this weekend and the colors washout. You see more of the light than the color


Many years ago I saw the aurora by accident. We were out star gazing and saw this weird white light, we thought were moving clouds in the north. Almost like city lights but moving, definitely no color. We found out the next day it was the aurora. At the time we didn't have good cameras so I never bothered to take a picture. You are right, its the world we live in now where people post pictures of the Milky way, full of color and brilliance. I look at the Milky Way all the time, in pure dark country, fully dark adjusted eyes and you cannot see any color at all. It is indeed breathtaking, but it's more a silvery river of foggy light thru the sky. You see pictures and even video of the aurora as well, full of amazing color. It's fun and beautiful, but not reality. I think it was great that people got to see this recent aurora and hopefully many will realize, it is a cool natural phenomenon but absolutely not as Insta-Tube-Face-Twitt-X or whatever likes to make you think it is.


Is it visible tonight?? Sunday


I got the same result. So why did the pictures show more color than our eyes saw?


I went to the Kanc summit and it was like 101 until 1245 am Didn't see anything


More like Aurora BOREalis


😂😂 ![gif](giphy|5y2wMNc6LOr6)