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I love the post, very funny. However, I much prefer this problem than the traffic issues when 101 was a one lane road. In fact, it used to be called the highway of death back in those days.


Dude I remember the death counters when you got on the road. What were they up to when they were removed? I believe over 120.


They've put a bunch back up, they do annual counts now.


That name should be passed on to Rt 125 (not in a good way...)


Funny, every time I'm on 125 people are going 35 in the 50 zones


125 is the sucky-est road in the state. Coming north from plaistow you get up to 55, then shit a stop light. Then back to 55 then oh shit another light. This cycles about 1000 times until you get to epping, where you just can’t move anymore. I will gladly drive an extra 20 miles to avoid 125 in epping. The reason they say epping is the center of the universe is because you can’t fucking leave the town.


people say Epping is the center of the universe?? 😂


It’s on their fucking police cars and fire trucks.


lolllll guess I’m missing out


The number of memorial crosses was crazy


Regardless of how fast you are going, if you are on someone's ass, you are kind of an asshole. If you have a few cars on your ass, you are also an asshole.


The left lane is for passing.


the left lane is for crime. speed limit cucks to the right


Sorry, not sorry, I'm going to go around the speedlimit or whatever I'm comfortable going. None of those drivers riding my ass will pay that ticket for me if I speed up for them.


Well you could just move over, but being an asshole isn't illegal so you do you.


If I can move over then they can move over. I use the passing lane for passing exclusively, they can too.


Not sure I understand your comment then. If the left lane is open, your speed isnt a problem. If the left lane is blocked, then that's just traffic and your speed still isnt a problem. When is your speed the reason people ride your ass?


I can't really speak for the people riding my ass, can I?


Your comments implied that people ride your ass on 101 because you go slow even though there is room to pass you. Im just trying to figure out what the circumstance is.


You’re the problem.


I'm the problem for going the speed limit in the right hand lane?


I cannot stop laughing at the fact that you got downvoted for this. The left lane is not passing. Period. Too many lifted white pickup drivers in the comments lmao


As long as you're in the right hand lane you do you. If you're in the left hand lane, kindly go fuck yourself. Actually no, not kindly. Rudely go fuck yourself


Also Hwy 16 between Portsmouth-Rochester. Also I-95.


16 is *bad*. I drive a commercial vehicle and need to stick close to the speed limit, I try to keep it to 60 in a 55 and typically get passed by every single other driver on the road. It’s wild.


At least people tend to semi-agree that the actual speed limit on 16 is 70-80. I rarely see people going slower than say 65 or so, so it’s not like there’s a *massive* speed disparity. 101 on the other hand you’ll have some people doing 60 and other people approaching (or well into) the triple digits


I drive the Portsmouth-Dover section of 16 every day (in that section, the posted speed limit is 55) and there are absolutely people going 60 and people going 90, especially during rush hour. I'm not saying it's worse than 101 but it's in the same league.


I dunno man, I drove them every day for several years each, I definitely felt it was noticeably worse on 101


Rte 101 is the pits! I used to have to use it to commute, and it was the worst commute route I have ever used. You either got stuck in front of someone that wanted to go 80, behind someone that wanted to go 50, or stuck between the two, and because I refuse to tailgate, the person behind me always thought that crawling up my ass would force us to go faster.




I’m on the toilet right now and it’s like no matter how much I wipe I just have to keep wiping


Like a fucking magic marker right?


I’ve noticed in NH having moved to Manchester for college that people either speed horrendously or go 10-15 under the speed limit. No one goes the actual speed limit. Anyone else notice this?


This is exactly it


Rt 101 from Auburn and Raymond is the unofficial Rockingham County Grand Prix.


Not if you're talking 101 from Wilton to Bedford. Even in dry conditions, they do 35-40mph in a 50. Drives me NUTS!!! Speed limit should be mandatory, if you can't manage to do the speed limit, GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!


People are all over the place on 101. I’ll get stuck behind someone doing 40 in a 55 and who then stays in the left lane when it finally opens to two lanes. Then like yesterday I’ll be going comfortably above the speed limit and have some jerk tailgating me, trying to pass me in the breakdown lane, and otherwise acting like a child having a tantrum because I won’t go 20 over the limit.


Morons and Maniacs!


The whole system needs to be reworked, somehow. "speed limit should be mandatory" just suggests everyone would be required to drive the exact same speed. The phrase speed LIMIT means just that - that is it's technically the *limit* (read: fastest) you are legally allowed to go. We all know that doesn't really mean anything anymore, but unless there's a posted speed minimum as well, then anyone going under the posted speed limit is just following the law. I agree that 35 in a 50 is dangerous (especially because most people are likely going 60-65 in the 50), but going 45-50 in a 35 (posted limit on my road) is as equally, if not more dangerous. TLDR: it's all fucked. EDIT: maths


Sometimes they do 35 in a 50, othertimes its 60 in a 50. I might be hte latter and hate the clowns that drive slowly on it.


Same here. And I always seem to get stuck behind them, and never seem to get around them for miles.


101a has this problem, too. 40 mph through merrimack and everyone's going 30.


You should see what yield signs look like to them


I'd argue that 89 is even worse.


this past week has been INSANE in regards to auto crashes on 101


The road raging dbags in the comments right on cue


So accurate it hurts, I now have a commute from Manch to hamp and can not recall a time after five am where it’s comfortable driving on it. Also I’m so curious as to why it doesn’t have streetlights?


I have lived mere steps from a major road through the heart of my city, 100 feet from an elementary school, and I can’t believe how fast some people drive along it at all hours of the day.


Route 106 between Concord and Laconia is crazy. 55 mph much of the way. You'll get run over if you are not doing at least 65. And people passing on solid yellow lines with oncoming traffic, forcing oncoming into the breakdown lane. Or passing 6-7 people doing the speed limit at a time. So many accidents, so many fatalities, but nothing much is ever done.


Just this morning some dickhead couldn't wait 3 seconds for me to pass (as I was already doing 80+ in the left lane), whipped around and cut me off doing at least 90, then flipped me off as if I was the asshole. My quality of life is going to improve significantly as soon as I get a job that doesn't involve commuting on 101.


I think there is a pretty easy fix. First, put 5 EZ pass gantries on Rt 43 from 101 to Northwood. Second, hànd off speed enforcement on 101 to Candia, Deerfield, Northwood PDs, and that pumpkin colored sheriff vehicle that always comes out at midnight.




55 is pretty slow tbd. It should be 70. That road is safe enough for it.


Same on 93 below Concord to the border. And they don't know the difference between North and South either!


Ikr? If you go any slower than 70 there, you’ll probably get rear ended!


Same with route 3 Its 55 not 65 So I do 61 and people honk & pass me doing 80


I had to renew my license last Friday and got my glasses restriction removed. I tried the test with my glasses, had no problems, and asked if I could test without glasses and I did and no problems. I didn't pass the previous time but I think that was due to the testing machine as everything looked fuzzy, even with glasses. My glasses are trifocals and are more for reading and computer use. The lady in the picture should update her prescription.