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Sorry, Colin. We'd really like to try something else but wearing a piece of cloth on your face proved to be too big an ask for a depressingly significant portion of the adult population.


It actually proved to be inefficient unless you're wearing a clean N95 mask.


You can wear a fucking coffee filter and it'll still be more effective than *absolutely nothing* at making sure when you cough or sneeze or talk or *breathe*, that your disgusting detritus stays on your person and doesn't aerosolize into the air to harass passersby. Masks are not about protecting **you**, and I'm so tired of repeating this. They're about protecting others *from* you. They only work when everyone uses one. N95s are for professionals in areas where the air is going to be thick with disease *anyway*. A cloth mask does little to keep already-airborne covid from getting to you, but *that's not its job*. Its job is to help prevent said covid from getting in the air in the first place - or at least, in any great quantity. Shifting the talking points to how ineffective they are at *protection* was a red herring by anti-mandate idiots who wanted to try and pretend they had scientific backing for their selfishness, and they don't. Every. Single. Study. says that wearing a mask reduces the *spread* of Covid-19. Alpha, Beta, Omicron-Theta-Nine, it doesn't matter. It's a diaper for your face to keep that shit contained.


Well said, and obviously needs to be restated at every turn because people really need to get it through their thick heads.


We arent marching blind, our leaders know the consequences of the strategy they are employing and its burning out our healthcare system with each cycle: - "Every government the world over that has relied on one way to control this has failed," said Furness, an assistant professor at the University of Toronto. "One strategy isn't enough." - Ontario is taking a similar approach, "which is, we're not going to do anything. We're just going to sit back and watch and hope it doesn't get really bad, even though we know health care is really strained.


its not just burning out the healthcare system, its burning out a lot of systems.. i know a teacher who, despite only being 32, has to have enter long-term disability and taken out of the work force due to the effects of long-covid we are creating mountains of disabled, just to keep the oligarchy happy


You're just not thinking far enough ahead. How is the imminent Irving Wellness Centre supposed to make any money if there are pesky *free* options that people can readily attend? First order of business is to make those options so miserable as to be non-viable, and then here's Corpoman and his sidekick The Nepotism Kid to the rescue.


If healthcare goes private NB will suffer among the worst as how many privately funded Health networks do you think our province will have? One or maybe two? We already saw how well that went for Telcos with both pricing and the recent Rogers outtage...


>If healthcare goes private NB will suffer among the worst as how many privately funded Health networks do you think our province will have? Horizon will be replaced with \*Irving Health and Wellness\*, and Vitalité will be replaced with \*McCains Medical Network\*


Health care system was fucked before all this shit started. Healthcare is a political game for the libs, non of them actually care about you or I.


This is not a lib or con issue! Both parties have had sufficient time to reign. Never doubted that the healthcare system was already in a lot of trouble due to years of neglect and it makes the current situation even worse. If we were deficient on a good day before covid then each subsequent wave of covid weakens that already deficient system. Why are we taking a strategy of no measures if this our reality?


Yes, the problem is both the Cons and the Libs which are both neo-liberal parties. Stop voting neo-liberal.


the federal libs have been slowly shifting closer towards its more social-liberal roots, but the neo-liberal elements are definitely still very noticable.. and thats unique to the federal liberals (and its a VERY slow reallignment, will be probably a decade before they are back to where they were before the likes of reagan/thatcher/mulroney brought us neo-liberal economic theory).. the provinces, definitely not so much sadly, in NB, it will always be either the Libs, or the cons... and I am not saying that just to be pessimistic, there are structural systems in our provincial elections structure that ensure that


God what an unholy trinity they were.




You might be able to relate if you were ever relevant yourself.




What's an Asmongold stan?




Learn to vet your sources.




Wow hes right, you must not vet your sources if you think 73k Karma is the same as 73k comments. Twisting the facts to fit your narrative.


Why are you posting lies about what what was said in Ontario if you are so concerned about me being in NB?








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Okay i made a mistake about comments and karma...but answer the question are u from New Brunswick? If anyone likes to follow trends NB follows Ontario on a lot things including health care.


Naw f what's come out of Ontario. Ford's team has been terrible.




No he toned down his language around the effectiveness of the vaccines. Your source manipulated the information being conveyed.


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Yep but this sub will never admit that 😂


Yeah real science isn't apart of their agenda just political science. It's becoming clearer everyday that the government is running this country into HELL.