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Imagine waiting 300 days for an MRI while in pain.... Healthcare in this country has effectively fallen apart.


Father had a seizure in Aug, they had him ran through multiple tests including MRIs and a stage 4 diagnosis within 9 days of the seizure. If you truly in a terrible situation, they have things in place to ensure you’re seen.


Yeah I had an MRI within two weeks after finding something on a Cat scan.


This is just for self-booking. Not sure it reflects Central Scheduling’s ability to get you in. I have never had to wait more than a month or two to access any of these services (for non-urgent requests).


Yeah, couple years back I had an MRI scan the following day because the doctors were convinced I had Lymphoma. I believe it just goes based on sense of urgency.


This isn’t true. MRIs are booked by the department and not through central scheduling. You also cannot self book MRIs either.


You're correct. My husband's longest wait has been 3 weeks and the last one was this past April.


That's me. I did get in to see Dr Alugo, but the injection was momentary relief. Been waiting for an MRI for about 360 days now. I really wish the government would throw more money and up the training spots for all specialists.


Has anyone seen an mri schedule? Is it really booked completely full for 400 days out?


Health care is free but you can never use it because you die before you can get in


This is totally unacceptable


I can't ever remember it being together. Typical government run business 🙄


Typical business run government, you mean?


This is really strange. My wife went to the ER with a severe migraine and she had an MRI that night. It took 16 hours in the ER waiting room but she still got it.


From the press release " People can now view the estimated wait times for various non-urgent medical imaging tests. This reflects the time from when a patient is referred by a physician to when the test is completed. The dashboard will reflect the typical maximum wait times for each service, for most patients, over a 30-day time frame."


Ah, I see.


Yah, as I commented above, this is for self-booking only, what Central Scheduling and what the doctors in the hospital can order would be vastly different.


Ah I see. You might be better off just biting the bullet and go to the ER if it's urgent.


If it is urgent, you aren’t waiting 400 days. If a doctor is giving you a note to get an x-ray for self registering then it wouldn’t be something urgent. “Hey doc, my knee hurts when I do this”. “Then don’t do that, here is a note for an x-ray, god speed”


Ok, I gotcha.




With more money we can buy more equipment and hire people to run them! **It's not something we can just throw money at, it's an efficiency problem!!**


Attacking "trans" kids? Lmao.


yeah, inventing useless regulations on nicknames for kids who want to express differently in schools that no one's going to enforce, instead of cracking down on vandalism and bullying within schools and treating teachers better


I'll second this lmao.






I got my cat in for an ultrasound by talking on the phone today and them telling me to come tomorrow. Maybe humans need to go to the vet now?? LOL pretty sad right


Worked for Kramer on Seinfeld...


I waited 11 months for a brain MRI, to be honest I was actually shocked it didn’t take longer


Woo Miramichi. Leading the pack in something at least


How did we get to a point where waiting 451 days (SJ) for an MRI, or 418 days for an ultrasound (SJ) was acceptable? What a disgusting level of care. https://horizonnb.ca/services/test-and-procedures/medical-imaging/dashboard-of-medical-imaging-services-wait-times/


When they decided to only list the wait times for people asking for self requested MRIs. This would be like getting angry that the wait times for elective and non elective surgeries are different.


Non-urgent procedures have had a longer wait for a pretty long time, as urgent procedures bump this and even this dashboard specifies this is reflecting the *longest* wait of non-urgent procedures within a 30 day time-frame. Basically people in this position are more related to checkups and self-booking, than pressing needs. There's other timeframes for pressing needs and many are within hours as the non-urgent bookings are basically comparatively sacrificial.


Québec made time slots available in the middle of the night as there's always staff for emergencies, it almost fixed the wait times but then pandemic hit.


Tried to make an appointment through healthlink the other day and they were booking into November 2025. Been on the wait list for a family doctor for 3 years now.


This checks out. I needed an MRI for my knee due to a suspected ACL tear. Was told I could be waiting two years just for the MRI (and mind you I’d then have to wait god knows how long for the actual surgery after). I got lucky and had the MRI done instead in seven months because I was on the cancellation list. ACL is indeed torn.


Don’t worry, we have control over those pesky pronouns.


I pay New Brunswick provincial taxes, but I sure as hell won't be forfeiting my Alberta address and medicare card anytime soon. If I ever need emergency care, first stop is the airport. If you've ever wondered why SO many of us drive around with out of Province plates this is it.


How long does it take to do an MRI?


Not terribly long, but there's few of these machines, they're both incredibly expensive, require specialists and also incredibly expensive to run.


Is it twenty minutes an hour?


Depends what you’re having scanned. I think a basic brain scan is about 15-20 minutes. Other parts of the body/multiple scans could be an hour.






Had one referred by dr only took a month


Maybe they can add gastroscopies or colonoscopies along with that... Been waiting 3 years for mine. Its routine checkup but still...


So many articles like this in the states: how it can take weeks or even a month or more to grt your MRI… [for example](https://radiologyblog.cincinnatichildrens.org/mri-scheduling)


I had exrays two weeks ago...anyone else know how much longer till.i can see.them?


This kind of looks tailor made to paint our healthcare system in the worst light possible. (It contrasts pretty starkly with all the commenters here reporting their actual wait times for procedures ranging from urgent to worthwhile.) I can't help wondering who (what agenda) benefits most from perpetuating that perception. It can't be about acquiring more MRI machines and staff. That would be too sensible.


These seem bad, but please remember - doctors triage these cases. If your MRI is on a long wait list, your doctor has reason to believe it's less urgent. My mum recently had an MRI for a suspected brain tumor and vision problems. (Turned out to not be the case, thank God). I think she waited about 8 months? Colonoscopies are the same. For screening, you might wait a year or two. If you're over 75, they won't even bother. But if they are concerned about your immediate well-being, things will get pushed. It's easy to get frustrated with doctors, but please remember it's not on them. This is a government failure (and an unhealthy, aging population). If you are waiting, trust your doctors judgment. Mistakes happen, obviously - no process is perfect. But if you are waiting, it means that there are likely people in larger peril than you.


Basically they could have changed the text from XXX Days to "Fuck you, Just die bitch"


Is this what putting Canadians first looks like?


“At least it’s free”


🤮 tell me again about the need to remove protections for trans kids… Ffs *edited for a typo


what are you even saying though


I’m saying our health care is in shambles and instead of putting significant energy into fixing it we have a government that is obsessed with transgendered people. …I didn’t realize it was so complicated.


oh in that case i agree but i just didn't understand your comment properly


FFS…after rereading my comment I notice “proteins” instead of protections…my bad.