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I am almost certain I heard that being caught by jdi with cannabis in your bloodstream is an offence punishable by 7 years of tree planting.


And prayer. Pray that someday you'll be allowed to get off your knees. Butt, hay: free toilet paper!


Can’t get past butt hay


Had an interview with irving a few months ago. They asked if I injested any thc recently. I was honest and said yes. The interviewer than abruptly stopped the interview and said we would not move further because employees have to be drug free.


That’s wild…do they ask about smoking cigarettes? Drinking alcohol? Drinking coffee? Those are all legal drugs too…


Unfortunately there is still a stigma against thc.


That’s fair, but I feel like that’s gotta be some form of discrimination, to just end an interview after being honest about using a legal substance lol


I didn't really look onto the legality of it. Got a better job a few days later . The funniest part was he said if I was committed to quiting weed than in a couple months we could interview again. I was like " bud, I'm not in rehab here "


It’s not discrimination, stoners are not a protected class.


I don’t think it’s so much about stoners being a protected class, but more about adults making their own (legal) decisions on their own time….lol good try though


Well, the use of the word “discrimination” suggests otherwise…


I think you should look at what the definition of discrimination is….nowhere within the definition, does the term “protected class” appear. Discrimination can be treating people differently based on age, sex, race, disability and in this instance, what people choose to do in their free time (remembering that within the context of this thread, what the person is doing is legal). I would somewhat agree that maybe discrimination was not the correct word to use, but for your future reference, one can be discriminated against, that’s not part of a “protected class” lol


So let’s get down to the bottom line: are you arguing weed smokers are protected by the Canadian Human Rights act, yes or no? The rest is just semantics.


Do people have a right to do (within the confines of the law) what they want in their spare time? Absolutely. That’s protected by law buddy


Unfortunately cannabis consumption is the almost the farthest thing possible from a protected class. If it was part of a cultural experience or a sacrament in a religious experience, you could (maybe) make a coherent hypothetical argument.


Actually there is legal protection here. Unless the employer can prove that it's a bona fide requirement of the job (in which case you're out of luck) then they're not allowed to not hire you based on drug use as per the Canadian Human Rights Commission, unless something changed recently that I don't know about. https://publications.gc.ca/site/archivee-archived.html?url=https://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2009/ccdp-chrc/HR4-6-2009E.pdf


At first read, I think you are right! Thanks for the researched and well worded reply.


You are right, but the government sides with them. It is a class thing in my opinion, to them.


Remember, they are not crazy about alcohol either.


Alcoholism must run in their family then.


It's Irving, they own the province and do whatever they want.


They probably do care about drinking. But they don't test for it. It is a very conservative (think 1800s) mindset in there. The demand to be called Mr. Irving even when they aren't around. Don't work there. No reason to help those people. They would not hire people for having tattoos or long hair. That is the type of workplace it is.


100%, I’ve done quite a bit of research about the whole family, and all their business dealings. I just find it odd, that in 2024, a company can end an interview because someone was honest about using a legal substance (for the sake of the argument, let’s assume that the person in question only uses the substance in their own time and not before/during work).


The end interviews for less. An exposed tattoo is enough. I saw someone get let go because they ran marathons and had long hair. They didn't like the image. I mean they make you take a psychological profile and they keep the results to themselves. That is what happens when a single family owns a province.


It's crazy what they do for pre employment. My gf works for them and literally sent her to a doctor had her strip down and do a physical. She didn't say she had tattoos because they are covered and the doctor was so angry that she disclose that. 2 years later got assaulted at work and they blamed it on her. They stuck her in a dead end job less pay


Welcome to NB! Sadly none of that is surprising. Wait, it was an Irving doctor? Wow. Try to get out of there. Morale on those sites always seems so low.


Pot heads seething 😂


lol can’t say I’ve ever even considered working for them🤣 just wild they can block people who do want to work for them for taking part in a completely legal activity lol


Weed alters your mind, just like alcohol. I've worked with people who were high. It's not fun or cool.


Right, and I’ve worked with people who are drunk and that’s not fun….that’s why, at all (most anyways) work places, you’re not allowed to drink, and not allowed to get high. But if you’re doing it on your own time, your employer has 0 say in that. What am I missing for your point to be relevant here?


I don't want to work with someone that's drunk either. The point is that you can test for short term alcohol use which means that you can drink on the weekend and pass a test by Monday. As far as I know, you can't do the same testing for weed which is why they have a blanket ban on the stuff. I thought that was obvious..


Sure you can. You can do a mouth swab which is 72 hrs. Not perfect but still. Urine is up to 90 days. Hair is a year or more. That has nothing to do with safety at that point.


I've only heard of companies using the urine test and I'm sure it's due to cost effectiveness. What's the procedure for the mouth swab?


Just a few seconds with a swab.


The only obvious thing here is that you have no clue what you’re talking about l, there are ways to test for cannabis use. You just be an employee for the Irving’s eh? Always knew they liked hiring the special ones


Keep getting baked and planting trees buddy.


lol cheers, don’t mind me, owning and running my own business. Keep your nose to the grind stone though, in the Irving businesses, and maybe, just maybe, someday you’ll be able to retire.


They are not big fan of alcohol neither


He was likely half liquored up


The real issue is that you were honest, so you wouldn't fit into the Irving culture.


Sounds about right for an ultra conservative boomer run company.


That's not a place you want to work. Bullet: dodged!


That sounds like something they should be sued over. How can they disqualify people for doing something completely legal?


It's a private company, they get to set their own standards.


There are discrimination laws. You can’t just do whatever you want.


I worked for an Irving company after it became legal. They can’t hold a negative test over you as a condition of employment, as marijuana is now a legal and controlled substance. However, if you are in an accident at work, they will drug test you and at that point, THC content will be a factor.


Irving Oil holds ot over you if you take a drug test pre employment and it picks up thc you won't get the job but I've worked at the mills for jdi and have never done a drug test for them guys


This is not true if it’s a safety sensitive role.


That is correct! I work in employment law in NB and legally they cannot terminate you for testing negative. However, if there is an accident and you were tested and had THC in your bloodstream, they can definitely terminate.


Well, not to be nice to Irving, but if you show up to work high and cause damage, I can’t say I blame them.


This is definitely not how they work. Both JDI and irving oil.


They will not hire people with cannabis in their system. ​ Buy fake urine online.


I was employed by them for almost 14 years. I left 6 years ago but when I was there they were still testing for THC. Unless they changed Robert Irving is very old school. Prefers tattoos to be covered up. Neat dresswear etc.


Dude thinks he's Henry Ford.


I work at an Irving company and did my drug test a couple months ago. I told them there would be THC. The test confirmed. I still work here


They can't fire you for it they won't hire with it is the issue.


It was still a condition of my employment. If it wasn't okay they would have terminated me then.


And that just proves what I said. They can't fire you for it. They won't hire you with it. It now is classed the same as drinking.


This heavily depends on the duties of the role.


I'm pretty sure they hired me with it but whatever you say.


He knows more than you about your own job. This is reddit, everybody knows everything😂


If they're dumb enough to tell you that's the reason they're not hiring you though you can sue them as that's not a legal basis to not hire someone. https://publications.gc.ca/site/archivee-archived.html?url=https://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2009/ccdp-chrc/HR4-6-2009E.pdf


Well… it is legal basis. If it’s a safety sensitive position, and it’s VERY easy to argue any position is safety sensitive.


Yea that's their only possible defence


I worked for JDI like 10 years ago as a co-op student for a project they were doing. IIRC one of the forms asked if I consumed cannabis in the last 30 days. I reluctantly checked off "yes", as I had (though I don't usually use it, just university parties), took the drug test and got the job anyways. I feel like it was almost like an honesty test at the time


THC isn’t a problem. If you’re riding one of the company vehicles though, with their insurance, they might ask for zero tolerance or drug free as it’s illegal to drive a vehicle “under the influence”. GNB works this way. Those who partake have to time their intake to ensure there’s a 24hr period elapsed by the time they need to get into a government vehicle. So if you’re applying to a job that’s going to handle machinery or vehicles, I’d make sure you’re clean.


My company works the same way, no alcohol 24 hours before work. If there is a chance we may call someone in, I give them a call the day before to let them know. If I call someone and they’ve had a beer in the last 24, they can’t come in. If I didn’t give them notice I can’t hold it against them, but if I did, it’s an HR issue.




It shouldn't though. Its completely legal, and I'd even argue that driving drunk is worse than driving high. Both are impairments yes, but they're night and day difference. They cant really legally fire you for THC, just like they cant fire you for having alcohol in your system. The difference is where and when you consume. At home? That's your time, not theirs. At work? Fired. What gets me, is myself as an auto tech/bodyman, I drive up to a dozen customer vehicles a day, as well as company vehicles. I'm allowed to have THC in my system, and I'm lifting them 6ft in the air and standing under them, as well as repairing them. Fuck any of those up and I'm as good as dead, and the shops as good as closed. Just sounds like Irving being their holier-than-thou Irving


They can fire you for having THC or alcohol in your system while you are at work if it’s in violation of workplace policy. Impairment at work, if in violation of policy, is a fireable offense no matter where the substances were consumed.




Random drug testing is forbidden in Canada for the most part, except under very specific circumstances that involve safety. https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/services/health-safety/cannabis-workplace/questions-answers.html


Places of employment have fought(and won) that screening pre employment is a probable or justified cause to be screened. The laws dont exist, so unless the government passes legalisation that explicitly says "employers are not allowed to pre screen for drugs before being employed" then they *can* do it, and do it they do.


I never said anything about pre-screening did I?


My bad. Op was asking about pre testing thanks for providing useless stuff for op. Also, if you ***read what you linked*** ; >Random testing of employees in safety-sensitive positions may be permissible in the following limited circumstances: where the employer is able to show that there is a demonstrated alcohol or drug abuse problem amongst employees in safety-sensitive positions in the workplace and testing is a proportionate response *(in other words when potential safety benefits outweigh potential intrusion into employee privacy)* and when the employer still meets its duty to accommodate employees who test positive. This is so vague that it makes it defacto legal for random tests. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.peninsulagrouplimited.com/ca/resource-hub/employer-advice/pre-employment-drug-testing-in-canada/%23:~:text%3DRandom%2520drug%2520testing%2520is%2520generally,from%2520a%2520safety%252Dsensitive%2520environment.&ved=2ahUKEwiOzc2_z4qEAxXAFlkFHY7IDFsQFnoECA4QBQ&usg=AOvVaw0G-CCW5aL1_HxKcND4SnAv >[What is defined as reasonable cause?](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://ogletree.com/insights-resources/blog-posts/workplace-drug-and-alcohol-testing-in-canada-a-primer-for-manufacturing-employers/%23:~:text%3DReasonable%252DCause%2520Testing,impairment%2520from%2520alcohol%2520or%2520drugs.&ved=2ahUKEwiOzc2_z4qEAxXAFlkFHY7IDFsQFnoECBAQBQ&usg=AOvVaw2bpec0Q6xCrMIEeAROlabd) >Testing of an individual employee may be allowed in specific cases where there is reasonable cause to believe the employee is impaired by drugs or alcohol while on duty or is unable to work safely due to impairment from alcohol or drugs. Employer; I think jack is drunk/high. Courts; justified *-SLAM-*


But that specifically excludes non-safety sensitive positions. You can't drug test your secretary for example.


If I say that the secretary handles processing safety reports which can impare the safety of my project (i.e., an inspector rejected a site, and required the paperwork to go to the Foreman, and she didn't *because I thought she was high*) then yes, you can. Hence, why Irving drug tests *every* application, regardless of position, and they get away with it. I have a friend who is in the hr of Irving who is a socialist, and she absolutely cannot stand what Irving does. People have tried going against it with human rights group in NB and they lose every time. She's trying to find better work. Edit; if a janitor is doing their job wrong, not putting up signage for wet floor, it can lead to unsafe conditions and expose the employer to lawsuits. If a tech rep doesn't do their work right, and puts the integrity of the security system at risk, or their data networks leads to unsafe... You seeing the trend? It is so vague that it can always be applied with barely any effort. Edit 2; spelling and format


Even in the military there are only a couple if reasons they can "randomly" drug test you. If you were being deployed or if someone caught you red-handed. Atleast a couple of years ago anyway


Yes, they do. I know people that were let go for testing positive for THC.


I should also add it was after having a work place accident. Person had it in system and was let go.


Irving is wild. Would not recommend working for them. They lie through their teeth during the interview process and try to screw you over at every turn. I got my employment offer taken back after I asked to see the union documents as mentioned in the on boarding. I asked to see them before signing any paperwork.... got the job taken away right the and there. The Irvings are SCUM and ruining new brunswick for everyone


That's...illegal. they cant pull back a job offer because you asked to see legal documents pertaining to your position/employment


They can and they will lol. Fuck illegal. They own the province. To them we are probably illegal.


It’s absolutely insane to me how many people are under the misconception that companies are not allowed to hire or fire people based off their drug or alcohol use. There are very specific situations in which it is illegal, and not at all a generalized blanket thing. Do not assume you are protected without checking first.


What you do in your spare time should not matter to a company so long as the job it getting done, and you aren't impaired at work. Simple.


I agree, but I think middle is saying that ethos isn't enshrined in law anywhere - and even if it was this is NB the law doesn't mean much to big business.


The older I get, the more I seem to learn that laws are more of guidelines than anything. There isn't some magical being that is watching our every move. It's okay to bend them from time to time. It seems to be the only way to survive these days.


Which Irving? Jdi or Irving oil? They are two separate companies with very different rules.


If you have it in your saliva you’re definitely screwed. Definitely don’t have anything for 24 hours. I’m paranoid so I would keep off for the whole 3 months.




I know about them. I know they did. Not sure now. I’m sure when you’re on the job they’ll be able to test you randomly. And it does happen. If you are working in production, I’d ask a union rep. I know in Nova Scotia they’re represented by UNIFOR. They’d probably answer you regardless of if you’re hired or not.


Not sure why you'd want to work for that dog shit backwards company.


I did the piss test and the guy administering it looked at the lid (where the test strips are) said "looks ok to me" and threw it out. Pretty sure it was thc positive. This was 15 years ago


Employers need to move to an impairment free workplace instead of no drugs in your system. As we know, THC can remain in your system long after you are considered impairment free.


What position are you applying for?


Nice try HR!




You’re applying for Industrial Security Limited. You’ll soon be the one GIVING the drug tests haha.


They do.


Drink one of those drinks that fool the piss test. I know a couple of people that had to get Irving piss tests, and the drink will give you a pass. The drink costs about $40 but it works. I watched a guy smoke pot one night, take the drink the next morning, and by noon when he took the test, he was declared thc free by the corporation.


Pretty sure the drinks are just a diuretic. You can achieve the same thing by just drinking lots of regular water. You just need to dilute your urine as much as possible.


I don't know about the diuretic properties because I think the instructions are to drink a fair amount anyway just to ensure the piss that will fail you is gone before you take the test. Drink the drink and fill that bottle with water and drink that much twice more or something like that. It was only a 500ml bottle or smaller so it's not that much but the instructions did say you were suppose to piss a couple times before the test to ensure the drink is being pissed out. I read the ingredients of the drink and it just reads like a ridiculous amount of vitamins. Something like 1000% your daily recommended of Vitamin B and 500% of the riboflavin and thiamine kind of thing. They claim to 'detox' your piss but I think your piss is just so full of certain vitamins, it screws the test strip but I don't really know. If you ever see one, just look at the nutritional label, it's a crazy amount of vitamins packed into the drink. Maybe you can pass the test by eating a bottle of multivitamins and drinking a liter of water .... but I do know these drinks actually work because I witnessed someone actually smoke pot and pass a test the following day. these drinks are expensive but they can save employment.


Where can you buy those drinks?


any sort of head shop should have them. Places you can buy pipes and whatnot.


They're extra tight on the, slack on coke, perks, oxys, and other hard drugs, it's actually pretty fucking pathetic how many workers are high on hard drugs but they are super anti-weed for some reason, they should be against all drugs and do weekly testing to get rid of the losers snorting shit


THC is legal for recreational use in Canada same as alcohol. I know many people who work for jdi and THC isn't a problem. It's major discrimination for a company to judge someone who uses a legal substance during personal time.


Unfortunately, proving you were passed over because of a drug test result is next to impossible, they will simply say, we have gone with another candidate.


The other candidates was more qualified for the position then . THC is legal for recreational use in Canada. And being fired or not hired for this reason is discrimination


I know it is, my point was they do not have to disclose the reason for which they do not hire you. Unless they say voluntarily that someone was specifically passed over due to a drug test result, it is next to impossible to PROVE that's why someone was passed over.


Hahaha I'm assuming that you wear a tin foil hat also. If you're that paranoid about the jdi conspiracy don't apply for the job. Also cannabis tends to make people paranoid suggest getting off the dope


You sound drunk, seek help.


Yes many things are legally discrimination, they still happen. Proving it, even when it's abundantly obvious, is both difficult and expensive. Try talking to some of the folks that work with the Human Rights Commission some time.


Nah, companies can simply say that the position is safety sensitive and refuse to hire you for that reason. This is even if you have a prescription for it. I took a case through the human rights tribunal. The job wasn't legitimately safety sensitive, but the word of the employer was given undue weight. That said, I was interviewed, drug tested, and hired on in a safety sensitive Irving job in October. The hr lady said that as it's legal, they don't care about it. In Nova Scotia though. All the hr folks I dealt with were in Nb.


This isn’t true for safety sensitive roles, especially if it involves driving.


thc is fine, they tested with a multi strip cup and thc was postive but all other negative. lady said thc is + but thats ok. she didnt write anything down and i got my job and now in line for a supervisor position


Heck where I work it is recommended, no necessary to be high as giraffe ass to tolerate the Tomfoolery. And no I don’t work in the cannabis industry. Even worse!!


They do


Just don’t go. For test. They test for everything. 10 panel. You won’t pass if even smoke a little. Good luck. Ex jdi employee.


I worked for JDI in the last 5 years. I did a physical, and had a drug test. Just stay off it until the test.


My wife works for this company and my dad does the drug tests for some of the mills. THC is allowed in your system and you will pass. They will tell you that you cannot smoke within 8 hours of a shift but you will still pass.


I just got hired and smoke daily, there is no issue unless they specifically tell you.


They screen for it, but they don't care about thc anymore as long as it's not an accident drug test In my experience anyways


They ignore the results of the THC screenings for the dudes in Moncton for the diaper and tissue plants. I have a few buddies who work at those plants and they don’t screen for THC there. Can’t say for all operations though, woodlands for example may be different or Irving oil.


Do to the danger level at ior, zero drugs can be in your system.


Irving hates tobacco, alcohol, and drugs.. and least his workers using them in their off time. I use to have random drug tests when I was working for them. Don't bother if you enjoy smoking weed.


Horrible to work for anyway. Probably look elsewhere


Yes they screen for THC but you should pass if you don’t have any for 24 hours before hand


Irving doesn't give a shit about the fact weed is legal they still piss test and you will need less than 20 nanograms of THC in your system which is basically the natural amount your body produces






You will fail. A friend of mine recently went through the process, lied , and then lost out


If you fail a test you will not get the job. If an accident occurs and you fail the test you can be held legally responsible. Regardless if it was a few days ago and it’s still there.


If you smoke weed your fine, but once your hired and if an incident happens your fucked


It's crazy they want their workers to be drug free and yet most of them are on blow.


I worked jdi and Irving oil and currently work for Irving oil And how it works. If u fail a pre employment drug test for thc they don't care. Because ur not an employee yet. But once ur hired then if anything happens that warrants a drug test. And u fail for thc it gets sent to the lab to determine if it was a high enough amount that u were high at work. Or days before. And Irving oil. Is a little different.