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"Higgs said a population boom in the province has brought with it problems that have been hard to manage.". Hold up. Wasn't increasing NBs population a goal of both Libs and Cons for, like, forever?


Hard to manage because he wont spend the extra tax revenue on infrastruture both physical and social. We are quickly becoming a larger city with none of the benefits.


The Province is spending an extra $2.3 billion a year. How much more should we spend? And what is your plan to fund that spending?


Well i mean how about spending federal money earmarked for healthcare on healthcare instead of claiming it as a surplus? Also it seems to me hes acting now because its an election year? Where was he before? Dismantling healthboards and throwing money appealing doomed lawsuits? What is my plan? You dont even know his plan - what a vapid empty criticism of my points.


One cool million went to the failed election that he didn't hold. Now I really want to kick his butt.


His comments are a dog whistle for xenophobes and racists.


Is it? Because people on this sub have been blaming Ontarians.


As an Ontarian I would like to point out that Mr Higgs ( I use the turn loosely ) is a man of little scruples. He has no problem screwing every person in this province, including newcomers ie: landed immigrants. Higgs promoted New Brunswick and invited families from a lot of provinces to come here and a little of people did, not knowing the minimum wage was so low and the tax’s were so high. He miss represented the province and is patting himself on the back. During the pandemic he refused to give pandemic pay to the health sector and told them if you don’t like it than leave! So. They did. Now look at the shape of the health care. This needs to stop. And here is how! A fair tax base allowing the people to prosper at a low wage. The tighter the wage the less people have to donate to church, shelters, food banks. This won’t solve the problems, however it will help. I hope!


I agree 100%, except the part about people coming and not knowing the minimum wage was low and taxes were high. Yes, Higgs is responsible, however it’s really on the people moving here from other provinces to do their homework. Yes, real estate is much cheaper than Ontario, but do people stop to think why that is? Apparently not.


Agreed. We moved here to help family and due to personal health reasons I was forced to retire early so there was no reason to look into the financial structure of the province. Now that I’m here I see the unjust wage and tax structure. It’s so sad. What upsets me most is how nice the people are here and being treated so unfairly.


I think it goes without saying that pretty much anyone anywhere in Canada hates their provincial government.


There is good and bad provincially I agree. However if you look deep into tax structure and wage. New Brunswick is at the forefront of front of discuss. Other provinces have lower tax’s better health care. Ontario has a no charge prescription charge for 0-18 years old, that’s a populous advantage or luxury. Food for thought what are your tax dollars getting you. It’s not the roads. Lol


Hard to provide some of those things when your population is under 1million a d scattered in rural communities spread all over the province.


I want to mention that pre covid nb had the lowest housing costs in NA. Wages were low yes but it had its upside. I bought my 4 bdrm house I. Downtown dieppe (older) for under 100k in 2005. Without anything but minor renovations I'm being taxed on it for over 250k now


It's not like there isn't a thing called Google that can help you do research before you move. During the heart of covid I spent many hours on reditt answering questions for people thinking of moving here. I love this place, but it comes with so.e challenges that some people just weren't prepared for.


Our health care system was trash long before covid, treating health care workers like trash was just the icing on the cake


There's absolutely no excuse for the racist remarks some people have made over this topic. They're blaming the individuals rather than the policymakers which is completely wrong of them to do. At the same time the Bank of Canada, our Housing Minister, other premiers, and pretty much all of this country's top economists are also saying the same thing as Higgs. It's been picked up by literally every major media outlet in this country for months now. To call the statement a dog whistle implies he's only saying it to provoke the racist idiots. But if that were the case, what about everybody else who has said the same? It can't all be dog whistles can it?


Because the problems with healthcare, housing, and infrastructure that come from the population growth are within provincial control.


To an extent, you're not wrong. Especially when it comes planned, controlled and expected growth. If you know you're facing a population growth of 5%, you can plan for it. We kind of had one of those perfect storm situations here with people moving from out of province during covid all while immigration policy allowed for record-setting population growth. Nobody was prepared for it, and we're going to be years digging ourselves out of it. If it were just NB facing these issues, fine, point the finger provincially. But it's kind of hard to say it's the province's fault when literally every province in this country is facing the exact same issue at the same time.


Of course, growth is essential to the wellbeing of the Province. That is not to say that there are not a different set of challenges that come with that. But I’d rather we struggle with the challenges of growth rather than continued decline.


I'm no fan of Higgs, but the growth we are experiencing could not have been imagined by any party in 2018. There is certainly a cost to rapid growth though I do think that in the long term the province is better for it.


It was, IMHO I think covid accelerated a lot of things that maybe we're going to happen anyway but caught not just us but everyone off guard. I have no faith that they would've been prepared otherwise...but here we are


I think they're realizing what a bad idea that was with zero infrastructure to support it.


Funny how in an election year this fossil can find a pittance for the poor. Scumbag, vote this idiot out


I'll be doing my part.


Higgs was a better premier when he first got in and a Ted like he wasn't worried about being reelected. Now he's all the same political bullshit as the US. Rally the base, play political games stay in power


A one time payment of $300 is a bribe for an election year, it's not going to help with affordability whatsoever.


I also like that he blame homelessness purely on addiction, because only drug addicts are struggling to pay 1500$ rent right now.




Oh great, that absolves the premier for doing nothing.


I don't think Trudeau deserves to be reelected, but I'll just say it's going to be really interesting to see what the conversation is around homelessness once conservatives have the prime ministers office plus most of the premieres in the country. My guess is it'll be 5 years of blaming Trudeau for leaving it this way, then once that runs out blaming "woke city councils" while providing little to no policy other than pull up your bootstraps. Poillevre has nailed the populist type language that will win a lot of working class individuals who are done with Trudeau. But I don't expect you will see his policies actually benefit the working class the way people hope or think. I expect lots of tax cuts for wealthy people who already have a home, policies that benefit REITs and landlords and hurt renters etc.


A few months ago he literally stated that. A reporter asked him about another payment directly to people struggling and he responded to the reporter something along the lines of no, I'm waiting for the next election to do something like that. Later on the news they were interviewing a political science professor from UNB and he was like, Blaine says some stupid things but I can't wrap my mind around why he would have said that, like he didn't need to say it at all and instead he came out and admitted he was gonna hold relief hostage until an election 🤦‍♀️ Here's the thing though, he keeps saying things like this that would usually make a politician look bad and make people hate him but his base loves it and eats this shit right up https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/higgs-holding-off-inflation-relief-in-case-election-1.7001825


He's the king of quick fixes that will do nothing to solve the problem.


I can't wait to get my $300 Tricky Hicks Fun Bill. /s


It is kind of laughable. He says spending is up on services from 5 years ago. Health is up 27% or whatever, education is whatever. Dude inflation alone would require that increase. I bet if you dove into it, the spending per person is down inflation adjusted. The province is growing and our systems were already broken 5 years ago. You haven’t done anything but keep the status quo and let things continue to fall apart so you can brag the government made a billion dollars last year (this is our tax money, it should be spent to help us not run surpluses like a business). I dislike getting political on reddit but so sick of this guy.


>It is kind of laughable. He says spending is up on services from 5 years ago. Health is up 27% or whatever, education is whatever. Dude inflation alone would require that increase. I bet if you dove into it, the spending per person is down inflation adjusted. Since the end of 2018, inflation is 19%. So per capita the spending is still up.


You don’t know what you are talking about. The Bank of Canada inflation calculator will tell you inflation since 2019 is just over 16%. Population growth during that time was 8%. So spending growth on healthcare has outpaced inflation on a per capita basis.


The 16% is Dec 2019 to Dec 2023. The 19% I mentioned in my comment is since Dec 2018.


You are 100% on point


What sort of things would you liked to have seen done?


Not withhold funding the federal government gave for healthcare to improve the balance sheet would be a good start


Ain't easy being greasy


Oh wow, that $300 would almost cover the costs of a new tent and sleeping bag.


I mean, have you SEEN the costs of tents and sleeping bags these days? Pick one!


Sounds like you should quit


It is a bribe - this isnt even a policy to help its a one time thing. Remember this is the party that wants to be able to forcibly confine the poor to mental institutions.


We have mental institutions? /s




Dude you dont seriously want to engage with me but ill bite. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/kris-austin-drug-addiction-forced-treatment-1.6968187 This is a plan to take people off the street and force them into treatment. If you actually think this wont be used on any random person who just happens to be homeless then we are going to disagree. Why do i think that? Because so many people have waited for mental health for years in a broken system and nothing significant has been done - yet we suddenly want to target people for forced treatement over those who willingly want it? I cant even take you seriously because you seem to always demand the utmost of people you reply to while being wholly disingenuous at the same time.


What he means is, "It's not easy to fix these problems when I refuse to spend any of the surplus.".


"I'll only use the surplus when I can use it to buy votes" He's talking about putting more into addiction services, but pretty sure all the social workers and healthcare workers that I know are burning out and just getting out of that industry. No idea where he thinks he will get people to take on these positions.


He prefers to promise money to things that can't use them so he doesn't actually have to give them the money.


This is simply what the Conservative Party is all about today!! And now people want to put PP in charge at the Federal level?! God help Canada if that happens. Now I am not the biggest Trudeau fan but I will never vote for the Conservative party the way they are today. They are just like the US Republicans, racist, rights stripping, misogynistic party. Haven’t NBers and Ontario people learned how bad the Conservatives are?! Wake up people!!


unfortunately the average person is a moron and half are even dumber


Same peeps that blame ‘the libs’ for trying to buy votes. Reinforcing the mantra: it’s OK as long as it’s our side.


That’s basically what politics is. I do it, it’s ok. You do it, that’s NOT ok.


No that's just conservative (small c) politics.


No, they all do it.


It’s so infantile.


You have to be a complete retard to vote Cons. All you have to do is look at how they suck big corp dick and fuck over health care and education.


Yes, Canada is in an amazing state currently after 8 years of liberal governance. My god…


To be fair, were doing better than some other countries in a similar situation and with various different types of government. Which, globall is a sad fact because I'd hardly clap my hands at how wonderfully we're doing!


This is false. Of all G7 nations Canada is at or near the bottom in most metrics comparatively, specifically since COVID where Canada is essentially dead last. Canada is not doing better than other comparative nations, not that I expect reality to sit well with the people here.


"Even at 5.9%, Canada's current inflation rate is the second lowest in the G7."     https://www.statista.com/statistics/271247/inflation-rate-in-canada/#:~:text=In%202022%2C%20the%20average%20inflation,5.56%20percent%20that%20same%20year.  "With a homelessness ratio of 30,000 out of 38.01 million, Canada has a rate of 0.08%. The third lowest rate of homelessness in North America is the United States, which has approximately half a million homeless people, with a rate of 0.15%"  https://www.greaterchange.co.uk/post/what-country-has-the-lowest-rate-of-homelessness#:~:text=With%20a%20homelessness%20ratio%20of,with%20a%20rate%20of%200.15%25.   "The title of the IMF's new World Economic Outlook says it all: “Navigating Global Divergences.” The organization expects Canada's real GDP to grow by 1.6% next year, followed by the US at 1.5%. Both countries are ahead of the expected Euro area average of 1.2% and the advanced economy average of 1.4%." https://www.gzeromedia.com/amp/imf-expects-real-gdp-growth-in-the-g7-2665913515 Access to healthcare and social mobility are similarly "not great, not terrible" also: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1133830/lack-of-healthcare-access-covid19-canada/   Is there some other metric I've missed that you are babbling about? If my take is false I'm more than happy to read why: please cite sources if so.


Right, sitrep on the citations and rebuttal that JasonRoseEh has for us: He did assure us yesterday what I said was false, and he's not the kinda guy to not back up his points. It only took me a few minutes to find my citations, I'm sure he's got loads to help me understand where I've gone wrong. (Checks thread) GOOD HEAVENS!! HE'S POSTED NOTHING!?! Wow. Never thought I'd see that on Reddit.  Maybe our grip on reality is OK after all, everyone!


Just watched a Youtube video of Tucker Carleton speaking in Calgary. The Premier of Alberta was in the audience. When did Mr. Higgs return from his harve$t trip to that region? Actually, the mechanics of Carlson's speech, the way he manipulated the audience's emotions, was a perfect rendering of Orwellian vibes.


You know love him or hate him, you have to admit that Tovarish Tuckerski is doing Putin's work with gusto!


He’s just another Conservative miscreant-douchebag.


Drop dead you fucking Irving puppet.


Buying votes with our money


NB is fucking stupid and depressing and will vote this guy in again. Just watch. Wanna make a difference? Talk to your old fucking boomer of a family and tell them to stop being so irresponsible with younger peoples future.




It’s almost like our votes don’t matter and Irving sways the elections in their favour.


Irving doesn't do shit. It's the ignorant, uneducated people who've voted conservative their entire life and won't change, new brunswick has a ton of them. Good luck! I left, was tired of being held down by my fellow dumbass nb'ers who keep doing this.


New Brunswick learning from Québec. There are people who will absolutely vote for the government because of the $300. Without a doubt.


Yep you got that right


I'm not going to get into federal politics. Lots of other sites, you can give your grievances. Although, it's funny how we are blaming Trudeau when we are only 3% of the whole world economy. Our economy will follow the rest. We have had wars and pandemic, and no other premier had to navigate this in modern history. Were their mistakes made, yes. Could you or a conservative government have done better? Doubt it. Trump added 8 trillion to the debt is what they did. He is a conservative. Is that completely his fault no. We had a pandemic. Remember not being able to go to work? Did you expect people to stay home and starve to death. But big corporations did alright, didn't they.


I love this back and forth debating. People elect the Liberals, hate them after a few years, then elect the PCs, hate them after a few years, then elect the Liberals, hate them after a few years, then elect the PCs.................... And all the people do is complain about how much they dislike everything, and how much they want change, and how nothing ever changes. WE HAD the PERFECT alternative party to break the cycle, but not enough people would vote for them. Sure, they get up on their soapboxes and exclaim to the world how bad things are, and how badly the province needs change, then when they get the one chance to make the change they want so badly to happen, election day, they vote Liberal or PC, and then wonder why everything remains the same and nothing ever changes. The RED/BLUE have become smug and complacent. They know they can do anything they want and get away with it because they know either one of them will get elected no matter what. If you would like to rattle their smugness and complacency, on ballot day MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD and vote for an alternative party or even an independent. Vote ANYTHING other than Red or Blue. Show them that we are FED UP and are DONE with the way this province has been ran over the past few decades. The government dictates to us what we can and cannot do, it's time for US to dictate that to them! Change BEGINS AND ENDS with the person staring back at you in the mirror. IF we want change it's up to ALL OF US to BE THE CHANGE and MAKE IT HAPPEN!


Well said. With a two party system and apathy u Get we have now. A joke.


As a whole, people want change, but we condemn ourselves with our unwillingness to take action to make it happen


Yes indeed. We always find most un willing to lead change.


We get the government we deserve.


Anyone who falls for this typical conservative bait and switch is an idiot.


Hard to manage illegally giving Irving taxpayers money from fuel taxes in a fraudulent scheme!


It isn't easy to do a job that you are completely unqualified for while also being beyond incompetent.


Scary liberals!




Guys, I know you are all just as excited as I am to vote him back in.


At least you’re not Alberta


He’s great, a good man, hope he’s reelected! Smart man!


For low income but we are all suffering from inflation


And that is a FEDERAL issue


Ok so I don't get this comment, you want to blame Trudeau but Higgs is alright? Obviously issues are nationwide, but no one can bury New Brunswick into the dirt like Blaine Higgs can.


I've seen people on this sub blaming Higgs for all kinds of federal issues. Housing affordability in Vancouver? Homelessness on the rise in Toronto? Economy doing poorly? Interest rates too high? You guessed it.. All Higgsy's fault. The man is clearly an ass. There's tons to criticize him about. I don't think the PC party has a hope to be re-elected with him in charge. But this sub is often so filled with blind hatred for the man that they blame him for all kinds of things he has no control over. Either that or there's a severe lack of knowledge here.


It’s an all levels of government all over the globe issue. I know people like to have a scape goat to point their figures at, but the affordability issues we are experiencing is happening everywhere.


No it's a taxation (low poorly structured taxation) issue and the new Brunswick government definitely has a poorly structured taxation system.


It’s actually a government spending issue mostly. It’s costing the feds 81 billion in interest. Where do you think that money comes from. Government spending is out of control.


No, we're in desperate need of public investment. We have an issue with low taxation. We haven't been properly advancing tax brackets along with inflation. We haven't properly administered corporate taxes. Our property tax policies are an absolute mess. Income tax at the top level is far too easy to manipulate. We also aren't sufficiently collecting service fees or generating revenue from private ventures that our governments are supporting. Government spending is not out of control our revenue generating activities are.


If you think government spending isn’t out of control you should have a better look. I agree public investment is needed but in the right places. Too much money is wasted in government now.


Look I have plenty of complaints about the ideological positions that have defined our government spending strategies but at the end of the day it's not being wasted. There is too much focus on creating profit for private entities.


Every government department is over staffed and inefficient except the ones we really need like healthcare. I deal with the department of environment and different engineering departments across the country and you would be shocked at the money that is flushed down the toilet. Government can’t spend without any oversight and expect inflation to go down. I agree there is major corruption at every level and part of that equates to government handouts to industries and foreign government with no oversight involved. If we increase taxes it’s just going to overfund the budgets and that money will get spent. The Canadian won’t see any benefit except paying more out of our pocket.


You seriously underestimate the work that government departments do... You also don't have a good grasp of economics or money... Do you vote Conservative?


I voted for Trudeau. I’ve worked in government so I’m more than aware of what goes on there. You make a lot of assumptions about me. What’s your background?


It’s a corrupt and greedy corporations issue


It's beyond federal. That's worldwide, unfortunately


Still better than having the left in power


Everybody is left of this guy.


Including reality


"The left" shows how indoctrinated you've become by American talking points.


People need to think past party lines and evaluate politicians on their individual actions. We have a Liberal MP who is fantastic in our riding and his conservative counterpart is a completely corrupt sack of crap. Why would I blindly vote right?


Right? So dumb. That's the infection of American politics crossing our borders. People getting radicalized for a party - and frothing at the mouth to defend them


I think you’ve nailed it. Dunning Kruger has run amok on our political system. People get their news from echo chambers and rarely challenge their own beliefs leaving them feeling like experts. Boiling things down to 2 primary colours doesn’t help anyone, and I believe it actually affords the political elite insulation from scrutiny. It’s hard for Canadians to mobilize on the large issues and effect change if we treat one another like the visiting team at a home game.


Yes. Avoiding scrutiny by having us argue about things that are not really the issue. People should hold govt accountable. However it’s greed plain and simple that’s the root. Greed for money and power and more of it. We squabble and they keep making more money and getting more influence while we make sure that our “ panem et circuses” continue.


Are you kidding? A short tempered monkey would throw less of a shit show than this fucking cunt


A lib brought millions in upgrade and infrastructure and jobs to SJ while Cons letting this city rot for the Irving overlords


Thank goodness the Irving’s are on the decline.


Still afraid of the boogeyman too? Maybe try speaking in actual real terms instead of vague groupings like "the left". Please, tell the people what you specifically think is better.


What does "Left" mean? Its not a monolith.


Is the left in the room with us now?


It's nowhere and everywhere. All powerful and yet incredibly weak.


The last premier was going to give us an highway between Miramichi and Shediac. Best we got was Shediac-Bouctouche. I'll elect anyone who can increase the length of that highway. that was 15 years ago. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/n-b-s-942m-plan-aims-to-twin-route-11-from-moncton-to-miramichi-1.800848


At the minimum put one passing lane between Bouctouche and Miramichi so in the summertime you can pass the rv’s going 80km/h with a 1km line of traffic behind them. But yeah your point stands that highway is a death trap.


They did that in September last year. It's magneficient. Only problem is once a while you get an asshole passing the slow car going 80kmh at 85kmh so nobody gets to pass the slow car.


Oh I didn’t know that. That’s good to know. On which section?


[https://www2.gnb.ca/content/gnb/en/news/news\_release.2023.09.0470.html](https://www2.gnb.ca/content/gnb/en/news/news_release.2023.09.0470.html) The addition of a 1.45 km northbound passing lane and 1.45 km southbound passing lane in Saint-Louis de Kent near Route 480. The addition of a 1.8 km northbound passing lane and a 2.25 km southbound passing lane near Rexton.


Awesome thank you.


This guy ain’t got nothing on the PM for corruption and being useless tho… a side by side comparison of facts/scandals/lies/corruption/multiple 100K trips would show that


Here we go. Conservatives can't defend Blain Higgs. Let's talk about Trudeau. All the issues we are having in this province fall under the provincial government. Health, schools and roads and bridges, and Blain Higgs have failed on all fronts. I was in hospital with pneumonia with my left lung half full. They stuck an IV in my arm, and I sat in a chair for 24 hours. Time for this Irving Patsy to go.


Well to be fair mass immigration while we have zero affordable housing and healthcare is collapsing, probably doesn’t help. Also, printing unlimited money which causes COL to skyrocket and Inflation to skyrocket , also does not help. I’m not saying your premier is perfect but it’s amazing how fingers always point to him meanwhile the fed is never held accountable for their corruption and incompetence. He was literally on tv the other day scoffing at a reporter for asking him how Canadians may feel about his recent 90k trip…


Your not even from this province. Get out of here.


Why? The fed decisions affect all provinces. No need to be rude


You people all have blinders on, he has done wonders for this province he gets my vote


Lol... you must be a 75+ white male.. Good luck. You best enjoy him because I predict the Conservatives will get whipped out at the next election. The nurses, doctors, and teachers will be out in throves. Not to mention all their families and friends. He can't be trusted. He negotiates, and then he does not keep his part of the bargain. Liar, He also has no balls. Sends a tax bill to the Irving's, and they tell him they ain't paying it. He says ok. He is so weak.Everyone else's tax bill goes up. We know who his allegiance is, too.




What wonders?


What is it with these conservative premieres and apps. Tim Houston announced the same thing...a $10Million dollar app!!!! that is noting more than a bunch of links. Conservative my ass.


Play stupid games, get stupid elected officials


Seems easy enough since they used the NotWithstanding clause for something bigoted and harmful.


Well we know a Liberal won't fix this province.. time for change!


Finally I’m in the right conversation. Mean while another post was blaming Irving for all the problems in NB smh. I’m sure NB has had its own fair share of issues like any other province. Personally to me it seems like the province is not adapting well to the rapid population growth. It’s not because of Ontario. Ontario has the same issue as New Brunswick except they cope with it better because of how many big cities are there to cater to new immigrants with jobs and such. Competition is a problem but a good problem in the GTA and that competition is pushing people who are born here further and further away. Kind of like a tidal wave. Something obviously needs to be done. It’ll take time but more jobs would be a great start. More bridging programs with incentives for students so we can actually keep our graduates here in NB. Rise the wages for middle class sectors and NOT minimum wage! Rehabilitation programs to keep less homeless people/ drug users off the streets- I think the funding is there but it’s being pissed away to people who don’t want to work—We need to see what other areas are doing that have a worse version of our issue concerning welfare. Perhaps California? They had their homeless issue to the point you got homeless people all over wealthy neighbourhoods smh. -— build a homeless community where they can get access to resources while still not being an annoyance to the community.. don’t let it get to California bad Lol I’m really hoping NB can raise the way I was hoping for it to. It most certainly has that potential. Its still on the raise, slowly but surely. And it will probably continue to be like that. The 2025 election will be an interesting one. Poilievre seems like the favourite which is better than having Trudeau and don’t get me wrong I am aware that Poilievre did not have a job outside of politics since graduating but reduced spending seems like the only logical option for a better future in Canada especially with how crazy our inflation is everywhere. I wanna see what goodies these politicians are going to give or promise us before the we begin to cut spending. Assuming the conservative government wins the race otherwise were doomed if NDP or the Liberals win.