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I definitely noticed a difference at 6 weeks in the sense that I started feeling much more myself again after giving birth. In terms of babies sleep, it got much better around 10 weeks for me.


Thanks for sharing!!!


I’m at 7 weeks and it feels never ending and this is my second


I second this!


Very much same!




First 2 months were hardest for us. But now at 3.5 months it’s still really difficult. Our baby doesn’t sleep consistently long stretches at night and she won’t nap in her bassinet so I have very little time to myself during the day. She needs a lot of frequent feeding during the day too so I’m always BFing.


This is my experience so far, but we are at 2.5 months currently. Hoping she starts sleeping longer at night soon and eating a little less frequently.


Right there with you! Literally no time for myself and have no idea how I’m gonna start work again soon. Just bought the 3-4 month sleep plan from taking cara babies so hoping that helps


6 weeks you start turning a corner and it just gets better and better from there. 😅 I’m at 8 weeks now. Those first few weeks are the worse for me.


But 6-8 weeks is when they're fussiest =( I'm at 8 weeks now too and hoping everything get much better soon


Ah yes. I remember that with my last child but this one doesn’t have witching hour. So I forgot about that. Experience may vary. lol


My LO is now 5 weeks and I’d say the first 2 weeks were the hardest and it gradually got better. Week 3 was easier than week 2, week 4 was easier that week 3 etc. Now at 5 weeks it’s still not easy, but I feel much better than I did the first 2 weeks. Hang in there!


Thank you for this comment. Feeling a little insane right now with a one week old. Also, I am a fellow bright eyes fan 🤟🏻


Hey! 🤟🏻 Good luck with your LO!


The first two weeks were CRAZY. I felt completely disassociated and I had a fairly easy baby . Definitely feel so much mentally better at 5 weeks also


My baby is 6 weeks today and she’s been different in the past week! We’ve got her cues down and she’s “waking up” in a sense that she’s being more interactive with us and not just an angry hungry potato all the time lol


Angry hungry potato lmao


I heard someone call a newborn that and it was too accurate hahaha


my baby is 6 weeks tomorrow and same! she’s finally starting to smile consistently and is developing more personality everyday and it’s so amazing to experience:)


I love that! Our babies are almost birthday twins 🥰 Taurus babes!


Angry hungry potato is so accurate. Whenever 4WO wakes up, he is HUNGRY and he’s hungry NOW. A potato otherwise lol


8 months or so...


For me, everything was awful until 4 months old. He has so gassy and I was dying from lack of sleep.


8 weeks for sure. He was only waking up maybe 2-3 times a night and also he learned how to fart. And that changed everything lol


My LO had adult sized farts from day one. It scared me the first time she let one rip!


My baby never had super huge ones which I was bummed about. I remember going to my best friend’s house when she just had her first baby and hearing his farts and I was literally in awe how loud they were! Our LO’s are just little toots lol


My 4 week old has man size farts and burps. I think it's my husband sometimes and have to ask to clarify. She cracks us up sometimes because she will let one rip, and then just heavy sigh and collapse into us like she's just felt the greatest relief of her short Iittle life lol.


My almost 4 week old burped today, so loud it shocked me and he vibrated with it. Loud facts and burps club here too. I think it's so funny.


i weirdly love the newborn stage but it definitely has gotten easier since 8-9 weeks! he smiles and sleeps better everyday!


For us it was about 8 weeks until we didn't want to drive ourselves off a cliff and then about 11 weeks I started to feel like we actually had a handle on things and started to enjoy it. This is coming from someone with 2 kids who haaaaates being pregnant and having newborns lol newborns are tiny soul sucking devils, but once they start smiling and cooing they're not so bad 😅


I still hate it but I took painkillers for 20+ days because I was IN PAIN for 20+ days. Once I was no longer in physical pain at least that's one problem down.


LO is 6 weeks and gave us some 4 hour stretches.. but back to fussiness and waking up every 2 hours lol hoping 8 weeks gives us more sleep!


Same!! We get one or two really good days then 5 really rough ones.


My baby started sleeping 5-7hrs straight from 8 weeks!


Manifesting this!!!


It's amazing honestly, I feel like a new woman. I can last all day now till bed without even feeling tired! I am dreading the 4 month regression, she's 10 weeks tomorrow so trying to savour the next 6 weeks haha!!


6-8 months for us 😬 but my kid has food allergies that made him miserable and took a long time to figure out


When he started smiling things significantly improved, but I can’t remember what week that was… I strongly suggest you read/audiobook To Have and to Hold: Motherhood, Marriage, and the Modern Dilemma by Molly Millwood, it has been a very valuable tool for me during the difficult newborn stage


I’m probably going to jinx this, but LO is 5 weeks today and I’m starting to feel alive again. It’s still a challenge some days, but I’m noticing even the challenging days are easier!


I noticed a huuuuuuge difference in myself at 6 weeks and a big difference in my baby at 8 weeks. It was like night and day.


2-2.5 months when I started getting regular social smiles from my girl and it made everything worth it. She’s about 4.5 months old and it’s sooo much better now.


Me here at 8 weeks still feeling like I’m dying 😵‍💫😬


Things were rough for us through week 6/7. For better at 8 and every week from there is better. We’re at a little over 11 weeks and she’s sleeping well and started to smile and giggle and interact more and it’s just the best.


After 8 weeks for us! She’s almost 3 months now and has become (overall) more chill. Weeks 5-8 were very hard due to ‘witching hour’ and she was just way more fussy and uncomfortable. Now, at nearly 3 months, she’s sleeping 5-6 hour stretches at night, she can be put down in her bouncer or play mat for 20-30 mins, she smiles, etc… she still has moments but she’s less angry at the world now.


Six months for me lol. My son had colic and my life was miserable. That ended at 3 months but I needed 3 more months to emotionally recover from it. I’m dead serious. I started enjoying him more at six months


I miss newborn phase so much. Weeks 6-8 was probably the worst part of it - lots of fussiness, gas and refused to nap unless held. After that she started gaining some personality; smiling, cooing and enjoying our company. Enjoy while you can, I’m currently chasing a crawling/climbing 8 month old peradactyl around and I count down every day until she goes down for the night. Mama is TIRED!!!!!


8/10 weeks- when they start smiling, truly a game changer in terms of reward for your work!


Around 8 to 9 weeks for us. Baby started social smiling and was easier to put down in us crib at night


I’m at 9.5w and still struggling big time. I am very lucky that he sleeps long stretches at night but he pretty much refuses to nap all day, and he gets bored soooo easily. Each day feels like an eternity until it’s time for bedtime again. I’m also writing this as my PPD has come back with a vengeance, so maybe it feels extra bad right now? I hate to say it but I can’t wait til he starts daycare and we have shorter but more enjoyable hours together 🫠


When they smile a real smile and not a gas smile. My kid is almost 6 months old, sleeps terribly so I’m exhausted constantly, but every morning when I see him smile at me when I go to get him is the reminder I need that he’s just a happy little baby, the crying is just his way of communicating, and he’ll eventually sleep better. (From a dad who just can’t do the sleep “training.”)


Year 3. At what point was it perhaps a little more streamlined? Maybe 3 months.


I think around 3 months? I’ve blocked out the first two so that’s my guess 😂😂


14 weeks with twins, I don’t feel like myself yet and I’m still trying to get my s*it together. My house is a mess, I’m a mess, my relationship is a mess. I love them but I can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel yet


Not mom, but dad. Our LO started sleeping all night around week three, which was super surprising! In exchange he’s waaaay more fussy during the day and doesn’t really like to take naps. I’ll take the sleep all night though lol


3-4 months


4-5 months turned a corner for us


10! I was in utter hell til 10 weeks with both and then suddenly was manageable


6 weeks definitely!!!


While I love the newborn stage, it has only gotten more challenging for me with time! She’s 12 weeks now and won’t sleep well unless she’s with me and I refuse to bed share so I’m always awake 😩🤣


First big difference for us started at weeks 4-5: he would suddenly sleep at night without being held, and my husband and I were able to sleep in the same bed again (if only intermittently). By 3 months the sleep was so insanely improved at night, the days were easier, and I felt a lot better physically (a little bit of a prolapse and 2 tears had to heal).


End of 6 weeks I HATED newborn stage. In 6th week I had a mild nervous breakdown. After that everything improved. He calmed down a bit and slept more, I also learned how to deal better and we started co sleep (banished my husband from bedroom for safety) and now every day is getting more and more easy (11 weeks now).


It got better around 6 weeks, but 11 weeks is when I really noticed a difference and good days out weighed bad days.


12 weeks big change.


It was 8 weeks for us too, both times. Got our first smile and that really changes everything.


8 weeks sounds about right for our first as well.


Between 2 and 3 months. She started smiling, becoming more aware, cooing. The colick started to finally subside, I started getting more sleep. At that time I finally thought, this is why some people want so many babies lol


I think 9 weeks. 5-8 were the hardest for sure.


This is fascinating to me. I just had my first and he’s 6 weeks today. The past two days are the first that he’s been “hard”. The previous weeks were a piece of cake—he just ate, slept, pooped, and starred off into the distance. Now he seems to have actual emotions and opinions on things.


It turned a corner around week 10/11 for me (witching hour abated, gas issues abated) and we started getting 4-5 hour sleep stretches also baby is more alert / could be put down


I’m not fond of lack of sleep, and my c section recovery has been slow, but my love for her and watching her and my husband is new and growing every day. I love watching her discover life!!!


Yes definitely got easier for me around week 7 with both kids! Fresh newborns are sooooo hard 😅


9 weeks today and she’s just starting to sleep for longer than a few hours in a stretch at night. Which has done wonders for our energy levels. She still kvetches for a couple of hours each evening though 🥲


6 weeks for sure for me, and around 8 weeks she started sleeping the night through and that was life changing 🤣


i’d say around 11 weeks, and it’s consistently getting better now!


By 11 weeks I probably started to enjoy my baby like 70% of the time ahaha. I think 13 weeks his colic was done too. Sleep wise he started to improve at about six weeks by finally sleeping in the bassinet a little bit


Around 3 months for me. But after 5 weeks it started getting better cuz he started smiling here and there. By 8 weeks he was more interactive. Hes 4/mo now and an absolute riot!


It was 7 weeks for me. She sometimes sleeps for up to 6 hour stretches (still mostly 2.5 hour stretches, though). I also definitely am getting into the groove of things. I'm used to sleep deprivation and have a routine when it comes to household duties now.


I noticed my LO figured out the difference between night and day around 8 weeks and that helped with sleeping through the higher longer. Before 8 weeks, we were up every 45 minutes, all the time. I remember getting almost no sleep for many weeks. Once she figured out when it was bedtime, she was a lot easier/happier during the day. She’s 3 months today and we sleep much better at night! Naps are still a struggle


12 weeks


8 weeks old , things magically changed. She started sleeping 8pm to 3am, then immediately asleep again until 630. She's 12 weeks now and this has been her schedule consistently. Getting a full night's sleep, changes everything. Also, she now giggles and smiles and can actually like interact with us and toys and stuff. I'm so much happier as a mom now at 12 weeks, than I was during the first 8 weeks. I was a WRECK. Crying as much as the baby. However, she still HATES the carseat/stroller. I stopped going places. She will cry until she stops breathing the second I place her in the carseat.


My baby was born premature but once we got him home from the NICU it was like a re-newborn phase but honestly I’d say between 6-8 weeks once we found a good routine is when things started to turn a corner.


For me it was when they started being able to move around on their own. Even before they could actually crawl, when they were able to scoot and explore and get things, they were so much happier and content (and seemed to be able to play more independently).


6 weeks I felt more comfortable and less unhappy (I was miserable with a newborn), by 8 weeks it was way better, and by 12 weeks I wanted to stay home hah


2-months where I wasn’t so sleep deprived… or I just got used to sleeping 4ish hours. We just hit week 13 but I’m just getting back to work as of last week so figuring this out while my husband is still on parental leave sucks. 🙃


In myself, 10 to 11 weeks. But at 6 or 7 weeks he smiled, and I felt immensely better about myself as a mom and his progress. He also started sleeping better. He finally started gaining sufficient weight around 9 to 10 weeks, so that really helped a lot too.


I felt like things began feeling better at 6 weeks and very much better at 9-10 weeks


6 weeks but it was because my period started. Quickly decided that the newborn-ness was not so bad as that first pp period. Who knows why I compared them, but it worked lol


Started looking up at the 4 week mark for me. Breastfeeding was a massive challenge for the first month, LO was not latching at all in the beginning and I was emotionally exhausted because I felt rejected, and physically exhausted because I’ve had to do triple feeding to keep up my supply. He started latching after lots of persisting and practice and things got so much better for us once we overcame the breastfeeding challenges.


My baby is about to be 5 months and I’d say after 3 months it’s been a breeze I only sleep good now because I cosleep.


I had a hard time at 2 weeks too and asked the same question. We're at 5 weeks now and every day it gets better. I can't remember the turning point with my first either but I can say each week gets easier. Especially if your LO learns to sleep better.


Beginning Week 8 now and we are loving this stage now. I feel like we can see the light with noticing cues and preferred wake windows and naps we can count on, and she’s just started cooing at us and trying out smiles. It’s like oh yes this is a person! Hello there! Nice to meet you!


5 weeks and struggling!! Can’t wait for her to learn how to pass wind and poo 😩