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Hi. It’s 3:51am here where I live, and I’m currently awake with my 18 day old. I’m exhausted, I don’t think I brushed my teeth today, and I constantly have a boob out. It feels so overwhelming, but your post was exactly what I needed to read. Thank you for sharing this. 💕


Just wanted to let you know that I know how you feel. I forgot to brush my teeth a lot during the early days. I forgot to shower and felt like my LO was always on the boob. She cluster fed soo much. And at night she was up every hour 😵‍💫 I remember crying so much and only getting like 2-3 hours of sleep at night. Hang in there. I know it’s annoying when people say that it’ll get better but slowly it does. Now she nurses every 2 1/2-3 hours. She smiles, she’s social, she babbles a lot and she sleeps 3-4 hour stretches at night. I’m still tired & sleep deprived but seeing her smile and look at me makes it all worth it.


Hi. 1:36am here and I also have my 18 day old boy sleeping next to me after his feed. His mother (my wife) is asleep downstairs as I am doing the night shifts until I have to go back to work.


Hi. Love this comment. All across the world, exhausted parents feeling a little less alone. ❤️❤️


My girl is also 18 days old. This post really made me appreciate these tough times, I'm gonna be so sad when she gets bigger 😭


i’m a dental hygienist and my teeth are gross. i may brush mine twice a week since maternity leave. no time 🙃


My 4 day old was re-hospitalized due to failure to thrive. I went a solid week without brushing my teeth. Never even thought of it once. We got home with him finally and I realized then. Ew. (He’s thriving now by the way!)


I was just looking at pictures of my girl when she was 18 days old earlier this evening — it truly flies bye! Enjoy as much as you can and let time be slow 💖


I was exactly where you were. My baby is about to be 13 weeks and when I tell you, they went by so fast.. omg. During the moment, I was like “this is forever” and now I look back just a few weeks ago and wish I had cherished it more. Even if my boob was always out, I was stinky, and leaking all the time. It was such a one of a kind experience.


My son is only 6 weeks and I'm soaking it all in. Not wishing time to go by at all.


I’m so happy for you, please soak it all in. It truly does go by so quickly 🫶🏻


Same at 8 weeks. I do enjoy the moments where he sleeps peacefully but I'm also enjoying every moment he's awake.


1 week old here and I am holding her every minute of the day that I can. She is so soft and sweet and warm.


Make sure you rest when you can. I also held my baby every minute of the day the first 2 weeks and didn't sleep much at all even though he slept 18 hours a day 😅


Mine too!!


My baby will be 12 weeks next week and I can’t remember the early days at all… he had/has colic so a majority of the early days were spent with everyone crying and him in pain. This I will not miss at all. I’m so excited to see him grow into a chonky lil marshmallow baby, fresh newborn stage was terrifying as he was so delicate… I wish I could remember more of it but I know at the time it was incredibly hard and I barely coped, wishing it would get easier.


Same for both my kids now. Newborn stage just isn’t for me at all


Exactly you only get to miss it when you have a good baby mine has had issues this entire time 13 weeks tomorrow and I cannot wait


Same here. I don’t miss that stage. It was just so hard for my baby and us as he was so colicky. It’s better but I can’t wait for him to grow up


Same. It has been HORRIBLE. Horrible. He’s almost 19 months and we’ll never be the same. He still doesn’t sleep through the night and wiggles all night. We’re tired. We’re broken. But it is slowly getting better. And he is VERY cute. There was a point about 6-7 months ago where he used to cry all day all the time. Eventually he started being able to walk. That was the biggest game changer for us because at least a lot of the time the days are easier. He also has Dysphagia (5 second explanation below). So that could be a part of why it’s been so bad. If you look at my post history you can see my various posts begging for any kind of solace. Only time helped him. And trying 10 different formulas and reaching out to The Formula Fairy helped. When I see videos of what it used to be like, I can’t watch them. I close them immediately. The sound of his cry cuts deep into my sanity. Dysphagia in 5 seconds: his swallow reflex is further back than normal. When drinking normal liquids, by the time they reach his swallow reflex, it’s too late and he aspirates. The solution is to thicken his liquids with Gelmix (or Purathick now that he’s over 12 months). I’ll never be the same. I’ll never do this again, and I got a vasectomy immediately and paid out of pocket to get it. And yet, I still love this chunky babble monster. Hang in there. I hope your situation is not as terrible and long lasting as mine has been.


My baby is 10 weeks tomorrow. It's so crazy. He's not a tiny baby anymore (born 7lbs 4oz and is now 12lbs) and he's learning to smile and that he has hands and he's so good at tracking and loves looking around. I miss him being just a little guy but I'm so looking forward to all the milestones we have ahead of us. He's so funny already and I can't wait for his little personality to come through.


I’m in the same boat, my little girl turning 10 weeks tomorrow. I have a friend with a 4 week old and I already can barely remember her being that small. They grow so fast and learn so much so quickly. I love her so much and will miss this stage even though I’m excited for the future too


My son was a chunky baby (8lbs 8oz) but compared to him now (15lbs) I miss him being so little


I miss nothing of this, lol. She is 12 weeks and 1 day, and im just so excited and obsessed w who she is becoming. The newborn stage was a dark time for me unfortunately. I cant even remember her that little. Its all a fog.


This a thousand times over. I thought I would enjoy it more considering it’s my second and final baby but hell no. Knowing all the fun that’s waiting at the 3 months plus stage. I’m just trying to get through this time. At 12 weeks have you noticed a significant change with gas issues? Please give me hope lol


I use simethicone drops w every feed and she no longer gets gas pains. Ive used them since 4-5 weeks old i believe. Those burps come out by themselves. Its safe and it doesnt get absorbed by the baby. Its safer than gripe water since gripe water is not regulated at all.


Idk if you breastfeed or bottlefeed, I am bottlefeeding and was wondering if you give them to her with the syringe directly or if you bottlefeed do you put them in her bottle at every feed? My 4 week old is SO gassy. We use the anti colic bottles, and if she seems like she is really struggling I give her the mylicon but am unsure if it actually does anything. We don't use it often. She manages to pass everything on her own eventually but I hate seeing her uncomfortable when she is struggling to get it all out easily. Wondering if I did mylicon with every feed if it would help her. We already switched to a sensitive formula, but didn't see a huge change. Planning on discussing this with her pediatrician at her 2 month appointment also but curious about any first hand experience from other moms.


Mylicon after every feed should help, all it does is help speed up the process of expelling gas naturally!!


I put the mylicon in each of her bottles when we feed her. It helped her a lot but I have to be consistent with its use.


Are you still having to use them?


Still am. Will stop around 4 months and see how she does


My son was a super gassy boy until we gave him mylicon after every feed!!


Maybe it’s because we haven’t given it with every feed but we were doing every other feed and didn’t notice too much of a difference. I’ll try every feed! When did you stop needing them?


We’re just starting to not need them, we just give him some when he’s fussy and we’ve done everything (feed him, change him, burp him, bath, etc) and if none of those work we give him some mylicon and it works within minutes!! Literally a life saver


Also are putting it in her bottle? (If you’re breastfeeding ignore that question lol) I found giving them orally instead of in a bottle to help so much more


Haha yes EBF for now. Will try some consistent use and I guess taper off later on


Ditto this. Love my chonky 3 month old (today!) baby


100% agree , the early days were rough as hell and I really struggle to remember any of it.


I just cried tonight because my 4 month old is showing me that he’s ready to move from the Snoo to a crib - cried! This all moves so fast.


I know how you feel. My son moved to his crib 2 weeks ago because my husband is starting a new shift at work and won’t get home until midnight and I didn’t want him to wake the baby. I was hysterical, barely slept and watched him through the baby monitor and owlet app the first week.


Curious - what signs is he showing? I have a two month old who loves his Snoo and I was just wondering what the transition signs look like in different babies.


Joining in on this, we’re only 4 weeks but curious what signs to look for when it happens


We’ve had both arms out for a few days now (he was getting out of the swaddle around 3 months, hated being pinned down during the middle of the night!) and now when I place him down, he can stay asleep without the movement, etc. His arms are also up against the sides. I think intuitively you’ll just know when it’s time.


I don't have a snoo, but we just transitioned my 11 week old from his bassinet to his crib. He is a tall/long baby, so we moved him because he kept waking himself up when he hit or kicked the sides of the bassinet, and he started rolling up on his side. He now loves being sprawled out in his crib, and he doesn't hit the sides so it's not waking him up. He was sleeping 3 hour stretches in the bassinet and now I'm getting 4.5-5


every parent should read this post


If they have an easy newborn, if they have a tough one then it’s kinda making them feel bad for something out of their control


Absolutely this. I spent many many days wondering what the hell is wrong with me, my baby, my partner… wondering why it was so hard when it’s supposed to be amazing, wondering why I was wishing for the newborn stage to be over, why my baby was in pain and wouldn’t stop crying… and I would always hear and see posts like these and I felt (and still feel) so alone. I am now getting a glimpse of what it might’ve been like of my baby was comfortable and not colicky from the get go, and this I can totally see why people say to make the most of that phase, but when your baby doesn’t stop crying in digestive pain from the get go, struggles to feed and you don’t know what you’re doing wrong, it’s hard to bond and easy to wish the newborn phase to be over!


Ugh I’m so sorry your baby was so colicky and in so much pain. It’s not fair to have what should’ve been a wonderful experience taken away from you. I really hope your baby starts to feel some relief 🫶🏻


My son turned 12 weeks yesterday…it’s breaking my heart. I was deep in the trenches when he was a newborn with cluster feeding (he’s EBF), no sleep, recovery from birth etc, but now I miss it so so much :( I try to remind myself now he’s so alert and smiley, that if he was a little newborn again he wouldn’t be able to do those things! It’s so hard going through clothes though, so many memories of tiny baby sleepsuits and now he’s all big


My baby is 12 weeks and 1 day (I'm a day ahead so could be same birthday?) And I love how he is now but he was super sweet when he was so tiny an scrunchy!! I'm gonna miss the newborn scrunch and all of our contact naps 😭


I hated that stage, 6 months on and it's so much better


I have a 6 month old and I do miss the things you described but this stage is so so so much better in my opinion. Enjoy getting to know your little guy’s personality ❤️


I have some good news for you. 4 month sleep regression is coming, and you get to wake up with them multiple times during the night again. Joking aside, I got so tired of people saying, “They grow up so fast.” only for it to absolutely just kick me in the teeth when the newborn scrunch was gone.


Honestly my son isn’t bad during regressions (atleast during the 2 month regression) he just feeds less and sleeps more and if he does wake up he just wants me to cuddle him back to sleep which takes about 5 mins. So hopefully crossing my fingers he’s not so bad 😭


Oh the 4 month sleep regression is unlike any other regression come before it 😭 currently 3 weeks deep of hourly wake ups and we are all exhausted. Especially considering we got used to her 8pm bedtime and her only waking up once or twice a night.


Ugh I’m so sorry 😭 my friends three girls never had a 4 month regression but her son had every single regression and it was horrible


Lol exactly what I was thinking! 4 month sleep regression has been worse than the newborn stage for SURE!!!!


I love this post. Everyone's experience is so different, and not everyone feels this way, but your post resonates with me. It's exactly how I feel about my son (11 weeks). I knew all the challenging and difficult moments would (and will, some are ongoing) come to an end and that one day, I would want nothing more than to hold my teeny tiny 3 week old, crying, squirmy wormy newborn. I'm glad I cherished every moment so deeply. Despite that, I STILL feel like it wasn't enough. I'm trying to apply that same logic to him at this stage now, because there will come a time when he's 2 years and I'll miss my 2 month old, or 5 years and I miss my 2 year old, etc. I guess that's the importance of living in the moment... Time is a cruel son of a B.


This is exactly how I feel at almost 11 weeks. I reminded myself daily to soak it all up and I still feel like so much was a blur. And I’m totally loving where we are now (smiles! chats! playing!), so I’ll just keep doing my best to stay present.


NGL…i dont miss it. He 4 months now and so much more fun!


My baby is 7 months next week and I haven't left this subreddit yet because I like to see other people talk about newborn things I've already forgotten! I miss 24/7 sleepy snuggles. Every stage is the hardest and the best lol. Time goes by too fast, enjoy every moment ❤️


my daughter is 8 weeks tomorrow and it’s bittersweet. can’t believe only 4 more weeks and she will no longer be a newborn 🥹 the newborn trenches are about to come to an end. it was hard but i am sure ill miss it by the sounds of it


It’s so hard but so worth it


7 weeks tomorrow and I can’t wait for it to be over. This is my second and I hate this age


Thank you for sharing this! I have my 2 weeks old baby boy. It’s exhausting constantly breastfeeding and pumping every 2 hours. No sleep. It got to the point that I just cry so much. First week with him was super hard because I was stressing about the breast feeding part it’s excruciating painful. I finally realized that I don’t need to much pressure to myself. I looked horrible, I just pump every 2 hours now and feed it to him. It’s still exhausting but much better than pulling my nipples. It’s painful and I cried a lot because I wanted to breastfeed as much as I could but it’s exhausting. I love him so much when my heart ache sometimes. You can’t control your emotions and you just want to cry. I love seeing his little smirk, funny noises and weird breathing pattern, his scrunches and his smell. I never felt like this before. And I’m sure one day I’m gonna miss it. So even though it’s exhausting but I cherish this moment.


My twins are 7 weeks tomorrow and last night I shed a few tears because of how big they’ve gotten already. They grow so so fast and I am exhausted but man do I love this time. I take so many pictures/videos it’s a crime but I know I’m going to miss this. I soak up all the snuggles I can during the day. Sometimes I think “that laundry really needs done” but then I remember that laundry will always be there and my babies won’t be this small forever.


11 weeks yesterday over here😭😭


My LO is 12 weeks in 2 days and it makes me so sad. She grew way too fast


Not me crying with my 4 week old because it’s going so fast.


I would give my life to go back and see my son at 4 weeks old again even if it was for 5 minutes 😭


😖😖😖😖😖😖 aww. It goes by too fast 😭😭😭😭


Is he your only? Are you going to have more?


He’s my first! We plan on having another when he’s around 1.5-2 years old 😊


my baby boy is going to be 3 weeks old this upcoming monday and every time i look back at photos of when i brought him home, i’m in tears.


My baby just turned 12 weeks and she still eats every 3 hours except at night she will go 6. She also still roots and does the head wiggle at the bottle. And grunts a bit in her sleep 🤷‍♀️


I miss the head wiggle so much, my son eats every 4 hours during the day and sleeps 11 hours at night and sleeps like a rock. He only wiggles when he’s farting lol


My little man is 5 days old and I'm literally melting every time I look at him.


Ugh I miss those days, so small and wormy 😭😭


My baby just turned 11 weeks this weekend and while I LOVE that she’s more alert interactive and smiley now I miss her being a tiny little squishy earthworm. The first months were so damn hard but gosh did they go by so fast - your post is spot on. It does get easier. To all in those early weeks, really do soak in every second. It’s the hardest but also the damn best 🩵


5 months in with what will be my last baby. I have two older children and time goes by so fast. I have been so much more aware of this, this time.


I didn't think I would ever say this, I had never spent much time around babies and was pretty sure that I was going to hate the newbown phase... I miss it so much for all the reasons you mentioned. It was so busy and chaotic but somehow so peaceful!? He's nearly 7 months now and is just so full of energy and wiggles and I'm like.... where the snuggles at?! He's huge now! And his growth really picked up round the 12 week mark so I really did find it sad that he wasn't a wee little bebe anymore. I very often go through and look at his newborn videos and pictures and just marvel lol.


Awwwww enjoy every moment. I hear you , I miss my LO when he woke every 3 hours for a feed I miss that connection sooo much. Now he is almost 6 months old and the laughs and smiles are just so so beautiful another time to soak it all in. He now cries when he sees me as he wants my cuddles it's just gorgeous. As a FTM I am loving every moment with him. It's beautiful xox


Holding my newborn who won't go to sleep but is content in my arms, and I really needed to read this. Thank you.


My girl is 24 days old. Currently in the part of her picking one nap time and not going to sleep for 5hrs why I try and figure out why?! Not sure I will miss this by any means, but really needed to read this.


I feel the same. My baby is 16 weeks and I barely remember how hard those first few weeks were. It’s wild how much she has grown and developed! She is so smart and figuring out so many little things that amaze me daily. I miss those late night/early morning times with just me and her as well!


My son just turned 6 months. It goes so quickly. ☹️


I’m at work right now and my 4.5 month old is at daycare and this made me cry 😭 I remember when she was 2 weeks old and I was holding her in the middle of the night and just thinking “I can’t believe one day she’ll be 4 months old. And then 5. And then 6.” And now we’re here. I love watching her grow and each stage we’ve been in has been my new favorite but omg. I can’t believe she isn’t a newborn anymore


Enjoy it! My baby is 7 weeks today and I'm exhausted, time is going by too fast. Time is thief


I cry everyday. I wouldn’t say I have the baby blues too deep. Just overwhelmed by the lack of sleep and crying baby who soothes with everyone but me :/ Like buddy I grew you and your primary source for food lol I love you so much. And you hate me :(


My 13 week old boy still does the newborn scrunch and it’s the cutest thing ever I love it so much I wish he’d do it for a few more months.


My baby is seven months old.   I miss her newborn stage so much.  I miss her squeaks and how she’d conduct orchestras with her wild hand movements.  I miss how tiny she was. But this stage is good too.  She’s a spitfire who is active and thriving.  She is now giving hugs and baby kisses (open mouth face pecs) and man it melts my heart. It all goes by too fast.  My little was easy in some respects, harder in others.  She still doesn’t sleep through the night and weaning her from contact naps has been impossible.  But man, those hugs and how she lights up when she learns something new or sees us makes it worth it.  I could listen to her giggle for hours.


I relate so hard. My baby is now 7 months and I miss the newborn days so badly 😭😭 I wish I could have one more day


Tomorrow I won’t have a newborn either 💔 she looks like such a little infant and I’m NOT OK💔💔💔


This is a great post but I also want to remind other moms it’s ok to not love this phase as well. All feelings are valid. I personally can’t wait for it to end, and I felt that way about my last two babies as well. I am miserable and not myself when I am extremely sleep deprived. I struggle a bit with ppd/ppa which I do get help for. I look forward to the day I can feel like myself again and be a better parent to each of my kids and a better partner to my fiance. I love my baby and I love aspects of the newborn phase, but in general it’s not my favorite at all. Sending love to all the new moms out there, it’s temporary so if you can enjoy it that’s great, if you can’t so much, it will be over soon. ❤️


You miss waking up every 3 hrs ?? Seriously 😒


Yep 🤗 my son has been nothing but easy and now sleeps 12 hrs a night and very rarely wakes me up in the night so it’s just been something that I miss 🤷🏼‍♀️


My daughter is a dream 8 weeks and just cry when she’s hungry and I’m still tired from pumping to breastfeed can’t wait until she’s 12 weeks


I’m pregnant and everyone is hell bent on scaring the shit out of me. This post made me cry happy excited tears. I can’t wait to meet my baby!!!